xt71g15tb177 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15tb177/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1991 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, circa 1991 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, circa 1991 1991 1991 2020 true xt71g15tb177 section xt71g15tb177 Central Kentucky Jewish Federation Theodore Bikel to Perform for Central Kentucky Jewish Community Mr. Bikel will perform at the Singletary Center for the Arts on Sunday evening, October 6, 1991 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available for members of the Jewish Community, and all tickets are free of charge. See page 7 for more information L’Shonah T ovah! The High Holy Days are traditionally a time to take stock of our actions of the preceding year, and to resolve that our deeds in the year to come will achieve even higher levels. During this past year, CKJF, with support and participation from many of you in our community, has accomplished a great deal. We have welcomed five new Soviet families; provided more than 40 youngsters with an outstanding Jewish Day Camp experience at Camp Shalom, and maintained year-round Jewish cultural programs for 3 to 5—year-olds with our pre—school parties. In addition, 5 children were able to attend a non-profit Jewish camp with the support of our camperships. People of all ages sang along with the Israeli group Galgalem, and were President’s Message A Good Year! entranced by Peninah Schram - a consummate story-teller. Perhaps most significant from a Jewish ethical perspective, we supported Israel’s efforts to resettle more than 200,000 new immigrants through our generous contributions. At the same time, we provided financial and emotional support for many members of our own local community through our Social Services Committee. What more can we do? I believe we understand that to maintain the status quo is to slide backward. Let us all pledge to expand our efforts in the year to come - in our own community, in Israel, and to Jews throughout the world - financially and with our time and energy. May you all be inscribed for a good year! Hatimah Tovah! Judy Saxe Resettlement Report The Resettlement of our four new American Jewish families has been successful. With cooperation of many individuals in our local community, the tasks necessary to settle and assimilate the families have proceeded smoothly. More families will arrive soon, and from What we’ve learned the process should go even more smoothly. A huge thank you goes to Kaye and Harold Frankel, who coordinated the hospitality and transportation for the families. They have stepped down from their important position and they will be difficult to replace. The four older youths, Maya, Sasha, Viktor, and Sofya, attended Jewish overnight camp. Sofya and Viktor were sent by Temple Adath Israel to GUCI, and Maya and Sasha were sent by CKJF and the Central States Hadassah Zionist Youth Commission to CYJ. All had a positive, exciting Jewish experience. The Resettlement Committee needs more volunteers for the next families. If you haven’t participated in the process, please let us know what you can do. We Will also need apartment furnishings in the near future. Contact CKJF so we can get your name. Thank you to all who helped. Jon Adland CKJF would like to thank the Great Harvest Bread Company for their August 2nd donation of loaves of bread to the Soviet families. ISRAEL AND THE UNITED STATES A Shared Tradition of ’Aliyah' Like the United States, Israel is a society based on ’Aliyah’ or immigration. In the same way that the Statue of Liberty has beckoned the oppressed to America's shores, Israel has been a haven for millions of Jewish refugees worldwide. Most recently, Israel dramatically airlifted 15,000 Jewish refugees from war-torn Ethiopia. However, Jews are not the only refugees to immigrate to Israel. In the 1980’s nearly 1000 Vietnamese boat people found freedom in Israel. Today Israel faces her largest immigration challenge. After a two-decade campaign by the United States government and the American people, Jews are finally able to leave the Soviet Union. One million will immigrate to Israel over the next several years--the largest single migration of Jews in history. Fears of a resurgence of Violent anti- Semitism and a cutoff of immigration are rising as the political and economic decay of the Soviet Union continues. Anti-Semitic demonstrations have percolated throughout the country. Quickening the pace of immigration depends on the ability of Israel to absorb the immigrants. While Israel has the will, acquiring the means is a staggering task. In September, Israel will ask the United States to ’guarantee’ or ’co-sign’ a loan to help pay for the costs of absorbing Soviet Jews. This will be in the form of a $10 billion loan distributed over five years. Many organizations are participating in a national letter-writing campaign to educate Members of Congress on the urgency of this legislation. Please participate and write a letter now. In your letters, emphasize that Israel is asking the US. to co-sign a loan, not give her a grant, and that Israel has never defaulted on a loan. Suggested recipients of letters include, but are not limited to: Rep. Larry Hopkins 333 W. Vine Street, Room 207 Lexington, Ky 40507 Sen. Wendell H. Ford 600 Federal Place, Room 172-C Louisville, Ky 4.0202 Sen.Mitch McConnell 600 Federal Place, Room 136-C Louisville, Ky 40202 Rep. Hal Rogers 216 Poplar Avenue Somerset, Ky 42501 Rep. Carl C. Perkins PO. Box 127 Ashland, Ky 41105 Rep. Carroll Hubbard PO. Box 1457 Henderson, Ky 42420 ROSH HASHANAH 5752 HOME CEREMONIAL READING During the course of the festive meal on Rosh Hashanah evening, pieces of alpple that have been dipped in honey are distributed to the participants an the following is read either in unison or responsively. For centuries, jews have celebrated Rosh Hashanah by eating apples and honey. We express our hopes and prayers that this new year ahead may be especially sweet for ourselves, our loved ones and all the jewish people around the world. Seated at the festive table, we remember our precious heritage. We understand that the new year is a sacred time for reflection and hope, as we pray for guidance to meet the challenges of the coming year. The beginning of the year 5752 is marked by extraordinary events. We are witnessin the redemption of Ethiopian jews in the [and of Israel May their memories of famine and nger fade, as they experience the joy of reunification with their families. We are witnessing the emigration of more than 250,000 Soviet jews who have been isolated from the mainstream of the jewish world for decades. May they find empathy and caring as they establish new homes among the people of Israel. We are witnessing — where there had been repression — the resurgence of jewish vitality in Eastern Europe. May these communities gain new strength and success in their endeavors. We are witnessing throu h Operation Exodus, an outpouring o compassion and generosity for all jews in need. ay we be thankful for our religious reedom and the a ility and opportunity to extend help to others. Now, on this Rosh Hashanah, as we once again dip our apples into honey, we recite the age-old worlds of our tradition. May we en arge our horizons, pledging to ourselves that t is year we will do even more to reach out to jews in distress, wherever they may be. Kol Yis-rae—el ah-ray—vim zeh ba-zeh. .711; n; Dung 5233?)? '7; All Israel is responsible for one another. This year may all jews know a new measure of sweetness. May each of us continue to grow in our commitment to our people and our faith. Ah d Eh I h YM rid—220" "SW-"em ”Hilts ”Pb-m. web->3. 'n mam fix: ”a: ~ o-noy -o- ay—nu vay-o aya —vo-tay—nu, . . . .‘ .' . . she—te-ha—desh ah-lay-nu sha-nah to-vah u-me—tu—kah. .npmtgt ngm my? ”"213 107731375) May it be Your will, O Lord our God and God of our ancestors, to renew for us a good and a sweet year. We Are One Prepared by the UIA Rabbinic Cabinet 99 Park Avenue - Suite 300 ' New York, NY. 10016-1599 ' (212) 818-9100 ' Fax (212) 818-9509 :Ffigqfi flbfidlzys Scfiecfufe of Services Temple Adath Israel 124 S. Ashland Ave. Rabbi Ion Adland 269-2979 Sunday, September 8 Erev Rosh HaShanah Services: 7 8: 9 pm Monday, September 9 Rosh HaShanah Services 8:45 am - family service 10:30 am - service Tuesday, September 17 Kol Nidre Services: 6:45 and 9:15 pm Wednesday, September 18 8:45 am -family service 10:30 am -service 2:30 pm -service : 4:30 pm -memorial and concluding service Ohavay Zion Synagogue 2048 Edgewater Court Rabbi Eric Slaton 266-8050 Sunday, September 7 Mincha/Maariv 7:30 pm Monday, September 8 and Tuesday, September 9 9 am Shacharit 10 am Youth 11 am Children 1 pm Tashlich (Mon. only) 7:30 pm -Mincha 7:45 pm -Maariv ll Tuesday, September 17 7 pm — K01 Nidre be there by 6:45 - the doors close at 7:00 Wednesday, September 18 9 am Shachan't 10 am Youth 11 am Children 12:15 Yizkor 3:30 Study 5 pm Mincha 7:15 Neilah 8:15 Maariv, Havdallah, and Break Fast Lexington Havurah Hannah Smith at 223-9682 Raphael Finkel at 266-0206 Monday, September 9 10 am - morning service 11:15 - Torah service 12 pm - sermon 12:15 - musaf 4 pm — Tashlikh Tuesday, September 10 10 am - morning service 11 am - children’s service Please call Hannah Smith at 223-9682 or Raphael Finkel at 266-0206 for more information [5 Stamp 75m; X’SX ] Wfiat ’5 9 any On... Revisionist Historiography of Israeli History of 1948 The Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University is sponsoring a talk by Dr. Noah Lucas. Dr. Lucas is Librarian and Fellow in Israeli Studies at the Oxford Center for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, and Hebrew Centre Lecturer in Politics at the University of Oxford. He is the author of The Modern History of Israel(i975) and numerous articles on Israel and the Middle East. The lecture will be be held Monday, September 16, 1991, at 4:00 p.m.,at Woodburn Hall, room 106. Mitzvah Mission Cincinnati - Israel October 30-November 8, 1991 Depart the Greater Cincinnati International Airport abord a chartered El Al 767 on October 30, and spend seven days in Israel. There will be lectures, special meals, special Shabbot services, ceremonies, museum tours, and evenings of music and dance. National United Jewish Appeal Mission to Israel for Dentists and Physicians October 27 - November 6, 1991 Courses on the cutting edge of medicine and medical technology 12 CME Credits available Mission Price - $2200 A Sukkot Celebration Pre-School Children’s Party Sunday, October 13, 1991 3:30 - 5:00 pm at Temple Adath israel Reservations are needed and may be made anytime by calling the CKJF office at 252-7600 or 252-7622 Fall Mission to Israel Opportunity Discovery 1991 is a Mid-west mission scheduled for October 6—15 of this year. This is a low cost opportunity and is designed for first timers or previous visitors with emphasis on new immigrants (Project Exodus). The basic cost of the trip is $2200 per person, but with a gift of $1500, there is a $1000 subsidy reducing the cost to $1200. All the hotels are five star, and it will be a once in a lifetime trip! If you are interested, call the CKJF office at 252-7622 or 252—7600, or Steve Caller at 252-8800 St. Louis Jewish Community Centers Association 8th Annual Nationwide Jewish Singles Supercruisel Set sail on Royal Carribean’s 'Song of America’ cruiseship, February 9 thru 16, 1992, as we head to the beautiful ports of: Playa Del Carmen Cozumel George Town Ocho Rios Labadee costs $1595 to $1695 based on double occupancy prices include all meals, activities, port taxes and gratuities If you have questions about any (or all) of the items on this page, please call Becca at CKJF office 252-7600 or 252-7622 CENTRAL KENTUCKY JEWISH FEDERATION NEWSLETTER 333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5 Lexington, Kentucky 40504 Judith Saxe, President Linda Rawin, Executive Director Sharyn Sharer, Program Coordinator Becca Hamrin, Office Manager Member of Council of Jewish Federations September, 1991 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hadassah Labor Day Opening Meeting 8 mm“ 10 II M 12 :3 14 First Day Sisterhood Erev Rosh Rosh Secggsdhoay Opening Hashanah Hashanah Hashanah ”0422?"; {Tishrei 6:45 pm 5752 i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 Erev SSC . Community YD” Kippur . Professional Y“ Kippur ”WM" Kol Nidre Yizkor 22 23 24 2aJF Board 26 556 2\JZyce Miller 28 Meeting with Meeting speaks on 025 Bert with Bert Ethiopians at Shabbaton Erev First Day Second Day Goldberg Goldberg TM Service Sukkot Sukkot Sukkot 7:80 pm Chol Hanoed Chol Hauoed Chol Hanoed Chol Hanoed Sukkot Sukkot Sukkot Sukkot 29 30 I 2 3 4 5 Slaton's October Open House Shoini early 9' Atzereth Yizkor Hoshanah ' new 513%23‘ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Theodore Bikel 7:00 DI We will need _ tickets for the Theodore Bikel concert, October 6, 1991 Name Address City State Zip Code , NO PHONE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED Please return this sheet by September 15, 1991, with a SELF—ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE to: Central Kentucky Jewish Federation 333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5 Lexington, Kentucky 40504-2901 ANNUAL SOVIET IMMIGRATION TO ISRAEL NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS 200,000 1 85,227 150,000 " 100,000 " 220 1 .909 2,250 : E—I ‘ 1986 1987 1988 1989 1 990 1991 (1st 7 months) January - July Prepared by National UJA Data from the Jewish Agency for‘lsrael As you can see by these figures, money is urgently needed. Please pay your pledge as soon as possible. CK m J F Non-Profit Org. CENTRAL KENTUCKY JEWISH FEDERATION INCORPORATED ”5,; Ti“? 333 Waller Avenue. Suite 5 Permit No 719 Lexington, Kentucky 40504-2901 Lexington: Ky.