xt718911rg7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911rg7r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1979 1979 1979-02-13 2020 true xt718911rg7r section xt718911rg7r \ .
'0 I . -. ' \ \ I I I . I
- 3 . r x ‘ ~ g
x . -« UK s Robinson Forest remains unspoiled
. s x
\ ' ' v
f , gm“ .1 I f I . I
‘ _,_ _ 9t I but tres, strip miners pose threats
’ I, O 1.; ‘ 2‘ ‘
. ~ . " fi ( .. I By ('HRIS BLAIR beautiful there. He tictet really legal ‘ll'k'ltl- hi” ‘“ It" “VI” PW” Illl‘llll‘I ”LmIlmmlm‘
k k ,t I ‘ gm” wnm thought about hung anywhcr‘c Q‘Iw lucky If one gtotipgcts Ill ItIll opetitlie " I lie land is espetisite betause of its ,
e -. _ ' ’/ ‘ “ l he water is socleari you cart drink door for large eotnpanies who want to toal. lutiibei and tiiiiietal resources
5 0 "” xs‘ ' llK‘s most expensite laboratory is it frotn tfte creeks without fear We're ”11m“ lht‘ls‘ ( Hal underlies the entire forest ” llt
. v , ‘ \ not In the (‘hcmieal-l’hystcs Building. not completely isolated in there. “We all ttotcsttt ldttlll\ and sldlll \Htl
I ‘ but in a secluded area of lastern though. We hate otrcol tlte best cable l't‘llll/s' ”It" “with of the forest I‘ "W” HIH'HIUH of what is there |\llIl .
.2 §~ II Kentucky. It‘s worth hundreds of IV stattotis tn the state." (It’llllélll‘ U’lllllllls‘tl "lull IIN s’nllIl “"“l‘lV‘lVII (t‘lll‘d'l’ th "“k‘ tll‘
. W millions of dollars. Noble said srrrall gatite and a tett hU.‘ ”“01““ lt‘lN- lllt'lt‘ JH'HI‘ MW“ ”1‘” ”W“ l‘ “'“l‘I P‘Il"‘l““”‘ ‘”
. I I ’“ lhe labisthe l5.000-acre Robinson bobcats fitid the forest a refuge from it'lflllt’l't' Ill-ll HA" In the state of lllt‘ WIN lllk' \Nlt‘l '\ L“P'»‘sls|ll\
II ,. II‘I 'II . forest. which contains lumber. coal surrounding strip mining areas Kentucky \iiip mining would Ilt'lldli; important tooiit ieseaieh hetatise ll is
' g;- ( , a5 and other minerals In addition. it is Because of wildlife preser'tatioii and it” the restateli we‘te done so fat " of \lltlt good tIll.tltl\ “
, I . I ~ I“ one of the last natural watersheds in research carried on. the forest is not (Ioltliatp said I K‘s forestry ltts' “lllsll tlmtml ~l'ltlt'rlt~.saidtlie
I! 'I / '2 v ’ ”I Kentuck) and the UK l-orestry‘ open to the general public. research includes esa min | rig ' ”I‘L'l‘ll‘ Wl'ltl ‘llll‘ ””“k ll't' INN .
.. . ;..:2 , " 'IIIIIIIIIIVI Department‘s lorernost source of Although Robinson forest is well \‘élls‘HlH‘tl‘ “”tlt‘l ll-ll ‘ ““11.“ Ill” ll“ lll‘m'LI‘l‘ “WM “4‘“ l“
at)” I entironmental research. guarded b) lIniterstf_\ officials and mlltllllt‘m- L'lly‘t'lsl'lll lt'l lllt‘ t‘llu'h ‘ll‘Wll‘ h‘l‘k‘l” ll” l‘Vt‘l‘lL' ”1 ltl‘lk‘lll
" I 5"” Robinsort forest was donated to legal barriers. seteral ha/ardsthreaten “llls'll llle‘l'llll llil‘ “'1 ll” quantity l‘V'l‘I'd“ ””"ULIll ”‘L‘l‘stll l‘lt'lll-llll‘
l’K in I93}. a gift from lttrnber llls‘ life 0i llls‘ “HM! and tlllilll“ 0‘ MW water ”'“l "I'll" l ““l‘l‘ll‘ Wills“
I magnate l .0. Robinson. who was co- Noble said the tOP potetitialdantlei‘s lltl‘ IN tll‘lls‘ l“ llt'lll-‘L‘ Ills” ”WNW II I l” “""‘*"'l\ ‘l“’-I‘ ““1 “ill” l“
3’ “MM (”HON/K'm’ls'm owner of Robinson and Mobrey are forest fires and companies that lht‘ “1”“ ”U“ In Him dis-Hm ”“llk‘ ll‘ull All“ I’L‘NUW lllt' lt‘wrtll ‘
lumber (‘0, in the curly l900s. wish to strip mine the land, Regulations gotetnitig tlte use or I‘lt'slllslthI l‘lllsll \ultl "'lritrudueiiig
SChUSS! Milton Noble-.superiiiiendeniorihe “l as! war there were no lites. but Rohlnwn 1 west siaieihai llreutlt was turning would he disastrous to
tract. said Robinson and Mobrey' small fires hate broken otit (in the ts'l‘s'” "W ”W k"PW“ l‘llll‘mk' “l “”“l”"“”‘ l"“" III" "I‘k'd'kll‘l'l‘l “V
I ‘ " . ' - . . . , , bou rht the forest from seteral forest)oyertheyt‘ar‘s."\oble said.“ln “El“k'l'lllllfll L"\f‘s'll'lls'lllt'l ““lk stlhl “”1 *‘l““l“”l‘- ”"l l” ”'41 llt‘l‘llt'” H
IZZI‘IIIfibfitgfezr;:s::e?£:: $23225: :rfdkelIrIiIsI‘53:1“IZIIIIIiavza‘ol‘he-Ildgriffin landItIIwners. Alter clearing almost all l953 a big fire-burned almost hall of It'ils‘ll'l‘lJ-illltl ll” llls‘ l‘tlls‘llllk'llluill Ills" “”l‘ll ““‘l Ill?” "tl‘ l‘sk‘ll ‘t‘llls‘
David M. Workman a l'K ~ I b I - g ‘ . p nee the marketable timber there. the two the forest. l-tres are a Potential “l“llmtll” PU‘P'L‘ 0' bs'llllls’h ‘l“"5~'"I‘I”l‘I”l “I'll ll” ll’lN ‘ ”“llk'lsll
. . y I. III" ena “Id h'm ‘0 remain uprlghf for rricn abandoned their company and Problem etery tallarid spring. lltat‘s lltt‘ forest is also tised for tree lights between the l ll|\t'lsl'.\ and
engineering freshman. is undeterred another 40 feet before he also went . . ' . . v I h . . I. * . , l m-m't 'cnt ‘rtt stti l' -s \ to l n titlllpttlltt's that want to tl‘lllc’ h-e tlls'
by the Obstructing bodies. This down. turned the forest our to l K w y anyone wanting to go t tcrc rrittst ’. a t. ta ii. t e.ri .. .. . i IL . . e
\oble has lited tn the forest his get official permission from the WWW“ llth hs‘k‘ll hlllll lltt'lt‘ for “l“ ls'lltl tlLHl‘ "l l-l‘ltl’l bt'lltlsk‘t
entire life. except for the few years that l'nitersity." educational denioiistiatiotis and turns «IN I“ PWI \ll-ll‘s'
he spent in the militar) and college. (ieorge (‘oltharp l'K forestry our planking and other lurribci \\llit'll "“L‘ llllt' l lli‘tt‘lslh . heliete we
enate V0 tes and said his position as the lor’est's professor. said strip irrtning threats Is uscd to btitld leiieesaiid buildings on own all the tiniest s mmetalatid surface
' supcrtisor is a family inheritance. haye been the greatest problem tti lIll'Wl‘ll) “till“ llflllls" he said "\\. world be
“My father was the firsI recent years. (‘olthaip said the forest is the iiiosi l‘ls‘twt'tl to defend our riimeial arid .
h l superifttendent 0' the forest. I took tip "Many small companies ltate bccit \aluable llll'lfk'll.‘ the l ”HUN“ \llllifc-L‘ rights all lllt was to the,
c ange In onors that job in I953,“ Noble said. “It‘s w picking away at the lorest‘s protectitc owns “It‘s probably worth more than \upreme ( Hilll " , .
By DEBBIE M('DANIEL committee
(Iopy t~dttor lhe initial screening will be based KB I 0 KY
on the student‘s undergraduate record .
Incoming Honors Program including quality of the institution
students will hate to maintain a attended. academic load. grade point
cumulatit'e grade point aterage of It) at erage and total credit hours the
or betterto remain in the program. due Dental Admissions lest scores. letters
to a new policy instituted yesterday by of reference and information from the
the l'nitersity' Senate. student‘s application form.
The senate also passed a rule In other business. the senate
exempting students currently enrolled approted a proposal eliminating the ML ”XL \0- I04 ruin-mu or kt'lllUt‘kfl
in the Honors Program from the two-semester ttaitirig period for TUNIIP- “hm"! I3- “’7" an independent student newspaper lt'\lngltrlr. kertlucky
ruling. students qualifying for a second — —
Honors Program Director bachelor's or master‘s degree. \
Raymond Betts told the senate that For a second bachelor‘s degree in it;
approximately 60 of the 750 Honors the same college.thccollegewillsetthe I I; \ I
students hate a GPA below 3.0 this requirements. Howeter. when the And erson s 26 leads ‘ __ : s I
semester. He said the new aterage second bachelor‘s degree is in a .. *
“makes as much sense in its ottn way different college the student is eligible ' "I .
I as the 2.0 (required for graduation) in upon completing regular college ._
the l.nitersn_\'-~ rcguirements. ats past u 095 ..,- . . .7
I The new rule states that when an I ‘II I I I’ Q” ‘IIII If I III"III I 3"” 'I'IIII ‘ ' 'I '
Honors student‘s (iPA drops below 5%, .. . 3‘ w 4‘ . t k .. /
3‘0 the director “I.” WWII“ “IIIII the BY JOHN (ILAY contest.the Bulldogs pulled towtthma / 3,, 3r “I II " ”I
student and decide ll the lower “mm Spam NM basket at 47-45. .4 t, ~ ~
performance is due to cyte-nuatmg W . . s. [be (‘ats managed to stretch the . , .. 2 _ . . s; . m- x ,
circumstances before dropping the ._.; ‘ Pass the word: [he (Iats are back. lead back to It) points with seten PM - I . .. k“ ’ I 3' . .
student fromthevprogram. . w I _. Behind freshman Dwight minutes to go. only to hate that a ,w . , . I, ,f I . I' “Wig f7“
. [)l5F1135‘ng lhc” performartce “”l‘l Kg. We 3“_.--'II I Anderson‘s 26 points the Kentucky adtantage cut trt half with only 5:09 I y.” fl . II It} 1 2% 4‘ ’z‘é II .
hlmgm‘fi *lUdCHFWIIWl'”“lill’m‘i‘l I _ g! Wildcats turned back the Mississippi left on a 25—foot lumpet by (him. ' _ ”If? .. ..;,II as I 1 II -. a II " q
Belts ”ald‘ ”dd'nts’ [hill extenuating hi Mt“ State Bulldogs 80-65 last nlght at But front then on Ithe (Iats III 7,“, I III II at? . ant”? Ia v 3" .
CIICIImSIImCC" InCIUdC. mental III _ a, .. ~ RUPP Arena. connected on l4-of-l9 from the foul I,, a? . i /r' .“ -' £3; ”' . ,4 @-
physical ”“1“” and mm“ p'I”hl‘Im" \\,i§¢ lIhe win was the second line.otttscoringthe Btilldogslo~(t.tind ---I I4 III [I'k I I I, I} l . I‘ 1‘
lhe proposal “mm “mm“ \ Southeastern ('onfcrencetriumph for thUs securing the tictort. fix: ¢ II l I‘. z" Ia at», V3" III“ if: 153‘, II
students currently enrolled iii the . , llK in three days and theirsetenth in Down the stretch. Mississippi State .. h I t ‘\ w I“ . “gm; of 39;“ Q, I
Honors Program Pu‘fit’d h) WNW”) “ M the last nine games. had to feelinsecure asthct watched st\ ‘03“- . ”I I»: If _k N“ I' Q ’
, tote aftera lengthy discussion. R; Anderson In a school record by 0' their players mu] ”m Plus. the . $1 . ‘ v a. 1’s»:
”‘9 ruling “h'_Cl‘_ exempted WSW“ t 3 hitting IX free throws teclipsing (.‘lif'f Bulldogs‘ t’iInc (Ht) forward Ricky ‘ " -. . A 2...? I --§ 3 flw‘

.. Honors students istnacctyrdancewtth RAYMOND BETTS Hagan‘s old mark) in 2} attempts to Brown played the final lt-t minutes ”I”, 9 1 . , “T0643? . » . . .- .
the "grandfather clause. “mm ‘3.“ run up the highest point total for an saddled with four totils. which ”’ Q “I a 3» I!“ II 34 I ”II -, It I -

, when requrrements l‘” 3‘" ““5 l-‘ (lt‘ltln‘id 1“ le‘P “WW“ indiyidual Wildcat this season. We accounted for his four-point , . ’ ' 2,, I :Q ‘ ”I“ 'I
undergraduate or graduate degree from Wllmmtl “”9 WUN‘ toward “‘0 slender swingman also pulled down a performance (I I under his atcrage.) , ~ - v.1 ,. ’ 1"... V :- ‘Q "’ 1. .
program are changed students ha\e degrees. . game-high l4 rebounds, lIhe Wildcats‘ Kyle MaCt mmlhuw ' ," I . ‘I . I ' ~
the option of fulfilling eitherthe old or two graduate degrees will not be In fact it was at the free throw line to show that he has recotered from h“ ’ ' '~ . » . i R
new requtremcnts. . granted sirriultaneously. howcte'r.and where the Wildcats won the contest. recent slump by tallying l9 points for ._ ' \ I“ ‘ -f _ .

If students elect to fulfill the old enrollment in two programs is not The hosts hit on 40-of-56 from the the Cats. Williams added l4. and .lat ., I M I. . ._ . W W 5':
requtrements but find that the courses permitted charity stripe compared to a mere l7- Shidler and (‘huck \‘erderber (w ho I ‘_ I‘ II _' g I ;~ ' 3‘; *3 '1: I .
hate been eliminated or substanttalh Senate chairman .loe Bryant also 0f_29 for the Bulldogs. was t‘oted the game‘s Sixth-Man , 5‘ a . 4;”? r; . . ,
‘C‘M‘i they may substitute other announced: After building a 35-30 lead at the Awardlcontributed lfland nine points I ‘ I ‘h/ .. _ ’ I
“0””9‘ “”h the approtal “l lh“ dean “‘0 “null-'3 library committecis half. UK pulled out to a |()-point respectiycly‘. Verderber's points all ; ‘M * 3...
“l the college or lht‘ graduate school circulating a questionnaire dealing advantage early inthe second period at came from free throws. Hc Connected " M ’ W“ V '4», 3-» . . .
dean. with obIccttons. Iincontcniences and 4I-3l on a layup and dunk by LaVon '(m 9-ofI-l2, W' «a; .
lhe senate also approte‘d a new needs the staff might hate concerning Williams and a layup by Anderson, The win pushed Kentucky into fifth , " i V, '
* “dm'§””’n" PM?) l‘" the (“”53” I‘ll M-l- Kmtll _ . But the Bulldogs fought back. place in the SEC with an 8—7 I .. tI I
””15”.“ “h'Ch “5“ an ”“W‘l Senate committee nominations behind the outside shooting of (ireg conference record and a lJ—9 slate v; m‘ ; 'ng,‘ ' . ~
screening Plow”N “Pd 'mer‘W‘ W‘h hilH“ been.- SUhmlllCd m ‘lIK OHS (irim. who led the losers with 22 oterall. The Bulldogs dropped to 7—7 By TOM store-ts/Keriiefst‘iIurt 5
three members of the admissions President Singletary for action. points. With l3 minutes left in the in the conference and l5-7 oterall. (‘huck \Ierderber preparestoshootafter gettingafew Bulldogsup in the air. I " I
' Odflf——————~—W " “
? McHrayer. who was joined by nine other customers of of [0 farms are being struck by 4.l00 farm workers ”1 l‘ldk‘l rodat and “Ill find \lrtlltfiflls' Planners Iltt‘rt' . ~
Kentucky l'tilitics (0.. Lexington. also asked that the PSC _ l he strike has already Ieopardt/ed about 40 percent of the P'tW’CVl‘P'L'd “"h 1““ new 'llrt‘ill‘ 1“ l‘lds‘l‘ IWCUHY‘ lllt‘ . I
. return to customers all money collected underthe controversial nation's iccbtirg letttrcc crop and has sent supermarket prices ”Phw‘i” ”1 ”it" “nil the “‘Ct‘llsll'dl'“" WNW" lli'q slntl SUM
state clause. , higher each week. Brown's swing through Saudi -\rabta. .lordan. Israel and ' .
McBraycr told news conferences in Lexington that the lgypt is attired at demonstrating \nieriea‘s commitment to .
JEFFREY (1'erth was (‘HARGED yesterday wtth C‘Iml’la'm “a“ ”‘c I'm “”7 '".°l“.‘”°"g"‘g ”w “3“") “I ”“I AMI-ZRK‘ANS ()V'thWHI-JI,MIN(;I.\ LUGR .. ”WI “f“"m‘" '" m" “““l'm‘” “' ‘h-‘l‘ ““hdmmtd Rm ,
, ' ' procedure under which public utilities pass along higher coststo . l’ahlati s oterthrow by a mass motement seeking to rid ltan of ’
the murder of a state police trooper in an apparent ambush their customers. constitutional amendment rcqtttrtnga balanced federal budget “um" influences ‘ ,
Sunday night “ , y y , . . . ‘ . . because they don‘t trust politicians to ptit a lid on got ernment ' . . ~ .
“mp“ (‘ltnton f-ugene (‘unningham 29- 0' I'rankfort M“ Ian: absolutely determined to abolish the fuel—adjustment spending. an Associated Press-\Bf News W“ \hm“ lht shah 'had nurtured important ties with Israel t'i\t~l the
_ , ' . , clause. he declared. adding that if the commission rejects the . . _ \car\. and these links were tet another target of the Modem -
shot in the back with a rifle as he tntesttgated a reported break- ‘ .- _ , . .. . . V. .. , lhe public. weary of continutngtnflation which they blame in ,
m at a grocery six miles north of Frankfort on (S '27 complaint. 3 Franklin (trcuu (ourt sutt will be filed to part on deficit spending. says cutting “(Nu m the federal opposttton in Iran for one thing. Israel had imported an
District Judge William (iraham set an examining trial for accomplish the same purpose. bureaucracy would sate enough money to balance the half- IIIIIIIIIIIIIII (III pI‘IIIIIIIm III II‘ ”II from II‘III' ”II III‘” "II“ “Illhcu‘t
(‘ummtns 20. of franklin (‘ounty. for f-churary 20 and - trillion-dollar US. budget. IIII permanently . -
' appointed attorney Mike Judy to represent him. ('ummtns was nat'on But Americans” distrust of politicians is so deep that they IIIIICII IIIIICIIII‘ IIIIIIII‘IIIII IIILI" “III II“ ‘IIIILI III "MIC “P II" II": I I I
returned to the Franklin (‘ounty Iatl in lieu ofI355.000 bond set don‘t belict'e their elected oflieals will act lhiis. they are split III“ III IIIInIIIII [IIIIIIIICIIIII' III” IIIII ‘IIIIICLII I‘ IIIIIII'I III IIII IIIMII In .
. by (iraham FARM WORKERS MOlIRNING THE DEATH of a oyer whether the deficit actually could be wiped otrt tn the nest meetings “IIII BIIIMI II IIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIP I S IIII'IIIII agreement -t I
‘ A state olic s okes ‘ Post II at f-rankfort. wh'rc Ilea .hot to death on a i k Ii ‘ _ _ '0“ y'ears. commits \Mishtngton to tnaketipforariy Israelioilshortagefor '
p e p man a t co gut 9 pc et rte stopped ptckettng . 1m, mm
. ; (Iunningham was assigned.satd('trmmins was arrested around during a Halley-wide work stoppage yesterday as both sides lhe AP-NBC News poll found 70 percent of those -
‘ ; l2.10am yesterday at his homenshortdistancefromthescenc triedtodefuscthe volatileImperialValley.(‘alif..lettucestrike, tntertiewed HWY“) 5 and 6 “W" 1* hlltlt'k‘l‘htlltlllt‘Intl \
. II, I of the fatal shooting Marc Grossman. a spokesman forthe United Farm Workers amendment, Fighteen percent opposed stich ti mot c. and II ‘ -
I I i union. said the one-day moratorium was being honored at most percent “‘th "0‘ “”0 weather I ‘
‘ ' I; of the valley-‘5 more than 30 farms yesterday while union and _ I _ ‘
-. ‘ ' I [)l-IMOfRATK‘ Cl'BERNATORIAI. ('ANDIDATE non-union workers prepared to pay rcspcctsforthc 28-year-old PARTH Sl NN\ T0l).-\\.withahighinthemed-itt-Itpptl I ' - I
7 . _- TERRY MCIRAYER filed a group action complaint union worker killed Saturday. I wor|d m‘ PM”) “l"“dv‘ “I"‘gh‘ “'lh " III“ Imm Ihc IIIIII 'II‘ III I
-. - ~ I , 3 yesterday with the state Public Serttce (‘ommtsston in an An estimated 6.500 to 7.000 workers stayed off their Iobs. around M) Increasing plnudlnt‘“ tomorrow with a high in the , V
.. _ l attempt to kill the automatic fuel adIustment clause (irossman said. leat'ing farms short of replacementhelp. Alma] l'.S. DEFENSE Sl-X'Rl-ITARY HAROLD BROWVarrites mHl-IU-UPP" 4‘" ~ ~ I
A. i __—_——_—_——_—_—_——————————— . -
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‘ ___“__ ”MM _ l
. l
.stcu Belling" Thom-s (lurk Ruth Mattingl) Weller Tunis Junie Vlulht tom Mann
liliitvt lIl ( liii',‘ LII/om]! I'd/Io! Debbie Mdhniel 4&I hltlor Spur/i hhlol [NIH/UV it! I’hiiiogru/thi
I I‘. Jenny Tate .
e e («on fields Jul Wainwright (n) Willis
Riot-m McDonald Jeanne Wehnes (up: Mum “""""’ 4‘“ """" JohnUny Lindn ('Impboil
Haltueirie lt/Ilt'r 4\\Utldlt‘ It/iIim Brill! Rielerd Photo Manager
. . tun/um 5mm Liliion
editorials 5: comments ,
Turn right, young men
Alt t t 0 3a 9 V'Ilage’s bus se '0
l is \iicii lliieetoi lom l’adgett announced last \ i _
week that campus bus sci\ice to Commonwealth . /‘;. SPORTS CENTER
\ illaee on \ic'ilt‘l.i\\lllC Road will end because the ~
- . . . coomsrown ..
ieieistbic lanes on the stieet will nialse lelt ttiiiis into . . l
Sliawiiectown tilniost impossible lot the buses. / \ 5,." IN‘I'EIRD - . .tt
Instead. l’adgett said. ilie buses would ttirtt lelt at ‘ X ‘Vooo
the ('oopei l)ii\c~\icholas\i|le Road intersection. /’ 44%
then continue on the route normall) I ‘s \ COMMONWEALTH
llowuei. \its and Science senior Daniel ('assin / . s”MUM
, . v f '
proposed .i much more satislat-tor) alternatne iii his . #5.}. t,‘ , x
. leitci to the ediioi l-iida} (assin suggested a South -'.. i 3 / COMPLEX C‘s}
(anions route built around rig/ii rather titan /c/I '. ° 1 -' {e
l f O r ”5*: ‘
tti:iis / , 7 . ' Q
line such ioitte could worls lilse this: the bus 1 ix . %.
would follow its present route tiiitil it reaclted the . 1/ 0‘ ‘ x t‘.‘
cot net ot Rose Siieet and lltigtielet. lhe bus would ’ S? ‘ ’ ’ '
Itiii: lett onto litigiiclct. then right otito \[ A\. Road. ’ PMK'NG STRUCTURE $ x ““0" CENTER h f
lhc bus would then continue to the stadium FINE \ ‘ No. 1 f‘ — 4» — + 4- UNIVflS'" “'V‘ ' " - " ' $ ‘ W“.
paifswig Lots with stops at the Medical ('enter and ARTS 6 ‘ ._ ' V wig} v.,
\ \ llospiial. \llt‘l' leaiing tlte stadium. the bits . $7 "
.. ti . - . t. . . . CH‘M'SNY' \ f *VA HOSPITAL Vane» “ ' '-.
w. ...t. go soti.li into Shaw neetown (and ultimately PHYSICS \ ; ()° °. ._.
iITTs‘ i’tc 71:“ l is apartment complex) V ‘ (1' 3:533“ NO 1 U u‘...
ll‘e't‘. the bits would ttirn rtgltt on the PATTERSON \ x '. 5° ' ‘ I“.
\‘iaii'iectowii entrance road. then right on 'OFFICE TOWER \s" ‘r 5,? -' 1 If
\iennlasvalc and alter a sio at the regular ‘UNKH 5“ l ‘ V AGRICULTURAL ° ‘ f
i ‘\ l . t’l \llk‘llul' 'lct't‘SS ill: SII'L‘Ct from ~ADMINI 9': s SCIENCE CENTER 68 -: . g f 2
» .. t , s - STRATION _ - a: t- )
(oninionwcalth \ illage turn right onto the road BLDG. '2 , .’ x ' °
b~sid~ “W l indsc tpe (i'irdens -\lter reaching -‘ ‘9 0,, MEDICAL : a f t
‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , . PHAR acv u ‘R “”7“ . E “'
l :i:\crs.t\ l)ri\ e. the bus would continue north on 3 .x : ,3 f: 32
its e\istitig route. ~ uw‘ . :1- \K\ ‘ " ,:. g
lhis route would present tio problem for the .\ ’i 3 )L\\ t h
l es l ran diners. lt lact. it tsalmosi identical to the $.-*_.—+‘—___‘ 5 ““570"! — + ' —’ ' " ' ¢ ' + " * ' + Jag-2:322; ....._‘..;.._;.._..;.._. if:
mine used lor the South Campus bus belore the fall ; . i . .I >.. ‘ I
oi lsl‘b lhe route isn‘t siibstantialh longerthan the . , . 3 j; r" " "-l' ._. f i .1 333‘. ‘ _ ,
plan being used and would proside seriice lor all ,. ' . ' " . .; '- . :1 1" 7.“. . '
people along the present route. '4 r-. h - i . v.35: , t Luz“; - .. ‘
l’adgeti arid leslran officials should adopt this ‘ " ‘ . ‘ .. ' an“ ‘ 5‘ "i - I ' '7 ‘
route. oi one similar to it. rather than eliminating North SOUth bUS Proposed SOUth BUS
ser\i‘ce to .i signilicant group of students. "'——-‘-‘->—-—-h-‘-9 bUS -> —.+ - ~> — —> - + - 4 (present) bUS Changes . StOpS
Films tomorrow night to exa ' e ClA’s fo e'gn intervention
B) l \l R \ B NT siipplting arms and liiiids to Holden resettled on territorial rescr\ations apartheid is not merel) that country‘s country‘s economy lhat is the Columbia. Princeton. \\'esle_\an and
Roberta‘s r\l \ and .lonas which cannot support a subsistence scandal: 80 percent ol pl'iHltL‘indllStt‘) message ol students across the l'nited the state untiersiiies In Illinois.
Sasimba‘s l'\| l ,\ the two pro— e\istence. while the 4 million whites in controlled by foreign capital. much States who ha\c shown b_\ their recent lndiana and (‘alilornia.aniongothers.
\ote lhc lilmsdisciissed inthisaiticlc westerrt groitps opposing the popular enforce passbools laws to reserie the of it American. Most l'.S. actions that student apathy in the 70s" “\s students and laeult) wlio enio}
w;ii be shown tomorrow at lllllpm. moicmcnt under the \ll’l \. lhc X7 percent ol the land with mineral. multinationals do business in South isaniilhr l.ast)ear.atmorcthanthrce the WWW ”l the UNWNW 11 h our
t; the student (’enier lheatre and l iiited States opposed the “Pl .\ in agricultural and industrial saline for Africa; including IBM. Standard Oil. (lo/Cit demonstrations. sit-i118. and l’CSpOltSiblltt} I0 ensure that its llittd\
again at ‘ fsii p in in lilo (‘lassrooin support ol [aire's l’rcsidcnt \1obutii themsehes; (ieneral Motors. ll l. (iencral \igils against [IS in\ol\cmcnt iii do not support a system ol apartheid
Huildtng Sese Sch, iliimsell ”Mutt“, with tlte w hercthe black men are l‘orcedto lilectric. Dunlop lire. Chrysler. i‘nrd South Alrica. the) demaded that their such as that portrayed in I.u\/ (jrureui
help oi the (‘H in 1%!) and Prime lca\c "homelands" for worls and he Motor (‘o.. and man} others. uni\ersities di\estthemse|\esol stocks Dim/tum.
, . came... . Va..fi .._ .. _ who..-“ . .. ., ,. . ll months of the year separated lrom it is wrong to think that South held in corporations operating in that
n a the "superfluous appendages"oftheir Africa is of no concern to Americans country More than 3.500 students Laura Batt is a graduate student in
0 Inlon \\i\es and children. As the film makes when American business pla_\s such a demonstrated at Hariard last spring; anthropology and a member of the
clear. the South Alrieian s_\stem of large role in maintaining that and mastic rallies hase been held at (‘ommittee to Defend the Eleven.
time thing Stanslicld ltirner said Minister Johannes \'orster of South
Men in spo‘sc here last spring was '\lf|L“d. both olwhoni wei‘calartned bi [ ' ' ' ' I
'itiit the (l\ mere!) gathers what a \lCtttr} ol the MN A would A tlrade concernlng thlngs I know nothlng about
.iitellteence and does not engage in mean to the popular struggles in their
mixer: political actisities. own countries. l he Stocltwell account ' ' “ l
\illii'tlgli liirner termed this a new discredits President (‘arter's attack on By STEPHEN A. l,l'Tl Wow. that was high powered political reasonable) but the shah‘s poor. l'\e re-read this thing. I reallydtiubt it i
s 7‘litllilll the tagueh admitted to such ('uban polie_\ in .‘\lrIL‘it b} showing - drama. Remember the day he arthritic. 90-year-old mother 85 “'S‘ll- the “WW/W“ Pm" 'l “"hm“ Sum"?
.4,“ m the PM” it It not a new that thet'ubans becameintolicdonli Well damn. isn't this something? resigned. when he was wandering Why not let her live out her lew it into a hopeless mess. lhe kernels
( l\fi~; lohn Stoclswcll the subtect alter the Sotitli ‘\lrican iniasion of Here lam writing to the Kemp] once around the White House talking to remaining days in P3306 and. no not really b‘g on ”"1“”!ch “““ng
in: ii 'hc lilnis to be shown s\ngo|a and ('l:\ actions serioiisl_\ again. here year about this time for beardless King fear about what a dOUhL comfortable senility'.’ I mean. techniques. 5“) unless 3'0“ base a
\\ tint-silat hi the ('ommittec to threatened the Ml’l .\ some inexplicable reason I get this “saint" his mother was? That was a come 0" 8“.“ enough. is enough. writing style like Ernest Hemingway
l): ‘gt'il 'hc l lei. en has said. “V15 it was the l ,S. alliance with South uncontrollable urge to waste my time strange scene. All in all id say Nixon‘s Trying ‘0 bump offthe kingpinshah '5 3Y0“. can‘tpretty much figure that the”
'l\ fifslilii'e‘lS lied to me about the \lflcil which pattieulails upset and write a long. rambling tirade performance that das makes Billy onething.butwhenyou‘rereadytorip ed'io” “er 80mg ‘0 take your
. :‘lii.‘\!‘ll;' sL‘HIL't‘s as the} swore me Stoeliwell Stogltwcll has said. “lhc ...__,_‘__-_.~_ ;‘_~___' out the throat of a little Old lady in preCIous little amCle which you
: Inc. 'tt\l\ic‘il The (‘l \ iunctioned to (H has traditionalh ssnipatlii/ed . . Beet-fly Hillsjust because she had tthe labored oversolongandsliceitintoan
ea'r‘s: ‘Z.lcil‘._\..'c'lch‘ it did not l\|ll. use with South ‘\lllC-’i and etito_\ed a close misfortune to give birth to the sub- unrecognizable mish-mash “‘h'Ch.
ill..." damage people‘s lises. the} liaison with BOSS“ the South Opinion human bastard some 50—0dd yearsago l00k5 like it “'35 “"an b)’ a
tissnlz‘Ll 'tic lhese lies were \lrician secret police so much so is \ery bad form indeed. It really. i mescaline—craled gorilla. '
I‘1 if“ llisit d in the lolltiwing tear of that the (‘l‘\ does not need to operate _._____._—__§____________ must admit. pissed me off big time. . Oh well. ll”St hope that lhl“ makes
mining toiirscs It was not until the independently in that country. lhc concerning _'d lot 0i lhlntlS “thh l (‘arter 100k, M“ a pretty wcalt item. i suppose (icorge and his buddies "l tthEht relatively “"5“”th !
Ase i‘stllt‘S oi the ( lunch and Pike South '\lrlClitlt go\ ei nmcnt ‘s know nothing about. Oh well. i (iranted Billy‘s a crude. bigotted would attribute her demise to “death because I th‘mk ill" '5 my last year at '
on niitiecs .ti N“ that i learned the stranglehold on the blacls population ‘UPP‘NT ‘1 5’9th“ some cathartic clown. bl" Tricky [)le was pure “ll by misadventure." Frankly though. | [1" and. Id like to see my last i
UM Mu. truth abotit in} under apartheid mtt. ht“ maintained a purpose. and anyway it keeps me off when itcameto generating hostility in think it would have been a case of contribution to our student newspaper '
.-:iipioiers "stable“ enough political climate lor the streets . . . so here we go again. others. Neither of the (‘arter boys can overkill. Bv the way. while l‘m on this to at least have the semblence of ’
Stockist-Ii sersed with the (‘M in l .S. and otherforeigncorporationsto Recently. (for the last hour and a CV9" lOUCh him when itcomcstothat. subject maybe sorrieonecould explain coherence. .
helium and was head of the ('|‘\ operate lreels. eaining iatcs ol profit half actually) l‘ve been pretty 50 where does that leave all those whvallithe Iraniansinthiscountryare Hey man. '1“ been real ' ‘ ‘ bl” l 1
liisls litch‘lil \ngola belore resigning unsurpassed anywhere else In the depressed about the general state of people 0“! there WhO want 10 get m surprised by all thisideportation think I'm getting close ‘0 my 800
[mm the tum” icportcdh out oi world lhc hrlllttllt} ”t the South alfairs hereinthegood oldll.S.ofA.l pissed off at something? i. for one. talk. Afterall you don‘t have to have allotted words. ..so i better wrapthis 1
disillusionment llardh a radical. Atrictan regime is dramaticalls mean. l00k around man. things isthis really can‘t see anything that even sourfingerorithepulseofmainstream up. But before I do _. , . Kudos: .
Stotltwcll was the son ol «merican documented in the second him to be country have definitely been going l00k3 half way interesting 0" the .American political thought (ifisuch a Congrats ‘0 (”988 Field“ for. his :
niiss.onarics in '\lllL‘tl and scricd as an shown here Wednesdai. lusi (INIH'UI down hill for the last five or six years. current political 599“? Oh sure there‘s thing can be said to exist) to dig the brilliant ‘I‘Eterna I“ Matternal"piece. l
otlicer in the \«1arine ('orps belore [NIH/VIII]. Where is all the tension and high the Iranians and their Committee to realit , that if to” go aroundtrying to I loved '1! Keep UP the 800d work, .
staiting hiscareerwiihthetlk But he [his film. which was shot illegalh drama of the late 60s and early 70s? Defend the Eleven. bill I really don‘t wasteylittle old ladies you're going to (er88! Also - , ~ Congrats to ~l0h“ l
, came to espcricncc an inner tension and smuggled out ol South t\lrica by a What has become of the glory days think I could get into that action. pigs of“, lot of people 'The polity asit C00“ for his rather stuffy defense of '
stemming liom the conllict between group of filmmakers. depicts a when thousands took tothe streets to Those guys don‘t seem ‘0 have any Mite will not be amuiged " ‘ his Florida article. You sound '
his itlL'd ot LlL‘dn lising and the “dirt_\ country bltch about the war and a whole sir/e atall. lmeanlook.the shah.who “ " ' positively professorial there. John! I l
‘. tricks“ b\ which he madc his liting, where whites ento) the highcst generation told the Feds. “Hey. look everybody a year 380 though! W351i“: Wow. ljust re-read ”“5 thing. and predict a bright future in the English
L \lthoiighthelilmis mostly personal standard oflisinginthc worldwhilc 50 man. this funky shit going down in “A3 blue chip puppet. has been wonder ”f wonders. l've written an department if the Eurmama gig
. in its approach. lociising on Stockwell percent of all black children die before '\am just ain‘t for me!“ overturned by a bunch of scraggily. lranian leim- lswearldidn‘t meanto. doesn't Pa“ out, Keep Pingglng away
. and his tamilt it also does much to ' the age ol ll\C because their mothers Digit. lhat. mvfriends.wassermus wild-eyed religious freaks who are 0h “Hill-”181'S whathappens when you b0)“. 00"?" forever. Peace.
5‘ clarili the nature of foreign are too poor to leedthem. controversy And remember when apparently so farintotheirnewfound sit down and start to write. The
_ ‘ interscntion in the Angolan war As where the malorlt} ot the IS puma”. and muttering like a power trip that they want to kill not strangest things invariably come out. Stephen A. Lutz is I political science ,
- i earls as Jul). I975. the (‘M was million blacks ha\e been ltthlhl) \mm got mass kicked out ofoffice? only the shah (which is. I suppose. I’lltellyouonethingthoughmowthat senior. I
. s L
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‘ i i ‘ ’1“. i ' 'i ' ‘ " l BEST COPY AVAIL!

__ i iiii kisii ( |\\ kiiisii. Iuesdm. Hbruan ii. 1079-}
i ' our;
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W’ ' I ”It
- »- I K omeini In OWBI’ Ut e ran In anarc y
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I I If " a— - a f (‘ompiled from Asmd'ud closely." Hotel. biisc loi the Western scaled oll |clir.iii‘s .lllptiil, iilt piott-tiioiioi hisoldiiierid
m1; Pm“ reports lhe dctelopments in Iran new \ riicd iii. k ilillllL‘ 1 ill icpoitcills to pietciit oilitalsiit \1Uiltil llii/.iip.i ii pi llilt'
I, I", ‘ ’ 4v! _ could damage the