xt71c53dz73b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53dz73b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19930819 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1993-08-oct19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1993-08-oct19. 1993 2011 true xt71c53dz73b section xt71c53dz73b 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday October 19, 1993.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, October 19, 1993 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to
order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mrs. Marian Sims.

       B.    Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, (Chairperson), Mrs. Kay
Shropshire Bell, Mr. Paul Chellgren, Mr. Robert N. Clay, Mr. Lance Dowdy,
Mr. James Hardymon, Mr. Henry Jackson, Professor Loys Mather, Dr. Robert
P. Meriwether, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Dr. Deborah Powell, Mr. C. Frank
Shoop, Mrs. Marian Moore Sims, Professor John Sistarenik, Jr., Mr.
William B. Sturgill, Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr., Mrs. Lois C. Weinberg, Mr.
Martin Welenken, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. Absent from the meeting was
Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. The University administration was
represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr., Chancellors Peter P.
Bosomworth, Ben W. Carr, Jr., and Robert E. Hemenway; Vice Presidents
Joseph T. Burch, Edward A. Carter, Donald B. Clapp, Linda J. Magid, and
Eugene R. Williams; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic
Affairs; Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel.

       Members of the general public and the news media were also in
attendance. A quorum being present, Governor Breathitt declared the
meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

       C.    Approval of Minutes

       Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the September 21, 1993
meeting had been distributed and asked for additions or corrections. Mr.
Clay moved that the Minutes be approved as distributed. His motion,
seconded by Mrs. Sims, passed.

       D.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Wethington called attention to the following items in
PR 1:

       1.    A $500,000 gift from Ashland Oil Inc. has put the UK library
             fund-raising campaign for a new library at $20,360,372,
             surpassing the initial goal of $'0 million.    President
             Wethington expressed appreciation to Paul Chellgren for his
             role in helping with this gift and to John Hall and the
             Ashland Oil Corporation for their support for the University.

       2.    Elvin Feltner, a New York businessman who grew up in Perry
             County, has pledged $1 million to the Campaign for Hazard
             Community College in support of the college's proposed
             Student, Performing Arts and Regional Conference Center.
             The pledge was made in the form of a challenge gift to be
             matched with an additional $1 million in pledges or gifts.


- 2 -

       3.   A study conducted by UK for the Kentucky Advocates for
             Higher Education shows that for each tax dollar Kentuckians
             put into support of higher education in fiscal year 1991-92,
             they received back $3.40 of total spending in the Kentucky
             economy for a total of $2.29 billion.

       4.    Lexington Community College's 1993 dental laboratory
             technology graduates placed second in the nation on the
             recognized graduate examination which ranks 40 other dental
             laboratory technology programs. This is the eighth year
             that LCC has ranked in the top four nationally.

       5.    Ground was broken for a $9 million Southeast Community
             College/Kentucky Tech campus at Middlesboro on October 4.
             The campus, expected to be completed in 1995, will include
             an administration building, an applied science building and
             a classroom building.

       6.    The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center is
             participating in the nation's first large-scale prostate
             cancer prevention trial. The study is designed to determine
             whether the drug finasteride (Proscar) can prevent prostate

       7.    The first two patients with carcinoembryonic antigen
             (CEA-positive) gastrointestinal tumors have been treated
             with a first-of-a-kind vaccine therapy at the UK Markey
             Cancer Center as part of a clinical research study. The
             vaccine is made of an antibody which is expected to activate
             the patient's immune system so it will reject the cancer.
             It is the first of its kind to be used in the United States.

       President Wethington asked the Board to review the other items in
his report at their leisure.

       As a part of the President's Report, President Wethington called
on Chancellor Hemenway and Dean J. John Harris, College of Education, to
brief the Board on the Teacher Preparation Program at the University.

       Chancellor Hemenway said that the Kentucky Education Reform Act
(KERA) has had a profound impact on the way that universities as well as
public schools do business. For example, the whole university has come
to recognize the responsibility for the total system of public
education. It is one system -- pre-school through graduate school. He
said that every part of the University has been involved with the
implementation of KERA; however, the most profound impact has been on the
College of Education, particularly on its training of teachers. The
College must build from the good things that it has done in the past, but
it also has to transform teacher education now for the future.    He asked
Dean J. John Harris to share some of the College of Education efforts
toward this goal.

       Dean Harris reported that KERA is the most comprehensive education
reform in these United States. It provides for a complete restructuring
of the state's educational system in three areas:    governance, curriculum


- 3 -

and finance.  He said that KERA has many implications for how colleges
and universities in this state will prepare the teachers for the future.
He shared a few highlights of the college's program and gave a brief
video presentation on the College's teaching, advising and assessing
efforts on behalf of KERA.

       Dean Harris also passed out a booklet summarizing some of the
major highlights of the College. Several students were in attendance and
were introduced, following which they received a round of applause.

       President Wethington thanked Dean Harris for his presentation and
asked the Board to feel free to address questions to Dean Harris and the
students. A question and answer session followed.

       E.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted. Mr. Shoop moved
approval. Mrs. Weinberg seconded the motion, and it carried. (See PR 2
at the end of the Minutes.)

       F. Aasosjate Degree Program in the Community College System -
Mavsville Comm.unity College (PR 4A)

       President Wethington recommended that the Board authorize for
submission to the Council on Higher Education a new degree program,
Associate Degree in Applied Science, Environmental Science Technology,
for the Maysville Community College.  Mr. Hardymon moved approval. IHis
motion, seconded by Dr. Meriwether, passed.   (See PR 4A at the end of the

       President Wethington noted that as a result of the actions of the
Governor's Higher Education Review Commission and the Council on Higher
Education action to defer consideration of new programs for this interim
period while the Commission is doing its work, this new program will not
be submitted to the Council until the Council indicates that it will
entertain new degree programs.

       G. Acceptance of the Financial Statements of the University f
 Kntuckv and Affiliated Corporations and Other Related Organizations for
 the Year Ended JunLe 30. 1993 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that
the Finance Committee met at 11:00 a.m. and reviewed six items to present
to the Board for action. FCR 1 consists of all of the financial
statements of the University and three affiliated corporations. He
reported that Sam Strader and Susan Straus, representatives from Coopers
and Lybrand, were at the Finance Committee meeting and provided a full
report, including a review of the SAS 61 letter which charges accounting
firms with how they must educate or talk to a Finance Committee. He made
a motion that the Board accept the Financial Statements. Mr. Jackson
seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FCR 1 at the end of the


- 4 -

       H.    Capital Construction Report (FCR 2j

       Mr. Hardymon reported that FCR 2 is a quarterly Capital
Construction Report for the three months ending September 30, 1993. He
reviewed the report and made a motion that the Board accept it. His
motion, seconded by Mr. Chellgren, carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the

       I.   Approval of Lease (FCR 3)

       Mr. Hardymon reported that FCR 3 is a standard approval of a lease
in excess of $30,000 and must be approved by the Board. He reviewed the
terms of the lease and recommended approval. Mr. Chellgren seconded the
motion, and it passed. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Liberty National Bank Pledge (FCR 4)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept a pledge of $100,000 from
Liberty National Bank to the Commonwealth Library Campaign. He reported
that the first $20,000 has been received and the remainder will be paid
over a five-year period.  His motion was seconded by Mr. Ulmer and
carried. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Jamal Mashburn Scholarship Fund (FOR 5)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept the commitment of Jamal
Mashburn for a pledge of $500,000 to the University of Kentucky, payable
over five years, for the Jamal Mashburn Scholarship Fund. He said that
the primary funding will be to establish Kentucky Excel, a program for
economically challenged and underrepresented students who would not
otherwise have the opportunity to attend college.   He provided
information about the program and said that the pledge is getting
attention from across the country. Mrs. Sims seconded the motion for
approval, and it passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky Accepting the Successful Bid for the Purchase of $27.53.OQ.&
(plus or minus up to $2.750.0_) of Uniy__sitv of Kentucky Cunsolidated
Educ tonal Buildings Refunding Revenue     nds.Series G. Series H and
Series I (Third Series). Dated October 1. 1293 (FCR i

       Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 6 is for the purchase of $27,530,000 of
University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds.
This is a bond issue to refinance some of the debt. He reported that
four bids were received and tabulated. Goldman, Sachs & Co. had the
winning bid of 4.3745%.. He quoted the cumulative savings ($1,620,000),
the present value savings ($1,285,000) and the annual savings ($125,000
per year) to the University and moved that the Board accept the Goldman,
Sachs & Co. bid. His motion, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson, passed. (See
FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Mr. Hardymon said that ne was pleased to report that the
cumulative savings .of all re-financing of revenue bonds to date is $6.5M
and the annual savings is $543,000.


- 5 -

       M.    PresidetL Wethington's Comments

       President Wethington called attention to the University of
Kentucky Report '93 and noted that it represents the University's
performance for 1992-93. He commended the staff who worked on the Report
and encouraged the Trustees to read the document.

       N.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Lois C. Weinberg
                                       Board of Trustees

(PR 2 and 4A and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                October 19, 1993

                                                Pk z

Members, Board of Trustees:

                           PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation:  that approval be given to the attached appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted.

BackgrQund: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring
Board approval.

Action taken:  Approved    /      Disapproved           Other

Date: Qtober 19. 1993




                            CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



                  Martin School of Public Administration

                  Berger, Philip, Professor (with tenure), Martin School
                      of Public Administration, Sabbatical leave with full
                      salary, Spring Semester 1994.




                  Reid, Kevin B., Librarian IV (without tenure, Special
                      Collections, 9/1/93 through 8/31/94.


                  Environmental Health and Safety

                  Restivo, Paul, appointed Director, Occupational Health,
                      effective 10/11/93.




                            COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



                  Elizabethtown Community College

                  Handy, Ty J., Assistant Professor in the Community College,
                         System, appointed Dean for Academic Affairs, effective


                  Paducah Community College

                  Moss, Jacqueline, Professor in the Community College System
                         (with tenure), (under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.A.2),
                         following 25.5 consecutive years of service, effective


                  Office of the Chancellor

                  Muth, Joe, CC Bookstore Accountant, part-time, 11/1/93
                         through 6/30/94.



                  Elizabethtown Community College

                  Handy, Ty J., Assistant Professor in the Community College
                         System, 9/1/93 through 6/30/94.

                  Hazard Community College

                  Morgan-Caldwell, Venita, Instructor in the Community College
                         System, 8/17/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Nchami, Mbibong I., Instructor in the Community College
                         System, 9/1/93 through 6/30/94.

                  Jefferson Community College

                  Bright, Virginia, Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/1/93 through 5/31/96.
                  Clarke, Rachel, Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/l/93 through 5/31/96.
                  Oliver, Tawana, Instructor in the Community College
                         System, 9/13/93 through 6/30/94.
                  Snyder, Dave, Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/l/93 through 5/31/96.
                  Woods, George, Instructor in the Community College
                         System, 9/13/93 through 6/30/94.



            Lexington Community College

            Armes, Catherine A., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 8/31/93 through 6/30/94.

            Madisonville Community College

            Fitzgerald, Patricia I., Assistant Professor in the
                  Community College System, 9/20/93 through 6/30/94.
            Richardson, Zindell, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 9/20/93 through 6/30/96.

            Paducah Community College

            West, Tommy, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 9/1/93 through 9/1/96.

            Somerset Community College

            Ballard, Linda K., Assistant Professor in the Community
                  College System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

            Southeast Community College

            Cloud, Harriet, Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/10/93 through 6/30/94.
            Wilde, James M., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 8/23/93 through 6/30/94.


            Hazard Community College

            Brunty, Helen M., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/1/93 through 6/30/94.
            Hatch, Robert, Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/1/93 through 6/30/94.

            Lexington Community College

            Trinler. Dan R., Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 9/1/93 through 6/30/96.

            Southeast Community College

            Newport, J.C., Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 8/1/93 through 2/28/94.


            Lexington Community College

            Beatty, Eunice, Professor in the Community College System
                   (with tenure), sabbatical leave at full salary for the
                   1994 Spring Semester.



                         LEXINGTON CAMPUS



               College of Engine

               Grulke, Eric A., Professor (with tenure), Chemical
                   Engineering, effective 11/1/93.


               College of Agriculture

               Hays, Virgil W., Professor (with tenure), Animal
                   Sciences, after 26 consecutive years of service,
                   under Secticn III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective
               Rooney, James R., Professor (with tenure), Veterinary
                   Science, after 18 consecutive years of service,
                   under Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective

               College of Arts and Sciences

               Ringe, Donald A., Professor (with tenure), English,
                   after 28.5 consecutive years of service, under
                   Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/93.

               College of Education

               Russell, Ruby N., Administrative Assistant I, Student
                   Services, after 15 consecutive years of service,
                   under Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective


               College of Agriculture

               Ham, Betty J., Publication Production Manager I,
                   Agricultural Communications Services, after 40.5
                   consecutive years of service, under Section III.A.1
                   of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/93.

               College of Education

               Threadgill, Barbara, Administrative Staff Officer III,
                   Office of the Dean, after 26 consecutive years of
                   service, under Section III.A.2 of AR II-1.6-1,
                   effective 11/18/93.


                  Vice Chancellor for Administration

                  Hatton, Charles H., Automotive Mechanic, Garage,
                      Physical Plant Division, after 15.5 consecutive
                      years of service, under Section III.A.2 of AR
                      II-1.6-1, effective 1/28/94.



                  College of Agriculture

                  Arnold, Mark, Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and
                      Landscape Architecture, 9/1/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Aten, D. Lyle, Visiting Instructor, Horticulture and
                      Landscape Architecture, 8/23/93 through 5/31/94.
                  Boyer, Mark, Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and
                      Landscape Architecture, 9/1/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Davis, Molly M., Instructor (part-time), Horticulture
                      and Landscape Architecture, 9/1/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Manning, Chris, Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and
                      Landscape Architecture, 9/1/93 through 12/31/93.

                  College of Arts and Sciences

                  Adler, Elizabeth, Instructor (part-time), Women Studies,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Barr, Leila B., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/93
                      through 12/31/93.
                  Christ, Alice T., Assistant Professor (temporary), Art,
                      and Assistant Professor (temporary), Honors,
                      Undergraduate Studies, 8/1/93 through 6/30/94.
                  Cunningham, Mark E., Instructor (part-time), English,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Das, Chandan K., Instructor (part-time), Physics and
                      Astronomy, 8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Dunn, Timothy J., Instructor (part-time), English,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Hall, Christopher K., Instructor (part-time), Physics
                      and Astronomy, 8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Holle, Bruce F., Instructor (part-time), Classics,
                      9/1/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Kaiser, David A., Instructor (part-time), English,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Keller, Teresa L., Instructor (part-time), English,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Mangine, Steven J., Instructor (part-time), Psychology,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  McGuire, Susan, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/93
                       through 12/31/93.
                  Mooney, Jennifer L., Instructor (part-time), English,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Mooney, Stephen D., Instructor (part-time), English,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
                  Morley, Elizabeth L., Instructor (part-time), English,
                      8/16/93 through 12/31/93.


Presnell, Barbara, Instructor (part-time), English,
    8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
Ross, Beverly J., Instructor (part-time), French, 9/1/93
    through 12/31/93.
Sheard, Robert F., Instructor (part-time), English,
    8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
Shearer, Elizabeth A., Instructor (part-time), English,
    8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
Slusher, Kathleen C., Instructor (part-time), English,
    8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
Smith, Walter Fred II, Instructor (part-time), Russian
    and Eastern Studies, 8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
Su, Wen, Instructor (part-time), Physics and Astronomy,
    8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
Takahashi, Maki, Instructor (part-time), Russian and
    Eastern Studies, 8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
Unaybaeva, Roza, Visiting Assistant Professor, Russian
    and Eastern Studies, 8/16/93 through 5/31/94.

College of Business and Economics

Riddiough, Timothy J., Assistant Professor (part-time),
    Finance, 9/1/93 through 12/31/93.

College of Education

Henderson, Steve, Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and
    Instruction, 8/15/93 through 12/31/93.

Collee of Fine Arts

Boswell, Jane V., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
    through 12/31/93.
Burdick, Dan, Visiting Assistant Professor, Music,
    8/16/93 through 5/31/94.
Engen, Darcey, Assistant Professor (temporary), Theatre,
    8/1/93 through 6/30/94.
Felty, William H., instructor (part-time), Theatre,
    8/1/93 through 12/31/93.
Groot, Richard, Assistant Professor (temporary), Art,
    8/1/93 through 6i30/94.
Holz, Keith, Assistant Professor (temporary), Art,
    8/1/93 through 6/30/94.
Jackson, David H., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
    through 12/31/93.
McSwain, Nan, Instructor (part-time), Music, 8/16/93
    through 12/31/93.
Osland, Lisa, Instructor (part-time), Music, 8/16193
    through 12/31/93.
Richards, Allan G., Assistant Professor, Art, 8/1/93
    through 6/30/96.
Smith, Janice, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
    through 12/31/93.
Thomas, Bette B., Assistant Professor, Theatre, 8/1/93
    through 6/30/94.
Whitman, Penelope, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
    through 12/31/93.


        College of Human Environmental Sciences

        Brautigam, Anne, Instructor (part-time), Family Studies,
            8/15/93 through 12!18/93.
        Street, Janet B., Instructor (part-time), Family
            Studies, 8/15/93 through 12/18/93.


        College of Arts and Sciences

        Blackwell, Jeannine, Associate Professor (with tenure),
            German, and Associate Dean for Basic Studies, Arts
            and Sciences, appointed Acting Chair, French,
            9/20/93 through 7/31/94.


        College of Arts and Sciences

        Allen, John W., Instructor (part-time), French, 9/1/93
            through 12/31/93.
        Blanchard, Greg, Instructor (part-time), Chemistry,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Campbell, F. Diane. Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Carter, Michael, Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Cooper, John B., Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Ellis, Normandi, Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Ennis, Dorothy C., Instructor (part-time), French,
            9/1/93 through 12/31/93.
        Foreman, Nancy, Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Guindon, Lynn D., Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93, and Instructor
            (part-time), Classics, 9/1/93 through 12/31/93.
        Hill, Paula, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/93
            through 12/31/93.
        Janecek, Susan M., Instructor (part-time), Russian and
            Eastern Studies, 8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Kirkman, Deborah, Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Mills, Elizabeth E., Instructor (part-time), French,
            9/1/93 through 12/31/93.
        Nickell, Joe, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/93
            through 12/31/93.
        Oaks, Janice H., Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Richeson, William M., Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        White, C. Patrick, Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.
        Zahniser, Ann H., Instructor (part-time), English,
            8/16/93 through 12/31/93.


        College of Business and Economics

        Payne, Gary, Instructor (part-time), Management, 9/1/93
            through 4/30/94.
        Pfeiffer, Robert, Instructor (part-time), Management,
            9/1/93 through 4/30/94.

        College of Education

        Parker, Steve Robert, Assistant Professor*, Health,
            Physical Education and Recreation, 8/16/93 through
       Vantreese, Dave, Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and
            Instruction, 8/15/93 through 12/31/93.

        College of Fine Arts

        Bloomfield, Phillip J., Instructor (part-time), Art,
            8/1/93 through 12/31/93.
        Dalton, Steve, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
            through 12/31/93.
        Helm, Alecia, Instructor (part-time), Music, 8/16/93
            through 5/15/94.
        McLaughlin, John, Instructor (part-time), Theatre,
            8/1/93 through 12/31/93.
        Mendes, Guy M. III, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
            through 12/31/93.
        Oberlink, Scott B., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
            through 12/31/93.
        Pickett, Irwin L., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
            through 12/31/93.
        Slade, Susan, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/1/93
            through 12/31/93.


        Vice Chancellor for Administration

        Duffy, Michael J., from Engineer Associate II, Heating
            and Cooling Department, Physical Plant Division, to
            Maintenance Superintendent V, Heating and Cooling
            Department, Physical Plant!Division, effective


        College of Arts and Sciences

        Fragd, Lulamae, Assistant Professor, English, to change
            appointment dates from 8/16/93 through 6/30/94 to
            8/16/93 through 6/30/95.

* Special Title Series



        College of Engineering

        Wang, Xiang Huai, Research Assistant Professor, Mining
            Engineering, 10/1/93 through 8/31/94.


        College of Arts and Sciences

        Riggle, Ellen, Assistant Professor (without tenure),
            Political Science, Sick leave with full salary, Fall
            Semester 1993.

        College of Fine Arts

        DiMartino, Vincent A., Professor* (with tenure), Music,
            Leave without pay, Fall Semester 1993 and Spring
            Semester 1994.
        Hamann, Marilyn, Associate Professor (with tenure), Art,
            Sabbatical leave with full salary, Spring Semester

        College of Law

        Campbell, Rutheford B., Professor (with tenure), Law,
            Sabbatical leave with full salary, Spring Semester
        Garvey, John H., Professor (with tenure), Law,
            Sabbatical leave with full salary, Spring Semester

* Special Title Series



                             MEDICAL CENTER



                 College of Medicine

                 Davis, Robert T., Clinical Assistant Professor (without
                     tenure), Internal Medicine, 11/1/93 through 6/30/94.
                 Kaetzel, Charlotte S., Associate Professor (without
                     tenure), Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, joint
                     appointment as Associate Professor (without
                     tenure), Microbiology and Immunology, also joint
                     appointment as Associate Professor (without
                     tenure), College of Dent