xt71ns0kwf9p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kwf9p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 2007 2007 2007-02-05 2020 true xt71ns0kwf9p section xt71ns0kwf9p H O G WI LD Cats come from behind to beat Women’s diving wins
Arkansas in Fayetteville Saturday .
SEC title Page A8



M( )Nl)/\\



Soccer player arrested in rape case

By Jonathan Smith

ismitn@kykernel corn

FEBRUARY 3, ltttl?‘



party and a club Saturday night hetore rer Monroe also said that the accusei's
turning to the sister's room in Blaridiiig
Tower where the rape tools place. Monroe
\‘dltl. The \ictiiii‘s sister and her roommate
were iii the room when the rape occurred.
Monroe said. naiiie '\ ictitiis ot se\ual ctiiiies

Monroe couldn't confirm whether al Police iderititied Strong as a \U\PC\T
cohol was insolycd htit said "there's alr attci interyiewing the warm and two.
ways that possibility." witnesses. Monroe said

Police w ere notified about the rape he lorriicr l'ls' soccer player Matt
tween Ill and I] Saturday night by l'ls' \lcx\ll‘lllc also declined to comment
Hospital where the warm had a se\ual C\.tllllllilr ahout the case hut said. ”Strong is a great guy.
tioii done. great friend. iandi real respecttul "

Since the \ictim is a minor. Monroe said the po» Strong played iii ll games tor the Cats this
lice department is not going to release her name season He scored tour goals and had two assists

., . Mg
«é ‘ Ea “is
.4" wide; . . ~~atVI : ‘

This is a challenge ofour generation that‘s been ignored by pre—
Bm. Ni mid the Us itii pm. \ious generations. This is our small step in trying to put ['K in the

gram for incoming freshmen and , _ , ,,
founded the Emerging Leader lnsti— rIU‘ht (TIFCCtKHl
tute. b

Betts started the Games Center in
WK} to offer a unique program to fos-
ter appreciation for the humanities. ac-
cording to the center‘s Web site. Betts
used a SSlNltltitl gift from John and
Joan Gaines of Lesington. to restore
three houses on Maswell Street to
house the Gaines Center

Gaines Fellows. students selected
for the two-year prograrii following a
rigorous application process. take a
specially designed class hoth semes-
ters of their Junior year and complete
an independent study project their se»
nior year.

[K has had more than 3M) (iaines
Fellows. and another I: or so students
will be selected for the fellow ship this

Dan Rowland. director ot the
(iaines Cetiter. said Betts was a men-
tor to him when he first came to l'K's
history department.

"Ray had an ama/ing iniagiria
tion." Rowland said. “I think that’s
what particularly set hirii apart as a

Rowland also said Betts' llt\ttl\t‘*
ment in the (iaincs (‘enter has been
Vital to ER.

“He has enriched my life and all
the lives of the faculty who hate
taught here and the students who hayc
learned here." Rowland said.

See Betts

UK teacher
for film on

By John Crowall

sister's name is not being released be
cause it “would directly link the ni\criile
to her sistct H

It is the policy ot the Kernel not to

A UK soccer player was arrested last tiiglit on
charges of first-degree rape after a 17-year-old
girl reported \hi w'as se\ually assaulted at Bland:
ing Tower. said Mai. Joe Monroe with l'ls’ police.

Michael Alexander Strong. a 21-year~old junior
from San Antonio. Texas. w as arrested around 8'30
pm. at his off—campus residence last night.

The rape occurred between .1 and 4 31) a m.
Saturday. Monroe said. The warm. who is from
out—of-state. was \isiting her sister. an lS-years
old student at [K and a Blanding Tower resident.

The \ictim. her sister and Strong were at a

dies at 81

By Jill Lastor
ilastenakvkernet com


The father of the (iaines Program.
Raymond F. Betts. a man with an
“amazing iinagination"died Friday at
the UK (‘handler
Medical Center. He
was 81.

Betts worked at
UK from l971 un«
til his retirement in
IQQX. In his 27
years at the univer-
sity. Betts ser\ ed in
a Variety of roles.
including history
professor and di—
rector of the Honors Program.



Niles Barnes, cacoordinator of Green Thumb, an environmental student
great) on campus






-. iiaiie A4


UK, students struggle to work together for sustainability

By Emily Cooven "We ha\ c a tespoiisihility to do as

should li.i\ ; ficeie
last \larili IiJ t'L‘lst'll' .,i .otau
students apiirizyct! .:il m. it‘:

dent tees 'o hclt‘ priiirii-tc

much as we can.” \\ isemaii said
.-\iid [is has a \cstcd interest in
doing as much as it can
Sustainahility etlorts sa\e encigw


Few people thinls twise aheut

switching on a light. changing the green energy out i:-'t‘-'


['K eriipioyee ('hristine Amerman
recently hecame a nationally-awarded
tilmmalter for her work on a suhiect that
is near and dear to the hean of l.e\'ing-
ton‘ thoroughbreds.

The National Educational Tcleconi
munications Association awarded
Amerman the Best Biography [)wu.
mentary Award for 2007. The award
was giyen for her work in the tilm “Life
With Passion‘ Raising ligy ptian~Arahr
an Horses." where Amerman explores
the ancient breed of horses

The lilm has already won a Telly for
best documentary The Telly Award
honors excellence in local. regional and
cable television. The documentary origa
inally aired on the PBS afliliate in (‘en-
tral Texas. KWBl '.

Amernian made “Life With Pas-
sion" as her thesis proiect for her mas»
ter‘s degree at Baylor t'niyersity in
Waco. Texas. She worked for \l\
months full-time on the 30-minute film
and was proud of her accomplishment
when it was completed.

See Film on page M

therriiostat or flashing a toilet and resources. tlicrehy s.i\ he the

But to some students and stall on
campus. the toriscnation hehirid these
eyeryday actiyities makes them lltlr
portant to [Rs sustaii‘iahihty efforts

"We don‘t tell our story. so people
think we're not doing much." said l'K
spokesman .lay Blanton on sustain
ahrlity at [K

The uniyersity has heen working
seriously to imprme sustainability
since “the late '70s. early 'Xtts"
through electrical energy (Uliscfldr
tton. w .iter consenatiori. better torms
of transportation and promoting "or
ganic" farming. said Bob Wiseman.
\ice president for Facilities Manage

First issue has. Subscqusnt issues 25 cents.

school money in the process_ \\l\i‘
riian said With .iii annual utility hill or
‘8‘" million. l'K has iriiplemciited
small and large proictts to sa\e an
latitli stiles

Hut man's students on camp-a». .cr
guc that despite l'ls' s eltotts, not
enough is being done

Potential strident tundiiig to: s.:s
taitialiility ettoits i‘l:.ill|/s‘tl lo 'llt
student group (ireeii lllllltll‘ was iii‘
down to 1K three wcelss ago

“It was a huge disappointment
said \ilcs Hat'llt‘s. (ireeri lliunih to
toordiiiator and political sticncc ~e
nior "I don't lecl like it was tala n
into act ount with as much w eight as l'

tiillll. passed in: 1hr \‘ttdci'
tttcttl t‘lt‘c'llttts “alto! ~.\w:ihl
g‘etteratcd al‘nti' *1 “UNI
lhree \yecss ago liowucr l l\
adiiiiiiistra'ors denied the rctciz'iidu'i'
llllt‘t‘ ti.t\\ Mile“ l'tt' lt'l‘lt‘li ‘\ it‘
l‘tv'\ltit'lll --r s‘itttciit it' i.is Tw'fll
(itccii ll'ttlll‘ii" Iltt this is 'hcir pt 'l‘tl‘al
for tir'iki‘rsity itll‘itllltL' wivuai not _'.i
l‘s’lt‘lt‘ li‘it' liiiiitti 0' lt'lis't‘t“
(ircct‘i ll‘...it l~ won ii in ~\ i'av'
tttiitti'iit ftitiia
"\\e wort"

lion would ywvxafe ilt’ltili‘}' etitiai ti-


'he money tha' .eti' fies would
have :i\en lts‘ lialll'." said
'l' seeir‘s 'ti.iii=t:otts that stir. i mild

Green ":2 A3

There is a long list r if things we are (it )ing

now and tw'ottld like to do in the future.“
Bob Wiseman, Vice presrdent for Facilities Management at UK

Newsroom: 757 '975. Advertising: 257-2872



By Linda C Black

To get the attractagie check the
days rating 70 3s the eas est 37.33 L7
the most t.‘0dl.lt"’lt]l.'lg

Anes llVlarch Z“: Aplii 9 lndas ‘3
~ As the day goes .3'3 the yfl‘
nets at liiilt l)! easui S 3': you
have the s3<3lis .3'3 3 aut' in. '31s 33.

them '3'3 '3'3 is Sh3w 1’333 the :i'
of hugs, "ti 3o<3 33 3 in Mt " . .
gratification Mate s't3t3‘3‘: {was M :2 3 A I

Gemm: lMay 2‘3 June 2‘. iniiy s
ploratory proura 33 But not al3 you

can about w 33‘ s mom 33"31 ‘th.
"tut”! ‘i C0815, Uil‘i 33. y‘yil t3:‘-{"tl

PAGE All Monday, February 51 200]


























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ate this information

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'33t3t33t at one r3t3t s and st 3333! 333 33d
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.. ,j .‘3 .-
‘t .333l‘. 1

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There's too much co33fu83on now

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3233al3enge 3s how to do it all .3'331 still day is a 6 Keep learning as fast

l l'lt‘ L353 YOU can, (ll

your own time
Somethmg that starts out as a hot)
7 {3y brings more than satisfaction

“Etltilti oe esoeually lucrative to
marrow and the next day.


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'3.3t33 t’li' contusion


'lxrs - ‘ x ‘ 3‘ V
1. 3t:\' \‘Hl'3'i 'ltttl' ‘i

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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ Q'


Dawson's Creek. Pieces of April.
Remember when Holmes had a
career? So does she — and she's


we Dis... ready to be an actress again

In Paris for fashion Week
28— year- -old Katie Holmes
lunched on a fresh truffle salad
alongside BFF Victoria Beck-
ham on January 23 at luxe
restaurant Le Voltaire. "She has
an inner glow.“ manager An—
tonic Picot told Us afterward.
“She‘s a beautiful woman ——
stunning." After a meal punctu-
ated with excited gossip ("They
were laughing and making sure
no one else could hear them."
says Picot). the friends parted
ways. Following a wardrobe
change at her almost $4.000—a-
night suite at the George V ho-
tel. Holmes was off on a shop—
ping expedition for her nearly
Ill—rnonth-old daughter. Suri.
who was back home in the Unit—
ed States. At baby couture store
Baghere. she picked out more
than S! l .000 worth of dresses.
some silk. in various sizes. Store
employee Annie Houplain tells
Us. "Babies grow out of their
clothes so quickly; Katie wanted
Suri to be able to enjoy them for
as long as possible."

And Holmes. more than
ever. may be aware of the im-
portance of capitalizing on the
moment. With the birth of Suri
and her whirlwind wedding to
Tom Cruise. 44. behind her.
Holmes is realizing that private
jets and five~figurc shopping
sprees won't keep her once-
promising career afloat. A Janu~
ary 26 story in The Wall Street
Journal questioned the star's
bankability (her Q Score shows
that. over two years. she has be—
come nearly twice as recognil»
able , but less likable). The ar-
ticle also broke the news that
she would not be reprising her

district attorney role in The
Dark Knight. the sequel to the
2005 film Batman Begins. (A
rep for Holmes blames schedul—
ing conflicts and tells Us. "Katie
is in the process of negotiating
her next movie") And on Janu—
ary 2o. Holmes was spotted tak—
ing meetings at the high-pow-
ered Creative Artists Agency —«
which reps her husband W to
"map out a new career plan."
according to the Journal.
Holmes herself reportedly told
friends. “I‘m resuming my
movie career once our daughter
reaches her first birthday."


As that April milestone ap—
proaches. Holmes is considering
a part in the comedy Mad Mon-
ey, which begins filming in
April. lt‘s low—budget. but other
talents who are likely to do the
film are Queen Latifah. Diane
Keaton and director Callie
Khouri. who wrote Thelma &
Louise. A Holmes source adds
that the actress is holding out for
the right role. "Katie is very in-
dependent." the insider tells L's.
"She really wants to choose a

character that she hasn‘t done
Besides. just because

Holmes hasn't been on a film set
doesn‘t mean she has ignored
her prospects. The source says
Holmes “is always looking for
scripts and novels to option. and
she‘s been watching movies and
researching directors she would
like to work with."

Still. this is Hollywood.
where out—oflwork actresses are
often yesterday‘s news. Holmes‘
last movie. Thank You for

Smoking was released in March
2006 7 when she was eight
months pregnant. Speculation
has sw irlcd about the controlling
nature of Cmise *2 as well as
his involvement with the contro—
versial Church of Scientology
- and whether that has impact-
ed his wife's options. but a
source close to the actress tells
Us. "Tom is incredibly support—
ive. He will support any deci-
sion she makes regarding her ca-
reer." One intriguing possibility:
Holmes is considering a book
deal (which could be anything
from a tell~all to a children’s
book). an industry source tells

Good Life

Still. Holmes. unlike other
actresses on the rise. has the
leisure to pick and choose her
next project and not struggle
from paycheck to paycheck. The
role in the Batman sequel would
have earned her a reported pay»
day of 3! million to $2 million

~ but. hey. her husband camed
an estimated $67 million last

And Holmes has clearly
mastered the role of high—profile
celebrity wife. She and Cruise
haye cultiyated an A- list circle
of international celebrity pals
(see TomKat. s Power ( lique
right). for example. David and
Victoria Beckham are scheduled
to be their guests in Miami on
February 4 for an invitation»on|y
Super Bowl party at the Boost
Mobile Villa presented by radio
station 790 The Ticket.

CUP‘anGrit 2337 its Misti



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just not 3

some of
gy," sucl
ate wini.
for wate

the 2|st

the issu
week b
the trus
the pro

fees at
new pri

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and W!
gone f7
a fee ir
"i feel
new fc
fund th
that st3
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Continued from page 1

Just not do it.” he added.

(ireen Thumb had hoped to invest
some of the money generated by the
referendum to help fund “clean ener-
gy." such as the use of windmills to cre-
ate wind energy and using solar power
for water heaters in dorms.

"There is no reason to be powering
the 21st century with l9th century tech-
nology." Bames said.

After years of posting flyers. colv
lecting 3.000 signatures and getting
the issue on the ballot. tinding out the
week before the board meeting that
the trustees weren't even going to see
the proposal was frustrating. Barnes

The (‘ouncil on l’ostsecondary lid-
ircation capped the increase on student
fees at about $33. Any funding for
new programs would take away from
c\rsting programs funded through

There are 10 depanments funded
frorn mandatory sttrdent fees: Athletics.
International Study Abroad liee. Johns
son Center. Student Activities. Student
Center. Student (iovernment. Student
Health. Student Services. Technology
and WRFL-FM.

“Many of these departments have
gone for substantial periods of time
without increases. Athletics has not had
a fee increase since 1979." Terrell said,
”I feel strongly that we should not add
new fees w hen we cannot adequately
fund the departments that are currently

l'K administrators agree. adding
that students should not be the ones
paying for green energy

“The cost should be borne by the
whole university. not .rust the students."
Blanton said.

Wiseman agreed. citing that one of
the main benefactors to any sustainabil-
my efforts would ultimately be the irrit-

"We didn‘t w ant the students to pay
more to save the university more."
Wiseman said.

Barnes also agreed that [K should


fund the effons but said ideas for rm»
prov ernent had been discussed for years
but never acted on.

“We totally agree with them." he
said. "We think the administration
should be responsible. the problem is
that they haven‘t."

What's being done on campus

Still. UK administrators said they
have taken steps to try to increase sus-
tainability at the university.

New buildings are designed to be
renovated more easily and use higher
quality. more durable materials that will
not have to be replaced as frequently.
according to sustainability reports pro—
v ided by the Facilities Management
Department. Standards from a green
building rating system developed by the
LCS. (ireen Building Council. are also
being implemented into projects such
as the new pharmacy burlding.

()n a (‘ollege of Pharmacy design
report. about .10 sustainability measures
were at least under consideration for
the protect. These include exterior light
pollution reduction. water—efficient
landscaping. masirni/ing daylight and
exterior v iew s. arid emphasi/ing the Use
of recycled content for materials

Other construction efforts around
campus include:

I llsing carpet tirade with 35 per—
cent rccycled content and upholstery
fabrics and cubical curtains that contain
25 to I00 percent recycled content.

I low -flow show er heads and oth»
er low—llow fixtures iii new dormitories
to help cotiser\e water.

I Installed leak detection and re-
pair programs so that less water will go
to waste.

I l'srng biodicscl fuel in university

I Operating a 24—hour maimed.
centrali/ed energy management control
center called the "Delta Room." The
room monitors and controls the marori-
ty of heating. ventilating and air condi»
trotting. and other equipment on cam

I [K also spends about “5.100.000
on recycling a year

One of the main dialogues between
students and adrtirnrstration on the issue
is through tlte Sustainability Task



r r'itrn?
titrevirmt -
the central



The task force. a collaborative ef-
fort among students. staff and faculty.
formed in 2002. The group meets
monthly to dichss such issues as envi-
ronmental education and literacy. land
use and building goals. community our—
reach. procurement practices. waste
management. recycling. transportation
and water.

According to the mission statement.
the group makes a “conscious effort in
design to select reusable materials and
products that don't emit harmful gases
or are destructive to the env ironnient."

But despite current efforts and fur
ture goals. UK still falls behind.

Sustainability Report Card

The Sustainable Endowments ln\ll‘
tute released a "sustainability report
card" on Jan. 24. assessing the efforts at
MS universities across the nation. The
institute surveyed and graded the
schools on seven categories: their work
with administration. climate change and
energy. food and recycling. green-
buildrng. endowment transparency. in
yestment priorities and shareholder err-

PK scored air overall (‘- and iridi-
vidual category scores ranging from a
B iii Fs.

The institute included Green
Thumb’s attempt to get the increase in
student fees in its evaluation of l'K‘s
climate change and energy. c\pccting
the fee to pass.

“lf the fee is not implemented. or
something like it is not in place (by
next year). it may reduce the grade to a
l) or e\ en an F." said Mark ()rlow ski.
executive director of Strstainable liti-
dowments Institute.

L'ls' scored a B in food and recy-
cling. and positive comments com-
mended the university for its work wrtli
local food cooperatives to help offer lo
cal produce four days a week.

l'ls' scored two Fs —- one
dowment transparency and
shareholder engagement.

lindowment transparency looks at
how colleges control rnfonnatioir about
endowment investment boldrrigs and
shareholder proxy voting records. while
shareholder engagement c\amrries how
colleges conduct shareholder pr‘ovy
voting. according to the Siistainal'iility
Report Card.

Wiseman said the institute might
have made sortie assumptions when it
came to analy/rng the information they
r‘ccciv ed.

The vast marority of all the st”:
vcycd universities fell in the ('—rarigc.
Still. l'ls' fell behind other colleges iii
the state. including tbc l'niversrty of
Loursv ille. which received an overall C.
and Berea College. which received a

()rlowskr said the grade is not an
overall statcriierit about the university.
biit a gttrde to where [K is and what it
still can do. he said.

In Cli-
UHL‘ lll

Grounds new workers Bedra Court‘s 'a'it a'XI "
titescett right but) i‘ the "1"". .a'l ‘ Maw." . at» " i”

“tl'Kt shouldn't worry about the
grade too much." ()rlow ski
"There are biindrcds of cool ideas on
the repon ”

He urged the administration and
students to look it o\cr and talk about
new ideas.

Wiscttran didn't know if tltc scor‘c
w as fair. but he did find it “intriguing "

"Many of the As were from smaller
colleges." \Vrscman said

l‘K is looking to what the bigger
universities like Harvard and the tin
\ersity ot Pennsylvania are doing. and
trying to emulate them. he said


The right direction'

facility .\lanagemcnt is working to
achieve many goals. one of which is
hiring a sustainability
\Viseman said.

"“c‘ tlc‘c‘tl \UlllCUllL' lltttl
breathes it. and wakes up with it.“ he

The coordinator would be a single
point of contact tor students. and would
help to “coordinate efforts between
itber facilities do ision and greater l'ls'

\\rseman said he hopes to till the
position by the iipvorriirig fall scirtestct

llc added that he didn't c\pcct


ll‘scs ll



s _, . . s.
‘k iisitl . i1 «41 .f i Y 4".

more funding for the position but said
he would reallocate sirr‘i‘crit funds
lacilrtics .\lanagcriicnt also hopes
to build on its sirstairiabrlrty \t‘llillllllt‘s’
\\rscrrrari said he wants to make the
committee presidential apporritcd so .is
to give it more standing. and lropcs to
formally appoint two students
\Niscritan said he
l'liiirirb to ”torn iis. challenge iis
"There is a iorrg list or things \\\
are doing now and twouidi like to a.» in
tire fiitiirc.“ \\ rsciri.irr said
liar‘rits said he hoped .r coordinator
lirrcd and that l is
through on its plans
"\\.th love to keep working wztl.

iirv itcs (ricer:

\\,ts ltillii'dc'il

the administration ” he said "\M-‘rc ll‘v
trig to iriairitarri .1 closc strong: ri-i.it.or‘;
ship lhcn it nothing happens \sc' ', :.‘s"
Pl\\k'kl .ig‘crttl I

()vcral! liartxcs said (Il‘c'c‘il llllill‘vl‘
was irpsc' l‘ii: looking torvvard '.o lliltlls'

“llns is not

happened it would have been a sc' poo.

rict cssar'rly wlra' w c

llc‘ \.litl ill 'll'.‘ \l‘ltl'c'lll li‘t' lhtil
ot money every ycar

"lhis is »1sll.lll's'llL'L' or our gcrrcra
tiori that's been ignored bv ptc‘vmtis
lli.s » writ

gc‘icratrwiis ll.‘l'lt s sasf

Giuliani says there’s a 'good chance’ he’ll run for president

By Craig Gordon
Newsaayr .

(‘Oll'MBlA SC. Rudolph
Giuliani stepped closer to iornrrrg the
presidential race Saturday. saying
"there‘s a real good chance" that he
will run.

Brit that word came as his cam
paign reversed its earlier claims to
New sday about why Giuliani‘s party
affiliation was left off a key federal
form which had touched off clues»
trons about whether Giuliani might
turn his back on the Republican Party
and run as an independent.

The shift could prove yet another
ernbarrassrng misstep for a campaign
that already has been buffeted by the
loss or a detailed strategy playbook
and questions about whether he and
his team are up to the rigors of a nar
fional electron

It occurred on a day when (irirliani
came the closest yet to announcing


go Yates Elementary
iSchool Tutoring, 4:00
'PM, Yates Elementary

0 Swing Dance
Lessons, 8:00, Tates
Creek Recreation Ctr

0 Solar Car Team
Meeting, 7:00 PM,
DVT Engineering

- FUEL, 6:30 PM, 508
Columbia Avenue

0 College Democrats
Meeting, 7:30 PM, 211
Student Center


0 UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center
0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays
"The Departed", 8:00
PM, Worsham Theater
(Student Center)
0 UK Timmy Foundation
Chapter Meeting, 6:30
PM, Nursing Building,
Room 213
0 YMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring,
5:00 PM, YMCA Center
For Achievement

, 0 Students Taking Acton
Globally (STAG)
Meeting, 5:00 PM, 211
Student Center

he'll turn his c\ploratory corrrritrttcc
into a full~flcdgcd campaign He spoke
as be made his lirst stop in South (lir-
olina. scene of the party 's first South
ern primary and borne to
most fervent social conservatives

Asked ll be was close to rtiakA
mg a decision about running. (irulrani
told reporters. “Yup . . I'm not going
to give you a time birt it‘s looking

He dropped other hints in the
course of a short v isit here. telling The
Associated Press that there was a good
chance he would run

He also took pains to pirt to rest
any questions that he would seek of»
fice as an independent.

"I'm running .is a Republican." he
told reporters. "l‘ll run. in the Republr
can primaries. and it l get selected.
wonderful. and if not. I'll support the
Republican candidate "

(iiuliani‘s party affiliation was left
off the paperwork for his presidential

siilt‘ic' ll‘

.,.,.‘;.V., J‘,,



w . Lot; i'n'e‘, ..

- University Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM,
230 Student Center

. Comedy Caravan with
Will Hardesty, 8:00 PM,
Student Center Cats

0 Bryan Station Middle
Tutoring, 4:00 PM,
Bryan Station Middle

c\ploratory committee Newsday report
ed Thursday Initially. a (irulrani lawyer
said the campaign tirade a itidgment that
it didn't need to list the party but (iiu
liani Saturday said it was an omission
that needed to be corrected.

A (iiiilianr aidc late Saturday rc~
leased this statement' ”i'porr review.
w hile this omission w as understand
able. it was an omission nonetheless
This has been corrected on the now-
iivailable form." filed .lan ‘1. w hich
lists RH’ for (iiulianr

While in South Carolina. (iiulrani
also talked like a presidential candidate.
tailoring his message to more than 100
state and county (it)? leaders here by
highlighting his trrost conservative
stances embracing (ieorge \V. Birsh as
one of the lldilttli\ ”t—‘rcat presidents."
calling tor tax cuts and requiring intrin-
grants to read and write linglish.

(illllldlil also said he wished l‘l'tlslt
would have picked "Vino” he nick
name for Supreme (‘ourt lirsticc .\n






0 Helping Hands
Meeting, 5:00 PM, 205
Student Center

0 Tyrone Wells and Wes
Meek (FREE1), 8:00 PM,
Worsham Theater

0 L.E.C.M. Food for Body
and Soul, 5:05 PM, St.
A's (472 Rose Street)

NAMENT, 6:00 PM,
Student Center Cats


tonin Scalia. a hero to many sl‘ll‘-t'l‘-.t

tr\cs as chrct iiistrce of tltc l nrtcct
States because "lic's an old pa: or

Brit (iruliarii didrfl talk .rboir' the
positions that some c\perts believe
could deity lirrn victory in this piiriia
i'y critical for any Republican w ho
wants a shot at the “bite lloiisc \cv
cr‘al Republicans later said ilic\ nccii
morc from him about li»

stands in favor oi abortion righ's .iii-l

lit llCdT

Ll'yll iinroris for gay toirplcs..irii1c\cri
then. he would have a hard l‘l‘tlt '.\:ri
riing their support

(iriilianr edged tip to the ‘iric
hc said he would appoint
str'iictionists” to the Stiprcrrict tili'

"strict coir.
a sort ot “asli‘iigton tcrrn ot .1 '
scribing riistrccs who would \ofc To
overturn the landmark Rot: “ad.-
abortion rights dcci~iori Sonic in 't ’\
.itrdrciitc said tlatly that not
good enough they wanted it licar lifli‘.
he would appoint

wash .-

s.f\ .tllll dl‘ttl'llrtT‘i


0 The Dating Doctor,
8:00 PM, Memorial

0 Valentine's Gala,
9:00 PM, Grand
Ballroom, Student


l xyoiild ‘N ..;
people ::i 'hts zoo-r. do no: .igrt-c .s ~
Rfls \\sl\lki.> \iiltl \l :\ l\t“'c'V ' T
’li.‘ (‘.illroaiii( o'it'itv cl‘.r.r"‘..r:

(lit llit' ilislz'i's tr tv‘s' v‘? llc ‘
good to" it .2: swcia». . ‘liil -
rob it duos: i; 1' " sanf 1
\‘illc‘d: or .orriftior: o‘ .iiion '\
'lhcy wt or: t‘ic it'gu «it 'lic.:
‘~‘»llc!l lti‘ .t‘iVAL'lc'Ll "tai .1'1.‘ ",c.

n ' get .f ii}

triu'an; rss' ‘cr 1

\‘ii‘tli'tniyc' '
it t s ‘l A Ll, t



0 UK Ultimate Frisbee
Organization, 10:00
PM, intramural Fields




















PAGE A4 | Monday, Februaw 5, 2007


Continued from page i

"I felt like the filrii was my heart and
soul on the screen.” Amernian said. “I gave
it six months of my life."

The process of making "Life With Pas—
sion" began when Amerman became aware
of the reputation of a local horse breeding

farm Arabian l iriiited Sheh
kings. sheiks and movie stars all fly mg in to
(‘eritral 'I‘exas to visit the farm and purchase
horses. Amerman visited the farrii. and dis»


covered a legacy reaching back hundreds of


Arabian Limited raises Egyptian-Arabi-
an horses. an ancient breed that was bred in
the deserts of the Middle liast. Bedouins. rio—
Iiiadic desertdwellers of the region. raised
them to be war horses and the breed devel—
oped into sriialler. more compact Iiorses with

had heard of

wider nostrils. broader foreheads. smaller
ears and generally more endurance than Eur
ropean horses.

“They are some of the strongest and
fastest horses In the world." Ameniian said.
"They had to develop in the desert. It was