xt71ns0kwf4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kwf4r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-01-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 2005 2005 2005-01-13 2020 true xt71ns0kwf4r section xt71ns0kwf4r Thursday

January 13, 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree. Subsequent Issues 25 cents.


Celebrating 33 years of independence


Fly on
the Wall



"A." 53 (ii ill

Page 6


Armed robbers break in to UK students’ apartment

By Dariush Shaia

Five people. four of them UK
students. were victims of a home
invasion robbery early yesterday

Four men wearing black sweat-
shirts. ski masks and gloves and
carrying shotguns knocked on the
door of an apartment on Crescent
Avenue at midnight. After 20 min-
utes in the apartment. they duct-
taped their captives‘ hands and feet
before leaving with money. cell
phones and some electronics.

Justin Wides. 22. who is not a
UK student; Jesse Leach. an unde-
clared freshman: and Stu Steene. a
communication junior. live in the
apartment and were there at the
time of the incident. Ryan Fister.
20. of Colorado. was visiting and
Leach's girlfriend. who was not
named. was also at the apartment.
Another roommate. undeclared
sophomore Justin Woodward. was

not home when the robbery oc-

No one was injured in the robe

Fister said he was sleeping on
the couch in living room and an-
swered a knock on the door. When
he opened the door. he said one
man placed a shotgun to his stom~
ach. grabbed his neck and ordered
him onto the ground Three other
men entered and then ordered l-‘is-
ter to wake anyone else who was
there. Fister said.

Fister said he attempted to wake
Wides. and when he did not answer
his locked door. the intruders
kicked it open. Wides said. They
also broke open Woodward‘s locked
door. Woodward said. although he
was not home at the time. They
then ordered the five onto the
ground. Wides said.

“They were pretty rough to get
us oii the ground." Wides said.
“Once we were on the ground they
weren't rough at all."

The four intruders eventually
made off with cash. four cell
phones. a digital camera. a catn-
corder, a watch. a Palm Pilot and
Fister's wallet. FlSlt‘I' said they also
took his keys but did not steal his

Wides said he believed he'd met
one of the intruders before.

“One of them sounded familiar.
like a friend of a friend of a
friend.“ Wides said. suspecting he
may have remembered him from a
party. “At least one of them had
)een here before.

After gathering up the stolen
items and money. the men bound
the five‘s hands and feet with duct

“They didn‘t do it very well."
Wides said. “(It took) less than a
minute (to free ourselves) and then
we called the police."

Police arrived within minutes
anti Woodward said police took
some evidence from the apartment
and dusted his computer for finger-

But after the ordeal. the emo~
tions have not faded.

"(We're) just pretty pissed off
angry," Wides said. “For all the
trouble they went to get some cash
and some phones. it was too much.

Woodward said it was unnerv~
ing because of how busy the neigh-
borhood is.

"There's always people walking
around here." he said.

The robbery at Crescent Avenue
is the third home invasion in a
week. The first took place Thursday
on Hartston Drive and ended with
the homeowner being shot several
times and the robbers escaping
with an undetermined amount of
cash. The second robbery occurred
Sunday on Post Oak Road when
multiple armed robbers entered the
home and escaped with jewelry and
an undetermined amount of cash.

Woodward said their landlord is
planning to install a peephole in the
door and more lights around the

apartment building.

“We're going to be more cau-
tious about opening the door."
Woodward said. "It’s kinda scary
that this can happen.”

In the apartment next door.
John Lansden. an agriculture eco-
nomics senior. and his friends were
playing cards and watching televi-
sion but were unaware that any-
thing had happened.

“We didn't even hear about it
until this morning." Lansden said.
“(We'll) just lock the doors more."

Sgt. Pete Ford with Lexington
Police's robbery unit. said police
are going to keep a closer eye on the
area as well as asking the public for
any help at all in solving this crime.
He said residents should lock their
doors and check through a peep-
hole or a window before answering
the door.

“If you see something suspi-
cious or any unusual activity." he
said. “don‘t hesitate to call police."

E-mail dshafata kykernel. com


Rondo drives

Cats to win
over Vandy

By Ben Roberts

THE rtmucxv mm

Pass it.

Those seemed to be the otin two
words out of Tubby Smith's mouth last

With his Cats coming off their
worst shooting performance of the sea-
son in Sunday's loss to No. 2 Kansas.
the UK head coach clearly thought
more passing would lead to better

He was right.

The Cats
knocked down 58
percent of their
field goal at-
tempts. their best
effort of the sea-
son. and defeated
the visiting Van-
derbilt Coni-
modores 69-54
last night at Rupp

Junior for-
ward Kelenna
Azubuike said he and his teammates
had no problem hearing Smith's pleas
from the court.

“He would just yell ‘pass the ball‘ a
lot." he said. “No matter how loud it is
in there you can still hear him."

Freshman guard Rajon Rondo went
eight-of—ll from the field to score a ca-
reer~high 18 points. and he added four
rebounds and four assists to lead lIK
(11-2. 2-0 SEC) offensively.

Roiido‘s playmakiiig ability in the
halfcourt offense enabled his team-
mates to get several open looks
throughout the game. He continually
penetrated to the basket. which forced
the Vanderbilt defenders to collapse on
him and leave their defensive assign

“I thought Rajon really controlled
the game." Smith said. “He has the
ability to do that both on the offensive
and defensive ends.

“He can really explode to the has-
ket. We just asked him to be more age
gressive and drive as deep as he

Senior forward Chuck Hayes shot
five-of-eight from the field and four-of
five from the free throw line for 14
points. Most of his opportunities came
in the paint as a result of Rondo's peti-

“It helps a lot (when he‘s penetrate
ing)." Hayes said. “When you‘ve got a
kid like Rajon. with his speed and his
passing. you can only get excited be-
cause you know it‘s coming."

Rondo and the rest of the UK start-
ing lineup showed a complete shooting
turnaround after combining to go it-
of-52 from the floor in the Kansas loss.

The five starters hit 24 of their 39
field goal attempts last night. account-
ing for 63 of UK's 69 points.

From the start of the game. the
Cats passed the ball several times be-
fore shooting on almost every possess
sion. working the shot clock to single
digits until an open look presented it-

Smith said he and his staff ptit
more emphasis on passing in the prac-
tices since the Kansas game.

“We wanted to pass the ball more"
Smith said. “We made it a point (in
practice) that nobody was going to
dribble until he passed the ball."

The more disciplined offense held
UK to just 45 field goal attempts. one
less than the previous seasonlow of 46
in the 6058 win over Louisville.

”I thought
Rajon (Rondo)
really con-
trolled the

Tubby Smith

UK head coach

Freshman guard
Rajon Rondo
looks to pass
around Vander-
bilt's Demarre
Carroll in last
night's 69-54
win over the
Rondo finished
the game with a
career-high l8
points on eight-
ot-li shooting for
the Cats.

”“1"“ PM |

Blood substitute in city
‘ may lower mortality rates

By Becky Hall


Lexington ambulances
began carrying PolyHeme
Dec. 14 as UK continued its
participation in ongoing clin-
ical testing of the blood sub-

PolyHeme. manufactured
by Northfield Laboratories
Inc. of Evanston. 111.. has the
ability to carry oxygen and is
universally compatible to all
blood types. potentially a1-
lowing emergency workers to
keep patients alive during
cases of massive blood loss.

“We expect we will
change mortality significant-
ly by administering Poly-
Henie in the field." said Dr.
Andrew Bernard. a general
surgeon at UK and the trial‘s
principal investigator.

Bernard said 10 Lexing-
ton ambulances are now car~
rying PolyHeme in addition
to several emergency vehie
cles in surrounding Ken
tucky counties. ()ne George-
town ambulance has carried
PolyHeme for more than a
year but has yet to enroll any
patients in the study

“Currently we haven't en-
rolled any patients because
none have met the criteria."
said Duane Lee. director of
(ler)rgetown-Scott (‘ounty
Emergency Medical Services
“However. I perceive that we
will enroll a couple of pa-
tients within the next year."

Lee said that besides be-
ing an adult trauma patient
with no prior stated objec-
tion or objection from family
members. possible candiv
dates for the study must also



SEC Scores

No.15 MlSSlSSlppl St. 63
Tennessee 64

South Carolina 64
Louisiana St. 79


Georgia 54
Mississippi 69

Florida 84
Auburn 78 OT

Vanderbilt (54)



NAME mt hra that "-1 rb tp
I'A .. . ~ " . 4 I ‘ u


* 1

Junior guard Patrick Sparks. who
went threeoffive from 3-point range
for ll points. said giving up shots to
make the extra pass was the key to
last night's win.

“We just tried to work it around a
make them play defense." Sparks
said. "I think we're starting to work
better as a unit and see where our
shots are going to come That‘s going
to help its in the long run "


Seven schools have requested
freshman guard .loe (‘rawford‘s traii
scripts from UK. team spokesman
Scott Sti‘icklin said

Michigan State. (‘lcmson. Ari
Iona. Kansas State. Pittsburgh. ()kla
homa and Illinois have all contacted
UK. he said.

Stricklin said he did not know it
(‘rawford has spoken with any of the
seven schools

(‘rawford left the team earlier this
week and plans to transfer


I'I-mml hroheris a Aykernel com

have a systolic blood pres»
sure below 91) and no clearly
mortal injuries

Because this is a blind in
a1. patients who do meet all
criteria have a no no chance
of receiving PolyHeme.
Those who do not receive
PolyHeme will be adminis-
tered saline solution. the cur
rent foriii of treatment. until
they arrive at the hospital.
()ncc admitted to the hospi
tal. PolvHeme patients will
continue to receive the blood
substitute for up to l3 hours.
Bernard said.

Patients receiving saline
will be administered proper
saline or blood transfusions
to boost oxygen levels.

Bernard said that in
many ways PolyHeme is su-
perior to human blood.

“People who have re-
ceived more than six units of
blood run the risk of organ
failure. With PolyHeme we
have seen an overall im-
provement in the patient (in
hospital trials).” Bernard
said. “The most severe side
effect we've seen with Poly-
Heme is a rash."

()ther benefits of Poly-
Heme include a shelf~life of
more than a year compared
to six weeks for blood. and
because it is purified. the
chance of transmitting a
virus to a patient through
PolyHeme is one in several
billion units. Bernard said.

If the nationwide trial
provides evidence of the ben-
efit and safety of PolyHeme.
its possible uses are wide-

“If it becomes marketable
it can potentially benefit
many situations where there
is a need to restore oxygen
carrying capacity in blood
when no blood is available."
he said. He cited the possible
use of PolyHeme in small or
rural hospitals where limited
amounts of blood are avail-
able. as well as on battlefields
and in cases of natural disas-

Bernard said community
response has been over-
whelmingly supportive of
the study

[local emergency workers
are also upbeat about the

(‘huck Fowler. battalion
chief for the Lexington Fire
Department. said PolyHeme
will be more beneficial than
saline fluid in the field and
allow emergency workers to
treat patients more effective-
ly in the critical moments be-
fore they reach a hospital.

"()ur men and women are
excited to do something so
cutting edge. something that
has such potential to benefit
people." he said.

neu'sui kykernel. com

K-Lair diners now have option
of sandwich to honor employee

By Elizabeth Troutman

Four years ago. K-l.air
manager Doug McKenzie
said he spent hours sitting in
his newly renovated office
looking out a window facing
the line of customers. After
the renovation. he wanted to
make sure that he was still
able to greet the students as
they passed in the line.

“You see. I have this win-
dow of the World." he said.
looking otit from that desk.
“They (students) knock all
the time. I said I wanted to
see everyone that goes
though here. but i don't want



to hear every order.“

Now students won't have
to wait in line to see him.

After nearly 35 years of
service. McKenzie is being
honored with his own sand-
wich called "The McKenzie.“
A 63-foot cardboard cutout of
5-foot9 McKenzie has been
designed to promote the new
sandwich at the entrance of
the grill.

“Actually our executive
director. Jeff (DeMoss). came
up with the idea." he said of
the sandwich. “He couldn't
give me a raise. so he gave
me a sandwich."

The McKenzie is a quar-
ter pound of beef with ham.



 PAGE 2 | Thursday, Jan. 13. 2005

By Shannon Mason


Boulevard Centro. a development
com any focused exclusively on ur-
ban ousing. is bringing new. trendy
condos to Lexington.

The company has two work sites
in Lexington: Center Court. which is
located at the intersection of South
Upper Street and Euclid Avenue. and
City Courts, located on South Mar-
tin Luther King Boulevard.

The Center Court project con-
sists of three phases. Phase one will
see the com letion of 72 condos.

“This ase is expected to be
com leted y sprin 2006.“ said (.‘ar-
rie ear. director 0 sales and mar-
ketin . “The entire area should be
comp eted within a year of that."

Lear also said that the majority
of the condos would be residential.
but some will be open for business-

The condos in Center Court will
have open loft floor plans. 10-foot
ceilings. at least two cable connec‘
tions and bamboo flooring in the
main living areas. The building will
be secured and have private parking
in a parking deck attached to the
building. Some condos will feature

private balconies.

The City Court condos also fea—
ture open loft floor plans and 10foot
ceilin s. Covered parking will be
provi ed in a basement arking
garage. and each condo will ave ex-
pans‘ive wmdows.

Final prices have not been set.
but Lear estimated the condos will
start at 3125.000.

Although the condos are not be-
ing marketed to a particular group.
Lear said they have had interest ex-
pressed by some groups more than

“We've had the most interest
from graduate students." Lear said.
“not really (undergraduate) college

She also said people who work
downtown or work at UK may be in-
terested in the condos since the sites
are only blocks away

Boulevard Centro also has other
apartments and townhouses in the
South Hill area in Lexington and ob-
tained the Center Court location to
add to the sense of community

“We wanted to create a big neigh-
borhood." she said.

E—mail neu’su kykernelrom

oi“ .’
y I

ment pTOlClIS






' 3mm than I snrr
Boulevard Centro work crews demolish areas near South Upper Street and Euclid Avenue
(left) and S. Martin Luther King Boulevard to make way for new housing developments.




An article in
Wednesday‘s Ker-
nel incorrectly
stated the results
of a vote at Tues-
day’s Lexington-
Fayette Urban
County Council
meeting. The mea-
sure against con—
demnation of Ken—
Water Co. passed
with a 9-6 vote.





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Jan. 13, 2005

Hillary Canada
Asst.Features Editor
Phone: 257‘I9l5


TOp picks for keeping wallet and stomach full

The solace of win-
ter break is over, and I
believe we‘re all a bit
worse for wear. Sleep-
ing well into mid-af-
ternoon, stuffing our-
selves with home»
cooked meals and for-
getting what day it is
without the constant
reminder of exams
and other deadlines
has gotten us out of
the daily grind.

Lethargy is to be-
come a thing of the
past as we look upon four more months
of school before a much—anticipated
summer break. Among the things to
look forward to: waking up early. walk-
ing in the cold to class. and emptying
our wallets for textbooks. All. of course.
in pursuit of higher learning.

Therefore. as school commences
once again (and all of us with undoubt-
edly lean budgets). I‘ve chosen to just
reacquaint you all with the places I took
a look at last semester. Don't worry
this is in the simplest possible format.
and there won't be a pop quiz afterward.

The Rosebud

The Rosebud is still having dit‘iiculty
with their bathrooms. I've had my pant



Manuel Bowling of Lexington plays darts at The

legs rolled like Huck Finn more than
once just to wade through the water
that collects on the floor in one of the
bathrooms. The other john is better, but
only available to those who dish out the
new weekend cover of $5.

The cover does. however. add the
benefits of faster bar service and a
shorter line in a cleaner bathroom on
the Scarlet Lounge side. though I recom-
mend showing up on a weekday to take
advantage of the cheap beer, decent
crowds and no cover charge. Located at
121 Mill St.

Mellow Mushroom

The restaurant offers excellent pizza
and hoagies in a great. unconventional
environment but its slightly higher-
than- average food and drink prices may
detract some. Located at 503 8. Upper St.

The Grand

A few months ago. it didn‘t appear
that this place would be open much
longer. Well. word must have gotten out
about their pool tables. foosball. arcade
games. good drinks and great size be-
cause the crowd has picked up. giving
The Grand some new life. This is a defl-
nite hangout for friends. but it‘s easy to
find someone to mingle with. Located at
148 Grand Blvd.

Kashmir Indian Restaurant

Kashmir hasn't changed dramatical-
ly, but some effort can be seen in its ap-
pearance. While it still has a dark. un-
welcoming entrance and the dinner
menu cart be considered a bit pricey.
show up for lunch and the cost is about
$6 for good. nice sized entrees. Located
at 341 S. Limestone St.

C.J.'s Sports Tavern

You can't really screw up a sports
bar if you have food. beer. some games.
and as many TVs as C .J.‘s. If you want
to catch all w and I mean all v of the
action in a low-key neighborhood sports
bar. this is definitely your place. Just be

‘ autumnal sun
Damon Coates flips gizza dough at Mellow Mush-
room, located at 50 S Upper St

prepared to drive to the outskirts of
town (Hartland Parkway: which is off
Tates Creek Road past Man O‘War
Boulevard) to enjoy such amenities. L0-
cated at 4750 Hartland Parkway
Lynagh's Puh
Lynagh‘s is a staple for an eclectic
assortment of punks. grunge
devotees.and the artistically inclined.
This leads to some interesting. story-
telling patrons that you may encounter
, all part of the fun. Mohawks. leather
jackets. and hippies are a hoot when the
drinks start flowing. but preppy snobs
should look elsewhere for a good time.
Located at 384 Woodland Ave.
features a Irykernelcom


Workshop provides forum for edible art

By Doug Scott


For anyone who was scolded as a
child for playing with their food. the
Living Arts and Science Center will
host a workshop this weekend allowing
aspiring food sculptors a chance to in-
dulge in a new artistic medium: Choco-

The workshop will be held this Sat
urday at the Living Arts and Science
Center from 10 am. until 3 pm. and will
allow participants to create chocolate

“There are many different things to
do with chocolate." said Heather Lyons.
director of the Living Arts and Science
Center. “You can carve the chocolate or
melt it down and put it back together."

Lyons said the total amount of
chocolate used at the workshop will de-

pend on how many people register for
the class.

“We‘ll probably use anywhere from
one to four pounds of chocolate per per-
son.‘ Lvons said.

The chocolate sculpture workshop
costs $45‘t‘or center members and $55
for non-members. Participants must
register with the Living Arts and Sci-
ence Center this week. Anyone age nine
and older is welcome to participate in
the workshop.

“Any age in there is fine." Lyons

' said. “I think it will be a lot of fun."

The artwork created at this week-
end's workshop will be eligible for dis-
oplay at the 15th Annual H‘Artful of Fun
at the Lexington Radisson on Jan. 21.
H‘Artful of Fun is a fundraiser for the
center that features desserts by more
than 30 top chefs. Workshop students


Dr. Suzannah Rich

( )ptomcttists

illJIul ll|\lll( \\.|| \1.m «>11 \ItllUiJsHilt' Rti \1.tn OW."


- t nniprciu'nxnc | \c
t .m-

- (‘untatt [um-x

' lrcatmcnt ut L‘Vi‘
Lllll‘killill .ind l)l\t‘1l\('\

3 ' \X'.1Ik ins \X'clminc

concern tutu


It you go...

What Chocolate Sculpture Workshop

Whem 10 am. to 3 pm. Saturday

Where: The Living Arts and Science Center. 362
N. Martin Luther King Blvd.

How much: $45 for LASC members. $55 for non-

Who: Ages 9 to adult

How to register: Call the Living Arts and Sci-
ence Center at 252-5222 or 252-2284 (Master-
Card and Visa accepted)




will also be able to purchase H‘Artful of
Fun tickets for $25.

“All the artwork is edible."
said. “it‘s edible art.“


(Iscott u kylrernelcom



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Jan. 13. 2005


Editorial Board

Emily Hagedorn. Editor in chief

Andrew Martin, Opinions editor

Ben Roberts. Asst. Opinions editor

Rebecca Neal, Asst. managing editor for news


Steve lvey, managing editor

Brenton Kenkel, Copy desk chief
Sara Cunningham, Projects editor
Tim Wiseman, Sports editor



Negligence, arrogance and powerful
politicians hungry for even more authority
are making what should have been a cut-
and-dry race for a state Senate seat into an

embarrassment for all Kentuckians.
Last Friday, the GOP-controlled

tucky state Senate decided to seat Republi-
can Dana Seum Stephenson. who defeated
her Democratic opponent Virginia Wood-
ward by a little more than 1,000 votes in last
November's election for the 37th district.

There's one problem.

Stephenson did not have legal residency
in Kentucky for six years preceding the elec-
tion. which is a requirement for state sena-
tors under the state constitution. She lived

in Indiana from 1997 to 2001.

Woodward filed a lawsuit the day before
the election challenging Stephenson‘s eligi-
bility, which a Jefferson County judge heard
and sided with Woodward. The Jefferson
County Board of Elections agreed with the
judge‘s decision. and certified Woodward as

the winner of the Senate seat.

but they didn‘t.

That alone should have been enough for
the senators in Frankfort to seat Woodward.

Senate skirmish a constitutional crisis

seated. A State Senator since 1990, Leeper
was so disgusted with the handling of the
situation he threatened to resign his own

seat. He has since said he


Instead. a nine-mem-
ber special committee
was formed to recom-
mend to the Senate which
candidate should be given
the seat - it voted that
Woodward was the right-


ful winner.

But that wasn‘t
enough either.

The Senate instead
voted 20-16 to seat

Stephenson. ignoring the

Seating Stephenson in the

Senate only furthers GOP

interests and does nothing
to help citizens of the



officials in Jefferson
County and its own spe~
cial committee.

The only member who did not vote along
party lines was Republican Sen. Bob Leeper
of Paducah. who said Woodward should be


will only leave the Repub-
lican Party and become
an independent.

But Leeper seems to
be the only GOP senator
more concerned with the
integrity of the Senate
than the well being of the

Reasons given by Re-
Stephenson deserved the
seat ranged from the fact
that she attended church
in Louisville while living
in Indiana to the revelation that she took
naps at her mother‘s house from time to

Naps? So if somebody from another state


spends the night at at Louisville Holiday Inn
are they also eligible to represent the 37th

The arrogance and utter lack of respect
for the Kentucky judicial system that Senate
President David Williams anti the other
GOP senators have displayed should con-
cern everyone living in this state. regardless
of party affiliation.

It is clear Williams wants Stephenson in
the Senate to give the Republicans 33 of the
38 seats, which would provide them with the
majority needed to pass a budget plan.

But by strengthening the political power
of both himself and ill‘s‘ party. Williams is
asking for a constitutional battle that has
the potential to tie tip the state legislature
and possibly the Kentucky Supreme Court
for an indefinite. and superfluous. period of

And another ineffective session front the
state legislature is something Kentuckians
simply cannot afford.

for why





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American space travel has universal appeal

Ugly political scandals. decadent me-
dia scandals. controversial movies and
the nastiest presidential election most
can remember 7 what
an awesome year!

But. what might
have made the year
even more interesting
was that despite the
destruction of the
space shuttle ('olum-
bia nearly two years
ago. 2004 saw multiple
fascinating steps to-
ward increasing hu-
man presence in space
someday. One prob-
lem: that news didn’t
get as high-profile coverage as the elec-
tion. two weird people surnamed “Jack
son" and other twisted-reality TV shows.

Part of it is bad public relations on
NASA‘s part. Space travel needs to look
cool again to a nation that likes to be en-
tertained. In short. NASA needs a Steve

One year ago. President Bush ad-
dressed NASA at its headquarters in
Washington. DC For those who forgot or
missed it. Bush echoed John F.
Kennedy‘s call to journey to the moon.
calling for NASA to regrottp and reorga-
nize after the Columbia disaster and im-
plement a vision toward returning to the
moon: first with robots. then with hu»
mans by at least 2020.

So why didn't more people think.
“Hey! Wouldn't another moon landing be
great?" Isn‘t anyone jealous of our ances-
tors because they got to see the first lu»
nar landing but we missed it? And don‘t
more Americans want to answer Tom-
Hanks-as-Jim-Lovell‘s question at the
end of Apollo 13: When will we return to
the moon? Or travel to other worlds?

I thought humanity liked Other
Worlds. We read books about other



xttttitt couiimsr


worlds. Half of all tnovie trailers seem to
begin with the phrase “in a world where

But maybe people are reluctant to go
out and actually explore other worlds be-
cause that takes money And sure. many
complained when they found out Bush
wanted to start increasing NASA‘s bud-
get just a little every year.

Liberals thought we should use the
money for drugs. education. health care.
blah blah blah. the usual. Meanwhile.
sotne conservatives thought it would be
stupid to consider spending money on
rocket ships when We‘ve got terrorists to

I don‘