xt718911pw2d_34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. State University of KY 45th Annual Commencement program text State University of KY 45th Annual Commencement program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p1/2010ua027_p1_4/2010ua027_p1_4_8/1249/1249.pdf 1913 June 5 1913 1913 June 5 section false xt718911pw2d_34 xt718911pw2d STATE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY FORTY FIFTH A ` ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT /’ @2· ;` = I E * I Iy¤}x,·¤,-·;i%<; fl. ‘¤i ·’?$ l ix; } I`.¢»I{}}‘i$Jj W I J3 A I I l THURSDAY, JUNE THE FIFTH _ NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN j I l I I . * K l § BACHELORS DEGREES E _____ BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ENGLISH. I Arthur Titus Bryson .................... South Portsmouth if Walter Cole Jetton ....................... Sedalia Lulie Elizabeth Logan ................... Lexington ‘ I Ella Iiiziah Porter ....................... Lexington . Roscoe Conkling Preston ................. Inez BACHELOR OF ARTS IN LATIN. Iva Belle Boreing ........................ London Lida Scott McCarty ...................... Owensboro Mabel Hardy Pollitt ..................... Vanceburg BACHELOR OF ARTS IN MODERN LANGUAGE. n Maude Creekmore ....................... Lexington “ Viola Moss Eblen ....................... Henderson · Clara Elizabeth Matti .................... Sturgis, Mich. Marie Antoinette Williams ................ Watertown, S. D. BACHELOR OF ARTS IN HISTORY 3 Douglas Duncan Felix .................... Hartford { Lee Hunt .............................. Owensboro E John Elliott Cooper Johnson .............. Tallega 5 Roy Hilman Thomas ..................... Cayce { BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Annabel Acker ......................... Paducah I Elizabeth Bedinger ...................... Hlalton i Louis David Covitz ...................... Lexington I Juliette Samuel Gaines ................... Frankfort I Lucile Adair Gastineau .................. Middlesboro Viola Evelyn Gragg ..................... Somerset » Lorene Catherine Marking ............... Louisville { Mary Belle Pence ....................... Lexington I Yandell Ragan .......................... Cold Spring . Luella Morton Shaffer .................... Ludlow j Frederic Thomas Shultz .................. Narrows , Edith Hurst Stivers ..................,.. Faris Q Elmer Ellsworth Tartar .................. Brady Curtis Burnam Wilson ................... Paint Lick William Claude Wilson ................... Providence l \ i { I fl ¤ S l BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PHYSIOLOGY. l John Hiram Way ........................ Utica l John Estill Wilson ...................... Paint Lick » BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSIOLOGY A `c_r,.-»/ John Sharpe Chambers ................... Murray ` BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION I Inis Gillis .............................. Lexington B Clarence Hudson Richardson .............. Buffalo BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MINING GEOLOGY Sylvan Stewart Price .................... Marion I BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY ’_ William Henry McAdams ................. Lexington l WVilliam Todd Nicoll ..................... Lexington John Wilson Porter, Jr. .................. Maysville H Arnon Owsley Snoddy .................... Glasgow , BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY V · Elmer Louis Rembold .................... Owensboro BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Clayborne Xenophon Johnson ............. Tallega BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ZOOLOGY I Philip Garman .......................... Lexington BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Walter Winston Fitzpatrick ............... Somerset Orestes Foraker Floyd ................... Hustonville AA cm.-~·James Freeman Gilbert .................. Lawrenceburg E ‘~· Edwin Joseph Gott ...................... Bellevue 1 Robert Graham ......................... Lexington Louis Joseph Henrich .................... Newport Joseph Paul_LaMaster ................... Campbellsburg t Ray Innis Matthews ..................... Williamstown * _ Roy Harlan Milton ...................... Lexington Showdy Elbert Puckett .................. Hodgenville _ .. t· *William Henry Rogers ................... Danville · Wallace Vanderpool Smith ............... Lexington `S BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Elizabeth Anne Fried .................... Lexington Mary Elizabeth Taylor ................... Lexington l Y E I A l j BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 Charles Leon Bosley ..................... Owensboro · Frank Davis Cain ....................... Madisonville Henry Lester Farmer .................... Harlan t Joseph Leslie Hall ...................... Waddy F Edgar Arrington Humphreys ............. Crutchfield 4 l Guy Brooklyn Jeffries ................... Horse Cave James Alfred Myers .................... Glasgow , William Survant Penney ................. Lexington ' Morris Roth ........................... Newport George Atwell Scott ..................... Paducah William Carl Stone ...................... Hinton { Watson Andrew Sudduth ................. Lexington t BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING William Cobbs Armistead ................ Madison, Tenn. ‘ Brinkley Barnett ....................... Somerset 4 Alvin Hovey Colbert ..................... London ~ J ohn Scearce Crosthwaite ................ Lexington . Frank James Forsyth .................... Pikeville William Kendrick Gregory ............... Louisville James Flanagan Hall ..................... Frankfort John William Kunzman .................. Buechel Shimegoro Kurozawa .................... Tokio, Japan William Muir Lane ...................... Lexington George Campbell Lewis .................. London Edgar William Link ..................... Lexington Robert Emison Mattingly ................. Lebanon Charles Henry Douglas Osborn ............ San Antonio, Texas Daniel Whitaker Perry ................... Pembroke 1 Robert Bedford Pogue ................... Lexington Stanley Jolm Ridd ....................... Newport William Charles Rudd .................... Owensboro Robert Ryland Taliaferro ................. Lexington l George Clark Watkins ................... Lexington August Joseph W eisenberger .............. Midway Robert Luther Willis ..................... Crab Orchard BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING J ohn Parham Barrow ................... Lexington Jolm Rollie Foster ...................... Benham Willis Ewing Hobson .................... Frankfort Herbert Adolph Kohnhorst ................ Louisville Robert Marvin Woodson .................. Kuttawa l 1 1 I E - i A BACHELOR OF LAWS i James Robinson Bussey .................. Moscow ’ Albert Dabney Crenshaw ................. Cadiz . Justin Laymen Doyle .................... Ilion, N. Y. Edgar Hart Dunn ....................... Murray . Fred Faris ............................. Lexington , Tanner Winstone Jett .................... Owensboro Hugh Kelley ........................... Calhoun , Hodge Lester ........................... Cadiz Thomas Elmer Mahan .................... Williamsburg Joseph F. W. Morrison ................... Stuttgart, Ark. , James Harcourt Nutter .................. LaGrange James Sory, Jr. ......................... Madisonville ~ James Polk South ....................... Jett · Dailey Shearer Stafford .................. Covina, Cal. Andrew Berkley Thomason ............... Paris Lewis Patterson Watson ................. Ashland \ l le 3 l`·.;»w`_. if l , .1 ik .,¤J» . ` wx W, ‘- y /\`\v'·?;r"F fn F x \\ ji 5 ~ ,/ , l I ,f X : TH Eses it % » I — . For Bachelor of Arts in History. I ,.·’ tw ’ DOUGLAS DUNCAN FELIX- J X `r·· y 1 x` ’ ` l l A The Otlicial Title of Kentucky. * ` LEE HUNT- John C. Breckinridge. JOHN ELLIOTT COOPER JOHNSON- 4 The Social and Historical Background of Kentucky Feuds. ROY HILMAN THOMAS- I Executive Discretion in Foreign Affairs. For Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry. WILLIAM HENRY McADAMS- The Chemical and Physical Examination of the Oils from the Fruit of Juglans Nigra, Hicoria Laciniosa, Hicoria Ovata and Hicoria Pecan. WILLIAM TODD NICOLL- An Experimental Study of the Properties of Colloids. JOHN WILSON PORTER, Jr.- A Critical Examination of the Methods for the Determin- ation of Formaldehyde. I ARNON OWSLEY SNODDY- A Study of the Chemical Properties of the Metals of the Cerium Group. For Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. WALTER WINSTON FITZPATRICK and JOSEPH PAUL LaMASTER- Relative Values of Dried Distiller’s Grains and Wheat Bran for Milk Production. ORESTES FORAKER FLOYD- Mules and Jack Stock of Kentucky. JAMES FREEMAN GILBERT- The Tobacco Industry in Anderson County, Kentucky. l ¢ I I EDWIN JOSEPH GOTT—- I A Identification of Bacteria. ‘ ROBERT GRAHAM-- I Notes on Attenuation of Virus in the Blood of Cholera Hogs to Prepare a Vaccine. . LOUIS JOSEPH HENRICH— The Physical Variations of the Soy Bean Plant. I RAY INNIS MATTHEWS- il A Study of Symbiotic Fixation of Nitrogen. X ROY HARLAN MILTON- The Management of Tobacco Plant Beds. SHOWDY ELBERT PUCKETT- ‘ A Study of the Oil and Protein Content. of Nineteen Varie- V ties of Soy Beans. `_ WILLIAM HENRY ROGERS— Liming the Soil. “ WALLACE VANDERPOOL SMlTH— , A Feeding Experiment with Mules to Determine the Value 1 of Straight Ear Corn Compared with a Mixture of Cracked Corn, Bran and Linseed Meal. N For Bachelor of Civil Engineering. CHARLES LEON BOSLEY, MORRIS ROTH— Pratt Pin Connected Through Highway Bridge. . FRANK DAVIS CAIN, GUY BROOKLYN JEFFRIES— Topographical Field Methods; Stadia, Landscape Garden, and Railroad Topography. l HENRY LESTER FARMER and EDGAR ARRINGTON HUMPHREYS— 2 Design of Reinforced Concrete Viaduct over Tracks on West Main Street, Lexington, Ky. S JOSEPH LESLIE HALL, JAMES ALFRED MYERS— Design of Low Pin Connected Pratt Truss and Low Riv- eted Warren Truss Highway Bridges. WILLIAM SURVANT PENNEY—— ’ Design of Reinforced Concrete Viaduct over Tracks on Jefferson Street, Lexington, Ky. I GEORGE ATWELL SCOTT- Designs and Details of Single Span Railway Bridge of Pratt Type. WILLIAM CARL STONE- ., Field Methods, Field Records and Mapping from Field { Information. * [. , WATSON ANDREW SUDDUTH— ii, Design of a Reinforced Concrete Arch and the Develop- { ment of the Theory of Design. For Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. ` _ DANIEL WHITAKER PERRY and AUGUST JOSEPH WEIS- ENBERGER— An Analysis of the Engineering Plant of the Phoenix Hotel. ROBERT RYLAND TALIAFERRO and EDGAR WILLIAM I LINK—- ’ The Design of Central Heating and Lighting Plant for the State University of Kentucky. CHARLES HENRY DOUGLAS OSBORN and FRANK JAMES FORSYTH- Comparative Tests of Several Types of Locomotive Head- light Equipments for Steam Railway Locomotives. ROBERT BEDFORD POGUE and ROBERT EMISON MAT- TINGLY—- A Calorimeter Determination of the Heating Value of Kerosene. A WILLIAM COBBS ARMISTEAD— A Study of Automatic Telephony. K SHIMEGORO KUROZAWA— A Study of Various Gasoline Carburetors on the American Market. BRINKLEY BARNETT and JOHN SCEARCE CROSTH- WAITE-— A Study of the Cost of Steam Production at Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Ky. JAMES FLANAGAN HALL, GEORGE CLARK WATKINS— Discussion of the Cost of Automobile Power. 4 i I 4 STANLEY JOHN RIDD and WILLIAM CHARLES RUDD- A Study of the Power Value of Gasoline in Internal Com- z · bustion Engines. §· WILLIAM MUIR LANE and ROBERT LUTHER WILLIS- I E Study of Substation Practice, Kentucky Traction and g Terminal Company. * i JOHN WILLIAM KUNZMAN- An Experimental Study of the Holding Power of Railroad - Spikes. H WILLIAM KEN DRICK GREGORY- A Study of the 1913 Automobile Engineering Practice. ALVIN HOVEY COLBERT- [ A Study of the Usage of Kerosene as a Fuel for the In- ` y ternal Combustion Motor. _ . GEORGE CAMPBELL LEWIS- AA- Design of Central Energy Plant for the Sue Bennett l Memorial School. § A For Bachelor of Mining Engineering ._ JOHN PARHAM BARROW and WILLIS EWING HOBSON- ag The Use of Concrete in Mining, Including an Account of the Concrete Tipple at Mine No. 10 of the Stearns Coal ·_ Company, in McCreary County, Kentucky. I r JOHN ROLLIE FOSTER and ROBERT MARVIN WOODSON- . A Discussion of the Coals of the Big Sandy Valley and of Some of the Mining Operations Therein. J 4 HONOR GRADUATES v College of Arts cmd Science: MAUDE CREEKMORE VIOLA MOSS EBLEN g DOUGLAS DUNCAN FELIX PHILIP GARMAN INIS GILLIS WILLIAM HENRY McADAMS 2 WILLIAM TODD NICOLL MABEL HARDY POLLITT I College of Agrz`ezzllm*e: JOSEPH PAUL LA MASTER 1 5 WALLACE VANDERPOOL SMITH College of Civil E'}'ZglilZ,€C}`2.72gZ »° Y EDGAR ARRINGTON HUMPHREYS MORRIS ROTH College of Meehaazieal cmd Electrical E¢zg2'22ee~rz`¢2.g: ROBERT EMISON MATTINGLY ` 1 CHARLES HENRY DOUGLAS OSBORN I College of Mines cmd Memllurgg: N ROBERT MARVIN WOODSON 1 . é' J I 6 . COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES A THURSDAY, JUNE 5TH, 1913, 10 A. M. x STATE UNIVERSITY ,A r MUs1o Invocation `· MUs1o ADDRESS: Hon. Eclvsard J. McDermott, A. B., LL. B., Lieu- Q tenant Governor of Kentucky. i . · ORATION: Progress and Ideals. Clarence Hudson Richardson, B. S., Class I Representative. BIUSIC Conferring of Degrees and Delivery of Diplomas. =» by Henry S. Barker · President of the University MUs1o h Benediction , THE GRADUATE SCHOOL GRADUATES AND THESES. I For Master of Arts. ROBERT McDOWELL ALLEN ................... Lexington The Municipal Abattoir-—-An Economic Study. ADDIE LEE DEAN ......................... St. Louis, Mo. Literary Place Names in,Kentucl