xt718911pw2d_205 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK 82nd Annual Commencement Exercises program text UK 82nd Annual Commencement Exercises program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_2/2010ua027_p3_2_4/3615/3615.pdf 1949 June 3 1949 1949 June 3 section false xt718911pw2d_205 xt718911pw2d n Hniuvmiig uf Kvninrkg J 4~‘° ° % , 3 {M55 g B °‘*·¤ZT.$§L\»¢‘° ' Eighty;-Svrnnh Annual Qiurnmvnmnvni Exvrrizvz [ Ninvivvn Hnnhrvh 3Hm·tg-Ninn j Hrihng, Jlnnv tip: Ehirh GJ illilrihnn %inhin1n, Stull ZHi¤lh 7:HH n ifwxingtnn THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION . AIDE DE CAMP TO THE PRESIDENT . David K. Holland l Cadet Lieutenant Colonel I MARSHALS .v MARSHAL OF THE DAY Colonel G. T. Mackenzie, United States Army I ASSISTANTS TO THE MARSHAL OF THE DAY Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence B. Babcock, United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert H. McAteer, United States Army Major Donald W. Glenn, United States Army Major Edgar L. Kiser, United States Air Force Major Joseph P. Parker, United States Army Major Raymond G. Teborek, United States Air Force Captain Lawrence E. Spears, United States Air Force Reserve First Lieutenant George E. Barker, United States Army Reserve First Lieutenant James F. Pullen, United States Air Force Reserve Moster Sergeant Henry C. Bloom, United States Army Master Sergeant J. C. Durr, United States Army Master Sergeant Orrin R. Helgeson, United States Army Master Sergeant Burris N. Holcombe, United States Air Force » Master Sergeant Elmer O. Kinker, United States Army Master Sergeant Edward B. Raber, United States Army ‘ Master Sergeant Elvin D. Sutton, United States Army ‘ Sergeant First Class David M. Cantrell, United States Army Technical Sergeant Ollie E. Day, United States Air Force Technical Sergeant Charles E. Drennen, United States Air Farce Staff Sergeant Joseph W. Ott, United States Air Force i Sergeant Mack J. Patterson, United States Army Sergeant Melville B. Schenck, United States Army i THE ORDER OF MARCH The University Band The National and University Colors { The Marshal of the Day g The Colors of the United Nations The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day ~ The Chairman of the Board of Trustees i` The Trustees and Official Guests The Vice President, the Dean of the University, and the Comptroller The Deans and Other Administrative Officials The Half Century Club and Other Alumni The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics The Faculty of the College of Engineering The Faculty of the College of Law The Faculty of the College of Education The Faculty of the College of Commerce The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy ” The Candidates for the Advanced Degrees ‘ The Candidates for the Bachelor Degrees . Q The Colors of the United States (Avenue of Colors) . l l USHERS ‘ f Ellen C. Allen Tabitha Craig Dianne L. McKaig f _ Janet A. Anderson _ Virginia Cunningham Alberta T. Mobley · Doris A. Annis Polly R. Day Effie R. Marrow Annie M. Ballard Dorothy D. Doyle Mary L. Pardue Emma J. Barger Peggy G. Elmore Mary L. Paul V Katherine A. Barnett Patricia A. Fechter Betsy M. Peavyhouse Kathleen Bealmear Alethea E. Gillespie Martha L. Pennebaker . Mary J. Bishop Rose M. Haley Mary L. Priestley ’ Elizabeth N. Blair Dora J. Hendry Doris J. Richards . Nancy J. Bradford Anna F. l-looks Mary J. Ridley l , Nancy C. Brewer Eleanor L. Hughes Betty J. Samson "' | Jenny A. Brown Nancy K. Huklll 4 Eva M. Seale }_i Martha V. Burks Mary F. Jackson Helen L. Smith ‘ ’= Mary C. Carver Rachel A. Johnson Elenor J. Sturm il Flonnia C. Chambers Marilyn R. Kilgus Martha F. Swofford i. Wilma J. Chitwood Mary B. Knox Jane C. Tucker l Thelma Combs Elizabeth V. Link Jo A. Vincent { Betty F. Compton Elva M. Littrell Bernice R. Whaley i, Nancy L. Conway Eloise Lorch Barbara A. Whipple Joan L. Cook Virginia C. McBee Margaret L. Wilson l l l I I ORDER OF EXERCISES A PRESIDENT HERMAN LEE DONOVAN, Presiding l PROCESSIONAL: , Colonel Bogey ................................................................ Alford ly. University of Kentucky Band ‘l Frank J. Prindl, Director l INVOCATION —- Raymond Francis McLain President, Transylvania College Lexington, Kentucky Chorale: Out of the Depths ........................................................................ Bach · University Band ADDRESS — Educated Responsibility ‘ li The Honorable Alben William Barkley Vice President of the United States { Washington, D. C. CONFERRING OF DEGREES AND AWARDS— President Donovan — CHARGE TO THE GRADUATING CLASS —— Dr. Frank LeRond McVey ALMA MATER ........................................................................................ Lampert Band and Audience M Mildred S. Lewis, Director l‘ BENEDICTION — President Raymond Francis McLain The National Anthem .......................................................................... Key-Smith Q . Band and Audience l 3 k la A- lz : i X ` l 4 I ` I . i I l , COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES ` MARTIN MARSHALL WHITE, Dean g CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS I A NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS ( Robert Delano Adams ........................ Economics ...............,.................. Frankfort Mary Jane Agnew ............................ Social Work ................................ Lexington % ‘ Jeanne Taliaferro Asbury .................. Psychology .................................... Augusta I Henrietta Hempstead Avent .............. Physical Education ............ Greenville, S. C. ` Joseph Harrison Bailey, Jr. ................ Geography ........................ Cleveland, Ohio Sara Elizabeth Ballenger .................. German ,..... . ............................... Lexington Juan Jose Balzola, Jr. ........................ Art ............................ Mexico City, Mexico . Russell Leon Beatty .......................... Economics .................................. Lexington Richard Gordon Bell .......................... Arts—Law ..........................,. Bedford, Ohio Robert David Bell .............................. Political Science ........................ Lexington Nancy Meredith Bird ....................... ,Topica| Field——Rea| ` Estate .................. Highland Park, Mich. ~ James Curtiss Blanchard .................... Sociology .................................. Russellville Mary Lindsey Bridgewater .,.............. Psychology .................................. Louisville Mary Elizabeth Bright ...................... Sociology .................................... Smithfield Julia Duncan Broaddus ...................... English ......................................., Louisville George Edward Brooking, Jr. ............ Political Science ........................ Lexington Juanita Brown ............................. , .... History ................................ Logan, W. Va. Martha Rebecca Bryan .................... Library Science ........................ Georgetown William Coleman Burke ........,......,.,.. Psychology ........................................ Paris _ Jean Jamison Burrell ........................ Economics ...................... Pittsburgh, Penn. Jimmy Noel Buster .......................... Arts——Law ................................ Jamestown Carolyn Wray Byron . ........... . ........... Psychology .......................... Malone, N. Y. William Monroe Byron ...................... English ...................................... Lexington Lee Syers Caldwell ........................,... Psychology .................................... Sturgis Elizabeth Wright Catlin .................... Sociology ...................................... Paducah L. Lois Gwendolyn Cheek ...................... History ........................................ Frankfort 1 Joe Prewitt Chenault, Jr. .................. Law ............................................ Richmond I John Carroll Cheshire ........................ Political Science ........................ Frankfort Helen VanArsdale Coleman .............. Social Work ............................ Harrodsburg ` John Edward Conner ........................ Sociology ..,................................. Lexington I Sue Ann Crawford ............................ Sociology .............,........................ Newport John Richard Crockett ...................... Political Science .......................... Maysville ` Joyce Mae Crutchfield ...................... Library Science .......................... Lexington Martha Elizabeth Davis .................... Library Science ........................ Pointsville [5 ] it NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS i Walter Thomas Davis . ....................... Art .............................................. Maysville V A Leslie May Dearing .......................... Romance Languages ..,..... Muscatine, lowa J William Taylor De Witt ..............,..... Sociology .............................,.,.... Frankfort Bettye Ruth Dotherow ................ ; ..... English ............................ Birmingham, Ala. Thomas Burton Drescher .................... Geography .............,.............,...... Louisville '» Robert Dwight Dugan ........................ Psychology .................................. Lexington Keller Johnson Dunn ........................ English ..........,........................... Lexington ' Mary Ann Elliott .............................. Psychology .............................. Hopkinsville Anita Jacobs Engle ............................ Library Science ............................ Louisville Francis Daugherty Faulconer .............. Radio Arts .................................. Lexington Mary Lou Fields ................................ History ...................... Amherstdale, W. Va. i Jane Rash Finley .............................. History .................................. Madisonville V Jo Anne Finnie .................................. Radio Arts ........................ Hastings, Mich. ~ Silas Barry Fisher .............................. Psychology .......................... Valley Station Y Lois Ann Flege ................................ Library Science ................................ Irvine ~ A Murray Saul Fleischer ...................... Psychology ............................ Bronx, N. Y. Alice Kathryn Fountain .................... Psychology .................... Birmingham, Ala. I Jane Garrett ...................................... Romance Languages .................. Lexington { Robert Roland Gash .......................... Political Science .................... Harrodsburg { Margaret Lucy Gleason ...................... Romance Languages ........ Coral Gables, Fla. E Carolyn Holman Glenn .................... English ............................................ Cadiz ` James Alvin Goins .......................... Romance Languages .................... Frankfort Mary Anne Goodson ....................... .Eng|ish ...................................... Shelbyville John Edward Gorham ...................... History ...................................... Lexington ` Margaret Lillian Gorin ...................... Social Work ............................ Greensburg Robert Louis Green .......................... Psychology .................................. Lexington ” Betty Dunn Guinaugh ...................... Psychology .................................... Danville ` Virginia Haag .................................. English ................................ Jeffersontown . . Mary Lee Halmhuber ........................ Art ............................................ Frankfort ’ Ruby Lucille Hamblen ...................... Romance Languages .................... LaGrange 5 Rhoda Suzanne Honnahs .................. Sociology .................. Saint Petersburg, Fla. g Juanita Jean Hemlepp ...,.................. Library Science ............................ Ashland (~ Margaret Ann Hewlett ...................... History .......................................... Ashland J Horace Gene Hogwood ...................... Sociology ...................................... Paducah · _ Walt Whitman Hollon ...................... Psychology ................................ Lexington E Harold Wilson Holtzclaw ............. . .... Political Science ........................ Morehead _ Eupha Yvonne Hopkins .................... Psychology ................................ Covington l ll William Burns Hornback .................... English ...................................... Anchorage l ig William Kelyey Hubbell .................... Sociology .................................... Lexington li Walter Darlington Huddleston .......... Topical Field-—Radio ` l Advertising ............................ Springfield ` ll Walter Taylor Hudson ...................... Psychology .................................. Lexington Q` Samuel Lloyd Huey, Jr. .................... Social Work ................................ Lexington g Belve William Huff .......................... History ...................................... Lexington Mary Ann Hunter .............................. English .................................... Winchester E [6] { i ~ NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS I Mary Hilleary Bryant Jacobs .............. Psychology .................................. Louisville Hugh Emerson Jenkins ...................... English ...................................... Frankfort Ruby Carroll Jesse ..............,............. Art .........................,...................... Midway Ruth Mae Jordan ..... . ........................ Social Work ................ Huntington, W. Va. 1 Anne Blair Keeton ............................ Romance Languages ......,........... Lexington Alice Givan King .............................. Psychology ............................ Hopkinsville Sherwood Kirk ......................,........... History .................................. Catlettsburg Archie Sanders Lacefield .................. Romance Languages .............. Harrodsburg Willis Wayne Lake ............................ Political Science ........................ Winchester Sivia Kyllikki Lassi ............................ German ...............,.......... Helsinki, Finland · Nilda Leigh Latto .............................. German ....................,..................... Sturgis Cary Louise Lawson ........,................. Art ............................,..,.. Cincinnati, Ohio 1 Edward John Loughrain ..,................. Philosophy .................... Waterbury, Conn. ` Elizabeth Jane Lowry ........,............. Psychology .................................. Lexington = A Mary Elliott McCauley ...................... Social Work ................................ Versailles Eugene Edward John McDonnell ........ English .............................. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 Reb Jay McGohon ............................ Psychology ............................ Nicholasville 1 Mary Elizabeth McRoberts ................ Psychology ................................ Lexington l Mary Sue McWhirter ........................ Art ........................................ Hopkinsville . = Charles Davis Mann .......................... Social Work ..... . .......................... Lexington J Nell Husbands Martin ...................... Social Work ................................ Paducah James William Mattingly, Jr. .......... Political Science ........................ Lexington 1 Almon Lloyd Mertz .............,............ Geography ........................ Turners Station ` Warren Kelly Meyer .......................... German ...................................... Lexington _l Joseph William Modica, Jr. .............. Art ............................................ Lexington l Merl Marshall Moore, Jr. .................. Art .................................... Lafayette, lnd. ` Marilyn Morris .................................. Social Work ................ New Carlisle, Ohio X Robert Carlos Muncy ........................ Arts—Law ...................................... Hyden F Elsie Birdie Weinreb Niederhoffer ...... Psychology ................................ Lexington Martin Vincent Opromollo ................ Topical Field——Pre-Medical ; Studies ........................ Fair Lawn, N. J. ‘ Lillian Anne Pardue ........... . .............. Journalism ................................ Frankfort Paxton Alan Parrish ........................ English ........................................ Louisville · Laura Bess Peavy ................,............. Topical Field—Costume Design and ` i Merchandising ............... . ........ Lexington 1 Hugh Hunter Platt ............................ Geology .................................... Lexington 1 Nancy Jean Potts .............................. English ...................................... Lexington , Ruth Ann Power .............................. Psychology ................ Willow Branch, lnd. William Edmonson Richards .............. English .................................... Winchester ` John Herman Richter ........................ Geography .................................. Louisville ‘ Edward Allen Roberts ...................... Political Science ........................ Lexington Patsy Grizzard Roederer .................... Topical Fie|d———Costume Design and 1 Merchandising ........................ Lexington E William Coleman Rogers .................. Economics .................................. Frankfort l Franz Ernest Ross ............................ Topical Field-—Statistics ............ Lexington [ 7] NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ·ADDRESS . William Faulkner Russell .................. Topical Fie|d—Radio Advertising..Louisville f J R Rutter ........................................ Political Science ......,................... Paducah Z Alice Gene Sale ................................ English .............................,........ Uniontown I Valerie Louise Saunders .................... English ............,........................... Pineville , Martha Elizabeth Schubert ................ English ..............................,............. Dover Jo Anne Sellards ............................., English ...................................... Lexington Dolores Ruth Shaikun ...................... Social Work ........................ ....Greensburg I ' Harold Sheehan .............................. Psychology .............................. Georgetown Ann Peake Shehan ............................ Psychology ................................ Bardstown I Nancy Elizabeth Shelbourne .............. English ...................................... Anchorage Nancy Innes Shinnick ........................ English ................................ Wilmette, Ill. Betty Ann Shropshire .................... ,...English ...................................... Lexington I Dorothy Jones Siler ............................ Topical Fie|d—lnterior I A Decoration ............................ Lexington I. Betty Lee Smedley ................. . .......... Psychology .................................... Jenkins I I < Adrian Solomon .... . ........................... Psychology ........................ Brooklyn, N. Y. I Roberta Keith Spicer ........................ Music ........................................ Lexington Mildred Mae Steele .......................... English .........................i............ Lexington Elsie Jeanne Stokes ..........................,. English .................................... Harrodsburg ` James Macmillan Strother ................ Psychology .................................... Ashland Barkley Jennings Sturgill ............... Political Science .................... Prestonsburg . Edward Supe ........... , .... Q ................... Political Science ................ Freedom, Penn. I Jo Ann Talley .................................. Music ................................ Saint Matthews I Cecil Thrasher, Jr. ............................ Art ................... E ........................... Lewisport { Doris Lee Tipton .........................,...... Psychology .................................... Danville I ` Mary Lynn Sanders Turley ................ English ................................i..... Lexington _ Winfield Ray Turley ........................ Economics .....................,.. Madison, W. Va. “ Betty Lou Turner .............................. Psychology .......,............................ Ashland Ruby Jane Turner .............................. Social Work ............................ Marrowbone . Ingrid Bertha Ullman ........................ English .......................................,.. Harlan ‘ Edgar Leigh Vance ............................ Psychology ......,........,............ Elizabethtown John Barry Vigle, Jr. ........................ Psychology ................................ Lexington - II Billie Hope Wallace .......................... Mathematics .............................. Lexington I ` Elizabeth Frazee Wallace .................. History ...................................... Lexington Francis Ford Waller .......................... Psychology .............................. Georgetown I ` Allan Cecil Watson .......................... English ........................................ Princeton . ,· Mary Katharine Webb ...................... Social Work ........................ Concord, N. H. _ I" Betty Mae White ............,................. Social Work .........................,.. Middlesboro I _ John Frances White ........................ Topical Fie|d~—··|ndustria| I II Personnel ...................................... Cadiz ’ I Patricia Anne Williams .................. ..Social Work ............................ Chicago, III. . ‘l~ Louise Anne Wilson .......................... Journalism ................................ Lexington ' Betty Jane Winzeler .......................... Psychology .......................,.... Canton, Ohio { I Betty Martin Wolfe .....................,.... Sociology ................................ Georgetown I Q Dorothy Anne Wood ........................ Social Work ................................ Princeton 2 ` William Buchanan Wrench .............. Political Science ................................ Myers Q I I [ 8 ] A (W CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE I NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS William Henry Allen ........................ Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington i Roberta Mary Anderson ............,....... Psychology ................................ Covington I Graydon Dee Bell .............................. Physics ...................................... Cynthiana I Elizabeth Ann Bicknell ...................... Psychology ................................ Lexington I Colonel Edward Blankenship .............. Chemistry ...................................... Ashland Georgann Elizabeth Bovis .................. Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington Garland Gladstone Bryant, Jr. ............ Physics .................... Saint Petersburg, Fla. i Catherine Rebecca Calvert ................ Psychology .... 4 .....,...................... Lexington . Evelyn Louise Caudel .......,...,,...,,,,,.,, Psychology ................................ Owingsville ll George Harvey Caughey .................. Psychology ........................................ Paris E ‘ Paul Chandler Chenault ................,... Anatomy and Physiology ....,......... Frankfort r Samuel Jackson Chewning ................ Anatomy and Physiology ..........,..... Jenkins Benjamin Cohn ................................ Psychology .......................... Camden, N. J. Robert Urner Compton .....,................ Botany ..,..................................... Lexington Eugene Joseph Crouse ...................... Anthropology .............................. Frankfort . Dewey Elwood Cummins ................,. Topical Fie|d—·Pre-Medical Studies ................ _ .................. Brooksville Charles Chester Dalton ...................... Physics ....................................... . .... Windy V Robert Lee Davis .............................. Arts—Medicine .......................... Louisville ; Robert Mann Dean ............................ Anatomy and Physiology ........ Nicholasville ° Wilbur Eugene Deskins ...................... Mathematics ....... ; .................. Akron, Ohio Joe David Elliott .............................. Topical Fie|d—Bio|ogical and Physical A Basis of Behavior ........................ Auburn Gene Bergen Eskridge ...................... Geology ...................................... .. Ashland Lois Ella Farmer ................................ Physical Education ............................ Paris I Anthony Joseph Ferrante .......,.,......., Physics .............................. Portland, Maine William Walter Fisher ...................... Anatomy and Physiology .............. Louisville _ Charles Marshall Foster .....,.............. Geology ...................................... Lexington V Homer Holt Givin, Jr. .....................,.. Physics ...................................... Lexington Edith Greifinger ................................ Bacteriology ...................... Warsaw, Poland . Jack Stewart Griffiths ........................ Psychology ................................ Lexington V Robert Habermehl, Jr. ..........,........... Chemistry .................................... Augusta V Herbert Edom Hall ............................ Bacteriology ...................... Andover, Maine I Charles Eugene Hatcher ......,...,.,...,.,. Psychology ...................................... Marion Matthew Joseph Hogan ................,... Geology .............................. Trenton, N. J. , James Edward Hopson ...................... Physics .................................... Hopkinsville William Walter lson ........................ Geology ........................................ Blackey I I Nancy Hopson Jefferson .................... Hygiene and Public Health .......... Lexington » Grover Nelson Jones ........................ Anatomy and Physiology ..,......... Lexington I Carmen Calaway King ........... . ........ Geology ......,..................... Conneaut, Ohio ; William Roy King, Jr. ........................ Geology .................................... Ashland · Frank Kish ........................................ Physics ................................ Gary, W. Va. [ 9] `l J _l NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS _ Joseph Isaac Kramer ........................ Anatomy and Physiology .... Brooklyn, N, Y. George Adolphus Lafrana ........... . .... Psychology ........................................ Paris ~ Vincent Cassin Lawler, Jr. ................ Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington Leo Alfred Levereault ........................ Physics ...................... Willimansett, Mass. § Jack Levitt ........................................ Anatomy and l Physiology ................ Philadelphia, Penn. , Robert Harris Lewis ll ........................ Psychology .................. Walled Lake, Mich. l . Charles Leslie Lovett ........................ Psychology ............................ Jeffersontown Edward Peter Lynch .......................... Botany .......... . ............................. Frankfort Charles Robert McGehee . ................. Psychology ............................ Tucson, Ariz. Kenneth Douglas McGinnis .............. Topical Field-——The Physical Basis of Vital Processes .................... Lexington l Paul Franklin MacCarter, Jr. ............ Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington Joy Kendall Marsh .......................... Zoology .................................... Cynthiana ¥ James Benton Messer . ....................... Zoology ............................. .......... Garrett - Lester Sleadd Money, Jr. .................. Psychology .................................. Finchville John Edward Myers, Jr. .................... Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington Mitchell Valdor Owens ...................... Hygiene and Public Health ............ Glasgow l Paul Glenn Parker ............................ Geology .................................. Beech Creek E Cecil Eugene Pennington .................. Anatomy and Physiology .......... Grays Knob Patricia Ann Perrane ,.,,,,,.,.,.,,,...,,,,,, Psychology ................................ Lexington > Albert Lewis Powell .......................... Bacteriology .................................... Lynch { V Robert Edward Puryear ...................... Geology ............................. . ........ Louisville John Thomas Rawlings ...................... Anatomy and Physiology ...... Lawrenceburg Edward Hunt Ray, Jr. ........................ Topical Field—Bio|ogica| Basis of Behavior .................... Lexington i l Evan Jay Ray ..............,..................... Anatomy and Physiology ........ Central CitY l Paul Rice .......................................... Geology .................................... Vanceburg .; John Jackson Robbins .................. _ ...... Arts—Medicine .......................... Louisville l Edward Philip Roederer, Jr. . ............... Geology ...................................... Greendale g Bernd Ross ........................................ Physics ...................................... Lexington . Don Clay Sargent ............................ Geology .................................. . ....... Benton W Harry William Settle ........................ Geology ...................................... Louisville y William Joseph Siemens .................. Chemistry .................................. Louisville ` Ernest Holmes Smart, Jr. .................. Geology .............................. Mount Sterling l Emory Angelo Smith .......................... Bacteriology ................................ Raceland ~ Norvil Spears ................................. ...Anatomy and Physiology ........ South Shore lz Philip Thomas Stafford .................... Geology ...................................... Wurtland 1 la James Richmond Thompson, Jr. ........ Psychology .................................. Lexington ji John Hancock Thurmond .................. Anatomy and Physiology .. Somerville, Tenn. , William Ernest Triplett ...................... Zoology .................................,........ Corbin l i, Sebastian van Goudoever .................. Physics ................ The Hague, Netherlands _ Alan George Veith ............................ Chemistry .................................. Lexington ' l` Elmer Lee Wallace ....,....................... Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington l J Robert Elwin Weaver ........................ Bacteriology .............,.................. Lexington i i _ [T0] . (’l `il I 4 I I NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS 1, John Bond Wells, Jr. ........................ Mathematics .............................. Lexington A Wayne Wendell Wesley .................... Topical Field—Pre-Medical I Studies ........................,.....,... Lexington I Charles Donald Wood ._ ....................... Anatomy and Physiology .,....,..... Lexington ‘ Donald Lansdale Wood, Jr. ................ Topicol Fie|d—Pre-Medical I Studies .................................... Maysville Thomas Lee Wuerdeman .................. Psychology .................................... Ashland Athena Yonkos ................................ Chemistry .................................. Lexington a I I I CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ‘§ IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY ` I NAME ADDRESS Howard Cecil Barnett ...............,....... . ............. . ............................... Independence I Robert Anthon