xt71ns0kwh61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kwh61/data/mets.xml Kansas Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs National Archives (U.S.) Kansas Kansas Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs National Archives (U.S.) 1941 27 l. 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.12/no.15 books English Lincoln, Neb. : Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kansas Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Veterans Administration--Archives--Kansas Archives--Kansas--Catalogs Kansas--History--Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII. The Veterans Administration: no. 15, Kansas, 1941 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII. The Veterans Administration: no. 15, Kansas, 1941 1941 1941 2020 true xt71ns0kwh61 section xt71ns0kwh61 ‘~‘¥M, ,, UNIVERSITY OF KENT ‘7 ‘ UCKY i “ i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 WllWHHlin WINWW \m‘1‘1*“whw . 3 DHEE HEEB?5E D j INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES SERIES XII THE VETERANS‘ ADMINISTRATION No. 15 KANSAS THE SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION GOVERNMENT PUBLECATJONS lvfl _vvvr mm . 417K amwefi'srrv OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES DO NOT DISCARD , PRESERVATION “ "COPY“ V INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES. n 'Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Cemmunity Service Programs work Projects Administration The National Archives Cooperating Sponsor SERIES XII.‘ THE VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION NO. 15. KANSAS Lincoln, Nebraska The Survey of Federal Archives 1941 THE SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES Philip M. Homer, National Director Joseph C. Knibbs, Supervisbr in Charge of the Inventory of Federal Archives for Kansas, ‘Iowa, and Nebraska DIVISION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS Florence S. Kerr, Assistant Administrator Ethel M. Sanmann, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner D. F. Felton, State Administrator i _. .V- wflvmw PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation- wide project of the works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation-wide project of the hbrks Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of that Administration and of the work Projects Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No.3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates ("to data" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this informa— tion was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was . abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In Kansas the work of the Survey was under the direction of Mr. Francis E. Fitzgerald, regional director for Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska, from its inception until December 6, 1956. He was succeeded by Professor James L. Sellers of the University of Nebraska who served until June 30, 1937. Mr. Clarence N. Cook was state supervisor until July 1936 when Mr. Harold G. Evans, who served until January 1937, took his place. Since July 1, 1937, ‘Mr. Joseph C. Knibbs, state supervisor of the Survey of Federal Archives in Nebraska has had charge of the production of Inventories for Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska. This Inventory of the records of the Veterans' Administration in Kansas was prepared in the Lincoln, Nebraska, office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Mr. Martin P. Claussen, Associate Editor-writer Office of the Director of Research and Publications of the National Archives. Joseph C. Knibbs, Supervisor in Charge of the Inventory Lincoln, Nebraska of Federal Archives in June 20, 1941 Kansas, Iowa, and lebraska commie : Page i WQDSWORTH Veterans' Administration Facility .. ......... .. Finance Division ...u.................‘ .. . Manager, Office of the ............ ........ . Domiciliary Unit ......... ........ ........ Mail and Records Unit ........;.......... Personnel Unit ..... ......... . ........ Medical Division ..... ............ ........ Dental Unit .... ......... ..........u... Supply Division .......... ........ ..u. ........... . Utility Division ...... ..... . ..... ...g.... ooooooo mmcomcnpboams—Ii—I - a o a c o a H WICHITA Veterans' Administration Facility ........ ...... ... ....... .. 13 Adjudication Division .............. ..... ......,.... ..... 15 Finance Division ....... ...v...... ......... ....u........ 14 Manager, Office of the ..... ..................... ....... . 15 Mail and Records Unit .n.............................. 17 Medical Division ..... ..... ........u....“....uy. . ...u. 17 Dental Unit ..............................a.... ..... 25 Supply Division .................ug......... ..... ........ 24 Utility Division ................ ...... .......... ....... . 26 I . ix I u I EEEIDEEQIlfiliéPEEEEEEQEEEEE VETERAHS’ ADMINISTRATION FACILITY Leavenworth at wadsworth (A) Headquarters Bldg., Bldg. No. 21 (B) Administration Bldg., Bldg. No. 88 (0) Supply Warehouse Bldg., Bldg. No. 41 (D) Hospital Bldg. (E) General Mess Bldg., Bldg. No. 19 This Domiciliary Facility was established in 1885 as a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, western Branch. Its title was changed to the Veterans' Administration Home in 1956, and on March 1, 1956 it was placed under the jurisdiction of Veterans' Administration Facility, wadsworth, Kansas. It is a diagnostic center which provides hospitalization for veterans and disabled soldiers. A monthly report of dCCCased veterans is sent to the chief clerk of the Veterans‘ Administration Facility, washington, D. C. Official records are retained for a period of time before being sent to washington, D. C. Finance_Division 1. CREDIT AND DEBIT VOUCHERS, 1887 - 1954. Vouchers indicate money eceived and disbursed for supplies and personal services. Filed chrono- logically and numerically. (Hevcr.) 8i'x 11 3/4 folders and 8 x 10 document holders, 205 ft., in 453 folded document holders. Vault in center of basement (Bldg. A). (76) _ 2. BANK STA EMEUTS, Aug. 1901 ~ June 1930. Itemized list of checks J issued by the treasurer of the pension fund. A statement of the disbursing account from.the bank showing credit, debit, balance and outstanding checks. Filed chronologically and numerically. (Never.) 8 x 10 folded papers, 8 ft., in 12 folded document holders. Vault in center of basement (Bldg. A). (75) 3. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1906 - 1932. Pertaining to the general transaction of business of the finance division of the Veterans‘ Admin- istration. Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.) Variously sized vols. and paper packages, 13 ft., in 4 steel drawers and on 2 wooden shelves. Brittle, dirty, torn, scattered, bindings broken. Vault in lst door to right of stairway basement (Bldg. A). (78) Veterans' Administration Facility, Wadsworth 2 4. MATERIAL RECORDS, 1931 - 1936. Correspondence and auditor's reports, records of the occupational theropy department of this hospital and in these records are found a complete record of each patient's earnings while in the hospital. (Daily, official.) 9fi'x 11% folders, 2 ft. 5 in., in 4 steel ' filing case drawers; R. 11 (Bldg. D). (22) 5. SALARY RECORD CARDS, 1932 to date. Accounts stating salaries earned and paid and deductions. Filed alphabetically. (Semi-monthly, official. ) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft. 1 in., in 4 steel filing case drawers. 2d door left of main entrance. (Bldg. A). (104) 6. PAID VOUCHERS OF PATIENTS' FUNDS, 1934 to date. Showing expenditures of patients. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 1 ft. 1 in., in steel filing case drawer. 2d door left of main entrance (Bldg. A). (85) 7. DEBIT VOUCHERS, 1935 - 1936. Public vouchers for purchases, services other than personal, name of facility, appropriation, name and account number of payee. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10% envelopes, 8 ft., on shelves. 2d door on left of main entrance, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (84) 8. AGENT CASHIER RECORDS, 1935 ~ 1936. Showing salary check receipts, schedules, correspondence, and reports. Filed alphabetically by subject. (Daily, official.) 8 x lOfi'folders, 3 ft. 9 in., in.steel filing case drawer. lst floor, 2d door left of main entrance (Bldg. A). (105) Office of the Manager 9. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Dec. 1885 — Apr. 1927. Consists of letters sent to central office in washington. (Rarely, official.) 10 X 12 vols. and 4 x 8i-bundles of paper packages, 107 ft., on wooden shelves. Damaged by vermin, careless handling, faulty containers, dirty, torn, scattered, bindings broken, ink faded. Vault, 1st door to right of stairway basement (Bldg. A). (77) 10. TIME RECORDS, 1922 — Aug. 31, 1934. Daily time reports on , employees of the utility division. (Reyer.) '% x 9 paper packages, 10 ft.; in 3 pasteboard boxes. 'Dirty. 3. end of basement (Bldg. C). (95) 11. LETTERS DISPATCHED, Sept. 5, 1924 — Jan. 5, 1926. Copies of letters written by the manager of the home. Filed chronologically. (Hever.) 9 x 11 vols., l in., in steel filing case drawer. 4th door right of entrance, main floor (Bldg. B). (102) 12. MANAGE '5 CORRESPONDENCE, Apr. 1927 — Hay 1930. Official correspond— ence of Facility Manager. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) %'x 8 folded papers, 3 ft. 6 in., in 18 folded document holders. lst floor (Bldg. A). (72) 13. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 0F MANAGER, June 1950 — July 1931. Miscellane— ous correspondence of manager. Filed alphabetically by subject. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x lOfi-folders, 10 in., in steel filing case drawer. 4th door right of main entrance (Bldg. B). (96) Veterans' Administration Facility, Wadsworth 14, GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1951 to date. Correspondence, time clerk files, monthly reports, property books, photographs and shop drawings. Filed chronologically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 24 ft., in 12 steel case drawers. 1st floor (Bldg. 0) (54) 15. DAILY llECORDS OF EMPLOYEES, May 1,1931 — 1955. Schedule of employees‘ time for the various departments. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x lOé-loose- leaf books, 6 in., in pasteboard box. N. end of basement (Bldg. 20). (74) 16. ABSENTEE REPORT June 9,1951 - Feb. 1954. Daily record showing the presence or absence of each employee. (Never. ) 8 x 10- : loose-leaf books, 4 in., in pasteboard box. E. corner, 2d floor (Bldg. C). (73) 17, CORRL SPOImEECE, July 1951 to date. of Manager. 4 x 6 volume index, 3/4 in. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10: folders, 5 ft. 9 in., in 5 steel filing case drawers. 4th door right of entrance, lst floor (Bldg. B). (97) General office correspondence 18. MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE FILES, 1932 to date. Correspondence, testi- mony in court cases concerning the home, reports, and telegrams. (Seldom, official.) 8 x 10§ folders, 2 ft., in steel filing case drawer. lst floor, 4th door right of entrance (Bldg. B). (103) _ M _, ,,,,..-.—,....——,.,..r——r-.- W 19. HOSPITAL GENERAL RECORDS, 1955 - 1936 Monthly reports from each department of the hospital, the weekly report‘of the inspection of the hospital, and all general correspondence of the hospital division. (Daily, official.) 8%-x 105 folders, 6 ft. 8 in., in 4 steel filing case drawers. R. 106 (Bldg. D). (4) 20. OUTPATIENT CLINIC RECORDS, Nov. 20,1953 to date. Service record of each patient, hospitalization history of men domiciled in this Facility. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 1 steel filing case drawers. 9%‘X 1I% folders, 42 ft., in 28 R . 25, central wing, main floor (Bldg . D). (23) 21. TIME REPORTS, Sept.1, 1954 to date. Daily work reports of employees of the Utility division consisting of mechanics, electricians, plumbers and others. Filed chronologically. (Semi-monthly, official.) 8 x 103 covers, 2 ft. 2 in., in pasteboard box. H. end of basement (Bldg. C). (169) Domiciliary Unit 22. MEIIBERS' ADHITAAlCu JACKETS, July 11, 1885 — Mar. 16, 1895. Records of admittance of veterans to the facility; assignment to barracks or hospital; and eligibility for employment after admittance. Alphabetical index . (Rarely, official.) 4 x 92 envelopes, 124 ft. 7 in., in metal container. Vault in basement (BlQ . A). (82) 25. HISTORICAL REGISTER, July 11 military and domestic history. , 1885 - Aug. 10, 1895. Record of (Rarely, official.) Basement (Bldg. A). Filed chronologically. 2 14 x 16 vols., 4 ft. 6 in. on floor. Bindings broken. I. 70) ”7.”. {- Veterans' Administration Facility, wadswerth 4 24. DEATH RECORDS, 1886 to date. Showing date of admittance, registra- tion number, member number, military service and rank, date of death and place of burial. Entered alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 18 vols., 5 in., on shelf. lst floor (Bldg. A). (50) 25. MEMBL RS‘ ADMITTnNCE JACKET, Mar. 15, 1893 - May 25, 1953. Correspond— once, applications and records. AdmittanCe record of veterans, hospital and barracks, assignments and eligibility for employment. Filed chronologically and numerically. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 9% envelopes, 497 ft. 6 in., in metal containers. 1st door, right of main entrance (Bldg. A). (48) 26. MEMBERS' HISTORY RECORD, 1895 — 1929. Domestic and military record. Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.) 112 x 16 vols., 5 ft., in wooden boxes. Dirty, bindings broken. NE. corner of basement (Bldg. A). (83) 27. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND INSPECTION REPORTS, 1915 - 1932:. Application for admittance, report of weekly inspection, requests for transportation by veterans, requests for discharge papers, renewal of furlough and inquiries from relatives of veterans. Filed chronole. biCally. (Seldom, official.) 4 x gpaper packages, 14 ft., in pastebeard boxes on wooden bench. Dirty, torn, scattered. Vault in basement (Bldg . A). (71) 28. CONSOLIDATED MORNING REPORT, 1925 - 1954. Report is made on each barrack, showing number of veterans present, on furlough, away without leave, and transfers to the hospital. (Rarely, official.) 12 x 18 vols., 13 ft., in wooden box. Dirty, torn, scattered, damaged by water, vermin, and rodents; bindings broken. NE. corner of basement (Bldg. A). (80) 29. MEMBERS' SERVICE RECORDS, May 23, 1935 to date. Application for admittance to Facility and correspondence pertaining to Same, clothing record, copy of discharge from military or naval service, and assignment to barracks or hospital. Filed numerically and chronolog ically. (Occasion- ally, official. ) 92 x 112 folders, 79 ft. 2 in., in 38 steel filing case drawers. 1st floor (Bldg. A). (52) 50. MISCELLANEOUS VETERANS' CORRESPONENCE,1934 - 1956. Application for membership not approved, reports of weekly inspection correspondence with relatives of members, requests by veterans for service discharge and for transportation, requests for extension of furlough; pertains to veterans or relatives of veterans requesting information in regard to admittance to the home or relatives who are members of the home. (Seldom, official.) W x 112 folders, 4 ft. 2 in., in 3 steel filing case drawers. 1st floor (Bldg. A). (51) Nails and Records 31. DEATH RECORD, Jan. 1, 1895 - May 1903. Furnishes date of death, register number, name, organization; also gives place, cause of death of members of family between years of 1893 to 1905. The number of the grave was given prior to Mar. 20,1896. (Never. ) 8 x 16 vols., 1 in., on floor with other books. R. 24 W. wing of basement (Bldg. D). (11) ' Veterans’ Administration Facility, wadsworth 32, DEATH MEMORANDA, 1897 ~ 1920. Complete report on each patient, from.the time he entered hospital until death. (Hover.) 6 x 9 folded papers, 10 ft. 6 in., in folded document holder and 4 pasteboard boxes. Dirty. R. 24, W. wing of basement (Bldg. D). (28) 55, HOSPITAL LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Oct. 1, 1908 ~ Mar. 17, 1912. Carbon copies of correspondence relating to the hospital. Filed chrono- logically. (Never.) 10 X 12 vels., 1 ft., on floor. Ink faded. R. 24, W. wing of basement (Bldg. D). (9) 34. GENERAL HOSPITAL RECORDS, 1910 — 1926. amount of cash Itemized accounts show tions. ( , order and time books, clothing issued, laboratory examin- Raroly, official.) 6 x 10 vols., 9 ft., stacked against wall. Dirty, bindings broken. R. 24, W. wing of basement (Bldg. D). (27) RAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1913 — 1925. Miscellaneous communications relative to activities of the hospital division. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10%’leese-leaf books, paper packages, and folded papers, 8 ft., in steel filing case drawer and in wooden boxes. Dirty, scattered. R. 24, W} wing of basement (Bldg. D). (29) 55, GENE Personnel Unit 36. GENERAL TIME BOOK, Opt. 1903 - Nov. 1907. Recorded time worked. (Hever.) lSfi-x l9 vols., lOg-in., on table. Basement (Bldg. A). (45) 57. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE RECORD CARDS, 1907 to date. Employment record, with service credits, and retirement applications. Filed under divisions. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 card°, 7 in., in drawer in card cabinet. 19?. ‘corner room (Bldg. A). (37) 38. PAY‘ROLL RECORD CARDS, Hay 1908 ~ May 1931. Showing days worked per month by individual employees. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 36 ft. 6 in., in 19 drawers in card cabinet. Basement (Bldg. A). (44) 39. PERSONNEL RECORDS, 1922 - June 30, 1933. Correspondence and vet— erans' reports. Sent from discontinued Kansas City Veterans' Bureau agency. (Never.) 9%*x 11 3/4 folders, 2 ft., in 2 steel filing case drawers. Basement (Bldg. A). (51) - ‘ 40. PERSOWNEL JOURNAL, Apr. 6, 1926 - June 26, 1933. ments, changes of status and resignations. the Veterans' -1») Record of appoint- This journal was transferred to Administration from the Veterans' Bureau, Kansas City, Missouri which has since been discontinued. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 12 x 18 vels., 2 in., in steel filil 15 case drawer. Basement (Bldg. A). (43) CE AND REPORTS, Dee. 1930 - Dec. 1935. Correspondence with,Civi1 Service district secretary concerning vacancies, consolidated monthly reports of personnel changes, salary impoundments and waive notices, annual reports of leave, and monthly payvroll estimates. logically. (Rarely, official) 9; steel filing ease drawers. 41, CORRESPONDEN Filed chrono— x 11 5/2 folders, 1 ft. 5 in., in 2 NW. corner, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (42) Veterans' Administration Facility, wadswerth 42. INACTIVB RECORDS OF EMTLOYEES' ABSENCE, May 1951 - Dec. 1955. Record of leave used by calendar year. It is kept separate from the active leaves of the absence record. (Never.) 43. ACTIVE PERSONHEL FOLDERS, May 1, 1931 to date. Containing all the changes in status or information concerning active personnel. Ufleekly, official.) lOfi-x 11 5/4 folders, 9 ft., in 4 steel filing case drawers. SW. corner room (Bldg. A) (52) All ,1, EMPLOYEES'INACTIVE SERVICE RECORD CARDS, May 1951 to date. Con- solidated service record of formerly employed members. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 6 in., in drawer of card cabinet. NW. corner room (Bldg. A). (59) 45. INACTIVE PERSONNEL FOLDER, May 1, 1931 to date. a complete record of inactive personnel. Filed alphabetically. (Oecasion~ ally, official.) lOfi-x 11 3/2 folders, 6 ft., in 5 steel filing case drawers. SW. corner room (Bldg. A). (53) Correspondence and 46. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL CORRJSPONDEHCE, May 1, 1951 to date. Pertaining to the selection of personnel and questions pertaining thereto. (Daily, official.) 10% X 11 3/4 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in 2 filing case drawers. NW. corner, lst floor (Bldg. A). (50) 47. PHRSOIML JOURNAL, May 1, 1951 to date. Showing the records er appointments and changes in status. Filed chronologically. (Occasionr ally, official.) 12 x 18 5/4 vols., 1%-in., in steel filing ease drawer. NW. corner of building (Bldg. A). (46) ‘ 48. TABLE OF ORGANIZATION, July 1932 to date. Chart showing the authorized positions on the Facility. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10 cards, i—in., in steel filing case drawer. NW. corner (Bldg. A). (38)' 49. ACTIVE ABSENTEE RECORD, 1956. Statement of absent days during calendar year. This report is transmitted to the finance office for leave without pay deduction, including an annual consolidated report of same. (Daily, official.) -1 . . 5 x 8 cards, a; in., in 2 compartment wooden boxes with cover. NW. corner of room (Bldg. A). (41) Medical Division 50. HOSPITAL RECORD BOOKS. 1885 - 1920. Detailed record of patients' deposit accounts, clothing issued, sick calls and deaths. (Never.) 12 x 18 vols., 7 ft., on cement floor. R. 24, W} wing Dirty, bindings broken. of basement (Bldg. D). (26) 51. NURSES' RECORD BOOKS, 1885 - 1920.> Supply orders and tine record of nurses on duty, patient's condition and medical care given.. (Never.) E'X llfi-vols., 56 ft., on floor in corner. R. 24, W. wing of.basement* (Bldg. D). (12) 52. CLILICAL MEMORANDA, Oct. 1920 to date. Complete information on medical treatment and examination. Filed numerically. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 144 ft., in 15 filing case drawers and on 7 wooden shelves. R. 27, west wing of basement (Bldg. D). (1) v_,.—....._,_,, #11.— _._,. -Hn. Veterans' Administration Facility, wadsworth 53 CLINICAL RECORDS, .Jan. 25,1921 - Apr. 6,1935. of each patient while in the hospital. 5 in. (Occasionally, official.) shelves. Dirty. Medical reports 5 x 8 alphabetical index, 8 ft. 8 x 10% folders, 371 ft., on wooden R. 27, west wing of basement (Bldg . D). (21) 54. INTERPRETATIONS OF OLD X—RAY FILMS, July 1, 1921 to date. Eluci- datiens indicate kind and location of disease. A z x 6 card index. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders and cards, 2 ft., in steel filing case drawer and in drawer in card cabinet. R. 256, 4th floor (Bldg. D). (108) 55. CLINICAL RECORDS, 1923 - 1936. Graphic and weisht charts, ward surgeons' and nurses' progress treatment records, and dental reports. (Daily,efficia1.) 2 x 11% folders, 2 ft., in steel filing case drawer. R. 205 (Bldg. D). (17) 56. X-RAY REPORTS, Feb. 1927 - Apr. 1933. Detailed analysis of clinical diagnosis and X—ray findings. Filed numerically. (Never. ) 9 x 1 gfolders, 2 ft. 2 in., wrapped in paper and tied. R. 27, W. wing of basement (Bldg. D). (10) 1 57. CLI"ICAL HISTORY RECORDS, Nov. 11,1927 to date. Complete record of each 1patient admitted for general me dical treatmert. (Daily, official.) 9——x ll%-folders, 2 ft. 1 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 228 (Bldg. D). (13) . 58. GENERAL OFFICE FILES, SOCIAL SERVICE WORK, 1930 to date. Records include data, correspondence, patients, family history and personal problems bonus and insurance applications. Arranged alphabetically by card index. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10— folders, 5 ft. 6 in., in 4 steel filing case drawers. R. 101 (Bldg . D) (98) 59, TISSUE REPORTS, May 27,1930 - Apr. 14, 1955. Examination reports of patients, contains name, class registration number, preliminary diagnosis and a microscopic examination. Arranged numearically. (Never. ) 8 x 10% folders, 2 in., wrapped in paper and tied. W. wing of basement (Bldg. D). (8) 60. ORDER FOR PHYSICAL EMIINAIIOLU Oct. — Nov. 1950 Indicates age, disability, 1weight and height and mental condition of patients examined. (NeVer .) 527 x 8 loose papers, 4%-in. lst door right of stairs in base— ment (Bldg. B). (101) 61. NURSES' DAILY TIME BOOK, Feb. 1, 1955 to date. Enrses' and attendants' time records. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) ? x 12 vols., 1 ft. 6 in., on shelf under wooden table. R . 103 (Bldg. D). 56) 62. CORRESPONDENCE OF CHIEF HSDICAL OFFICER, 1953 - 1936, General correspondence, records of inspection and recommendations of the Chief Medical Officer in charge, Washington, D. C. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 5 in., in steel filing cs 50 drawer. R. 104 (Bldg. D). (2) 63.. CLINICAL LABORATORY RECORDS, 1935 to date. examinations. Filed alphabetically. Memoranda of laboratory 1 ft. 6 in., in wooden box. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 report sheets, R. 519, center wing, 5d floor (Bldg. D). (25) veterans' Administration Facility, Wadsworth 8 64. CLINICAL HISTORY MEMORANDA, Sept. 4, 1955 to date. Includes the phJ51ea1 examination, personal history, graphic and weight chart Xkray J laboratory, dental' and consulting physician's report, ward surgeon and nurses’ progress and treatment record. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 88 x 115 folders, 6 ft. 6 in., in 4 steel filing case drawers. R. 52:5 (Bldg. D). (49) 65. CLINICAL ORTHOPEDIC RECORD, Oct. 1935 to date. Includes the physical eanlnation, personal history, laboratory X—ray, dental reports, graphic and weight chart, ward surgeons' and nurses' progress and treatment record. (Dally,b official. ) 95 x llg'folders, 1 ft. 10 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 12&.(Bldg. D). (81) 66. CLINICAL NEROPSYCHRIATIRIC MEEORANDA, Nov. 1953 to date. Includes that of the physical examination, personal history, X—ray laboratories, dental graphic and weight chart, consultation and operation, ward surgeons' and nurses' treatment and progress record; pertains to patients admitted to this hospital for mental treatment (Noropsychriatiric) and a complete history of the treatment is recorded in the clinical record. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9%-x llé-foldors, 1 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 22 (Bldg. D). (53) 67. CLINICAL ACCOUNT RECORDS, 1954 — 1936. Dental, ward surgeons' and nurses’ reports, graphic and weight chartsgr gives a complete account of the patient from.the true he enters the hospital until the date of discharge. (Daily, official.) 9§'x 115 folders, 151 ft., in 84- filing case drawers. R. 111 (Bldg. D). (3) 68. CLINICAL EXAMINATION RECORDS, July 1954 to date. Complete record of each patient including graphic and weight charts, X-ray and other examination findings, consultation and decisions. (Daily, official.) 9% x 110 folders, 2 ft. 1 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 525 (B1dg.D) (14) 69. CLINICAL RECORDS, J9 n. 11,1935 to date. Dental reports, graphic and weight charts, ward surgeons‘ and 1nurses' progress and treatment records. (Daily, official.) x 11:-folders, 5 ft. .5 in., in filing case drawer. R. 105 (Bldg. D). 2(16) 70. CLINICAL HISTORY DATA, Mar. 26,1935 to date. Graphic and weight charts, Nard surgeons' and murses' progress and treatment records. (Daily, official.) 9g x 115 folders, 11 in., in steel filing ca so drawers. R. 425 (Bldg. D). (15) \ 71. CLINICAL RECORDS, Oet.19, 1955 to date. Graphic and weight charts, vmrd surgeons' and nurses' progress and treatment records. (Daily, official.) ?§ x llT-folders, 1 ft. 11 in., in stool filing case drawer. R. 505 (B1dg.D) 18) 72. CLINICAL RECORDS, Nov. 1955 to date. Dental report, graphic and weight charts, ward surgeons' and nurses' progress and treatment records- -pertains to patients admitted to this hospital for genito urinery treatment and a complete record of the treatment may be found in the clinical record. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9g x 117rfolders, 1 ft. 1 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 505 (Bldfl- D) (47) Veterans' Administration Facility, Wadsworth 9‘ 75. CLINICAL RECORDS, Dec. 1955 to date. Includes X—rays, dental operations, and consultation report, graphic and weight chart, ward surgeons' and nurses’ progress and treatment record; pertains to patients admitted to this hospital for minor surgical operations. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9%‘X 11% folders, 10 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 405 (Bldg. D). (55) ‘ 74, CLINICAL RECORDS, May 16, 1956 to date. Graphic and weight charts, . ward surgeons' and nurses' progress and treatment records. (Daily, official.) 9%-x llé-folders, 10 in., in steel filing ease drawer. R. 212 (Bldg. D). (19) Dental Unit 75, RECORD OF GOLD BEARING APPLIANCES, 1951 - 1956. Ledger on gold status. Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8 X 10: vols., 2 in., in vault. R. 517, center wing of 5d floor (Bldg. D). (5) 76. BNTAL RECORDS, 1955 - 1956. Relief requested and authorized, consists of Forms, 2570 and p 2614. Form 2570 includes the name of patient and date of examination. Form p 2614 pertains to condition of teeth, amount of relief requested and authorized by the ward doctor. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 5 ft., in 4 steel filing case drawers. R 317, 5d floor (Bldg. D). (24) Supply Division 77. INVENTORIES OF DECEASED MEMBERS' DEFECTS, Feb. 1897 - Mar. 22, 1928. Records of personal property and valuation. Filed chronologically.’ (Never.) 8 x 10% vols., 2 ft. 6 in., on floor. Torn, scattered. Basement. lst door right of stairs (Bldg. A). (94) 78. CORRESPONDENCE, 1900 — 1951. Communications covering clothing transfers. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 10 x 12 vols., 5 ft., on 2 shelves. Dirty, torn. Vault in NE. corner of basement. (Bldg. C). (106) 79. APPLICATION FOR EFFECTS OF DECEASED MEMBERS, 1901 — 1925. Form 58a gives address of applicant, relation to deceased veteran, date of death of veteran, date applicant was paid and voucher number and amount paid to applicant; Form 58a is accompanied by Form 58b when application is made by other than widow of veteran pertaining to applications and correspondence of relatives of deceased veterans and sworn to by notary authorizing their right to the effects of veteran. Filed chronologically and numerically. (Seldom, official.) 8 x lo folded papers, 29 ft., in 14 steel filing case drawers, and in 58 folded document holders. Vault in center of basement (Bldg. A). (79) ' 80. GENERAL REQUISITION CORRESPOUDENCE, 1915 - 1956. Includes standard Short form contracts, proposals, letters to and from firms, and contracts of all supplies purchased by the Facility. Filed chronologically. (Weekly, official.) 9%‘x 11 envelopes, 56 ft., on 9 shelves. R. 41, SE. Corner, 2d floor (Bldg. 0). (87) 81. PURCHASE ORDERS, 1917 - 1951. Record of articles purchased on order showing number, purchase date, from whom purchased, cost of articles, Veterans' Administration Facility, wadsworth lO' contract number, and delivery date. Filed chronologically. (Hever.) 8%-x ll loose-leaf books, 5 ft., on shelf. Dirty, torn. NE. corner of basement in vault (Bldg. C). (107) 82. PROPERTY RECORD CARDS, 1930 to date. Expendable and non-expendable property. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 9 ft., in 9 steel filing case drawers. lst floor (Bldg. C) (61) 83. DEATH RECORDS, Jan. 1930 to date. Indicates disposition of the body; shows date and time of death, register number, property inspector's name, type of transportation