T.P. Curry photographic album


The T. P. Curry photographic album (dated 1906-1908; 0.1 cubic feet; 116 items) consists of pasted silver gelatin prints and handwritten notions, taken or assembled by T. P Curry as indicated on inner cover.

Descriptive Summary

T.P. Curry photographic album
0.1 Cubic feet
Hemp industry--Kentucky.
Waterways--United States
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Kasey Kelm
Preferred Citation
2012av010: [identification of item], T. P. Curry photographic album, 1906-1908, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Scope and Content
The T. P. Curry photographic album (dated 1906-1908; 0.1 cubic feet; 116 items) consists of pasted silver gelatin prints and handwritten notations, taken or assembled by T. P Curry as indicated on inner cover. The photographs, taken mostly in Boyle County, Kentucky, depict waterways, mills, railroad bridges, the Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site, and hemp farming. Additionally, the collection contains photographs of Camp Nelson in Jessamine County, Kentucky.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.

Contents of the Collection

Cattle in a river, notation "Lanier's Cattle", undated

  • Box 1, Item 1
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Cattle standing on banks of river, one cow in river, notation Lanier's Cattle - Clarks Run, undated

  • Box 1, Item 2
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River, fencing on left bank, notation Wilson's Run, undated

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River, bluffs on left bank, flat rocks on right, notation Dick's River - in Rice's Bend - Boyle County - 1906, 1906

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Small river, light colored cow standing in river, stone fencing in background, log across river, notation Clarks Run - above R.R. crossing, undated

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River with small trees on banks, notation Clarks Run - near Slaughter Place, undated

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River with tall trees on left bank, notation Clarks Run - (J.C. McConnell's) 1906, 1906

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Small bridge over dried up river, railing on one side, fencing in right foreground, road leading away from bridge on left, notation Germantown Bridge, undated

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Field with scattering of trees, notation A Corner in Hemp, undated

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, 1906

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Creek with trees on right bank and bluffs on left, undated

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River with stone border on left side, plank leading from bank to little island, notation On Wilson's Run - Boyle Co. Ky. 1906, 1906

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Creek with stone and wooden fence across, undated

  • Box 1, Item 13
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Two creeks coming together, large rocks and small trees in between, undated

  • Box 1, Item 14
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Low river, multiple fallen trees and brances, left bank is very rocky, notation Last stretch of Wilson's Run - Apr. 8, 1906, 1906

  • Box 1, Item 15
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Bend in river, stone walled bank on left, undated

  • Box 1, Item 16
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Two creeks converging to one, large rock in center and on right bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 17
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Dirt roadway on left of picture leading under stone arch of bridge, river or pond on right with metal fenced in area, undated

  • Box 1, Item 18
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Young girl wearing white dress with embroidery holding a corn cob and feeding couple dozen ducks, porch with white lattice underneath, horse in background, undated

  • Box 1, Item 19
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Large pond surrounded by trees, three white ducks swimming in foreground, undated

  • Box 1, Item 20
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Large pond surrounded by trees, two white ducks swimming, two women and two children walking along road on far right, undated

  • Box 1, Item 21
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Wooden bridge built over creek, fencing along left bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 22
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Small creek with two ducks swimming, wooden posts and fencing running along right bank, rocks built up along left bank, small road in left background, undated

  • Box 1, Item 23
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River crossing a low roadyway, wooden fencing on left with horse and small carriage in background, wooden bridge crossing river on right, notation Chaplin River (at crossing of Mitchelsburg Pike) 1906, 1906

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Small river with two ducks swimming in distance, roadway on left, wooden fencing on right, undated

  • Box 1, Item 25
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Fallen tree leaning over dry creekbed, more fallen trees in background, roadway to left, undated

  • Box 1, Item 26
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Walking path running alongside creek, mailbox in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 27
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Small wooden structure to right, notation Beeches in Ravine South of Moritz Mountains. May 14, 1907, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 28
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Small creek with roadway leading out of it, walkway along right bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 29
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Roadway running along steep hill, sharp dropoff to right of road, undated

  • Box 1, Item 30
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Hemp drying in stooks, three buildings in distance to left, undated

  • Box 1, Item 31
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Shallow rocky creek, undated

  • Box 1, Item 32
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Man harvesting hemp by hand, undated

  • Box 1, Item 33
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Three women standing under a large tree in hemp field, two wearing white, one wearing black, woman in middle holding a camera, undated

  • Box 1, Item 34
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Harvested hemp drying in a stook, houses and buildings in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 35
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Hemp drying in stooks, buildings in distance to the left, undated

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Cart of hemp with man standing on top, two horses drawing cart, two men holding a bundle of hemp hung off wooden plank, man observing, notation Weighing up Hemp at Close of Day's work. Forgarty's - season 1906-7, 1906-1907

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Notation Hemp Stacks - Jno. Burgin's - Sep. 30. 1906, 1906

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Man placing hemp in wooden device, burning hemp to left, notation Uncle Ben (Durham) - Breaking Hemp - Season 1906-7, 1906-1907

  • Box 1, Item 39
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Man running hemp over wooden blocks with large spikes, large piles of hemp, undated

  • Box 1, Item 40
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Laughing woman, wearing head wrap, patterned blouse, and apron, fencing behind her, undated

  • Box 1, Item 41
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Laughing man wearing hat holding hemp, undated

  • Box 1, Item 42
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Danville train station, chimney reading Planning Mill, man and small child standing on sidewalk, hose on grass, building in back readings Royal Blue, undated

  • Box 1, Item 43
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Stooks of hemp surrounding small white house in field, undated

  • Box 1, Item 44
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Danville, Kentucky (Boyle County), large building is the Caldwell Institute, undated

  • Box 1, Item 45
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Centre College's Main Building, undated

  • Box 1, Item 46
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Dilapidated wooden building with fallen wooden fencing in front on bank of small pond, notation Pondon Pike South of Shakertown Oct. 14. 1906, 1906 Oct 14

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Wooden bridge running over dry creekbed, dirt road shored up with stones, wooden fencing along road and in background, undated

  • Box 1, Item 48
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High wooden bridge with railing built over low river, road shored up with stones, undated

  • Box 1, Item 49
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Shallow river with small rocks, woman and horse drawing phaeton in background, notation Clark's Run - at crossing of road from Lex. To Lancaster Pikes - July 4, 1906. Mrs. T.P.C. in Phaeton, 1906 Jul 4

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Three young boys, two wearing hats, and one young girl wearing a hat, standing in a creek in front of large tree, notation McConnell's Big Sycamore - Clark's Run 1906, 1906

  • Box 1, Item 51
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Shallow creek with small walking path running up hill on right, notation Wilson's Run. Meauxtown Road, 1906, 1906

  • Box 1, Item 52
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Dirt road with split-rail fencing on left and regular wooden fencing on right, undated

  • Box 1, Item 53
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Dirt road forking in distance, possibly a rail road crossing in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 54
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River with walking path along left bank, notation Wilson's Run at Crossing of Meauxtown Road., undated

  • Box 1, Item 55
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Creek with roughly constructed barbed wire fence strung across it, notation Wilson's Run on Shakertown Pike, 1906, 1906

  • Box 1, Item 56
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River with log lain across it, notation Harrod's Run below Junction with Wilson's Run. May 2, 1907, 1907 May 2

  • Box 1, Item 57
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Wide creek with small tiered waterfalls, undated

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Wide creek running through forest with fallen trees in creek, undated

  • Box 1, Item 59
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Creek reflecting small bluffs rising above it, undated

  • Box 1, Item 60
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Shallow river running through rocky area with bluffs rising above in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 61
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Small river with many rocks along edge, bluffs rising in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 62
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View up side of rocky ravine, possibly dried up river bed, undated

  • Box 1, Item 63
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Creek with bluffs rising up the right hand bank, man standing on rocks on edge of creek with camera on tripod, notation Harrod's Run Cliff, H.G. Candifer, May 2, 1907, 1907 May 2

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Small creek in forest with rocky banks, undated

  • Box 1, Item 65
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River narrowing sharply, possibly a bridge or wall in background, undated

  • Box 1, Item 66
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Calm river with large rocks on near bank, bluffs rising in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 67
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River narrowing sharply, possibly a bridge or wall in background, undated

  • Box 1, Item 68
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River with small pool created by fallen tree in foreground, bluffs in background, notation On Dick's River, near Frying Pan, undated

  • Box 1, Item 69
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Bend in river, small riffles, bluffs rising on left bank, large branch hanging out over river, undated

  • Box 1, Item 70
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Calm section of river, rocky right bank, large flat rocks in river, notation Dick's River above mouth of Harrod's Run (A.S. Robertson) 1907, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 71
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Calm section of river, large flat rock in water with fallen branches, fallen tree in background, notation Dick's River above mouth of Harrod's Run 1907, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 72
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Small waterfalls in river, one appears to be manmade, bluffs on far bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 73
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View across forested ravine of large building, smaller building behind it, and large stone fence, undated

  • Box 1, Item 74
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Calm river with sizeable rocks across river and on banks, bluffs on left bank, buildings in extreme distance on hilltop, undated

  • Box 1, Item 75
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River with riffles and floating debris, bluffs rising on left side of picture, undated

  • Box 1, Item 76
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Overhead view of river with bluffs on both sides, possible harvested crop to far right and on left bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 77
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Calm river with flat rocks on right bank extending almost to left bank, bluffs on left, buildings on hilltop in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 78
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Possibly flooded river running in front of vaguely Misson Style building, two round buildings in front, round structure connected to back of front building, railed walkway running up hill, low building to far right, possibly a house behind front building, buildings on hilltop in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 79
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View over river running into distance, bluffs on both sides, notation Down Dick's River from Waterworks Gate (A.S. Robertson) 1907, 1907

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Log cabin and mill, cabin built on large rock and extends over small creek, undated

  • Box 1, Item 81
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Log cabin and mill on left, brushy area with fallen trees, bluffs in background, caption "Bill Meese's Mill - on the Cumberland- near Hermitage", 1907

  • Box 1, Item 82
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Woman sitting in boat with one paddle, large river behind her, large rounded rock to right, undated

  • Box 1, Item 83
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Bridge spanning high over river with train running across, walking path along river on left, some sort of structure in river to far right, undated

  • Box 1, Item 84
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Railroad bridge spanning high over river, small boat running on river, lots of timber on left bank, various buildings or houses on both banks, undated

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View of bridge leading off of cliff, man standing on top of bridge, large stone archway, bluffs below, undated

  • Box 1, Item 86
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River running into a fork, timber along banks, collection of buildings on far right bank, houses on left bank, small structure on top of bluff with steep stairs, undated

  • Box 1, Item 87
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Railroad bridge spanning over river, engine and car traveling along, timber along banks of river with two houses, two boats on river, undated

  • Box 1, Item 88
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Railroad bridge over river with train traveling along, lots of timber along far river bank, two women and one man walking along far bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 89
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View taken from train tracks through two stone arches, two men on tracks;, dog walking along tracks, train car says ventilated, building says KR High Bridge, undated

  • Box 1, Item 90
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Train traveling along High Bridge, two houses along river, timber all along right bank, two boats on left, undated

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Five people on walkway along river with bridge in background, broken fence along path, undated

  • Box 1, Item 92
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House and shed with clothesline in front of bluff, wooden fence in foreground, undated

  • Box 1, Item 93
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River with man made steps, brick and wooden structures to left, trhee ouses and building on left bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 94
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Steps leading to room in cave, lattice covering entrance, sign reads No lunching on the grounds, bag draped over low concrete wall, undated

  • Box 1, Item 95
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Steps in river, debris building upon them, very rocky far bank, stone structure on far bank, undated

  • Box 1, Item 96
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Some type of structure being built, ten men standing on top, one dog walking along top, undated

  • Box 1, Item 97
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Two men in boat rowing along river, bridge in distance, houses near bridge, long low building on right, notation Bridge and Boone's Knob, Camp Nelson, 1907, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 98
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View from above of crops in valley, road going around bend in foreground, few buildings in distance, notation Hickman Valley from Boone's Knob 1908, 1908

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View from above of stooks in field surrounding house and barn, another house and barn in distance, notation Hickman Valley Jessamine County Kentucky 1907, 1907

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Covered bridge over river, few houses and buildings surrounding it, notation Single span wooden bridge over Kentucky River 1908, built in 1838, Camp Nelson, 1908

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Caption "Bridge over Ky. River - Camp Nelson (mouth of Hickman) - 1907, built in 1838 ", undated

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River and bluffs on far bank, undated

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Multiple long low buildings on far bank, two large buildings with chimneys, two boats in foreground on near bank, notation Boone's Knob mouth of Hickman (Camp Nelson) 1907, 1907

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House at base of bluffs, three other buildings around it, stone and wooden fences, bluffs rising on right, mouth of cave barely visible, 1908

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Wood and stone building with mill, barred windows, wooden fence in distance, undated

  • Box 1, Item 106
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Wood and stone building with mill, surrounded by stumps and poossibly dead trees, notation Rice's Old Mill on Boone's Creek, Garrard Co, Apr. 28. 1907, 1907 Apr 28

  • Box 1, Item 107
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River with small caves and some type of layered rock on far shore, undated

  • Box 1, Item 108
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Stone building with shingled room, number 118 on door, can on ground in front of door, two story building in back left, notation Old Crow Station near Danville, Ky., undated

  • Box 1, Item 109
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Large marble memorial statue with man wearing hat and uniform with a mustache and gun, reads Nor braver bled for a brighter land, nor brighter land had cause so grand. Confederate Memorial, notation Perryville, KY 1907, 1907

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Small spring with a few large rocks, notation Battle Spring, Perryville, 1907, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 111
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Eleven ducks swimming near a bucket in a river, notation Perryville Battlefield 1907 Chapin River above spring, 1907

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House with stone chimney, one man standing on nearest edge of porch, one man leaning back in his chair and two women sitting at opposite end of porch, wooden fence extending from porch to small building behind house, notation Perryville Battlefield 1907 Bottom's House, below the stone fence, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 113
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River with stone fence running along far back, multiple ducks standing on rocks in the middle of the river, notation Perryville Battlefield 1907 Chaplin River, below spring, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 114
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Dilapidated wooden building with stone fence running in front, possibly crops on right side of building, another wooden fence running off in left, notation Perryville Battlefield, 1907, stone fence, breastworks of Memphis Regiment, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 115
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Dilapidated wooden building to left, stone fence running along in front, possibly crops in between two buildings, notation Stone Fence (H.G.S.) Perryville Battlefield, undated

  • Box 1, Item 116
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View over field, trees and hills in distance, notation Birdseye, Perryville Battlefield 1907, 1907

  • Box 1, Item 117
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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

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