xt71jw86m466 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86m466/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1979 1979 1979-11-16 2020 true xt71jw86m466 section xt71jw86m466 I
Vol. IAXII. No. 66 Ker e] Unlvenlty of Kentucky
Friday. November lo, l979 on Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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was ‘ . .W; ”:3: .. g? it: ; kg? k WC§§IH~ . -
. . .2. « . ~ ti Wat‘s
. 3 QR ’ . ' . ' 7:135 ”as 3 I
. - : MI ...; Its power needed to meet world 3 energy needs .
, . . & I M a. . , ,_ . 3. c ngHW‘
- . a ~ o i W » ». - = W
IN.) is. .. . s. . It IIII $1.. 3 , s2~gm¥w rw§§ I By MARK GREEN we are maybe making the decision to would be safe, he said.
I II t e “I Q; . 3t . e‘ ‘ "ei§t§t Associate Editor become a backward nation.“ Kenney “'l he nuclear industry has
. *8ij W§IIW§\ NE ,. Q .. t. I; 0‘ $.EW y y; Q‘Yts‘ffif said. established a safety record unequalled
.. .. \\§\§i\$é a: , I‘ - I S\v§.\ wig; At its present and projected growth Third world developing nations will by any other industry in the history of
II‘\\§\\:MW\U§§ t 3;. ss: , ‘, any §t§<~§§w‘ ratc. theincreasing population of the also have nuclear reactors soon. he mankind."I()lson said.“Coalturns out \
§§<®t§g\§ 3 AW - W “a It“ gsflgwg ." an’g‘\ . earth will outstrip the amount of said. to be the highest-risk source of energy
SP§§W§§§§§§§W§W$§ . '13; Wt‘fig he as energy available “no matter what" The risks and results of a nuclear coal-fired (power) plants even
"I s:‘*‘®\o.§uy ..W. ”oi “Ti? . w§ws$ s ' happens even if nuclear fission disaster have been overstated and release more radioactivity than
at“ Nag‘kwgtwagfhfgt ' awaso‘ie \\\* w paws .. . s _; ; ., according to Dr. Edward Kenncy. and Brodsky. The use of coal results in 13.000
m§§°g§tv§w N ”f.-." “ &\tss\ _‘ "V“ ' ' health physicist and professor of ~ deaths per year. according to Olson.
T“§QWWX‘.»W“ ’ “is“ new??? ~ y§%\%jthst ' f nuclear engineering at Penn State . 1.90 These deaths come from ~ among
- Wheeli§§§i§sfe§§tlw 3t i§%:WWW ii “nilmllt- W , other things raw material and fuel
WtM‘gfgfi? a“? . sW§qgs chf§“\; ' . Nuclear energy is a must for the ._ I production. its transportation and
\Wohi§§ WWW use WN\;I§ wn§§a;§w I\ ,. . world l0 keep Up IWllh "5 energy T . -. 1% waste disposal. Air pollution. he said.
Ws §\%§ WW§P\ ‘ §§f§«3 ' . \I a” , " demands. Kcnncy saidI . ‘ . I is the mayor cause of coal-related
boasts»: . am “ - - We We Whig 'WW We“ . deaths- . .
W. =; W W ' . . “ dunngtht‘emrwum "ublwllwlth ~ - “1ch .5 L000 times more danger
imww§ . wk ,_ -. »‘ .. & the Peaceful Atom. The Radiation . ‘I from natural disasters (earthquakes.
§® «Nfiswm we: “so I as . ._ . Debate." I he sy niposiurn is the fifth in II R .. hurricanes. tornadoes. fires. etc.) than
\wI -'.. \egfiftw Ix‘ was . ' " . a series of lanCI'Slly-Sponborcd W..-I_;I *8) §I ; w‘ from a nuclear aecc1dent. states the
*ikghg 1'. at“ ya M... ’ s _ forums under the general topic of W i , ., I: ‘ ’ Rasmussen Report or Reactor Safety
W“ §§ T fif‘t“ a“ v_ ' as . nuclear energy and health. ,» E‘s “V -. ’ . P‘ - Study as it is also called. That report
:lewhaw “W ..{s . _ , " f' ; M . The three other members on the 2:.'_ v; x *I showed that the likelyhood of being
0. $01 was I‘ gets . ._ . panel agreed with Kenney: I’)r.Robcrt .-":..".~.. .3“ killed by a falling meteor is
s g _.»-'->»«IWW:sw‘* .- w. » I.. . 0‘5"” Ph.I). in nuclear was? .. ‘ . -& comparable to dying from a nuclear
so sow .t....';i.. , . engineering. of Sargent and Lundy “er BRODSKT disaster.
. 5.) “WW-l “Hm , Mm“ Ma” Engineering; Allen Brodsky. Sc.l).. ' ‘ ' A study of the Rasmussen Report.
l Trottlng for turkeys s\enioi health pthinCist .“.”hI the But. when answering a question commissioned by Congressman
. uclear Regulatory (ommission.and concerning the press treatment of the Morris Udall. found that the report
I)r. Dorothy Nelkin. health physicist nuclear industry. Olson said. “Don't may have been unfair to the nuclear
Winning a frozen turkey was worth a3.l mile run for Faulconer won the independent women and men‘s and associate ”0km" at Cornell blame the press for what you pav industry.
approximately 200 people who participated in the division. Leslie Klein. 3 member of the Kentucky l'niversity. attention to. i 7 l'sing electricity is halfasdangerous
Turkey Trot near the Stadium IView Apartments Geologic Survey and Dr. Ralph Mann. HPR won the (‘urr‘s'lll public fears about the "You buy newspapers. you watch as using coal to make it ~
yesterday. Education senior Debbl“ Mack and R0" faculty-staff dl“i5l0"3- dangers of nuclcai energyhavealrcady‘ television." he told the auudience. electrocution kills |.l00 persons per
I . “crippled" an important industry. said If scientists purposely tried to create year. electrical fires 4.000 persons per
U K rad S success be an WIth hone 8” Olson. “We (the l'nitcd States) have a nucleardisasteralonglinesdescribed year - according to Olson. But new
9 g p C lostaverydramaticlcadinthc breeder in the movie The China Sim/mine federal sulfur dioxide limits will
- . . reactor technology." Kenney said. they would fail. acccording to reduce the dangers of coal use to less -
3! SARAH l'NDERWOOI) common option for women at that office on Dove Run Road. President far,” has “0PM“ mudgkk than that 0) electricty use. he said. .
chmm time. Reed says she decided io give it a T his was in 1975. Reed‘s agency now funding and therefore research for "I‘m saving you could not do it." he Olson concluded saying. “In the -
And STEVE MASSEY shot. “Adyertising was a logical thing serves Zl companies in the Mideast "breeder" nuclear reactors; reactors said “I think i Jane Fonda syndrome field 0f energy the track record is "01
('aml‘m him“ because “'9 been a writersinceotge) 3 “llh 53 million in annual Mimi“- She which create more nuclear fuel than could not occur. That is my personal g00d at all. Perhaps the studies have
and I get along well with people." employs nine women and one male they use. Uplmonf‘ not been sufficiently complete.
.. In August of I965. Reed landed her accountant. what. asked an audience member If a reactor core experienced a “For example. the risk of not ;
The office a converted duplex llrSlI'dd‘i‘l'llelng iOb “'llh W l “9'63 “1 ()nc ”11‘0““0.‘ theadvertisingfield during the question and answer meltdown. there would be plenty of building energy facilities has not been
is decorated with butterflies. the Lexington 0." telling lht’ WWW” bill-YUM OllClUthmCil. Rt't'd NEWS. is period. are other countries doing time to evacuate nearbv citizens. evaluated. This risk would have to
company’s logo. A black kitten roams manager. "l lhilll‘ .VUUF Cl’lllmUClill‘ l‘CCilUWC women can communicate about the danger of nuclear energy‘.’ Brodskv said. It would take a long include the probability and
the corridors. darting m and out 0) are horrible . I can do better." with men and other women on an “They‘re building (reactors) as fast time for the molten mass to even go consequences of major catastrophes
rooms while customers wait to speak All?" “Wklntl it" lht‘ “1300" “ix equal boob. as they can. Ilie Russians are through the floor ofa reactorand then such as economic collapse and war -
“1m" manager ”l. M-ER advertising "‘0”th- RCCd I left 1" work With Continued on page 4 continuing with the breeder reactor it would go into the ground where it even nuclear war. "
agency. various other advertising agencies
Afterafew minutesawomansticks "because l needed the experience." I I l . . I .
. . ‘
her head around the corner saying Ihe last company she worked for. Regulatlon compllance costlng U nlverSIty
she‘ll be with you in a minute, She is .Icrrico Inc. led her to her present -
Mary Ellen Reed. 37-year—old business in a roundabout way. I I l
president and founder of the Reed handled .leri'ico‘s advertising more than $2 mll'lon for renovatlons . i
advertismg agency which serves 21 accounts for five years but resigned ‘
businesses. ranging from the Wendy‘s over differences with a new manager. *i -
hamburger chain to Ringling Bros. Ironically. her quitting led Reed to By DALE MORTON campus buildings include: handicapped students must haveequal Building and the New Fine Arts ;.
and Barnum and Bailey Circus. establish her new company. W” Wm“ Work on storage closets. access to services offeredtothegeneral Center. '
“After live years in UK‘s College of The management of Mr. Wiggs. a installing automatic door closers (at student body. This does not meanthat ' Addinga handrailtothe sloping -'-
- Education. and a semester of student national discount store. called (ierald lhe. liniycrsitvwillspend morethan Sl00 each). enclosing stairwells and all buildings must be accessible to the overpass between ”‘6 Nursing ' '
teaching. l decided I did not want to be Roscnthal. president of .lerrico. by 33 million for fire safe-[V modifications replacing plain 813-35 With ShilllchTOOf handicapped. Kearns said. Building and the Medical Center. ‘
a high school English teacher.“ Reed mistake. They intended to call Abbot and building renovations to make wire glass in Erickson Hall. Nearly $500000 will be funnellcd ’ Lowering drinking fountains in i
says. . . Advertising. the company's in-house them accessible to handicapped Placing an enclosed outside“fire into elevator installations and Dickey Hall. the Chemistry) Physics
Although advertismg was not a advertising firm. Roscnthal referred students in order to comply with tower"(similartotthSX.000toweron renovations. while $26|.300 willgo for and Commerce burldings. _
.. ad: “Wife, the Wiggs management to Reed since federal regulations. ' Jewell Hall) on Patterson Hall. miscellaneous buildingimprovements. Adapting toilets for
. . y .. in—house . agencies can only do I . . I However. oiilyISI945000 is available for Hopefully. Wessels said. elevators handicapped students Im the
_ . 1 company advertising. rom thetotalsum ofS..07l.t4()0 this work. Wessels said. “in be addcdto Kastle Hall Research Commerce. Chemistry. PhySlCS and
.. -. Reed. who was resurfacing her allocated from various University Installing a new fire alarm Bu'ldi On‘ LI located on Continuing Education buildings. the .
‘* s . ». driyeway at the time and had no coffers Sl.337.t<()0 will be spent for system in Miller and Barker Halls. Walshinntgon ALvenue . and the Patterson Office Tower and the i ’
notion of starting herown agency.was fire safety modifications and 3734.000 These improvements will not be ~in g l v-t g in Erickson Hall Medical Center.
I . . Q _ . , startled by Rosenthal‘s call informing will fund building modifications. completed in the near future. however. 3m "If? .e e; :dOEu khouser buildin 5' Many ofthe planned improvements .;
§ ’ . s her that she now had one, . , ; . , , . . “We're talking about several vears.“ Iourna ”m a. n g “5“" from a Transition Plan released 3
i "I had no monev no scll‘confidence l k Physical I lant Director Jlm WCSSclS said. I “I“ be renoyated. ~ last year. Kearns said. ’-
.i.-.:. ‘ .. . . 1W: " Wessels said the 31.337.800 was . . . The $26l.300 for miscellaneous ;,
at“. \: and knew absolutely doodley-squat '1 ro riated to “mermmc some of lndcr Section 504 of the I973 improvements will fund: Although work on Bowman. ;
-. W ' " ‘ about anything." Reed says. iliypsafpt d {I t‘thatw‘havc here on Rehabilitation Act. all federally- Bradley. Breckinridge and Kincadc ‘
’ ._ ; I. But the following Monday. Reed ,L Li. “C 5 L funded colleges and universities must , Thirty curb cuts on campus Halls IS planned. WCSSCIS said the
. was in Cleveland representing M.F_,R, Cdmpus‘ comply with certain guidelines. The sidewalks to allow students confined details “have "0‘ yet (been) worked
-1-.-;-: advertising , she came up with the According to Wessels. the list of deadline for making UK “program to wheelchairs easy access to OUl- They‘re on 01" wish “5' ‘0 ‘10-" .
- I, . I: * ,i. name and had cards printed over the intended corrections is lengthy.“We‘re accessible“ is this June. said Jake sidewalks, And. although these improvements
3': ' ‘; weekend and “pitching“ forthe Mr. just starting to get into this Kearns. director of Handicapped Building ramps and installing Will"take care ofthe mayor problems.“
*- . . . Wiggs Lexington account. Reed got (construction).“ he said. SchiCCS. easy-access doors in Holmes and Kearns said “there Will always 1”
MARY ELLEN REED the accountand immediately rented an Some examples of scheduled work in According to the guidelines. Blaier Halls. the WhitehallClassroom things that need l0 b6 (10%“
AN INTERIM LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE in rejected terrorism as a way to settle disputes and said it was them for delivery anywhere. extending President Carter's 3
Frankfort yesterday endorsed a proposed constitutional "unthinkable that any responsible government“ would try to embargo on shipments of Iranian oil to the United States. ‘
local amendment to placea lid on government spendingat boththc accomplish its purpose by holding another nation‘s Analysts saw as Ia good Sign the market's calm reaction '
~ . state and local levels. diplomatic representatives as barter. Wednesday to PreSIdent Carter 5 asset-freeze order. ~
A l'NlVERSITY 0F KENTl'CKY soCiologist who has a The Interim Joint Committee on State Government Voted . “The . United States Of America will not Wild ‘9 Id
national reputation for his knowledge of eastern Kentucky toIapprovIe theIproposal that had been prefiled In September international terrorism or blackmaih Ihis Is an act 0' war - I
and southern Appalachia social and cultural structure will be by Sen (fem Stewart. R' i Pr‘l‘l’ec“ . terrorismItotally IoutinIde the bounds ofIinternational law and
honored at the Berea College homecoming. The bill would it: the limitation on spending to the diplomatic tradition. Carter said in his strongest statement ISRAEL ENDED ITS l2-YEAR OCCUPATION of 3
Dr James Brown. a [933 graduate m the Berca Academy Consumer I’rice Index forlocalgovernments and tothe state 5 Since the hostages were taken Nov, 4 when Iranian students Mount Sinai yesterday and returned it to Egypt. whose .
, and a l9‘l’ Herea College alumnus. “I” receive the Alumni gross personal income for the state government. seired the US Embassy in Tehran. . soldiersI horsted their black. white and red flag near the .
Assocration Distingurshed Alumnus at a homecoming l ndcr the proposal. state government would not increase ‘ Ihcse developments in Iran have married starkly-clear that mountain where Moses is said to have received the Ten .
._ banquet its tax revenues by morethan l2 percent ofthe prewous year's our excessive dependence on foreign ml is a direct physical Commandments, . . . . . y
. personal income for the state. or the average personal income threat to our freedom and security as Americans."Carter said In ceremonies at an airstrip wtthin View of the 2.285-foot .' .
; state for the three previous years. whichever was greater. In his first public remarks on the Iranian crisis in a week. peak, Israeli soldiers pulled down the Star ofIDaVid banner . ‘
. . . two months ahead of schedule at the special request of
. . ' MOTORISTS PLANNING A THANKSGIVING nat'on STOCK PRICES ROSE SHARPI." yesterday despite an Egyptian Prestdent Anwar Sadat. { '
. . Weekend trip in Kentucky should have no problem finding Iranian decision to cut off all sales of oil to American oil weathef t‘ .
» ' - ' 83§Olln¢ PRESIDENT ('ARTER DECLARED that human companies but apparently encouraged bythe lack ofnegntivc l i i
' . ', l ‘ The LOUISVIHC and Bluegrass Auto (‘luba said yesterday authorities are “fully responsible" for the safety of the 62 reaction to President Carter‘s decision to freeze Iranian MOSTLY SUNNY TODAY Will! I high in the low to mid i
. ' .I‘ that availability of gasoline remains unchanged for the third American hostages and “they will be held accountable," government assets in US. banks. 503. Clear and cool tonight with lows in the mid 305. Sunny 3
;- straight month In a speech at the AFL-(‘IO‘s convention. the president Iran told American oil companies it would not sell oil to tommorrow with highs in the mid to upper 50:. 3-
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’ Muir Gucn ,
Dob“! McDIIlcl Amman Editors Jay Fm Tho-u (‘lurh lohn CI.) GI" ‘
‘ Editor in Chief Pod Mull Entertainment Editor W10"! Edit” Director of Photography " ‘1
’ r L“ ”OI-I'd “km McDonald I
(cry WM Editorial Educ, C ind! McGee Cynthia DcMntci- Iii-n Richard David Maynard '
Managing Editor Kilt! Stephen. Antrmnt 4mm»: Spam Editor Photo Mame! '
Tam- Young (“Pt WHO” Enlcrlainmcnl Editor ' ,
editorialsatcomments Pew -. t
' L i
_._—.__—_———————-—-—— ———————_-__——————————————————-————————————_-—-———————_ l
run rampant between Americans and Iranians on US. in admitting the shah. Carter gave his approval and With the shah leaving the country. the question '—
R ' soil. today Iran‘s former leader is receiving radiation remains Will the hostages be set free? Or are ‘
GStralnt President Carter declared yesterday that Iranian therapy for a neck tumor at the New York Hospital- Americans due for renewed onslaughts of Khomeini‘s .
- authorities are “fully responsible“ for the safety ofthe Cornell Medical Center while recovering from a demands?
” necessa \mcriciin hostages; "They will be held accountable,“ gallbladder operation. . What began as a frightening situation for
ry he \illtl. Every day, Khomeini and Carter take action Americans. who thought their nation was too _
line. but while he is making speeches. some against each other. Americans see the actions.and are respected as a world power for terrorist threats, has '
While 62 American hostages \\‘.lll in the l .5. .~\iiieiicaiis are rallying from a decade of apathy and frightened by the leaders‘ "tit for tat“ attitude. evolved into a IOUCh-ahd‘gh situation. .
Embassv in Tehran for freedotn or death. l5 questioning the strength of the United States Khomeini responded about six hours after Carter‘s “1 he United States of America will not yield to
officials-are busy throwing the blame for the terrorist government. Unfortunately. some citizens are so first act stopping US. imports 0t Iranian 0” by international terrorism or blackmail. This is an act 0t
takeover on Carter‘s shoulders. Carter is busy taking frustrated at America's position and the thought saying ht? WOUld have stopped eXports anyway. Carter terrorism totally outmde the bounds of international _'
steps against Khomeini and Iranian students are busy that tht‘ft‘ may bC no way the hostages can escape alive has “froren” the reported $6 bllhOh Iranians have lawand diplomatic tradition.“ Carter said yesterday.
worrying about the situation back home that they aretryingto rev'engethe terrorists‘threat stored in American banks and ordered the the Iranian students at UK are not threatening
At l‘K. posters are appearing on buildings telling personally. deportation of Iranian students who are m America American students; there is no need iorretaliation ata :3
Iranian students in nouncertainlanguagetogo home. While riot scenes are splashed across television illegally. local level. Those students who disagreed with .5
last year. the students marched across campus screens and the front pages of newspapers. the ln Iran. Khomeini‘s supporters havea new chant Khomeini are still here and don‘t want to go to Iran. g.
chanting. "Down with the shah." this year. they are hostages wait. Americans wait too. “Death to Carter. death to the shah." Americans are Those who agreed with him have returned to lran to J
trying to become invisible. A series of US. memos written in July and August wondering. will the hostages escape alive? “fight for their country.“
While legislators point fingers and (litter and show the government knew the shah’s admission The shah is leaving the country for Mexico in nine Leave the situation in the hands of Carter and the .
Khomeini keep tryingto outdo eachother. \iiiei'icuris “could lead to attacks on the US. embassy and the days according to NBC news. and US. officials government, exercize restraint and recognize that all
are being stirred to anger and unfortunately. action. taking of hostages." the Lexington Herald reported have been “encouraging him “0t to delay his StUdehtS at UK "0 matter where they are from
(iuns are being fired. windows are being broken and yesterday. departure.“ the Mac York Times i’Vevt-s Service are here for an education; not to learn how to _
until the situation is resolved. mistrust willcontinueto Despite his awareness of the serious risks involved reported yesterday. physically or Verbally threaten other people. -
L 11‘ 1‘ th Ed '2‘
. Being frUithI something. vvhy should you be-upset'.’ goodness. kindness. patience. editorials. editor‘s notes. and information. and literature available probably say something like this: “I
'_ t0“ Ctthltt ”3‘" change my mthd gentleness and self-control. l hope commentaries printed by the pertaining to the various positions sent my son daughter to UK to geta
lihts lCttCt 15 ht ”5PM“ to 5t“? because I “t“ always believe in the more (ti-the Christians on campus Will Kentucky Kernel. related to the specifictopic. Onlythen rounded education. If a basketball is
Weingarten‘s column In the Art’mt’l- 3|th and JCSUS- practice being fruitful Christians 50 I find it extremely unsettling that is one even remotely qualified to not rounded. I don‘t know what is. If
Nov 8 It you told me you believed in the "that in all things (iod may be praised writers ofmany ofthearticles included address the issue. lt's true that few of you want any money from me to build
Steve. I must agree withyouthat it's Koran or The Odyssey of Homerwhat through Jesus Christ." under the above headings (who I us are that thorough. but it is a new super stadium basketball
sickening to hate people “forcing right would l have to say you were Ruth (‘ornett assume. for the most part. intend to especially important for those in the arena private hotel for the basketball
Chrmtahtt.‘ dOWt .VOUt throat. hUt 'dt ethnocentric'.‘ . ‘ Flementary qucation sophomore enter the field of professional business of informing others through players or to provide each player with
the sametlmt’ltflketmtt‘Mth‘Omt‘Ot ll: >0tt.\h.\°u“°hadth; misfortune 4 I t journalism) are either unwilling or journalism to familiarize themselves a chauffeur-driven limo. .\'ou had
your statements. to ave " orn-again C ristians" (a inca able of basin their comments with the various perspectives before better chan e the time ofthe exam,"
I am a Christian and I want you to redundant term) force religion down Goad example and Compositions 0g“ an awareness of publicly taking a position. The high—rganking official of the
knovv that I believe ( 'nristianity is the your throat. but please don't tell me l Thank you. Karen Millers. for the the multiple facets of an issue. The I challenge all students here at l‘K. administration will immediately go
li‘tthl.‘ “fit lhf? founder 0t have “0 right t0 believe (‘htlStt'dhhi is excellent article on the present numerous slams against Christianity and even moreso the writers for this into a huddle with other high ranking
( htthttah'tXJC‘SW ( hfl>t~ Sa'd- "I am the "Ohti “3}“ and t“ 53) 50 when situation in Cambodia. By backing printed in the editorial section are one paper. to acquaint yourselves with the officials. and early next week there will
tht‘ “8): the \C“ . lestarnent also 35kt‘d- .VOUF OPthtOh thh facts and thTCS- example: the editor‘s note printed at evidence upon which the “arguments be a notice in the paper to the effect ,
states. “Salvation is found in no one tou made the statement I rue you have presented agood example of the end ofthe opinion by John Hines of the opposition" rest. before that the final examination schedule ' ;
else. tor there is no other name under religion is being true to yourself and the fact that many Christians are in last “cek‘s Kernel (Nov. 8) is pronouncingjudgmentsand ridiculing has been completellv changed (for i
heaven given to men by WthhMC must tair to others.“ I couldn‘t agree more. informed and interested in current another. Both cases indicate an others; bigots come in many guises. some reason totally unrelated to the Q
be saved. (Acts 4:l2 .\l\ ) ISince We Christians believe that love must affairs. With nointention ofdegrading ignorance of facts ora biasinvolv'cd in ‘ basketball game. of course). students » .
Christians believethai the Bible is God be sincere. that we should hate eviland your article in the least. I would liketo the issues which reeks of amateurism Carolyn R‘ Stewart will be frantically trying to find the ‘
breathed. they fit“) believe the above cling to what is 800d~ The tthh 0t use it as 3 basis t‘0t making a [with in the area of journalistic endeavor. A & S senior right room at the right time for the '
statement. h l m Ct’h‘ICth 0t hethg ti (‘hthtlah t5 10W. _l0.\~ Peace. about the content of many of the in an institution of higher—learning . right course. and total confusion will '
__¥,,,7.,..- 7 "AWTMMTTT A", 7 7 7 T i I .i._.‘_,_. . T» WAWTT "TL—Tw—fi “here “objective analysis“ ofa subject sacred ”ght reign. E
'(‘g l has a primary emphasis. l COUtCNd that Okay folks: here is what is going to BUt- the sacred right 0t the StUdt’ht ' “i
-.~~‘_$9i .‘ some of the Kernel staffappear to be happen. Some freshman with an body to shout itselt hoarse at a i
" i very lacking in objectivity. influential father and a final exam on basketball game and get roaring drunk .
1 When one seeks to substantiate or the night of the basketball game will afterwards will not have been violated. .
W ‘ l l refute the validity ht a gtt't-‘h P05tti0h~ complain to father. Father will go to a ’_
‘9“ l , l one needstoacquainthimseliasmuch high-ranking member of the Deborah Donnellan .
. “RED \ l as posmble With the resources. administration and protest. He will Anthmpology graduate student -'
J l
1 1 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .
ll .1 l I I . g
a ' Columnist claims absolute truth i
"’2' t”: l i
~~ (sass. ~ ' l' d ' t d
-~ . ~. t- , wou e IS 9 ieve reiec e
’M/ ‘f ““A’ v l I '
’/ a“, {/5 .x _ ,_ ‘53.? § By RALPH E. JOHNSON days ago a student told me that she bondage while blackmailing our ‘
JQ ' ' . “ ‘5 " ”1‘ A. ' l never had heard of Omar. l replied country in the name of god. ‘.
/€\‘$, T" «3-x m "‘ . . > A l There is an absolute truth. it cannot that whilre’sherasg‘tgamtl'iarwiththe. . -'.
\‘H'ti g I it ’a ‘ \ i be divmed by man. Nor have there aut 0“ 5 ‘ un 0h te 5““ “3:0 You may not have noticed.butthere . g-
CK ‘QTVL / A f if . J‘s :1.) \i~ i been prophets. seers or scientists who some Of h“ poetry and l quotedto er. is no terrible swift sword. . ’
.'..".. :'a"fi .3/ 'R 5’14 ' é ' a l have come close. There is that veil A 300k ,Ol Verses underneath the . ‘ f
., :90" it“ 0“ / "“4 0: - . . v . l‘ behind which man cannot see. Bough.'AJug of Winea Loafof Bread . . '
.h- , .. t ‘ l W' f . g . and Thou. . ."ldidn‘thavetogoon On the other hand. there is an . _
v,‘. .., .3? r t. j .l \? .(. \ I, N ’ . itness. or instance. the startling for she knew inevitable sword. _ ;
: 99‘ I" l ‘ . .0 6'9”" /' ' . . ’s t glscotverf this weebk [that Hgbbtes —‘——‘—————— o ;
K! g: : liq .‘1 ,{i f. .y .‘I .. I. onsan wasn‘t a soute an as a ‘ ' . . . 'i
. Ml ' "if 57.)} Q..“l \ 91 l consequence p'elnpfw qelieve that 1?" pOSItIVB . lNdeorrti‘tgfrirelSnbihtewi‘fguarlitlftiw—l we :2
’ ‘ . , ; universeison Iva as on an a as
'5‘» *1 . \.,. l wide as formirly believe: nor is it negative already are broke. Nor do I refer only i
~V/ ' ‘ / 1 ‘6 ' quite as old ~ only nine billion Instead ______—______ t0 the UniverSIty. the CttyI the state. (It i
“l . (firs, l of I5 to l8 billion years. What next‘.’ But she didn‘t recognize. “The nation. I meap all Of us. the whoe .1;
'e ‘l 3 i i That Newton‘s apple will not moving finger writes; and having damned W0”? . . , "
p \ A / _ I, ’ . fl necessarily fall? writ.“ The mightiest nations of the world 3
T “Q Much of fallacy can be attributed to Too bad. too bad! There‘s so much cannot continue. to add to the” if ,t
the. conceit of man; the same man who logic in the Rubaiyat of Omar already. multi-billion debts and hope ,i f
m conceived god in his own image; the Khayyam. t0 SUTV'VC- NOT do t PhtC‘tWe any way ’ ‘2
‘ 1 same man who believesthat he'has free As I said. there is an absolute truth. to {iverse thlel :62: ,. t' n onlv , -.
2 ? . Will; the same man who has diVined a If it could be spelled out I am e 50:3 e Whatvteh n: Rte it“):
/3 NOW Keel). l thousand gods and created a heaven convinced it would be universally ‘Fpllzfar to ”It. fih ai'td :lnaitional
A C l [é [N MyNtheRe l andahell. most ofihe latterlimited to disbelieved and rejected.Further.lam 0 ' materia wea T “h . _ t“ t
i l the face of the eaith a result of man‘s convinced that should there occur a debt to match. he ave no i
‘ ‘ J13 Z) DEALlN WITH A own mischief. second coming of Christ He probably countries have neither. The latter may I
. A T. BUNCH OF CKAZ/gf I But what of heaven and hell? would be visited by a contingent of be better 0ft?" all,::° file" 900::
9 ' .f- HERE . Omar Khayyam. the l2th century Catholic nuns petitioning Him forthe ‘rri'ations a l e WI 6 g
' ' 1 PerSian poet.thankstothcwnardryof right to become priests; that there orsemen. . "
_» g ‘ ' "K 7’ his ‘English. translator. Edward would be a visitation of feminists _ . ' :i
f giflf'.‘ -, 7-“. Pitzberald said it thus: “Strange. is it demanding of Him the right to Oh yes. the Four Horsemen still ride :
L 2 3}) /?é"._‘._‘.-.cb‘. ‘ " i not'.’ that of the myriads who Before abortion , and that sooner or later in Cambodia they are rampant. .é
WW 9” ‘I «2“; ‘6‘0' '1 us pass‘d the door of Darkness (and more likely sooner) he would be They ride roughshod in parts of i.
l ,______________ ’9’]?! ~-.=....:::_ . a 4 through No one returned to tell us of crucified for the second time. Central America. in Africa‘s -
I." '9’.‘ % {f— . . the Road.,"Which to discoverwe must Hideous things have happened and underdeveloped nations. 'And.
: — m..- I 4415'0'4t’h'3s . ‘ . travel t00- ‘ ' continueto happen inthc name ofgod. apparently encouraged by an insane
1’ k. 0 1’0 1/} 4 1‘ "'5‘ ' '1 \ - 3h / In the preceding quatrain Khayyam Mad men proclaim the right to speak ayatollah the white. the red. the black '
, l ..__._.______ ./ ‘OMO'II’D‘ .739. fig} , ; wrote: “Oh threats Of Hell and Hopes in the name of whatever divinity they and the pale horses are poised to lay I
. / 90",. ”13"“ ~.._’ \ j ' of Paradise!. One thing at least is espouse. that nationto waste. -.
. ________ I, 95%!" a“ ‘ .‘ i (at I} r}- L“ certain This life flies; One thing is The Romans persecuted the When this 'nation finally collapses
‘ [’1‘ Lo 6% : I i \t ll \ 8 . 1‘ ‘ \\ certain and the rest is Lies; The Christians. The Christians developed under the weights of its indebtedness
. . l [‘0‘ P I}! {I _ _ A: % 1—; I "I ‘1' ‘ t l Flower that once has blown for ever Inqmsitions. Aztecs. Incas. Greeks, the Four Horsemen of the'Apocalypsc
. l ————- - ("It 971 -' I.’..'. ’ h. ,t .4533? " ' E'lel (ht? and probably countless others Will ride from sea to shining sea.
l I""" .. , yr" ’?,' ,= V’ ‘7 y . Few oftoday‘sstudents.apparently. conceived human sacrifices in the l
l “‘M .i W], t.- ,.>.. 44"....“ .2 ‘i h , have even heard of Omar the name of gods of every conceivable Ralph E. Johnson teaches
. . ~ l _ t‘ ’ ' x49”: 9 “1:: ‘ , \ éfit tentmaker poet. Whereas. 40 to 50 sort. Recently, the Rev. Jim Jones photography at UK. His column I
. l awmwwtmfi . ' _ . /’ 39’44' "jinn: , ’ , 1 years ago Khayyam was widely badgered his flock into mass suicide. which appears every Friday. contains
. ‘ l ”"””"”°" ‘ '“"""'““' L , ,/// J. t . -- .. \‘ ‘. WP . quoted. and now we have the mad ayatollah of his reminiscences undlnsightslnto the
. . ' ' l_ .mhh W“ ,flm ._M;_f’y .. y y y 7- .. _.____.., W~_ _yy__ ,,A_,....._.-. In the course of conversation a few ancient Persia holding his nation in UK community.
’ fit - """"‘-‘.‘"' ____V_.,.,.|,i-,. m:¢'v~".&7--’*"Nu-RJ ~- ”‘v “"’-