xt718911pw2d_94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Commencement Exercises Summer Session program text UK Commencement Exercises Summer Session program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p2/2010ua027_p2_1/2010ua027_p2_1_15/2224/2224.pdf 1931 August 21 1931 1931 August 21 section false xt718911pw2d_94 xt718911pw2d 1 ·»VV4 if _/4,-. `°’‘ 1 M // 1 ” ` /1 " I 0 F 1 3.H1TIiIBI'%IiQ uf Ql§BIIi1IKhg Y · ‘. ` 1 1 1 ·¢ · t 1 ,1 / Gb.; yy 1 1 1 Qwagyiw \ \ _ 1 ¤1£ *¤ 1 7 · ®UIIUIIBIIKBIHBUt CEX121`KI%B% $1111111121 ;$2$ziu11 gNri!!2iBBH Eflunhrch smh (Qjlgirig-unc gliribug, CZ\11g11si the Gifuenig-first C'gH£1lIU1'iZ1i gkhxilhing 4 3% JR Eliexizxgtuu THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION MARSHALS Marshal of the Day MAJon OWEN R. MEREDITH, Infantry; U. S. Army Assistant Marshals ANDREW S. AMMERMAN, Jn. HAnmoN BAGH -WH.LLAh£ A. CALL1s VERNON M. CHANDLER Monnrs LEVIN THoMAs J. LYONS STANLEY Mu.wAnn WILLIALI H. SAUNDERB , CABLYLE W. SCHUERMEYEB PAUL H. Woons THE ORDER OF MARCH The Director of the University Summer Session and Speaker of the Day The Chairman of the Board of Trustees The Trustees and Oiiicial Guests The Deans of the Colleges The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences The Faculty of the College of Agriculture The Faculty of the College of Engineering The Faculty of the College of Law The Faculty of the College of Education The Faculty of the College of Commerce The Oflicers of the Departments of Administration The Alumni The Candidates for the Advanced Degrees The Candidates for the Bachelor Degrees FRANK LEROND MCVEY, President YVILLLLMC Snrrmrus Tixuou, Director of Summer Session, Presiding ‘1 MUs1c—Sal0n Orchestra of University of Kentucky INVOCATION—·Th€ Reverend J. H. Chillington Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, Kentucky MUsrc——Salon Orchestra Anmuzss-—"The School Trained Man ind the Main of Experience" Doctor Jesse H. White, ‘ President, James Millikin University Coxrnimme or DnunnLs—Dean Taylor Pmncm OF THE Smxion CL-\SS—D€£`Ll1 Taylor V ALMA I\L\TER—Sllllg by audience, accompanied by Salon Orchestra BENEDICTION—T11€ Reverend J. H. Chillington MUs1<>—Sal0n Orchestra. Q y COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES PAUL PRENTICE BOYD, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Name Major Subject Address RUBY KENDALL ALLEN English Ashland FRANCES WILBUR BABKER History Lexington SADA ELSIE BUscH Political Science Omaha, Neb. STEVENS BYARS Chemistry Smithville, Tenn. EDWARD ROBERT CADDEN Chemistry Greenup *JOSEPH BERoIIEL CAMPBELL ——;——· Barbourville DoRoTIIY DUVALL CARR English Lexington ` GLADYS GRAHAM CARTMELL English Springdale V JoE CIIENAULT Economics Richmond JOSEPH EDWVIN CoNBoY Journalism South Bend, Ind. e WILLLXLI EDGAR CRADDooK Economics Louisville EDWIN RAY DENNEY Law Monticello MARTHA JEAN DGAJ: History Huntington, W. Va. JOHN NVALTER DUNI>oN, JB. Political Science Louisville LEoN PARRISH Fox Arts—Medicine Winchester -WILLIAhI HoWARD HANSEN Law Lexington FERN VESTIX HARRIS English Winchester BLANCIIE HELM English Greensburg MARILEE FRANCES HENRY History Lexington IREL HALL HoD<;ES English Paducah CALLoWAY CRAWRoRD HosKINs Political Science Beattyville MoSEs WEKERSON HoWARD Arts--Medicine Lexington { ROBERT SMITH HOWIXRD Arts—Medicine Lexington HUGH RUSSELL JACKSON Political Science Lexington JAMES EVERETT MooRE Arts—Medicine Harrodsburg ANNIE LoU PRooToR History Burgin J 0IIN MCI{INLEY RAINES Anatomy & Physiology Young’s Creek MARY ELIEARETII RANSDELL History Lexington THOMAS LYNE RILEY Journalism Henderson I HENRIETTA HUGHES SHERWOOD Political Science Ewing RoRERT BURGESS STEWART Political Science Denton GEORGE BRODET WAITE Journalism Louisville CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Name Subject Address JOHN CIIESLEY DARSIE Zoology Frankfort THOMAS LEE HANKINS Engineering Waddy HERBERT FRANKLIN REYNOLDS PARKER Geology Versailles GEORGE LEWIS R,AhIEY Zoology East Point RAY LovE TRAUTAIAN Geology Newport CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MUSIC Name Address ‘ , HAYES BEBTRUDE CALLIHAN Lexington *As of the class of 1912. I E t l { 1 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE THOMAS POE COOPER, Dean i CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN i AGRICULTURE ’ * Name Address EDWARD ARTHUR BAUTE Louisville CLARENCE IWCCHORD CHBISTIE Lebanon Q WILLIAM BERTIE CoLLINS Flemingsburg i ANDREW IVIORLEY HARRIS Taylorsville I HARDY PARKS I{IRKMAN Lexington , GRANVILLE BRYAN LEONARD Cornishville { JESSE GUY MoANELLY Bradfordsville j TIIDMAS THEODORE MH.BY Buffalo 1 CLINTON HARLIN NEWMAN Versailles Y JAMES LARUE ZRAXVLINGS Flemingsburg 5 WALTER CIIARLES ScoTT Guston ` GEORGE CAMPBELL VAN ICIBK Kentland, Ind. _ CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Name Address ELIZABETH MILDIIED Gow Somerset » LILLIAN GRIFFING JOHNSON Lexington 2 INEz LOUISE LARSLEY McAfee EUGENE RosE ZMAY Mt. Sterling " MARY KATIIYRN RIGGINS Harrodsburg MARY LoURETTE SOUTHWVOOD Lexington REBECCA COCKRELL STOFEB Lexington ` DAISY LOIS WEELIS Fulton { HELEN ELLA WINSL0W Chapanoke, N. C. 1 I I z I I i I I COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING I FREDERICK PAUL ANDERSON, Dean CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ' ENGINEERING i Name Address I SAMUEL NATHAN GOLLER Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN I MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Name Address EDWIN LUTHER CHRISTERSCN Lexington , JACOB ALBERT RIEDINGER Lexington II I fun ! i COLLEGE OF LAW ALVIN E EVANS, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS Name Address JESSE KITCHEN LEw1s Grayson ‘ FRED LISANRY Dawson Springs l CARROLL WVILLOUGHBY MORROW Madisonville BART N1x0N PEAK Lexington V l COLLEGE OF EDUCATION WILLIAM SEPTIMUS TAYLOR, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Name Address MARTHA ADAMS Brighton U MAUDE YOUNG BAsIIAM Owensboro l` __SUE COBURN BLACKBURN Dry Ridge I RoMA LILLIAN Booos Nicholasville , MAIIY HORTON BOTTS Grayson ‘ SALLY SCOTT BURIJETTE Louisville ANTIIoNY PAUL CAPOROSSI New Haven, Conn. MAl{Y LYIIIA CLEEK Lexington MAUDE MCCLINTOCK DRAPER Lexington LoUELLA IMAIZGJLRET FoRsEE Owenton · KAATHARINE FRAZIER Morganiield IWABEL MAXRGUEBITE GARD Lexington HELEN I{EITH GRAY Louisville LULA OYVEN HEARN Jett ALICE RUTH JENNINGS Augusta BRYANT OXVSLEY JONES Lexington ELIILY FLORA JONES Monticello BENJAMIN IIIERBERT IQEGLEY Newfoundland I JULIA FLORENCE I{H{MSE Ludlow Station l RUTH RUBLE LANE Lexington JY EDITII ORA LITTELL Williamstown ~» JosEI>II VIRGIL YMOBLEY Sandy Hook ` KATIIERINE EUPHELIA NIURRELL Columbia PAUL SULLIVAN MCBBAYER Lawrenceburg CIIRIsTINE CONSUELLA McCOY Frankfort MARY ALICE MoRAE Mayfield IVIARIE I{ATHERINE NEPKA Lexington DoRoT1IY NUNvAR Lexington JESSIE ELIZABETH PARKER Newport ENA IWILDRED PETTY Latonia Rosie ELLEN POTEET Lexington ANNA LEE GREGORY QUALLS Hustonville FRANCES ALLEN RIGGINS Harrodsburg DEFROSIA BENTON RONE Hartford CoRNELIA RosE RUDOLPH Little Cypress ZMILDRED CoEEmAN SAIlIMoNs Madisonville JESSIE MIXRIE SCIIAEFFEB Ashland JOSEPHINE F1zER SHAW Oak Grove LENoRE PATRIUK SHOUSE Salyersville Name Address KJXTHERYN CHARLOTTE SIKKING Louisville EMMA GLADYS SLATER Louisville LEONARD CoAx1;EY Tnuon Beaver Dam MARTHA Vmcm TuEo1zA1.1> Grayson RUBY Tizowm Harrodeburg ALLAN Lnovn TURNIPSEED Maysville PHOEBE ANNE Womu Lexington ANNE STONE YoUNo Lexington _ ) s ' Ir COLLEGE OF COMMERCE EDWARD WIEST, Dean CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMMERCE I Name Address KEITH PACE Hardin I GRADUATE SCHOOL WILLIAM DELBERT FUNKHOUSER, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS EDUcATI0N—WATS0N ANDREWS ARmSTE0NG EDUCATION—HUGH STONE CALIIINS _EDUCATION—ALEXA\NDE1i CHAVIS EDUcATI0N—LUARD CRITTENDEN CUBE! EDUCA\TI0N—H0RACE LEONARD DAVIS EDUCATION—WH.LLkM JONAH GIBSON I’IISTORY—VVILLIAI¥I B GRAHAM EDUCATION—GROVER KING GREGORY EDUCATION—GERTRUDE LDUISA GRIFFIN I.- EDUCATION—CLAUDE LEE HAXXVKINS EDU0ATI0N—-DILLARD B00THE HUDBARD U EDUcATI0N—LUI FREDERICK JONES w POLITICAL Sc1ENcE—SAIIUEL SHERARD JONES EDUCATION—GEORGE GLENN KENDALL PSYcH0L0GY—MARcIIRE*r BDYDEN ZKILBY EDUCATION—JESSE LEE LATE EDUCATION—;HENRY H0DS0N IWAYSE EDU0ATI0N—RIcHARD ALSUP PALII10RE EDUcATI0N—DANIEL WEBSTEIE QUALLS ENGLISH—ALICE TAYLOR RAGLAND PSYCHOLOGY—MI\RG;\RET IWACLEOD RATLIEE EDUC;\'1`ION—\VILI.I;\)[ FULTON RUSSELL EDUCATION—THO)IAS XVILLIAINI SKINNER _EDUcATI0N—CLAUDE OIIAR SPILLIIAN EDUcATI0N—LINNIE ARRAIIANI STEPHENS ECON0IV[ICS—`VIIIIIII\)[ ALLEN TOLMQAN ' _EDUcATI0N—ARLIE L0UIS TO\\/NSEND EDUCATION—LOUIS BEKTRAAI TRAYLDR EDUC;\TION—I{\\'OII-CHI TSU an BrAC'I‘ERIOLOGY—EI,IZABETII VANMETER jEDUCATION··-NIORRIS BECKHALI `TAUGHN _ EDUcATI0N—CLYDE EARL VINCENT ' A.N(QIEN’l‘ LANEUAI;ES~KATHARINE KENNER WALKER EDUCI\1‘ION·—WII,LI;\)[ ANl)l€RS()N WIXRREN · EDUCATION—JOHN BLAINE XVILLIAIIIS :EDUCATION····]\/IARCARET ELIZABETII XVILSON HIST0RY—IVII\I{GI\RET VVILE YENT CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE BAC'l'ERIOLOGY—ROIlEK'I‘ XVINSTON GARDEN PIIYSICS—··`VILLL\)[ TIIDNIAS GDEREL HARRIS Pl[YSICS—ED\\'IN LING I{1RK BOTI\NY—N0I{l3EII'P LEE RUSS CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE AGRONOLIY—RRtYh[OND EUGENE CULEERISON FARLI ECONOMICS—GEORGE MIKRTIN GUMDERT ` _ MINING ENGINEER JOSEPH WARREN PHILLIPS r) ' COMMENCEM ENT HONORS W GRADUATED "WITH HIGH DISTINCTION’ Tnomrlxs Tmzonoixiz IWILBY Klxrrinnixn Enriiiarrlx BICRRELL GRADUATED "WITH DISTINCTION" Roar;. Lruxlxx Bocas Hman Rrssnnn Jnciqsox Kizirn Pam: Coizxigtrx Rosr; Rvnorrrr Romzar Bmxcanss Sr1~;w.x1ar Students are graduated "With High Distinction" who attain a standing of 2.6 up t0 3.0. They must have been in attendance at least three years. *‘* Students are graduated "Witl1 Distinction" who attain a standing of 2.4 up to 2.6. . For the above honors a student niust have spent at least three years at the University. A student who has spent only the last two years at the _ University may receive the appropriate connnenceinent honors who attains a standing of .2 greater than the above named. Q U. K. ALMA MATER Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! . , Loyal sons and daughters sing; Sound her praise with voice united; To the breeze her colors fling. To the blue and white be true; Badge triumphant age on age; Blue, the sky that o'er us bends; White Kentucky’s stainless page. Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! 'Neath thy arching trees we roam; Thru thy halls our voices echo Alma Mater second home. For the blue and white we strive, _ Fight we ever for its fame Daring any fate to bring Glory for Kentucky’s name. Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! Glorious is thy heritage; Proud thy name and thy traditions; Proud thy place on history’s page! May we ne’er forget thy fame Mother of the great and free; May we e’er uphold thy name, Old Kentucky, hail to thee. i it T! \ Wi; 5 3l w' 1*