xt71rn303316 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn303316/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18630123 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1863-01-jun23. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1863-01-jun23. 1863 2011 true xt71rn303316 section xt71rn303316 1863 Vacancies Curator J. Wasson ex- cused. Compensation Compensation to J. Shackel- ford. ieeting of Tune 23, 1863 Correction of Minutes On motion the Seats of be declared vacant in this Board to be filled at the next Annual meeting thoy having been absent from 2 session meetings. On notion Bro. Wasson was excused for non attendance of the last two meetings of the Board. Ordered by the Board that $25 be appropriated to defray the expenses of Elder Jno. Shackelford who on invitation of the Fa- culty this day addressed the under graduates. On motion these minutes after being read were unanimously adopted. On motion Board adjourned C. T. Worthington Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec., Prest. 1863 At the regular meeting of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University held in the Christian Meeting House, on Tuesday June 23, 1863. the following Curators were present at Roll call. Jno. B. Bowman Tres. Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec. G. D. Runyon A. G. Kyle C. T. Wotthington, Joseph Smith Chairman 0. S. Poston D. W. Thompson R. L. Latham After prayer by Elder H. T. Anderson, the minutes of the last annual meeting were read. On motion of J. B. Bowman, the record of the proceedings of the annual meeting held last June, was amended on p. 85 in the Resolution offered by his, so as to read lyr, Bank Stocks instead of Ky. e Stocks Pres. Milli- gan's Report. Report of Treasurer and Gon'l Agent Pros. Milligants annual official Report was called forward submitted to the Board. On motion, the President's Report, including those of the different Professors which are parts of the former, was referred to a special Committee, with instruc- tions to report upon the same for the action of this Board at 2 o'clock P. M. The following Curators were appointed by, The Chair as Committee on the Report; Dr. Jas. Smith, Chairman Dr. Lathram I. S. Poston The Report of J. B. Bowman Treasurer & Gen'1 Agent, were then read, and received. The report of Treasurer was adopted, that of the Gen'l Agent was referred to a special committee with instructions to Report at 2 P. M. today. The following Curators were appointed on such Committee. 86 ixXxxv x1tQ11IX 4--_ 87 1863 D. V. Thompson A. G. Vi vin Jno. Aug. Williams Ordered that the Report of Treasurer be spread upon the mi nute s. Report of Ex, Com . ialaries of Professors Report of Ex. Corn. Degree A. B. Degrees A. M. Publishing a report of Exam inations Circular Letter The Report of Zxecutive Committee was then read and pend- ing its adoption the question was discussed regarding the mode of distributing the Surplus income left in the hands of the Treasurer at the close of the present fiscal year. Pending this discussion, the Board adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P. M. 2 o'clock P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment,On motion of Dr. Smith it was Resolved That the action of the Ex. Cos. in regard to Salaries paid & sums distributed to Professors & Tutors for the Session clos- ing June 63 be ratified. On motion it was Resolved that the distribution of this surplus be considered as far as such distribution may go, be considered as an extinguishment of any indebtedness which the Board may have incurred by action of the Ex. Con. to services of '61 and that such distribution shall be considered in whole or part as a bonus to those who have no such claim upon the Board. On motion the entire Report of the Ex. Con. was adopted & ratified. The Committee to whom was referred the official Report of Pres. Milligan's Report. They recommend that the degree of A. B. be conferred on Mr. J. Mf. Long. Mr. J. B. T. Daviss & B. J. Pinkerton. That the Degree of A. M. becconferred on Robert Graha of Ohio, J. W. McGarvey of Lexington, Ky, & Moses E. Lard of Mo. They further recommend that a special Committee be appointed by the Chairsae who shall after consulting with the Faculty and Executive om. prepare an address to the Patrons & friends of the University, presenting fully the labors, success & expenditures of the Current year and extorting all the friends of the University to assist in furthering its welfare & pros- perity. They further recommend that the Ax. Con. previously to the next Examination shall be circular letter addressed to the prominent Preachers and Brothers request them to attend on said occasion. Said Report was then adopted. 88 June 23, 1863 Bible Chair established Cu rri culum Agricultur_ al Chair Gov. Bonds Committee on Agricul- tural Chair Report of the Treas- urer The Connittee to who& was referred the Report of Gen'l Agent offered the following Report which was adoptedl 1. That a Chair of Biblice.l Literature and Christian Philosophy be established in Ky. University under the titl, of, the eat. of 25000 # having been paid in for that purpose. 2. That the Faculty, in connection with the Ex. Comn. take into serious consideration as aoon as possible, the expediency of either raising the Standard of scholarship as a condition of ad-mission in- to the University, or of abridging the course of study, or of ex- tending the time of instruction in the several Departments. 3. That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the exped- iency of establishing an Agricultural Chair in connection with the late action of Congress on the subject of agricultural Schools. 4. That the gen'l agent be authorized to invest a portion of the endowment funds in Gov 5mS0 bonds, as soon as such funds may come into his hands. The following Committee was on motion appointed to carry out the third resolution rocorded abovel C. T. Worthington ) J. B. Bowman ) Committee 0. L. Poston ) The Treasureris Report as reported and adopted in forenoon is put to Record as followss 1863 A June 23 Endowment Fund Dr. Cr. Total Cash Collections 126078.31 By Stock Investments 665oo.oo Funds temporarily invested 58588.31 " Cash in Bank 1000.00 B Stock Fund To 336 dertificates of Stock issued 98075.00 By Coupons Cancelled " balance unredeemed 14630.00 98075.00 C, Apparatus Fund To Cash Collected todate " Cash note due By bal paid on apparatus bt of P. T. Fall 275.00 468.25 743.25 743,25 743.25 89 D Interest Fund To Cash from all Sources By disbursements as per vouchers To balance due Treasurer E Tuition Fund To Tuition 62 students session 62 By 46 students on stock Fund " 11 do Benificiary Fund H 4 do Scholarship Fund " 1 " in line of Deed B Dr. 9640.19 724.45 & 63 Cr. 10364.64 186o.oo 1380.00 330.00 120.00 30 .00 F Janitor's Fund To Janitor Fees of 61 Students By Cash to Interest fund G. Matriculation Fund To Mat Fees of 26 Students By Cash to interest fund H. Schalorship Pund To Tuition of 4 Students By 4 Bacon College Scholarships I Beneficiary Fund To Tuition of 11 Students By order of Faculty for same 244.00 244.00 130.00 130.00 120.00 120.00 330.00 330 .00 Tabular view of Stock investments Bank Stocks _ Nor. Bank Ky. 106.16 1600.00 tarmers Bank # 100.50 5000.00 Comaerchal Bank 104 34/ 00 3b2 37774.00 Exchange Bank St. Louis 100 100 10000.00 Bank of Ky. 98 25/100 100 9826.oo Rad Stooks-Board K. Improve Mercer Co. 1500.00 Dan. & Nicholasville Road Stock 8oo.oo 90 June 23, 1863 Committee appointed to procure amendment to charter Re. ported through Mr. Worthington that he had procured an act authorizing & allowing the Treasurer of the University to loan th, funds of the University - The Report was duly received. Mr. Bowman of the COO. appointed at last meeting to in- quire into the condition of the College Building Reported that the Building is sadly in need of repair, and that a thorough repair would perhaps cost the Board some 2000#. On notion it was ordered that any repairs absolutely necessary be made by the Ex. Committee. Report was received & Cos. discharged. The seats of the following Curators were declared vacant under operation of the law of the University. W. A. Cooke R. M. Dvis B. C. Graves Andrew Steele Dr. Bell elected In J. P. Tarbitt Elizka Fitch their place McGarvey Benj. Groom Jno. Shackelford, Jr. Jno. A. Geno Jno. A. Gano On motion it was agreed that in payment of the several debts owing the Board by Dr. L. Jones, stock in bank be ac- cepted according to the terms prepared by his & Gen'l Agent. Pres. Milligan requested that any obligation the Board may consider themselves to be under to him for defiency of salary for year 1861 - be at his earnest wish considered as discharged. The Board appreciating the motive of Pres. Mil- ligan declined to consider themselves as exonerated. On notion the Ex, Com. were authorized to sell any super- flous property of furniture or apparatus that may belong to University. The Committee appointed to publish in connection with Faculty & Ex. Cor, the annual Report are as follows fl. W. Thompson ) Jno. Aug. Williams ) Coin. A. H. Bowman ) On motion it was ordered that the ix. Com. be instructed to organize the Institution for the ensuing session on the basis of 7000# provided, that should the actual income exceed this amount then the surplus to the amount of 1000 be appro- 91 priated on the ratio of the Salaries of the Professors as agreed upon by the Committee. On notion Board adjourned till tomorrow at 8 o'clock after Prayer by Pros. Milligan. -Jun 24, 1863 J. W. Mc_ rarvey Catalogue Board of Visitors Re solutions de t e rmi ni ng character of University E9lection of officers Vacancies Board net at 8 o'olock A. M. Wednosday. There being no quorum present the members adjourned to meet at 12 M. 12 M. Zlder J. W. MeGarvey took his seat as a sember of the Board . On notion it was resolved that the Treasurer be and hereby is instructed to publish the annual Catalogue of the University and such other matter as may be deemed proper to- gether the address of the special Committee. On motion the following gentlemen were elected a Board of Visitors for the ensuing yearl J. W. McGarvey W. F. Patterson Dr. Joseph Smith Jno. Shackelford, Jun. Jno. Aug. Williams On motion of Jno. Aug. Williams it was resolvedS 1. That in the judgement of this Board, the Faculty of Ky. Uv. deserve the thanks of the Brotherhood throughout the West for the faithful manner in which they have labored in the cause of Education since their connection with our In. stitution & especially during the distracted scones of the past two years. 2. That in the judgement of this Board. the influence and rank of Ky. University in the State & in the Church must depend upon the solid attainments & thorough culture of its Students, rather than upon the number that may crowd its Halls; & therefore while a largo patronage is not of itself objec- tionable, nor a small attendance at this time discouraging, yet this Board, representing the sentiment of the Brotherhood are fully persuaded that any energy of the Board of Curators & Faculty should be directed to accomplish, in the most thorough manner, & accxrd~ag tp9 tse 40ghest standards pf Collegiate instruction, every student who may be found qualified for ad- aission. On motion these resolutions were ordered to be printed & published. On motion the rule was suspended & the present Board of officers were reelected for the ensuing year. Resolved that the seats of are hereby declared vacant in accordance with the requirements of law & that the