xt71g15t9v0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15t9v0v/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1942 xv, 82 p.: ill.; 28 cm.: UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:Ar 4k/no.62 books English Little Rock, Ark.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Arkansas -- Saline County -- Catalogs Saline County (Ark.) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 62. Saline County (Benton) text Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 62. Saline County (Benton) 1942 1942 2019 true xt71g15t9v0v section xt71g15t9v0v wmm: , = v
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.f 2 ; ' JohnyC.‘L. [‘ndreassen, Regional Supervisor _ 7 , 9E
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5 FOREWORD :3)";
r 13",
i The Inventory 3£ the County Archives Egrfrkansas is one of a number, , fig
{4 . of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United states »gg
j by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of the Work Projects T?
i ' idministration. The publication herewith presented, is an inventory of ’ pg
' the archives of Saline County, is number 62 of the eransas series. , 1'?g
r The Historical Records Survey program was.undertaken in the winter e:?£
i of 1955—56 for the purpose of providing useful employment for needy un~ \‘ g<3
f employed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical work— ‘ C r g;
i ers. In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to com- ' v 3$fifi
l' pile inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished \ "g
’ government documents and records which are basic in the administration ' '5?
of local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of V ‘fié
‘ political, economic, and social history. The guide herewith pros nted ' gfg
f is intended to meet the requirements of doyuto—day administration by the 55%
i officials of the county, and also the needs or lawyers, businessmen, and ilffifi
,1. other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper ' ’.~§%
g conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be used fiéfifi
' by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the same way he “,ffig
f,’ uses the library card catalog for printed sources. affifié
{w The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey projects ,_ ~;§§
' l‘ ‘ attempt to do more than give merely a list of records-ethey attempt fur- \' "€fi%
{‘ ther to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit . fig?
{, ’ of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the orgrnizntion “ r gig
é ‘ and functions of the government agencies whose records they list.’ The ‘ .fi1f%
;‘ county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, . ;‘xvgg
‘ ‘ when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well ,’1ifl§§
1 as a bibliography of local archives. Up to the present time more than ‘ fljfffig
ifi", 1,800 Survey publications have been issued in the country as a whole, , - ff fig
N_,. The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records/Survey - V‘Jfgfi
\‘ projects, even iqva single county, would not be possible without the sup~ ’V :figxfif
5‘ i 1 port of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and mrny otherv or Jfijéfi
{5‘ . groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged, L x _5%%§
. i v v The Survey Program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as yilfifi%%
tfi_i- Director until March 1, 1940, when he wns succeeded by Sargent B. Child. y',gfif%
f n' The Survey operates as a Nation—wide series of locally'sponsored pro- fjfi;§%§
Egj j jects in the Division of Community'Service Programs, of which Mrs. Florence 3j71ޤ3
: ' 7 Kerr, Assistant‘Commissioner, is in charge. .‘jgagfl;
' , ‘ fir
.. j , ‘ ' *- Hi
.2 -, ‘ . ' - «Phase
f ' ~ ‘ , ‘ F. H Dryden ' . ‘
fli“” '_ ' Lcting Commissioner of ‘gflffifigfi
lV-TK' . ' ‘ ; ‘ Hark Projects ,,
o no- sisieyism’mw

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35 LE PREFACE , =2};

if The Historical Records Survey was initiated in ArkanSas in March 4‘: {f

‘ 1956 as a branch of the Federal'Writers' Project. In November of the _ g;

*{ same year the Survey became an independent unit of Federal Project_N0.' y}?

_: l, and functioned under Federal sponsorship until" September I, 1939; ' I, é:

. .1 On September 5, 1939, the unit became a State-wide locally sponsored 'Qfi

: m ' project under the supqryision of Howard H. Jacowuyl‘ Mr. Jacowuy‘ro- ‘ fifl

/ signed on Sefitemterah, IQAO‘to become State Chief_of the Research and‘ A‘,g

{ ‘ "IRecords-Programs hnd‘wcs succeeded by Raymond Foster who his serVed on ' , lii

' i' L the Supervisory staff of the Survey since December 1958. ‘ V. \ *'3}
R V V 7 . , , ._ ,jfifi

é ‘ ' " The Survey is sponsored in Arkansas by the College of Ants and_Sci-a . '=g§

? . onces of the University of Arkansas and co-Spcnsorod by the county _ifi

, g 1 judges of the State, .112 épera’ces under the jurisdiction of Research - y

if and Records Fragrams of the Division of Community Service Programs of . , _ . fig

' é the work Projects Administration. The Arkansas unit is under the tech- lid
3 P nicnl and editorial supervision of the Central office in Washington, D.C. ‘ ,jfig

_ r _ _kw

J? The Arkansas Survey has had us its chief objective the publication ' ififi

, g , of county inventories, but at present is also making a survey of State, ” ' ;vfi%

, a »_ municipal, and church archives, early American imprints, manuscript den ,= LE?
a A positories and collections,‘snd is preparing a guide to Arkansas news- ,' E?

3 ' 4 .~j papers. A_list of former publications will be found on the last page of ‘fifig
'5. this volume. v ’f , I ' I '7‘fdg

' ‘3; . ' Tho'Survey is preparing a volume which will include detailed dis- , iii
r ; in cussions ofl the organization, structure, and evolution of county govern— . _ ,1ffé

- (1 ' ment in Arkansas. The material for this volume will he assembled from A i [tffi
(i: . the State's constitution, codes, and acts of the General Assembly. The ffig

‘ g; material will consist of all those laws and constitutional provisions . ‘ ’hf%§
' .ii’ ‘that are governing and have EOVerned\oouhty offices. It is believed ~.?%§
‘*_ that the publication of this volume will make it unnecessary to repeat ' "~3ng

, ii certain items of general information in ?orthcoming county inventories; .,,Q?%%

4&7. 5 Pending issuance of'the general volunn on county government, it is sugj_ _g;%§

l! ‘ gested that the reader consult the inventory 2£.EE2.ESEEEY £52233:§.2f. ; vgfig

”‘ I - F. ‘ A¥¥Efl§fi51 NOi 33$ Faulkndr Gaunty(9@nua§3 for more detailed discussibns“ : u ‘ «E?
-- g“ - than those found in this inventory. .'r$fi

- . l)_\ , ' , “fififi
"I, A consulation of the table of contents of this volume will indi— , igfig

,g , cats that the inventoryis divided into two parts. In the first,:ori V :Fhfl%%

‘-éj, general section of the volume will be found a historical sketch of the v , v_,ifi%§

‘. {, county, and ughessay on the housing, cure,.nnd accessibility of the, ’ . ;'15?3§

* if‘ / Vrocords. In t e second section of the vclumn will be found a listing ‘ l_'iif%%

- " {Vy‘ y of the records of county offices. The arrangement of offices by functions _lj,3?%
,‘jfrl' ‘ is as folloWS: ,General administration; recording} administration of ,3 { flit?

. f” justice; finance; elections; education; health and welfare, and mis- " y?iéé§

it; , cellaneous. The records are segregated under subject headings, accorda ,u;fi§%§

‘fj' ing to office of origin or final deposit, unless other classification ‘ jgfifififl

‘TICV . is directed by laW¢ Under agencies, records haVQ been classified, so ‘g€3§§@

Iiib, ‘ far as possible, according to the Subjects with which they deal. They v‘:f¥j§g

. t 'f,. _are described in entries Whose style is formalized to give the follow~ ,;>“?%§

~ ’ will 7 ? rsio . MM i ism“ J

 Egg; l d¥§$fi*55t§v9.f7td‘*333”FUEYfiNKUE}7'153f” ’fiI‘ViT“ 5’F‘9”51""*TE:C1}5139“'Tii'79f’v3 VHVj"1}333:":7£5£$%:§‘
w a a 3;}
E Preface
W 1i: ‘ gig
Egfi" if '_ . ing information: Title of record, dates for which available, quantity, ' gfi
g§§iihdilu ' labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description of record f?
E}Qg;1fif;fl contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size of 3?;
§%?5llflt?m' volumes or containers, and location. ‘ , .1
iéfi {fifflfy The inventory of the Saline County Archives was begun during the i
?§,=l h;£l, latter part of 1938 and completed in 1940. The field work was doom by 'f
ifs} '5 Glaud~ A. Lightfoot, under the supervision of Wilbur Jatb, District Superviski.
'v‘ili The work in the State office included the editing of forms, writing }
fgd'j Fifi; if of entries, historical and legal research, writing and editing of essays, ;
f; :3 f;%5_lr and publication of the volume. Persons in the State editorial office 3'
gig fl fithfy. .to whom credit is due are: Albert A. Condray, forms editor; Wilbur Jett, i
Ff’ iii»? 15 Gladys Lynn, Mary Winburne, and Jennie Birkhead, entry editors; Irene a;
51? d fifif? 7* Thibault, writer, prepared the Historical Sketch; Irene’Robertson'pre— :
£1» i K;Eft pared the art work which consists of floor plan, courthouse, etc. ,
éfflfiiiwgtu~ ' Frances Kennedy directed the mimcographing and publication of the volume, f
t} ;}!l'h:f , assisted by Flossie Blaesingame; Maybelle Neighbors, and Avis Crawford j
Efiflil fif§?3, 7 'were the stencil operators. Carl E. Ott directed the indexing. §

i f’d E §E,; The editorial criticism of Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge of , i
F;. 33;? ggj- public records inventories in the central office, and Guy P. Tinmoe, as— :H
i5>vilE§3%§'l'3 sistant editor, has been invaluable to the Arkansas staff in preparing Vi:
fifagl Eggf‘“,r . this volume for publication. The administrative personnel of Work Pro- 't
is} g} f§§§31: jects Administration, of the Division of Community Service iJrcgrams, and ';
fifigj Eiggfilr of Research and Records Brograms have cooperated with the Survey in all i
if; fl fiifi;§~ phases of its program. The helpful suggestiOns and the friendly counsel .i'
E: ?: ngélfi , of John L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor of Historical Records Survey, i
Fk‘ii gttgtj is gratefully acknowledged. ‘

t;;;f iéfgfi“ The Survey's official sponsor, its State—wide Advisory Board, and '-{
if U5 Egfiifgfl the Community Advisory Board of Saline County each contributed valuable i .
gyzfi, FEE? 5 l_ assistance to the project in the compilation_and\publication of this :{_

g 33% gfléglfg . volume. .Other contributing agenciUS'Were; The Arkansas History Oommis— fl»
§ ;.§ Efifigiv - — ‘ sion; Arkansas writerfls Project,‘ ,WPA;.and the county officials of ,(-
ii . l“ '5' SalinUvC‘Ountya ' - , l
2.;# iéfiii’c u ‘ - ' v ‘¥”fi
{ Vi , ‘ ‘ ' RAYMOND FOSTER ‘ 3,
‘5 - l“ ’ War Memorial Building , . State Supervisor 1 4
it it \%$§§”§{ Little ROCk' Arkansas ' " ’ The Arkansas Historical Ll ,
if E: l§§§§5iJ~ 7 May 1942 ' . ' . Records Survey, . ' if
t $2 asasz" . or , ’, V . v “ A134
5' 3+ fiflfifitz- ’ " ” i ' '5i‘“
i '%§ §§%§;1§~ - V ' ' ,4“:
F 35‘! ifii v, ' ' . ‘ y t ,
"z: it?” ' ' ' r. - " . i _ ' - l ' - ~' '
“ - figfigfigfigfififighagfifij«fi~ ~r¢a»;{;;f~¢ 7' V'»igj‘ffl,vf "”f~1é "' ,h~'uyvzw3‘§532§§E§%¥§§

 H‘.«5_m_‘fqgin_vu,mma ?”_ 7-.y .C‘ 2' ‘ v.7.“ ,,3. . V,>_;.,:,._ £7A~_,,;fl?; ”Widyfi;wwn3mg
V ‘ ' » , ' ‘ . I :;


‘3 A. Ark. .............s..a.;........................Acts of Arkansas .1 E

. , }% Alph. ......................................;..... Alphabetical(ly) *3
1ty, 'fii amend.£=.a.;...;....................L....J;.......{...,. .amundment '3;
ecord -§ . app. .izl...................;;.........;u.........;.;......approved fi
8 0f Wf . 'Approx; ..;....L................a................mw.approximat0(1y) <» {f
" gi Ark. ..2.}....4...}........;;a;J;.....a..r........ Arkansas-Reports“' *' :fj

b1 Arr. .b.1\.rrn.n.g0(6“

g 1: 'art.*...-f.......4...........}...,..k..;..........m..;..;.o article x’”§
g “ v“§. aver.'..r....r.............;........;.,......;............. average. { . wfi
uuyer 15; bdl(s). ................................................¢ bund1e(s) jg
. 5 . ehron. .........................................“chronologica‘Lflfl '
*tlng E ' Cl'k'. ..'.....'.....‘.'...............n..‘....-...............'.....nuclei-1k
ssays, % co. ..................................................u.... county _ g?
~03 1 , Const. ;u.................,.......................... Constitution g15§
' Jett, - doft.‘...............a...;......m..............;........g defendant f f7?
=ne r t Adist. ......;...................................;......h;.ad;=~axatz yig
yre— 3 ed. ...L.................................................“editur(s)' , lgi
\ ’est. .................................................. 3?t5nufia{i) ‘ '15?

:olume, 1 f. d. ....1.....}§..u........w...;.................. file drawer{s) ' 13%
0rd E n * gdnc'..;}.....I...aa...r...............;......;.“.m....... guardian 'ngfi
i: h. u....-.u...'.'.-.‘.--..".“.......<..‘...............l..........'.-.¢ handwritten ' _ a?

' i hpf. .....................;........... handwritten on printud form. ”ii
‘ " i "0 hph. .1.......;................... - handwritten under printed hEad ‘ ;%
:EHES- i , Tibid} ...L..:.........u.;.5.....i.........;.rL... in the same place ' 'Iifi
Pro- 'E H igcl. .........................;.........:.......;..{.... inclusive - . 5?;
; and 7‘ ‘ mlm. ........,.3...................................,,z.m1meographed - '5?
L’all ' L , n. d. ..........f...........................;............k.‘no dgto _  fig
‘ounsel g . no(s). ...f................a................o............ numbefxa) 11%;
‘ _ r "' numar. ..........;.........................;.,........mumerica_g;y)I ._f§
*rvoy’ ” , ' off. ...L..;..z..;.............;..........;.......u....n..n. chioe a .seg
: 7 op. cit. ..................[......:.........i.s.; in the var} cithd ' tfiég

Lnd ' _} ’ . ‘ pltf. 1...........h...................;......f........... plaintiff ng5%
table ‘fi . p(p)._23.....................;.»;..................x....... page(s) 3 'V(”§%g
is ‘9 I'. .................u................................V......-:.range ‘45:“,
;mmi°- »:i VRev. Stafio ..................,.....................Revised statutes ._. . ‘g%%
3 ‘ ” l ‘ 590(5); ..........................;;.....;...;;.........,section(s) ' 1 *fgg
“ g t. ...................................................au.....'typed I ‘;f¢§§
f v Terr. A. Ark. ..........................Territaria1 Acts pf Arkansas - ;1« fifié

[ “ tpf. .........d.;.,.}...:.J.u...,..u..........typed om,printod form _,‘Q%fi

‘3? _~ twp. ........;¢......3..(..;...¢\....;.....4..........{....towhah;p' , »fgag§

‘ . g: U.S..5.”.”.H}u,n.n.u.u.”.n.n,n.u.u..mfimdsmmw . _fifi3
'3- “U. s. Stat, ‘.....,..,.;........,....;...... United states at largo * '.5 fig

V. .‘ W" ‘ v. ....;..:........;......;....;....,..‘...;,....;.......;....vau1t ’ ‘«15ng=
3Iical 'fi_ vél(s). ..a...}..,.;.......1..;........;;.......w...;.,.. volume(s)'x y}ffifi%
' ‘_~' VS. bQOcQQICI'ntoJIouatutooltaodoltlyuaoctot-alccuoloooooauc VGTSUS} I ‘21:;

, ‘ . ‘ ' _ . Symbols ‘ ‘ ‘ i' if;

: '3» ~— .....3...}}...u§....;isk......J.Q.a...;}‘td date and continuing * g I figflfi%
V,}' H ’ 'x ....{;J.J}......;.....,......a.5.......u..;.. by (in dimension) . v _1§3fifl@§§

55L' ' -........,;.£.;.g..$.;.i..........,......;...........-foot, feat ‘ yisfiggfi

‘ I.§V   _‘v ....gfi}.}¢;}{t55{:;:.....}.....;if....u..;4..f...;‘ _ ‘inch(es)_ 7 .$;g$%§

r v i}, 7 ‘ ‘ ~ - . . '. 51“ 71%;“,

5 ~@.;;,* ' ; x » y , 1x7 *' ' ' =J , .. - ,,5.j¥fa%%§

2 . . ‘wm 4mm .ya»,n» ,. .‘ué‘us :-‘ Sac-3kg», 7-Jr.é»4»«1a?;f"/ ska-,4»~rr‘~swasaav)' mm4~&%~_mm{_1

 k1 131.33, 1* .1.
’ 1 ~. ' , - , - ' f
E 7:33;} , 1 Abbreviations, Symbols, and ' _ 3
b 333 3 ‘ Explanatory Notes . 3
33,3, - Beammwmwe . 1 r v
3} Titles 93 Records Exact titles .of records are written.in 'solid ' 3 ,
3 3 3'3 caoitals without parentheses. In the absence of titles, descriptive titles 3.;
E 3 3,} have been assigned, which are written in solid capitals and enclosed in 1‘

'L' 3 1~ brackets. If a record title is not descriptiove of the contents of the 3
37 3 record, an assigned explanatory title (or explanatory .words), written with 3
*3 3 - capitals and enclosed i‘nparenthescs‘, has been added.- .The current or most 1-3.
E x ‘ recent title of a record is used as the entry title and title. variation 3’
13:33,; is indicated. , 1 3

'- 53 . - ' . - 1 — i

:31; "E ‘ Dates .All dates are inclusive. Missing records are indicated by 3
3 3 fajjj 3 - broken—(Ems. , ~ .331 ‘
3 ! I} ~ Quantity. ~when two or more types of containers are considered in a :5}
11“,. I} 3 ‘ sing-l-Foh-t—r-yf, .the quantity is shown in, chronological order, insofar as
3 3 ‘3 .3 possible. . ' ' ' i
3 '_ 3 3 l Labeling Figures or letters .in parentheses, following the number of 3
3 . vollmTesj file boxes, or other types of. containers, indicate the, labeling. _
3 E3 '1 . If no labeling ,is indicated, it may be assumed that there is none- -- 3
E :3 }3 Discorflsninuance Where no statement is made that the record was dis— 3 3
E I 3 [5&3 continued, at the last date shown in the entry, it could not be dofinite- ';
3 3 .3 _ _ ly established that such was the c5150.. Where no comment is made on the ‘3.
3 :13 3 "_ absence of prior, subsequent, or intermediate records, no definite.'infor— .t_
E ‘33 3‘, 3 ’ motion could be obtained. , , . . . . 3 3
E ' _ kt, , ‘ Description of Records The description of the, contents of a record
3 Lat, applies only to the current or most recent record unless change in con— ' ,_
3 33,: '1 tents is actually shown in a, record entry. , . . . . 1 _
3 33-, Indexing All indexes to records, unless otherwise stated, are self— 3
L 31:, 3 Condition 23 Records Records are in good condition, unless other- -}
° “333 . . DlmSTLSlOIEE Dimensions, are always given in inches, unless other-Wise 1,".
' a {3233' . 1 indicated, and, therefore, the symbol for inches (")has been omitted. 1
3' 3 ? £32?!“ ,1 3 _Locatlon;,3_£-Recor;d_s_ l‘lhenell. or, themagorlty of the records of on. ,3}
. ‘5‘? ' / _ office have a common location, the, location is indicated at the beginning g
; , ”@334; _ ' ‘ of the office entries instead of in each individualentry. . .3 . . ‘33:.3
3 {f Eifiggx ‘Cross Reference Titlelino cross-references are used to show the j
3 .23.; Lysfififi, ' continuity of a record SUI‘iGS which have been kept separately for a perlid
3. 1 3323335 _ 3 of time and with other records for different peri‘ods‘bf time. An example i
i" 3 ‘;:;%“}§§’ '_ ’ is that in entry 5: "191511-r,.in. County.Court Papers, entry 1.". They also 3 fl
3' 7 3, Egg}??? are used in allartificialentrios.1,.thosc set up to cchr. records which ‘3":
3 :3 ‘33? 1 _ ‘must be sholrm fieparately,und0r their prowr office even though they are 3
ii: ‘22? kept in files. or records appearing elsewhere in the inventory, as, ' '1’ )3
1 3?, 3g§§ .' , for example, the title-line reference in entry 19: _" In Deeds and Mortgagesgggq,
" 11s = . , - . 1 1 . x . -

 .3 AbbreV1ations, Symbols, and ' gg

3‘ Explanatory Notes , '7, f
~ ‘ 3'3 . Recorded, entry 9." The description of the entry shows the title and mi
' 3 entry number from which the cross reference is made, as, for example, ' [a
d /' these words in entry 24: "Also contains: Justice of the Peace Judgments, 3f
ve titlesq 1915—24, and incidental filings, 1925--, entry 60. "fl
ed in *I '
f the 3 Citations A citation is an act of the legislature of the Territory '13
tan with 3 of Arkansas or the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, or of an ,%
. 'RW

or most ‘3 not of a legislative body of another territory or State, refers to the 1:3
ation 3 page number of the official publication of the lflWS. '5%

3 A citation of a decision of the Arkansds Supreme Court gives the ,"f

d by 3 style of the case, the volume and page numbers of the publication. ‘.3
~ 3 ‘ ' "'3
K .‘ 5.323;

A citation of any tether published Volume is shown in full the first *3

. in a Ȥ time used, and in short title form subsequently throughout the invontory. 3 a}?
r as 3 , ‘ y “72
3 1 z -

mbor of 3 13%
909111195. I: . 1 V ,
3 > I - ”

.5 dis— 3-. - “5g
:finite- 3 ' 3 2.1;?
u . ‘1 ’-(

3n the 3, 1'sfi
L'infor— 7' . - r“§§
1 y_qé

record 3* ‘ 1 o?%
‘ ' ‘ ‘ . ' A355,";

1. COD." ' . ‘ ' ' ”17:3
. i » W515”
'e Self- 3 , , 3 _ :fififi
. L .. 1 ' .

1' . 3 ’ 3 ' 3333?

' ' , , . ’f WE
)ther— a, ' V . ‘1 Iy'jigfi
ierwise 3' , 3 ‘ ' , "35fi§
tted. ? 7 ' hi?
3‘ - flee?

”ginning if ‘ ‘ 1 (“(54%
1 i3 3‘ i > ‘ ' ' 3 fife;

. . ' 3 » . 3 ' , w
n the ~ 3 . L ' ' h ”3""?
' Ii! > i ' _ ‘ .17; 11:45-53:53" ,

a per 10d 3? , ' . , , " 3’
example ‘3 . . ' v v ‘ '
A - ' ‘ ' ' ‘ fiidfifii

BY also 33 1 ‘ . ‘ ' - V ‘r;éfi§3
s which 13 . - ‘ ‘ F;g%%
ey are a ' 1 , , tries}:
_ y . 331' _ ' 1 3 . , , > . ' ‘ g r -.'

, 7'“§ ”.3 ; . 3 xi ‘rfffififififi
Zfiu7.l‘i . » " ’ - ' . _ 1-,- {”25a2flfififin
“'F?fiw-5T-_ . , .- “W . ,_ s ' V.~ . '1 3' '. w "j3.W» {issnaee

. - 3.x 1» -c.,,, ¢,.,m

 ‘? ‘73 ‘~?'§‘\‘
J?»Lr“‘\~,~".l'z?s~'>..:; «.151».:.\,~:\.»u_u.,‘»» -,, $131.;J" 1 , . » -, ~, 1. ». . ..- ; . . , . " ,1, ,;A L ‘." »:
swam. 5:. 5a? 5?? - _ 1 :11; g , g » - 1, _ 1-; ' ; . ' , ~~ -~ , ,; . . 1. 1 . . 1 ~ - ~~ 1 - 15-3-5 Mu,
. -'€‘»'«-5‘?5»‘t‘=~' . .5; 1 - . . , 1 1 ‘,~ »_ 1 , , \. 5 , , - - 1 :1 3511: ,5
5:223. : h-"i‘: ‘31.»‘11'157. 1 3 1- " ‘ , ‘ . ‘ ‘ ~ 1 ~ 9552;555:
53 151.5532? '5 11:5 ‘ . 1 ~ - ~ 1 ~ 5 ‘ ‘, $5..
’r» ~,.: ‘5 .;-_;-‘5II:I;:;,‘ Q ' ~ ~ “11,4735 5
'\ _-1-'\~:.~, 5,5 5,545 :1 - ~ ; .3331; .-
I»; .- J 1V”; 51,. 1 ._55 _
1r .‘,.' “1‘ 55 Q» » "‘ «‘x-v' ' ‘1 "Zt' .
1. .91 *1‘1'».\1.5~-:,‘Ja1.~ _ ~ - .:1
7,; .. .41 :_-:~;,~113 L1 ""75;
{’5 ~12": ‘: 1I5i-3i,‘iQ»""=17'.2.1' ‘ » r»'»”'-;i~
fig: 1» ~ I“; :57}: -' _ ’ 4 . ' 524:5
21:» 1 "5 355’!“ 1 ~ ' 91,55
5 »: 1 a, «a w *1.»' * 35
i. . ,1 5:»; 31:11- . _ "-.'~1‘|
5m, 1155115 ~55
:7, 5:; .5I , Q Q