xt718911rn10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911rn10/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1906-11-21 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 21, 1906 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 21, 1906 1906 1906-11-21 2020 true xt718911rn10 section xt718911rn10 MM MW xtm e11 ”70¢ //Q4/Z?LWQ7 W65 0/? U’ K7M~ Vibe/mp W K Lu W fiW/oLt/gw (' 1 )f 14/66 44/01/666 / LEW WWW MW m W W M M W //W0vv /m., 1: W00 /% Liam/t 11,4 W q if“, m (Mi/l/ cm W W_ 1 7-,; a K #075 /W 1/1 W «ebb/50090950 ”(A iv} / Km 1/; 70% “W 1/W MK WW7 £0 //ZQ/La,f/ LM/ [/t/u MW [lava/M W /7/d(a M WW I LKZW [KM/(MW M MW M (42% W ‘ ,LVW [2/ (4w W4/é;u~ Ltfé/J/ «2/ (xv/06¢; “K 4/ {€va ;0W0‘ m Wm KW; W W4;Qf W0C CWa/(Zéc ,JJ WW «Li/L W/ /w 01w W 07/ Em 52W W W//K 2960/74, chick/(K MAW/Woo (250% 55 ”707W km 'f/Q/(l‘f- WW 0/ OU‘CEJ/DO'LWéC/W 0QL}{a// 4/ W CW ~ MM is, / KLmWoL WW/mwmo/ ’3 c’Wwvaé 2/4/01. /&ZX/W‘,M (47/le We r2» Lot/W 2604/3300 / (if M W cz/f W-Q/ /' ' “Mg; ' “a J x I/ / . Mal/544,7! ; i M 01”: Va; (40/ng L74} ' W7 70w} 5 5/24, C04 W r/ V/DL m mow cfiufie/M 07/3/13 z/ém/c W “ ‘ r(/ 7% KU/a/Wm, W W K 40M 0/ 6% / /WW/ 0% 55‘ *WM 0472/) KU’éé/z, a, M Q K '1 M” L 0%) VW 62/ ~in W fig}; CM K/Ka WW Vow/c 9% row :02, v ; yuan“ ’J’U 7/14 f; x 3 [Lg/1'76? / > E 1 / r u L W / 1 Z O (J 71—. ) L CN- C “tyflquwmmmnw _'»' i '1 “Lu. »--:-v~:'. ~".'r\ =2 /Z/(/z %/r / 44/ @wa (WW4M7/ pa (”fl/{Ma 7W7 04L WW 7/ qwflm‘ WMCLLLL c” m 0% LMLL, W60 Maw (b LAW/ML; 7,6 ' fifme/WLW «(A/ya M 2/ Arc/W PM " A‘AQ/ ,W/C W06 air/CM (’C/ W 114/?“ "U Mfg 9 “““é 6/0“” V “‘7” %M M Max/4 t/ /Llr) WWLLMd, WW /W Kr/W W (/‘7’ a; r/W ”146L0WL/ 447,4; M q/ ”T, CWLL 6%; 67/74 f2? Lug/flaw «LA/L4 ' WC 0W4 Cm LLMowa/Zi/I/ W4 éfi Was/6 Maxi/L, L/c/ Llfw 47.me (ML/71% {/Cc Md, W/ vm 6:, 3"?f'0‘Mc/C, LLL/ WW 7 £0.04 o—va WW4: 7 W47)” rat/4; W m4, é‘C/W/vgwq/ Ow (TL/Lip (ZEN/4, Moo 6—7 {IA/4&4] ‘mm 144/ W ./W WVLL—WLLLV McLeod M MLL W76 L77 L22: 1:; W "4. i0 ‘u/vfiu‘ M W LWoC/ 7W * (W CZA, “’1 CL’Q/ AMQC/ GLO‘EW 1W Uéwjfl (26% «Mid m7 LLMLfM / M f’L, Mwajmflmmw7ww’i7w 0% If LM Wm7 W W WW /W; WM xva 1% We? M 5% W [ML/QWWOL Liqu 7% Mag .1 31/6”th L/i/W Wow/1. w/ ‘44 (7/24, “(091/ Md/ #W W /L'»:/ M max/0% fl/W “£5? “1““ ’4 [Lo—W71,“ F/ /~Z’(% K/ LEM MW 7 \WL f/J/O 71/;L’L ij Luv—WM MM Clm% VOL/Cf a at Wr/Lj/é; / MW fl/tf/LCLL 7%??? / M v/ // ’L/U‘fl% oc/ f'jémi/ Vbéf-flfi/é‘v; 0le r///L( ”ill/LCM, ”MA—0L / 2/ 1/, M W /o—’ W W4 g/rwf ”0W M /E,Ld a" 66% ”6/14 flf/ . (CW aA/WMWTfW/melzfa WWW :M Z/Qv/ZCCMVCOC/Woaj‘ x / } 0%er ZZZWW Amc/ Wwf/W AAA, {W W cha/C (MAL/WA [MW 35;: fim. 217w; 0 Lei/Am 411/ “W MA 1% W6¢W LMZZ «AMA; ”ZZZ Off/(A7“ AAA“: W/ ‘ fl/M //~1,0(. \ZWMApru’t/LW/Mm; WVW43 %mewA¢a%WaMmAAngbmw W W Afibwzcéoy wééAAw/ZZc/p Wugéx/ 9%4/6 /m avg/fl vii/(A /W had/ /4"f/£AA/ cw 2(4» (WM AAA/OW MA) /