xt71c53f1p4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53f1p4m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-03-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1975 1975 1975-03-05 2020 true xt71c53f1p4m section xt71c53f1p4m V.ol LXVI No. 133
W.ednesday March 5,1975

Take that


an independent student ne


0(9er not! photo by Chuck Comb”

\ aughn ('ordle and lluncan Baker attempt to break the world face slapping
record at ll l. \l’ and 'l'urfland Hall‘s (loofy (ianies (‘ontest

UK room and board costs
might increase $100

Special to the Kernel

Room and board costs will increase at
the l'iiiveisity next fall. said l'K President
titis A Singletary

“(liven the inflation of the
there's no way of avoiding an increase in
the pl‘t'St‘lll rates." Singlefary said

“M l-I'lt l2 .ll'S’l‘ hoping that prices drop a
little so that the won‘t be
high." he said

Singletary said he did not expect an
incicase in tuition rates next year

The proposed plan for a room and board
price hike in costs will be drawn up within
three weeks,” said George
ltuschell. ['K assistant vice-president for
business affairs The plan to increase
room and hoand prices will he developed
by a presidential advisory committee.

l..\l{lt\' IVY. committee member. said
he thinks total costs will increase by
“about $100."

“There's no question that the rates will
go up. the question is how much." said Ivy,
director of [K housing

When the plan has been completed. it
will be presented to any interested
students who will then have the "chance to

last year.

lllk‘l't‘élSl' {IS

uHRH or

('Ullt ei'ning said lluschell.
also a committee member He said an
ad might be placed in the Kernel to inform
students of the committee‘s findings

I\ \l’ltll.. after the students have
looked over the plan, it will he sent to the
l K Board of Trustees. who will make the
final policy, ltiischell said

/.ir| l‘almer. Boa rd of Trustees member.
said he would either endorse or reject the
plan "depending on the basis on which
they came to the conclusion

"When I find out the facts ahout the plan.
I'll have to ask myself whether the fin-
dings they came to were made logically 0r
illogically.“ l’almer said

and make other


(‘llS'l‘S Hlll room and board during the
19747.3 school year increased an average
of 4.7 per cent over 1973.7; costs

The I974 increases in room and board
pay plans were:

.»\ii increase of ti per cent for a room
and three meals per day;

An increase of 4.1. per cent for a room.
breakfast and dinner; and

An increase of 4.2 per cent fora room.
and a choice of any two meals perday,

University" of Kentucky
Lexington. Ky. 40506

Women volunteer

for fitness

Kernel Staff Writer
'l'hirty women will be connected in-
dividually by electrodes to a heart rate
monitor and Wlll walk a treadmill three
times a week for the rest of the semester
'l‘hey ane volunteers in a physical
education graduate student research
pi‘opect at the Seaton (‘enter
"\lomen are a hot object in physical
.lohii Strein.
physical education graduate student

education right now " said


"There has heeii no on

training techniques or on

woiiicn ”

.s‘l'ltl-ZIN. \I.U\(i with John Ewing. also
a physical education graduate student.
began their thesis by testing the fitness of
determine the time and effort required to

woman They are now trying to

improy e each women‘s condition
‘\\e're trying to find the
threshold of exercise necessary to improve

a woman's physical fitness.” Sti'eiii said

An improvement in cardiorespiratory
fitness the amount of oxygen the body
uses and the heart rate
lly comparing results of
the to week
scores of those

increases your
physical fitness
adiniantered before
training pmgi'am
taken afterwards. Mum and Ewing hope
to establish the minimum amount of time

and effort needed for improvement


w itli

l-1\ li\ 'l'lltll (ill “the ('harles Atlas look
is outdated Americans are
til-coining more concerned with physical
said Dr Jay
l'K physical


fitness than ever before."
t'flllt'élllfln H‘St’ilN'll

“Most literature on physical fitness is
written about men." Kearney said. "As it

director of



l'K's acrobatic “clowns"
20 people with their gymnastic feats.


lteesor prepares
looks on. Th e l‘K
Tuesday night.


is now. we can evaluate and diagnose
physical fitness. but we need to be able to
prescribe proper exerCise to improve your

'l‘hough Strein and Ewing‘s study deals
with the physical condition of sedentary
women (women not engaged in vigorous
athleticsi. the study could prove useful in
deyeloping training programs for women

“ltlt-ll'l' \(lll, professional women
athletes and olyinpic athletes are Just
training at a low er level of intensity based
on male intensity statistics," Kearney

There is a "big gap of unanswered
questions" about women's fitness. Strein
said “It has been proven that women
react differently to physical stress than

”(llll‘ iob is to find out what is the proper
level of activity needed for improvement,"
he said

ll\/.l£l. lllttn'llis. an accounting
jllllllll’. is one of the program's volunteers.
Site has noticed an improvement in her
physical fitness already “I used to get
tired just walking from Kecneland Hall to
the Seafon t‘enter." she said. "But I don't
any more "

Another \olunteer is Beverly Sherman.
recreation sophomore "l‘he project
doesn't take much time and you get used to
it." she said “It‘s like walking up stairs
when you can't get an elevator
Strein .said Michael L Pollock.
researcher for the Aeorhic Institute in
Dallas. Texas. was an innovator in
physical fitness research. Though working
only with men. Pollock researched three
importantvariables ofphysical training —
frequency. duration and intensity.

Kernel stall photo by Chuck Combos
amazed a crowd of approximately
Trooper Kenneth
to flip Larry Simpson while (llenn Price

'l‘roopers performed at (‘omplex (‘ommons


 Editor-inchiel. tinda Carnes
Managing editor Ron Mitchell

Features editor. Larry Mead
Ai ts cotter. Greg Hotelich

attorals vepiesent the opinions at the edit



Associate editor Nancy Daly Sports editor. Jim Manon-
Editorial page editor Dan Clutcher Phaography editor, Ed Gerald h

Little hope for congress

If Kentuckians are waiting for our
nine—member congressional
delegation in Washington to stop the
proposed Red River dam project they
shouldn‘t hold their breath.

As of last week. the congressmens'
positions on the dam showed four in
favor. three opposed. one undecided
and one re—evaluating. Granted. the
numbers are fairly equally divided.
but none of the representatives who
say they are opposed to building the
dam have been extremely vocal about
their positions.

Those opposing the project include
Rep. Romano Mazzoli. Third District;
Rep. Eugene Snyder. Fourth
District.: and Rep. Carroll Hubbard.
First District. Reasons the
representatives have given for op-

Letters to the editor

posing the dam include an un-
satisfactory cost-benefit ratio and
insufficient justification for water
supply and recreation benefits.

L'nfortunately. those favoring
construction of the dam have been
more vociferous than those against.
especially Seventh District Rep. Carl
Perkins and Sen. Wendell Ford. They
both have said the dam is needed for
flood control. recreation. economic
benefit. and water supply for Central

Two congressmen. Second District
Rep. William Natcher and Fifth
District Rep. Tim Lee Carter. said
they favor the dam # because it is in
another representative's district — as
a matter of congressional courtesy.

Being for construction of the dam
merely because it is in another

representative‘s district is illogical.
but perhaps indicative of why many
legislators support or defend projects.
Natcher and Carter seemingly do not
take into consideration that if the dam
is built it will affect persons not only
in the Seventh District but in the
entire state. ()ver a million persons
visited the Red River gorge last year
and not all of them were from the
Seventh District. At what point does a
state‘s interest begin to override
congressional etiquette‘.7

Kentudiy's senior senator. Walter
D. Iluddleston. is currently re-
cvaluating his earlier support for the
project. IIuddIeston has said he does
not want any more money to be spent
until the I'.S. Army Corps of
Engineers answers questions raised

men stopping dam

by the Environmental Protection
Agency and the (‘ouncil on En‘
vironmental Quality concerning the
Corps“ Environmental Impact

Sixth District Representative John
Breckiiiridge. from Lexington.
deserves the t‘harlic Brown award for
wishyryy'ashiness for his “stand" on
the project: "I earnestly hope a
solution will evolve which while not
acceptable to all would at least
represent the interests of a majority
of those affected."

If these view s accurately reflect the
positions of Kentucky‘s congressmen
on the Red River dam issue. then
there is little hopethat the project will
be stopped at that level despite the
halt-hearted opposition of Mauoli.
llubba rd and Snyder

There are people on this
campus who cannot see '
literally. You will see blind
people on campus every day.
Some will have guide dogs. some
canes. and others will be on the
arm of a sighted person. Please.
don't be frightened. Blindness is
not contagious but ignorance and
fear of it is.

While sighted people take for
granted walking. crossing
streets. going to the grocery or
somewhere they've never been
before. people without sight
cannot. For longer distances and
unfamiliar areas. they need
someone to drive them.

Blind individuals need direc-
tions sometimes. If the situation
ever arises in which you find
yourself being asked by a blind
person how to get somewher. use
your common sense. If you
cannot be specific in your
directions i“straight ahead" or
“over there" won’t cut it). take
the time to walk with them to the
building. At a street light. you
may need to tell the blind person
when it's okay to walk. par—
ticularly if the traffic flow is
unusuaal because of malfunc-
tioning signals. construction in
progress or an accident.

In class. a blind person may
need your help. When there is
boardwork. try to explain what is
being written, graphed or
diagrammed. If the class breaks
into discu§ion groups. you may
need to read aloud a handout and
aid in physical formation of
chairs. And instructors. please
realize you may have to adjust
your teaching methods in small
ways ichalkboard fanatics take
note). Speak up'. You‘re being
recorded. If the blind student
encountersdifficulties and comes
to you. take the time to listen and
mutually solve the problem.

Inthe“don‘t department: don‘t
patronize. ostracize. or feel sorry



Some insightful tips
for helping the blind

for a blind individual. Love him
or dislike him. not because he's
blind. but because of the kind of
person he is,

Finally. if you want to volun-
teer for something at a
semester's beginning or wind up
with some spare time during the
semester. consider reading for
fellowstudents whoare blind. If a
classmate is blind. consider
reading the material with him.
You‘ll both benefit Contact the
Human Relations office in
Alumni Gym for more in‘

And please remember: if you
commit yourself to reading for a
blind individual. even for a
semester. for him and for your
personal growth, stick with it.

Steve Medley
L'K alumnus. 1974

No plans for
grave robbing

I just wanted to correct a few
slight errors which occurred in
Monday’s Kernel article on vam-

First. Vlad Tepes was a Prince
of Wallachia. not Valachi.
Secondly. to clear up a slight
misrepresentation of the science
ofarchaeology. I do not plan to do
any actual digging at the site of
the castle ruins. only survey and
examine the work which has
already been started. Unfortu-
nately I have at this point neither
the funds. time or expertise to do
justice to such a monumental

Most importantly. I have no
plans to do any midnight grave
robbing, It has been my experi-
ence with rural peasants all over

Europe that if someone is really
interested in learning more about
local folk history (which includes
vampire legends and instanceSI
people are more than happy to


talk about it over a few beers ~
many times taking you right to
the place.

Many of the cemeteries are so
old (going back as far as the 14th
century). overgrown and neg-
lected that simple methods of
excavation (with permission) are
all that is necessary to verify
whether or not there are any
skeletal remains with iron
stakes. crosses or other para-

Jim Bennett


Dr. Diachun. I was very much
interested in your remarks to the
University Senate concerning the
enrollment guidelines policy. I
agree that the University should
recruit the most capable student
regardless of race. religion. or
sex. But how, Dr. Diachun. could
a capable minority student he
allowed to enter this University if
the decision were left to you? I
am referring to your remarks
before the University Senate on
Feb. 24. You said. “Does this
mean we are going to recruit
people on the basis of the color of
their eyes or because they are
I’kianian'.’ Do we want some
dumb I'kranians°”


‘ ~ i ‘_ .“53 ‘
.~:~:~‘ J3 v - ~ ‘3'- "‘

.\'o minority group. regardless
of size or prominence. should be
cited in a derogatory manner.
especially by someone in your
position I feel you chose this
particular group rather than a
more vocal one because you
expected your remarks to pass
unchallenged. Well. I)r. Diachun.
you were w rong. I am a “dumb"
L'kranian and a sophomore prc»
med student My brother. also a
“dumb" I'kranian. has been
accepted by the I'K Law School
for the 1975-76 year.

So. Dr. Diachun. in the interest
of recruiting all capable students.
I suggestyou avoid such remarks
in the future

Kenny (iardner
l’re-med sophomore


Twice in the past week I visited
the Kernel office in hopes of
getting some publicity for my
fraternity"s Easter Seal project.
We have been collecting
donations in the Student Center
for ('ardinal Hill Hospital for the
past week and a half and will
continue to do so thru March 14

During my two visits I tried to
appear as non-Greek as possible.
and after a few minutes of ex
planation a staff writer would jot


down some information
However. sllt' must have thrown
it away as I left the door.

My fraternity is only collecting
the donations The ultimate
success or failure of our project
depends on the level of I‘K
student involvement.

In my opinion the Kernel‘s
unwillingness to give any
assistance is a poor reflection of
their ability as a campus
newspaper I would have offered
to pay for the publicity. but that
only seems to defeat our goal.
Perhaps if thisletter is published.
it will serve the purpose of my
original visits.

Stephen Porter
Dental student
first year

(Editor's note: The Kernel
“staff writer“did not throw away
the information. A story has been
assigned. but is not yet com-

Fear and

“Fear and Loathing in New
York" by far surpasses anything
IIunter Thompson has ever done

Dusty Smith
Business Administration





FBI and grand jury
join in harassment

If) lAl'lL-‘l K. Il:\l.l.l‘IR

Essentially, the power of a grand jury is
to conduct hearings. receive evidence and
bear testimony in order to determine
whether a particular person has probably
committed a specific offense If this panel
of citizens finds that there is a reason or
‘probablecause" to believe that an offense
has been committed by a named person. it
returns a true bill of indictment against
the person After the indictment has been
returned charging the accused with an
offense. she or he will be brought to trial

The grand jury's hearings are
traditionally closed to the public. the
w itness or prospective defendants lawyer
and even to the government prosecutor.
would the grand jury so request Part of
the rationale for such secrecy is that in»
nocent defendants and Witnesses should he
protected Though the ICS District (‘ourt
in whose district the federal grand jury
sits has the power to draw aside the veil of
secrecy and reveal the minutes of grand
jury proteedings. it is extremely rare that
this be done for anyone but the govern-
ment attorney or the defendant Some
cases have held specifically that the court
should not allow the grand jury to disclose
evidence to other government agencies for
the purpose of filing civil actions or any
other reason The court. in its power to
regulate the grand jury. may forbid such
disclosure as it constitutes a clear abuse of
the grand jury's power.

Ht)“ EVER. THIS legitimate authority
of the federal grand jury is being abused
by the FBI here in Lexington


The FBI is searching for two alleged
female fugitives from Boston. Two persons
said to fit the description of these women
are believed to have been in Lexington last
summer. The persons being called as
witnesses before the federal grand jury
i mostly women) were alleged to have been
acquainted with the alleged fugitives.

’I‘he FIII thus wished to question the
present witnesses as to any knowledge of
the other women. They attempted to do so
in the home of certain of the female wit~
nesses and initially. the witnesses were
willing to discuss the matter. But the FBI
agents became so threatening and over-
bearing that the women finally told them
that they did not Wish to talk about the
subject further and asked the agents to
leave Initially refusing to leave, the
agents continued to question the women.
They told some women that if they did not
talk. they and others would be called
before the grand jury This was only the
beginning of the harrassment of these
women. ISee New York Times. Feb. 23. p.

TIIIC WITNESSES were each sub-
poenaed to appear before the federal
grand jury. They have still not been in
formed as to what offense committed by
what person is being investigated, The
grand jury is not investigating the original
offense of the two fugitives. as the Boston
grand jury had already done so.

It is fairly obvious that there is no
charge against the witnesses or anyone
else and that the grand jury is simply
conducting a “fishing expedition" at the
behest of the FBI.

' 'i“ 1;» v 9 ’5‘" 1’

r" 1" -"‘~ I” ’n

v ""5331: swung

.I a" " °"'
“% ,J'flvp’h’g'
’a‘9 4'




Opinions from ins-6e and outsude the universny community





The district judge has the power to hear
evidence to determine whether the grand
jury‘s power is being abused by the FBI.
He has refused to do so and will not until
the witnesses refuse to testify and are
found to be in contemptof court. A finding
of contempt will result in their being in—
carcerated for a certain amount of time.
longer or shorter depending upon whether
the district judge finds abuse of the grand
jury. If not, then the case must be ap-
pealed for a determination of this issue to
the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

l‘NDIIR THE prevailing law. the
Lexington grand jury case constitutes
clear abuse. It is fairly obvious that the
grand jury is improperly being used as a
tool of the FBI. Citizens should not thus be

forced to submit to the grand jury
questioning without just cause.

If you too believe that the grand jury
should not beemployed as an inquisitor for
federal government agencies. please write
to the newspapers to state your opinion
and contact the Lexington Grand Jury
Defense Fund at 1411 South Limestone.

If one citizen may be improperly forced
to speak, may anyone remain silent? Such
encroachment upon basic constitutional
rights must be stopped now.


Laura K. HaIIer is a second year law
student. Sara Ryskiewicz is a first year
law student. Both are members of the L'K
Women‘s Law Caucus.

The ‘cruel Iranian reality!
Torture and suppression

trlditor‘s note: This comment was
written by members of the Iranian Student
.\ssociation. Their names have been
withheld by their request.)

The most elementary human rights are
being violated in Iran. Democracy and
freedom are meaningless words for the
regime of Iran. Any type of protest against
intolerable living conditions is supressed

For example. less than four months ago.
the regime of the Shah slaughtered 13
workers in cold blood. While facing food
prices as high as in New York City. the
workers were forced to work 12 hours a
day and received three dollars per day as
wages. They marched out on strike and
were attacked by armed troops of the
Shah. This resulted in the massacre of at
least 13 unarmed workers whose families
were left to starve.

NOT ONLY workers. but all the people
of Iran are facing such treatment. Iranian
prisons overcrowded by 25,000 political
prisoners are evidence of this fact. In the
pst few years hundreds of socalled
“dissident” intellectuals have been
executed, Others have been subjected to
barbaric treatment. Torture is a part of
cruel Iranian reality.

In an interview with I.e.\Ionde the Shah
mentioned “moral pressure" as one of the


interrogation techniques. "Moral
pressure" in Iran means torture of
prisoners" parents and children in front of
their eyes and taking of hostages from
their families. According to the prisoners”
own accounts and from what international
observers have said. tearing of finger
nails. electric shocks. whipping of the soles
of the feet. burning on hot electric plates
and sexual assaults are the most frequent
type of tortures.

The puppet regime of the Shah. after
being reinstated by a CIA coup in 1953. has
never failed to impose the most brutal
policies and actions on the Iranian people.
Despite the Shah‘s braggings about his so-
called “White Revolution” and
“nationalization" of oil. Iranian people are
suffering under a scarcity of food. lack of
medical care. lack of educational facilities
and medieval working conditions.

In fact the Shah has spent billions of
dollars of oil revenue to buy arms to crush
liberation movements in the Persian Gulf
such as that of the people of ()man and

It is the duty of democratic-minded and
peace-lovmg people to support the struggle
of the Iranian people for freedom.
democracy and national independence.


The Iranian Student \ssociation is a
registered student organization at I'K.



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news briefs


McCloskey recommends







t {5 3 35 5 .‘5






more aid to Cambodia

ll \SlllMt’l‘llN i;\l’i A member ot' the eongressional
taet l‘mdmg group that \ isited liidoehma urged a House
subeomnnttee Tuesday to approve St lit 7 million for ammunition
and essentials to keep (‘ambodiaii torees lighting through June :lti

Rep Paul N Mel‘toske) ilt ('alit' i delivered the reeommenda
tioii to the House foreign operations appropriations subcommittee
Ile said lie spoke for a Ill.’l_]()l'tl} ot the eight member delegation

The subeommittee was sehediiled to take (‘ongress initial aetion
on Ford's request for an additional $222 iiiilhoii in aid to (‘ambodia

House aetion is scheduled tor next week it the aid is approved by
both the subeommittw the lull House Approprialions

the State Department, meanwhile, said it has made numerous
and eontinuing et'torts to eneoui'age the beginning of peaee
negotiations in ('aintiodia









942'_ Winchester Rd

Tuitlarid Mall
Village Square



The most promising ol these etlorts. howeVei', was aborted b} the
l' .s‘ bombing halt in .\ugu.st 1971i. aeeordiiig lo spokesman Itobert

Anderson said it was not true that St't't't‘ltll'} of State Henr} .\
|Il.'l('It\t' in seeking a (liinhodian

Kissinger has been

settlement. and he promised to pi'odiiee on Wediiesda) a reeord oi


.\inernutn ettoi'ts tor siieh ti settteiiieiil

Ford postpones tariff hikes

and continues price controls

\\ \5Hl\(.ltl\ \I'

w ith IiillL‘l't‘ss

.V'IllllL‘ ti \ltn liilidl lol‘ .lll eliel‘g) [Hillel
t‘iiilllH‘tiHfisi' l'tr'sltlett' l'Ll‘l'll liosltiolietl lieu. rill
ttii’ztl hikes tut-silo). .tliil .lt‘Il‘l‘rl to dela: tilting pi’it'e t‘lilllt'lils oi:
llltlt'll «loinestimtti prottiit-ett petioieuiii
\' the mine tiiiie I“oi‘tlsi.1i.ed.. pi'oinised \eto to .i lltll that
would strip hiiii tor W tl.l\“ ot his .iiilhoi’ih Yo :inpose higher t.irilts
on iiiipoi‘led oil
the t"tlIlt'tll.tlIIl'_\ lllil\t‘\ '~\llll‘li were nine! upon liitii In letitleis
ot the lleiiiot i'tifietonti'oiletl longiess were squirt-I) aimed at
promoting .i eoiiipi‘oinise eiieig\ l'lllt‘lll'illl tr. \l;i_\ i
“What we doii 3 need is it 'lllir‘ wasting rest oi strength llt'l\kl‘l'l:
l‘oivl «aid in .iniiouneiiiLI his

um ol sll‘t'llLZIli tl1.ll llll' l'ltlli'tl

the t‘ongress illill tht l‘l’l‘shlt‘ltt

ttltlH‘s ‘\\h.it we do need is .i st
States gou-i'iiineiit your gmei'riinetit. (an .lt'l deeisnel} and with
dispateh "
Spt't‘tlll'ally these were l’ol‘tl s llittlol‘ t'llltl't‘\\tlill\ lo (liligt‘es
sioiial lleinoeixits
.\ii .ltlllt'll oil tai‘itl ot .‘t iii-i lulll't‘l that took etlet'!
Saturday and .i siinilai iilt'l'l'tt\l‘ sitieduled tor .\pi'il l were

postponed tor till dagxs


l'oid s iiiili.il Feb I tlt)ll.ll'.l

barrel tai'ilt hoost remains lIl etteel

llii'iu‘k i'l'



, ‘1; +- X

my] C’ f3;- 5: AFTER

{Tag-z“? it" A 4




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Ken Kandle

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Mail to:


The President tiaeked .twa} li‘oiii I
on April 1 pl‘lH' eontiols on 'old oil doineslie oil that eoiiies
lioin produetion \lllll't‘t'\ dewloped prior to Mareh. 1972 This oil.
now prieed at $3 1.3a lh'l‘l'l‘l. eoinpai'ed to Slti 'ilito Sit for “new lltl.
aeeounts tor .‘llltltll two thirds oi doiiiestie produetion

Chaplin dubbed 'Sir Charles'

lliNlmN , \I’ Tim trail to kneel. ('harhe ('haplin was dubbed
Sir l‘hailes~ h) Queen I‘lh/aheth H on 'l'uesda)’ in the ornate
ballroom ol Ilutltingham I’alaee three miles from the slum.s
where he grew up in pow-rt}

The Welsh (iiiards' band played the h
('haphn film "Liiiiehght"
brought in a wheel ehair betore the British queen

She smiled He sat forward, looking somewhat bewildered

Queen Elizabeth took a eeremonial sword and tapped him on both
shoulders‘ saying softly "Arise. Sire (‘harles (‘hapli.i. Knight
Commander of the British I‘Impire ”

But the white-haired comedian was unable to gel to his feet

The emotional moment was just Ztlseeonds in the I ' ehour parade
of 170 Britons reeeivmg royal honors, but hardly an eye was 19“

There was no applause, aeeordi
before the ceremony opened

iis stated iiileiit to reinoie

aunting theme from the
as the 3.3 year old king of eomed) was

rig to a request by a royal eourtier


(The Kentucky Kernel, H4 Journali

Kentucky, Lexrnqton, Kmtucky, W, is limited live times
weekly during the school year except dunnq tot-days and
exam periods, aid twuce wrekly durum; the Simmer sessuon.

Thirdclass postaqp

paid at Lexmqton, Kentucky, GOSH
Published bythi-
the Cadetin 1894

srn budding, Universafy at

Kernel Presanc lomdedinllnl Bequnas H ‘

m Ema published continuously as the Kentudry


Kernel \ln(.



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y Any lalsr- or mislead *

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‘M'd to mp 77.. ” V






APA dies


'l'llh Maxilun Amend" neonesaay, March 0. 1915—5





























—— ° ° ° b d Y DIVING
Local political group dis on 5 SK
ls offer two years of involvement The “"8" °'°w‘"9 5”"
of, the Nation
ByltUN Ml’l‘t‘llELI. maintain a continuing presence stream of the party." This was '
Managing Editor among liberal Democrats at the indicated by the fact the Me—
.l "M The Assemblv for pomp-at local level so we wouldn‘t be on Govern [action had to form their
'1 Eu“ Action iAl’Ai a liberal partv the outside every four years." own organization, she said.
t s" ‘ ~ - .
mum ret'orm group, voted Tuesday Daly explained that "1 January
w ,m night to disband. after two vears (“UPI-IR SAID APA failed 1974 the organization pressured
W.“ M local political involvement. because the “leaders of the the Fayette County Democratic
It“; The nine members “minding liberal community here never Central Executive Committee to
m0” [hp meeting decided m form a really supported it and there hold party precinct elections,
m0" three-member mmmmpp to li- were divisions among these peo< which had been continually de-
()(ll'l quidate the organization. which pie caused by jealousy and layed since the 1972 presidential
-d l;\' means abolishing the existing P0130111” (“Sllkf‘fi election The precinct elections
“0”; pm, “mat box and disbursing the “It ‘5 sad that it failed." (‘ooper resulted in a new executive com» WW,
- some 34;, m the bank account p said "(hie year from now when mittee elected from the grass-
mm “as Wilt-U‘Slt‘tl the money Hm” Scoop Jackson is nominated and roots level. GRE ENE COUNTY SPORT PARACHUTE
m”. hp Km.” to lam-pm] local pump.“ people wonder why, it' they think ‘ CENTER OF K ENTUCKY
organmitions “r m support a about ill‘ the} Will know the \5\ lthsll.l_ot that effort. Jump at the most experienced parachute
.the candidate tor the Lettmgton Ir “”5“” 5““ bdld- APA ImOhf’d man} training facility in the country Over ll years
"w” ban ('ountv “mm.” He said there are good and bad people from all parts of Lexmg- _ '
- signs ltil‘tlit‘ immediatetutureot ton and “as able to get many e"F’er'ence and better lhan l5/000 SlUdenlS
\ \ \l’\\\.\s‘iormedml“ebruar\ the Democratic part} The good elected as precinct captains. trained with Greene County Sport Parachute
”1;.“ ”7,; m ”H. atterniath 0, the signs are the number of liberal [Xisitions‘theywillkeep until 1976. Centers.
._ A . .. . , ' . . freshman (‘ongresspeople and The group was instrumental in
'l t pusidintial tampaign ot Mn ‘ .
l H “mm“. Menou-rn 1) s‘ tint“, the hint ‘IL’H Ls that there IS no torciiig the Fayette Central hxe- Open Every Day 9 a.m. until Dark
ta The original \l’.\ stt‘t‘l‘lllt.’ "t‘i'llfi *“V'HL’ lN'MNlt‘Hli-‘tl ("UMP ("HIH' ('ommittee ”l 1h“ Demo— First Jump Course $37.50 your own Group of 5 or more only
committei-and ”H. Fayette (mm date tor IUTti trom the liberal cratic Part} to open its meetings 52750 per person, price includes. Logbook, all framing! at!
'4\ .\tc(;o\ern campaign steering “’“L’ "l ”1" part} “t ”I“ PUMIC “’4‘- also ””1“” ecuxpment and firs