xt718911pw2d_191 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Commencement Exercises Summer Quarter program text UK Commencement Exercises Summer Quarter program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_1/2010ua027_p3_1_5/3443/3443.pdf 1946 August 23 1946 1946 August 23 section false xt718911pw2d_191 xt718911pw2d liuiuvmiig uf 'Kvuiurkg .0,. ii u M - Qu QIH11111iP11IP11’lP11T ‘!E3€P1TiEPH %LII11IIiP1‘ Qbuurivr Ninwivcu Eliuuhrvh Eiurtg-Six iu; iirihug, August ihv Glwvuig-Ghirh li is illilvmnriul Hull Amphiihvuivr mn m. un. iilvxiugtuu ii .? QF Il ! L THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION l Aides de Camp to the President _ CADET DALTON B. CALDWELL { CADET JoI»IN E. WALDEN . MARSHALS Marshal of the Day LIEUTENANT COLONEL JoI—IN L. CARTER, Army of the United States Assistants to the Marshal of the Day LIEUTENANT COLONEL GERALD P. LERNER, United States Army MA_IoR DONALD W. GLENN, United States Army CAPTAIN ROBERT R. ELLISON, Army of the United States CAPTAIN EDWARD GEDRIcu, Army of the United States MASTER SERGEANT WILLIAM A. TOMPKINS, United States Army ~ MASTER SERGEANT ELMER O. KINKER, United States Army . MASTER SERGEANT EDwARD B. RAEER, United States Army '1‘EcI~INIcIAN TmRD GRADE CHESTER M. FERGUSON, United States Army Ushers ` Cadet Members of the First Year Advanced Course, Reserve I Officers’ Training Corps EUGENE D. BAIRD EUGENE O. KELLY, JR, HoUsTON C. ROBERTS CHARLES R. BARKER WILLIAM G. KENDALL J0I—IN S. R0oP, JR. JoI—IN J. BLACKBURN JAMES E. LAWSON EMMETT M. SI-IANE ` WILLIAM M. BYRON WILLIAM R. LINT RANDOLPH G. SIMPSON I JAMES H. CAUDILL DEXTER E. MANN WILLIAM O. SPRINGATE JAMES C. CI-IESTNUT WILLIAM B. MARDIS GUY P. THOMPSON CARL Cox GEORGE C. MARTIN WILLIAM E. TUTTLE ` JAMES B. GARWOOD GLENN E. MARTIN ALAN C. WATSON ‘ DARREL H. GREER WILLIAM B. MARTIN CHARLES H. WILLS _ WILLIAM E. HAI-IN ROBERT M. O’MARA BING1-IAM H. WILLSoN Y BURT V. HALEERT III PLIILLIP L. PEARCE BURNELL WILSON I-IUG0 O. HEMPLE, JR. LEONARD L. PRESTON CI-IARLES R. WILSON RALPH W. PRESTON THE ORDER OF MARCH The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day The Chairman of the Board of Trustees The Trustees and Official Guests QJ The Deans and Other Administrative Officials The Professors Erneriti il The Alumni Ii} The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics i` The Faculty of the College of Engineering 5 The Faculty of the College of Law ` The Faculty of the College of Education ii The Faculty of the College of Commerce ii The Candidates for the Advanced Degrees T The Candidates for the Bachelor Degrees KI 4 é S I \ ‘ l ORDER OF EXERCISES { PRESIDENT HERMAN LEE DoNovAN, Presiding u ·'= ORGAN: Pre1ude—In Summer ....................................... Stebbins iQ Processional-——A joyous March ............................... Sowerby Lela W. Cullis INv0CATION——The Reverend John K. johnson Pastor, Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church Lexington, Kentucky SOLO-Agnus Dei .................. . ...............,.............. Bizet Lucille Haney, Mezzo-Soprano i ADDRESS-—‘(Pl3HHiHg for Peace" The Very Reverend Thomas A. McCarty 1 Dean, Villa Madonna College Covington, Kentucky K} CONFERRING or DEc.REEs—Presidenr Donovan CHARGE ro THE Giznounrmc CLASS—-DEED Lee M. Chamberlain BENEDICTION—Th€ Reverend john K. johnson THE NATIONAL ANTHEM ...................................... Key-Smith 1 CAR!LLON1C BELLS: Postlude——Old Kentucky Home ................................ Foster ? 1 v I COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES . PAUL PRENTICE BOYD, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Name Major Subject Address I JANICE ANN AYERS Psychology Cleveland Heights, Ohio MARVIN WEIL BING English Lexington I BETTY JANE BRooKER Art Louisville EMILY JANE BYRD History Louisville { JOI·IN ROBERT EIBNER History Mt. Sterling ‘· EDWARD ALLEN FARRIS Political Science Lexington V JEAN WOOD WYLIE FOY English Nicholasville CHARLES OTIS HALLIDAY English Louisville SIIVIONE LOUISE HEMING Romance Languages Lexington JOHN JAMES HOPKINS Arts-Law Carlisle FRANcES NA0MI JOHNSON Sociology Covington JULIETTE JONES English Mayfield f BEVERLY BROWNE LEAcI~IMAN Psychology Lakewood, Ohio KEITH LYLE LEWIS English Frankfort 3 STANLEY SCOTT MORTON English Lexington Qi SUZANNE NIcI—IoLAS English Paris . WILLIAM WHITE OLIVER Political Science Hazard 5 ALICE BAGBY OWSLEY Romance Languages Cynthiana ARcI-IIE BRYAN RAINEY Psychology Ashland I CARROLL HERBERT ROBIE, JR. Arts-Medicine Lexington JAMES FRANcIS ROURKE English Richmond, Ind. WANDA LEE SPEARS Arts-Law Pikeville _ BILLY BARTRAM STURGILL Political Science Prestonsburg 3 ALICE JANE ’I`RIBELE English Richmond , JOHN WILLIAM TRIVETTE Political Science Pikeville GRACE CRAMER WEBBER History Lexington l CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE j` Name Major Subject Address AILEEN CRAIG ANDREWS Psychology Winchester JOHN CARMAN BODE Civil Engineering Freep0rt,N. Y. ROBERT PAUL BROWN Civil Engineering Lexington ARTHUR SIMON HOLMES Anatomy and Physiology Hazard JULIO FEDERICO JULIA, Chemistry Santurce, Puerto Rico ( GLENN ALBERT PRICE Physics Lexington ‘] CONRAD AS1-IEY RICHARDSON, JR. Zoology Mt. Sterling ' TRACY IRVIN WALLACE Arts-Medicine Irvine A WILLIAM PULLER WHARTON Bacteriology Lexington li N A` E 5 J Il CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY Name Address ROYCE HAMPTON RE1ss Louisville CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS A IN JOURNALISM I Name Address y l ADELE GARRARD DENMAN Nicholasville Q EDWARD BASTIN WEBB Science Hill y CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS _ IN MUSIC I Name Address MARY ELIZABETH THOMAS Oak Hill, W. Va, { CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE j IN LIBRARY SCIENCE Name Address MARGARET L0u1sE H0cKER South Carrollton yi ZELMA RAYE LANGWORTHY Louisville REBA ADAMS McK1Ns·rER Las Vegas, Nev. :_ CLARICA WILLIAMS Shelbiana il .i {* gi il E5 { ~~ l z gi l 6 gl ` 1; ` J I 1 L ¤ COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME . ECONOMICS THOMAS POE COOPER, Dean I CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE , IN AGRICULTURE sl Name Address ll J0I»INIE TI-I01vIAs ADAMS Lickburg yi '1‘Em>Y WILSON CATHZEY Lexington ALBERT JOHN CROSS Morning View r_ HARRY QUENTIN DUEF Dundee Q FRANCIS GORDON FOGLE Yosemite 1 ]0I-IN IRA GRAY, JR. Cynthiana ¥ WILLIAM HARRIS HALE Richmond WILLIAM CLI1=1=0R1> LE¤EoR1> Paint Lick fi HARRY WILLIAM LINIJENEERG, JR. Henderson ll KARL WINFIELD MIcI—ILER Lexington *: ASA IRVIN OVERALL Lawrenceburg i EDWIN PORCH STAMPER Waynesburg {é I CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS s` Name Address · JOAN BUTTERWORTH Murray HELEN MARIE FRANTZ Lexington HAZEL JUANITA GLAssc0cx Gravel Switch FLOY RUSSELL SHAIN Hartford j DOROTHA LOUISE SMITH Sharpsburg ALICE HUEEARD SPENCER Winchester _ 1 gi E? 7 1. J H COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING xi DANIEL VOIERS TERRELL, Acting Dean I CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ‘ IN CIVIL ENGINEERING . Name Address J01-1N ARTHUR DEARINGER Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1 Name Address GLENDON L0Y¤ BARR0w Sacramento J L0U1s Dus1NA Lynch EARL MILTON EvANs, JR. Louisville KARL ALEXANDER Lmrrz, JR. Meriden, Miss. GORDON PRESTON MUNDRANE, JR. Morris Plains, N. J. li; I " ` a? 8 ,< COLLEGE OF LAW °" ALVIN E EVANS, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS Name Address VILEY OFFUTT BLACKBURN Georgetown DALE RAN1>0L1¤1-1 Boom-: Lexington MARY GARNER BORDEN Winchester WILLIAM THOMAS CARROLL Port Chester, N. Y. JOHN COLEMAN COVINGTON Richmond GLENN WILDER DENHAM Williamsburg FRANCES DAWSON DRAFFEN Harrodsburg J01—1N ETHAN EDWARDS Lexington Gzoxcs WALLER EVANS Richmond Gmoncx RUE SILLIMAN Danville Donna LA·mR01> WHIPPLE Lexington I 9 _ I I I I ‘ I I I ‘ I I · I COLLEGE OF EDUCATION gf WILLIAM SEPTIMUS TAYLOR, Dean V CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS I I IN EDUCATION A Name Majors and Minors Address ` or Areas E Q ELLA ATKINSON Elementary Education Sharpsburg [ _ T~ MORTON AVRACH l·Iist>ory—Economics and V WI Sociology Brooklyn, N. Y. I EMMA ELIZABETH BALLINGAL Social Sciences Mt. Olivet ·* G BETTY FAY BINZEL Elementary Education Bowling Green I` VIRGINIA WRIGHT BRADY Elementary Education Lexington ‘ 1- THERESA ISIDORA CLAYPOOL Chemistry-Matlleinatics- § Biological Sciences Bowling Green Q DAVID HURLEY CUNAGIN Elementary Education McKee I HARRISON WESLEY ELLIOTT History and Political — , Science-English-Music Betsy Layne = _ ANN CANON FRANK English-Music Lexington ADA BELL HALL Commerce Taylorsville · L, OLLIE MAE JOHNSON Elementary Education Garrett I VERNON T1—1oMAs JONES Physical Education 2 and Health Yosemite I Q JESSE B MCCUNE, JR. Physical Education I and Health Louisville · _ ~` JANICE BOWERS MARLOWE English-Journalism-History Covington I ·- ADA ROBERTA MILLER Economics and Sociol-ogy _ 1 -History and Political 1 I Science Camp Taylor —.° ISAIAH KESSLER MILLER Economics and Sociology- ', .- History Campbellsville I MYRTLE RUTH OSBORNE Elementary Education Dungannon, Va. I? RUTH ASHURST PAYTON Elementary Education Louisville of { LORRAINE ALLEN PERRY English-French-Spanish Grundy, Va. I Doars GUILFOIL PHELPS Mathematics-Economics , and Sociology Lexington , `< MARY ANNA PIPER Elementary Education LaCenter ,I` WILLIAM CARL REEVES Mathematics-Music West Liberty * MARGARET REYNOLDS English-Music-History `I and Political Science Buckhorn V MARY YOUNG ROBINSON Elementary Education Danville V I NANcY LEE RUPARD Elementary Education Winchester l` BERTHA WILLIAMS SAVAGE Elementary Education Wurtland I KYLE PERSHING SCOTT History-Political Science McAndrews ,. MARY PATSY SHELY Physical Education and Health Lexington Ii, ` I 10 I1 IIC Iii il 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 Name Majors and Minors Address Y or Areas 1 EVA MOORE SINGLETON Physical Education-Art Lexington j ARTHEIA HELEN SPURR Commerce-Biological ` Sciences—English Taylorsville GENEVIEVE SPURRIER Elementary Education Louisville 1 i CHARLES Roy STEINFORT History and Political I Science-_]`0urnalism- I English Lexington 4 MARIE RUSSELL STIVERS Elementary Education Cynthiana j Louise BAIRD ROBERTSON Srour Commerce-English- l Spanish Lexington VV STELLA ELIZABETH SUMNER Elementary Education Greenwood HELEN JUNE TAYLOR Biological Sciences- · * Chemistry Millstone N PAUL WEBB TRIPLETT Physical Education- 'U History and Political l Science San Antonio, 1 Texas ARTHUR FREDERICK VocEL1v1ANN Commerce Covington 1 ANNA MARY WILLIAMS Physical Education- Biological Sciences Paintsville yl 7 ll J l 1 ig 11 * I Q 3 zi A COLLEGE OF COMMERCE '»` EDWARD WIEST, Dean Q t . ¥§ CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE l IN COMMERCE Name Address I_ RUBY LEE BARTLETT Lexington Q ARTHUR JAMES BICKNELL, JR. Fitchburg, Mass. A FRANCES MURPHY Bosrrc Clinton ~ N0RMA L0vETTA BUELL Cumberland ` CLAYTON LEE BULLOCK Miami, Fla. JOHN BURGIN, JR. Lexington ~ MIRIAM BELLE C0HEN Brooklyn, N. Y. Fi f CLAUD IRv1N EMR1cH, JR. Louisville I JAMES WILLIAM HEDGES Morgantield i ELMUS LYNN HOUSTON Fulton J { JOSEPH GUY KENNEDY, JR. Louisville .·, STANLEY WH.LIAM KERN, JR. Mt. Sterling J ADDISON W0Lc0TT LEE III Louisville i ROGER LEIGH MULLOY, JR. Lexington I BARBARA NELL OWEN Paducah g" ji ISIDORE H PINEUR Paris T LAWRENCE EDWARD POTTS Franklin l i AGNES ELLMORE SHLREVE Fairmont, W. Va. `[ JAMES THDMAS SPARROW, JR. Birmingham, Ala. Q WA1.LAcE JACK WOODRUFF Lexington , V, J. A JOHN JOSEPH ZAwrSzA Amsterdam, N. Y. I 1 J { V , if l ¤I I¤ 5. Qi I {PS [Ju, I QJ ii 12 fl? I `I gi I>l ‘I @$3} I L! GRADUATE SCHOOL WILLIAM DELBERT FUNKHOUSER, Dean l — CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Name Major Subject Address j MARY MATILDA BEARD Education Shelbyville °‘ JUSTUS GORHAM BURR0ws Education Carrollton, Ala. OWEN LEE CLIFFORD Education Louisville F`; ETHEL HILLMAN ELLINGTON Education Morehead i LORENZA EUGENE JONES Physical Education Georgetown Jl EULA LEAH PA·r*r0N Education Ashland , ALFRED MARION REEcE, JR. Physical Education Lexington JOE EDWARD SABEL Education Versailles Y, AL1c;E VALERIA SHARRE English Science Hill ANNE WALLACE S1-rRo1=·s1·11RE English Paris I JAMES MAR1oN STAMPER English Whitesburg CLARENCE BERNELL TOLBERT Education Vincennes, Ind. RICHARD WALTER WA·r1·ERS Education Caseyville CLEONE MCWHORTER WATTS Education Nicholasville Q} CLARENCE HODGES WYATT Physical Education Berea CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE if Name Major Subject Address LORETTA CHRISTINE ELLIAS Bacteriology Lexington MARGARET EVELYN PATRICIA KELLER Anatomy and Physiology Lexington " RICHARD SLOAN K1NN1BURox—1 Bacteriology Stratham, N. H. { JAMES WILLIS MCFARLAND Botany Bellingham, Wash. MARION BENTON NAFF Chemistry Lexington n_ ANNA LEA SCHOULTIES Chemistry Cold Spring CHARLES RUSSELL WALKER, JR. Zoology Urbana, Ohio yi CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE [_} IN AGRICULTURE lx Name Address jg JOHN C RE¤MAN Lexington lz l€ CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE ,' IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Name Address le . Roses-r c BURRELL Louisville 53 FQ ih l* ji, l 1 . . Q = l` ¤ li CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS > · I IN EDUCATION g Name Address CLINTON STANLEY ADAMS Lexington E WHYSON THOMAS ASHBY Begdad ‘ I CHARLES MARSHALL BEARD Shelbyville il JOSEPH WELLINGTON CANmA Dwarf j N OPAL DUNAWAY CANIDA Dwarf { ‘ MARY HELEN CANSLER Louisville il THOMAS BAIN CULTON Corbin ," · HENRY JACKSON DAILY Lexington E JACOB COLEMAN DARNELL, SR. Frankfort gg ELIZABETH MAY DENNIS Lexington Q JEAN VAN ARSDALL D0YLE Lexington ` Q5 MARY KATE FARRIS Lebanon [ DANIEL GARLAND FRISBY Lexington f VERGIE IRENE GR0vES Canvas, W. Va. ji, ~ D0R0THY NASH HINSON Mt. Sterling _°;Q ALLA DEANE HUDDLE Louisville { . THELMA W1LLE JONES Covington gl NORMA FITCH MURRAY Lexington { A BERNIECE ROSE PAcE Winchester CEL1c PREZIOS0 Covington ` SIDNEY ELL10TT SORENSEN Fergus Falls, Minn. ` ~ MARTHA MAHALA TONEY Boomer, W. Va. .Y ]0sE1>H CHESLEY T0wERY Owensboro IQ; f FREEDA PIERCE WrLs0N Spurlington U CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE `,=· I IN EDUCATION : Name Address f HELEN RUTH GARDTNER Walton ° CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY j Name Major Subject Address ;. l DOXIE MARSHALL DEXTER Romance Languages Greenville lj -7 il l% >‘ r { $2 1* 14 Y; l El z > ‘.—~ ` Z= . I z wl » ‘ oa COMMENCEMENT HONORS .5 GRADUATED ·*w1TI—I HIGH DISTINCTION" CLAYTON LEE BULLOCK fg WILLIAM WHITE OLIVER it L; GRADUATED “wITH D1STINcTION" EDWARD ALLEN FARRIS tg SIMONE LOUISE HEMING .2: JOHN JAMES HOPKINS *j GLENN ALBERT PRICE if Students are graduated "With High Distincti011" who attain a standing of 4*__ 2.6 or higher for at least three years. Students are graduated "With Distincti0n" — who attain a standing of 2.4 to 2.6 for at least three years. A student who has spent only two years at the University may receive either of the above honors if he attains a standing .2 higher than the three-year requirement. t` DEPARTMENTAL HONORS HONORS IN PHYSICS-—GLENN ALBERT PRICE C it ZF L; git: 2;; 15 Z= . —r · A — W 7 ,7 7777. rrvrrr 7.777* ..L7 77 7 7 777 77 7 7 .777.-. ... . . 7... --7 / ,> » 1,2 T? ··, x K] * w T I il *2 in 3 ws ` `! { g H bi l , 1% ~I , yi gi i THE NATIONAL ANTHEM , 'lli ~ Oh say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? · Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight, l O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? i, > And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there. , Oh, say, does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave ' ` O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? A 7 i Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand · Between their lov’d homes and the war’s desolation! l Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n-rescued-land *2% W Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation! T2 Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, , And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" i And the Star-spangled Banner in triumph shall wave ‘_ O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Xg A I 2 T i V7 i * 1 li? 1 V gv T l, » ', r. ii 3 A w ·’}. l 3, > ‘ :€~~\~ l » hx 1 J ,,r, 1 16 is ‘ > *· . w L ii g 4; Y T T1 ·, , _; Iinihzxgitg uf °§&2niu»;l<1g Gllqnrgz Wu 'GH;2 (§r¤huz1iing Glam Glhurge iu the ®rzri1uzrt1ng Clllaza ON this Commencement day you stand in a new relation to the University, to the State and to Life. The University that has given you of its store { of learning now looks upon you as its children. The U State that regarded you as wards now conceives of you as citizens, well prepared to do your part. If what you have learned while here has given you larger intellectual interests, and widened your l powers of understanding, the University feels a ‘- part of its duty done, and if in the doing character has become your possession and a part of your moral fiber, the State is satisfied with its investment of men and money. The University trusts you have learned to ap- proach problems with open minds, to set aside prejudice in your judgment of men and affairs. It hopes that you may live in peace and happiness, though ready to iight for the right, at all times using your strength to the betterment of the community. May you have in your declining years, material comfort, the respect of your fellow citizens, the feeling of work well done, and a spiritual and in- tellectual interest in human life. Meantime, the University’s honor is your honor. In your acts and deeds you now reflect your I I I I I heritage. To your fellow man, the University is measured by your character, by your deeds, by the company you keep. It is in this spirit that I call upon you to be true to the larger things of life, to be men and women of courage, integrity, sympathy, and gentleness. By the granting of the degree you have been admitted to the fraternity of letters, and to the larger fellowship of the University. It is right and fitting that you should stand and solemnly raising your right hand pronounce this pledge with me: 'GIIT2 Flange In z‘/ze presence of z`/zi.: audience, citizen; of t/ze Commonwealth and memoerx of z‘/ze Uni·ver.riz‘y, wi;/z a rz‘rong xense of my rexpontrioi/ity, I promixe to /zo/d my degree xo no lou will come to it t/zroug/z my no/ding, io regard it a: a c/aim upon my /oya/z‘y to Alma Maier and to p/edge mysef io t/ze mervice of God and my fe//ow man. In testimony of your conduct and purpose, the University Faculty recommending, the Board of Trustees of the University has conferred upon you the Diploma of the University of Kentucky, con- firmed and acknowledged by the Seal of the University. B