xt718911pw2d_190 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK 79th Annual Commencement Exercises program text UK 79th Annual Commencement Exercises program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_1/2010ua027_p3_1_4/3410/3410.pdf 1946 June 7 1946 1946 June 7 section false xt718911pw2d_190 xt718911pw2d Hnitmmiig uf %2nt11zkg 5f % §2i12rrtg··§intI·g fmnmxl ~@UIlTIITBII1ZBI1TBIIt EEXB1°Ki5B5 éwinztczn giunhrch glfutig-§ix` 7 riim , idmw t 2 §BUBIIi i 2 _ g Emil] uf the Qlinihcrssik @ibm ` 2 12 mn gp. ,gHH. » iupxingtm F ~ ` THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION » A K; Aide de Camp to the President FIRST LIEUTENANT SAMUEL E. ELLIOTT, Army of the United States A z MARSHALS · ` Marshal of the Day i CoLoNEI. G. T. MAcxENzIE, United States Army · Assistants to the Marshal of the Day _ ` CAPTAIN ALVIN E. VON HoLLE, Army of the United States ` CAPTAIN EDWARD GEr>RIcR, Army of the United States j, CAPTAIN ROBERT R. ELLISON, Army of the United States ‘ ¤ FIRST LIEUTENANT J osEPH P. Rosr-:, Army of the United States { MASTER SERGEANT WILLIAM A. TOMPKINS, United States Army MASTER SERGEANT JULIAN E. BOSWORTH, United States Army . MASTER SERGEANT ELMER O. KHQKER, United States Army ` MASTER SERGEANT E1>wAR¤ B. RABER, United States Army i Ushers L Cadet Second Lieutenants (Members First Year Advanced Course, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) .` Eugene D. Baird Herbert A. Jepson, Jr. _ Irvine J. Baker William G. Kendall V Charles R. Barker William B. Mardis L James H. Bassham George C. Martin f John J. Blackburn Philip L. Pearce > William M. Bryon Randolph G. Simpson .g Dalton B. Caldwell Guy P. Thompson ~ Carl Cox James K. Trigg, Jr. »_ James B. Garwood James S. Tucker 1 Darrel H. Greer William E. Tuttle g Burt V. Halbert III Viilliam H. Williams s Hugo O. Hempel, Jr. Charles H. Wills THE ORDER OF MARCH The University Band A The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day j The Chairman of the Board of Trustees I ,l The Trustees and Official Guests Q; The Deans and Other Administrative Officials ° l' The Professors Emeriti ~ l The Alumni A The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences _ _` The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics Q The Faculty of the College of Engineering _.{ The Faculty of the College of Law Y The Faculty of the College of Education ¤_ The Faculty of the College of Commerce The Candidates for the Advanced Degrees if The Candidates for the Bachelor Degrees A ]_ i~ - ék . >‘ l n . k it ORDER OF EXERCISES ‘ PRESIDENT HERMAN LEE DONOVAN, Presiding · PROCESSION AL I · Coronation March ..,....................................................................... Meyerbeer University of Kentucky Band g Frank J . Prindl, Director I i INvocA·r1oN—The Reverend James W. Kennedy i 1 Rector of Christ Church j Lexington, Kentucky . i S America, The Beautiful ....................,........................................................... Ward E Band and Audience I l ADDRESS- The Honorable Frederick Moore Vinson, A.B., LL.B., LL.D i Secretary of the Treasury i Washington, D. C. T l i Courmmmc or DEGREES——PF€SiCi€I1t Donovan I Q g CHARGE ·ro rm; Gimnuarrwc CLAss—President Donovan . \ i ALMA MATER .......................................... . ....... L ........................................... Lampert * i Band and Audience { BENEDICTION—Th€ Reverend James W. Kennedy L i The National Anthem .......................................................................... Key—Sm1Zth V j Band and Audience 4 VY 1 2 1 2 i l i 1 it T L i ‘ A i : } ~ { COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES . PAUL PRENTICE BOYD, Dean . l \ CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS g Name Major Subject Address ANNIE ELIZABETH ALLEN History Lexington HELEN RAYMOND ARNOLD Art Falmouth RICHARD DoN BAKER Political Science Somerset JANE LoUIsE BANDY Sociology Ashland K EDWARD ALBERT BARY Philosophy Bellevue { MARIoN NICHOLAS BERRY, JR. Economics Somerset f PERVIANNE BIRDWELL Art Louisville : NORMA RUTH BLACKFORD Romance Languages Wilmore ; ETHEL WATTS BLANTON Psychology Richmond BARBARA ANN BLooM Psychology Lexington Y WILLIAM KEARNEY BLUE Psychology Clay BETsY CLARK BRowN Library Science Shelbyville i VIRGINIA Lou BRowN Political Science Hazard WILLIAM GARTH CAMPBELL Topical Field- ’ Radio Announcer Lexington RUBY JOYCE CAs0N History Cynthiana JOSEPH CLINToN COVINGTON Law Bowling Green JEAN SHIRLEY CRABB Physical Education Rowletts ELIZABETH TEBBS CRAI=sTER Art Winchester i FRANCES ANN DANIEL Sociology Lexington i ALICE LoUIsE DEAN Romance Languages' Lexington NANCY JANE DEMPSEY History Erlanger j MARIE ELIZABETH DENToN Psychology Somerset 1 MARTHA LOUISE DICKSTEIN Journalism Lexington i ELLA BoHoN DOGGETT History Owingsville E CORNELIA COCHRAN DOZIER English Madisonville V MARY WALLIS EvANs Economics Pineville AGNES LOUISE FENnvIoRE Psychology Lexington i SUE ANN FENIMORE Journalism Lexington = ANN GARST Library Science Lexington · ELIZABETH ANNE Gmoccmo Topical Field- Q Radio Production Lexington j FRANKLIN KELLY GITTINS Psychology Louisville ELIZABETH FRAzEE Goccm Art Dover * EVELYN RUTH GREENE Art Jonesville W DoRIs RUTH HALL Psychology Lexington MARGARET JEAN HAMMoNs Psychology Corbin ’ MARYNELL HARDIN Social Work Cadiz i GEORGE WILLIAM HATEIELD, JR. Political Science Honeybee - { 3 { O il I i Q Name Major Subject Address ELIZABETH LUcRETIA HAYREN English Cecilia ANN COSBY HERNr>oN History Irvington Q ‘ MoRRIss FULTON HOLCOMB Law Pittsburgh, Pa. ‘ HELEN LUCILLE HORTON Psychology Burnside ig LEE RoY HUGHES, JR. Economics Franklin THOMAS MATTHEW KELLY English Springfield i JULIA GRINsTEA1> LANDRUM Hygiene and Public Health Lexington JOE L0vE LAWSON, JR. Psychology Wallins Creek FRANCES LAWTON English Louisville I MARY FLORENCE LEACH Sociology Lexington MARIA SOUTHERLAND LEGG Sociology Henderson, N. C. MARGARET OLWEN McCoRKLE English Glasgow MARY ELIZABETH McFARLAN Topical Field- I . Scientific Secretary Lexington ANNA Lors McGLo·rHEN English Olympia ` FLORENCE ELIZABETH MCNEAL Psychology Lexington _ MILDRED FAYE MAGGARD History Paintsville , MARY ELIZABETH MASON Social Work Lexington I ISABEL FRANCES MICHELSON German St. Petersburg, _ , Fla. I MARY EDWARDS MILLER Sociology Lexington . i _ MARY/JANE MILLER Social Work Madisonville A 1 HELEN BRYAN MILMAN Physical Education Lake Forest, Ill. 4 I BETsY JANE MITCHELL English Frankfort » % MARJ0RIE BREEDING MHCHELL Psychology Glasgow Q Z ESTHER LYONS MONTGOMERY Psychology Lexington " 1 DoTTIE LOU MooRE Journalism Pikeville J i MILDRED ALLEN MOORE History Lexington Z ? ELMER EVERETT MORGAN Psychology Lexington Y MARY JACKSON MULLIGAN English Lexington = EsTHER VAUGHN NEVITT German Lexington ' ELIZABETH LOUISE NOLLAU Psychology Wilmington, Del. ` = RUTH Dnvrocx O’BRIEN English Lexington é KATHLEEN EDNA OSBORNE Psychology Bicknell, Ind. f JANE ELIZABETH OUTLAND Psychology Paducah HUGH CURTIS OWEN Geology Owensboro V GWENDOLYN DoRsEY PACE Economics Tavares, Fla. MARY LoUIsE PATT0N Journalism Cynthiana t JEAN ESTELLE PAxToN Journalism Bowling Green I } JAMES WEsLEY PRITCHARD, JR. Psychology Garrett g MARTHA ELIZABETH PRUITT Romance Languages Henderson E LILLIAN RAGLAND English Bowling Green . CAROL RAUCH English Cincirmati, Ohio ¢ VIRGINIA ALLISON RAY Physical Education Lexington JoRN WOODSON RENFRO, JR. English _ Lexington ; ~ » 4 . 1 ( I 1 I { S E U , lj ‘ Q; Name ‘ Major Subject Address { MIRIAM LEWIS RIcHM0N¤ English Dayton, Ohio i . JEAN RUTH RITUHIE Social Work Viper ¤ DORA LEE ROBERTSON Journalism Lexington A I, SARAH MARSHALL RODES Political Science Lexington (T MARGARET ELIZABETH RoGERs `Library Science Lexington ` MARY VIRGINIA RoGERs Psychology Winchester i MARHYNN IVOLOU Ross Psychology Cincinnati, Ohio BETTIE HARRIs RUSSELL English Jackson, Tenn. IRENE ELIZABETH HAYNIE A RUSSELL History Wilmore I LOIS JEAN SHIPLEY Topical Field- Costume Indianapolis, Ind. EMILY BETHIA SHIPMAN Zoology Shelbyville MABEL GWENDOLYN SHRYOCK Social Work Owenton WANEA LEE SHUPERT Sociology Warsaw MARIAN ELIZABETH SLATER History Erlanger DoR1s TALEoTT SMITH English Lexington I EMILIE VAR1>EN SMITH Library Science Lexington i FRANCES DEVON SMITH History Lexington ELIZABETH ANN STREET Economics Henderson ` ` FRANCES W0onRUEE STREET ECOI10miCS Cadiz A MAUREEN ARTHUR TAYLOR German Lexington I NANCY ELLEN TAYLOR T0PiCa1 Fi€1d—Chi1d T Development Lexington . ISABEL TEPAS Z0¤l0gY Portsmouth, Ohio I ALBERTA MARIE THOMPSON PSY€h010gy Ashland W NANCY FILLMORE TOLL Library S¢i€I1¢€ Lawrenceburg ; ALICIA WATcHoRN TUTwn;.ER Romance Languages Mount Hope, Q W. Va. MARION VANcE A1`l¤S·LaW G1aSg0W . ; JANET WALLHWGFORD PSY¢h010gY Covington ’ BETTY LOUISE WALSH HiSt01'Y Cynlihialla ` JOSEPH MARSHALL WARD Art MU-1‘1‘aY HENRTETTA DOUGLAS WATTS Library Science Harrodsburg EMHIY DAVIS WILSON Psychology RUSSGHVHIB ALLENBY EDMUND WTNER Journalism s Staten Island, N. Y. CLAUDINE GIBSON WIRTHS Psychology St. Simons Island, Ga. ’ MORGAN OTTo WOODWARD, JR. History Louisville ELIZABETH BRADFORD YAGER Political Science Louisville _ CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Name Major Subject Address RUTH AUEREY BALL Psychology Buffalo BETTY MARGUERHE BARNEs Chemistry Williamstown 5 Name Major Subject Address REGINALD STEPHEN BowEN Anatomy and Physiology Elizabethtown JOSEPHINE JEANNE BUREAU Topical Field-— " Bio-Statistics Lexington MARYEELLE CALvERT Topical Field- Scientific Secretary Maysville NoRMA NoR1NE CANN Anatomy and Physiology Fed` MILDRED ADALINE CRAWFORD Anatomy and Physiology Lexington AUBURN BERT DUNCAN Zoology Jackson DoNALD VVILMOT ECKLER Zoology Dry Ridge EARL JAMES FARRELL, JR. , Arts-Medicine Bellevue ELIZABETH CHRISTOPHER FIELD Anatomy and Physiology Versailles JOSEPH HENRY GARDNER Anatomy and Physiology Covington CAROLYN MAE HAYES Mathematics Lexington I BERNARD ROBERT HEITMAN Bacteriology New York, N. Y. GERALDINE RAE Hosxms Anatomy and Physiology Crab Orchard I RICHARD JOHN HOWARD Physics Jenkins EVERETT MICHAEL O’CoNNELL Geology Lexington ¥ NANCY ALLEN O’REAR Anatomy and Physiology Versailles BETTY LUCYLLE RAMSEY Hygiene and Public K ‘ Health Winchester { HARVEY CoEER SUNDERMAN Geology Saint Marys, ,W. Va. g DARoTHY SHAWLER SYMPSON Anatomy and Physiology Bardstown LESLIE WINGATE WILSON Zoology Russell Springs Q GERALDINE YOUNG WINERRENNER Physical Education Franklin j CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE f IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY _ f Name Address LoU1s EDGAR KIDWELL, JR. Paris i CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS V ' IN J OURNALISM Name Address j MARY LILLIAN DAVIS Shelbyville i MARY JANE DORSEY Horse Cave BETTY LEE FLEISHMAN Lexington A MILDRED LOUISE LONG Georgetown 5 SHIRLEY Ross MEISTER Lexington Q BETTY JEAN TEv1s Richmond ` } CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS l IN MUSIC 5 Name Address g LAURA JEANE BLAKE Jackson 4 LEoTA MAxINE MEADE Danville i MARY HELMIcx MEADE Covington 6 1 I 3 i 1 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE V ` IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Name . Address I RUBY WmTNEY ALLISON Columbia ' WILMA JEANNE CANADA _ Williamson, W. Va. MARY ELIZABETH D1cK1Ns0N ‘ Bradenton, Fla. MATTIE EVELYN DOUGLAS Horse Cave LAURA LOUISE I-IAASE Independence AUDREY DANKS LACY Covington SARAH JEAN MCCAMMON Lebanon RAMELLE FRANCES PATTERSON Louisville PERMELTA AILENE PRESTON Ashland ' SARA DEE RAINEY Ashland · HENRIETTA LoU1sE Scnom. Cleveland, Ohio BETTY SPURR S11vu=soN Nicholasville CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN LIBRARY SCIENCE Name Address · EVELYN AL1cE N0Fc1ER Kenton, Ohio 7 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS THOMAS POE COOPER, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE . ~ IN AGRICULTURE Name Address LUCIAN WALLACE BARNES Lexington H CHARLES DELMAR BENNETT Bremen RAYMOND ANDY BROCKMAN Knifley ‘ JAMES EDWARD CLICK Lexington I JAMES SMITH DINNING Franklin WARREN COFFEY DUNCAN Mill Springs · EUELL WAYNE DYER Paducah HAROLD J EVANS Wo0dbLu·n . WILLIAM GLADDEN GILBERT Blackwater MARVIN W0oDRow GUTIIRIE Perryville AMP FRANK HICKS, JR. Paducah HENRY POWELL HINKLE, JR. Lexington DAN ISGRIG Paris ` BARNETT COLEMAN JEWELL Taylorsville I ROBERT THERON JOHNSON Bowling Green i WILLIAM MERRITT JOHNSON, JR. Smithfield JAMES MoNRoE LEER, JR. Millersburg . I WILLIAM RICHARD LEGRAND Owensboro . WILLIAM BERNARD MARTIN Taylorsville I ROBERT LEE MESHEW. Arlington t ‘ ADRIAN MYERS RAzoR · Sharpsburg _ A DEWITT RUSSELL ROWLAND . Maceo " 1 JAMES DOWELL ST. CLAIR Fallsvof Rough JAMES TAYLOR WILLIAMS Greenville CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS I . Name Address · RUTH ANTHONY Mayfield A IMOGENE NELSON BERRYMAN Winchester BEATRIcE LOUISE BINZEL Bowling Green l I WILLIE LEE BLAcxEoRD Wilmore g ELIZABETH ANN BRAUER Lexington I BETTY FLoRENcE CLARDY Lexington ‘ MARGARET ETTA COOPER ` Frazer HELEN FRANCES DAVIS Paris * HELEN MAE DONOVAN Lexington . ‘ KATIE MILDRED DUNN Benton ‘ ANNE CLAIR ELLIOTT Lexington _ 8 l ’ Name Address I ALICE EVELYN FREEMAN . Lexington MARGARET ETTA GOGGIN Lancaster RUTH ANN GRANNIS Flemingsburg _ THELMA JANE GUDGELL Lexington ’ MARGARET CRAWFORD HATTER Franklin VIRGINIA ANN HILL Fulton MYRA MAXINE JOHNSON Georgetown FLORENCE HEAEERLIN JONES Corbin i MARY COLLINS JoNEs North Middletown NANCY LEE LOCKERY ‘ Sacramento V` REREccA CAROLYN LowE Paducah J MARY J EWELL MGBEE Lexington ' NOLA MARTIN Corbin I AMELIA BYRNE MASON . Russellville ALEENE MORRIs Lancaster MARTHA PAULINE NULL Lexington t SARAH KATHERINE RANKIN Lexington ELIZABETH ANN REDDHVG Lexington BETTIE Rrocs ` Paris IRIS DEANE SHANNoN Louisville NANCY LEE LASSITER SHEPHERD Richmond _ REBECCA JANE SHINKLE Lexington RERA ANNETTE SMITH Vine Grove . THELMA FRANCES SPALDING Lebanon RowENA SPARKS Ashland CAROL JEAN TERRY Lexington MARY LAWTON THORNTON Owenton BETTY PAIGE WALTMAN Lexington ` ANN VIRGINIA WEBB · Lexington EDNA FLORINE YORK Ft. Thomas l 1 9 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING JAMES HIRAM GRAHAM, Dean - CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Name Address BETTY JANE MCNAMER Somerset GEORcE REDMAN TURNER, JR. Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Name Address JAMES MATHEws H1sLE Lexington ‘ EMANUEL Roy LIEBERMAN Brooklyn, N. Y. . CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1 Name Address WTLLTAM JOSEPH DRUMMY III Lexington CANDIDATE FOR THE` DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING V Name Address · CLYDE RAYMo1~m TIPTON, JR. Erlanger ` . »*[ l '. 5 { . - ‘ 10 I · COLLEGE OF LAW ALVIN E EVANS, Dean r CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS Name Address I WHEELER ROGER Boom: Lexington , CLEON KILMER Coivms Prestonsburg CARLETON MILTIMORE DAVIS Lexington ALVARADO ERWIN VFUNK, JR. Frankfort ASTOR WILLIAM HERALD Crockettsville W1LL1AM BERNARD JOBE Lexington ANNE FLETCHER NoYEs Lexington ROBERT DOYLE PRESTON Seco FRED BLACKSTONE REDWINE Lexington GARDNER REED Elsie »I[ 11 " Q · COLLEGE OF EDUCATION WILLIAM SEPTIMUS TAYLOR, Dean I ’_"" 5 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS { IN EDUCATION l Name Majors and Minors Address ? or Areas HAzEL CLAY ARNoLn Commerce . Stamping Ground _ HELEN SHELBY BAGGETT English—History and Political Science Lexington _ LILLY MAUDE BAKER Elementary Education Lexington g ANN BARRoN Physical Education- English-History and ` Political Science Lexington i MARGARET EMTLY CANNON Elementary Education Beltsville, Md. KATHERINE CAMPBELL CHURcmLL Physical Education-Bio- logical Sciences—English Nicholasville J osERn TARY CONFORTI Mathematics-History Kenosha, Wis. MARY PATRICIA CoT·rRELL Physical Education-History Chicago, Ill. ‘ BETsY BLEVINS CUTcmN Physical Education-History Lexington BILLIE JUANITA DALE Sciences Paris * . LUCILLE EDWARDS Library Science-English- History and Political ` Science Burlington ` JANE ROBINSON ELL1oTT Elementary Education Lancaster FRANcEs TAYLOR FLETCHER Elementary Education Lexington CLAUDE PRITCHARD FRAEY, JR. English—History and l Political Science Wayland Y MARTHA ALEXANDER GAYLE Physical Education- { Biological Sciences L€Xi1'18f011 , CAROLYN FRANcEs GILSON Elementary Education Lexington NATHANIEL AUXIER GRISWOLD English-History Wilmore 3 FRANcEs ELIZABETH HAGANS Commerce Georgetown . ‘ BETTY KATHRYN HATTIELD English-Music-History I and Political Science Whitley City , CHARLES EDWIN HAYEs Physical Education-History and Political Science Campbellsville ELEANOR MAGEALENE Horxms Physical Education-History l and Political Science Ashland , BERNARE MASON JOHNSON Physical Education- A Biological Sciences Lexington * WYAMA JOHNSON Elementary Education Winchester ` t EFFLO W1LL1AM KING, JR. Physical Education and ' E Health Lexington ·· ‘ A ` 12 1 I · 1 ` i at l ` E Name Majors and Minors Address l or Areas ` I RITA FAYE KRAvETz Elementary Education Lexington { NANCY ALEXANDER LowE Elementary`Education Columbia i WILMA FRANCES McMULLIN Elementary Education Lexington A { ELMER GARNETTE MARTIN Elementary Education Amba T Q MARY LOUISE O’NAN Elementary Education Louisville l } DOROTHY LoUIsE PORTER Elementary Education Ashland LOUIs MoNRoE ROBERTSON Physical Education—History Yorktown, Ind. HELEN MARIE ROSE English—Music Lexington Q ANN ENGLISH ANDERSON SANDUSKY Physical Education and Health _ Somerset a MARTHA DURHAM SHEARARD Commerce Greensburg 1 MILDRED ELIZABETH SPARKS Elementary Education Lexington l ALENE Scorr SPIRON Commerce Ashland JEAN SULLIVAN English—Commerce Frankfort VIOLET L0UIsE TURNER Physical Education·— Commerce Drift BETTY JEANETTE VDi’CENT Commerce--English Williamstown VIRGINIA WARD Commerce-—History Wheelwright FRANCIS CARMAN WELaoRN Physical Education- · Biological Sciences Lexington · , GRACE KENNEDY WIL.LMOTT Physical Education and Health ` Lexington I ELIZABETH LEE WRIGHT Elementary Education Mt. Sterling 1 A Q i Q Ji` 2 · 1 - I I - 4 . 1 ` COLLEGE OF COMMERCE l EDWARD WIEST, Dean S ’—"" E Q CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ji IN COMMERCE X [ Name Address ELIZABETH BANE AEAIR Bristol, Va. Z * MARY ELIZABETH ALvERsoN Paris MARGARET JEAN ANDERSON Earl, Ark. 1 VIRGINIA LOUISE BABB Bristol, Tenn. , RALPH REVERE BACH Mt. Sterling { BETTY SUE CARUTHERS Lexington { MARY Fox CLARKE ' Maysville JANET EWING COLLINS Lexington { ELBERT LAWRENCE COOPER Benton `, JAMES EWART CoUTY Owensboro VAIDEN QUENTIN Cox Gratz JANE CARROLL DARNABY Paris i THOMAS MARTIN DIETERLE Owensboro FRANK WILBY ELLIS California i ` WARREN CooLmGE EVANS St. Charles, Va. MARY ELLA FELL Ashland . ANNE YANCEY HOLLAND New Castle · AUDREY ELLEN HUEEAKER Louisville A EMILY COLLINS JoNEs North Middletown i MARIE DUDLEY JONES North Middletown § ` WILLIAM HENRY KARRAKER Lexington A 1 VIRGINIA LEE KEEN West Prestonsburg JOYCE ALICE MILLER Ashland _ . DOROTHY JEAN PAAR Lexington BETTY MILDRED PARK Richmond " I ALMIRA DAvIs PARKS Lexington . I DoRIs HANEY POLLITT Ashland ’ WILLIAM RoEER·r PRICE Catlettsburg I SINCLAIR LYMAN RAYNOR, JR. Freeport, N. Y. K LLOYD PUGI-I ROBERTSON, JR. Kingston, Pa. · ; MAURENE RosE Lexington , JEAN PARK RowE Lexington R ANN CAROLINE SMITH Lexington _ I DoLoREs MARGUERITE THOMPSON Kenvir i JETTIE KING THOMPSON Georgetown ·» 5 VIRGINIA WARING ZINN Russell ‘ 14 . 1 ] ` ‘ I E I ¥ I I GRADUATE SCHOOL I S ` WILLIAM DELBERT FUNKHOUSER, Dean Y E CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Q · J Yi Name Major Subject Address I DONALD PEYTON BART}-IOLOMEW Education Ticonderoga, N. Y. I I LYDA RAY BoYI> Education Louisville l I — WILLIAM EARL BUcKLER English Loretto ELSIE JENOISE DOTSON Psychology Harlan H 1 HENRY LUTHER HACKER Education Frankfort { LEILA GOTT HARRIS English Lexington { MARY ANN MACKE _Mathematics Newport I SAMUEL HELM MORTON Political Science Owensboro I i ELLEN LUCILE O’BANNoN Psychology Lexington { FRANK TALMADGE PHELPS English Lexington Q JOHN THOMPSON SEAMANDS Philosophy Wilrnore FREDA GRACE WITHEROW Economics Hurdland, Mo. 1 CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE i . Name Major Subject Address { BERTHOL LEWIS TILLER Zoology Versailles · CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 I IN AGRICULTURE é Name Address I ROY LEE BALLARD Lexington A ALvARo ALEJANDRO BRIcENo CARR1LLo San Jose, Costa Rica, C. A. I V TERRELL LIMUEL NoEEsINcER Lexington ` · WILLIAM GREGORY SURVANT Lexington I STOY GRAHAM WITTEN Clarkson — ’ CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE I IN HOME ECONOMICS . Name Address I ` JOAN CATHERINE MEYER Lexington _ CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING `E Name Address WILLIS MERLE CARTER Lexington I ~ 15 1 I F CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF CIVIL ENGINEER Q Name Address SAMUEL ALBERT MoRY, JR. Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS . IN EDUCATION Name Address _ HENRY LAMAR ADAMS Louisville H ROBERT E. B1LLs Georgetown i— GEORGE SHACKELFORD BLANTON, JR. Frankfort NELL BARNARE BRISCOE Henderson LLOYD ERHARD, JR. Charleston, W. Va. WTLLMTNA AMELIA GRAMSE Paducah l JANET HELsEL Altoona, Pa. HARRY EvoN HowELL Horse Branch { GARLAND WAYNE KEMPER Salem ANN ELIZABETH LANKFORD Shenandoah, Va. E INA JEAN MORRIS A Elkins, W. Va. * FORREST THOMAS MULLIKIN Franklin { LEE SPROWLES Lexington JANET MrL¤RE¤ TADLOCK Lexington . J ACK PASTAL TRUITT Lexington j CLARA ELIZABETH WHEELER Hopkinsville NINDE SEAMAN W1L1>ER Louisville V GEORGE IVIILTON YATES Versailles h CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Name I Major Subject Address ‘ JAMES MITCHELL BOLES Education Lexington , , Eli;. - ` HONORARY DEGREES DOCTOR OF LAWS · SARAH GIBSON BLANDING - ; I GREEN HAYWOOD I-IAcKwoRTH I . WILLIAM HENRY REBS ‘ DOCTOR OF SCIENCE I MERvrN J OE KELLY 1 NEAL TRIIVIBLE McKEE ; 16 ‘ v I i E F i E COMMENCEMENT HONORS | 1 ._...._ t E THE ALGERNON SYDNEY SULLIVAN MEDALLIONS F Established in 1927 by the New York Southern Society, and awarded , 2 {P to a man and woman in the senior class of the University and to a citizen ? é of Kentucky, not connected with the University, who, because of the E quality of their lives, are judged to be the appropriate recipients of this it, distinction. ; HARRY W. SCHACTER * EDWARD ALBERT BARY , BETTY LEE FLEISHMAN 1 V T GRADUATED "WITH HIGH DISTINCTION" } R1cHAR¤ DoN BAKER 3 JEAN SHIRLEY CRABB » · 1 MATTIE EVELYN DOUGLAS _ ALICE EvEEYN FREEMAN i · ANN GARST i r EMANUEL Roy LIEBERMAN Y I NANCY LEE LOCKERY i REBECCA CAROLYN LowE ISABEL FRANCES MICHELSON ESTHER VAUEHN NEv1TT i MARTHA ELIZABETH PRUITT VIRGINIA ALLISON RAY I JEAN RUTH R1TcH1E JAMES DOWELL ST. CLAIR U DORIS TAEBoTT SMITH . · NANCY FILLMORE Tom. GRADUATED "WI'I‘H DISTINCTION" n ELIZABETH ANN BRAUER ` WILMA J EANNE CANADA ; CARLETON M1LT1MoRE DAv1s i ALICE LOUISE DEAN n BETTY LEE FLEISHMAN » ALVARAD0 ERWIN FUNK, JR i ELIZABETH ANNE Gmoccmo » MILDRED LOUISE LONG A FRED BLACKSTONE RE1:•w1NE , , MARGARET ELIZABETH ROGERS I i 17 _ _ 1 T Q NANCY ELLEN TAYLOR CAROL JEAN TERRY JANET WALLINGFORD " BETTY Lou1sE WALSH _ CLAUDINQ GIBSON WIRTHS i Students are graduated "With High Distinction" who attain a stand- E ing of 2.6 or higher for at least three years. Students are graduated ` "With Distinction" who attain a standing of 2.4 to 2.6 for at least three years. » A student who has spent only two years at the University may re- ` ceive either of the above honors if he attains a standing .2 higher than the three-year requirement. DEPARTMENTAL HONORS 4 HoNoRs IN BACTERIOLOGY—-WILMA JEANNE CANADA _ HONORS nv BAC'I.‘ERIOLOGY—MATTIE EVELYN DOUGLAS HoNoRs IN BAcTER1oLooY-—BERNARr> RoBERT HETTMAN HoNoRs IN PHYSICS—RICHARD JOHN HOWARD HONORS IN POLITICAL Sc1ENcE—R1cHAR¤ DoN BAKER ‘ . HONORS IN SOCIAL WORK—JEAN RUTH RITCHIE 3 3 ·i . Q ’l * = V S 18 J l 1 i I 1 I » _ AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL - 1 e O beautiful for spacious skies, E For amber waves of grain ' For purple mountain majesties Y ` Above the fruited plain! I » America! America! · ` 3 God shed His grace on thee, ` And crown thy good with brotherhood ` From sea to shining sea! l _ O beautiful for patriot dream ~ ` That sees beyond the years j { Thine alabaster cities gleam, ` Undimmed by human tears! Q Q America! America! I _ God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood ` ` From sea to shining sea! , =!= =l= =t= 4 _ K ALMA MATER* ‘ Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! * Loyal sons and daughters sing; Sound her praise with voice united; · ` To the breeze her colors fling. , , To the blue and white be true; , Badge triumphant age on age; ` Blue, the sky that o’er us bends; ‘ White, Kentucky’s stainless page. Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! ·· Glorious is thy heritage; ` Proud thy name and thy traditions; Proud thy place on history’s page! Il May we ne’er forget thy fame Mother of the great and free; May we e’er uphold thy name, ‘ Old Kentucky, hail to thee! L •Words by Josephine Funkhouser. , Music by Carl A. Lampert. ` I g · 19 ! 4 V ` I y ’6 fg ~ )_, A THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Oh say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, » What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? `J Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? T And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, ·L Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand _ Between their lov’d homes and the war’s desolation! Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n—rescued-land i Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, _ And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" ` And the Star—spangled Banner in triumph shall wave ; O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! 4 .~ l I . U p 4 ! A 20 _ Q n 1 ; \ t ! linihzrziig uf °g®z11iuzkg W (fflqzxrge @11 @32 (§rzrh1m:ting Gllzrzz Glljzxrgc iu the @I8iI1IEItIIIB Gllzrzz ON this Commencement day you stand in a new relation to the University, to the State and to Life. The University that has given you of its store of learning now looks upon you as its children. The State that regarded you as wards now conceives of you as citizens, well prepared to do your part. If what you have learned while here has given you larger intellectual interests, and widened your powers of understanding, the University feels a part of its duty done, and if in the doing character has become your possession and a part of your moral fiber, the State is satisfied with its investment of men and money. The University trusts you have learned to ap- proach problems with open minds, to set aside prejudice in your judgment of men and affairs. It hopes that you may live in peace and happiness, though ready to iight for the right, at all times using your strength to the betterment of the community. May you have in your declining years, material comfort, the respect of your fellow citizens, the feeling of work well done, and a spiritual and in- tellectual interest in human life. Meantime, the University’s honor is your ~ honor. In your acts and deeds you now reflect your l heritage. To your fellow man, the University is measured by your character, by your deeds, by the company you keep. It is in this spirit that I call upon you to be true to the larger things of life, to be men and women of courage, integrity, sympathy, and gentleness. By the granting of the degree you have been admitted to the fraternity of letters, and to the larger fellowship of the University. It is right and fitting that you should stand and solemnly raising your right hand pronounce this pledge with me: Wha flange In the presence of this audience, citizens of the Commonwealth and memhers of the University, with a strong sense of my responsihility, I promise to hold my degree so no loss will come to it through my holding, to regard it as a claim upon my loyalty to Alma Mater and to pledge mysef to the service of God and my fellow man. In testimony of your conduct and purpose, the University Faculty recommending, the Board of Trustees of the University has conferred upon you the Diploma of the University of Kentucky, con- firmed and acknowledged by the Seal of the University.