xt71ns0kwn42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kwn42/data/mets.xml  France  1798-12-06 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie du Publiciste, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Sextidi 16 Frimaire, an VII, [6 December 1798] text Le Publiciste, Sextidi 16 Frimaire, an VII, [6 December 1798] 1798 1798-12-06 2023 true xt71ns0kwn42 section xt71ns0kwn42  

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—— [711111 Ior a (I1‘5‘1'1I11é. 1.‘ L‘i~(I.“\'.111L 111.715,
8c 3011 grad: (I1: 1191113111111{—3.7131711 cu CIIQI
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5.115.711.21111'I'1i ' ”11110111, 1111: ‘1 11111;; 1.111.111.
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- ; mm: jouixkuul 111.: "11111135 , 111‘1111-5‘01/1133 & récompvnsus mili—

.~.; 105 ..:1v‘im1; gmulnrnu-s réfurm,“ 911 175: : 11."; grcximlicrs 31

1:1 51 11-3 “Hiriers rc'irv's 21 111 311110 (185 111mm; 1135 1011163 (‘1

1‘11?) 1:1111'111;-11:1i(~:;~, 11‘s :3011s-011iriers 8; soldulsrelirés du ser—

11112111‘05 (11‘, 111 131.1110 11111111111110 p111i§ic111m 51111116 , $11111:

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11171111 . [111111-5111 114111111115 (10: 111111151105 11c 1:1 gnome, recou—

noisy-(1's (117111111115 (11‘, 1111-195 dilivrécs par 11:31'i411111‘z111t districts
1‘; animal 1'1“; (‘11 warm (11'59'11115115 01111311111331“: 11151111’31 (‘1‘,jmn‘.

11. 1.12 minislra do 111 guvrrc, 51 musurc (16 1:1 113111.33 1103 titres

11.11;: 11 1343111 (IT-{1'0 111 1111, J'rm (13:11:?(1ic1‘ £1 1'0: 1-1:. iiOIlIlHil‘L‘S. do

11-11111: 1111-11-2; 13min 1' 1111ii'111‘n1e'u11c11t pensiona-[111‘(11ul1’:1; szxui'la

u y 111.11111'11'2'1111‘5 105 luix cutrc c11211111c Clusse (113 pcu-

3.11111: 11c dLiiz'rrrr N‘s nonvenux 1170'an , 11* ministrc (16 la
-‘:1‘5:1".‘.'1 51 1:1 113350111111,- 11: 311911) prmr y Cil‘C imma~

' 11:13» 1-111 11'1111 {-1111 111'1117111‘1' (111 monizim des

«11 1171,1111 ,.-.:::t , 1211111111111 (11- id 1;- 1‘211Cc do chacuu

1. Gunnrévs on 111111.10 p1‘31'z"!1r:‘1t, sr‘mnt obser-
l 111:; 112111111179 qui ~50 1'1‘riremw1t, 311’11vr‘11ir, 111: 11113191
119111113 , 1°; 11:: semi-1 1.1111111 11:: 1‘1‘111e11rc 12111‘
0111111011 C11 11% 611101 ‘111 1120110111 1‘1’;\1(1(.‘EI(‘C ,
'11 Lunar! c 11:1111111311‘ aver; 10111 bruvut , (:11
'.':11;1‘|‘i1 ' ' 2'. . "‘11'111101'1111 5.
.L 1";11‘n1zi1‘ E: 11 Cmnpirr {1.1 prl‘micr 9011105110 (113 1'1111 7 , (:65
an“ 1‘. p: :‘1‘; 11‘1111 1x11 111-31; 11: (1"11'3'11'13 , C11 cnnfu‘rmi'é
: 11~1 11': 111':i 1:11, 15'{ 2-7 \'t-11:19:111 1‘1: "111 5; 111111; 135 p;
11:: 1111-1~'1'n:1r. ,. 14192111 ' . 51 [...1111' 111.: 1:11.113 13110111113, (1111:
, 11'; '- ‘ ' ‘ ‘ i {1.11' 131 11' 110111? 1111110111111: 1111:; 11.‘I)'n111~s g6—
“115‘; 4'; ;; [1, ~ :11'lt-111I‘11sz 111:1;11rv151, 11s serum :".(i1111,!1:5 sur
. .ixxi 11‘1-‘i-m; 1:0111‘ 11‘: , 1.1411131: 111.111- 11 w}.
. 1.: : :11'11 .L‘m-s 11.) 1'08 1131;111:113 111: 11011110111. Luulcfiii» C110 payés ,
' 11 11mmir‘1‘ "" 111111113 (1.“ 1'1111 7. (111'11'1 11 '11:11;1(-. 11:.»- [1911—
‘ ' 111:;!1111'- .1 1:1 (r1".‘-‘<11"‘.1'in., 11.11' W ' 31 1111 1’ ‘
111311115 (Mimi: «E; y 10mph '
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'11 11-1 ' 111'611711”11!l‘i] :1111‘111111 (111'113

.3 d-‘dail'c; [1.11 11:». pnycurs.


VII, Les pen ionnu'lrm chcssu: (”ll-sigma qni trmnffirm‘opJ
domicile (1'1111 110111111119 1111 1111111), svrmn. lcnus (1’01! 111113 111111
10.111‘ d1’11‘1a1'nlio11 1‘1 111 11‘1'15011‘111‘. nationnlc. :111 111111115' 1111 1111.1
1101111111'11111111 1111 11:1 311111135110 1'1111mnl . ninwi 1111'11 0:1. 1111251111-

101 1111 11 111 'tidm‘ £111 5; 8; 11311111"; chLc (l1-1'1u1'1'1i1111,.l:1 11mm
10‘; 1‘1‘1‘11 pzlyx-r (19,; 2111111113123 111' ('1‘. séu‘msli‘u 8; (105 5111\u11;Yd
nouwwiu (111111113110.

V111. 1f1: 1'0111'111‘11111é (1v 151111311? (11100111111?111-:111121111-1-:,11=1?'1‘j
r0111plén1o11121i1‘1: an 3, 1:1 111-5111111111 nationalfl 111:111c111'. :;I‘1:1.: 1'11“
(111puic1111'111 11c.s 11:“1‘011111916 dcs [19111111115 éiciulcs 0111111151111;

1111‘: 111 sziiiv , 5011, [1211‘ (IV-1:09 , 1111 :11111‘1'1111‘111’.

1K. 11 u’est 11011 innun': 51 I’ngn‘d (155 n111‘i-‘111lcs 1)\.‘1]\1I\11»L
1111105 11111111165 (211 101111 (10 1:1 1111 1111 'J... 111111: l"1)0, p.11 11: l? ;
lcur-génf‘rnl dc 1:1 (lune publiquc , 111 do CL‘11('J- a1:1‘u1‘111'-1-s 11111
{CUSCHI‘S (113 121 11211110 1') 1‘ 111 11-1 1111 6 111111 17 3 {i do. 10:11:; 1
11011 comprises e11 1’111‘111‘10 1” (111 préscnt uni-1C. Cos pcni 1.1
1311921111, 11111111 1131111: (10 1201105 11110.5 ([121 hiya/Max, 00111111111111111 l ‘ '
puyécs 113111115 1’311101‘is21110n 911111.110 1105 1'11111111iss;1'*cs 110 1:1 1: 1.1,!1‘1165:
l'Cl'iL‘ 11:11111111110 , 001111111: 14111:; 1’011t 15113011 1111 1'{:ilc 111411111111, .

& C(‘UX 1111i y (1111 111‘1>il , 1'111111111101'1111L (l‘élrc usmjcilis 51 11111: 1::
fricufcr [ell/av In‘x’t/U/s 1‘1 121111801121" , 8; 51 “v 1‘1)u1l\ir 10111‘ 111-11.;
(01111111110 51 111101 1111 11 [Tuvtidnr 1111 5, pour {‘IJ‘C 1111165 11 ‘1
(1&11111‘16111c111. Sig/16' , RuanLuz111:»111'2111ziwx, 111511
BUM/‘89 (/11 15/}‘imm'r1'.

1j - I ‘ ‘
'1 11,11lc \1.1g11c.... . . .
11C!11Cp1'1)\'is..... .111111
Tiers cons . . . . . . .11 1‘. 11,1
I n :

Amsterdam.... .61 ,61 ;a
['J’LIIL coma. . . . . .55) :7, 58
11111111101113. . 192 g, 11 g
Mad1-i<1...........111.50 7.;
1\Ia<1.cfl'ccl.......1/’11‘.50C [31)nf........11‘..\‘
Cadix...........111'.5oc 1)1)11§............ ..
Cadix CHI-0111‘” . . . 1/1 1‘. 55 C ()1‘ 1111 . . . . . . . . . .
Génes.. . . . . . . . .98 g, 95 i. Ling. 1121145.. . . ..5111'.‘;'\
Livouruc.. . . .105 ,‘_., 10' * 1.’ori11gaisc.... ...1)", 1', '
13:110....1' :‘1 ; 11313, 1 i 191'. 1’iash‘v.........
Geneva... . . . . . ...5pc110
Ly011.. . .. . . . . . . .pai1'15 1 Ducal (1’1101. . ...111.
Ma1‘sci11c... . . . . . .pair 10} (11111160. . . . . .. .. .111,"
Bordeaux...“Main-1215] Suuvc1'z1in....... ‘
31011111011111” . . 1- per. 15 j.

Esprit 1, , 390 . 1100 1,—13-111—(1c—1'in '1 110;, 2110313.
——.1'Iuile (11‘th , 1 1'1'. 20 51 L:'1c.— .113 311.11
—- C1153 SL—IJUminguc, 2 1‘. ‘ 5 1:. - 5111:11-
211.35 5150 c. — 311cm 11’111'1-311115, 2 1'. 30 i1 1:1)

o 1::-—.:.1.1..1u


- 001011 (135 Indcs, 4 115011115 1‘.
5.131151 111
Ilisfaire (la Pierre ITI, cmpcreur (Ia Russia, 11111111111'1: 51'1 1.1; IMJH
manuscrit 11‘0111'1': (111119 11:5 pupiors 1113 311111111101'111, 1111.1":111 " i I,
(193 11111111125 Grungcrcs , 8: 0111111111513 par 1111 :1g.fv'111 <121'1~1~1111~lr1.-i~
31 111 530111‘ 110 1’1}1(‘,;1)11111‘g; 111111' (11:; (‘1‘11‘111'113uc111rus 1‘( 11m:
tium 1111110112111195 ; suivie 1111 1’1’ xtm'rn.1»:'(-/'1v‘1’.'v,-17m (111.1 m9 '1 L
frills/palm (1111:1711 1 e (Huh-17176 II. 1’11: 1':;11|1> ‘
(/2711 [1, mi (10 Prim-so; 3 1'01. 11141". mm: 1 1 'cs. 1’1ix
111N111L 1111111 P.11‘is 8; 13 11‘. 1121111: 110 part. A l’. .5. 1’1-
8: \VLH'IZ, “brain's. (111111 1111:3111: , 11". :1. —— '.1 0.1 :1 1'1"
Exemplmu“; 8311‘ p'pim‘ 1151111, 113. (1111111 11 1r1'1c. 1’1‘11. N
bmc 1'5: 21.5; 13'. l‘rrrm' (10. 1mm.


u 1... 0.11
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C01. nip/rug", vi 1t (111111: 111i< (‘11 Wm"). 11 " (11‘ 111111111
Crux qui 11v 11911.1-111nunquer 1111111111115:1'171111 5::1<‘11"*;. 11' 11'“
m’. 1.1311101“: 3111‘ 11’0‘u‘i'n1‘ 1111c 1111‘ Claim-1115, 0:1 11111111121
('uu‘mit HHC 1‘3111‘ 1112111 1’1‘1‘1111a pnmlanfl' 3- 1311111211
C". 1111!: (2,1’1291111". :1 1111:119 111111111 es“ ("41.11111 1‘; 1. WWW“
qw- (mp \.111"1". (30:11 .9011 11111'1‘11‘131‘, (to “1111?, x113 1'.i.1.1"~1‘< 1‘1
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(1': Lanf (1:1 force 11:1:11‘ 11: Liz‘: runnnm 1111111. 11‘ 1:1=:1. 1.1%
varrrulbt succu.1:i.'ei11c111 11:3. 6;. 11111 pl‘ULL‘s 8"; 11-111 1111111111111.

A. F111 1“ 901$-




Dr} 1’1mpz ~ 1‘ 1|:-


111'1131'1', rue des Moincaux, n". 425.

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