xt71ns0kt94h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kt94h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19381118  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1938 1938 2013 true xt71ns0kt94h section xt71ns0kt94h Deal vupy nvanaur

The Kentucky ECernel



The end of the testing period does
not mean the close of the campaign.
The educational program will start
following the holidays. Below are
more facts regarding syphilis.






Results in the Scandinavian and
other European countries furnish
conclusive procf that syphilis can
be controlled. Twenty years of systematic effort in Sweden has reduced
the number of new cases of syphilis
in that country from 6.000 a year
to 431 a year. Similar effort in
Great Britain has reduced the prevalence of the disease there about
In Denmark the
campaign has been so effectively
prosecuted during the last ten) years
lhat similar results in this country
would have meant the birth of only
2.800 syphilitic babies last year, instead of 60.000.
What these countries have accomplished, we can also accomplish. All
that is necessary is the hearty and
general cooperation mt the people
with the health authorities.


More On Music
Dear Editor: May I add my sentiments to those of P. P. K. With
the setup in the Union building, it
is possible to connect directly with
Moreover, the
radio programs.
Carnegie music room operates at
meal hours and at other times, offering the best in the field of music. This, too, can be piped through
the building. Surely some good
music can be given Union users if
someone would took after that side
of It more carefully." B. B. M.
Lawyer's Labor Lost
"And then Professor Moreland
said: Had I been killed by his negligent act. don't you think the culprit should have been punished?'
A wave of laughter gradually expressed the answer of the class."
E. P. J.

Direct Hit

Came this item last Mondav. but
was left until today because of the
"lack of space." J. W. K. makes
and Justified
stabs. Incidentally, they are constructive. They are:
Too many errors.
2 Dislike of verbal gunfire between critics and columnists.
seems adolescent to become all hot
and bothered over criticism, especially after asking for it.
Joe C reason's verbal bombardment of football game officials.
"We all make mistakes. Maybe Joe
remembers the Carnegie Tech -- Notre
Dame fray when some very bad errors were made
Let the officials
call 'em. Wild or otherwise.)"
well-d'rect- ed



FiU The Scrapbook
A New York correspondent,


Team Leaves November

For International



stock Exhibition


Members of the Livestock Judging Team of the College of Agriculture will leave November 30 to
attend the International Livestock
Exposition at Chicago and to compete against 25 other land grant
colleges of the United States and
Canada in the Intercollegiate Livestock Judging contest.
The Exposition which is the
'argest livestock show in the world
will be an exhibit of 14,000 animals
this year.
Members of the judging team will
do practise judging at the University of Illinois November 21, 22, and
t3 before going on to Chicago where
they will compete in the intercollegiate contest on the 26.
The award to the best Judging
team of a large bronze statue of a
bull. The highest the University
fudging team has ever rated in
the battle of judging was in 1930
when they ranked third.
The teams will judge draft horses, beef cattle, sheep, and hogs.
Members of the team are Audra
Bell, Ray Brownfleld, William Hardin, Wood row Hughes, and John
Jones. Horace Davis will serve as
alternate for the team.
Prof. W. P. Garrigus has charge
of the team and will accompany the
members on the trip.
Lloyd L. Jones, director of research for the Gregg publishing
company, Cleveland, Ohio, was the
guest of A. J. Lawrence today. Mr.
Jones is the author of "Our Business Life" and "Business Law." He
is a former teacher at Ohio State



The Inquiring




O'Brien, Sophomore. Arts
and Sciences: I choose reading matter that in some way will be beneficial to my field of study. Some
I choose purely fc- - entertainment
to relieve my mind from constant
connection with my field."
D. Ann Calhoun, Junior, Arts and
Sciences: "During school I try to
do outside reading related to the
subjects that interest me most. I
try to read several periodicals in
order to get a general outlook on

cjrreut entfi."

Dean Jones


scarce according to Professor Lam
pert. Therefore the growth of the
musicians group shows that unusual interest has been taken in
the University players to make it
an outstanding musical unit.
The orchestra makes tours of
central Kentucky and performs for
local events besides those connected
with the campus. Practice is held
every Tuesday night ,and "they
practice till they drop!" declares
Sectional r
Director Lampert.
come on Thursday afternoons.
Mr. Theodore Solinger, representative of a local department store,
presents a cup each year to the musician who is considered most useful to the orchestra. Last year the
cup went to Mr. Lee Crooks. This
was partly because Mr. Crooks is
a composer and because he also
directs. Last winter .during one of
the orchestra's performances at the
Vespers, he directed Tennyson's
"Crossing the Bar," which he had
set to music for baritone and orchestral chorus.
Other members of the orchestra
have attained Droficiencv in music
j through the orchestra and are now
I actively
engaged as teachers. Mr.
ar!?!th, now lii Louisville, and Mr.




Ceremonies To Be Conducted
Tuesday Afternoon
In Library
Honoring President Prank L.
21 years of service to the University and to Kentucky, a bronze
plaque, the gift of students, faculty
members, alumni, and other friends
will be unveiled at 4 p. m. Tuesday,
November 22 in the main lobby of
the library.
Three hundred persons are expected to attend the unveiling ceremonies of the plaque which was secured through contributions from
those Interested in the University
and sponsored by Omicron Delta
Kappa, men's leadership fraternity.
Virginia Murray Tilton. granddaughter of President McVey, will
unveil the plaque. Music for the
dedication will be furnished by the
Men's Glee club.

To Direct crooks


Sparks, says he is making a scrap-boo- k
In Memorial Hall
of replies to the question "do
college students still write home
for money and do many have priSunday's Vesper Service will hervate bank accounts?"
He wants
your answers through this column. ald the season's first performance
of the University Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Prof.
Attention L. L. T.
Carl Lampert. Growth of the orIn answer to abetter from L. L. T, chestra is
attested by the fact that
we would suggest that Dr. Cham
stage is not expected to hold
bers might explain the answers to the
me questions more fully than all the players.
"Wte may have to put some of the
could be done in this column. He
has asked that you drop in any musicians down in the audience!"
Professor Lampert said.
time mis week.
The orchestra was started twenty
years ago with a director and one
The HaU Of Fame
In a Saturday program at 12:15 musician. Now the organization has
over the Mutual Network system grown until platforms have to be
(Continued on Page Pour)
built to accommodate the 65 players on the Memorial Hall stage.
Mr. Lampert believes the growth
of the orchestra is due largely to
the interest shown by the public.
He says. "Folk music and selections
from various operas were featured
in the orchestra ten years ago. The
interest shown in these programs
pointed the way for future activities of the orchestra."
The Question:
South of the Mason-Dixoline,
How do you choose your reading
college symphony orchestras are
The Answers:
Michael R o w a d y. Sophomore.
Law: "The major factors in my
choice of reading matter are: unique titles (like "My Ears Are Bent"),
subjects of particular interest to
me. suggestions of friends and book
reviews that arouse my curiosity."
Lois Campbell, Junior. Education:
"I choose my reading matter to a
great extent by experiment. If I
read something and like it. I usually try to find similar material. I
also read from recommendations of
friends and book reviewers. If a
book is favorably reviewed in a first
class literary magazine I usually
it worthwhile
However, I like experimenting


men and six
Names of
women have been submitted for
publication in "Who's Who in AmMen planning to graduate in
erican Colleges and Universities,"
February who live in or near
as the outstanding students on the
Lexington, Owensboro, AshUniversity campus. Lists containland, or Bowling Green are
ing recommendations from Dean of
asked to see Dean Jones. SevWomen Sarah C. Blanding and the
eral positions are open in a
Men's Student Council were sent in
firm which wants representato be published in the annual coltives in these areas.
legiate bluebook..
These students were chosen for
activleadership in
ities, scholarship, and service to the
Named for the honor
were Elliot B. Beard, Sid Buckley,
Lawrence J. Garland Jr., William
E. Gorman, Herbert P. Hillenmeyer,
John S. Hlnkebein, Ruth Johnston,
Leslie Lee Jones, John Esten Keller.
Mary Elizabeth Koppius, Campbell E. Miller, Albert W. Moffett, Coach Kirwan Gives Gridders
Workouts After Two-Da-y
Edwin H. Muehsler, Arthur W.
Plummer, James H. Qulsenberry,
Mary Jane Roby, Carolyn Sigler,
Grace Silverman, L. T. Iglehart, ENDS GIVEN POINTERS '
Runelle Palmore, Joe R. Johnson,
Preelon Hunter, Jo McCown Ferguson, Alan R. Vogeler, Steve White, Big
Blue Will Possess Weight
Stuart A. Wahl, William H. Hall,
Advantage In Line But
Homer Thompson, and James McUT Has Heavier Backs
twenty-tw- o

in Lexington, are instruc
tors in music. Mr. Moore, Miss Mar- cia Lampert, Mr. Becker, and Miss
Dorothy Werll are also teachers.
Bruce Farquhar and David Young
have been successful in chemistry,
but still retain music as their avo
From a nine piece orchestra of
1918 to the sixty-fiv- e
members with
instrumentation or today seems
quite a history of progress. Today
the orchestra is composed of 12 first
violens, 12 second violens, 6 violas,
5 cellos, 5 basses, 2 flutes, 3 clarinets, 2 oboes, 3 bassoons, 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 4 trombones, 2 percussions and 2 harps.
The orchestra, in presenting the
second Sunday afternoon Musicale
of this season at 4 p. m. November
20, in the Memorial Hall auditorium, will feature Mary Louise
lyric soprano soloist. She
has sung for several years over the
WHAS and has appeared in concert
on various occasions. Alexander
assistant director of the orchestra, will conduct the first movement of the Mozart G minor Symphony at Sunday's concert.
The program is as follows:

Overture to "Rlenxl"
Symphony In O minor. First


Allegro molto .... Mozart
"One Fine Day" tram
Butterfly . ..
Mary Louise McKenna
Sipapu l Ritualistic Indian
Dance i from Legend of
Valse de Fleuri iNutcracker


Ag Staff Members
To Attend Meeting

Following a two days pardon
from football. Coach Ab Kirwan
began Wednesday preparing his
Wildcats for their final hurdle of
the season, the annual classic with
Tennessee to be played Thanksgiving Day in Knoxville.
One of the points that was given
particular emphasis in the Wednesday session was the charging of,
the ends. Realizing that Kentucky's
one chance of holding the powerful
Volunteers Is by boxing in George
Cafego and his ball carrying contemporaries when they start their
wide end runs, Kirwan put the
flank guardians through a strenuous drill. As team weights are concerned, the Wildcats will hold a
slight advantage in the lin but will
concede a poundage superiority in
the secondary.
The Clemson beating left the al
ready wrecked Cats as badly battered as an unclaimed parcel post
package. To the hospital list after
Saturday's game were added
Davis and Tommy Spickard.
Davis suffered a dislocated right
shoulder to go with his previously
cracked ribs while Spickard received a sprained arm. Others still on
the bloated injured list are John
Eibner. Harold Black, Bob Palmer, Jimmy Hardin. Chester Mason.
Pete Vires, and Charley IshmaeL
Palmer, Eibner, Hardin, and Spickard are expected to be in condition to face the Vols.
From Knoxville's Shield - Wat-kiField, scene of the traditional
battle, comes the word that the Vols
break into a
ever time
they think of the Turkey Day clash.
Not that undefeated Tennessee
doubts their superiority over the
six times trapped Wildcats, but on
three previous occasions when the
Vols were headed for a perfect sea
son and the Rose Bowl Jack pot,
Kentucky has risen up and ruined
their dreams with a tie game.
According to reports from Major Bob Neyland, Tennessee head
coach, the Volunteers will be in
their best physical condition of the
campaign for the Cat Invasion.
Heading the scalps in the Tennessee collection for the year are
those of Alabama and Vanderbilt
Last week Tennessee rolled over
Vanderbilt, 14-victors over Kentucky, by a 0 score to keep their
drive toward undisputed possession
of the Southeastern Conference
championship on the right track.
Meanwhile, Kentucky was being
shut out by the surprisingly powerful Clemson Tigers by a 14-- 0
margin in their last home game of
the season. In first downs and yards
gained the count was even but the
Cats' only serious threat to score, a
drive to the Tigers 6 yard line, was
stymied after four futile drives into
the line. The famed Kentucky aer
ial circus that clicked for 233 yards
the previous Saturday against Georgia Tech was absent and five suc
cessful heaves out of nine attempts
were good for 55 yards.



Dean Case Of Eastern
Will Be Presiding



Kentucky Association of Deans of
Women today and tomorrow. Dean
Emma Y. Case of Eastern State
Teachers College, organization president, will officiate.
Registration from 11 a. m. until
noon today will be followed by a
'uncheon at 12:30 p. m. at Boyd
Hall. Miss Mary P. Corre, director
if occupational research and counseling at the Cincinnati public
schools, is to speak on "Occupation-- ,
al Counseling as an Integral Part
of an Adequate Guidance Program."
Dr. Edward F. Farquhar. professor of literature, will address delegates at an afternoon tea given to-lby Mrs. Frank L. McVey at
Maxwell Place. His subject will be
Living." John Jacob Nlles, collector of mountain
folk songs, is to sing several ballads.
"Administration of Student Personnel" is the topic to be discussed
by Miss Hilda Threlkeld, Dean of
Women at the University of Louisville, at a dinner at 7 p. m. today
at the Lexington Country Club.
Speaking on "The Development
of Leadership
Through Student
Government," Miss Jeannette Scud-de- r,
director of the women's dormitories, will address a meeting at
9:30 a. m. tomorrow in Patt hall.
A business session will follow at
10:30 a. m. and at noon Dr. Harriet
O'Shea of the educational psychology department at Purdue University is to speak at a luncheon
meeting in the Union on the subject, "Essential Elements for Counseling." The two-dasession will
adjourn tomorrow afternoon.



Melodious Voice Is Charming
As Bidu Sayao Opens Concerts
Soprano Is Enthusiastically
Received By Large

Engineers' Society
Has Joint Session
Mechanical Engineers Hold
Meet And Inspection Tour
With Louisville Students

Henry Clay high
with the magniher wonderfully
dimply, titian-haire- d,
Sayao, leading soprano
of the
Metropolitan Opera Association, appeared at 8:15 p. fn. Tuesday in the
first recital of the Community Concert schedule.
Possessor of a splendid soprana
voice and a charming personality,
the young Brazilian prima donna
caused an enthusiastic reaction In
her hearers. She bowed graciously
at the strong 'applause which followed each of her excellent selections.
Throughout an exacting program
of more than twenty . soli. Miss
Sayao's voice maintained its purity
and strength. She captured all the
shadings involved in her diverse
numbers, and not even the subtlest
technical or dramatic possibility es
caped attention. She left her au
dience contented, convinced that it
had heard soprano singing as only
an M uiui mv,,1 l.Ult. UIFUC 4lb.
no... J"
Understandably enough.
(Continued on Page Four)

P. R. Sponsor





Union Will Feature
Contest To Choose
Best Waltzing Pair
At the Union danca Saturday
night with the Frankfort Trouba-dor- s
furnishing the music, a waltzing contest will be held to pick the
best waltzing couple at the University.
Couples will be judged by a committee chosen from the dance committee of the Union. The winners
will be awarded a trip to Louisville,
expenses paid, to compete in the
next contest about December 1.
Survivors of the Louisville
will go to Cincinnati and
winners there will be given trips to
Hollywood, and a screen test.
is sponsoring the
national waltzing contest.
The dance will be forty cents a
couple or stag, with Union cards required. There will be six

University students desiring to
see the Transylvania-Georgetow- n
game at Stoll field Saturday, November 19. will be admitted upon
the presentation of their ticket
books and 25 cents, it was announced
by Piney Page, director of athletics
at Transylvania college.

Popularity Contest
Will Be Featured





Mildred Croft Wins Election
As Sponsor Of UK
Drill Unit

Featuring a Campus
contest, a .short story by
Mildred Croft, Crofton. senior
George Kerler, and special articles by Allenby Winer, Joe Crea-sostudent in the College of Education,
and Tom Watkins, Sour Mash and member of Delta Delta Delta
will make its third appearance of sorority, was
reelected sponsor of
year Tuesday.
(company "C", Pershing Rifles, the
Lances, Junior men's honorary,
will be in charge of the sales of the University's crack drill unit, at an
November issue. The popularity election held at 5 p. m. Wednesday
contest., in which sixteen indepenNovember 15 on the drill floor addent and sorority girls are entered,
joining the Gym Annex.
will be conducted by a vote of the
entire campus. Ballots will be I Miss Croft, who was elected Jucounted by a committee composed nior Prom Queen last semester and
of members of Delta Sigma Chi. who was chosen to represent the
honorary journalism fraternity for University at the North Carolina
festival held last
men, and final results announced Rhododendron
in the December issue of Sour Mash. spring, won over 11 other contestContents of the magazine this ants for the sponsorship, one from
month will include "Peace With each sorority on the campus and
Dishonor," by George Kerler; "The three independents.
Courtship of Miles Standish," by
The elechon was held in the
Allenby Winer; "Basketball, Coming warehouse adjoining the Gym AnUp!" by Joe Creason, and "Tennes- nex, which is being used for a drill
see Tussles," by Tom Watkins. All floor by the military department
customary features, John Ed pending the completion of the rePearce's scandal column, The Edi- modeling of Buell Armory.
Members cf the Pershing Rifles
torial Jive, Art Marches On, and
many shorter articles and jokes will unit were lined along one side of
also appear.
the drill floor. The contestants,
each bearing a number and escorted
by Captain Arthur Smith paraded
before the unit.
Alpha Gamma of Alpha Clii SigContestants were voted on by
ma, national honorary chemistry number rather than by name. The
fraternity, announces the initiation voting which was held by secret
of Ernest Keller Bean, Minerva, and ballot, was restricted to the sophoJohn Gay. Lexington, Saturday, mores and the officers of the company.
November 12.

'The Jones Boys" Forge Into Early Lead
As New Student Directory Hits Campus

Approximately 2,050
Different Names, Mones
Boys Have 34

ten," he said, "and call

them Rice,
Take another ten and call them
And call," he moaned in languid

"Call all the other thousands
Thus spoke the Bishop of Lichfield about 1540, commenting upon
popular Welsh family names. How
true are his words with regard to
surnames of students on this campus today!
Of approximately 2,050 different
surnames, listed in the student directory, Jones is at the top of the
list with 3.4. This name is a cognate
of Johnson of which there are 24
here, and means "son of John." The
original Welsh was properly interpreted as "God's grace." Cognates of
Johnson have passed into the nomenclature of twenty languages and
have provided names for millions
of people. The Dutch say Jan;
Spanish, Juan; Russians, Ivan; Portuguese, Gomez; Irish, Shane! Polish, Jank; Italians, Giovanni, and
Persians, Yohannan but, they all
means Johnson or "one of the Jones
Smith shares first place with
Jones, likewise claiming 34 possessors. In the beginning Smith denoted any of the mechanical craftsmen, and practically every "smith"
designation has given rise to some
family name, such as Goldsmith,
Arrowsmlth, etc. The word is derived from an Old English verb,
(Continued on Page Five)

Saturday Night


fayette Hotel will be the scene
of a dance sponsored by the
Catholic Club Saturday night,
from 9 to 12.
Music will be furnished

Educational Program Will Be
Launched After

urged by Dr. J. S. Chambers, director of the dispensary, to take the
tests during the three remaining
Although the testing period will
close on Tuesday, the syphilis educational program will be launched
imediately after Thanksgiving holidays. Kernel officials announced
yesterday. Satisfaction was express,
ed at the progress of the campaign
thus far, as the total passed 1.600
yesterday afternoon.
First of the campus organizations
to report 100 percent of its members tested was Alpha Tau Omega.
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
reported that all except one of the

fraternity have taken the Wassermanns. Tabulations from other organizations have not yet been re-

Because the Public Health building will be open only from 2 p. m.
to 5 p. m. today, Monday, and
Tuesday, Dr. Chambers said that
any students unable to take the
tests during those hours may make
special appointments at the dispensary.
Staff members of the miliuu-and physical education departments
were praised by Kernel staff members for their cooperation in releasing certain classes so that students might take, the tests.
Although tests during the three
remaining days will be available to
all, a few organizations will go in
groups today and Monday. Today's
schedule includes Alpha Zeta. Alpha Chi Sigma. Dairy Club. International Relations club, and
Members of the YM. Tau Beta Pi.
and Alpha Gamma Rho are ached
used for Monday.
Results of the tests may be obtained by calling at the dispensary.

Any Lexington freshmen who desire to become freshman basketball
managers and who know how to
referee scrimmages, report at 3:15
p. m. today at Alumni gym.

Students interested in securing
positions as teachers next year may
enroll in the Placement Bureau.
Room 115, Education building.
Students may still enroll in the
course in religion being taught by
Dr. Warner Hall, pastor of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian church.
The group will meet every Monday
and Wednesday through December
12 in Room 127, Union.

Union Open House
Will Be Held Today
In Recreation Room

Catholic Club
To Sponsor Dance
The Gold Room of the


anti-syphi- lis


By Gag Magazine

Dr, Chambers Urges Students
To Take Wassermanns
Before Deadline

Conclusion of the first part of
the Kernel's
will fall on Tuesday, November 22,
the last day on which Wassermann
tests will be available at the Public
Health building.
All students not yet tested are

Filling a packed
school auditorium
ficent tones of
melodious voice,




First1 Phase Of Syphilis War
To End Tuesday Afternoon




Members of the College of
culture staff attending the thirty-firannual national convention of
the American Society of Animal
Student members of the American
Production at the Sherman Hotel, Society of Mechanical Engineers
Chicago, November 25 and 26 are will leave Friday morning for LouisE. S. Good. W. P. Garrigus, L. J. ville for a joint session with the
Horlacher, Wayland Rhodes, H. G. University of Louisville student
Sellards. E. J. Wilford, R. C. Mil- branch of the organization.
ler, J. H. Bywaters, all members of
The group will also inspect the
the animal husbandry staff.
Speed School of Engineering, the
of Henry Vogt Machine company, the
Prof. Horlacher is a member
the committee on instruction for the machine shops of the L & N railconvention. A paper by E. S. Good, road, and the Brown and WilliamG. D. Buckner, and Amanda Harms son Tobacco company.
on "A discussion of winter feeding
Professors C. C. Jett, James W.
for Kentucky Thoroughbreds" will May, and S. C. Walton of the mebe presented at the session on chanical engineering
Horses and Mules.
will accompany the group.




State women deans will convene
here for the annual meeting of the

Men Graduates
Of February-Se-


Philharmonic Orchestra To Play
For Sunday Afternoon Musicale
Sixty-Fiv- e

18, 1938


extra-curricul- ar

Exposition To Show 14,000
Animals This Year;
World's Largest

Profesr lampert

R. W.


28 UK Students Suggested
For Collegiate Who's Who'
Names Of 22 Men. 6 Coeds
Approved By University





Last Day Tuesday
Tuesday will be the last day "on
which the Public Health building
will remain open to give Wasser-mann- s.
The campaign, on the whole,
success thus far. Howhas been
ever, a rather surprising fact is that
freshmen and sophomores responded in greater numbers than did
juniors and seniors, although the
later group endorsed the program at
the very beginning. The above is
true, even considering the larger
percentage of freshmen and sopho-



Jamie Thompson and his orchestra. All members will be
admitted to the dance without charge. Tickets may be
bought at the hotel the night
of the dance.

Eight New Pledges

Have Been Chosen
By Sigma Pi Sigma

Eight new members were pledged
to Sigma Pi Sigma, honorary physics fraternity, at the fall election
held recently in Pence Hall, according to an announcement made by
E. Lynn Cleveland, secretary.
Requirements for membership in
Lambda chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma are a scholastic standing of 2
In physics and in general studies
in the University.

Graduate assistants in the department of physics who were
pledged are Dean McCown, Anderson, S. C; Joe Frontman, Utica,
Ky.; Eugene W. Smith, Newark,
Missouri; J. Rondle Wright, Bowl-

ing Green, Ky.; L. Sturkey, McCor-micS. C: Jacob H. Schroeder,
and Martin
Sweets, Louisville.

Any organization that wishes to
give a Thanksgiving basket for distribution to poor families are asked
tc see or call Mary Jane Roby. representative of the social service
group. Contributions of food or
Open house for all students so- money by individuals may be turned
rority, and fraternity members, and in to the Y Rooms by Wednesday.
will be held from 4
to 8 pi m. today in the Recreation
Girls interested in participating
room of the Student Union build- in the recreation program to be
presented at the reform school, are
ing, it was announced yesterday.
Members of the house committee asked to report to the YW office.
are in charge of arrangements and The program id being sponsored by
the Sophomore commission and the
will act as hosts at the affair.
Records requested by the students Social Service
attending the open house will be
Alpha Zeta 8:30 p. m.. Room 23a.
played for dancing.
will be served.
Dutch Lunch club 12 noon. MaxThis is the second open house
sponsored by the house committee. well Street Presbyterian church.
Its success will depend upon the 3 Baptist Student Union council
p. m.. Union.
enthusiasm with which it is reSaturday
ceived by the student body. House
Lances 1 p. m.. Room 205. Union.
Committee Chairman Jimmy Gros-clos- e
Patterson literary society
said yesterday in urging "everybody to attend and have a good noon.
Block and Bridle initiation 2
p. m.. Stock Pavilion.
Independents 1 p m. Union.
Alpha Chi Sigma 7:30 p m. Kas-tl- e
Sophomore group 4 p m.. Unwn,
to visit the Reform School.
Junior round table 5 p. m.. Y
Rooms, Union.
directories may still
Phi Alpha Theta 4 p m.. Room
be obtained by calling at the
206. Union.
124 of
Alumni office in Rcom
YM-Ycourse in religion 4 p.
the Union building, it was anm.. Room 127, Union.
secnounced by the Alumni
Panhellenio 4 p. m.. Room 205,
retary. The directories will
be given out from 9 to 11:45
Freshman group 4 p. m.. Room
a. m.. and from 1:30 p. m. to
205, Union.
4:30 p. m.
Mortar Board 6 p. m.. Room 2.1

May Be Obtained
At Alumni Office



Page Two

hibiis, and motion pictures; and all students
will be urged to attend.
Although the following facts about the disease have been reiterated again and again it is
well to review them.

Published semi weekly during the school year
holidays or examination periods.
Enteral at 6m Pont Office at LexlnftoB, Kmtockr, M
class matter under the Art ol March t, 1871.

Most dangerous
Svphilis is the most dangerous of all comMEMBER
municable diseases, and if detected early and
Press Assoctattoa
given prompt, proper and adequate treatment,
it can be controlled and cured in 85 percent
National Advertising Service, Inc.
of the cases. It is caused by a germ called Spiro-thote- a
Colirgt FuMiikft tmnwin
4XO Maowom Am.
New York. N. V.
Pallida, a germ so small that two thouscncaeo aoavoa ui Amcics f
and laid end to end are required to make an
inch. Having entered, they multiply with great
$1.M One Semester
KM One Tear
rapidity and attack any and all parts of the
Editor-in-Chie- f
Louis T. Iglehart
Managing Editor Transmission
E. H. MrfHsim
News Editor
Jean McEiaoY
The disease is transmitted from a diseased
Business Manager
Harry M. Smith
person to a well person by close contact the
Sports Editor commonest forms of which are sexual interJOE CREASON
Society Editor course and kissing. Sometimes, though seldom,
it is indirectly transmitted through infected
Advertising Manager
dishes, glassware, or bedlinen.
Circulation Manager





Iieslle Lee Jones
Rumsey Garrison
8. Louise Calbert
George Lamason

James Howell


Art Editor


Syphilis is also the most prevalent of communicable diseases in the United States. Tak
ing the country a a whole, about one out of
The prevalence
every ten adults is infected.
varies with the geographical location, economic
level, and race.

In concluding the testing period Tuesday, the
Kfrnfl urges every University student to do his
part in controlling the scourge. The official
close of this phase of the Kernfl's campaign
is by no means the close of the individuals' cam

A Good Chance
To "Get Acquainted"

To further a more friendly spirit among the
students at the University is the primary purpose
of the Student Union building. It is with this paign.
view that the Student Union1 board of
aim in
directors has sponsored an open house on Friday
afternoon from four to six o'clock. All students
are invited to come for an hour or two of fun
and relaxation in a friendly atmosphere.
Since sororities and fraternities also hold ojien
house on Friday, an open house may be held
on Wednesday afternoons as well as Friday to
While scanning the editorial page of the Lex
include all groups of students.
we happened across the
ington Herald-IeadeTo the Student Union board and its directors
a vote of thanks for their endeavor to