xt718911pw2d_23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. State College of KY 39th Annual Commencement text State College of KY 39th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_1904_1914/2010ua027_1904_1914_4/10262/10262.pdf 1907 June 6 1907 1907 June 6 section false xt718911pw2d_23 xt718911pw2d _ __ V .j`*€*—[ ‘ ; >· ` % STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY 1.%} , z W k i 1 §’ _C~ ` ma _ · THIRTY-NINTH ;ec ¤i L ¤ ¤ $3 ? A w w ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT it; W g »E4v . 1 ~ 4+ 5 il ` A Y Y Q X me O i $x¤°:,.»¤ ¤,,f4&_ Y mv $§?;»· Q °’ , z 0 ¢ j · . ¤]·3FE¥3y/Y2? $’ L ' Q A :4 ~». ”"¢~1·* -‘·, 2 .-if . n erm zag ... §§ {Y !»T ’ ;‘. A" =¢ > ;¤¤[¤[;% i » A ` #529%* 1; I , ag g ; ’ _ LET x M5? ` ¤ {J-{Tg-}; z ; V * ~'·T A ¤ Q L ga}; A fyi • A ~;·T=» g H · 1 . * &;;?;¢ 2 &>+>;.t. gt ` · - 1 THURSDAY, JUNE THE SIXTH Q NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN I , N J z _], T ·. ; ·, K Y _A_Y __ CCCDC D A g V V r___ ______________,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,.,i..._,,·¢.,,....-~»·¤·»»···•m7;f;*g*'•"’*i°"“*""S'.';"ZZ'!'l ~-~-- ·—r:—.».Y————:r:rr<’¤· sig { · , i -. l L ‘ V Q ! GRADUATES H or $achel0r of Arts if i ; Josie McCoun Alexander .................. . ..... Paris. G ·? Mary Logan Bagby .............................. Danville . I p Catherine Gertrude Carmody ...................... Mt._Sterlrng jg _ Alice Lyle Crawley .............................. Louisville _r; i Anne Scott Crenshaw ............ . ............... Versailles 4 é I Flora McPheters Gordon .......................... Frankfort .` · ifi. William Shacklette Hamilton . ................. . . . Brandenburg _ 2 ~ r , Robert Singleton Hart ............................ Pisgan r Z ` Augustus Montillmon Kirby ....................... Butler I { ;i ir Viola Cosby Lewis .................. . ........... Louisvi le ·’$ r _i\ {9 Mary Andrew Lockridge .................. . ....... ll/lt. Sterling V, li fi l‘· * Sadie Spears Martin .................. . ,.......... Visalia K xx { rl Thomas Brown McClelland ........................ Lexington L } " il" Charles Swift Parrish ...................... . ..... Lexington j ‘ V Ina Kay Smith .......... . ....................... Lexington Q V Mildred Stiles .......... . ........ F ............... Chicago, Ill. ‘ r - Beverly Todd Towery ........................ . . . . Providence it ‘ · Margaret Butler Webster .......................... Louisville y i! °_‘* ; H}? Master of Science Qt, { » V ‘· ’i Harold Lindsay Amoss ................ . .......... Washington, D. C. I li Q » ‘ * Benjamin Robert Hart ........................... Lexington A * p _ if M 5 ¤ Victor Emanuel Muncy .......................... Cincinnati Ohio { ` ~¤ ? Bachelor of Science 4 Graham Edgar .................................. Lexington Q Louise Marie Kornfeld ........................... Louisville ·~l _ = L}, Goldye Theo Lazams ...... . ..................... Louisville y · ·` N ,_= — Florence May Maddocks ...... . ................... Munfreesboro, Tenn,. tpl “‘ Thomas Foreman Ott ............................ Lexington - " S George Gwin Scearce ...................... . . . . . . Frankfort i Howell Davis Spears ............................. Lexington ; __ Elizabeth Ward Wallis ............................ Lexington Y; l it · r 2 * li Bachelor of Science in Agriculture >_ 4 Don Pedro Branson .............................. Dye A ` _ a Louis Edward Hillenmeyer ........................ Lexington l Q wl ` Charles Alfred Mahan ............................ Lancaster ‘ William Durrette Nicholls ............... . . ........ Bloomfield Q i Benjamin Franklin Scheriiius ...... . ............... Lynnville ~ — Q 9 1 ` Bachelor of Science in Pedagogy Q i = Xi; \ Clarence Beauchamp Fish .................. . . . . . . .Lexington · 1 ji { { ? ‘ if > l l » · e > = 1 ‘ . “ i s F 'L i i ‘ Bachelor of Civil Engineering J q = is — _ E Robert Louis Acker ............................ Paducah VV l it John Griiin Allen ...... . .... . ................. Owensboro [ i l Stanley T. Baer . . .... . . . . ..................... Louisville l j Q ‘; Louis Sterling Boggess .......................... Lawrenceburg { William Waters Brown . . . . . . . . . ................. Shelbyville I - ` Samuel Boin Coleman ........................... Elkton ¤ Ambrose Byrd Cram . ........ . ...... . ........... Morgan ; l Ernest Myers Denham ........ . ..... , , ........ . . Williamsburg I l iis? 1* Daniel Jackson Dodd . . . . . ...... . . . .........,,,, ,Loxjngtou gl; ·{ ly Arthur Liston Donan ‘ ............ . ............... Three Springs V ’ {» g Joseph George Herman .......................... Newport ii; tl ;_ ` Albert Sharkey Karsner . . . ...... . ............... Lexington In " James Talbot Madison ...... . ................... CyI1tl1ia.I1a. - l; { l l` `~ Walter MeKinny. .... . . ................ . ....... Mt, Salem ‘l§ { A James Harvey Letton .... . . ...... . . . .......... . . .Pai·iS l { ;` Frank Chester Paullin. ...- - .·.-.·--··-· . ·····.... Springfield, Ill. Elijah Latham Rees ...... . ................ . ..,, , ,Loxiugton 3 ii Phillip Francis Shannon ...... . ........ . .... . . . . . . Lexington Il " James Francis Stigers . . . . . .... . ................. Frankfort ‘]_ U] 3 George Morris Strachan 4 ........ · ................ Louisville Y` Al Q; Gordon Sumner . .... . . . .... . ................... Greenville it A j *=· :_ William Drane Woodward . · - · » --·-·-.--.-........ Beaver Dam Lg W A ;V 2 l I mechanical Engineer » J _ __ _ Emerson Everett Ramey ................ . ......... Chicago, Ill. _; lg; ° E J if John Eve Matthews . .... . .......... . ............. Philadelphia, Pa. i` 9 Bachelor of JKCechanical Engineering 4;; ‘ 3 ,, '_ " John Roger Ammerman ...... . . . . . . .... . ......... Cynthiana yp. I ~ Robert Allen Carse ...... . .......... . . .... . . . . . . .Ricl’1m011d ,¥l ` ` Berrywick Staley Craig ...... . ._ .... . .......... . . .Versailles 2 David Chenault Estill . .... . ..................... Farmdale ] ‘[f '_ Walter Augustus Farrell · ......................... Dalton ${3 it Paul Clifton Grunwell .... . ....................... Baltimore, Md, _ ` ` ·. Q Guylie Benton Howard ...... . ................... Rookvale ll} __ ` Fayette Hewitt Lawson ...... . ................... Shively / ·*? Leo Logan Lewis .............................. Lexington Fred_lonesRankin...........................-·.MODtiCellO [ Perrin Rule . ...... . ............................ Falmouth { il AE Charles Edgar Schoene .......................... Henderson 5 Joseph Miles Sprague ............................ Caseyville l ll _ John William Thomas ...... . ........... . ......... Georgetown [gil, §5{ James Wetstein Thorne .......................... Louisville John Joel Yager ................................. Leitchfield i iiflii l A-ll · _ A l `i.‘ all l . all Q — ll J2 .—»‘ l ;ll lf? E ll I » · gl; sg . I E LL, ·‘ K . V —· —·-- -· -~—~~»-——~···~ · ~ ·~·— - ·-····-· -· ·;-;~ ····· ; ....-..TL~Z~'YZZ""‘»iT `T"_"" l . l i j if i CCOMMENCEMENT EXERCISES y 3 { THURSDAY, JUNE 6, I0 A. M. I ` STATE COLLEGE CHAPEL · · Invocation. i , ‘* I ik ¤·., Y ‘ MUSIC. I } f.__ .·_ l tr —— 1 *> , ORATION, Classical Learning I gi l g Beverly Todd Towery, Classical, Providence. A xg { j ORATION, Conquests of Chemistry Q Thomas Foreman Ott, Scentific, Lexington. Z j ‘lE_i 'j . l J I Z',] Music. . Vi Ei ORATION, Some Recent Tests of Efficiency of Passenger Locomotives I'! l Robert Allen Carse, Mechanical Engineering, Richmond. ORATION, The Age of Accomplishrnen Y §'j, Robert Louis Acker, Civil Engineering, Paducah. Music. I Y ORATION, Education and Free Government , . E ~ ‘ Clarence Beauchamp Fish, Pedagogy, `Lexington. ORATION, The Kentucky Farmer l IQ} William Durrett Nicholls, Agricultural, Bloomfield. 5 "I i —— I Et . lff Music. I I) {Jl ESSAY, Dreams ‘ ll' ”_, Florence May Maddocks, Murfreesborough, Tenn. l jj . Young Ladies’ Representative. I ’ ORATION, * The Event A i . William Shacklette Hamilton, Brandenburg. __ _ ( i`;§j·‘ Class Representative. ` i _? . F. A MUSIC . ‘ A : ADDRESS, Major General J. Franklin Bell, Chief of Stai U. S. Army, . l Washington, D. C. l j` ‘ —·—- _ , .-tg ——— z K I · CONFERRING OF DEGREES. yi .· . I DELIVERY or DIPLOMAS. l Yzff A ‘ ° Benediction. ,, - V; t' ‘ l I t rj `{ I I <`I Q V ' E ` I 1`.; , ,, · , . " · *·* . V ‘ " "" " " ___ ‘ V-***7**7 nr" A _ `I V 4 "4 ` _ ` ` _° __ , S I { lil . . F 4 i l ll! 1- g v ‘ · E I g g THESES y ‘ H _.' , ; _ —_{ For Bachelor of Arts—EngIzZsh Major ' rg . il; JOSIE MCCOUN ALEXANDER- . , The Interplay of Gaelic and English Literature. l WILLIAM. SI-IACKLETTE HAMILTON- I `A gy Tentative Laws of Social and Literary Imitation. ROBERT SINGLETON HART- A4 ig i ·. X Literary Relations of Italy, Spain, Germany, and Britain in the Six- I f fl teenth Century. ` ~\*` l . .···*" AUGUSTUS MONTILLMON KIRBY— { { A Genesis of the Kelt and l1is Literary Art. l *? l _ • __ 5 SADIE SPEARS MARTIN- , , ir] V Hellenic Romance and its Sequel. l . INA KAY SMITH- j ¤ =‘ Inductive Study of the Affinities between Music and Poetry. `V » ,¤ BEVERLY TODD TOWERY- l , A The Rhythm of Greek and Roman Verse; its Relation to Cosmic l E' Rhythms. · g :_ For Master of Science V R j ’ I HAROLD LINDSAY AMOSS- - ` A New Reagent for the Recognition and Estimation of Free Hydro- I; chloric Acid in Gastric Contents. ' I BENJAMIN ROBERT HART- A} {4 A Study of the Milk and Water Supply of the City of St. Louis, Mo. VICTOR EMANUEL MUNCY— lrgy l` Determination and Study of the Coefficient of Induction. ~il ls' jzi 'xg Por Bachelor of Science gt All lj, 1}, GRAHAM EDGAR- A Study of Guajol. * ., ~;_. f - _; GEORGE GWIN SCEARCE—- A Revision of the Geology of Fayette County, Ky. - Q. l~=— M il _ . . I * z_ i r tl 1 E * l For Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. y in DON PEDRO BRANSON— _ _ The Germination of Corn Used for Seed in Kentucky. ’% ` LOUIS EDWARD HILLENMEYER— The Improvement of Cultivated Fruits with Special Reference to our I il, ` Native Plums and Grapes. ` —_ l CHARLES ALFRED MAHAN— i' A Study of the Fertilizer Requirements and Chemical Analyses of the i y Soils of the Diierent Geological Formations found in Fayette County, , I Kentucky. i WILLIAM DURRETT NICHOLLS— 3 21 Methods of Securing Cleanliness in Milk Production as Shown by a ` l. ‘ Bacteriological Study. { 1 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SCHERFFIUS— j l A Study of the Milk Supply of Louisville from the Elizabethtown l J · DlSi1'iCt. i ,5 — v' . l For Bachelor of Science in Pedagogy 1 I i k CLARENCE BEAUCHAMP FISH- { 1 Education and Free Govemment. , il; A I I [ t _ rl · For Mechanical Engineer r ‘ il J EMERSON EVERETT RAMEY— i V Recent Tests of Passenger Train Movement. Discussion of Method p ’ rl 1 of Testing and Apparatus Used, with Design of Recording Machine Y and Discussion of a Representative Record from this Machine. I I. JOHN EVE MATTHEWS- . Some of the Common Commercial Applications of Fan Blower and l Exhauster. E l For Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering f ` \ JOHN ROGER AMMERMAN AND PERRIN RULE- Q ._ r {li A Photographic Description and Record of Railway Signals on the ‘ . 4 \ ifi. Queen & Crescent System, between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Somerset, Q l Kentucky. ` . l Q ROBERT ALLEN CARSE AND WALTER AUGUSTUS FARRELL— I i iX A Series of Passenger Locomotive Tests on the Cincinnati Southem to r ii l i Determine the Relative Efficiency of Various Kinds of Coals. ii § i ` p l; A ‘ N v; - i til BERRYWICK STALEY CRAIG AND FRED JONES RANKIN- V Complete Design and Construction of Five Horse Power Direct Current Shunt Motor. _ . ii DAVID CHNENAULT ESTILL AND GUYLIE BENTON HOWARD- J ‘ ] A Discussion of Various Methods of Firing Steam Boilers together Q ji with an Investigation of Methods of Preventing Smoke. it _ j PAUL CLIFTON GRUNWELL- E A Description of a Process for the manufacture of Parafiine from Crude ` A Petroleum. p pjQ he LEO LOGAN LEWIS- - I g { Experimental Study of the Calorific Properties of Natural Gas Supplied j v to the City of Lexington. y FAYETTE HEWITT LAWSON AND JOHN WILLIAM THOMAS- c r Experimental Study of Automatic Railway Signals. L A I xl' i ’_ I CHARLES EDGAR SCHOENE- V J. . A Study of Rotary Magnetic Fields. i JOSEPH MILES SPRAGUE AND JOHN JOEL YAGER- I N A A Description of the Commercial Application of the Hot Blast v_ System of Heating and Ventilation. A ’ JAMES WETSTEIN THORNE- {j V tl A Calorimetric Study of Southem Coals. V ii ai o For Bachelor of Civil Engineering _ I . ‘ ROBERT LOUIS ACKER, AMBROSE BYRD CRAM AND FRANK L _l CHESTER PAULLIN- - L» i IE5 iii Design of 120-foot Highway Bridge. ` Y] JOHN GRIFFIN ALLEN AND JAMES FRANCIS STIGERS- i _ Hydrographic Survey of Hydraulic Company’s Reservoir. 2;; ci? `lr jE§f STANLEY T. BAER, SAMUEL BOIN COLEMAN, WILLIAM DRANE » ··L WOODWA.RD— Construction of 13 miles of Railroad. LOUIS STERLING BOGGESS AND WALTER MCKINNEY- » ~ ii Lexington Garbage Crematory and Methods of Disposal of Refuse in F ‘ fl ii the City of Lexington. . _ i P? ill 4 T Q lx ‘ L., `. { i B it ———_ ”“`*M ? Q r 2 he 5 1 _ 2 g A . g A.; I I-¤ JAMES HERVEY LETTON— Q Cement Testing. { 2 * _ WILLIAM WATERS BROWN, RHILLIB FRANCIS SHANNON AND gl GEORGE MORRIS STRACHAN— i a ·· Design of a Civil Engineering Building. ig I zi ERNEST MYERS DENHAM, JAMES TALBOT MADISON AND I T- JI W ELIJAH LATHAM REBS-- J = Q, +§ System of Triangulation for the State College of Kentucky. . xi { S DANIEL JACKSON DODD, JOSEPH GEORGE HERMANN AND A ALBERT SI-IARKEY I