xt718911pw2d_241 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK 90th Annual Commencement Exercises 1957 program text UK 90th Annual Commencement Exercises 1957 program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_5/2010ua027_p3_5_13/4297/4297.pdf 1957 May 27 1957 1957 May 27 section false xt718911pw2d_241 xt718911pw2d $ Huiuvmiig uf Kvniurkg ¤ if E Niuviivih Aumml Qlummmrvmmi Exvrriavz Niuvivvn Elurrhxwh EHifig—%vu211 muuimg, mug Ihr Glmvnig-Svvuvuih 5 Hliemnrial Olnlimmm 1H:l]H Adm. ` Qlmtral Bagligigt Saving Zilimz ] iilvxinginn I THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION ll Aide de Camp to the President Richard Layne Craft Cadet Colonel l { MARSHALS Marshal ofthe Day Colonel William Ewing Grubbs, United States Army Assistants to the Marshal of the Day 2 Lieutenant Colonel Albert Herman Hutchinson, Jr., United States Air Force E Major Olaf Warren Christopherson, United States Army g Major Elden Ernest Evans, United States Army · Major Robert Thomas Palmer, United States Air Force l Major Milton Roelofs, United States Air Force j Captain Bruce Alan Brigham, United States Army Captain Robert Leroy Eckard, Jr., United States Air Force I Captain Lelgia Francis Emmick, United States Air Force ` Captain Robert Jacob Plarr, United States Army _ Captain Robert Mercer Robinson, United States Army First Lieutenant Carvel Edwin Mahaffey, Jr., United States Air Force First Lieutenant James Joseph Romer, United States Air Force - Chief Warrant Officer, Warrant—4, John Benjamin Fuqua, United States Army Master Sergeant Luther Lee Baxter, United States Army Master Sergeant Ollie Eugene Day, United States Air Force Master Sergeant Charles Harman Dunn, Jr., United States Air Force Master Sergeant Lawrence Logan Harvey, United States Army Master Sergeant Maynard Ralph McClain, United States Army Master Sergeant John Woodro Morgan, United States Army Master Sergeant Melville Brownell Schenck, United States Army Technical Sergeant William Harold McConnoll, United States Air Force Staff Sergeant Troy Fletcher Spence, Jr., United States Air Force Cadet Lieutenant Colonel James Murrell Deacon, Jr., Scabbard and Blade Cadet First Sergeant Gerald Dewitt Cyrus, Scabbard and Blade ~ Cadet First Sergeant Joseph Robinson Goodman, Scabbard and Blade Cadet First Sergeant John Joel Watson, Scabbard and Blade Cadet Master Sergeant William Kenneth Hudson, Scabbard and Blade Cadet Master Sergeant Wesley Derald Hunt, Jr., Scabbard and Blade Cadet Master Sergeant Frank Nisbet King, Jr., Scabbard and Blade J Cadet Master Sergeant William Eugene Rider, Scabbard and Blade Cadet Master Sergeant Robert Charles Rives lll, Scabbard and Blade ft Cadet Master Sergeant Clay Campbell Ross, Jr., Scabbard and Blade . Cadet Sergeant Second Grade Dwight William Carpenter, Scabbard and Blade lj Cadet Sergeant Second Grade Donald Phey Mills l l l l THE ORDER OF MARCH l The University Band l The National and University Colors The Marshal of the Day The President of the University and the Governor of Kentucky The Trustees of the University and Official Guests The Vice Presidents of the University, Dean of Women, Dean of _ Men, and Dean of Admissions and Registrar A The Deans of the Colleges and Other Administrative Officials l The Half Century Club The Special Members of the University Staff The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics The Faculty of the College of Engineering The Faculty of the College of Law The Faculty of the College of Education The Faculty of the College of Commerce The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy The Faculty of the College of Adult and Extension Education The Candidates for Advanced Degrees The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics Q The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Law The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Commerce The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy Ushers are members of Alpha Lambda Delta and Q Cwens, Honorary Sororities ORDER OF EXERCISES E PRESIDENT FRANK GRAVES DICKEY, Presiding E PROCESSIONAL INVOCATION -—The Reverend Garland O’Nei|I ‘ Pastor, Christ the King Church Lexington, Kentucky I OVERTURE TO BEATRICE AND BENEDICT .............................................. Berlioz University Symphonic Band INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS ........ Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice President INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER .......................................... President Dickey ADDRESS —The Honorable Lister Hill I United States Senator ` Montgomery, Alabama CONFERRING OF DEGREES AND AWARDS ................................ President Dickey CHARGE TO THE GRADUATING CLASS .................................... Dr. Chamberlain ALMA MATER ...................................................................................... Lampert Audience and Band } BENEDICTION — The Reverend Wayne B. Smith Minister, Southland Christian Church Lexington, Kentucky NATIONAL ANTHEM ........................................................................ Key-Smith _ Audience and Band I CARILLONIC BELLS r COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MARTIN MARSHALL WHITE, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Lois Mae Allen ................................ English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ..................,........... Sebree Lenore Abney Baber .......................... Topical Field—Principles , of Librarianship .................... Winchester I William Cain Ballantine .................... Arts-Engineering .................... Anchorage Ralph Thompson Ballard .................... Topical Field—·-Physical and Biological Bases of Behavior .............. Harrodsburg Anne Winsmore Beard ...................... English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ........................ Lexington Donald Beckett ,............................... Art ......................................,....... Louisville James Thomas Belcher ...................... Radio Arts .............................. Central City Kenneth David Bell .......................... Economics .................................. Lexington Edward Church Blackwell .................. Journalism ....,........................... Frankfort Joe Earle Blalock .............................. English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ............................ Murray Frederick Walter Bond ...................... Political Science ........................ Shelbyville Angelo Augusto Borras ...................... Music .......................... Long Island, N. Y. William Gale Bradley, Jr. .................. Radio Arts ................................ Monticello Arthur Leroy Brooks, Jr. .................. Arts—Law .................................. Lexington John Young Brown, Jr. .................... Arts—Law ....................,...........,. Lexington James Hewitt Byrdwell ...................... Arts-Law ......,........................... Lexington Mary Watson Campbell .................... Social Work ......,............... . ......... Lexington Albert Benjamin Chandler, Jr. .......... Political Science .......................... Frankfort Leonard Stanley Chauvin, Jr. ............ Political Science ............................ Franklin Alva Chrisman ...........,...................... Journalism .................................... Fonthill ~ William Kenneth Clark ...................... Art ............................................ Lexington Jane Boggs Cole ................................ Topical Field—Recreation .......... Lexington Yandell Beckham Collins, Jr. ............ English, Speech, and , Dramatic Arts .......................... Louisville I Judith Wyles Crow ............................ English, Speech, and I Dramatic Arts ............................ Franklin Frances Gertrude Edney .................... Journalism .................................. Lexington Carole Ann Ehleben .......................... English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ........................ Lexington I Edward Walker Eversole .................... Political Science .......................... Lexington I Cortez Francis .................................. Art ................................... . ............ Eubank I Bettie Dean Gabehart ........................ Topical Field—Religious ' Aspects of Culture .................. Lexington I » George Ellen Gay .............................. Journalism .................................. Lexington I r NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Otis Edward Gibson ............................ Political Science ...................... Hardinsburg Fredrick Henry Goldbecker, Jr. .......... Modern Foreign Languages .......... Louisville Carolyn Graham ...i............................ English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts .......................... Louisville Douglas Charles Grant ...................... Topical Fie|d——Pub|ic Relations .. Covington James Baker Hall .............................. English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ........................ Lexington Lois Cammack Hall ............................ English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ........................ Lexington Graydon Oliver Hambrick, Jr. ............ Journalism .................................. Lexington Katharine Harelson .......................... Ancient Languages ...................... Lexington Ellis Killinger Harkleroad .................. Radio Arts ..........,........................... Corbin Roger Allen Harrington .................... Geography .................................. Louisville S Harriet Hatchell ................................ Journalism ................................ Covington i Julie Ann Hawkins ............................ Social Work .................................... Murray l Margaret Gay Hodgkin ...................... History .................................... Winchester Patricia Ann Hoffman ...................... Radio Arts .................................. Louisville Bobby Jewell Holt ............................ Geography ................................ Coxs Creek James Edward Horner ........................ Journalism ................................ Bath, N. Y. William Kenney Houston .................. Chemistry .......................................... Paris Martin Lewis Huffaker ...................... Chemistry .................................. Monticello Janet Charlton Hummel .................... Sociology .................................... Louisville Linza Bernard lnabnit ....,................... Arts—Law ..........................,. Lawrenceburg Jeannette Hill Jennings .................... Modern Foreign Languages ........ Lexington Richard Thomas Jennings .................. English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ........................ Lexington Marilyn Evans Jones .......................... English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ............ North Middletown Mary Ann Kullack ............................ Radio Arts ............................ Dayton, Ohio Elizabeth Allan Thomas Kuster .......... English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ........................ Cynthiana Nancy Arnold Leek .,........................ Social Work ................................ Lexington Richard Leroy Lehman ................. . .... Social Work ........................ Johnstown, Pa. Gary Randall Leslie .....................,...... Anatomy and Physiology .............. Pikeville Laleah Nell Logan ............................ Sociology .................................. Henderson A Norma Jean McBurney ...................... Psychology .............. Colorado Springs, Colo. ~ Martha Carolyn McClain .................. Topical Fie|d—Medica| Secretary ............... . .............. Monticello Marian Dulaney McClelland .......,...... History .......................... Ft. Devens, Mass. , Simpson Elliott McConkey ................ Political Science ................................ Irvine l Dorothy Mitchell Mack ...................... Social Work ................................ Lexington J Betsy Lou Marquis ............................ Psychology ................. Ft. McPherson, Ga. Dayton Harris Matlick ...................... Journalism ..... , ...................... Jeffersontown James Kolb Miles .............................. Radio Arts .................................. Lexington Jack Lee Miller ................................ Political Science .......................... Lexington George Arlington Moore .................... English, Speech, and . Dramatic Arts .... , ................... Lexington l Mary Evelyn Neel .............................. Social Work .............................. Henderson °_ Jack Harper Norris, Jr. .............,........ Radio Arts . ......................... Richmond, Va. Elizabeth Patricia Nurney .................. Topical Field—Re|igious Aspects of Culture .................. Washington, D. C. · 7 l NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Lucy Kirk Moberley Oaks ................ Social Work ............... . ................ Lexington Jane Boswell Patterson ...................... English, Speech, and ` Dramatic Arts ........................ Cynthiana Y Barbaranelle Paxton .......................... History ...................... . ................... Paducah Sandra Jane Peterson ........................ Philosophy ,................. New Rochelle, N. Y. Moira Burns Quinn ............................ Journalism ..............,...`............... Lexington ` Hughes Hamilton Rice, Jr. ............. ...Political Science .......,................ Lexington Patricia Ward Richards ...................... English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts .......................... Frankfort Ann Louise Foster Rives ...... . ............. Music .................................. Lawrenceburg Barbara Jean Roberts ........................ Topical Field—Religious Aspects of Culture .............................. Lexington Mildred Ann Rohdenburg .................. Library Science .................. Cincinnati, Ohio Paul Martin Ross .............................. Physics ........................................ Frankfort Robert Montgomery Saxton .............. Journalism .................................. Louisville Carl Ray Seale .................................. Chemistry ...................... Big Stone Gap, Va. Ann Adelaide Shelton ....,.. . ................ Sociology ...................................... Mayfield Sonia Alexander Shine ...................... Modern Foreign Languages .......... Lexington Suzanne Shively ................................ English, Speech, and ' Dramatic Arts ......................., Lexington Mary Joan Short ................................ Social Work ................ Huntington, W. Va. James Marion Silvers ........................ History ...................................... Lexington Nancy Lee Smoot .............................. Political Science .............. Coral Gables, Fla. David Vernon Stewart ........................ Journalism ....,............................. Louisville Donald James Stewart ...................... Radio Arts ..............,................... Louisville John Strachan .................................. Journalism .................................. Lexington Jean Carole Suter .............................. Art—Education ............................ Owenton Walter Thomas Swetnam .................. Journalism ................................ Winchester J Nancy Shattuck Taylor ...................... English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts .................. Arlington, Va. Bruce Harris Terrell .......................... History .......................................... Paducah Tamara Thompson ..........,................. Art ............................................ Lexington Jane Ellen Thornburg ........................ Art—·Education .......... Huntington, W. Va. Barry Lyman Wall ............................ History ........................ Birmingham, Mich. Donald Adron Wallace ...................... Journalism ...................................... Stearns I. Jay Weaver .................................. Political Science ........................ Springdale Beti Ethel Webb ................. . .............. English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts .......................... Louisville James Richard Webb .............,.......... English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts .................. Lawrenceburg Suzanne Whilden Webb .................... Social Work .................................. Ashland Earl Richard Wessell ........................ History ...................................... Lexington _ Robert Maurice White ...................... Journalism .................................. Louisville Thomas Wayne White ...................... Journalism .......................... Plymouth, Ind. Ella Sue Whitlow .............................. Library Science ........................ Horse Cave Marcia Elaine Wilder ........................ Social Work ................................ Louisville John Marion Williams ...................... Political Science ............................ Ashland Kenneth Walter Williams .................. English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts ...................... Ft. Thomas . 8 i . l NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Duane Edward Williamson ................ History ...................................... Lexington il David Joseph Wolfe .......................... Political Science ............................ Ashland I CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ` NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Louis Calvin Baker ............................ Zoology .......................................... Bagdad Frederick Wallace Bennett ................ Geology ...................................... Louisville Coyet Bolen ...................................... Psychology .................................. Lexington Lowell Eugene Brandenburg ......,....... Geology ...................................... Lexington James Walter Brooks ........................ Bacteriology ................................ Lexington Charles Mathew Bump ...................... Bacteriology ...................... Flushing, Mich. William John Collis .......................... Anatomy and Physiology .......... Winchester Roland Combs ....................,........,.... Anatomy and Physiology ................ Hazard Harry Lee Conley, Jr. ........................ Chemistry .................................... Somerset John Irwin Cooper ............................ Bacteriology ................................ Lexington _ William Graves Davidson .................. Mathematics and Astronomy ...... Lexington Bobby Miller DeWeese ...................... Anatomy and Physiology ............ La Center . Joseph Alexander Ferguson .............. Anatomy and Physiology .............. Huntington, W. Va. George Logan Foster ........................ Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington John Robert Freeman ........................ Anatomy and Physiology ................ Danville Elizabeth Joan Fritz .......................... Chemistry .................................. Lexington Ronald Nolan Gordon ........................ Mathematics and Astronomy ...... Lexington Mark Edward Gormley ...................... Geology ...................................... Versailles Robert Lewis Hamby .......................... Anatomy and Physiology ...... Austin, Texas . Earl Samuel Handley, Jr. .................. Zoology ...................................... Louisville _ Charles Edward Harris ...................... Physics ................................ West Paducah I William Morris Hendrickson .............. Botany ............................................ Liberty Curtis Delano Herron ........................ Chemistry ...................................... Russell William Warren Hoffman .................. Chemistry .................................. Covington Robert Milton Huffaker ..,................. Physics ...................................... Monticello Michael O’Leary Hunt ...................... Arts—Forestry ............................ Louisville Reedes Hurt ...................................... Anatomy and Physiology .................... Anco Ovid Marion Johnson, Jr. .................. Geology ...................................... Lexington Thomas Morris Jones ........................ Anatomy and Physiology .................. Frakes William Carl Kempster ...................... Topical Field-——Chemica| and Industrial Salesmanship .... Brookfield, lll. Paul Lewis Kiefer .............................. Chemistry ................ . ................... Bellevue ‘ George Griffith King, Jr. .................. Chemistry ..............,................... Lexington Sandra Kay Kitchen .......................... Mathematics and Astronomy .......... Ashland Benjamin Han Lim ............................ Chemistry ............................ Newark, N. J. i Joyce Marlene Lutz .......................... Mathematics and Astronomy .......... Dayton David Foster McAneIIy ...................... Anatomy and Physiology .................. Liberty Robert Francis McCarthy .................. Chemistry .......................,... . ...... Lexington Charles Thomas McCullough, Jr. ...... Anatomy and Physiology ........ Morganfield Warren G McHargue ........................ Zoology .......................................... Corbin Sallie Ann Morrow ............................ Mathematics and Astronomy ........ Lancaster Thomas Henry Morrow ...................... Geology ...................................... Frankfort I George Lawrence Parsons, Jr. .......... ..PsychoIogy ................... . .................. Millard . 9 ~ I 1 NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Rebecca Restrepo .............................. Hygiene and Public ll Health ............ Medellin, Colombia, S. A. I Willard Eugene Rubarts .................... Geology ...................................... Dunnville Robert Patrick Schiavone .................. Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington K Thomas Joseph Schneider ................ Geology ...................................... Frankfort i Thomas Earl Shown .......................... Anatomy and Physiology ............ Owensboro Sandra Lea Skinner ............................ Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington · Charles Lee Stephens, Jr. .................. Anatomy and Physiology ........ Williamsburg Gene Allen Thomas .......................... Bacteriology ................................ Owenton Dan Freeman Travis .............. . ........... Geology ...................................... Covington James Kenneth Vincent .................... Geology .......................................... Maceo Alva Challie Ward ............................ Geology .............................. Barnetts Creek - Robert Norman Watkins .................... Chemistry .................. . ................... Ashland Erlyn Merl Wright ............................ Geology .................................. Catlettsburg CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN JOURNALISM NAME ADDRESS Peggy Joyce Adams ............................................................,............... La Grange Marvin Davidson Beard lll ...................................................................... Paducah Roger Malcolm Crump .................................................... . ....................... Pikeville CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC NAME ADDRESS Eugenie Baird ................................................................................ Bowling Green Carl Otto Bleyle .................................................................................. Ft. Thomas Ouida Anne Farmer ................................................................................ Somerset Faye Marie Gibson .......................................................,...................... Owensboro I Georgia Anderson Hill ................................................,....................... Lexington Merle Ruth Mclntosh .....................................................,............ Kingsport, Tenn. Joseph Harold Nave .............................................................. Elizabethton, Tenn. Leona Kaye Parker .........................................,...................................... Olive Hill I Charles Howard Sampson ...................................................................... Louisville T Charles Kessler Sims ................................................................................ Wilmore I Emily Clyde Walter ........................................... . ............................ Independence I Faith Emily Way .................................................................................. Lexington Robert Wayne Wills .......................................................................... Mt. Sterling CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY NAME ADDRESS Barbara Joan Blevins .......................................................................... Cumberland ` Virginia Grinstead Depp ..............................,....................................... Owensboro Dewey Johnson Justice ............................................................................ Pikeville Betty Don Shay Mulberry .................................................................... Winchester _ Patricia Ann Nichols .............................................................................. Louisville Lora Lou Southwood ............................................................................ Monticello ` Marian Lorine Whitesel ...................................................................... Owensboro Mary Lynn Wolf ...................................................................... Kansas City, Kans. IO I t I 1 ‘i I I l COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS ` FRANK JAMES WELCH, Dean I CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE NAME ADDRESS I Robert Paul Arnold ..................................................................,....... Flemingsburg Ranny Lee Ayer .......................................................................................... Livia John Carl Bach .....................................,.................................................... Harlan Orville Barkley Baird ............................................................................ Cynthiana Leroy Baker ..,.................................................................................,. Laurel Creek Marcus Randall Barnett .................................................................... Harrodsburg Kenneth Clarke Bean ..................................................,.....................,. Horse Cave Billy Joe Bennett ...............................,................................................ Owensboro Beverly Lynne Botsford .............................................................. Springfield, Ohio Garnett Lowell Bradford ........................................................,............... Cynthiana John Herolcl Bundy, Jr. ..............................,..................................... Dallas, Texas John Curtis Burgess .................................................................................. Louisa Arlen V Burton .......................................................................................... Nancy Lloyd Lee Cain ................................................................,....................... Conway Stewart McBrayer Calvert ................................................................ Lawrenceburg William Francis Carroll lll ,................................................................... Skokie, lll. I James Donald Casey .................................................................................... Berea Gaylord Reid Caswell ................................................................................ Carlisle Ernest Lyle Clifford ...............................,.............................................. Cynthiana Jerry Cobb Colley .................................................................................. Mayfield ` Jimmey Dow Combest .............................................................................. Liberty A Theodore Rudy Conway .............................................................................. Milton I Maurice Gayle Cook ..........................................................,....................... Hatton I James William Cox .................................................................. McKenzie, Tenn. Irving Crosby, Jr. .............................................................,................ Augusta, Ga. Richard Emmitt Crutcher .............................................................. Lawrenceburg Marvin Edward Davidson ..............................................................,......... Mayfield Alvin Taylor Davis, Jr. ........................................................................ Lexington Miller Lloyd Doyle ......,............................................................................... Paris William Robert Dunham .................................................................. Jeffersontown Wilbert Harold Earley ...................,........................................................ Rockhold I William James Evans ...................................................,........................ Olive Hill Arlis Bailey Faulkner .................................................,...................... Williamsburg Robert Warren Featherston, Jr. ............................................................ Lexington ` Finnell Lowell Fields ..,......................................................................... Brooksville · Roy Duvall Gibson .............................................................................. Taylorsville Carroll Don Godby .................................................................................. Owenton James Lois Goodlett .............................................................................. Bondville Wayne Hughes ........................................................................................ London I I l l \ I NAME ADDRESS Richard Harold Jett .............................................................................. Guerrant Ray Edwin Johnson ................................................................................ East View Paul Gene Kyle .................................................................................... Worthville `* Thomas Leland Lyne, Jr. ...................................................................... Lexington _ Alvin Guy McAne||y ...................................................................... Campbellsville ‘ Charles Robert McDowell ...................................................................... Maysville I William Lucas Maddox ............................................................................ Florence { James Sloane Mobberly, Jr. ................................................................ Owensboro I Earl Griggs Moore, Jr. ...................................................................... Harrodsburg George Wendell Mountjoy .............................................................. Lawrenceburg Edward Ray Netherland .................................................................. Campbellsville Thomas Albert Noe ........................................................................ Cam