xt718911pw2d_198 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK 81st Annual Commencement Exercises program text UK 81st Annual Commencement Exercises program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_1/2010ua027_p3_1_12/3522/3522.pdf 1948 June 4 1948 1948 June 4 section false xt718911pw2d_198 xt718911pw2d Hniuvmiig uf Kvninrkg Eighig-Hirst Annual Glummvnrvnwni iixvrrizw Ninvivvn ?Hunh1·2h ZHn1·ig—iEighi ilkiimg, ilunv thv Elhrnrih £1H»:7£2nn Snnhinm, %iulI Zfivlh 7:3}] iafm. iilvxingiun ALMA MATER* Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! Loyal sons and daughters sing; ` Sound her praise with voice united; To the breeze her colors fling. • To the blue and white be true; Badge triumphant age on age; Blue, the sky that o’er us bends; ¥Vhite, Kentucky’s stainless page. Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! Glorious is thy heritage; Proud thy name and thy traditions; Proud thy place on history`s page! May we ne`er forget thy fame Mother of the great and free: May we e'er uphold thy name, Old Kentucky, hail to thee! * * * A THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Oh say! can you see, by the dawn's early light, l \/Vhat so proudly we hailed at the twilight`s last gleaming? = Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous Hght, ()`er the rzunparts we watch`d, were so gallantly streaming? ` And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our {lag was still there. Oh. say, does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave (Ter the land ol' the free and the home of the brave? ~ Wozds by Josephine Funkhouser Music by Carl A. Lampert ITIUPYEI 1] II - 1211 IUI Q IH ° ‘i f 7K I k Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! Loyal sons and daughters sing; ` Sound her praise with voice united; ‘ To the breeze her colors fling. - To the blue and white be true; Badge triumphant age on age; Blue, the sky that o‘er us bends; _ U ,$$“Y OFKE`4,) YVhite, Kentucky's stainless page. P éx Qs Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! mm '°'° Glorious is thy heritage; . 2 `q Proud thy name and thy traditions; *2% , 65 {gz" Proud thy place on history’s page! €-\T4N¤_DN\0*-° May we ne`er forget thy fame Mother of the great and free; May we e’er uphold thy name, Old Kentucky, hail to thee! * * * 1 2 1; IH A 1 THE NATIONAL ANTHEM _ , " • Oh sity! (jill! YOU SCC, [IIC (iZlWllvS C21l`i}’ i 4 \/Vhat so proudly we hailed at the twiligl1t‘s last gleaming? 1 Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro` the perilous light, ()’cr the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? ‘ And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, N 'H ‘jE• Cave proof thro' the night that our {lag was still there. 4 011. say, does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? _ · ~ .... 111 rthag, .111m1> the ilinurilg *·\}'o1ds by Josephine Funkhouser Music by Carl A. Lamperta p • ~ ‘ , !Hl"£PEI11 §>tz1hu1m, $11111 Jliwlh 7:311 ]H.!1lH. if ‘ 1 i ,.JP3€I11g 1111 _ 2· OE ;».u· QL?. V Q? THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION Aide de Camp to the President SECOND LIEUTENANT j0HN E. YVALDEN II, V Infantry Reserve United States Army MARSHALS Marshal of the Day COLONEL G. T. MAcRENz1E, United States Army Assistants to the Marshal of the Day " LiEureNAN·r COLONEL JEROME TARTER. United States Air Force j LIEUTENANT COLONEL GERALD P. LERNER, United States Army MAJOR DONALD IV. GLENN, United States Army MAJOR josisvn P. PARKER, United States Army MAjoR EDGAR L. KISER, United States Air Force MAjoR RAYMOND M. Smru, United States Air Force CAPTAIN RoDERr R. ELLISON, Army of the United States CAi··rA1N LAWRENCE E. SPEARS, Army of the United States CAl’1`AIN Enwm R. MCCLELLAND, Army of the United States CA;-·rA1N DONALD R. R0sE, Army of the United States MASTER SEIKGEANT WILLIABI A. 'I`0au·R1Ns, United States Army MZASTER SERt:EAN‘r j. C. DURR, United States Army IVIASTER SERGEANT A. W. SEcERQu1s*r. United States Air Force BIASTER SERcEAN·r ELMER O. KINKER, United States Army NIASTILR SERcEAN’r EDWARD B. RABER, United States Army MAs‘rER SERGlCAN'l` Bukius N. HOLCONIBE, United States Air Force YYECIINICAL SERcEANr DAv1D M. CANTRELL, United States Army 'FECHNICAL SERGEANT OLLIE E. DAY, United States Air Force 'I`Ect-1N1eAL SERuEAN‘r JOHN C. JONILS, United States Air Force ' S·rArE SERuEANr CHARLES E. DOERING, United States Army '1‘EcuN1ciAN rI`HlRD GRADE CHESTER M. FERGUSON, United States Army 'l`EcHNrciAN TIIIRD Gl{»\DE BILL L. GRAY, United States Army PIICCHNICIAN Titian GRADE MELVILLE B. SCHENCK, United States Army Ushcrs Members of Cwens juliet Bradley Betty j. Levy Mary C. Carver Anna E. O’Bann0n Betty j. Compton Ann M. Macklin Marjorie A. Cutler jo A. Mills Venita L. Dawson Anne F. Park Helen D. Deiss Martha L. Pennebaker Dorothy D. Doyle Mary N. Pribble - Martha L. Durham Wanda M. Rajkowski Sue Dossett joan M. Rehm Laura L. Fannin Louise M. Rhoads Carolyn E. Freeman Mary j. Ridley Charlotte R. Garr Suzanne L. Rogers Rose M. Haley jean Sherman Priscilla S. Hancher Betty L. Spragens Martha C. Hays Betty Triplett Elizabeth A. Heiss Elizabeth A. Vaughan Virginia L. Henry juanita M. Violette Barbara L. Holeman Dorritt j. White Rachel A. johnson Margaret R. Wright THE ORDER OF MARCH ' The University Band il _ The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day I The Chairman of the Board of Trustees E The Trustees and Oflicial Guests The Former Trustees · The Vice President and the Dean of the University The Deans and Other Administrative Officials The Alumni The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics The Faculty of the College of Engineering : The Faculty of the College of Law y The Faculty of the College of Education , The Faculty of the College of Commerce The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy ~ The Candidates for the Advanced Degrees V The Candidates for the Bachelor Degrees in l* i A . ORDER OF EXERCISES yi Pxussmizwr HERMAN Lu; DoNovAN, Presiding FANFARE ron 1948 ...,............,.................. Prindl PROCESSIONAL*2 ? a, Under the Double Eagle ...,..,..,..,,.,... Wagner b, March ............................,,,,...., H olst University of Kentucky Band Frank ]. Prindl, Director lN\’OCATION—Th€ Reverend F. Russell Purdy l Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church F Lexington, Kentucky Morris Dance ..................................... German University Band AnnREss—The Honorable `Wiley B. Rutledge justice of the Supreme Court T X/Vashington, D. C. CONFERRING OF DEcREEs—President Donovan CHARGE TO rms GRADUATING CLAss—Dr. Frank LeRond McVey ALMA MATER ..................................... Lampert Band and Audience Mildred S. Lewis, Director . BENEDICTION—Th€ Reverend F. Russell Purdy l The National Anthem ........................... Key-Smith y Band and Audience * The audience will rise as the colors approach the stands, and be seated when the colors have been placed on the platform. - all THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION THE ORDER or MARCH ‘ _ _ t . ORDER OF EXERCISES Aide de Camp to the President The University Band 1* The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day V _ _ SEcoND LIEUTENANT JOHN E. YVALDEN II, j The Chairman of the Board of Trustees S PRESIDENT HERNIAN LEE DONOVAN, Presiding Infantry Reserve United States Army The Trustees and Oflicial Guests The Former Trustees { The Vice President and the Dean of the University .· MARSHALS The Deans and Other Administrative Officials FANFARE FOR 1948 ````''''''''`''`'`'''`'`````''````` P7 tndl The Alumni Marshal of tha Day The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences · PROCESSIONALA (]0r_oNm_, G. T. MACKENZIE, United States Army The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics The Faculty ¤f ths C<>¤€s¤ ¤f E¤gi¤<=<=ti¤tc ¢ a. Under the Double Eagle ......,..,..,,.,... Wagner The Faculty of the College of Law . Assistants to the Marshal of the Day The Faculty of the College of Education { U The Faculty Of the College Of Commerce b, ll/[21l`Cl1 . . . .... y ................,... . , , . .... , Holst ‘ L1EurENAN·r CoLoNEL JEROME TARTER, United States Air Force The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy V UHIVCYSIIY of Kentucky Band y LIEUTENANT Co1.oNEL GERALD P. LERNER, United States Army The Candidates for the Advanced Degrees Frank J Prindl Director MAjOR DONALD W. GLENN, United States Army The Candidates for the Bachelor Degrees ' ’ MAJOR JOSEPH P. PARKER, United States Army ` · lV[A_]f)R EDGAR L. Krsmt, United States Air Force _ MAjoa RAYMOND M. Szxuru, United States Air Force _ INVOCATION The Reverend F' Rufseu P“rdY CAPTAIN Romznr R. ELLISON, Army of the United States r Pastor, Calvary BHPIISI Church CAr··rA1N LAWRENCE E. SPEARS, Army of the United States . · CA1·rA1N EDwiN R. NICCLELLANI), Army oi the United States . Lexlngtom Kentucky CAr-·rA1N DoNALD R. RosE, Army of the United States MASTER SE1tcEANr WiLL1A1x1 A. 'l`om·k1Ns, United States Army · MASTER SERGEANT J. C. Dum, United States Army Morris Dance ................................ I ..... German IVIASTER SERGEANT A. W. SEcEtaQu1s‘r, United States Air Force . · · MAs’rEk SER(ZIZr\N'l` ELMIER O. KINKER, United States Army University Band MAs‘1‘ER SEi