xt71c53dz72r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53dz72r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19390919 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-09-sep19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-09-sep19. 1939 2011 true xt71c53dz72r section xt71c53dz72r 

     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, September 19, 1939.

     The regular September meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of kentuciry, was held Tuesday, September 19, 1939, at
10:30 a.m., in the President's Office.    Upon roll call the fol-
lowing members, constituting a quorum, answered present: Governor
A. B. Chandler, Chairman; Judge Richard C. Stoll; Mr. Louis Hil-
lenmeyer; M7r. Robert H. P. Hobson; Itr. James Park; Mr.Lee Kirk-
patrick; hr. Marshall Barnes; and MArs. Paul G. Blazer.   The fol-
lowing members were absent: Mr. Harry Peters; Mr. Garth Ferguson;
Mr. Harper Gatton; Mr. H. S. Cleveland; Mr. John C. Newcomb; and
Mr. D. D. Stewart.   The members named constitute all the members
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.    President
F. L. McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were present.

     1. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of
June 2, 1939; the minutes of the called meeting of the Board of
Trustees of June 10, 1939; and the minutes of the meetings of the
Executive Committee of June 29, 1939, and August 1, 1939, were ap-
proved as published.

     2. Presidentts Report.

     The President made his regular report which, on motion and
second, was accepted and ordered recorded in the minutes.    It is
copied as follows:




                   Covering the four years of
                     the Administration of

                   THE HON. ALBERT B. CHANDLER
                       Governor of Kentucky

                           August, 1939

                           I.  FOREWORD

      In season and out for the past twenty years I have emphasized
the importance of a University maintained by the people as an es-
sential factor in the development of a state, educationally, ar-
tistically, industrially, and in scientific matters.     During these
years there has been a growing response to the idea and purpose



of a state university, as shown in some of the figures and state-
ments set forth in this report.

     A university properly led and fully conscious of its purpose
should be of assistance to the departments of the state in solving
the Droblems in which they are concerned by furnishing facts,
analyses and men.   The administration of Governor Chandler has
recognized the possibilities of such contributions by calling on
the University to help with governmental problems.   The list of
men from the staff of the University is a notable one, containing
as it does the names of James W. LI.artin, Commissioner of Taxation;
Edgar Z. Palmer, a statistical expert; James H. Grah-am, who has
advised the Governor and heads of the departments in their build-
ing program; William H. Hansen, Director of Safety; John W. Man-
ning, Director of Personnel; and others.

     Governor Chandler, as chairman of the Board of Trustees,
has attended regularly the meetings of the Board, and has been
present at nearly all the commencement exercises occurring during
his administration.   He has been interested in the athletic teams
and has endeavored to help them in many ways.   Particularly has
he emphasized the need of a field house for the training of teams
and for larger provision for audiences.   To bring this about, he
has offered to supplement the construction of such a building by
special grants from his contingent funds.   It was unfortunate
that the University could not find the funds to complete the
building, but the cordial and interested attitude of Governor
Chandler in regard to the field house was heartening, as has been
h40 attitude on many occasions throughout his four years as Govern-
o'7 Kentucky.

     In another place in this report the income of the University
for 1938-39 is shown.   From these figures it appears that the
University received substantial additions in the appropriations
for the biennium, a result due in large Dart to Governor Chandler's
interest in the University.   The statesmanlike Dosition taken
by him in the controversy over graduate work has been of benefit
to the University and a real contribution to unity in the program
of higher education in Kentucky.

     The more specific happenings of the past four years appear in
the pages which follow.   These items and comments have been taken
from reports, minutes and memoranda submitted from time to time
to the Board of Trustees during the quadrennium.


     The first question asked about a college or university is the
enrollment of its student body, the distribution according to
classes and colleges and the representation from counties sand
states in the enrollment figures.



     It is interesting to note that in a recent study of the
distribution of students at the University of Kentucky, according
to counties and states, almost exactly 85 per cent are residents
of Kentucky, with practically every county represented.    The re-
maining students come from 42 or more of the other 47 states, Dis-
trict of Columbia and several foreign countries.

     Each year shows some increase in enrollment.    Although in-
dustrial conditions have held down enrollments, nevertheless there
has been some increase from year to year.    The chances are that
1940-41 will see a continuing growth of student admissions when
there will be on the campus not less than 4,000 students at a given
date.   Such a growth in the student population means, of course,
more room and additional instructors--problems which the University
will have to face.   This need has been met in considerable part
by the building programs now completed or in process of construc-

     Degrees granted by the University in the past four years are
summarized below:

                                 1936    1937    1938     1939

     Bachelor Degrees            500      551     617     641
     W:.aster of Arts and
     Master of Science           72      128     136      153
     Doctor of Philosophy          2        7       8       4

     Total Degrees conferred
     by the University          574      686     761      798

     Below is an analysis, for the years 1937-38, of the number
of Persons reached by the University per annum, through its resi-
dent instruction, campus meetings, athletic events, extension work,
and Toublications.

                       A YEAR  (1937-1938 Fig-ures)

Students enrolled (duplicates excluded)
  Lexington campus (year ending June, 1938,
     including 1937 Summer Session) .......     .. 5741
  Extra-mural classes ........................... 500
  Correspondence courses ........................ 850



Approximate attendance at meetings on the
   Lexington campus (more than a score of
      meetings) .........................
   Visitors (not attending meetings) ......

Total attendance at athletic events on the
   Varsity sports, high school finals,
      meets, etc...............
   Less approximate duplicates (repeated

Approximate total attendance at meetings
   off the campus
   Agricultural meetings (including
      Quicksand fall festival)............
   Audiences reached by University speakers
   Kentucky forensic league and music
      festival preliminaries ..............
  Visual Aids, audiences .................
  Woman's Club service ...................

Bulletins and other publications
  Agricultural experiment station.........
  University technical publications.......
  Catalogues, picture books, radio pro-
     grams etc............................

Less duplicated individuals


18,000   123,091








This figure does not take into consideration
the U. K. radio program audiences, vhich, based
on the normal audiences of the stations utilized,
would probably add a million and one-half to the
figure given above, with duplications eliminated.


     The Board of Trustees have had before them from time to time
a number of building projects which were made possible under the
Public Works Administration in cooperation with the University,
The first of these projects, involvin-g approximately $1,200,000,
included the Hea..ting Plant and all of its accessory lines and con-
nections, three Engineering buildings, a Law School building, a
Student Union building, and a part of a Biological Sciences build-
ing. During the time this project was under way two other con-
struction projects were undertaken. One was an addition to the

10 .000



Experiment Station building, involving $90,000, and the other an
addition to the Veterinary Department on the University farm.  The
second major project was organized during the summer of 1938, pro-
viding for the completion of the Biological Sciences laboratories,
the erection of a dormitory for women, and the construction of a
building for the Department of Home Economics.   These buildings
involve an expenditure of approximately $700,000.   The total of
the expenditures used in the two large building campaigrs amounts
to approximately $2,000,000.   As a result, the value of the plant,
equipment, land and endowment of the University reaches a total
of more than $7,000,000 as an aggregate investment here at Lexing-
ton, Princeton, and Quicksand,   There are two other buildings
which are not included in the projects of the Public Works Adminis-
tration.   One of these is the construction at Noble on the *Robin-
son Experiment Station lands of a building to house students and
staff who are engaged in summer work in Civil Engineering.   This
building was used this summer.   The second project  was the con-
struction of a building, in conperation with interested horsemen,
to house the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.   One
wing was completed in April 1938, the remainder of the building has
not been constructed on account of a lack of funds.

    It will be seen from what has been said thus far that the Uni-
versity has increased its plant considerably in the past four
years.   When the construction now under way is completed there
does not appear on the horizon any further additions to the plant
unless appropriations by the State Legislture would provide funds
for such additional buildings as are need.ed on the campus. It may
be said that a stage or period in the University equipment and
plants has been completed.


     The extensive construction of buildings on the campus could
not have been carried out except through the grants made by the
Federal government and the use of the University's credit in borrow-
ing funds to offset the Federal grants. Under the first project,
the University borrowed $634,000 and under the second, $432,000.
The interest rate paid for these funds was 3i per cent to 3-; per
cent.   The interest due each year and the proportionate amount of
sinking fund to amortize the obligations require an annual expendi-
ture at this time of $60,000.   By refunding thc mortgage obliga-
tions on the two men's dormitories, Breckinridge and Kinkead Halls,
an annual saving of $12,000 was made.   The earnings of the Student
Union Building are expected to meet the interest charges on that
building and the remaining amount is made up of funds being set
aside from student fees.  The University hae not, however, increased
the amount of student fees.  There appears to be no reason why the
University should not meet its obligations under the issuance of
these bonds and meet all of the requirements of the sinking fund as
they become due,

The Student Union building was opened on Mray fourteenth, 1938,



and has been in use now for more than a year.   The students have
taken it over in a way that indicates how much they appreciate the
building and its purposes.

                    V. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY

    The general library of the University has been making consid-
erable progress in the last ten years.   The volumes in the library
number approximately 254,564 volumes.   In a table published an-
nually by James A. McIillan, librarian of the Louisiana State
University, thirty-hine institutions located in the South are list-
ed.   In this list for the year 1937-38, the University stands
fifth in the number of volumes, ninth in the amount expended for
the maintenance of libraries, and fifteenth in the amount expended
for books.   This would indicate that the development of the library
depends in a large measure upon the amount expended for books and
services.   Considerable progress should be made in the enlargement
of the library when the full effect of the appropriations made by
the Legislature of 1938 is reflected in theC ourchase of new books.

     There has been added to the library a good deal of material
brought from the Capitol at Frankfort.   By the use of this material
the University has greatly expanded its collection of State docu-
ments so that this collection is among tho first in this arca.

     At a Board of Trustees meeting, held June 16, 1936, President
McVey announced that Governor A. B. Chandler authorized donation
by the State to the University Library of books, documents, and
records, a large and valuable collection, the quantity being about
twenty-five truck loads.   The members of the committee highly
commended Governor Chandler's act in having this collection trans-
ferred to the University library.   Storage facilities in the base-
ment of the library building were prepared for this gift.

     There has been a steady growth in the nuuber, of graduate stu-
dents attending the University during the regular session and es-
pecially in the Summer School.   To meet the requirements of
these advanced students both a large and well selected library and
a first-class teaching staff are needed.    Just how far the Uni-
versity can go in meeting this demand will be answered in the next
two or three years, and the answer to the question will place the
University among institutions that are grow.ring in this direction,
or leave it in the position of having failed to maintain the prog-
ress and growth that it has succeeded in developing in the past few

     The University of Kentucky has the lirgest college library in
Kentucky and the fifth largest in the southern states.   It contains
about 254,564 volumes, 22,500 pamphlets, and 5,500 Pictures.    The
building makes available seats for 700 readers in tihe various read-
ing rooms, seminars, and stacks.   There are ten departmental li-
braries, and last year nearly 100,000 volumes were lent for home
use.   The staff consists of twenty full-time workers and eighty
student assistants.   About 20,000 volumes are added each year,



                        VI. RESEARCH

     The University of Kentucky, by means of effort not only in its
laboratories, but in the field in all parts of Kentucky, is con-
tinuously engaged in important research.   MIuch of this research
pays an irmmediate dividend, economically.  A.7icultural research
is carried on through the Experiment Station at Lexington, and
through agricultural sub-stations located at Cxicksand in Brcathitt
County and at Princeton in Caldwell County.   Anthropological end
archaeological investigations have been undertaken in every county
of Kentucky.   Educational research on important Kentucky school
problems is directed by the Bureau of School Service.   T-e Bureau
of Business Research, Bureau of Government Research, Bureau of
Source Materials in Higher Education, and Child Guidance service
are all engaged in important research activities.   Practically ev-
ery University department is working along one or more lines of
independent investigation.

     Several research projects have been financed in whole or in
part by individuals and grourss, both industrial and commercial, and
the results published by the University.

     An intensive study of Kentucky rural music development is being
carried on at present in cooperation with the Carnegie foundation.

                     ON HIGGHE&R EDUCATION

     Ai meeting was held on February 16 in the Governor's Mansion
at Frankfort.   This meeting consisted of the Governor and the pres-
idents of the state supported institutions of higher learning in
the state.   The Governor requested that two things be done in the
matter of higher education:

     1. That the State teadhers colleges should increase their fees
        to $25.00 a semester.
     2. That the four teacherst' colleges should give up graduate

     The request was based on the statement that the State of Ken-
tucky could not maintain five graduate schools, and that the expense
and duplication could not be justified.   These two proposals were
agreed to, and at the meeting of the Council on Higher Education on
February 24, these Proposals were adopted as the policy of the Coun-

     The important thing about this action is that for the first
time in the history of the State, a definite policy has been adopted
regarding graduate instruction,   To lay ind. it is a statesmanlike
procedure.   Undoubtedly, such action places new responsibilities
upon the University, in that it concentraJes Graduate work at the
University.   This work must be well done and thoroughly done.   Con-
sequently, it will be necessary to increalso expenditures for library



facilities, laboratory equipment and supplies in the graduate field.

     The Board accepted the recommendation of the University Scnate
as f ollows:
           The Senate recommends the authorization of the pro-
     fessional degree of Mlaster of Arts in Education open to
     students who have received the degree of B. A. in Educa-
     tion and thc professional degree of Master of Science in
     Education for students who have received the degree of B. S.
     or B. S. in Education, the requirements for these degrees
     to be the same as those previously Eequired in the College
     of Education for the M. A. degree.


          Curricula. Revised curricula leading to each of the
engineering degrees were approved and put into effect in the fall
of 1937.   Some of the principal changes affected in the new cur-
ricula were:

     1. The dropping of Shop Work during the regular semester of
the freshman and sophomore years and the use of this time for in-
struction in some of the fundamental subjects formerly included in
the junior year.

     2, The addition of independent problem courses of a practical
nature in the junior and senior years which are intended to acquaint
and train students in the practice of engineering as it exists today.

     3, The addition of seven weeks' required work in Surveying at
Camp Robinson in Breathitt County, Kentucky, for civil and mining
engineers, and in Shop Practice and Metacllurgical Operation in the
engineering laboratories for electrical, mechanical and metallurgical

     In 1938 some further modifications were made in the engineering
curricula.   These changes involved an increase in the electrical
engineering content of the curricula in electrical engineering with
sorie reduction in the amount of required work in machine design.
In the reechanical engineering curricula advanced work in applied
mechanics has been added in place ofr machine design.  Classes in
Engineering Administration have been included in all engineering

     The College of Engineering has tramisferred all its departments
to the new buildings and a great deal of proress has been made in
disposing of old equipment and installing new,    In a short time
the College will be quite up-to-date, with laboratories that may
be regarded with some pride.   It has been a rather uo-hill job to
dispose of a great deal of the old equipment and to use narts of it
to the best advantage, but the College is really going forward,
1. Presidents Quarterly Report, April 7, 1936,
2. Minutes of Mecting of Board of Trustees, May 22, 1936,



                 IX. THE SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM

     Legislation has been enacted by Congress and by the states
dealing with social matters.   In addition, the State of Kentucky
is endeavoring to reorganize its welfare work and to bring into
that work a larger number of trained persons.   The University is
being asked for recommendations for positions of this sort, and
they can not be adequately filled without some treaining.  For a
number of years the University has attempted to make provision for
the Preparation of workers in the field of social work.   However,
it has been found that if the University is to retain its accredit-
ing in that field, it is necessary to do something very different
about it.   The Department of Social Work was authorized by the
Board of Trustees and instruction was bega.n in that field last
September.   To receive accrediting by the Association of Schools
of Social Work a field laboratory must be nrovided.    To that end
arrangements have been made with the County Judge of Clark County
and other officers of Clark County, to set up a laboratory where
students of the University may get actual case work and supervision
of the social program.   It is fortunate that so sympathetic an of-
ficer as Judge Lindsay is willing and anxious to provide effective
and adequate training for young people seeking experience in social
work,   As a matter of fact, the University is under an obligation
to provide well-trained persons who can fill these positions, as
well as to provide employment for students in such fields.


     From time to time attention has been called to the work going
on under a grant made by the Carnegie Corporation for the study of
community music in this state.   The Corporation provided l10,000
annually for a period of three years.   We are now in the second
year, and I am informed that the money will be available for a third
year for the continuance of the work and for a final report on the
work that has been done,   The first year was devoted to a study of
the music situation here on the campus of the University; how was
the Department organized--what were its strength and weaknesses--
how did it meet the needs of the studentw--what were Its objectives
and goals--how could it meet the demands made upon it for teachers
of music in the public schools?    Many conferences and meetings
have been held during the past two years, and now a specific recom-
mendation can be made relative to tho reorganization of the Depart-
ment of Music in the University of Kentucky.    The new organization
provides for better coordination of courses, more careful super-
vision of students, and the extension of functions of the Department
to include some work out in the state.    In past years the anDlied
music has been provided by instructors employed on a fee basis,
The oroposal for the next year is to plaice instructors on a salary
basis and the University to charge a fee for applied music. Out
of all this it is hoped that we may have more effective instruction
in applied music and better direction of it.



     During this year Professor van de Wall has extended the work
on the campus and in the state and he has found considerable inter-
est in community music.   Many of the groups need some assistance,
and it is hoped there will come to them voluntary leadership that
will be effective and will bring a new interest in music in the
community.   In this connection it may be said that the Department
of i.asic hopes to inspire those who work in the Department, so
that they will carry a real enthusiasm back into the community in
which they will live, and in that way aid in providing emotional

                    XI. NUtIBER OF COURSES

     Each semester, approximately 600 different courses are offered
on the campus of the University of Kentucky in Lexington.    Many
of these courses have numerous sections because of the large enroll-
ment--for example, there are 32 sections in English Composition.
The number of sections each semester totals about 1100.

                    XII. THE HAGGIN FUND

     In August, 1938, the University received the first payment
from the Margaret Voorhies Haggin Trust Fund in memory of her hus-
band, James B. Haggin.   Since then, other nayments have been made
amounting to a substantial annual income.   This fund has proved
of great help to the University in increasing the number of graduate
fellowships and scholarships, bringing the University two students
from foreign countries so they may continue their education here.
The income has been used in part to equip a first-class radio sta-
tion which should be ready for operation in September.    A publica-
tion committee has been set up to recommend uses for publication
which will be financed from the fund.    A study is being made of
the statutes of the state so the decisions under them may be anno-
tated.   The Haggin Fund, as the years go by, should prove increas-
ingly useful.
     Since many of our people depend upon the soil for a livelihood,
Kentucky has taken advantage of various federal appropriations to
carry on an extensive program of research and experiment in the
field of agriculture.   The knowledge thus gained is made directly
available to f armers and home makers by the Agricultural Extension
Division through its extension workers, state and county agents and
home demonstration agents.   During 1935 the Experiment Station and
Extension Division devoted much attention to cooperation with the
federal government in the various phases of its agricultural program.
As national programs were initiated members of the staff were called
upon to participate in the organization or to ronder advice and ser-
vice.   Everything possible has been done to assist Kentucky farmers
to take advantage of the various programs.    This additional work
has taxed the limited space available and the materials and equipment
frequently have been inadequate to meet the needs.    Many members
of the staff have been diverted from custo-Mary lines of work to



undertake the new projects and activities which were often temporary
in nature but each has given willingly the services required.

     Following is a brief statement of the work done by the Station
and the Extension Division.

     I. Extension Division

     During 1935 the Extension Division has been charged with the
conduct of the Agricultural Adjustment program.  This program
dealt with five commodities; tobacco, corn-hog, wheat, cotton and
rye.   A total of 159,450 individual contracts have been handled
by the county agents and the Central Office in cooperation with
the various County Control Committees.   In addition to the work
devolving upon the county agents for the contract sign-up, there
have been many other duties such as those connected with compliance
and the various types of educational procedure developed within
the adjustment program.

     Although the activities of the Agricultural Adjustment program
represented the major duties of extension, time has also been de-
voted to a soil improvement program.   This required the services
of 27 assistant county agents plus the time that could be given
by the regular county agents.   Opportunity has also been found
for the conduct of 4-H club work and for the carrying on of many
of the customary extension activities.

     The Home Demonstration Agents have carried a very large amount
of work.  While many of their activities have related to the relief
program, they have built up, at the same time, a program for farm
women which has been extremely effective.

     II. Experiment Station

     The agronomy and soils department of the Experiment Station
and the departments dealing with economics have been occupied to a
large extent with emergency types of programs.   The initiation of
various activities with reference to soil erosion control under the
KERA, the Soil Service and the TVA had required inuch time and ef-
fort upon the part of members of the soils department.   The Depart-
rient of Markets and Rural Finance and of Farm Economics were called
upon early in the year to initiate a study of Adjustments in Farming
by Regions and Type-of-Farming Areas, from the standpoint of Agri-
cultural Adjustment and Planning, including Soil Conservation. This
study required the services of practically all available staff
members of these departments for a period of seven months, during
which time the ordinary work of the department was set aside.

     The remainder of the work of the Experiment Station, except
as has been affected by adjustment programs, has been productive,
Research activities have been directed to a large degree to the



present problems of the farmer, and have covered a very wide scope
and interest.  The work of the Public Service Laboratories, of
Feed and Fertilizer Control, Nursery and Seed Inspection and Cream-
ery License has greatly expanded during the year.   The Public
Service Laboratories have not only been overcrowded but the Staff
has been greatly overworked.   The work af the sub-stations at
Quicksand and Princeton has been continued and is proving of in-
creasing value and importance.

     A report upon the activities of these two agencies of the
University is made in another place as required by law.     In my
own report it is possible to indicate in a general way what has
been done in the field of agriculture and agricultural extension.
The various Federal laws for the administration of agricultural
quotas, conduct of soil erosion and of farm finances have placed
great burdens upon the Experiment Station and upon the Division of
Agricultural Extension.   Despite those difficulties much progress
has been made and a good deal of research has gone on at the Ex-
periment Station.   County agents have b en called upon to do a
great deal of work in connection with the Federal program, and this
in turn, has limited somewhat the activities of agents in the work
which they had pursued in the past years.   Here again, success
has been attained with satisfaction to all concerned.   Only the
careful direction and able management of these divisions by Dean
Thomas P. Cooper made it possible to go forward with the work
without friction and without conflict.   I think it may be said
that the record of the Experiment Station and Division of Agri-
cultural Extension in this State is something of which all may be

                     XIV. EXTENSION WORK

     The activities of the Department of University Extension in-
clude correspondence courses, extramural courses, woman's club
service visual aids service, and sponsorship of the Kentucky High
School forensic League and the Kentucky High School Music Festival.
Home study courses are provided in approximately 150 college level
courses in a wide variety of subjects.   Approximately 850 students
are enrolled in these courses, doing work toward a university degree
or a teachers' certificate.   Sixteen extramural classes with an
enrollment of more than 300 students were taught in eight Kentucky
cities during the first semester of the 1938-39 school year.
Students may earn as much as twenty-five per cent of the baccalau-
reate degree requirements by extension, including correspondence.
The women's club service, during the same period,