xt71g15tb04x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15tb04x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-11-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 2001 2001 2001-11-02 2020 true xt71g15tb04x section xt71g15tb04x Cream/1w





Men aim
for MAC


0n Halloween. I found it
odd that there were
a large number of
parties going on in
the middle of the
week. I would have
thought that most, if
not all, of the parties
would have taken
place over the
weekend. I guess
there are people out
there who are more
creative than I am.
I’d never have
thought to have a
party on a
Wednesday night. If
we’re gonna party
for Halloween in the
middle of the week.
we might as well go
all out. Here are
some things that
don't get their due
respect on the party

George Washington's
birthday needs
celebrating. Throw a
party and reenact
the crossing of the
Delaware. What could
be more fun than you
and 20 of your
closest drunk friends
attempting to cross
the neighbor's pool in
a yellow raft in the
middle of February?

Earth Day needs a party
too. It's easy to have
an Earth Day party.
You can do whatever
you want to at the
party. just make sure
you recycle all the
cans and bottles.

Arbor Day is the perfect
opportunity for a


UK warns students of INS changes

Immigration: Have documents ready, officials say

By Alonso Soto

The uncertainty surrounding govern
ment efforts to tighten immigration laws
in the United States has the Office of Inter-
national Affairs telling international stu-
dents to have their documents updated and
in order.

The New Homeland Security Presiden-
tial Directive will create a Foreign Terror
ist Tracking Force.

This force will review student visa
policies with the goal of prohibiting the ed»
ucating and training of foreign nationals
who would use the skills to harm the Unit—
ed States and its allies.

At least one of the plane hijackers in»
volved attacks on the World Tracie Center

is suspected to have had a student visa.

Douglas Boyd. director of the Office of
International Affairs. said no immigration
laws concerning international students
have changed. and no government agen»
cies have contacted the university. He said
he believes there will be some changes in
immigration policies.

International students should make
certain visas are not expired and that their
documents have been properly checked by
international advisers. Boyd said.

Teresa Keller. an international stu-
dent adviser. said international students
will be asked more questions when apply-
ing for a visa. University officials will also
keep track of international students' class

“There is a computing tracking system


in process to see if students are in class
fulltime There are some schools Work-
ing in the pilot program." Keller said,

Temple Black. the Immigration and
Naturalization Service spokesman for the
New Orleans district office. declined to
answer any questions about the change in
immigration policies and said the INS will
not comment until the White House makes
a decision.

Despite its silence. INS signed a $73 8
million contract last week with ACS Busi-
ness Process Solutions Inc. a Lexington
company to keep track of foreigners with
different types of visas living in the United

US Rep Ernie Fletc.he1 R- Ky. helped
the Lexington company get the five-year

The contract was in the works before
the Sept. 11 suicide hijackings. said Fletch
er‘s Press Secretary Josh Holly,

On Sept. 27. Sen Dianne Feinstein. I)
(‘alif.. announced a proposal that would
ban foreign student visas for a period ofsiv

Feinstein later discarded the proposal
after meeting with several university of’fir
cials from her state who agreed to make a
better effort to track foreign students. said
her press secretary. Scott Gerber

Some ['K international students are
frustrated by the possibility of the changes

“I feel violated." said \‘eena Venii
gopalan. a pre-phariiiacv junior from 2am
Ina. “It's very difficult to get a visa to come
here. and when you come legally you are
under a lot of restrictions."

Noppadon Kowsuvon. president of
(TK's International Student ('oiincil. said
the changes can increase the country‘s see

"If you haven't done
you don't to wary about anything."

anything wrong
he said.

Student with cancer honored

By Mark Boxley


Susan Byars was shocked

come to pray for her.
“I feel
mean. who wouldn't?

really special I

she said

bash. How much
more would the Earth
benefit if you got 40
people to plant a
tree? There would be
a lot of crooked
trees around
lexington but it's the
thought that counts.

Why does Flag Day
always get the party
shaft? It could be
like a toga party with
flags. Show true
American spirit with
the flag flying high.

How did we miss Labor
Day? Everybody
could dress up like
his favorite blue-
collar worker. Wait a
second scratch
that. It would
probably end up
looking like a Village
People reunion. Sorry
about that one.

Last but not least, we
have April Fool's Day.
It's the perfect
opportunity for a
shindig. Tell everyone
you're having a
party, but tell them
it's at the address
across the street.
Turn off all the lights
and laugh the night
away as hoards of
people show up on
your confused
neighbor’s doorstep.

when she discovered the pains
pricking her back were the side
effect of a tumor.

Byars is just like every oth-
er freshman at UK: she rushed a
sorority and probably got lost
on campus. The difference is
that she has just begun the fight
of her life and the fight for her
life: the fight against cancer.

“I can‘t believe something
like this would happen to me."
Byars said in a phone inter-

Byars has been diagnosed
with stage four non-Hodgkins
lymphoma. the most dangerous
in a group of diseases that at-
tacks white blood cells. Non-
Hodgkins lymphoma is the fifth
most common cancer in the
United States.

The outpouring of support
for Byars has been extraordi-
nary. Brook Wesley. a special
education senior and member of
AOPi. arranged a candlelight
vigil for Byars.

Not expecting much of a
turnout. Wesley was ecstatic
when the crowd that came
spilled into every part of the
yard behind the sorority house
last night.

“Amazing is the word to de-
scribe it.“ Wesley said. beam-
ing. “It‘s warming my heart
that these people are. here."

Byars also seemed touched
that so many people would

“I just wish that I was there to
see everybody."

Byars is living at home.

Both Byars and Wesley
were glad that such good things
were able to spring out of people
so readily.

AOPi chapters from around
the country have sent Byars
flowers and words of encourage-
ment. and Byars said that the
unity that has grown around
her and her sorority is no acci-

“I believe in fate. every-
thing happens for a reason.“ she
said. “If this is God‘s way of
uniting us. so be it. God works
in mysterious ways."

In fact. Byars has found
much of her strength in her

“Turning to God. you can‘t
go wrong there." she said.

Before she rushed. Byars
was unsure about joining a
sorority. Since then. her sorori~
ty has more than proved itself
by readily being there to help
hold her up while such a weight
tries to push her down.

“Now I couldn't be happier
about joining the sorority." Su-
san said.

Byars was initiated into
AOPi in her hospital bed by the
president and her big sister in
the sorority. She also attended
an AOPi flag football game last

Byars' friends in the sorori-



owivv cHAuacksl Kraut. no

More than 100 students converge at the Alpha Omicron Pi house last night to hold a candlelight vigil for Byars.

ty talked highly about her

Machelle Cambron. an un-
declared sophomore and a mem-
ber of Byars‘ rush class. said
Byars is a strong person.

“If anybody can get through
this. she can." Cambron said.

"I never saw her cry.“

Cambron said Byars has a
positive outlook.

"She looks on the brighter
side of life." Cambron said. “She
has a lot of people who love her

Byars has plans to return to

"I don't want to get far he-
hind.“ she said,

Byars gives much of the
credit to her sorority sisters for
helping her stay strong

"With this kind of support
anybody could get through this."
she said and before she hung 11p
the phone she asked. ”Could you
light a candle and hold it for me
in my place”

-Jared Whalen


’3‘? retirees”:
woo t her

6.6 3.9

Enjoy one of the last
warm weekends of the


VOL 88108 ISSUE M9


News tips?
Call 2574915 or e-mail

UK museum seeks new director, more space

UK Art Museum into a first- rate facility

Changes: Former chemistry professor leads art museum
during search; relocation to old courthouse possible

By Amber Ashby

Although chemistry is his specialty.
Donald E. Sands also has a passion for

This interest prompted the former
chair of the chemistry department to
forego retirement and serve as the act-
ing director of the UK Art Museum.

“I think art is important to the uni-
versity and to the community." Sands
said. "I'm honored to be a part of this
museum because I believe in its efforts
to educate people through art."

Sands is no stranger to administra-
tive positions. He served as acting dean
of the College of Arts and Sciences in

Sands" appointment was announced
June 29. He replaced Harriet Fowler-

Mobley. who retired .Iune 30 after hav-
ing served as museum director since

Applications for a new director will
be reviewed in October.

The appointment comes at a time
when the museum is facing a turning
point with the possibility of relocating
to the downtown Lexington-Fayette
County Courthouse.

The court will be moving into new
facilities. which are under construc-
tion. Sands said city leaders approached
UK with the possibility of occupying the
soon‘to-be empty space earlier this

Although he said the shift probably
wouldn‘t occur for at least another
three years. Sands said the chance to re-
locate is instrumental in turning the

”All great cities and great universi.
ties have great art museums. and that's

what we want here.“ he said. “What we
would like is a more visible. larger fa

.Iane Boswell. gallery coordinator
for the museum. couldn't agree more

“We've simply outgrown this facili-
ty. and we‘re. running out of storage
space." she said.

Boswell said the museum has a per
manent collection of more than 3.500
items. and Since the facility houses
traveling exhibitions and hosts educa
tional programs to correspond with the
shows. there's a limited amount of
space available for use.

Museum staff members must decide
what few items can stay on display.
while the rest are locked up in storage.
away from the public's view. she said

“This would allow us to keep our
permanent collection on display at all
times." Sands said,

Sands pointed out that a Lexmgton
resident has. to drive nearly 80 miles to
View a larger. better known museum
like Louisville‘s Speed Art Museum.

If the [TR Art Museum moved into
the vacant courthouse. Sands feels that
a long drive to view great art would no
longer be necessary

"The visibility and space it would
provide would help to turn our facility
into a first-Class museum “

The relocation WIII depend largely
on the amount of money raised to fund
the jump. Boswell said If the project
falls through. she said there will always
be the possibility of an evpansmn

Both Sand: and Boswell said that
much of the success WIII stem directly
from whoever is chosen as the perma-
nent director

"It is imperative that we find a top-
notch director because there is a mo
mentum going on here. and we can't af-
ford to let that die," Sands said.



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, lexington





Will Messer
SportsDaily Editor

2 | FRlDAY, NOVEMBER 2. zooi l kenwckv KERNEL


mine :57 Wis | E mail keiiielspoiisdyahoocom

Cats, Zips battle for file

Showdown: Saturday's
winner claims MAC title, Cats
to play without leading scorer

8v tom Soper

\HH wRiIlL“

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mum cumatns l min“ SlAll

Junior midfielder Chris McDaniel dribbles downfield durinq UK's 3-1 victory against Buffalo Oct. 14.
McDaniel and the Cats will battle Akron for the MAC regular season title Saturday.

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Delta Del iCl Delia.
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\Hllli‘ iilgix'vis ilizii .ll’l‘ liillltll‘ll iii) lllll!
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Pilllilll lflll

Wifllllllfll, INNIVEHSIHIES,
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I. lllllll’llllil! ENNIS.




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Stacie Meihaus
Assistant Scene Editor
Phone 257‘l9l5 | Email, kernelartayahoo corn

Cast sings, inspires tears

Season of love: Rent takes a stand against AIDS and intolerance,
captivates audience to the trials and tribulations of the characters

By Stacie Methaus

An odd bit of trivia sur
rounding Rent is that the
writer. .lonathan Larson. died
unexpectedly of. an aortic
aneurysm less than a month be»
fore the premiere ol the musie

Rent won. among other
awards. the Pulitzer Prize. l‘our
Tony Awards. six Drama llesk
Awards and three ()liie

The story revolves around
roommates Mark (Dominic
Bogart) and Roger (Kevin
Spencer). whose apartment
building and has been pur
chased by their exroommate

llenny Benny wants to use the
property to build a cyber arts
studio. This alienates the ten
ants. most of them artists. who
live on the property and will
lose their homes

This conllict provrdes the
background lor the characters
relationships and battles with
the unseen monster of AIDS
Roger is reluctant to leave the
apartment alter he discovers he
has contracted the disease from
his girlfriend. who leaves the
news in a suicide note

Rent is a brightrolored.
haunting celebration ol‘ lite and
love. Hilariously l‘unnv and
heartbreakingly sad. the nnisi
cal has the ability to connect an
audience with problems and

lifestyles they may not have ex
perience with

The actors are all incredi-
bly young and talented. A high
point in the program is Angel
elustin Rodriguez). a drag
queen who falls in love with
Tom (‘ollins. another former
roommate of Mark and Roger
Rodriguez is convincing and
lovable. He endears himself to
the audience. which is impor
tant for the later emotional iin
pact ol~ the musical.

The play is almost all
singing, While at times hard to
hear. the actors were generally
able to project their Voices over
the loud music. The multi level
set lets the musical utilize these
levels rather than make time

it's not for everyone,

but that's [the poinii].

consuming set changes.

The fast-paced play kept me
from looking at my watch or
tracking musical numbers in
the program. The actors were
exuberant and handled their re-
spective relationships and dis
eases though with humor
with respect.

i think to support the play i
won't pay rent ever again.

Rent some tickets

The Pulitzer Prize-winning play.
Rent, will run at the Cincinnati
Aronofl through November 4. Tick-
ets come from $35 to $60. Rent
will run on November 9 and to at
the Lexington Opera House. For
tickets, call 233-3535.

Green Genes

Green Genes spans musical gen-
res of bluewass, tan, rock and
blues. The Lexington-based band
will hold a CD release party Sat-
urday at to pan. at Lynagli's.
Tickets cost $3.


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Saturday \m ember 3' at 8pm

A Tribute to (fie Kent/es

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=1 Fifth Third Bank






The Office of undergraduate Education is
launching a journal dedicated to undergraduate
students! The journal will accept reports of all
forms of creativity and scholarship by

undergraduate students.

All UK undergraduate students are
eligible to enter. Contest entries must include
the submitter’s name. student ID number, local
address, telephone number. and
e—mail address, together with the proposed
journal name.

Entries must be received by Wednesday, Nov.
8th. Send your entry, for the Name the Journal"
contest, to the journal editor
by e-mail or snail mail:
on m S TWIN
m Ham am 0135





has highest
in its history

MOREHEAD - Morehead
State University has
recorded the second
highest enrollment
in Its "4-year
history with 9,027
students registered
for the fall
semester — an
increase of 8.4
percent over
fall 2000

Morehead State has
700 more students
than last fall and
that enrollment is
surpassed only by
the 9,169 figure in
the fall of 1992

"Our faculty and staff
members have
worked long and
hard to bring
additional students
into the untversrty
this year and to
help more of our
students succeed
academically and
return to school."
said university
president, Ronald
G Eagiin.

First~time freshman
enrollment of l,590
Is the largest in
nearly a decade and
reflects almost a 10
percent increase
over fall 2000.


eight companies and
organizations are
banding together to
promote highway
safety, beginning
wrth greater use of
seat belts, Gov.
Paul Patton
said Thursday

”We need to change
the culture of our
roads in this state."
Patton said during
his annual Highway
Safety Summit "We
lost 823 loved ones
on Kentucky roads
last year, and at
least half were not
wearing their
seat belts."

Patton reiterated his
support for making
seat belt Violations
a primary offense.
meaning police
could stop motorists
for that reason
alone. Under
current law, only
drivers who have
bee'i stopped for
svpersedrng reason
can be ticketed for
not usrng seat belts.

ire coalition lflClddQS
corporations like
Tricon Global.
United Parcel
Service, Valvoline,
Kroger and the Ford
plants in Loutsvdle.
include the League
of Cities, Kentucky
Sheriffs Association.
Kentucky Highway
Kentucky Medical
and AAA.

the promotion of seat
belts will include a
six-month publrcrty
campaign using
radio. televmon and
billboards, it is
titled "Buckle Up,

-Seurce: AP
-Cempliee by
Jenny Robertson

Editorial Board

Jenny Robertson, dialogue editor
Clay McDaniel, asst. dialogue editor
Ashley York, editor in chief

John Wampler, associate editor

Amanda ihompson. senior staff writer
Tim Staley, senior staff writer
Jennifer Kasten. at-Iarge member
Josh Sullivan, at-large member












Rita? stars £3”?
if "*3:

Send us your letters and
comments by
e-mail. Hey, we love the
net and we know you do
too. So send your
thoughts to

Advertisement displayed flag incorrectly

.\.s our country heals frotn all that has happened. flying the Allit‘i‘lf‘tlll flag

a sign of unity. pride and freedom is very important. Unfortunately. iia

tioiial pride has not heeii at its highest as: of late. and many Americans have
forgotten or have never learned proper flag etiquette

Such was the case i tioticed ttpoii arriving on campus Thursday morning
where i saw the latest issue of the Keriiel Something was terribly wrong The
flag beliitid the photo and ad for llaniiy (‘oulsoii‘s speech was backward. The
l.e.\iiigtoii llerald Leader. on Sept it. reported on proper flag etiquette. i wish
that more people could have read that article. including the editors of ACE
Weekly and the Kentucky Kernel. for both papers have made the same error iii
:i month's time.

The primary rule that i feel needs most to be re taught is this: When dis
played borinoiitally or vertically. the flags iiiiioti (starsl should he at the top.
to the flags own right. and to the observers left

liiiagiiie as if the flag were another person facing you. When yoit look at
that person. his or her right hand is opposite your left. in the same manner.
when \oii look at the flag. its own right is yoitr owii left.

So i ask allot you who want to show your patriotic spirit to do so by flviiig
"lil’ American flag proudly and to show the most respect possible by following
the l ode oi oitr flag This holds especially trite for any public organization to
which the public looks loi‘ iiiloriiiatioti such as the Kernel.

Additional flag history and etiquette can be fotiiid at wwwtistlagorg

Letters should be 250
words long. Guest
columns should be 700
words long and should
address new issues.

this info

include your name. and
ma or ciassrftcation
or publication.

We cannot print any
material without yer al
confirmation of
the material.

The Kernel reserves the
right to publish any

materta received.

NAllIRAl Rl'SOliWLl AND (.DNStRVAlIlih lilANAfviMl Ni "iN‘OR

Iik’Nl. . ‘M‘i“»'

Peace is not the answer
for those already oppressed

.\ couple of weeks ago i told myselfl was finished writing columns about the terrorist attacks. [fig-
ured if] was sick of every writer iii the country spewing forth his or her expert advice on how to hati-
dle the situation. every one else was too.

“Enough is enough." i said. Well i hate to do it. but aii ignorant group of spoiled brats has forced
me to make a liar out of myself.

We've seen a surplus of them at the Kertiel recetitly. The self-proclaitned authorities on foreign pol-
icy and war tiiat love to cry about why tnilitary action in response to Sept. 11 is wrong.

They are all obvso enlightened atid hell bent on teaching its members of the barbarian horde to ttirti
the other cheek They love to say things like. “Don‘t fight terror with terror." and “War is murder."

They know all about why what we‘re doitig is unjust. Funny thing is. i haven‘t seen one of these
modern day philosophers offer their own solution. Not one has crafted an irlea of what we shoulrl do in
lieu of war.

So what do we do fellas'.’

Send ()sania a letter saying. ”Hey. we forgive you. Please don't murder any more Atiiei'icans"'.’ i
suppose you'd have its mosey about otir lives as encouraged terrorists continue their campaign against
our country My guess is. had any of otir pacifist friends had a loved one crushed iitider the rubble of
the World Trade (‘eiitetx they‘d not be so quick to condemn our military.

As for the family who wrote a letter to the president begging him to avoirl war after their son was
killed iii the attack oii New York. they should be ashamed. “Not in our son's name." they said. How
about all the other mothers and fathers in this country" l'm sure they appreciate your concern for
their living children as you request that they not be protected.

Also. oitr anti-war flower children are so sympathetic to the civilian women atid children in
Afghanistan. aren't they'.’ livery civilian death seems to touch them personally. Don‘t be fooled by their
false empathy By now everyone has seen what life is like for Afghans being oppressed under the Tal»
than regime. especially women. lfour dissenters really cared about the common people of Afghanistan.
they'd support full military action wholeheartedly. All their lives they've enjoyed our expansive Anter-
ican freedom. so why do they want to deny it to others“? The only way Afghans will ever get a glimpse
of peace and freedom is if the Taliban is decimated.

Every civilian death is undoubtedly a tragedy. but those tragedies can't sway its from the neces-
sary end result. if the Taliban is allowed to retain power in Afghanistan. those civilians will have died
in vain Just imagine. if America succeeds a few years down the road. the survivors may have the
chance to live meaningful lives. unencumbered by the fear of being murdered by their own govern-
ment for the slightest infraction of oppressive militant law. It's difficult to piit a price on innocent hu-
man life. but i think that goal is worth the casualties.

There is no such thing as innate human rights. Ask the women in lndia who get parts oftheir gen-
italia forcibly scraped out with a hot rock so they won't be unfaithful if they were born with human
rights Ask the women of Afghanistan who live under the Taliban to define human rights: oh. i forgot.
you can‘t ask them or the both of you will be shot in the back with assault rifles in the international
soccer stadium Human rights are nothing more than a piece of paper \vith fancy writing and signa
titres without people to protect them. If you don’t pick tip a gun and defend those rights yourself. how
dare you stand in judgment of those who do. and how dare you claim sympathy for the people we are
trying to free while advocating their remaining in bonds?

lTntil you grace America with a better solution. get off your soapboxes and have some respect