xt71g15t8w6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15t8w6d/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1940 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  AS36 .A2. journals  English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 14, 1940 - including "The Argiopidae or Orb-Weaving Spiders of Alabama" by Allan F. Archer text Museum Paper, no. 14, 1940 - including "The Argiopidae or Orb-Weaving Spiders of Alabama" by Allan F. Archer 1940 1940 2015 true xt71g15t8w6d section xt71g15t8w6d  
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` GE()L()GI(`.-\I. Sl`RYI·]Y ()I*` ALABAMA ‘:
W.-\l,'l’l·]I€ B. JONES, N’l`A’|`li Iili()I.()(ilS'l` my ».¤·;,u-¤-;>  
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Lvniyersity. .·\lal>an1a E
Septeinher l. 1040
Honorable Frank Bl. Dixon.  
Governor of _\labama, E
Blontgoniery, .\labania. I  
I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a I
report entitled "The .v\rgiopidae or (A)rh-V\reayi11g Spiders of ;\la— V §
bama" by Allan F. Archer. It is requested that this he printed as I
Museum Paper 14 of the Geological Survey of _\lEll)IllIli`t. ;;
I STE\Y:\R'l` _l. LLOYD, 1
Asst. State Geologist.  
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Tllli .·\l{(}lOPID.·\lZ OR ORB—\\~'F.·\\`IN<.S SPIDERS 7  
.·\LL.xN li`. ;\1ania. To Dr. \\'. _l. ·
Gertsch of the -\merican Museum of Natural History. New York. Y
I wish to express my gratitucle for the identification of questionable i
specimens, continents. helpful suggestions. antl the generous send- .
ing of specimens for comparative purposes. Likewise much is  
due to Miss Elizabeth B. Bryant. Museum of Coniparatiye Zo-  
ology. Canibrhlge. Massachusetts, for her patient collaboration  
with myself in various problems relating to the orb—weavers of E
Alabama. To l)r. S. _l. Lloyd and to the following institutions 1
thanks are clue: The .»\labama Museum of Natural l‘listory and i 1
the two museums mentiouecl above. l”>r. R. S. Hodges of the .~\l:t— ` `
bama Department of Conservation has assisted materially in pho- .  
tographic work. ‘  
The specimens on which this work is basecl are deposited in _ `  
my collection which is houserl in the ;\labaina Museum of Natural V T.
History, Tuscaloosa. ,v ;
lt is of great significance that pioneering work rlone on North  
American spiilers was unrlertaken for the most part in Alaliaina . i
by an i\n1erican naturalist, Nicholas Marcellus llentz spent many V ‘  
of his active years in .·\labama. where he resitlecl from 1834 to  
IS47. He liyetl in lflorence. then in Tuscaloosa. and finally in " (
Tuskegee before removing to Columbus. Georgia. liklwarrl Burgess
(see {/t`/1t`}'(lf f’lif’]I.O!/l'(l/*]I_\'L) has given a brief biography of llentz. ln
1900 Nathan lianks listel·` .\l,.~\l·Z;\M.\
  ..‘t l fl 7)7wi V ii Wéfi iw 7 '  
  E I i l  
{*~ l ;; we cun now compure specimens collectetl in l*lentz`s originul ter- qlmh
. g__ i t ritory with the figures i11 his puhlicutions. ln the cuse oi tht amp
·L my ` Q .\r<>*io >itlue this >roeest churucte· stir mimi
  lr. .. lezttiire is the welw mzule up ol concentric circles. ruori. 'l`he .\rg·io il;t= westei
:_  y tlilter signiticuntly lrom the closely relutetl tumilies, the inns Mexic
Q y I phiitlue. 'l`heri
{ ` . i lor Xllt`lll*"21ll lw Chicl;erin<>·, -\¢"*—*`<`<
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j   V t ZU(lt/t`0j/}'(I/7/I_\’ uml /)i.»·l1·1`{>u/im:. Spitlers us setlentury us u" 1 —2··
  ` ‘ ~· .·\re‘io >iotent luctors ol tlistrilmtion to uccotv l·` Ol A\l:t
"   '»` l. . , . . . . *1 _
§ · ‘¥ their extremely witle occurrence, Xothmg is more striking tliif 01 ’l"—
  `S l ` the mztimer in which the .\r<··i<>>itlue reocctt w ztreus ‘roiiml. ln xi t‘· ' atlllllm
7 ‘ · 1 5 g
l ii" i tlll# I-{let \\'el‘e it lint l-Ol` tlie litiiititirr tlgtetors nl t·eolo¤»·ie;tl ut .t*i' * (U/("/V
· : ( . >· 5 I. \.
t   Q I tions. we conltl expect un even more lio\\`k‘\`t‘l. P   Ul `/"
g - . . · . . · · l ‘ ·
.   Q L`K‘l`l(lllll}' ztecotiiit tor rupitl tiiritsiotis ot locztltties ;_v;{i 5 S.
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'lglllill l*`l" spiders, Huntan f:tct01‘s certainly account for iutrtttltteetl species. ·
@*0 'll lllk altlttaiglt in .\lal>ama there is as yet nnly nne ]n‘··l>al·lt· exotic _
lw lllw 'll) species nf .\rgi<»]>irlae.
Tfrwttt the start. the gettgwtplty ttf stteh ]1l`L‘*lZ1ll1l`}` >]>et`1es Its f
Jlyllia wl we are e<·nsirt»atl terms. T
hrtain ttllr ·  
great fell. l. T/in ,$`t·t/{limi/tzz·_t* /VII.!]/Ihllltitt`. ln the areas nf sewlintentary . i
·laeef,\I`g`lO])l(l1l(*. The affinities of the 5
i]>ZllZLClllZlll ctiitnplex. One speeies. .\vt‘<».vt‘r>1it1 iztfnfnzu, of
the l nty Mexican affinity entirely replaces the relate\`.Y/tl//I./It` Hf;//1/1111z/x. This etnniirises the Blue Ridge i.
ies i ittir a11 sei wr: mecliate hetween the true highlantls anrl the sttnthern tliyisirtn of i
,[ AW ny .‘\l2ll¤Zllll£l. The area etntstittttes :1 ztme ttf tttigrittltttt nf (’Zl$lL‘l`Il  
Wit-e et-? .\{>]»alaehian species into the Coastal l’lain. lts fauna seems tn he i ;
ly w las l?l1`§`e1` 1hi111 that ttf the ll1>l`lll .\lal>ama tliyisitivn, ,\nt<»ng other ` `
Q. Yu. all S])et`1e> tttrvre mtr less [»eCttli:tt' [O 11 {tre ]\v/Iil!ill, HINT 1  
.\vt`/¤.\`<`<¤Hrises the stwntltern half ` €
tum: {.~ Of 1\laltanta any nm means as tntteh , =
tw-(lie ;ttt of il ]>l21l11 IIS 1Is 1121111C* 1111]>l1e$. lt is a vast complex of ttplanrls, Z  
tctnr l:t‘ 11arr<»w valleys, rayines. antl swampy lnwlantls. Here we have the  
Y/I-(H/,._   richest fauna of _\rg‘i¤»pi]'lf1l`ZUllL`· -
tstat¤ l l ally in the northern t2lC_\L 5L‘R\ l·,\ (Jl? .\l,.—\l}4\M4—\
l 4 ];u—l;{;m ,pt·t~it·s; like ,l/414v/0[>/10111 /’[i.\`(lt`(`(I/(I, \\‘lllCl\ i>L`t`l11'S HS l-ill' Mlllll x~ _}]{p/
..4 V 1l4»I`lllt‘l`Il l·`lm‘iuszt £li()lllll.§v, l)lll`ltl)' l<>t‘:1tt’t1‘tl1e1‘1i li— _j.`(·,,]4
Y 4 i xisiim, luriiislies the largest list, SS speeies (}'C{ll`·lll`<)llll(l e·»ll~ t- 4`·4·(~/4
{ t ` ing`). llt»11st’t>ii Cmiiity (pmlwulily riclier thztii the lust) zis e;
Q .4 yieltls mily 31 species {me the suiiimer iiimitlis llztle t`¤»i· Li
  _ ` eimies next with JV) species ljzihlwiii Ciitiiity with JT uml Rh ·li· A
  4 4 tliiiiity with J3. l,ee Cmiiity ltimislies 37 species zaiul LY su
{ (`0111itx· 27 species. huth in the l)lL*(lllllll1l, hut the first eiille   ,/.4/ 4
Q ` . . _ 4 , INI'!
§ l; ‘ the vezir ;m»1111[U1t;tt1¤>11s, lhe eet>l0g·1e;tl elitsstlicattimi g ri H] P
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{ `   ztiiimzil eiimiiitiiiities til 4\l:il¤;mi;i, lhe 1i·llt>wiiig >}`llll\tll~ in ·4\Aj(_/M
l , A ' used: l, ~ limitetl rzmge. S ~ smith tn eeiitittl 4\l:tl»;m1;a. N · t*- UAH//H
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, · - Hlg/U
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F. II*II:1t \\vlJt1(IS (Oak, I1icIc<’>1‘y, I>cccI1, pine). I  
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Tlllj .\I{l}l<)PII)_\}£ OR ORLZ—\\'l£;\`\'1N¢} SPIDLZRS 15 3
_·>·»]»h=\ k Mc/cjwfm [(lb_\'}'l·/IZ°/IC`(l .i/1}*111//zum `v(qx1`ffdg (smuc live 0nk and pnl1m·u·· L111/1//41 {/41z*1`/wx (5) .`\·L`O.\`L`O}l¢I /uvzjuizz/xm ` E
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ir,£’l!4`4!I!g/.‘ I'4‘ll1!.x`/al RLUII}/11/‘1I {/I./*/u‘}‘<>.~`[1 ‘ .  
/»'}'{/J-(J/N` uzmnz/fa /A/}'I.lIIr¢I 4/1`1·rm1 Y
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Acuzz//zcfn/m .vfr//am E//Maf/zvxm myxfim/L1 ;   ;
C`\\vIiRNS V ?
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p1‘··l>Ztl>l_\’ <>t‘t‘11]1y habitats 11tl1¢·1· tl1a11 tl1<»s1· lt‘ ati\‘1·110ss 111- c<·rtai11 s1>1·cit·s of .\1‘gi¢¤pi}` 1}t‘Ell`l}' 1·\‘t·ry t)‘p<: 411- t`(Jll]lIlllHlt)` i11 the list. (M10 cit . 5
thu species (l\'t`(7.\`t`O/It] 1*11/gr/111%*) is fr111111I](‘SllC Zlllllllllls. L`1111<»111ic lIll]Jt1]`lZtIlL`L‘ wl 1l1t· .\rgi<»11irlz1t·. as well V *  
as lllf?$l 0tht·1· {a111ili1·s of spirl>—\\‘t·a\’t·1's, l>ci11g‘ 1>t11'Cl}‘ ]>l'Ct‘ a ])tJ\\`(‘l`illl ll]{lllCl]C(‘ tm the insocts, tl11·ir chief 1.<.¤¤»rl. {Or i '
t}11·_r Ct‘<1111i1l;;‘ tim 11t1111t·1‘<>11s.
'l`l1t· large ()l`l)·\\'€2l\`Cl`S trap the lZll`g'L‘l` iiisccts, such ll1‘tl1·»]1- ·
tera, lwctlcs. l,1·]1iS(ilIlIlJ€S a111}1(`_\1. SU1{Vl·]Y 111·‘ .»\1.1—\1¢:1\M1»\
  c 1 1 1 1 1 1
` Q they 1;;‘11111‘e the very $lll2L11 insects, the Cl)llllllL*llS2lI $1)l11Cl`5 111 1·1 _
1 ` ‘ .     _ . -_ ,l_ _l_   · . 1161111
1 genus 1»l1·11_1*1·111/1111 which hxe with tI1e111 111 [11Cll we 1s 1.1111 t111e lll ~1~
. . ,1 I - > 1. HTC ZI>
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E _. lings 11111 \'1C1l1ll 111 l1i1·111s Zllltl insects. 111111 111 11 L`Ql`11t1ll extent ‘1E—
  is 1l`11C in tl1e eztse 111 the 211111115. I)ll`1.·(12lll1>t‘l` w11s11s 111‘ey 1111 1  
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1 Q 'I`he I(I.l`Q(* Ne111se1*11111s will 11tten1pt 1(rl 111te in ;%(*l1·(I(‘1CI]$t‘