xt718911pw2d_201 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Commencement Exercises Summer Session program text UK Commencement Exercises Summer Session program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_1/2010ua027_p3_1_15/3581/3581.pdf 1948 August 13 1948 1948 August 13 section false xt718911pw2d_201 xt718911pw2d . THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION AIDE DE CAMP TO THE PRESIDENT Second Lieutenant Ova C. Bradley, . Infantry Reserve United States Army ll ¥ MARsHAi.s _ MARSHAL OF THE DAY Q Colonel G. T. Mackenzie, United States Army l ASSISTANTS TO THE MARSHAL OF THE DAY I Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence B. Babcock, United States Army · Lieutenant Colonel Jerome Tarter, United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Gerald P. Lerner, United States Army Major Donald W. Glenn, United States Army Major Joseph P. Parker, United States Army Major Edgar L. Kiser, United States Air Force Captain Lawrence E. Spears, Army of the United States I Master Sergeant William A. Tompkins, United States Army Master Sergeant J. C. Durr, United States Army Master Sergeant Elmer O. Kinker, United States Army Master Sergeant Edward B. Raber, United States Army . Master Sergeant Burris N. Holcombe, United States Air Force ` Technical Sergeant David M. Cantrell, United States Army · Technical Sergeant Ollie E. Day, United States Air Force . Technical Sergeant John C. Jones, United States Air Force I Staff Sergeant Charles E. Doering, United States Army ' Technician Third Grade Bill L. Gray, United States Army USHERS Q MEMBERS OF CWENS I Helen D. Deiss Joan M. Rehm Mary A. Faulkner Betty J. Scrivner I Caroline E. Freeman Jean Sherman Jane Garrett Juanita M. Violette Virginia L. Henry Dorritt J. White Nancy J. Potts ` THE ORDER OF MARCH i, l The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day The Chairman of the Board of Trustees The Trustees and Official Guests The Former Trustees The Vice President, the Dean of the University, and the Comptroller The Deans and Administrative Staff The Alumni ri The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences l The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics ‘l The Faculty of the College of Engineering The Faculty of the College of Law _ The Faculty of the College of Education l The Faculty of the College of Commerce ll The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy The Candidates for the Advanced Degrees ` The Candidates for the Bachelor Degrees i i A l ORDER OF EXERCISES lz PRESIDENT HERMAN LEE DONOVAN, Presiding l PRELUDE: Fantaisie .................i........................................................................ Sjogren PROCESSIONAL: ll Triumphal March .................................................,...........................,.... Grieg Lela W. Cullis l ll |NVOCAT|ON———Paul Shell Powell President, Kentucky Wesleyan College Build Thee More Stately Mansions ........................................................ Andrews l Ruth Pinnell COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS———Everything Begins at Home Alfred Leland Crabb Professor of Education ` George Peabody College ` for Teachers CONFERRING OF DEGREES—President Donovan CHARGE TO THE GRADUATING CLASS—Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice President BENEDlCTlON—Presldent Paul Shell Powell The National Anthem .............,........................................................ l