xt718911pw2d_242 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Commencement Exercises Summer Session program text UK Commencement Exercises Summer Session program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_6/2010ua027_p3_6_1/4337/4337.pdf 1957 August 2 1957 1957 August 2 section false xt718911pw2d_242 xt718911pw2d 5 Hniuvmiiy uf Kvniurkg 4 ° © sg rg ¢%&¢ GTLHIIIHIPHEPHIPHT iE3€P1‘IiHP§ ;%ummm: §z¤ziun Niuvivvn Hurnhrvh 3Hiftg-52uvn § Eiriimg, Auguasi Ihr g712fH11iI { Mvmurial Qluiizwum 7:H}] mlm. ifmxinginn l j THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION l 3 Marshal of the Day il Colonel William Ewing Grubbs, United States Army The National and University Colors L The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day The Trustees of the University and Official Guests ;’ The Vice Presidents, Dean of Women, Dean of Men, Dean of ; Admissions and Registrar and Comptroller _ The Deans of the Colleges and Other Administrative Officials The Members of the University Staff on Special Assignment l The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics ` The Faculty of the College of Engineering The Faculty of the College of Law The Faculty of the College of Education The Faculty of the College of Commerce The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy The Faculty of the College of Medicine The Faculty of the College of Adult and Extension Education The Candidates for Advanced Degrees The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Law The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Commerce l il! ll ` ; ORDER OF EXERCISES 6 PRESIDENT FRANK GRAVES DICKEY, Presiding PROCESSIONAL |NVOCATlON—The Reverend E. C. Gartrell Minister, Hunter Presbyterian Church A Lexington, Kentucky .5 MUSlC—O How Amiable .................................................. R. Vaughan-Williams ly Summer School Chorus V ADDRESS—Dr. Earle T. Hawkins \¥ President, State Teachers College g Towson, Maryland 1 gi i CONFERRING OF DEGREES .....,................................................ President Dickey CHARGE TO THE GRADUATING CLASS .... Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice President l l ALMA MATER ...................................................................................... Lampert ll Chorus and Audience ll A BENEDICTION-—The Reverend William A. Holladay Minister, Chevy Chase Baptist Church Lexington, Kentucky [ NATIONAL ANTHEM ........................................................................ Key-Smith ly Chorus and Audience g CARILLONIC BELLS I l I. ll I I COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MARTIN MARSHALL WHITE, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS L Donald Cleon Adams ........................ Geography .................................. Lexington Ralph Henry Albers .......................... Philosophy .................................. Lexington I John Smith Alexander ...................... History .................................... Harrodsburg Katherine Lewis Andrews .................. English, Speech, and §’ Dramatic Arts ........................ Lexington I; Charles Emil Carter .......................... Arts—Law .................................. Lockport Joyce Ruth Elise Childers .................. Modern Foreign Languages ........ Lexington I Ronald Hanley Chilton ...................... Music ...................... . ..................... Danville _ Bruce Sutton Coleman ...................... Modern Foreign Languages ........ Lexington ; Will Henry Collins ............................ Psychology ............................ Lombard, lll. ‘ Richard Marvin Davis ..,................... Political Science ........................ Lexington I¤ James Murrell Deacon, Jr. ................ Arts—Law ................................ Lexington John Robert Dougherty .................... Sociology .................................... Lexington i Ellen Marie Flippo ............................ History ................................ Leesburg, Va. i John Patton Gartin ............................ Arts—Law .................................... Ashland Ivan Franklin Hanner ........................ History ...................................... Lexington Olson Huff ........................................ Chemistry ................................ Salem, Ind. Robert Eugene Lancaster .................. Music ........................................ Lexington William Clark Latham ....................., Journalism ........................ Tacoma, Wash. y Daniel Chester Lentz .....,.................. Chemistry .................................. Lexington ‘ Gross Clay Lindsay ............................ Arts—Law ................................ Henderson Judith Kane Luigart .......................... Sociology .....,.............................. Lexington I Philip Elbert Mclntosh ...................... Journalism .......................... De Land, Fla. I Edward Kilgore Martin, Jr. .............. Chemistry .................................. Frankfort Dale Charles Nathan .,...................... Political Science .......................... Louisville I Roy Corliss Perkins .......................... Sociology ...............................,.. Lexington A Mary Annette Popeo ........................ Sociology .................................. Lexington I Michael Neal Prunty ........................ Chemistry ...................................... Jenkins Aubrey Lee Roberts, Jr. .................... Arts—Law ................................ Owensboro Georgia Samples Russell .................... Modern Foreign Languages ............ Combs I Marion Jack See, Jr. ........................ Arts—Law ...................................... Louisa I 7 t . EI I I » I James William Smith ........................ Arts—Medicine ................................ Fonde I Eve May Love Spinney ...................... Topical Field——PsychoIogical . Aspects of Literature .............. Lexington . Charles Tolliver, Jr. .......................... Chemistry ........................................ Neon Nancy Noble Van Meter .................... Zoology ...................................... Lexington ‘ Billy Travis White ............................ Anthropology ................................ Ashland . John Edward Young .......................... Radio Arts .................... South Ft. Mitchell I CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE I? NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Adrian Nunnery Collins .................... Zoology .................................. Prestonsburg I Wallace Earl Combs .,........................ Anatomy and Physiology ............ Lexington William Charles Golton .................... Chemistry ................................ Winchester I George Marvin Hancock .................... Anatomy and Physiology .......... Russellville I Elizabeth Harelson ............................ Geology .................................... Lexington John William Harrison ...................... Botany .......................................... Ashland Leola Burchfield Herring .................. Topical Fie|d——Bio|ogica| :_· Sciences in Secondary Education .............. Parkersburg, W. Va. Lee Anthony Schaffner .................... Psychology ................................ Louisville I Eugene Lynn Taylor .......................... Anatomy and Physiology ............ Carrollton I James Adra Warren .......................... Geology .......................................... Sebree { l IF CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS _ IN JOURNALISM NAME ADDRESS V Paul Clay Daniel .................................................................................. Lexington ‘ Charles William Kurtz ...................................................................... Harrodsburg fr .I I CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Q NAME ADDRESS ` Ashley Lee Ward ...............................................,.................................. Louisville Q CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY NAME ADDRESS Barbara Sue Hayes ................................................................................ Louisville _ Della McCormick Holbrook .................................................................. Lexington [ Clyda Thornsberry .............,.............................................................. Pippa Passes I . 8 I l I I I I y COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS I MAURICE STANLEY WALL, Associate Dean ·—— I. ly CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE I IN AGRICULTURE I NAME ADDRESS Floyd Beecher Allen ............................................................................ Hueysville Ronald Kieth Anderson .......................................................................... Stanford Joe Phillip Conway ..................................................,.............,............. Carrollton , Willard Louis Crow ............................................................................ Beaver Dam I William Maddox Davis ........................................................................ Shelbyville l' Gerald Holton Deatherage ................................................................ Eagle Station { John Kenneth Evans ............................................................................ Mershons Lawrence Ray Hayden ............................................................................ Sulphur I Rodney Gann Jeter ............................................................................ Hustonville ll George Emerson Jones .................................................................... Hebbardsville ll Sherlock Noel ...................................................................................... Jonesville ` Donald Bennett Powers ...................................................................... Middletown William Nathaniel Sanders .................................................................... Lexington I Jesse Howard Shipp .............................................................................. Glendale ‘ ¤ James Allen Street .............................................................................. Lexington ll Orville Jackson Whitaker ...................... . ............................................. Richmond I Mervin Lewis Williams ...................................................................... Oil Springs Albert Lee Wilson ............................................................................ Hopkinsville CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE _ IN HOME ECONOMICS NAME ADDRESS Ann Mason Cline ...............................,..............................,................. Carrollton Peggy Jo Dingus ........................................ . ............................................. Martin U Glenda Ellen Gentry ........................................................................ Mt. Hermon [ Shirley Charmaine Cole Waldeck ................ , .................,..... Huntington, W. Va. t Martha Dixon Townsend Wooton ...........................................,.................... Nebo ` 9 . I I I COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING I ROBERT EzEI