xt71ns0kw87r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kw87r/data/mets.xml Missouri Historical Records Survey (U.S.) 1964 225 p.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14: Am 5/7/prelim. books English New York, Kraus Reprint This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Missouri -- Imprints A Preliminary Check List of Missouri Imprints, 1808-1850 text A Preliminary Check List of Missouri Imprints, 1808-1850 1964 1964 2019 true xt71ns0kw87r section xt71ns0kw87r I11 I I . ' Historical Records survey, E.“ ;i . , ; 13:: - . * :E . 1 AMERICAN IMPRINTS z E r ,INVENTORY *'21 . E ' . A Preliminary. Check List of Missouri IinprintsE ‘ ' ‘ I : f K-RAUS' R'EPRINT CORPORATION ~ ‘ ' I E V I I ' I E I 'New York. '- I .. E E; I: e «196.4 ' . ‘ - . ,1 . . , y .1 . ,_ 1 x ‘\ 1:13? 1 1 ~ N 3‘ g . g 11 .j g - 1 . y , 1 . 1 . e : K g 1 1 1 1E - L1 11 ‘1: i. ] 1 1 1' ‘. 1 o 1 - 1 V 1 r 1 1 ‘3. [L 113 11, 1 1: i ' 1 1. 1 1 1 , 5 . II _ 1 .31 ] 11 '1 1 E 1 a, g] i A 1 .3 ’ I I 2 Historical Records Survey i . E i. AMERICAN IMPRINTS ' IN VEN TORY 1 i p A Preliminary Check List of Missouri Imprints 1808 - 1850 33 p i ‘ KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION I ' New York 1964 I til \ I ‘ ‘51.“ 2 2 i f :L if: 2 412’, a, I g \ ILIVL‘D f. 3-} A 3 I x" g j '2‘) g “I! ‘ {I ‘ i E . ‘ 3 ‘3 :5 It. I I. 3. E i ' i I i ‘ I ‘ I i ‘ '31 if {a 1 Because the text in the original edition ; was printed on the recto pages only, all I" even page numbers were omitted. i ‘ w. L I f i 2' ‘5: ' - If I l} ‘E. ‘ PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘2‘ i, J V/Iv‘ ’ kv )' m- i - American Imprints Inventory Prepared by i The Historical Records Survey ; Division of Women’s and Professional Projects 3 Works Progress Administration ’ i i .' w i N o. 1. A Preliminary Check LISt of lVIissouri Imprints ‘: 1808-1850 ~ Washington, D. C. . The Historical Records Survey i November, 1937 J .. ‘\ ‘ ' g. 1 E I 3' E ‘ 3‘ ‘ ‘ i i 1:1 1 . 1% 1x ‘. t; 1, ‘1. 1 i 1 J11 . 1 1 . 1| 1 11‘ 1 ; ii 1 ’ 1 4 1 U '* :1 £3 1% '1 ‘ 3 2 i: F- ‘\‘.’, V‘lertxm " ‘ ‘ 1, Iv § i ' ‘i PREFACE é 3. i 2 The present check list of Missouri imprints, 1808 to 1850 inclusive, § 0 . . , i is intended to serve for checking and amplification by workers of the g Historical Records Survey and by librarians disposed to cooperate with i the Survey in its American Imprints Inventory. g t The majority of the titles were recorded personally by the under— L t signed during the past ten years and have been placed at the disposal i i of the Historical Records Survey. Additional titles have been derived i from early returns on the American Imprints Inventory from libraries 3 throughout the country. i A list of Missouri imprints through 1830 running to 60 titles was published by the undersigned in the American Book Collector for February, i March and April 1952 v. 1 nos. 2—4 and because copies of this mec— ‘ 9 L w ) , - E azine were out of print, was mimeographed privately early in the present I year. This list has been added to continuously. ‘ ‘ Imprints of the years 1831 to 1850 inclusive were held in manu~ script form on catalogue cards, with the intention of extending the ‘ terminal date limit Of the list to 1850 and of eventually publishing a reasonably satisfactory bibliogrsphy of early issues of the Missouri I 1' press. Titles and various items of information have, over a pericd of years, been contributed by numerous librarians. Among the Missourians who were speciallv helpful are Messrs. Floyd C. Shoemaker and Roy T. I " ‘ \ King of the State Historical Society of Missouri, Dr. Arthur E. Bostwick and Kiss Katherine Moody of the St. Louis Public Library, Miss Stella Drunn of the Missouri Historic 1 Society, Mr. William R. Gifford of ‘ i i. a .u' v y ' rm, \\ ’ ‘ .zfi'; 5 “‘ d g g the Mercantile Library of St. Louis, Rev. Henry H. Regnet of St. Louis V.§ University, and Mr. Adolph Vollmer of Shelbina. The distinguished 1% collector, the late Robert M. Snyder of Kansas City, was deeply inter— ested in the present list, and placed his Missouri imprints freely at ‘ my disposal for examination on the occaSion of several visits to his 5% home. His collection is now in the library of the University of Kansas , t u City. % Among the librarians of institutions outside of Missouri who have El contributed largely to the compilation of the present list are Mr. I it Volta Parma, curator of the rare book room of the Library of CongreSS, ‘ 3“ Mr. L. Nelson Nichols of the New York Public Library, Miss Annie A. t Nunns of the Wisconsin Historical Society, Mr. Willard 0. Waters of ‘E the Henry E. Huntington Library, Mr. C. C. Hunt of the Iowa Masonic t Library, Professor Eldon R. James of the Harvard Law School Library, t and Miss Muriel Davis of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge Library. And V 6 all others who furnished information during the period of compilation j' may be assured their cooperation is sincerely appreciated. d; The only other effort in the field of Missouri bibliography which E. is known to me is represented by an informal list of approximately 254 , % imprints earlier than 1851 compiled by William Clark Breckenridge and . E Francis Asbury Simpson, and published in 1932 in a volume in memory of w 'f the former by James M. Ereckenridge. The imprints therein recorded I; have been taken into account in the compilation of the present check 1 list. 5 As will appear from the numbering, the list here presented records I a total of 694 imprints, of which 120 appeared from 1808 through 1830, . , and 574 during the years 1831 to 1850 inclusive. g i :5“ / /_, 43,1 35".“ , ‘ “Ki 1.. ‘ ' i s i i Although this list of Missouri imprints is the most comprehensive g i yet issued, experience with the imprints of other states justifies the f e . - a o - u ‘ expectation that many additional titles Will be found and recorded. 5 I : Librarians, bibliographers, and historians into whose hands the list i may come are earnestly requested to check it against Missouri titles i in the collections under their care and report to the Historical i i R ' P l V ’ Records Survey such new titles as they may turn up. We small also be r glad to record additional locations of titles already listed. Notes of additianal titles or locations can be most conveniently l , i i addressed to thg undersigned at 950 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. 3 i It should clearly be understooa that the following list is not ' I i offered as a finished bibliography Cf Missouri imprints. It may better be regarded as an interim report offering a first contribution toward a future bibliography of such imprints. ; Minor bibliographical details are lacking from the descriptions of some of the titles, but to have waited until every last detail was ' supplied would have unduly delayed the issue of this check list, and . would therefore have delayed further additions to it. ‘ ‘ In spite, however, of these qualifications, it is believed this list, pending the publication of a definitive bibliography of issues of the Missouri press, lay provide Missouri historians with a use— ful record of local historical material and of the locations in which the many rare titles can be found. The undersigned desires to express appreciation to Dr. Luther H. ‘ , Evans, National Director of the Historical Records Survey of the Works Progress Administration, for encouragement and suoport during 1 1 J» )' ... ‘r ‘r r‘ ‘X . \ r 3",?“ é . ': g the compilation of this list and to numerous members of his staff for l.§ competent and appreciated assistance. Mrs. Clara Fishman, bibliographical é % assistant, was specially helpful in putting the list into shape for t mimeographing. } Douglas C. MCI'Iurtrie g Consultant to the National Director If Historical Records Survey ,t ‘ g ii 15 ~ 1 l 1! ,' J {E E; 3, ti ‘ 3/, I. ‘ . ‘ Rg‘um l 3 A CHECKLIST OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS AND BROADSIDES i PRINTED IN MISSOURI PRIOR TO 1850 g 52y to Symbols of Location i BrMus British Museum, London, England. % CSmH Henry Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif. i CU University of California, Berkeley, Calif. ! CU-B Bancroft Library. % DBRE Bureau of Railway Economics Library, washington, D. C. i DE U. S. Office of Education Library, washington, D. C. g DeWI Wilmington Institute Free Library, Wilmington, Del. { Dicke L. E. Dicke Collection, Evanston, Ill. { DJ U. S. Department of Justice Library, Washington, D. C. t DLC Library of Congress, washington, D. C. DSC Supreme Council of the 35°, Washington, D. C. ! DSG U. S. Surgeon General's Office, washington, D. C. ‘ I Illinois State Library, Springfield, Ill. ‘? IaCrM Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids, Ia. E IaB Burlington Free Public Library, Burlington, Ia. E IaHA Historical, Memorial & Art Dept. of Iowa, Des Moines, Ia. ' IaHi State Historical Society, Iowa City, Ia. i IAlB Illinois Baptist Historical Library, Alton, Ill. 1c Chicago Public Library, Chicago, 111. i ‘ ICJ John Crerar Library, Chicago, Ill. ICN Newbcrry Library, Chicago, Ill. ‘ ICS Chicago Scottish Rite Library, Chicago, Ill. ' I ICHi Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Ill. ICLaw Chicago Law Institute Library, Chicago, Ill. ICU University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. IHi Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Ill. ILM M‘Kendree College, Lebanon, III. In Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Ind. IU University of Illinois Library, Urbana, 111. Jones Herschel V. Jones Collection, Minneapolis, Minn. ‘ KKc Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, Kans. KyLoS Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Kny Lexington Public Library, Lexington, Ky. KnyT Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky. M Massachusetts State Library, Boston, Mass. MB Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass. MBAt Boston Athcnneum, Boston, Mass. MBC Congregational Librrry, Boston, Mass. MBFM Mass. Grand Lodge, F. k A. M., Library, Boston, Mass. MiD-B Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library, ‘ Detroit, Mich. MiU-C William Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ‘ , MnHi Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn. Mo Missouri State Library, Jefferson City, Mo. . MngS Southeast Lissouri State Teachers College, Cape Girardeau, Mo. MoHi State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. ’ MchU University of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. MOS Public Library, St. Louis, Mo. _ MoSHi Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, MO. I . :i ..‘I' ‘\\ irks. . 1 3'“ .- g _ 3 . i MoSL St. Louis Law Library, St. Louis, Mo. é MOSM Mercantile Library of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. » g MoSMed St. Louis Medical Library, St. Louis, Mo. '1; MoSU St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. } MoSU—M College of Medicine. é MoSW—M Medical School, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. E MH Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. " MH—L Harvard Law School. ‘1 MHi Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass. 3 MFA American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. ; NcU University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. i NHi New York Historical Society, New York City, N. Y. A NHC-S Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection, Colgate i College, Hamilton, N. Y. ;: NIC Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. : NJMD Drew University, Madison, N. J. ;‘ NN New York Public Library, New York City, N. Y. E NNB Association of the Bar, New York City, N. Y. ' A Q NNC Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. NNFM Grand Lodge of N. Y., F. a. A. M., Library, New York City, ,‘3 N. Y. 1 , NNNAM New York Academy of Medicine, New York City, N. Y. i 0 Ohio State Library, Columbus, 0. C CO Cincinnati Public Library, Cincinnati, 0. j OCHP Historical & Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati, 0. , OClWHi Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, 0. ;~ P State Library and Museum, Harrisburg, Pa. ;' PCA American Baptist Historical Society, Chester, Pa. i PPD Dr0psie College, Philadelphia, Pa. } PPAN Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia, Pa. 13 PPFM Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, F. & A. M., Philadelphia, Pa. - PPiU University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. :: PPL-R Library Company of Philadelphia, Ridgeway Br., Pa. 11 PPL Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. ? PPLT Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. 'i RPB—H Harris Collection of American Poetry, Brown University, } Providence, R. I. ; Streeter Thomas W. Streeter Collection, Morristown, N. J. y T Tennessee State Library, Nashville, Tenn. } TKL Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tenn. ‘ i USlC Church Hist. Ofc., Ch. Latter Day Sts., Salt Lake , 1: City, Utah. fi‘ WHi State Historical Society, Madison, Wis. *3 ,3 r! l l g i ,i‘ ‘3', I" . . a“? ,1. 1". 1 F . 5 i i 1808 i 2 Louisiana [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. E The Laws of the Territory of Louisiana. Comprising all those which are i now actually in force within the same. Published by Authority. 8t. Louis 2 [L.] Printed by Joseph Charless, Printer to the Territory. 1808. E 376, [58] p. 13 x 20.5 cm. [1] g ICLaw. gag. 8. Jones. n. no. :oHi. spa. 881- 008?. MoSHi. ] ,2. [An Act regulating the fiscal concerns of the territory, defining the duties t of certain officers concerned therewith, and for other purposes. St. Louis: f Joseph Charless, 1808.] [2] g No copy known. Advertised as ”For sale at this Office" in the Missouri 5 Gazette of December 14 and December 21, 1808. i an i ' l Bates, Frederick. ; An Oration, delivered before Saint Louis Lodge, No. 111. At the town of 3 Saint Louis, in the Territory of Louisiana, on Wednesday the 9th day of i Novcrber, 1808. Being the day next following the installation of said { lodge. Ey Frederick Bates, Esquire. Published by a resolution of the ; lodge. Saint Louis, La., Printed by Joseph Charless. 1809. ‘ 19 p. 12 x 18.5 cm. [3] ‘ EEA. Jones. MoSHi and fig have photostat copies. [ 181.9 1 Louisiana [Territory] Lens, statutes, etc. ] Laws of the Territory of Louisiana: Passed by the Governor and Judges 1 assembled in Legislature, in the month of October, 1810. Published by w authority. St. Louis, [L.] Printed by Joseph Charless, Printer to the ] Territory. 1810. 1 so, [1] p. 13 x 20.5 cm. [41 Egg. an. Mfizéo 332- MoSHi. MoSL (2 copies) MoHi and he have - facsimiles. . 1812 Articles of Association of the Missouri Fur Company. [At end:] In wit— ness whereof we have hereunto set our names this twenty fourth day of January, eighteen hundred and twelve. Subscriptions will be received at St. Louis, for the remaining shares in the Missouri Fur Company, until the y 1st day of April next. By W. Clark, M. Lisa, S. Labadie. Commissioners. ‘ Feb. 1, [1812] ' Broadside. 28.5 x 43 cm. (or larger). Text, of 21 articles, in 4 col— ; umns of 2 3/8 inches. [5] The articles create a company capitalized at $50,000, to take over and succeed to the business of the "former St. Louis Kissouri Fur Company, which is now up the Missouri." Article 16 directs that "these articles of agreeaent shall be published for three weeks in the Louisiana Gazette.” , 08m. 1 .1 ‘\ ' W, ré fl ‘ "1" .my 1 7 3. g _ y 1 '[ 1814 4 Lucas, John B. C. i To the Public. [St. Louis, 1814.] [ Broadside. 26.5 x 44.5 cm. [6] ;» Signed: John B. C. Lucas. I MiU-C (Bound in photostat file of Missouri Gazette & Illinois ; Edvertiser with issue of Dec. 51, 1814.5 1?. , ii i Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. [ Acts passed by the General Assembly, of the Territory of Missouri; in July “ and August, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. St. Louis, (M.T.) h Printed by Joseph Charless. Printer to the Territory. 1813. [1814.] [ 95 p., [1] p. contents. 11.5 x 19 cm. [7] ‘ [ Although the title page carries the date 1813, the text contains (p.95) V: a printed certificate of Frederick Bates, secretary of the Territory, ‘ ? dated Jenuury 17, 18143 ‘ MOHi 9 DLC , MH-L. NNB. MO SH}. 0 E8. 3 Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. '[ Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Territory of Missouri; in fl December and January, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen and g fourteen. St. Louis (M.T.) Printed by Joseph Cherless, Printer to the i Territory. 1814. “. 108 p., [l] p. contents. 11.5 x 19 cm. [8] f Printed certificate of Frederick Bates on p. 108, dated Apr. 25, 1814. 1 1510111 9 DLC o NIH—L U NHNB 0 MO I .1? 1815 1 Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. V ‘* Acts passed by the General Assembly, of the Territory of Missouri; in j' December and January, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen and fifteen. 1 l St, Louis, (M.T.) Printed by Joseph Cherless, Printer to the Territory. 1 1815. " g 164 p,, [2] p. contents. 11.5 x 19 cm. [9] [k Printed certificate of Frederick Bates on p. 164 dated April 22, 1815. '% MoSHi. MoHi. DLC. MH—L. NNB. Mo. ‘fi! -—-——- ——-—- -——- —-—-—— —--— -- g 1816 j Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. 1‘ [An Act supplementary to in not to reduce into one the several laws / , regulating the militia. St. Louis: Joseph Cherless, 1816.] [10] ’ ‘ Not located; authorized to be "struck off in pamphlets" in Acts of December and January, 1815-1816, p. 192. I 3 1 .3 v), , ‘ r‘ ‘ ‘ .H 3. :~- .~-‘ g" 9 - 1816 2 W I. Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. E Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Territory of Missouri; in 5 December and January, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen and six- i teen. St. Louis, (M.T.D Printed by Joseph Charless, Printer to the Z Territory. 1816. i 143 p., [2] ‘9. contents. 11.5 x 19 cm. [111 ;‘ Printed certificate of William Clark on p. 143 dated ”April 1816." ‘ MoSHi. MoHi. DLC. MH—L. NNE. Mo. % 1 y Lucas, Charles. h To the people of Missouri Territory. Charles Luces' Exposition of a ' late difference hetween John Scott and himself. St. Louis: Printed L at the hissouri Gazette Office. 1816. I 24 p. 23 cm. [12] DLC. MoSM. (p. 1—16 only). 110$:in (p. 1—8 and 9—24 bound. separately). 1 _..._. ._._ ._.___.._ — l 1 Proposal to publish, in St. Louis, a weekly newspaper, to be called The i Emigrant and General Advertiser. 3y Sergeant Hell. Missouri Ter. ‘ Ifarch 1o. '1 Broadside. 18 x 26 cm. [13] ‘ The Western Emigrant, under Sergeant Hall, from Cincinnati, was start— . ed at St. Louis in May, 1817, succeeding Joshua Norvell's Western 1 - Journal. 3 Ln- : 1817 Charless' Missouri & Illinois Magazine Almanac, for 1818. Being the second after leap year, and from the fourth day of July, the 43d year ‘ of American Independence. Containing the lunations, conjunctions, eclipses, judgment of the weather remarkable days, length of days and nights, and time courts are held, &c. &c. St. Louis, Mo. Ter. Print— ed and sold by Joseph Charless; where printing of every description is executed expeditiously, and on the most reasonable terms. [1817] No. I. , [62 p.?] 10 x 17.5 cm. [14] ‘ Advertised in the Missouri Gazette of November 28, 1817. MoHi (lacking 4 leavesl. ‘ Missouri [Territory]. Citizens. 1 Memorial of the Citizens of Missouri Territory. To the Honourable the . Senate and the House of Representatives, of the United States of America, V ' in Congress assembled, the Petition of the undersigned inhabitants of . the Territory of Missouri, respectfully showeth: ... S. Hall, Printer, St. LouiSI 1817' ‘ Broadside. 25.5 x 40 cm. [15] Nohi. Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. . Acts passed by the Gcnernl Assembly of the Territory of Missouri; in . 37 g 11 . g December and January, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen and seven— ‘ ‘ % teen. St. Louis (M.T.) Printed by Joseph Charless. Printer to the 'i Territory. 1817. f 140 p. [3] p. contents. 11.5 x 19 cm. [16] '3 Certificate of Frederick Bates on p. 140 dated May 22, 1817. l MoSHi. MoHi. DLC. MH-L. EAL. [9. l 1818 A Geyer, Henry S., comp. , E' A digest of the laws of Hissouri Territory. Comprising: An elucidation A of the title of the United-States to Louisiana:——Constitution of the :7 United Stateszu-Treaty of Session:~-Organic Laws:——Laws of Missouri Terri— }; tory, (alphabetically arranged):—-Spanish Regulations for the allotment of 1‘ lands:—~Laws of the United States, for adjusting titles to lands, &c. To ‘ , E which are added, A variety of forms, useful to magistrates. By Henry S. E Geyer. St. Louis. Printed for the publisher, by Joseph Charless, at the ‘v?. Missouri Gazette Office. 1818. v 3 xii, 486, xxvi, [80] p. 12.5 x 21 cm. [17] i Eg. MoSHi. MoHi. egg. [3. Egg. ICLaw. E- Mg. ,& Giddings, Salmon. V The GOSpel, the power of God unto salvation; a Sermon; preached at the 1 installation of the Rev. Thomas Donnell, To the pastoral office in Con- . cord Church, and Congregation of Belleview, April 25th, 1818. By the f Rev. Salmon Giddings, A.M. ... St. Louis, Printed by Henry and Maury. T 1818. 4 20 p. 13 x 21 cm. [18] g CSmH. -‘ Giddings, Salmon. I A Sermon delivered at St. Louis, August 17, 1817, on account of the death } of Edward Hempstead, Esq. late of St. Louis, M.T. By Salmon Giddings, v L A.M. Published by reguest. St. Louis: Printed by Sergeant Hall. 1818. 1 20 p. 9 x 15.5 cm. [19] ‘ j MOSH. , , I a; I Symmes, John Cleves. . A 3 St. Louis (Missouri Territory), North America, April 10, A.D. 1818. y To all the Worldl I declare the earth is hollow, and habitable within, 2 containing a number of solid concentrick spheres, one within the other, } and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees; I pledge my life in 1 support of this truth, and am ready to explore the hollow, if the world jl will support and aid me in the undertaking. j Broadside. 2 leaves. 37 x 25 cm. [20] , 1, Caption title; no imprint. _ Signed in ink: ”Jno. Cleves Symmes, of Ohio, late Captain of Industry." ' Mo SM. [LIA 0 g S r ,a ’1‘... Sr?“ . 13 ; Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. g A Digest of the General Assembly of the Territory of Missouri in January, § one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. St. Louis (M. T.) Printed at the § office of the St. Louis Enquirer. 1819. 5 23 p. 11.5 x 19 cm. [21] 3 Contains (p. 1—19) an act to reduce into one the several laws regulating i the militia, and (p. 20—23) an act supplementary to an act to reduce into [ one the several laws regulating the militia. The ”act sunplementary" was [ authorized to be ”struck off in pamphlets" in the Acts of December and L January, 1815-1816, p. 142. t Mo. “ , Missouri [Territory] Laws, statutes, etc. 3 Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Territory of Missouri, in E ‘ October, November and December, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. St. Louis, Printed by Joseph Charless, Printer to the Territory. 1819. i 160 p., [i] ~iii p. contents. 11.5 x 19 cm. [22] Certificate on p. 160 dated March 4, 1819. ; MoSHi. 9L9. Mg. REE (lacks title page). ] 1 1820 _ Baptists. Missouri. Bethel Baptist Association. ] Minutes of the Bothel Baptist Association, held at Bethel Meeting House, 1 Cape Girardeau County (M. T.) September 23, 24 and 25, 1820. [Jackson? 2 Mo., 1820.] 2 p. 14 x 21 cm. [281 ‘v Caption title; no imprint. “ This was probably the South Eastern Association. ' IAlB. Beck, Abraham Western land agency and commission office. [St. Louis: Joseph Charless, ' 1820.] ‘ 32 p. 10 x 16 cm. [241 1 Caption title. Contains circular (p. l—lBD by Abraham Beck soliciting business as an agent of the Western Land Company and informing his friends that he continues the land agency office established at St. Louis by the late Captain Aaron T. ‘ Crane and himself; and appendix (p. 14~32) of laws concerning deeds, taxes, 1 and public lands in Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas. ] DLC copy has inserted a printed one-page circular letter to persons whose M 13353 had been sold for taxes, in this case addressed to Theophilus Craw— 1 ford, Putney, Vermont. . Clarke, William. Brief notices of the principal events in the public life of Governor ‘ Clarke. [St. Louis, 1820.] 16 p. 8vo. [25] ~ 1 1 a \\ -3."',-.,,~,~ . . ,§ I] g 15 g Cummins‘ Missouri and Illinois Magazine Almanac, for the year of our E Lord 1821, being the first after leap—year, and after the fourth day ' g of July, the forty-sixth year of American independence. Containing ‘1 the lunations, conjunctions, eclipses, judgment of the weather, re- é markablo days, length of days and nights, the time Courts are held, E &c. &c. &c. St. Louis: Printed and sold by J. C. Cummins, at the ' Missouri Gazette Office, where printing of every description is exe- 1‘ outed on moderate terms. [1820?] No. 1. ‘ [48] p. 10.5 x 17.5 cm. [26] Advertised in the Missouri Gazette of February 7, 1821. E MoSHi. *"fl f; Missouri. Constitution. [ Constitution do l'etnt du Missouri. [St. Louis: Joseph Chorless, f; 1820.] }' 24, ii p. 9.5 x 16 cm. [27] y 1‘ Caption title. Imprint on p. 24. _ 1101-11. [ Missouri. Constitution. b Constitution of the state of Hissouri. St. Louis: Printed by I. N. 3 Henry and Co. 1820. f, 40 p. 9 x 14.5 cm. [28] E Certificate on p. 40, over the name of J. S. Findlay, dated "St. Louis, 1 if August 3, 1820." , 11111. 1110811. MoHi. MoSHi (2). DLC. 1111. i1 Missouri. Constitutional convention, 1820. ; Journal of the Missouri state convention. St. Louis: Printed by I. " N. Henry and 00., 1820. 1 [i 48 p. 21 cm. [29] ‘1 Proceedings of June 12—July 19, 1820. §' DLC. NNL MoHi; and E8 have facsimile reprints: hashington, 1905. 1 Missouri. Lows, statutes, etc. ‘ ; Acts of the first General Asserbly of the State of Missouri; passed _, x] at the first session, which was begun fild held at the town of Saint [ Louis, on Monday, the 18th of September, 1820. Printed by Isaac N. ] Henry & Ce. At the Office of the St. Louis Enquirer. 1820. . 3 112 p. [30] ] NE; ICLaw. DLC. hH—L. HoHi. he; NNB. P; I; [ Nelson, Arthur. ‘ Masonic. An oration, deliver d by Dr. Arthur Nelson, in St. Louis, ‘. on the 27th December, (St. John's day.) Printed at the Office of the , E St. Louis Enquirer. 1820. 16 p. 9.5 x 14.5 cm. [31] InCrf. E i i 0,, _.,. > . g 17 § [To the Electors of‘the County of Madison. St. Louis: 18201 g "A pamphlet containing an address ‘To the Electors of the County of 2 Madison,' under the signature of 'A Number of Citizens,‘ printed at St. 3 Louis, was recently circulated throughout this county, and other parts S of the state, on the eve of the last election. . ." [32] i Edwardsville, Illinois, Spectator, August 29, 1820. Not located. E i i United Society for the spread of the gospel. i Report of the Board of managers of the United society for the spread of t the gospel, at their first annual meeting ... 1819. St. Louis, Printed g by Joseph Charles... 1820— h 15.5 cm. [33] sci { 1821 ‘ , Cummins' Missouri and Illinois Almanac, for the year of our Lord 1822, 3 being the second after leap year, and after the fourth day of July, the ! forty seventh year of American independence, containing the lunations, * conjunctions, eclipses, judgment of the weather remarkable days, length i of days and nights, &c. &c. &c. St. Louis, Printed and sold by J. C. ; Cummins, at the Missouri Gazette Office, where printing of every descrip— ‘ tion is executed on moderate terms. [1821] No. II. ; 4 24 p. 11 x 18 cm. [54] Advertised in the Missouri Gazette, Oct. 31, 1821. MoSHI. ‘ Du Bourg, Louis Guillaume Valentin. Officie propria pro Diocesi Ludovicensi. Illmi ac Rmi. D. Ludovici ' Guillelmi Du Bourg Episcopi ojusdem diocesis nee non Floridurum jussu edits. S. Ludovici, MDCCCXXI. Apud Jacobum Cummins. 513 p. 9 x 15 cm. [55] Reverse of title page contains a foreword, dated: "Datum S. Ludovici, die Septembris 20, 1821." MoSM. i Freemasons. Missouri. Grand Lodge. Constitution and by-laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons. With the proceedings previous, and subsequent to its organization: in regular order. St. Louis: Printed by William Orr. 1821. 16 p. 10.5 x 18.5 cm. (trimmed). [56] 1 NNFM. MBFM. ; Freemasons. Missouri. Grand Lodge. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri. St. Louis: October, A. L. 5821: W. Orr, Printer. 12 p. 11.5 x 20 cm. [37] PPFM. ICS. MBFM. ‘ a . 3‘ "1 \ 1':pr r} ‘ g- 19 . ‘3 Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. ' h E An Act for the relief of certain persons whose lands, bank stock, &c., have J - g been sold for taxes, and for other purposes. 1 1 3 p. 8vo. [38] 6 g This is a St. Louis imprint, being so indicated in the date line (a print— 1 ; ed form letter). 5 ‘ MO SLI- ] 2 1 E Messenger, John. I} A manual; or hand book, intended for convenience in practical surveying; 1 1{ containing some explanation of the tables of natural numbers, ... [39] ; E‘ Not located; title from Brackenridge, p. 296 (with imprint "St. Louis: 1 {9 William Orr, 1821”). , i i t ‘g 1 , Missouri. House of Representatives. ; i Journal of the House of Representatives of the Extra Session of the First ( {. General Assembly of the State of Missouri. Begun and held in the town of ( [ St. Charles, on Monday, the fourth day of June, in the year eighteen hun— i ‘ l dred and twenty—one. Saint Charles, (Missouri.) 1821. i 1 144 p. 11.5 x 19 cm.? [40] , j On last page: ”Wm. Orr, Printer.” 1 9: MoSL. MoHi. (photostat). ‘ J l r , Missouri. House of Representatives. ; V Journal of the House of Representatives the of [sic] State of Missouri, g f at the second session of the First General Assembly; began and held in ; i the town of St. Charles, on Monday, the 5th November, 1821. And of the J h independence of the United States, the forty—sixth. St. Charles: Print— 1 5 ed by Robert M'Cloud, Printed to the State. 1821. ; w 205 p. 13 x 19.5 cm.? [41] 1 j MoSL. MoHi (photostnt). Mg (2 copies, but lacking, respectively, title I ‘; page, p. 1—8, 193—end, and title page, p. 1—24, 199—end.) ' 4’ 1 1 Missouri. Laws, statutes, etc. 1 ' Acts of the First General Assembly of the State of Missouri, passed at ( , E a special session, began and held at the town of St. Charles, on Monday - a the fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun~ . “ 3 dred and twenty—one, and of the independence of the state of Missouri the 1 i first. St. Charles; Printed by R. M'Cloud, Printer to the State, 1821. ' .; 40, iii p. 15 x 23 cm. [42] 3 MoHi (2 copies). Mo. DLC. NNB. MoSHi. P. ICLaw. « i __ _—. __— ——___ __ ‘-——_5 r 7 The Missouri Primer; printed in the English and French languages, and 1 containing 80 pages, advertised as ”just completed and for sale by" two I J St. Louis book stores. Advertisement in the St. Louis Missouri Gazette ; , é Public Advertiser from March 28 until July 25, 1821. 43] . ’ ‘ Not located; title from Missouri Hist. Review, vol. 27, no. 4, July ; 1933, p. 378. 1 1 5 § , J , 'iw . , 21 g 1 Missouri. Senate. g Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri, at the first session of 1 the first General Assembly: began and held in the town of St. Louis, Mon~ é day, the 18th September, 1820 and of the independence of the United States, % the forty—fifth. St. Charles: Printed by Robert M‘Cloud, Printer to the 2 State. 1821. E 172 p. 14 x 22 cm. [44] g MoSL. MoHi. (p. 25—168 of original; other pages in photostat). g t Missouri. Senate. t Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri, at the second session of E the First General Assembly; began and held in the town of St. Charles, on t Monday, the 5th November, 1821. And of the independence of the United 1 States, the 46th. St. Louis, MO. Printed by J. C. Cummins, at the Office , of the Missouri Gazette. 1821. A 216 p. 15.5 x 20 cm. [45] ; Contains also (p. 212—213) the journal of the "Extra Session of the first General Assembly of the State of Missouri, begun and held at the town of ‘ St. Charles, the temporary seat of Government, on Monday the 4th day of 3 June in the year 1821.” The journal of the regular second session is then [ concluded on p. 214~216. : MoSL. Mg. MoHi (photostat). . The St. Louis Directory and Register, containing the names, professions, and residence of all the heads of families and persons in business; to— i gather with descriptive notes on St. Louis; the Constitution of the U. ‘ States, and State of Missouri; with other useful information. By John ' A. Paxton, for several years editor of the Philadelphia Directory and ‘ Register. St. Louis: Printed for the publisher. Price $1. 1821. 1 p. 1., [4]; [48]; [14] [38] p. 10.5 x 18 cm. [46] No.imprint. Preface_dated St. Louis, May 26, 1831. MOSHi c Umphraville, Angus. - Missourian lays, and other western ditties. By Angus Umphraville, author 1 of ”The Siege of Baltimore, and other original poems.” St. Louis: Printed ’ by Isaac N. Henry & Co. At the Enquirer Office. 1831. 72 p. 9 x 14.5 cm. (trimmed). [47] - Mo SM. 9. Wetmore, Alphonso. The podlar; a farce in three acts. Written for the St. Louis Thespians, by whom it was performed with gre t applause. By Alphonso Wetmore, Pay— master in the army of the United States. Published by John Paxton. St. Louis: Printed for the publisher, by William Orr, at the Register Office. Price fifty cents. 18J1. 34, [2] p. 10 x 14.