1863 Vacancies Curator J. Wasson ex- cused. Compensation Compensation to J. Shackel- ford. ieeting of Tune 23, 1863 Correction of Minutes On motion the Seats of be declared vacant in this Board to be filled at the next Annual meeting thoy having been absent from 2 session meetings. On notion Bro. Wasson was excused for non attendance of the last two meetings of the Board. Ordered by the Board that $25 be appropriated to defray the expenses of Elder Jno. Shackelford who on invitation of the Fa- culty this day addressed the under graduates. On motion these minutes after being read were unanimously adopted. On motion Board adjourned C. T. Worthington Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec., Prest. 1863 At the regular meeting of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University held in the Christian Meeting House, on Tuesday June 23, 1863. the following Curators were present at Roll call. Jno. B. Bowman Tres. Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec. G. D. Runyon A. G. Kyle C. T. Wotthington, Joseph Smith Chairman 0. S. Poston D. W. Thompson R. L. Latham After prayer by Elder H. T. Anderson, the minutes of the last annual meeting were read. On motion of J. B. Bowman, the record of the proceedings of the annual meeting held last June, was amended on p. 85 in the Resolution offered by his, so as to read lyr, Bank Stocks instead of Ky. e Stocks Pres. Milli- gan's Report. Report of Treasurer and Gon'l Agent Pros. Milligants annual official Report was called forward submitted to the Board. On motion, the President's Report, including those of the different Professors which are parts of the former, was referred to a special Committee, with instruc- tions to report upon the same for the action of this Board at 2 o'clock P. M. The following Curators were appointed by, The Chair as Committee on the Report; Dr. Jas. Smith, Chairman Dr. Lathram I. S. Poston The Report of J. B. Bowman Treasurer & Gen'1 Agent, were then read, and received. The report of Treasurer was adopted, that of the Gen'l Agent was referred to a special committee with instructions to Report at 2 P. M. today. The following Curators were appointed on such Committee. 86 ixXxxv x1tQ11IX 4--_