xt71g15t861f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15t861f/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1956 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 32, No. 2, Autumn 1956 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 32, No. 2, Autumn 1956 1956 2014 true xt71g15t861f section xt71g15t861f ?Ebz ®ua1rtzrIp 3BulIctin ut tbz jfmntuznv 3F,2urzmg $zrh1:z Volume 32 Qutumn, 1956 jiumbzr 2 2 " l , I · j si if 2 . `&•"·/I I x V W _ .._ e zi v_l',_. · ii * “‘ 7 <· `j*’ ° h , ‘ i * ‘ . * 22 i rf;. vi >: ‘ ) - §° @,5% i ` ` }'J vt` ‘''§” :2— 2 éi»_ —· , - . 2 i :•··*"’ ‘_,\»*£ "` *‘ A. gy Y Little Girl of ISSS T , ‘ V , ; i .,. - . = ""‘ ‘ ·* . . v ¢\` . 2 - ' ` * " ‘* L,. ` . g . =¤*‘» V»V-.; —-i‘=» I - . 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I Taken lll the Winter of 1956 . y I { Photograph by Lucille Kuechtly , l ` i S Th' . y. THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN of zhe FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE iw Publislwd Q11m·t¢’·1·Iyby the Fl‘0lItIr·l' Nursing; S··1·vi<·i·, Inv., L¤~xi1igton_ Ky, ‘ "’ SllI.7S(7I‘I]1tIUIl Price $1.00 Por Your , Edil0r's ()lIi1·¤·: \vl*l1li0\'\fI`, K•·ntu¢·k_y I I VOLUME 32 AUTUMN, 1956 NUMBER 2 "Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky,_ _ i‘ under Act of March 3, 1879." t Copyright, 1956, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ` ` ' I n. J CONTENTS ARTICLE AUTHOR PAGE i 6 A Bit of Kentuckiana 3 A Christmas Angel Inside Back Cover A Christmas Journey Hope Muncy 5 American Association of Nurse- ` Midwives (Illus.) Helen E. Browne 27 g Babette,`§~ VOLUNTEER CHRISTMAS SECRETARY T Cartoons by Kitty Biddle l I i l 1·*RoN·1·mR Nuasmc SERVICE s I FROM THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS , TO THE KENTUCKY HILLS · by E MARY PETERSON . , (Recipient of the Alpha Omicron Pi 1956 Summer Scholarship) "All aboard!" t! These were the words I heard as I boarded the train at Liv- { ingston, Montana, in the heart of the rugged Rockies_, headed for ¢ a summer full of experiences in the beautiful mountains of I Kentucky. t I had read about our Alpha Omicron Pi philanthropic project _ but not until I actually saw the Frontier Nursing Service at work did I realize what a tremendous job we are doing in Kentucky. As I trudged over the hills visiting families, I often wished there were some way to bring each Alpha Omicron Pi into the Ken- 3 tucky mountains so she might have the opportunity of seeing :_ her sorority at work. It would make her even more proud to " be a member. . During my six weeks with the Frontier Nursing Service I lived in the nurses’ quarters at the Hyden Hospital. The Hos- pital is located on the bench of Thousandsticks Mountain with a steep winding road leading up to it. I have often heard the saying, "I feel like I’m on the top of the world." When I stood s on the hospital hill and looked down over the town of Hyden, I did feel like I was on the top of the world. Barbara Hunt was the social service secretary when I I arrived, but she left during the middle of August and Noel Smith . took her place. Noel and I were both inexperienced but through necessity we learned fast. By the time I left, Noel was bouncing i over the hills like an old timer. T Although horses are still used on their districts by the nurse- .—~ midwives, jeeps were our main source of transportation around KW the mountains; and, after seeing the roads, I certainly was thankful for the jeep. There were roads of every variety! Apple —, Pi, the social service jeep, carried us over rough roads, muddy _ T roads, slick-rock creekbeds, up steep inclines, and on the two A paved highways. With Apple Pi in four wheel, or tractor drive, . we could travel any road. I really became quite attached to her l .1 P I 10 mm QUARTERLY BULLETIN . before the end of the sumer. I don’t mind rough roads but, when » it comes to rocky creek beds, I grit my teeth and bear it. As we I bounced along I'd hang on for dear life hoping not to bounce through the ceiling or out the door, but I wouldn’t have missed if those experiences for the world. f The iirst visit I made while I was in the mountains was up · Bull Creek. Bobbie Hunt, driving Apple Pi, took us up a rocky creek bed to visit a family. Coming from Montana I had been ~ over many rough roads but when Bobbie started up this creek I. bed I discovered it was the roughest road I had ever traveled. A i This was a real initiation into the Kentucky Mountains. It was interesting to meet and visit with the people in the ° mountains. They were all so cordial and they always made us J feel like part of the family. These people didn’t have sterling on > their tables, but there was a certain purity and honesty about them that gave an atmosphere of sterling. I can truthfully say that every home gave us a cheerful greeting and made us feel welcome. One of the main jobs of social service is to give help to p indigent families. It gave me such a satisiied and happy feeling to see the appreciation light up their faces when we gave a I helping hand. Y I made many trips down Muncy Creek and across the Middle F. Fork River to Wendover and each time I had the same feeling l of tranquility, as if all my troubles were left behind on the other S side of the river. Wendover is the administrative headquarters T for the Frontier Nursing Service and is always buzzing with things to do or to be done, but they always take time to make p people feel welcome. At Wendover they have cleared spaces for ’ the buildings. But the hillsides and the surrounding country are in their natural form with the many beautiful trees and vines i and the quiet river. . A high light of my trip was a nice long conversation with _ Mrs. Breckinridge, the director of the Frontier Nursing Service. I 7 From her I was able to learn a great deal about the history of `T the Service—those early years of hardship and struggle until a . firm footing had been reached and a dream had been realized. I — There are six outpost nursing centers located in different , sections which are run by the Frontier Nursing Service. These .1 P FRONTIER NURSING smnvrczz 11 . have from one to two nurse-midwives living in a house, and . to the people of the surrounding area they give midwifery and nursing care. My favorite of these centers was Possum Bend at it Confluence, where I spent an enjoyable week end swimming, j boating, and resting. The nurses, Molly and Carolyn, treated us , like royalty. All the centers were beautiful and I would love to Q live at any one of them. When we traveled for any distance over paved roads, we I I. used our Ford station wagon, which was quite a change from ffl a jeep. I would find myself bracing my feet for a bump, and when no bump came I believe my body was actually a little °- disappointed. J The first long trip I made in the station wagon was to the > State Institution for the mentally deficient in Frankfort. An urgent message came from Frankfort telling us that Jessie, a patient there, was critically ill and the social service department was asked to get in touch with her mother. The mother had no car so we took her to see her daughter. It was interesting to see p this institution with its trim lawns and beautiful trees. As we were leaving I had great admiration for the people who were I working there and making such an institution possible. I Another interesting trip was to the Manchester clinic. A ._ doctor from the Crippled Children’s Hospital in Lexington came - to Manchester to see the crippled children living in the surround- * ing area. After an examination and diagnosis, the doctor recom- 5 mends treatment to be given at a later date if there is any A possible chance of helping the child. This treatment is usually C given at the Kentucky Crippled Children’s Hospital in Lexington. I Cases of all types came to this clinic, some with only slight crip- pling and others beyond help. The Frontier Nursing Service took · i three car loads of children forty miles to attend the Manchester . clinic. 1. We also made trips to the Crippled Children’s Hospital in I 7 Lexington and to the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati. As I saw `T these different hospitals and their patients I said a little prayer . of thanksgiving, because I began to realize I could have very Y easily been one of these cases. A case of polio, some abnormal _. development of the brain or other parts of the body—there is ‘ no end to the causes. When I feel sorry for myself I stop and A S . l . 12 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN realize I’m a pretty lucky girl and, if these people can be happy with their handicaps, I certainly can be happy with my healthy ‘;_ body. One week end when Noel and I went to Cincinnati with a patient, I took a bus to Dayton to see Mrs. Frank Ekberg, the philanthropic chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi. I spent a wonder- _i ‘ ful evening visiting with the Ekbergs. This was just three days before I left for home and this provided quite a climax for my trip. Some people live too far from school to live at home and ¢ attend school, or some may feel they can get better schooling j elsewhere. Noel and I made two trips to the Huston Mission . School where children attend school and live in a dormitory for A; A three dollars a week. This school is run by the Presbyterian Church. It can handle only about thirty children from the first through the eighth grades, but these children get the best of care and schooling. It was an inspiration to meet and visit with ll the founder, Miss Foster, whose radiant and kind personality cap- { tures everyone’s heart. A child who has attended school here always wants to come back, and because of this popularity it is hard to keep the enrollment down. I had so many wonderful experiences this summer that it is hard to choose only a few to tell about. Each bounce in the jeep, V each home I visited, each person I met, every experience had a ; special meaning for me. Some things I can put into words, some Y were just little inward feelings. P Every man has the right to happiness but not all men take advantage of this right. These people proved to me that it doesn’t take material possessions to build happiness. ‘ . W A HEBRIDEAN VERSE - i,. Though this year is closing, A And a new one taking her place, I · It is our prayer and goodwill ‘ That friendship will be as it was. —Translated by Murdo Morrison i . 3 1moN·1·1mR NURSING smizvicm 13 OLD COURIER NEWS Edited by ! AGNEs LEWIS From Mabel Hobart (Muffy), Cambridge, G Massachusetts—August 27, 1956 After spending a most wonderful junior year studying in Paris, I have now returned to America to complete my iinal year l at Smith College. Your bulletin was forwarded to me and proved a great source of enjoyment and a wonderful way "to keep in I touch" with not only the FNS but the whole, dear country. I, I have never forgotten my weeks spent with you and I can Q honestly say that they profoundly affected my attitude towards many social and medical problems. From Mrs. Bosworth Todd, Jr. (Joan Henning), Louisville, Kentucky—September 5, 1956 I am very ashamed of myself for not letting FNS know about the future M.D. for Hyden Hospital 19‘?‘?—born April 14th, and now almost 5 months old [see Babies]. I’ve been so busy taking care of him, moving from D-ayton to Louisville and l` now moving into a little house we’re renting here in Louisville, gf that I’ve been very bad about letter-writing. Samuel Bosworth Todd is fat and adorable and Bos and I are very proud of him. When he’s big enough to ride in a jeep— Zi 6 months or so—I’m going to bring him and his father to Wen- { dover for a visit. I hope Mother will come too. Mary Helm and I still talk about FNS so much—that our husbands are very o curious. I really promise to come back for a visit—as I think about it so often. IT .... · From Mrs. J efferson Patterson (Marvin Breckinridge) , 14 Montevideo, Uruguay—September 7, 1956 We are all enjoying living in Montevideo. Jeff is extremely · busy as his Counselor (right-hand man) left at the end of June jg and the new one is not coming until October, so he has a double job, but he is very well and deeply interested in his job. ee i 14 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN A The children go to an excellent Uruguayan school where they ` are happy, and making good progress in Spanish. They had their _ first riding lesson last Saturday, and loved it. Diane [her dog] flew down shortly after us, and immediately settled down to her ~ job of guarding the Residence, as she has done before in Brus- E sels, Cairo, Athens, Washington, River House and Point Farm. E As for myself, I am extremely busy getting to know the il people and the country and entertaining the right people to » interest visiting Americans, who may be journalists, generals, Hereford breeders, geographers, atomic scientists, etc. One of " our recent guests was Mrs. Elizabeth Shirley Enochs, of the Chil— l dren’s Bureau, and we spoke together of the Frontier Nursing ` Service. This is a fascinating experience, and the Pattersons are all happy to be here. .... ij From Alison Bray, Entebbe, Uganda——September 7, 1956 `il I am still having the most wonderful time out here. My mother is coming out in November to stay for 4-5 weeks. I am getting so excited about seeing her and will take some leave li while she is here, so that we can go around and see some of the country. We hope to go to at least one of the national parks L to show her some big game. A My latest expedition was to go down the Nile as far as the . Sudan border. You spend two nights on the most wonderful L Mississippi-type paddle steamer-—it’s the greatest fun. My com- * panion was a most delightful American woman who runs the Y.W.C.A. in Uganda and we enjoyed the trip enormously. From Anne Kilham, Colorado Springs, Colorado —September 16, 1956 _, Jo Anne Hunt probably told you a bit about her visit here. f' We certainly had fun. And it was nice to talk to an FNSer i straight instead of by the grapevine! ill; The summer on the ranch was a very good one, though very , exhausting. I tutored Ellen, the little girl I take care of, every I day for an hour or so. That, to me, was the best part of the job. j A little man in town gave me some soapstone to carve and ~ 1 FRONTIER NURSING smavxcn 15 A so I made two pieces of sculpture and now I’m exhibiting one _ in the Art Center here in Colorado Springs. I am going to Colorado College this winter as a part-time · freshman—and living with the Marshalls as before. Classes start E the 24th. * From Mary Peterson, Big Timber, Montana—September 19, 1956 S It seems good to be home but I must admit I miss Kentucky. ·· Everyone in town has been asking about my trip. We have had [ two dinner invitations so I could show my slides and other ‘ material. Next Friday I have my first public speaking engage- ‘ ment at a county 4—H Club. I also was quite thrilled to hear that il my sorority has chosen me as the Founders Day speaker. l I want to thank you and the others at Wendover for making Q} my visit such an enjoyable one. I left a big corner of my hea