xt718911rk09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911rk09/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-06-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 17, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 17, 1999 1999 1999-06-17 2020 true xt718911rk09 section xt718911rk09 “MN m TEACHER”. These are actual excuse notes from parents (including spelling errors). I. My son is under a doctor's care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him. 2. Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot. 3. Dear School: Excuses Please ekscuse John being absent on Jan. 28. 29, 30, 31, 32. and also 33. 4. Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is administrating. 5. Please excuse Roland from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip. 6. John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face. 7. Carlos was absent yesterday because June 17, 1999 Good 90v? Unlikely suspect is example " for all l4 http://www.kykernel.com ‘The last farewell’ COLLEEN S'ARTZ. R.N.. DIRECTOR OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY TRANSPORT AT UK mum AtqprexluatelytoMueSikanky s-ubelceptarlattflaahmlulr- partlalreatflttuaaty. wummmmw crashedlateaneutalaelleflylngla mmmcaaseofthecrashhas yetuuWThalavestlgatlea “mama-manus- pertatleaSafetyBoardlsexpactedto takethreeweeks'l'hepllotsvelce 10. 1 _a 12. 13. l # 15. 17. 18. he was playing football. He was hurt in the growing part . Megan could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins. . Please excuse Ray Friday from school. He has very loose vowels. Please excuse Tommy for being absent yesterday. He had diarrhea and his boots leak. . lrving was absent yesterday because he missed his bust. Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father's fault. . I kept Billie home because she had to go Christmas shopping because I don't know what size she wear. Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday. . Sally won't be in school a week from Friday. We have to attend her funeral. My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. She spent a weekend with the Marines. . Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well. Please excuse Mary for being absent yesterday. She was in bed with gramps. Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover. Please excuse Burma, she has been sick and under the doctor. . Maryann was absent December 11-16, because she had a fever, sore throat, headache and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever and sore throat, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over. I wasn't the best either, sore throat and fever. there recerderhasbeenreceveredaadmay reveal-kythecraskoccared. Medics fly again Memorial service for crash victims will be held Friday; crash cause unknown By Jill Gorln NEVIS EDITOR The UK Air Medical Service be- gan flying again today, while hospi- tal workers are wearing gold pins with black ribbons to remember their colleagues. “Quite frankly, we have some crew members that might decide not to fly again,” said Jan Davis, R.N, medical crew supervisor at UK Air Medical Service. At about 10 pm. Monday night, four air service crew members died when their helicopter crashed. They left Julian Carroll Airport in Jackson for Lexington during a dai- ly routine flight. After six to eight minutes in the air, radio towers in Lexington lost their signal and nev- er regained communication. The helicopter crashed into mountains about 1.2 miles southeast of the Ju- lian Carroll Airport near Kentucky Highway 30 East. A memorial service for the crew will be held at 11 am. Friday at Immanuel Baptist Church, 3100 Tates Creek Rd. The public is invit- ed. “All four of these people came to work routinely with the biggest smiles you could imagine,“ Davis said. Investigators have yet to find the cause of the crash. St. Louis helicopters will try to lift out the main fuselage from the aircraft to aid in discovering the cause of the accident, said James W. Holsinger, Jr., chancellor of the UK Chandler Medical Center. “We do know that there was only about 1/2 mile visibility be- cause of the dense fog," he said. “but the aircraft is capable of flying (under those circumstances).” This particular helicopter. a Sikorsky 8—76 model, was leased by UK from Petroleum Helicopters, Inc., which has had an ‘excellent‘ safety record with the aircraft. said Ben Schrick, chief operating offi- cer. Schrick said the aircraft was a 1981 model and was refurbished in 1996. Federal Aviation Administra- tion records say the helicopter had been involved in three minor inci- dents, the last being in 1988 when oil pressure was lost from one of its two engines. Then, the aircraft re- turned to the airport. Holsinger said that the risks as- sociated with being an air medical crew member probably never en- ters their minds. “These are really, really dedi- cated people,” he said, “I would be astounded if any one of them count- ed the risk when they go out there to work. They do it because they love their job." The UK Hospital employs 11 pi- lots and about 27 nurses in their flight crew, who are extremely ex- perienced, Holsinger said. “It’s like a miniature flying ICU (Intensive Care Unit).“ Holsinger said. “You have to be [experienced] to work here." “These people are of high morale," he said. “They are profes- sional and personal friends." The UK air medical program was on a shutdown. transporting The victi no patients for 48 hours. to allow time to grieve for those lost. but is now flying again. The National Transportation Safety Board is expected to contin- ue investigations for the next three weeks. Until a cause of the crash is found. one flight nurse says she will continue her duties. “We’ve been together so long." said Colleen Swartz, R.N.. director of trauma and emergency transport at UK Hospital. “It's not a matter of feeling safe or unsafe. but a matter of getting beyond the last farewell of this crew.“ Swartz said that emergency medical care in Eastern Kentucky will still be provided at a “high lev- el of care" by the existing medical personnel in the region. “We will compliment their care." she said, and they will ease into normal operations again with the UK air medical services. The air medical services crews want to return to service, she indi cated. “It's more than skill. There‘s a spirit in this department that is very attractive,” she said. “We‘re a team." A memorial fund to benefit the families of the victims has been es- tablished. Contributions to the Air Medical Memorial Fund may be sent to the UK Chandler Medical Center Office of Development, A301 Kentucky Clinic. Lexington. Ky. 40536-0284. CAMELS. Parking gets strict, neighborhood permits By Lamln Swarm other available parking," he said. must be something going around, her father even got hot last night. http://members.tripod. com/Madtbone/ VOL. N104 ESTABLISHED IN 1892 INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 News tips? Call: 257-1915 or write: kernelOpop.uky.edu ISSUE 8151 CONTRIBUTING WRITER Parking could soon be much more of a hassle than it already is for UK students. especially for those who park in neighbor- hoods ofl" campus. More and more neighborhoods sur- rounding campus are applying for Resi- dential Parking Permits (RPP) on their streets, complaining that students are tak— ing up the spaces. “Restricting street parking for resi- dential use can be used to compel traffic generators, such as schools and business- es, and to provide adequate street parking [for residents],” said Paul Schoninger. re- search analyst for the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government. “It can also force non-residents to find Currently, 14 neighborhoods are a part of the RPP program including Prall~ town, South Hill, Bullock Place, Montclair, Market, South Hanover. Hagerman Ct.. Spring St., Transylvania Pk.. Oldham, For- est Park, Kentucky Ct. & the 300 and 500 block of Park Ave. Students who try to park in one of these neighborhoods can be ticketed. Some students disagree with the per- mits. “Parking on neighborhood streets should be available for everyone,“ said James Hunter, philosophy junior. “We pay taxes for that street. we should be able to park there," he said. Neighborhoods who wish to apply for the RPP program must meet the following requirements: 1. 50 percent of the affected residents The Student Newspaper a t the University of Kentuck , Lexington Urban County Council. 2. At least 65 percent of spaces must be utilized and at least 25 percent of spaces must be used by those who live outside of the neighborhood. After these requirements are met. and hearings are conducted. the council can establish, reject or alter the proposal. Each resident can receive up to two residential permits and one guest permit at $10 each per year. Many agree that something does have to be done to provide sufficient on-campus parking. One student has an idea. “Kentucky football has one winning season and got a stadium expansion," Hunter said. “A portion of our tuition should be allotted for a UK parking per- mit.“ must sign a petition and submit it to the till Parking Services Revenue: Fiscal Year 1991-98 Citations W $122,056 Permits 9.009.904 PM Street-n 09 “4.106 Meters 8100.611 I Title-{131's 2.1x.. . a. “6%” '? ...e .\ ea-...‘Q! r 1.:Hoougoobe ' . ‘ “Azwmpg ‘ " ..... ‘."..‘IIIIF.‘..‘. -x , .~ saw: ‘mfiefll-QOOJAoaaz / . - .' ' '1 '.' ' 1- .. , . y r m ' . . . , ~ l“ ‘ _, . _ . .y W-vvtoir Db va- ‘c. .4. a. c a. hr-w“‘ .‘w.‘ a ‘H-h‘ .. mu gt.- .‘ . - . n ‘ .. - n . 4 g- . , . Art sWee Rob Ouan Scene editor Phone: 257-6525 I Email: rhouanOOOearthlinknet g I THURSDAY. JUNE 17. T999 I mm Enjoying the Kengi Tony Lowry, an English senior, relaxes after work on the pine tree lined porch of Charlie Brown's, 816 Euclid Avenue BRIAN RICHARDSON I KERNEL STAFF Patio days The second in the Eight Week Round-up Series: Some of Lexington's premiere spots for outdoor wining and dining By: Amanda York CONTRIBUI'NG WRITEP The Atomic Cafe Where: The corner of North Limestone and Third Street. Ambiance: The Atomic (‘afe offers an evening of good food and music. If Bob Marley could have designed heaven he would have done something similar to the Atomic (Tafe. Inv side you'll find brightly painted walls featuring tropical scenes with a distinct Caribbean theme. The Jamaican decor of the inside carries out onto the patio. a large affair with canopy tables with wicker chairs for dining. A brick wall laced with small twinkling lights sur- rounds the patio setting the mood for a good time. The low down: The menu features a variety of Jamaican and Caribbean dishes. Dinner for two costs around $20 to $30. On the weekends The Atomic (‘ate features live bands and has a $1 cover. 21 and over after 9 pm. For more information call 251-1969. Charlie Brown's. Where: 8% Euclid Avenue in the ()hevy Chase Plaza Ambiance: A favorite for UK students. the patio is decor rated with greenery surround- ed by a wall which offers seclu- sion and privacy. Music from a ......... .A, ‘OCCQpLEI. 4—: 3-13;» view, 9 ° " ‘ 0.. 9.. suWw'.n o ' ‘ free lukehox helps to create a most enjoyable evening. The low down: (Tharlie Brown‘s offers daily specials and food at an affordable price. The menu features a variety of appetizers. sandwiches and burgers. Dinner for two costs around $1.3 to $20. For more in- formation call 269-570l. Lexington City Brewery Where: South Broadway and Virginia Avenue. Ambiance: The patio at LCD offers canopy tables and is surrounded by a wooden fence and greenery. Lexington (‘ity Brewery offers full service to custotners (lining on the patio and features micro brewed beer and a complete bar. The low down: I.(‘B offers drink specials throughout the week and a disc jockey or live bands on the weekends. The menu features a variety of dish- es ranging from soup and salad to pasta and steak. Dinner for two costs around $1.3 to $20, 18 and over on the weekends. For more information call 259- BREW. The Garden Cafe at Flag Fork Herb Farm Where: 9oo North Broad way. Ambiance: Adding a twist to patio dining. this cafe is lo- cated in a historic 1790s home and offers patio dining on the front porch. The dining area is surrounded by greenery. After dining you can take a walk through the herb garden locat- ed in the backyard of the cafe or stroll through the house and view crafts. The low down: The menu offers a variety of homemade soups. pastas. sandwiches and delicious desserts. Dinner for two costs $15 to $20. The Garden Cafe is open Monday through Saturday from 11 am. to 2 pm. for lunch and from 2 pm. to 4 pm. for dessert. Reservations are recommended. For more in— formation call 2526837. Cheapside Bar 3. Grill Where: 131 Cheapside St. Ambiance: Cheapside‘s pa- tio is fully equipped with a bar and an upper level dining area. Greenery placed around the pa- tio adds a pleasing touch. Cheapside is a favorite among the late zos. early 30s young up- wardly professional crowd. Ex- pect the patio to be packed on the Weekends The low down: Live bands are featured on the weekends with a $4 cover. The menu fea- tures a variety of appetizers, sandwiches and drinks. Dinner for two crisis anywhere from $15 to Slit). 21 and over after 9 pm. For more information call 254-0016 The Week in Music The Rentals "Seven More Minutes" (Maverick Records) As the new Rentals disc was dropped into my eager hands I thought I could feel the eloc tricity of the Moog pulsing up my arms. pro gramming me for a 45 minute interlude ol‘qutrky beats and blips. But on hearing “Seven More Minutes" an expression slowly transformed my face, like a boy who opens up a box of mono grammed handkerchiet‘s on (‘hristmas morning. If this record was being reviewed by cheer leaders they'd scream Gimme an “L"! Gimme an “A"! Gimme an “M”! Gimme an "E"! What's that spell? Lame assed boring overproduced pop mu sic for money and the masses. The last Rentals record was loaded with ana log mastery. bathing my nerves in the warm electronic bath of circuitry and tubes. and this one is the alarm clock that wakes me out of that dream. Can I hit the snooze button t‘or “Seven More Minutes"? Not a chance. Will Birchard CONTRIBUTING CRlTlC The Spy "he Showed Ne Mach (Warner Broth- ers) While listening to the Cd at work, my co- workers kept asking why I was grimacing. In the low points section Melanie G. (aka. Scary Spice) does a cover of “Word Up“. Never a good song to begin with. but after hearing Scary warble through it I understand why Ginger de- fected. The Flaming Lips. a band a coworker tells me used to be great ”before that unfortunate 90210 fiasco". do a song called “Buggin” that sounds like a cheap XTC imitation. Elvis Costello weighs in with “I'll Never Fall in Love Again”. I’ve always liked Costello‘s thick yet lilting voice. but this song follows the really bad Burt Bacharach trend. And finally. there’s Quincy Jones with “Soul-Bossa Nova“. It sound- ed pretty cute for the first 30 seconds. but after 3 minutes of it I wanted to maim a co-worker. The Dr. Evil rendition of “Just the Two of Us“. one of the only times during this CD I actu- ally smiled, was the only real high point of a pretty suckola CD. It’s amazing I still want to see the movie after doing this review. Jennifer SIIIII tommautmc calm Cibo Motto “Stereo Type A" (Warner Brothers) From beginning to end. Cibo Matto’s Stereo Type A is in contrast to their first album. Viva! l.e Woman. Whereas their debut incorporated a quirky mix of hip hop beats, punk rock enthusi- asm and lyrics about food. Stereo Type A sees them move to a refined pop song format. Stylistic changes are due, in part. to the ad- dition of a variety of quest musicians to the Japanese trio. Featured on the CD are Billy Mar- tin amt .lohn Medenski from the jazz combo Medenski Martin and Wood and Sean Lennon. Despite the changes and production credits from the likes of the Automator. of Dr. Octagon fame. the album falls short of their first effort. At best they are reminiscent of Stereo Lab, a FYench pop lounge band. At worst Cibo Matto is simply bor- ing. Stereo Type A should be saved for a bargain bin )urcliase. Tray 5 Shelton commeuich Red Hot Chili Peppers "Californication" (Warner Brothers) If I had to rate rock albums with a star sys- tem I would allot 2 Stars for the music, and 2 stars for the lyrics. 80 in that system I’d give the RHCPs' new album, Californication. 2 and a half stars. The music on this record is fresh. striking and even weird at times. Having their old guitar player. John Frusciante. back has an impact. Californification has all of the RHCP funk stuff. like “Get on Top". but regrettably it has some really awkward and embarrassing ballads. At any rate. the music is great so I'd say it’s a worthy purchase. Ed Brown CONTRIBUTING CRITIC Limestone Try these specials -2 for Tuesday 1 6 inch sub. another of equal or lesser value for tree w/medium drink. -$1 OFF any footlong sub -$.50 OFF any 6" sub OLate Night Special buy 1 footlong w/medium drink and get another of equal or lesser value for 99¢ (every night) after 5 pm. Plug-in to UK Federal Credit Union O/Il the World Wide Web! Find us at: www.uky.edu/UKFCU or send us e-mail at ukfcu@pop.uky.edu 0 Fill out a membership , application ‘\ . 0 link to tire IRS homepage If you have athlete’s foot, here’s some good news \ PCKRAW CENTRAL KENTUCKY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. INC. You may be eligible to participate in a research study evaluating the effectiveness of a medication for athlete‘s foot and be compensated for your travel and participation. To be eligible. you must be at least 12 years old. experiencing symptoms between your toes (redness. flaking. and itching). and be in generally good health. If you qualify. you will receive: - Medical supervision throughout the duration of the study 0 And you will be compensated for your participation CKRA clinical trials meet all applicable FDA guidelines ' Free. study—related medication Call now for more information. (606) 275—]966 'l‘oII-free l~8()()—898~ I966 MCIWORLDCOM Customer Service Agents Inc ester area. Several long term positions for a leading inbound call center In t e lob requires employees to provide support to inbound customer calls while ensuring excellent customer satisfaction through telephone inquiries. ability to provide account analysis and recommend services. Qualified candidates must possess internet knowledge, typing speed of up to 30+ wpm and technical connection abilities. Must have strong communication skills, he enthusiastic and have the ability to handle customer complaints and objections. Interested candidates must have a very flexible schedule and able to commit to a long term assignment. Please contact our offices to set up an interview: 606-744-0961 (Winchester) 606-223-2416 (Lexington) 606-624-1644 (Richmond) 502-570-0900 (Georgetown) EEO/Never an applicant fee A...Qu~‘wl‘n\wWJ .», KELLY SERVICES ‘ AhWWAAOOs‘...~.MWQoaa 0.... .. , 1 1,. 11 " WW I THURSDAY.JUMEIT.I999 I3 _‘ 1., ”l l Blonde Jotlison w/ Molo Mlxon. Headliners Music Hall, wnn MORE COULD You ASK FOR? If , I386 Lexington Avenue, Louisville. 9pm. $5. . ‘1‘ Mme” Spacious 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Apa‘tiiielrts _ __ and 2 Bedroom 2 1/2 BatIlTo S U N D A Y , romSMO to Slim . Dave Mounties Band. Riverbend Music Center Cincin- : ~. 1 11Mile from cm” I nati. Ticketmaster. OFrosl fro-t rt» frigt rator with In niakt r - l)i$llWfl>llt‘ -r I \- llxli dining l)\t n o I Pool 0 Workout latilitic s 0 Sand vollt )liall 0 L lulilllrlm- willl I oll llt - WBMWI m. Yats. 5 9-” 53- .24 hour c-odt 8(0th laundry ' l’t ts Wt ltonlt 0 ()II t ilnIIlls liiislili‘t1e ' DON’T MISS OUT" MONDAY nieliniinctoii . impromptu . 2555454 Johlvty Shipley w/ Jordan Green. Yats. 10 pm. tree. 11 A” 11 1 ULTIA SHIIO SUGIOUND SOUND I u as D Ay UNI M WW II” AIRIS ....lr.tua.::lht;°.rz.m ——-—— Jon Mellancanlp wlSon Volt. Riverbend Music Center luXINGTON Gm" 3 ..MON...’ WAR MOVIES IO VIIOODMILL Cincinnati, Ticketmaster. ' 1w” 1“ M 11” 1 l 11 ”1 ‘ 11M ... .. 1 1 1’" a 1 ‘TARZAN (G) DTS 'TARZAN (GIDTS ‘STAR WARS EPISODE 1 It 151215 i go ‘ 25 3 35 4 35 5 40 ON TWOSCREENS THE PHANTOM IENACE (PGI NS 706 755 910 $005 H40 l210 205 235 44:3 4.. 9NI11REE.SC,REEIN.S . I w ED N E s p A v “mum. no _. . . _ TIE PHANTOM “ENACE (PG) 0T5 AUSTIN POWERS. THE SPY WHO 5 DellCIous Trip Attendents w/ Shake. Lynagh's. 10 pm. on THREE SCREEN: 531.11%? 5:: e123?” ms Jim1§§1EZZSEAUGH1ER1R1 $3 ;1l§56;ii0701(1i2a1i5292030390050330 ll 55 l2 2502 SOHO-NC ‘ ‘L‘ ’ ‘”~ ‘ t ‘d 'i . .. 1 55 ‘ 1.” THE MUMMY (PG-13 ”5940’ ” 1‘ ‘ ‘ c o M I N c .. o I... m .. 4 .Sl.4 ‘4‘, 1KJ7I’.‘ S o 0 N Igguéféléigq 57 iigl’TlNoLHlLL (PG-Hi now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS! ELECT”... lRl ‘ 3 051111”? fc‘iEFNS , . 5 11 m Rollins Band. July 3 Bogart's, 2621 Vine Street, Cincin- Egg? L5E1r5rE1R5i1ec1o-Oi13i his Monolithic-13mm nati. 8:30 .m., 512. ‘3“ ‘ 1 “ "N p TODAYS TlMtS C‘ou' » All THEAINS HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE I NO PASSIS - NO SUNISAVII Motley Crue w/ The Scorpions. July 14, Riverbend .. _- . .- . Music center. Ticketmaster. G l' a d u a t e S C h 0 0 l Brian Setzer Orchestra ii/ Bit-549. July ll, Riverbend D_ ' S S e r t a t i 0 n 5 Music Center. Ticketmaster. m..- H 1” M H 1" 1 ‘ N ‘1 1 1 -. 1 Program: (re-rigiuyilit PriIgr1ani:1ll :I It PHOTO fURNlSHED ' - ~ 11 -' \i . ’it\ -I Ni ii w -lll Illllll t' itllillflli I. [u i” I’ i . _ . . . _ _ GUIded by Voices. June 26, Bogart’s, 2621 vine Street, Jill...” I“... ”1...‘..".‘”..”f:..”. 3.1. n. .”..”..‘ .'.'.'.'.‘. '..‘l‘ 'I'Ist “ ”'”' .. ~ . 1‘ .. coming up In the world Clncmnatl. 8.30 p.m. Ticketmaster. “Stavrnfnwr: III Irlhn l'leAltx \liijor Professor: Ill in. lo. ll. llll Son Volt plays at Riverbend Music center in Cincinnati with Jon Mellancamp Tuesday. ”W i...- ”l ”t‘“ “at“ r... 7‘” ”M “Mr: Illllll.iiii lime: .‘lllIili. ' figm I’Iiic‘e: ft \Illlt-l Hull Place: I ‘IS i'.|lltl\i‘ll l I'll.. l in.- Mud River Stone. By Actor's Guild of Lexington. Thurs- xiii, 11.111111111111111, 1111111 days, Fridays. Saturdays and SUndaYS ""0th JUN ll Title: luclnr's liilllmtunp l riiiun lllxitnllnd‘llu‘ r\lls'l lillr 11111‘.‘1’l1li1111111F11111111111111111111111111 $10 for Studenis. ca" 233'0663. “who I l\ its-nil. It It WIT It .ciit It lll‘ lllllillll‘ ii.il i. - I - \tajor ”who"; In Mom”... (...... \ln1j1rir 11P1rllfd~tsorz l)! ('.ihcirl llc- kuclz” Dilll‘: J“"‘1 H 1w” It’ll; 1i1e111'1hliv Iiinitk‘llllndll 1j1 , 1, w Time: 31.11”“ 1 . I l-I;Il in ilk-turner g. $35!; Place: ti 1 college ..l \‘uronp P11.“ 1343121.?“ lliiie1t11-1r1r1i1-l For the week of June 17-June 23 ......o. in ...... summon imam... FoodAsSubIect and Metaphor. 209 Castlewood Drive, 1‘ '11” 11 11 .h N 'l\ “1 1 June 8 to July 25 41".... 1.111....111 1 e::.ml11...Il.1.1.151111 , . Essen’aa' l beats and Breaks II: Underground Hip Hop lifi'ii..l.‘.‘.‘.".ii" '.‘..’.‘.f.'..f...‘..‘.'.“...'f.‘l.' ..‘S‘iili.l;.“l‘.'.'l'.2t... l.‘.'.'.‘fi..'.".f1’flti."-ti.1”-."i‘.‘.'.‘.‘.".i;‘.'.‘.‘..';‘."‘"" ‘1“""‘"'"“‘ III I IS“: Party featuring Shareef Abdullah, Tommy Miller and S U N D A Y “""""“"‘ “""" or... e...re.a... .. on... k... .. Sm. Yats.10 pm. $3 \lqjm' Prolexwr: I): l‘ulllcl. \tmntt Ill \rn. ull \lrl l-ilhe-Iy Dale: Illllc 1‘ IU‘N Date. lulu :x H‘N T H U R S D A Y Third Annual Gay Pride Working Class kitchen Mnter" s ”m" “"““"’”"“ 1 t r - ~ ~ _ . p1,“.- ll t “mu-h. .I. . m. I'iit't': K“ l).|||L'Isi'll l Illlcl‘ [um-l Mint“ Jones. Lynaqh.s_ IO pm. $3_ with??? Bl'tz- 8°93” 5' 263‘ V”"e Street, CW” Reading. Cafe Joseph Beth. 8:30 pm. $6 to $10 dollars. 1 11 '1 1 Santana. Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati. 8 pm. I $111,221.11“; ' 1:21:11, 1.111"1 . TICKET Master. G’Funk 3" Stars- Headliners MUSIC Hall. ‘386 LEXlnolon Title: In. lltl \ \I. it s sch-inn Ill n liirc- iil1I151..1i11F..11.. illlil1t1 .1 ‘31.".1.” ~1.111\l1l 11 Lil x1111. Avenue,Louisville.8p.m.$5 L?;'...‘...‘,‘ 1’11”; '.“‘...“.‘.",‘.“,11....T‘.‘,‘,'1'” "‘ “"‘ ““ ‘”1““”"’" ”‘”' Why Store w/ I] Roosters. Headliners Music Hall, 1386 inn... pron“... ... I n... “W "MW" l3 i“1.“’.‘ .. .‘I' ll 181111191011 Avenue, Lomswlle. 8 pm. 58' S A T U R D A Y Have a snazzy art opening. chic photo gallery or cul- 1.111113,1.11i1:.1.1,111111":11‘1111‘1‘11‘11HK' . ting edge musical performance the UK community via-e. w ...-...... n I'Iai-i-1:\1\ .... F R I D A Y 1’ Grams 011 Groove. Lynagh 5'10 p.m. 53' might be intrested in? Let us know. mo 1 fl wll ll Imam andtheHorsefealth- . , E-Mail: rbquanoooearthlinknet, calltlieKernel office ...... ..........-._... els. Lynaqh'sJO p_m_ SSadvanced$6door1 new "I E' “”5““- 3093” 5162””"95ll99lr at257-l915 or faxrtto 323-1905. ”...... CITICII‘II'lalI. 8 p.lTl., $10 1ll|i> l we llll‘. .1 lIl irrIlmli Ill lvl Illd' \nc-lltln Fillililtl1'il“:1“\ \Iii \ . -Ll1l 11iiI1. ,ILl lull... l..c- an ~ N“ or ”’1'",an Pr l.illl Hm lll lime: I Il- I lit Bars, clubs, venues: Cincinnati venues (513 area Kentucky Center for the Man 0' War ................. 266-4645 4929 111111“ 111111111111"111111h11111111‘1111 AIA ............................ 231-7263 COGEli ills ----------- ~800'775‘7777 Kentucky Theatre ....... 23l-6997 Art Museum ........................ 257* Booqre Nights ............ 25578863 Boqall1S-~- TOll “09” ------------------- 458‘2020 Turfland .............. 277-2825 57‘6 Cheapslde Bar and Grlll....254 Riverbend ..... Kentucky Opera ......... 584-7777 Cinema Grill. 11111 255-8824 Student Center .................. 257- 0046 Taft Louisville Garde 574-0060 Cmike ________________ 263.2370 8437 lwo Keys .................. 25475000 ”00*“? ..... ”"04” Actor's lheatre .......... 584-1205 c - y- . “enlUCkV Kel‘ III C 42 . m . . ampus lIS Int]. nel .......... 257‘l9l5 Lynaqli's Clllb ..... zssroold 9 TOW” ----------- '4 Headllners Music Hall ....... 584» SM. 257. """" MlllPI’llUlTI 225.9194 SUUSY Malones.. ...... 77l'3550 8088 88671 1111111111111111111111111111111111 Kennedy BOOKSIOTG """""" 252 ................ . . 1 033] Rllpp Arena ................ 23374567 R”D'€V 5 ------------------- 86"6800 ”0"“? ""96““: BOA ....................................... 25 UK Bookstore 257. lextnqton Opera 11111111 233.4567 Playhouse In the Park ....... 345’ SOUll’l 73l9l 2947 11111111111111111111 Actor's GUIld.. ....233‘0663 124,2 ,u 502 116111”? """""""""""" 21216611 mini" ”‘93”? ----------------- 257' Wildcat Text- Yals 1111111111111111 ....254-8128 oglsyi e venues ( area Woodhlll ........................ 269-1911 4929 books .............. 223777] to 9 - LeXInqton Green ......... 271-2070 Singletary Center .............. 257- ' QEENINGJHISMEK I m Lions I COMPILED BY ROBERT OUAN mm 8mm. Joel Schumacher's descent into the lurid underground ter. Playing at Lexington Green. and A - crime world, starring Nicolas Cage and Joaquin Phoenix . The Matrix, Keanu Reeves in a noirish cyber-punk action Playing at Carmlke flick. Surprisingly he pulls it off. Be ready for a slew of Analyze This. Robert Deniro and Billy Crystal star in a com- twists and turns in the plot, which, also surprising for a men, 0h edy about a shrink and a mobster. Guess who plays Keanu Reeves movie, has been called intellectual by which role? Playing at Carmike. critics. Playing at Man 0' War . M ! Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me The second The Mummy. A special effects driven film. This one follows installment of the Austin Powers series. Starring Mike Brendan Fraser as a French Foreign Legion soldier who Myers in dual roles as Austin “Danger" Powers, and must combat the evil of an accidentally awakened m his nemesis, Dr. Evil. He also plays a character named mummy. Playing at Lexington Green and Woodhill. ‘Fat Bastard'. Also with Heather Graham and SEIh Never Been Kissed. Drew Barrymore stars in a romantic “ml-av: Green. Playing at Man 0' War, South Park and Turfland comedy about a shy, awkward copy editor returning to Mall. high school fora story. Playing at Lexington Green. Daughter Election. The chronicle of a disastrous high school election. Notting Hill. Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant in a romantic W I Starring Reese Witherspoon as Tracy Flick, an over- comedy about a famous star who falls in love with an Military In?!“ thriller in the o achiever running unopposed for class president until unassuming bookseller. Trouble brews when her fame same item as a all Good Men. This . . Matthew BrOderlck. playing teacher Jim McAllister, and actor boyfriend start to crop up. Playing at South oneJevolyes “mt? rape and Relaxrng at home I’Mh a 900d b°°k can earn bribes dumb Iocli Paul. played by chris Klein, into run- park and woodhm, mafia: ( :9 tit-329,021 "goggrlns you college credits this summer. Don-t let nlnd adalnst her: Plavlnq at Mano War. . Star Wars: Episode I -The Phantom Menacepilled as quite 5.3m" John "my“ and opportunity go down the drain. Entrapment. Catherine Zeta Jones IS sent on the trail of a possibly the most anticipated movre in hlstory, but Madele ne Stowe will) at master art fillet played llY 593" Connery. There is the more just a showcase of Industrial Light and Magic's Moodliill and the Kentucky Theater inevitable love story and action sequences. pretty formu- special effects wizardry. Starring Liam Neeson and la, but the plot has a couple of twists. Also starring Ving Ewan McGreqor as Jedi Knights and Jake Loyd as The Rhames and Mill Patton. Playing at Lexington Green and young Anakin Skywalker, Playing at Lexington Green. m lnde endent Man 0' War. Woodhill and Turfland Mall. Tarzan Stu Y W Anthony HOPKINS and CUM GOOdIlliI Ji- star In a Thirteenth Floor. Another reality bending movie in the P709737“ tale 0 a scientist. played by Hopkins. who ‘lloes native’ same vein as The Matrix without all of the special mm, s 99 w you R . . . . . - . com 1 Pro: II - - 466 willie studvlnc oreat apes In Africa. Plavlnd at South effects, but with a little murder mystery thrown in. and l thini w my. ” H‘ 257 3 1. Park and WOOGhlll- Starring Craig Bierko and Armin Mueller-Stahl as story 3'5“ 0“ lice our htt - m r Ute. Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence play criminals sen- visionary computer programmers. Playing at Man 0' W' books of til am home P-l/ .uky.edu/ISP . tenced to life in prison. The movie's motto, Life: Share it with somebody you love, lets you know this is one of those feel good type comedies. Playing at Man 0' Mar. The Love Letter. Kate Capshaw, Ellen DeGeneres and Blythe Danner star in a comedy involving a mysterious love let- ‘‘‘‘‘‘ -~1ooooo....obo~0-o-.~.-o¢Waaee3-onoaooooeJQQAhoneteeooon§ooazsw War and South Park. Trippln’. Yet another coming of age high school comedy/drama. Said to slightly cop Friday, even down to the neighborhood crime lord sub-plot. Starring Deon Richmond. Playing at Woodhill. “WW5 3., ~. 1' . . . _, - , . . 1 1- 1.. .1 ’..o “W ' ...H... .E :1)?“ ~ .3 . 5‘ .' . t a. .i .> . .. i . r. .~ mm“, .1- .- ... i ,1 .. . ul- i~.w