xt718911r67b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911r67b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19630705 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 5, 1963 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 5, 1963 1963 2015 true xt718911r67b section xt718911r67b UK Chemistry Department Draws Its Share Of Grants "The facilities of the new Chemistry-Physic- s building have helped a great deal to procure research grants for University chemistry professors," said Dr. Lyle R. Dawson, head of the chemistry department. In the past 12 to 14 years, Dr. Dawson said, the chemistry department has received more than $750,000 from out of state research grants. Dawson was the first UK chemistry professor to receive such a grant in 1946 for research. Approximately 18 grants, totaling about $100,000, are received yearly for fundamental research by UK professors. The chemistry department emphasizes fundamental work, which may be published in national Journals, rather than developmental research in testing. The research grants are given by such organizations as the Atomic Energy Commission, National Institute of Health, Army Signal Corps, and the National Science Foundation. Dr. James E. Douglass, assistant professor of chemistry, received a National Science Foundation grant of $19,400 to conduct research in a specific area of boron chem'istry. The grant provides a two year support for his project. Dr. Douglass hopes to learn more of the effects of boron In organic compounds, mainly amine complexes. Dr. Hartley C. Eckstrom, another UK chemistry Dean Carter Visits Ford Among 51 professors at Ford Motor Company's 1963 Engineering Forum in Dearborn, Mich., June is Willis M. Carter, professor and head. Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kentucky. Prof. Carter (left) is shown with H. L. Misch, Ford vice president engineering and research, examining a model of the Mustang, Ford's experimental sports car. professor, is now attending the Oordon Research Conference on Catalysis at Colby Junior College in New Hampshire. He will discuss his research in the field of infrared studies of chemisorbic molecules on metal surfaces. Dr. Eckstrom is supported at the University by a research contract from the Atomic Energy Commission. An associate chemistry professor, Dr. William D. Ehmann, will present a paper describing his research in radiochemistry in London, England, July 15. He will lecture to groups attending the Congress of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. includes lectures and Dr. Ehmann's visits to several laboratories in Germany, Switzerland, and France, is sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Dr. William F. Wagner is presently attending the Gordon Research Conference on the chemistry and physics of space, being held at Tilton, New Hampshire. Delegates are from the United States and other parts of the world. Better facilities, equipment and more space have encouraged many chemistry graduates to study at the University, Dr. Dawson believes. "We now have 5 between graduate students in chemistry and hope to have several more in the fall," Dr. Dawson commented. DSN"W Effi TT University of Kentucky 1963 Vol. LIV, No. 118 LEXINGTON, Four Pages KV., FRIDAY, JULY 5, Economics Institute Conducted On Campus Program In French Held Here Approximately 48 high school teachers from 13 southern states are registered for a summer fellowship program in economic education, sponsored by the University of Kentucky College of Commerce and the General Electric corp. The program began at UK June 23 and continues through Aug 2. Its purpose is to help develop a broader understanding of economics and its applications to the problems of government, business and society. Program sessions will deal with the application of economic analysis to national and international economic problems, the application of economic analysis to business problems, and a comparison of economic thought in this and other nations. The main emphasis will be on the development of economic analysis and on economic policy rather than on how to teach economics to students. Five UK professors are serving as the faculty for the program. They are Virgil Christian, W. Warren Haynes, Rodman Sullivan, John T. Masten and Las-zl- o Zsoldos. Grants from the General Electric Foundation cover full tuition and fees, books and course material, room and board and travel allowances. Participants are from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Tex- - as, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia. LSU Agrees To Play UK Negroes &L. ii -- Athletic director James Cor-beof Louisiana State University said Tuesday that he sees no reason why the LSU football team cannot play the University. jtz Vs. tt UK has adopted a policy of allowing Negroes to participate in athletics, out has not recruited any yet. Corbett made the comment after he attended a closed LSU board session. Corbett said the matter of Kentucky using Negro athletes had not been mentioned. ) Ail XlZewyCOP' Zj Progress On the Chisholm Trail Although It does not appear that much progress has been made on the long dusty strip that used to be the end of South Limestone and Rose, they at least have the pipes laid for the sewers. Work is supposed to be completed by October, which means that for nearby residents it will indeed be a long, hot summer. Math Award Honors Dr. Pence An annual award to recognize excellence in the study of mathematics leading to teaching has been approved by the University Board of Trustees. The Sallie E. Pence award will consist of a plaque and a. stipend. Dr. J. C. Eaves, head of the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy, wanted to establish the award as a tribute to Dr. Pence's 34 years on the UK faculty as a professor of mathematics and astronomy. The award will be financed by funds Dr. Eaves receives from a testing service he has been operating on his own time, Dr. Frank G. Dickey, president of the University, said. The trustees also approved a status for Dr. Pence, who retired from the faculty in June. change-of-wor- k Returning Seniors Take Note Returning Seniors (students with at least 90 hours) may register and classify for the fall semester on one of the following dates, preferably in the morning: July 5', 8, 17 and 26. They should report to their Dean first to pick up the brown summary card, Dean's schedule cards, and other necessary material. From the Dean's Office, they go to the Registrar's Office. Class tickets may be picked up in departmental offices. When all class tickets have been picked up the students return to their Dean's office. All Seniors who do not register on these dates will register during the regular registration days in September. The university is conducting the second N.D.E.A. Summer Infor Secondary School stitute Teachers of French under the direction of Mr. John A. Rea. The purpose of the institute is to Increase competency of participants in seven areas including aural comprehension, writing proficiency, speaking ability reading ability, culture, language analysis, and professional preparation. In order to be admitted to the program applicants must have a bachelor's degree, two or more years of college French, no previous NJ3.E.A. experience, and evidence of good teaching ability. As much as eight credit hours are available to eligible participants. The program of the institute includes methodology, pattern practice, linguistics, laboratory, culture, conversation, and activities consisting of French films, group singing, and lectures. Participants in the program speak and hear only French in their classes and at the ATO fraternity house where they are living for the summer. The university is one of sixty-fiv- e colleges involved in the proof gram and the enrollment forty-eigrepresents twenty states throughout the country. August Graduates Today and tomorrow will be the last days for students planning to graduate in August to file for a degree. Students may file for their degree in the office of the Dean of their * Executive Order Is One More Step Forward Neither President Kennedy's pro posed civil rights legislation nor Gov. s Hert Combs' executive order are designed to make people like each other. A person's failing in his reaction Jo basic moral concepts cannot be changed by legislation or executive order. anti-bia- Ilather the desire for the integration of businesses ostensibly open to the public and regulated in their operation by certain federal and state laws is only the heeding of these basic moral precepts which supposedly form such an integral part of our society. The Governor's action was a bold one which surprised not a few individuals on both sides of the integration fence. There is an overriding question, however, in the minds of many in both camps. The question is whether or not the executive order can be made to stick. The proclamation is going to be tested. It is going to have the test of the courts regarding the reality of its enforcement. to withstand Critics of the executive order, including the Louisville Tavern Operators Association which is now contesting the Louisville public accommodations ordinance, contend that the proclamation is without precedent, and is no more than an official declaration of policy. The fact that many people seem to forget is that Combs' order did not immediately outlaw discrimination in places of public accommodation throughout the state. The order rather directs the licensing agency which controls these establishments of public accommodation to initiate rules which will then make it unlawful to racially discriminate against persons in restaurants, movie theaters, etc. Within 60 days tion's issuance the must comply with initiate such rules of the proclamalicensing agency Combs' order to and regulations would perhaps serve a belter end and be less of a political football than the present executive order. It must be remembered however that: The state legislators were not prepared to deal with this problem at the special session. Many legislators were under pressure from constituents to disuade passage of such a bill. Haggling over such a public accommodations bill would have drawn needed strength from the miners' hospital bill. The emergency session of the legislature was costing several thousand dollars a day and endless bickering over a public accommodations bill would have been a tremendous waste of both money and time. Gov. Combs made the right decision. We applaud he and his proclamation and intend to give support to that proclamation and 'any subsequent legislation which may follow this bold and important step in the cause for human freedom. which would make it against the law to so discriminate. After these steps are taken the licensing agency must then notify its licensees of the changes and warn them of the action (revocation) which will be taken if the new regulation regarding racial discrimination is ignored. The argument that the Governor's action is without precedent is useless. If all human action waited for precedents we'd still be living in caves. The statement by one of the gubernatorial candidates that Combs' action sparked of "dictatorial executive order" which is contrary to our system of government, seems to neglect an important fact. The executive order finally is an attempt to grant constitutional rights to the Negro which should have been his over 100 years of the ago with the appearance Emancipation Proclamation. It is admitted that strong legislation in the field of public accommodation How Poor Are Our Colleges Of Education? By LARRY McCRACKEN Graduate Education Student There seems to be some controversy as to the usefulness and worth of the Colleges of Education throughout the U.S. Many articles and criticisms come out from time to time concerning this issue. Recently the highlights of Dr. James D. Koerner's book, Tlie Miscducation of American Teachers, was published in the Saturday Evening Post. Although you see and hear many criticisms of our teacher preparation program, you seldom see a rebuttal of these criticisms. This article is written as a reply to the many self appointed experts (including Dr. Koerner) who so freely degrade something which they know very little about. Dr. Koerner lists many criticisms of our Colleges of Education, they include such things as: the people who train our teachers are incompetent, lack intellect and the educational background to turn out first rate teachers; many public school teachers are not properly qualified; education courses are taught by unqualified personnel; undergraduates in education come from the bottom of the "academic barrel;" students in education spend too much time in education c lasses, and not enough time in liberal arts; and the Colleges of Education offer too many "watered-down- " courses. This brings us to the question of Dr. Koerner's motive for the study. Was it made with the intention of gaining information to further our system of education, or was the study made with the intention of scapegoating a facet of the American educational system in order to gain publicity for the author? Since there was not any hypothesis given, did the author begin the study with a negative attitude toward our Colleges of Education and manipulate the results to his own line of thinking? One of Dr. Koerner's most salient criticisms concerns the qualifications of education professors. The author feels that education classes directly relate to psychology, history, and philosophy should be taught by "bona fide" persons in these fields. Since the percentage of qualified personnel ae contrasted to unqualified was not given, we do not know how true this statement is. So actually all we have is a broad statement unsupported by facts. However, we do know there to be several qualified psychologists on the education faculty here at the University. Philosophy of education simply is not in the philosopher's area, and neither is the development of education included in the historians studies. Another criticism which was misleading in the way it is stated is the students assertion that education For All Your tion classes. It is only one example of a problem which our teachers should have familiarity if they are going to be prepared to do the job they should. Why not be realistic and give the real argument behind many criticisms given against education classes? It seems as though the crux of the situation is that education professors do not attempt to fail a certain percentage of their classes and students in education therefore may attain a higher academic average; it is then automatically assumed the classes are easy and consequently worthless. From this standpoint, if the Colleges of Education would only require their students to memorize a sizeable quantity of inert facts and give this information back verbatim, everything would be as expected. Finally, perhaps one question should be posed. If our public school teachers are so poor and intellectually handicapped, how has the United States developed the most highly technical and industrial society known to man? come from the bottom of the "academic barrel," which leaves you with the impression that our teachers have a lower than normal intelligence for college graduates. This is not true. One report as to the findings of the Army General Classification Test gives the average I.Q. for teachers as 124. The average college graduate supposedly has an I., of 120. Perhaps one factor which leads to the criticism of education classes is a lack of understanding of the purposes or objectives of education courses. One of the objectives of our Colleges of Education is transmitting to prospective teachers methods and skills required for teaching in a meaningful manner. How many times have we sat through college classes and not really gained any comprehension of the subject matter; only parroting back information on exams that measure nothing except the ability to memorize? Avoidance of this problem is one thing which is included in our educa supposedly "watered-down- " msmmmm The Kentucky Kernel Tlie South's Outstanding College Daily University of Kentucky Entered at the post office at Lexington, Kentucky as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published once weekly during the regular summer session except during holidays and exams. Dan Omloh and Bonnie Cox, Mike Smith, Sports Editor Janie Geiser, John Townsend, Jackie Jones, Billie Dyche, George James Reed, Ann Poundstone, Reporters John Buhkiiaiid, Advertising Manager Litteral, Fountain Service SANDWICHES and SHORT ORDERS ... SERVING PLATE LUNCHES College Needs Open 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. FROM 11:00-2:0- 0 PRESCRIPTIONS COSMETICS SEE KENNEDY 01 BOOK STORE ACROSS Revlon, Coty, Max Factor, DuBarry STATIONERY MAGAZINES FREE DELIVERY WILL DUNN DRUG FROM SUB LIME and MAXWELL G. Phone 254-425- 5 * THE KENTUCKY Rebounds By Dan Omlor I've been postponing this issue for about two years now because I feel eo strongly against it, and I've felt that if I waited long enough I'd eventually find some evidence in favor of it to help temper my point of view. But I have come to the that I'm not going to because such evidence does not exist so today we tackle the subject full force. is my definition of the situation which is spreading rapidly through our nation's athletic program today. The problem is this: To administer any large-sca- le program such as a statewide or nationwide high school athletic program requires a certain number of rules. It also requires some sort of central body of men who decide Just what these rules should be and how they should be enforced. Then we find exceptions cropping up to the rules, and the ruling body makes new rules as new exceptions crop up. Eventually we have so many rules that It is impossible to find an exception, and we have more people helping administer the rules than we have people or players affected by them. Thus we arrive at an administrative aristocracy, and the governThe men are paid. The Jobs become ing positions become full-tim- e. desirable. Men become interested In attaining these Jobs who originally had no Interest in them, because they see these Jobs as easy Income positions. And it becomes a political game to maneuver for these Jobs. All of a sudden, we have men In these positions who have no contact with wthat they are governing, and they usually tend to foul things up more than improve them. All-St- ar The most recent example of this is the Kentucky-Indian- a game. Eighteen thousand fans go wild over these games every year. For the players and coaches Involved, the games are a chance to do something constructive for at least three weeks of the summer. As is usual with most athletics, merely getting in shape and playing the game are the least important even if they seem the most obvious. What few people realize is that every year a small group of people spend about 11 months fighting for the existence of these games so that during the 12th month they can be played. So far this group has won, and it is one of the few in the nation that has won. Other states have no such events in most cases. Why? It is illegal. Who says? Bodies like the N.C.A.A. Now what I propose to ask is this: Just who In the world is the N.C.A.A., whose second initial pinpoints them as a National COLLEGIATE Athletic Association, to Judge what will be done on the HIGH SCHOOL level? Just how have they managed to make this their business? Next case. The same body says that it is illegal to practice basketball (and also football, etc.) in the summer. How Interesting. The reasons for this boll down to one: If a player is allowed to pursue his favorite sport in the summer time he runs the risk of becoming corrupt. He does? How? I don't mind someone being a little stupid, but I draw the line when It comes to being downright ridiculous. Just how can we say that because a boy practices basketball in the summer that he will become corrupt? social experts come back into America's small These goody-good- y towns and say our youth is lazy, frequenting pool halls and corner around. and drugstores Well, I'd hot rod around and frequent pool halls, too, if the only place In town to find wholesome recreation, the high school gym, was ruled illegal for the entire summer. A group This, you see, is the basic problem of of people is trying to make a set of rules that applies to both New York City and Kentucky on the national level, Louisville and Carr Creek on the state level. You cannot do this, you never have been able to, and you never will. It is all well and good to tell somebody in a big city to stay out of a gymnasium because they've got six thousand other forms of entertainment. But have you ever been to Carr Creek? Kingdom Come? Flat Gap? Cuba? Inez? If you take basketball away from these kids you remove the one recreation for which they have facilities. They could hunt, but summer is out of season. They could swim, but the big cities have dumped so much sewage in the water that this is impossible. How, then, can you condemn somebody for doing one thing if there are rules against doing everything else. rs have wasted the summer, they turn So now that our to the season itself. A team is now allowed only twenty basketball games a season in many states. This is tremendous. One school plays football from August to December, and another school has no football team. Yet this school is not allowed to substitute additional basketball games schools) to provide additional recreation for (with other its youngsters. What this amounts to is prejudice, pure and simple. Money becomes the factor. If you are too poor to afford football, which costs more than basketball, you are forbidden to provide other and equal means of competition. So one school can compete in one sport or another all year, while the poor school can only compete for about half this time. THIS is FAIR? Don't be ridiculous. Sure, I know what the experts say. Let the kids play in their backyards. Let them play sandlot basketball. But this does not work. If you are a good player in something, you want perfection. You cannot reach but a minimum level of perfection on a mud court with a half rusted goal. It may be colorful but It is not much more. Now we should be equal about this. If we want to make it illegal for one person to pursue his particular Interest in the summer, let's make it that way for everyone. Outlaw summer band practice, summer reading programs at the libraries, summer Boy Scout meetings and the minor sports like tennis, golf and swimming. We never think of it this way, of course. Because we've been fed this nonsense about athletics and corruption. Okay. I know that there have been instances of people taking advantage of a situation in athletics. But do we always outlaw a situation so nobody can take advantage of it? Because West Point found several students cheating a few years back, was West Point outlawed? Of course not. The students were punished. West Point remains. So, you see, this line of reasoning is a complete farce. Someone has reached a conclusion, then gone back and tried to find some facts to support it and grabbed at the first facts he came to. But this is not the way to reach a conclusion and so it is only natural that the conclusion is ridiculous. There are a few states remaining where this creeping has not yet completely taken over. Indiana is one of them. Kentucky is another. It Just might be worth the effort to keep them that way. KERNEL, 1963- -3 Friday, July 5, Kentucky, Indiana Unable To Win Home Games All-Sta- rs bit at home," he told a reporter after Jeff Mullins had led the By MIKE SMITII Kernel SporU Editor The Kentucky Indiana basketball game has taken an odd twist in the past few years. And, even more peculiar Is the fact that nobody seems to know why. Last Saturday when the Hosier prep stars trounced Kentucky, 90 to 75 at Freedom Hall, ic marked the fourth consecutive victory for Indiana at Louisville. To some Hoosier high school followers this may not seem unusualuntil they thing back to a week before and remember that Kentucky had won at Indianapolis, 90 to 86. Kentucky was Just lucky up there, they might say. Last Saturday's rout proved that I Maybe so. But doesn't it seem strange that last year, the year before that, and the year before that the Kentuckians won at Indianapolis? And all by relatively close scores? It's getting so one can almost pull a Cassius Clay and call the shot. An Indiana romp at Louisville and a Kentucky upset in a squeaker at Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. But why can't the home team win any more? Why, for once, couldn't win their Kentucky squeaker at home and Indiana thrash'em back for the Hoosier folks at Indianapolis? This happened, you know, back in 1959. When Kentucky won at Louisville behind Pat Doyle and Company that year and then Indiana came back at Indianapolis, few thought that they would be seeing the last home win for their team in years. Gene Rhodes, who coached the Kentuckians in 1960, may have come as close to the answer as anybody. "High school kids have a tendency to let down a little All-St- ar two states might be divided into 6 Kentuckians to a upset at Indianapolis. either relax too much or "They want to show off for the girl friend on the third row and wind up making costly mistakes," Rhodes continued. "But this isn't true on the road. Away from home the players are more serious and determined. The task means more to them and they often play harder." The following week Indiana proved the Rhodes philosophy correct when the Hoosiers thrashed 'his stars, 101 to 64 at Louisville. In 1961 Guy Strong took over the Kentucky helm but was beaten at Louisville, 82 to 71 as Indiana's Van Arsdale twins combined for 50 points. Vic Bender, who paced Kentucky, later Joined the Van Arsdales for a brief time at Indiana University but didn't make the grade. Strong refused to give up on his boys and he remembered that year before Rhodes had also lost at Louisville and yet had salvaged a split out of the two games. The following week, with five players scoring in double figures, Kentucky came home a winner, 78 to 75. Last year Woody Crum's Kentucky team came through with a repeat performance. Indiana won at Louisville but Kentucky came back and won In their standard fashion, grasping victory on a last second shot by Dave Cosby. The final score was 70 to 68. So far the series between the saw Indiana dominate completely three periods. The early period though all games were then played in Indianapolis. Then, In 1956 Ed Diddle stepped down as Kentucky coach and for the first time a Negro played for Kentucky. During this second period, 1956-6sweeps seemed to be the thing. Indiana won both in 1956. The next year the Kentuckians inaugurated Freedom Hall with a victory and then repeated it a week later. Indiana was the last team to win both games, pulling the trick in 1958. Now we are in the third period, the win on the road kick. When will this one end? Dances Advance Plot New York (AP) The dances in Broadway musicals today must help tell the show's story, says Joe Layton, stager of "No Strings" and the upcoming "Cock of the Walk." "A choreographer must be able to write his own book," the director told a student seminar. CLASSIFIED ALTERATIONS of dresses, skirts and coats for women. Mildred Cohen, 21S E. Maxwell. Phone 21J7t FOR SALI Size S. and White Fur evening cape. Phone evenings. JSlt TORMALS, Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge FRIDAY NIGHTS Junior League MUSIC by the KEYNOTES Horse Show To Begin Sunday NIGHTS SATURDAY "SMOKE" RICHARDSON ORCHESTRA for Private Parties Afternoons and Week Nights Dance Hall Available RICHMOND Attention horse show fans! Sunday, July 7 will be the LexLeague Honor ington Junior Horse Show. The event takes at the Lexington Trotting place Track on South Broadway. The show will last through Saturday, July 13. Matinee performances will be held at 1:00 p.m. on July 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13. Evening performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. They will be held every night except July 7. Reserved seats are two dollars for Monday Thursday and three dollars for Friday and Saturday. General admission is one dollar. RD., at KY. RIVER DIAL TONIGHT! COLLEGE NIGHT Our Doors Are Open to College Students Only! Twist to Charlie Bishop's Band at DANCELAN 8:30-12:3- D On The Old Frankfort Pike 0 (A 4Vi Hour Course of Fun!) KENTUCKY TYPEWRITER SERVICE HOME OF THE COLLEGE FOLKS Si Typewriter, Adding Machines RENTALS AND 683 Repair Service, Adding Machines, New and Used Portables, Carbons, Ribbons, and Addo-- X Printing Calculators. SALES r Phone STARTS 1 Play BANKO Tonight Jackpot $300.00 TKHKICOLMr KAMALA No. 3 DEVI Frank Sinatra IN COLOR Doris Day "TWINKLE Jack Lemmon & SHINE" HHWIYd Proprietors T0NIGHT BANKO ON TUESDAY DRIVE-I- RUN SATURDAY rE Underwater In FANTASC0PE WILLIAM IUNDIGAN JULIE ADAMS "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" SUNDAY THRU TUES. PLAY & ''N7S I'll CITY Janet Leigh I1U1P I IP i n? IKlW.lv Mil HUNTER MARSHALL fcAffl!aSEiTH0MPS0N ALSO In Color H01AVI itnaou (At press time) FIRST nil 3 REASONABLE PRICES Mr. and Mrs. John Innes, fTWltSr reCSSSSfliSI TRIPLE FEATURE PAMAVISIQr 2S4-437- "High Fidelity Music for Your Dining Pleasure" 387 Rose St. NO. Phone S. Broadway PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PARTIES SERVICE 252-020- 7 266-652- 7 STARTS WEDNESDAY I.A1NSIO 11VM 'THE SAVAGE GUNS" * 4 -- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday, July 5, 1963 Arts And Sciences Dean Comments On University ars Instructing freshmen and dents from other institutions for these programs." sophomores," Dean White said. Dean White anticipated the Students are becoming more (Third of a Series) and more "Junior partners in the following programs: a research A University evaluated on the center in the social sciences, an intellectual endeavor," he said. basis of how well It satisfied a advanced program in earth sciEncouraging signs are student single objective would be put Inence, and a computer center. in study-abroa- d participation an "intellectual straight-Jacket- ." to New learning materials proprograms with the Departments Dr. M. M. White, Arts and of Art, English, Modern Foreign grammed instruction, Sciences dean, said. materials, microfilm readLanguages and Music; the inia-ti"For Instance, the number of shown by the Senior Class ers, and perhaps even language books in the library is a figure laboratories in the dormitories in asking for a Soviet Studies often used to Indicate a Univercourse (1 credit); the enthusiasm may be used in the next five sity's prominence. But what good for Independent study programs years, he said. would it do the University to at the undergraduate level. have a million books on Indo"Dr. Carl B. Cone dismissed nesia?" he continued. his British history class for a Other criteria used for this three-wee- k reading period, and purpose are the calibre of stuDr. Robert O. Evans helped students who come and are graddents prepare individual reading "The Prize" by Irving Wallace uated from UK, what they do, lists for independent work in the eminence of its faculty both English and philosophy," the Is a light and entertaining novel for the summer reading list. The in research and in number and dean reported. Term papers and amount of suspense, sex and kinds of degrees, and the proteacher-studeconferences are right startling conclusions are blended portion who are professional conbeing tried out to an ever greater to capture your attention during sultants and known outside the degree. those long hours of sunning or University. Two recent developments are hot, sleepless nights. Buildings are symbols of the higher departmentalTherequireThe book concerns the awardSchool ments for graduation. University's progress and add siging of the Nobel Prize. All the nificantly to its Image, Dean of Journalism requires a major glory and honor which is associWhite added. to have a 23 overall standing; ated with this highest award is the Department of Chemistry, "The atmosphere for learning pitted against the six persons 2.5. Many departments Is steadily require improving on this who receive the famous wire: campus and will continue to do comprehensive examinations of "IN RECOGNITION OF . . . so," he said. "The library will be graduating seniors. IN SUPPORT OF HUMANIopen more hours in the futur