xt71g15tb015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15tb015/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1998 1998 1998-02-09 2020 true xt71g15tb015 section xt71g15tb015 KIIIL'I'x. ‘ MATT BARTON kin...’ an! l SNOWBOIIND 3 Under/III'1'IIfi'Li1'IIIIIIIII Dawn HIIIIIIIII'II (top right), I'dIII'IIIIIIIIjunior Penny I’II III1‘0I11‘ IIIIII vet'— ondIIij edIIIIlrIIIII 111/Ilia- more .SIII'III1 (Inn/L'1 [med _/(1I mining L'IIgI— neeri' 71g fi'ei'ImIIIII jamn Turner to hike I1 mot." 1' photo FI‘IIIIIV. .\ IIIz'iL' IVaI'eIiIIIIse (In I'IIII'IId At'emw (II/10cc) (0/- IIIpreII IIIIIIL'I‘ fIJt' u'eiglit oft/1e mot." IIIIS 311"” end. ItIIIIIIII senior RIIIII .\IIXIIII tool III/1' IIIIIIIgL' of the I' I May nfl III the ..'lI.I 11mg I II’I‘IH)’. mm I’ INT/1' \IIIIIIy IiIin IIL'III' ill. (.'IiIIIII'L' I1f'I'IIIII IIIIIIint. ‘ [117." mm 1). RIIIII I()l)l()H0'I'.'. IIIin near 4 5. EASY TO BRUCE (1111:." IIIII-I'IIIIIIIIIL'I'1' IiIx .‘IIIIL'I‘IL'IIII/IIIII IIL'IIIII III ‘RL'pIIII‘I'IIII'IIt See I)I:'I'I'.1'IIIII.1', [mgr (1. PHOYUS BY JAMES CRISP l1 '." Snowgashord! Eighteen Inc/yes ofsnow center confusing wee/e By Mat Herron .\1’:.“.1‘ I'iIIIIIII‘ N111hingl1kcal'iritla1 without sLhool. Liniversity 11l'tiL'i.1ls elected to L‘anLel classes after Mother Nature dumped 11111ie snow on LVK. further hurying students‘ cars 11nd making walking on campus a tad tlllillL‘llll. l1L'n all— night work l11 l’h1'siL .1l l’l ant Lrews who staggeicd shifts the last two d111s and nights cotild harcly keep the Il1kes oIf the streets and walkw' .11s on lhur'sLl111 and I rid-ay. \Vhilc campus was clear enottgh for classes to rcstune 'l‘hursday. “There wasn‘t anyway the grounds crew could keep 11p with that (l'iri- day snow'falll." said lien (larr. assistant to the president for 1\d1ninisti'1ti1e :\Iifairs. lrying to find 11"1pl1LL to put the snow is .1 prohlcm." said] 11L'k \pplegatL' head ol l’hy siv cal l’ lant Division. “\Ve‘v'e looked for corners and triangles and sonic parking spaces. curhs." .1\pplegate said he is not concerned 11hout the warm temperatures causing water main hrcaks. potholes and flooding. In fact. helps to insulate things underground." said ( 'ai'r who said he 11 as not .111 are of .1111' pow er 11ut.1L’L's11LL‘tlrril1g11nL.11.11ptts l’h1siL .1l l’l .1111 his ahout l1' plows 11 usLs to L'lL .1r snow. 11s well as L""11111LrtL1l mowers th .11 line hruslics on to Ll'L .1r the w .1lkwa1s \s 111 previous years. [l\ L allcd 111 .1Lon» 11.111111 l11 LlL an around (.oininonwe. 1ltl1 Stadium and the hig parking lots. \pplegatL said. l’lant workers also helped Llear side streets. such as \Voodlantl and (itiltlllllHJ wluLh l1.11L' gone nearly untouched l11 the L in plows L'K announced on its information line. its weh page and all tele1is1on and radio news stations \\'edi1esd.11 night that classes 11et'L' dcla1ed one hour to gi1c students more mm to niake it to(. enttal (. aiitptis. Resident ad1isers made hall»w11le announcements and posted signs to inform students ol the verdict. (Larr. .-\pplegate. l.t. Henry I luffof l.L'\ing~ ton Police and Patrick Kass from L‘K Parking and 'l‘ransportation Services all met at 1:10 ’l‘hursd'ay morning in the UM Board Room 111 the .\lllllllllstrdllt)“ Building to decide. .1\Ll111i111strators said waiting until the morn» ing is the hest way hecause they know all the facts. said Lloyd .1\.1clrod. director of [K l’uh lic Relations. The decision 111 resume class 'l'hursday “was made purely in the interest of common .I\ L‘llll’L'S. .SL'L' SNOW on 2 By Karla Dooley (,‘onn'IIiIIrIng II 'I'Irrr Some members of the [K Student Government Association are rushing to pass a hill hefore this spring s L'lL'Ltion that would alter the requirements for run- ning. A prospective candidate for SGA president needs 350 signa~ tures to reach the ballot. \ pro- posed constitutional amendment would increase that numher to 1,000. The amendment would also require those running for senator at large to get the signatures ofat least 400 constituents. Other senatorial candidates would have to present the signatures of 25 members of their college or I percent. whichever is greater, said George Myers. the Colle e of Social \Vork sen— ator who originalfy proposed the hill. , Freshmen senatorial candidates would have to show the signatures of 1 percent of the freshmen class, and l.ex~ O I 1 Cruz said. He hers. “lf l,000 people hear yotir platform. it will give those 1,000 people the opportunity to tell you what they want you to do," increase 111gton (Iommunity (Iollcgc candidates would have to present the signatures of I percent of the constituency at l.(I(I. Myers said. He saitl the hill should get more stu~ LlL'nts involved in S(1'.'\. "lhe whole goal of this hill is said. to get the student hotly and stu- dent government as one," said the change could voter turnout at the elections and create a sense of responsihility among S(i.'\ memv Myers said. He said students will he more com- fortahle with their representatives in SGA and come hack to them requests for action in the senate. “You feel like you have ownership in my office hccause you ptit me there." MyLrs said llut the hill has not hccn met without ohieLtion. Melanie (Iruz. don't run for an office." she “Holding an office is 1cr1'de1nandiiig. lthink 11111- hotly that 11 ants to r1111 tor an office should at least get 11 percentage of the popula— tion." Myers Myers said some dissenters helieve candidates from the (Iollc e of Arts and Sciences woul1 have trouhle finding students to sign their peti- tions. llL' countered their argu- ment saying that in large colleges like .1\rts and Sci- ences, candidates Lan find plenty of groups to address and they could c1en walk tip with turcs. Sherri l'idL'n. SGA Student Services. agreed. Most of the senators opposing the hill oppose the extra work the signature requirement adds, said S(i.1\ President “It you don‘t want to do the work, want to do tbe to students 1111 the sidewalk for signa— cxccutivc director of SGA president stipulations may rise “In the past. we've had a lot of people run for and he elected senator at large who honestly weren't qualified.“ she said. “lfthey had to get signatures. they would he more aware ol'the responsihil» ity ofthc office. I just hope they'll look at the hill and get it through." The hill will he heard twice over the ne1t two weeks. hecausc it has heen Viven emergency status to lie passed in time to affect this spring's election. The first Senate meeting to dis» Luss the proposal is \Vednesday. “It should make (this election) tnore challeng» ing." Myers said. By having to get out and meet students, Myers thinks candidates will he more in touch with the stu~ ii If you don ’t work don’t dent hotly. “\Vc haven't done a good enough ioh of promoting student govcmment to the students." he said. "hecause (snow's) so thick. it really MON February 9, I 998 I)Il t‘I' \nd/1 6 . Lam/11:1 2 Z I IIHIIHII1 9 Spam 4 (“low-'1 IIIII 9 II :.'/111IIII 8 INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 Cats not stalled by new troubles By Jay 13. Tale Slut/"(1 [‘.'IIIIW' l’l lll.;\l)l",l.l’l ll \ l"oi' the (Iats this season. It‘s l1L'L'11 ~1111L1Ll111111.1111c logo.‘ ()ne prohlctn fixed. \nother prohlcm llares 11p. \nd in L'l's's easy T‘I—o'fi 11'111 over \'il~ lanova ycstcrda1. the trend continued. ll 111nL seeiningl1 sol1L1lthcl1cL »throw shooting woes 11 hiLh plagued the tL' ant e .1rl1 iii tl1L1sL11son.tl1L(ats shot onl1 l1 oI—- ‘I Iroin the linL th ( ats sudden lack oI ellir Lienc1 troin the line disappointed L K head L'.'o1Lli luhh1 Smith 11 ho c\pressL1d frustra- tion111Litl1LIi1anLl-llaic L'1LlL. “\VL' seem to fix one area. then some~ thing e'lsL hrLaks down. " Smith s.aid ”\11111e got to shoot hL'ttLi than ‘.’ percent (lr11111thelr"LL throw line. . it s something we l1'.1\c to go h.th and work on. "I )IltLt'11isL 1t 11.1s g1111tl galllL' 1111 out pl.t_\"‘Lls 11.1.1t lhotigh hig l'l luc s li""LL1tl1111w shooting pLilormanLL ILll helow .11L1'agc. [ls s defense hoth 1n lllt' post and on the pL'riiiiL-ter clamped down on 1111 unsus~ pL'Lting \illl.lllt>\ .1 team. 'lhroughout tl1L1la1. the hall into li1i'11aids /. cl lhgus. lint .1 quick L‘K Lle'1ansL. which was loi'LLd 111 Linplo1 smallLr pla1ers attci .1 haLk miur1 loi'LcLl power Iot11.'111l Scott l".11ltht to the hL'nLh. 1L".'pLitLdl1 denied \iillano1a passes into the post. \thn ‘.\'o\a did get the hall inside. its post personnel weiL' too liar awa1 from the haskL't to he L'llL'L'ttVe. :\.s .1 result. Iigus. l’cnn .ind starting cen» L 1‘ .\laliIL .\llL‘n L’1nitl1ltictl to shoot 111st S- III' l-l from the liL‘lLl. "\\ e intist l111c turned the hall ove.r .a lHlllLll ol nines tr11ng to ("LI thL h.l1l 111 ihL post).\1llano1'al1c.iLlL11.iLl1.StL\'L' lappas ’1111 this wasn t .1 matter ol our hig guys not getting the hall as much as our hig guys lust pt 1stmg tip like l i lect from the haskL't. "(Lils' 11.1s11L'rypl11s1cal with its ~ not Llirt1 or anything lust physical. ’l‘hey pushed 11s way out." The (Lats also improved their defense on the perimeter. holding \'ill.1no1a to iust 7- ovaI from thrcL~pon1t range. 'l‘hough ‘.\'o1'a hit two of its first three from outstdc. Lil's point guard \Va1nc 'l urnL'r said the (Iats remained true to their plan ofheight— eneLl effort in defending the tl1rcc~polnt shot. “lhe main plan 11 as that we we'rL going to pl111 hard 11ggrLssi1L' de'ansL and get 111 people s I."1LLs all night luinei said.‘ l'hL1 hit .1 lew,l1ut that 111st motnatetl us to work that much harder. and I think we did .1 good ioh." It came as no surprise that center Na/r \lohainmed and guard .lell Sheppard led the team 111 scoring with 18 points each. lIut .'1ltLi loul prohlems hesct \llen lLlw ards and \1'lohnnde \l1 r1111 \t1th11111 and lleshimu l1ans111o1e1l into the lineup lor muLh ol the lirst hall ’l‘he1 stayed l1t1s1, \nthony. who pre1111usl1 a1erage1l only (1.l minutes per game. notched the points and a team-high five rehounds 111 IS initi- utL's. 'l'hosc five points L'ame h11ck—to«hack mid—way through the hall. when .-\nthony connected on an inside move and an uncon- tL's'tLd three pointer sparking .1 14-; r1111 that Latapulted L l\ 111114033 halftime lead. “lle s reall1 given its .1 hig lift." Smith said. “I le's hcen playing well in practice Ior ahout a month now and with Scott out. he had 11 lot more opportunities to play " .\i11\'.llllt'(lI(1gL‘l 1lL11.11.11dl\.1lL'l l he personnel situation also set the stage for another stron perlormancc from l‘1ans who finisheL with I." points and a team- high five ottensivc rehounds l'1ans who played at nearhy Manhattan ( ollcge for two seasons believed the Fast (Ioast environment and a common history with \'illanova's coach. who coached at Manhat- tan, may have played a factor in his game yesterday “The fact that Lappas coached at Man- hattan, I don't know it made tne excited or what." Evans said. “I‘m just happy I came hack North to play." The rest of the (Eats ma1 ha1e enjoyed a change from the southern scenery as well. .\ftcr losing to Florida last weekend and the See can on I .1 11'4" , 1 ”mum... is; D I WW‘-.- -, .— .4-. , e b t. . man’s-o... 2 .\lmth(v. February 9, I998, Kmrutky Krmr/ L Virtual ll. offers education ll‘fllll distance i CPE looking for avenues to [in/e schools By Joe Donner Wolf H 'rirer “hen the word “Virtual" tomes up in conversation, it usual-- l} refers to high technology. The Distance Learning Advi- sory Committee of the Kentucky's ( Iouncil on l’ostsecondarv l‘iducav tion is now working on the Com— monwealth Virtual University. “It has all of the components of higher education, except the pro- fessor and student are not in the same place," said Larry Fowler, director of special programs for the council. The goal of the committee “is to provide recommendation to the (ll’li regarding long-distance learning initiatives and policies,” said, Merl llackbart, council and committee member, and UK pro- fessor of business and economics. “The Commonwealth Virtual University encompasses many of the activities that would ordinarily be considered longwlistance learn- ing," l lackbart said. “The virtual university isn't a technical issue. It's tnore of a poli- cy issue. The technology itist l( NH)“ Newsroom Z§7~ WIS Kerm‘ Advertising 2S7»ll(7l FAX: ill-1006 lia'Vlail: kei'nel@pop.uky.edu SToFF Homepage: http://ii. ww.kykernelt‘oiii l l l l l l l l l l l : EditorlnChief .......................................jennilerSiiiith l I Managing Editor ............................................ Chris Campbell ‘ ,issntute Editor . .............................................. Dan O'Neill l; News Editor ................................................. Mat llerron % (IamptisEditor ....................,.......................Aarthandeiford 2 Editorial Editor ................................................ Todd flash i Sports Editors ......................................... J ay G. Tate, Rob llerlist } trim: News Editor ......................................... Matthew May 3 Entertainment Editor .......................................... 0.]. Staplettin l Assistant Entertainment Editor .................................... Lulte Siladin '2 KeGEditor lianlkes j Online Editor ............................................ Andreas (iustafsson l Photo Editors ....................................... Matt BartonJames (Irisp Design ......... Sheri Phalsaphie, Jen Smith, Ashlee Harris, Gina Stickler, Chris Rosenthal Graphics Editor ............ . ................................ Chris Rosenthal The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky Founded in 1894 .................................... Independent since WM 026 Greltan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0042 Yourfim copy oftbe Knitutlry Kerrie! is free. allows it to happen." said Lee Todd, committee chairman and council member, who taught engi- neering at UK for eight years. Todd is also the chief executive officer of Databeam, a Lexington company that writes libraries and toolkits used in developin ' telecon- ferencing software, as we 1 as some teleconferencing software itself. “The central question is, ‘What will the Commonwealth Virtual University look like?” Todd said. An example of a virtual university is the Phoenix University, a national corporation that began as a corre— spondence school. Students take Phoenix classes in their various coin- munities, and while there is no cen- tral campus, students get their edu- cation from the Phoenix University, whether they attended classes in Lexington or Los Angeles. “If our traditional universities don't position themselves to be offering education at the deskto , they will lose out to for-pro it institutions,” Todd said. The Commonwealth Virtual University isn't about removing the autonomy from the various schools in Kentucky, but rather allowing people better access to higher education, Todd said. “Many university presidents see distance learning as a threat to their traditional universities, but I see it as reaching new popula— tions," Todd said. George Connick, the Maine Educational Network president, spoke recently to the committee about Maine’s distance learning programs. About 90 ercent of the stu- dents using distance learning in Maine would not have otherwise sought continuing education, Connick said. UK already pro- vides some distance learning ser- vices, such as televised classes and some teleconferencing. “Traditional universities are provider driven, but this is more client-driven," said Todd, who added that the virtual university allows a student to tailor his or her education more closely to what they want to learn. The committee is currently studying other virtual universities. In November, a team of council members went to Colorado to study the Western Govemor’s Union. “We’re trying to learn as much as we can from peo le who have already done this,” ' odd said. Other issues the committee will look it include financial aid, cross-registration credit, library accessibility and advising and counseling. Hackbart said the committee’s report to the council on March 8 will be a progress report and will address some of these issues. The Commonwealth Virtual University “will im rovc effi- ciency in postsecon ary educa- tion delivery and will give our students access to educational opportunities that they might not otherwise have,” Hackbart said. 00 VIII! have a dramatic flair? Are you involved in the the- atre department at UK? Do you build sets, sew cos- tumes, compose scores, write plays or act? (We forgot other stuff, so if you do those too, call). We are looking for people who are involved in local and campus theatre. Don't wait. Get your story told for all the catn- pus to see. Call KeG Editor Mary Dces at 257—1915 with your theatrics. Or e-mail the Kernel at ker— nel@pop.uky.edu. Are you hill to the jive? Have you raided your par- ents’ closets for their ’705 garb? Do you search thrift shops end- lessly for disco balls? Do you think “Saturday Night Fever" is a cool tnovie? Do you find your- self reliving the dccade you were born? We want you for an upcom— ing Kernel Entertainment (luide on disco and the '70s phenomenon. Don’t wait. (let your story told for all the cam— puS to see. Call KeG liditor Mary Dees at 257-1915 with your disco Confizsz'on multiplies in snow storm’s wake From PAGE 1 sense, good logic and safety," Axelrod said. “It’s about what’s right anytime you have a situa— tion where you have inclement weather that could affect the oper- ations of the University.” City crews cleared the busy thoroughfares, such as Nicholasville, Tates Creek and New Circle roads, but on the side streets where many students live, including Park and Columbia avenues and Aylesford Place, rows of cars and truclcs lay buried under mountains of snow, pre- venting some students from get- ting to campus. The public works division of the Urban County Government ranks roads as priority one through four, one being the high— est, Carr said. The city used as many as 23 trucks to salt and plow the streets around Lexington and those close to campus, among them Lime- McClure, administrative officer in public works. “We try to prioritize the streets that have the most traffic on them," McClure said. But Aylesford Place, Columbia and Park Avenue are not on the department’s priority list to be plowed. “Physical Plant and Food Ser- vices workers still show up," Shearer said, but “while the main arteries are clear the residential areas are still difficult to move around in or gain access to.” Compared with UK’s resources, though, Transylvania is oper- Transylvania Uni— atin at half-speed. versity, located less Wit only one plow than a mile from the strapped onto a UK cam us on . - truck, the universit Broadway, idn’t wait (The decmon) must contract ouli until dawn to call off was made with other compa- Thursday classes. purely in tbe nies. Administrators made interest of While Axelrod ghgoannouncamtzjnt at common sense, said the issue ofkeep- d5, pm. 6 nes- good logic and ing Te UnlilverSity y. ,, open as not mg to When making its safity. do with money, Arts decision, the adminis- V and SCIences Dean tration there talks to Lloyd Axelrod Don Sands said UK the dean, who in turn UKspokei-man docs suffer some consults with the six academic chairs and the other admissions chairs. “There's a good deal of con— sulting and conversation that occurs before we make a deci— sion," said Charles L. Shearer, president of the university, who Eointed out this is the first time in is 15 years as president that the school has closed for two days financial strain when classes are canceled because they still must pay regular employees, and pay extra to those who work overtime. As far as he knew, most profes- sors showed up today for class, but those who didn’t are not in danger of drastic consequences. “We don‘t penalize professors unless they’re not doing their Extra tapes are $1.00 crib. CA The Campus Calendar is a free service which events and sporting events, must have all information to the. Student MONDAY 02/09 Am Dept. of Theatre is raising s for it's Guignol Theatre Restoration Project for a 50th Anniversary Ciala opening in ‘99,- 257—3l45 MEETIHG§ -Societas Pro Legibus Meeting, 7:00pm, 206 Student Ctr, Thomas Slaughter of the Princeton Review will speak on LSAT prep. LEQTURE§ Dept of English presents Richard Koslclanetz, "The State of Writing Today," 4:00pm, Boardroom l8lh Floor POT ,flORKSllQPS -UK Career Ctr Orientation Workshops: M. W, F 9:OOam & 3.00pm: Tue 1 l:OOam 8t 5:00pm; TR 12:00 or 3:00pm; CALL 257—2746 to sign-up, orientations last 45 min. -UK Career Ctr "Preparing for interviews," 4:30-5:20pm, Rm. 208 Mathews Bldg BELLQLQUE -Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every weekday, 12: 10pm, 320 Rose St; 255-8566 BECKEAIIQE -UK Ski 8 Snowboard Club Meeting, 7:00pm, 245 Old Student Ctr. planning Spring Break trip to Winter Park, Colorado, Interested . people invited -UK Alkldo Club, 8:00pm, Alumni ' Clym Loft; 278-9283/268-5870 SEQBIS -UK Men’s Basketball remaining student ticket distribution for Tenn., Ole Miss, a: GA games, 9:00am- 4:00pm, Memorial Coliseum; 257- l757 TUESDAY ()2/ l () am ~BXfllBfl‘: The Downtown Gallery: Jurled Photography Exhibition, locat- ed at the entrance of the PNC Bank Bldg on Vine St. (thru 2/28) ,‘.i|‘v,I' ‘rmru - ‘ nll’l' .It'i.'. ' .Il.‘ li.| ti: '. Xfllel‘: Art and the Everyday e .t t I at .1 II I World: Pop, Op, and Minimalism in the Collection, UK Art Museum (thru 8/09) College of Fine Arts presents Brahms: Complete vocal duets 8t quartets ll: Lucien Stark, piano, with faculty at student singers, 8:00pm, Singletary Ctr, Recital Hall; FREE MEEIJEQS Student Activities Board Meeting, 5:00pm, Rm. 203 New Student Ctr; 257-8867 -Green Thumb Meeting, 7:50pm, 205 Student Ctr: Campus Recycling, Organic Gardening, l‘luanarpuk Festival at Volunteer Activities: New Faces always Welcome! mom Donovan Scholars Program Forum: ”Ophthalmology,” Dr. John Collins, 3:50-4:50pm, Lex. Senior Citizens Ctr REL -UK Wesley Foundation United Methodist PHAT TUESDAY, 7:50pm, Rm. 250 Student Ctr; 254-0251 -Baptist Student Union Tl‘lT Meeting, 7:30pm, Chaple-429 Columbia Ave; 257-5989 -Newman Ctr Student Plight, 7:50pm, .320 Rose Ln,- 255-8566 519315 -UK Men’s Basketball guest ticket distribution (if avail) for Tenn., Ole Miss, a: GA games, 9:00am-4:00pm, Memorial Coliseum; 257-l818/257- 2287 W -UK Last day to officially withdraw from the University or reduce course load and receive a 50% refund W -SAB Film Series presents ”Clerksf 7:50pm, Worsham Movle Theater. Student Ctr, 31 W -AnSA Meeting, 7:30pm, CP IOS mm -Phl Beta Kappa prescnts ”Jane Addams er Progressive Era Politics, Theolog or Social Ethics,‘ with visit- ing scholar Jean Elshtain, 3:30- 5:00pm, l8th Floor POT inferno tales. Kernel at kerncl@pop.uky.edu. MPUS CA appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kcrncl. All rcgistcrc At'tiiitics room 205 or call 257-8867, or om Or e—mail the and Rose -l’hl Beta Kappa presents 'Welfare vs. Faring Well: Wiseman’s Film fit the Politics of Poverty,” with visiting scholar Jean Elshtain, 7:00-8:50pm, lst Floor Auditorium, Taylor Ed Bldg. W Cats for Christ Encounter, 7:00pm, Rm. 250 Student Ctr W -UK Aikido Club, 8:00pm, Alumni Gym Loft: 278-9285/268-5870 -UK Men's Tennis vs. Hotre Dame, TBA -UK Women's Basketball @ Georgia, 7:30pm -UK Men's Basketball vs. Tennessee (JP) 8:00pm; Lexington, KY ACADEMIQ -UK Last day for filing an application for a May degree in college dean's office -UK Deadline for submission of application and all required docuo ments to the Office of the Registrar for change of residency status for 1998 Spring Semester LEQZEIBES Donovan Scholars Program Forum: ~Kentucky's Heros,” Col. Arthur L. Kelly, retired, 3:50-4:30pm, Lex. Senior Citizens Ctr -l’hl Beta Kappa presents "Politics of Families 8: Violence," presenta- tion 8 discussion with visiting schol- ar Jean Elshtain, 9:30-10:503m er 1 l :00am-12:15pm, lst Floor Auditorium, Taylor Ed Bldg. -Phl Beta Kappa presents 'the Politics of Displacement: Democracy on Trial,” discussion with vlsltlng scholar Jean Elshtain, 2:506:30pm. [st Floor Auditorium, Taylor Dd Bldg. -Phl Beta Kappa presents ”the Role of Sympathy in Political Life." discus- sion with visiting scholar Jean Elshtain, 7:00-9:00pm, President's Rm, Singletary (Jr. W -Baptl9t Student Union Devotion 8 Lunch ($1 all you can eat!) l2215pm, 429 Columbia Ave: 257- 3989 . -UK Wesley Pound-tion Dinner a: stone, Martin Luther King, Jr. streets, said Bax straight. jobs," Sands said. ENDAR Praise, 6:00-7:15pm, 508 Columbia Ave, $2; 254-0231 Christian Student Fellowship Thurs Night Live, 7:00pm, 502 Columbia Ave; 255-0515 Campus Crusade for Christ Meeting, 7:50pm, Student Ctr Worsham Theater -FCA Meeting, 9:00pm, CSF Bldg on corner of Woodland and Columbia Ave, for info e-mail (mkmose0@pop.uky.edu) ABIS -ch. Philharmonic Orchestra: Serenade & Romance with soloist Gregory Turay, UK alum, 8:00pm, Singletary Ctr, Concert Hall, 7: 15pm Previews, Paid admission; 235-4226 W -Phl Beta Kappa presents ”Religion, Family 8: Politics,‘ presentation 8 discussion with visiting scholar Jean Elshtain, 8:00-9:00am, 645 POT -Phl Beta Kappa presents ‘Forglveness in Political Life," pre- sentation with visiting scholar Jean Elshtain, 10:00-l l:00am. Lex. Theological Seminary Fellowship Hall W Muslim Student Assoc. Friday Prayer, l:50-2:00pm, 572 Georgetown St; All are invited Muslim Student Assoc. Meeting, 6:00pm, Rm. lll Student Ctr W -JA'I‘ (UK’s Student Newscast) pro- gram, 7:00pm, TCI channel 16 W {lawman Center Catholic Mass, 6:00pm, 520 Rose Ln: 255-8566 m MK Women'o Tennis vs. Florlda, noon; Lexington, KY -Ul( Men'l Ml vs. Ole Miss (JP) 12:30pm; Lexington, KY 41K Men's Tennis vs. Georgia, 4:00pm; Lexington, KY 41K Gymnast!“ 0 Michigan (1 organizations wishing to publish tiittttlitigs, l(‘( lures, spct i.il nil ukt'ventupop.uky.cdu one week prior to publit ,ilion. ABE College of Fine Arts presents Honors Wind Ensemble: Richard Clary, conductor, 2:00pm, Singletary Ctr, Concert Hall; FREE Benefit Recital: Benjamin Karp, cello 8: Cliff Jackson, piano, 5:00pm, Singletary Ctr, Recital Hall, $5 to benefit the hex. Federated Music Club College of Fine Arts Jazz Concert: UK Jazz Ensemble 8 Lab Band, Miles Osland 8: Larry l‘lelson, direc- tors, 8200pm, Singletary Ctr, Concert Hall: FREE BELIQIQQS flewman Center Catholic Mass, 9:00 at 11:50am, 5:00 at 8:50pm, 520 Rose Ln; 255-8566 Christian Student Fellowship University Praise Service, 1 l:00am. . 502 Columbia Ave; 255-0515 Muslim Student Association Quranic Studies, 1 1:45am-1:00pm, 572 Georgetown St; All are invited manna -UK Allddo Club, l:00pm, Alumni Gym Loft; 278-9283/268-5870 -WlldWaterCats White water boating club Pool session, 4:45-7:00pm, Lancaster Aquatic Ctr, $3, Come try it out! Open to UK faculty, staff, at students of all experience levels, canoe a: kayak; for 7’s 8: sign-up e— mail zmerklnocaukycdu 5mm -UK Women’s Basketball vs. Mississippi State, 2:00pm: Lexington, KY W -Sunz of fletep 'Madden 98l' Tournament of the Champs! 2:00pm, 508 a: 309 Commons, Tickets $5 avail at Haggln Hall or at the door, Adm price is subject to changccheck the bulletins for fur- ther Info; 323-450! 41“ (UK. Student Newscast) pro- gram, 7:00pm, TCl channel 16 UK Men's Basketball is llle' Miss Saturday l4, l2:3()pni ryv‘ 4 m. nah-.I‘” .r'b-lt:u'4:r-i...r.'m.u. .l..t.‘., -'u .. -~ .,_. a «i. 4., 0... “"M'thtfw-nn-a‘a. . u... lam-mo. .. ~ 7m a; -' ':v :'~ .' .r-sm. .ur . paw ’5.” we -« — t..- - . .-....~._m.m“.m_a . ya- in. ”a ,7. wxq'fmfl. «.~ 4‘ - N -"-"‘“" YEW“ . _ o ...i4'~~" ”It" I mew MOUSE H88 [We Driller t‘U/[t'g‘t‘ ill/t’l‘lla/V/i I.\’ t/t'a‘lgllt‘t/ III [tr/[J .rIIIi/rI/ra‘ I've/[me iIII‘ti/z‘t't/ I‘ll I/te ellti'I'IiIIIHI/em/li’Irlm' I'm/Iona: wotld. said. /'/‘./r Mm; /t .’ k'l\ students .llt' being gnen the chance to be part ol the wonderlul world of Disney. Representatives lrom Disney .tre Student ( .enter, States \\lll lege l’t’ogian. nIl \\.l\ .l lil.t\llu partit ipated in llit Disney Internship Program this past tall. "I met people ltoin all o\ er the some ol my there were lrotii l‘rantc." \\'egner l’ositions include attractions hosts, restaurant stali. lileguards and cull- nary assistants. “lhe positions Ul-IiL‘rL'tl to first little Disney interns are not usually career related," said l’eniiy \ledlev. assistant director of Experiential l‘dtication “However, the experi— ence sttideiits gain work, ing with people is l|1\.llll- . [an a I was pretty inttoierted. bttt now 1 don't ha\e a problettt talking to total best friends “"""¥""‘-y‘ Disney's prw graitt is a three-part pro» grant designed to increase students‘ knowledge oi the entertainment and leisttre industries, 'l'he program is L'tlllL'gC Survey by UK center finds state still smokes By Michael Overman Mil/ill 'r/fi'r Despite intense antiwmoking campaigns. 3 percent more Ken— tuckians have been smoking in the last the years. a [K survey found. (Lreated on the national and state advertising levels. along with general ptiblic relations programs, these anti~smoking c.iiiipaigiis were begun. in large part. to light the tobacco advertising campaigns designed to allure younger smok— ers. lint young people, thotigli they can be part ol'the next gen— eration oi smokers. aren‘t the only ones smoking. Adults are titost al'l'ectetl by the conse— quences oi smoking. -\nd .is that action has become increasingly popular among women (H er the last ill years. that demographic has increased by 400 percent in more smokers. \lost smokers are 10 times more likely than non—smokers to develop ltiiig cancer. One percent of tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, in addition to contain— ingr other toxic chemicals. (Ionsis— tent smoking can lead to chronic bronchitis. lhe hiture of Kentuckians looks bleak compared with neigh— boring states. ()t‘ those surveyed in 1096 by the (Ienters for Disease (Lontrol, 39.8 percent of Bluegrass residents admitted to having smoked at least 100 cigarettes; 38.7 percent in lndiana. Ix per» cent in 'l‘ennessee. 3Y7 percent in North Carolina, 36,7 percent in \Vest Virginia, and 34 percent iii \Virginia. “These high rates will cost tis all tremendously in the foresee~ able future, not iust in health care dollars. litit more impor— tantly' in personal griel' aiitl pain," said Richard (Ilayton. director of the ['K (lenter for Prevention Research. “\Ve ititist get serious about reducing sttiokitig in the (Iommonwealth. ’l hese results are not about the health ottobacco, they are aliotit the health of our state and its citizens." But the health of Kentucky citizens and of its economy con- lliets. “Vith tobacco being the state’s leading cash crop. tnany Advertise in the Kernel. farmers depend on it tor their livelihood. Some students said anti-smoking campaigns could hinder the state economy‘s opportunities. “l don‘t think that it should he itiade illegal. becattse tobacco is vital to Kentucky‘s economy." said lleather .\loberly. a nursing sophomore. “I don't smoke. nor ant l very tond ol’ anyone else smoking; l don‘t think that it's in anyone‘s liest interest." From an economic standpoint. some stttdetits think the govern— ment should tocus taxpayer dollars elsewhere. “lt‘s really inst a choice of tree will," said Shawn l’antaliono. a sociology senior who smokes a pack a month. “l here's important things that the government could he doing with the taxpayer‘s money. l’eople .tre very aware ol what the industry is doing." lo geography senior l’eter llrabak, the impact of tobacco advertisements might be a no- lllttlk‘ tobacco lltli ’lit‘l itiyirili‘ win situation tor impressionable teens. “'l llel'e\ this critical point in people‘s li\es where tobacco cati be really alluring to them." he ? s.lltl. “lt can be dangerous for them Chri