xt71rn30333c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn30333c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19460625 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-06-may25-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-06-may25-ec. 1946 2011 true xt71rn30333c section xt71rn30333c Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, May 25, 1946. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 1:30 p.m., Sat- urday, May 25, 1946, The following members were present: R. P. Hobson, Vice Chairman; H. D. Palmore, Ha S. Cleveland, and John Cl Everett. President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Fank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, were also present. President Donovan reported that Judge Stoll would be unable to attend the meeting due to illness, whereupon the Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee, R. P. Hobson, took the chair. A. Minutes Akproved. The-minutes of the Executive Committee of May 1, 1946, were ap- proved as published. B. Budget Increases. President Donovan reported that he had authorized a few budget increases for personal services and non-personal services, and recom- mended that the increases be authorized. He read the list of in- creases and the amounts, and after due consideration the Committee took the following action: * * * * * * * * * 1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the increases recommended are approved, the Comptroller is authorized to make the necessary budget transfers from unappropriated surplus of the University budget, and the list of recommended increases is ordered filed with the Secretary. 2 C. Bankhead-Flannagan Budget Revised. President Donovan reported the receipt of a revised budget for the current fiscal year of Bankhead-Flannagan funds. It was ex- plained that these funds are used to supplement funds available for Agricultural Extension work throughout the State* The revised budg'et contains an additional allotment from the Federal Government of S7,000.00. After due consideration, the Committee took the following action: 2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the revised Bankhead-Flannagan budget Is approved, and the additional funds received, Copy of the revised budget is ordered filed with the Comptroller. D. Agricultural Extension Budget Revised. President Donovan reported a revision in the budget for the Agricultural Extension Division. He explained that the revision contained no material changes in appropriation of funds, but rather a revised allocation of funds. 3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the revised budget of the Agricultural Exten- sion Division is approved, and copy is ordered filed with the Comptroller. E. Approval of Purchases UnIsde bX Comptroller. President Donovan reported the following communication from the Comptroller: 3 May 20, 1946 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Mly dear President Donovan: I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con- tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been made by the Comptroller's Offico between January 1, 1946 and M,..arch 31, 1946, inclusive. These purchases have not been approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. The listing below gives the numbers of the documents requesting the purchases, or actually issued as purchase orders, which documents are made a part of this record and are held in the Office of the ComDtroller subject to inspection, These purchases have been made on properly drawn documents at the requests of the various departments and have been charged against available funds. The list follows: State Requisitions #849 to #1304 inclusive Emergency Purchase Orders #1439 to #2575 Library Departmental Orders #2310 to #2492 #2498 to #2510 #'2526 to #2541 #2543 to #2553 #2551 #2557 to #2567 #2242 to #2243 University Departmental Orders #2965 to #3000 #4500 to #4573 Special Orders #2422 to #3750 Contract Requisitions #6 to #29 The record of the above purchases is respectfully submitted with the request that they be approved by the Executive Committee, thereby ratifying the action of the Comptroller in making such purchases, Very truly yours, (Signed) Frank D. Peterson Comptroller, 4 After due consideration the Committee took the following action: 4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the purchases made, requisitions submitted and contracts entered into, as outlined in the letter from the Comptroller, are approved and ratified. F. Supplemental Agreement with the FPHA. President Donovan submitted a Supplemental Agreement with the FPHA for 100 additional family dwelling units and 200 units for single veterans. It was explained that the Federal Government would move the houses and barracks to the campus of the University and pay certain costs incidental to the erection and alteration of the buildings, and connection with water mains and sewer lines. Cer_ tain other costs incidental to preparation of the site, roadways, water mains, sewer lines, and electrical distribution system are to be borne by the University. These houses are to be used for housing ex-service men enrolled or employed at the University. 5. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President and the Secretary are authorized to sign Supplemental Agreement on behalf of the University, and a copy of Supplemental Agreement Is ordered filed with the Secretary. * ** * ** ** * * G. Colonial Bowling Lc-nes__Sub-lease of Restaurant. The Comptroller reported that the lessee of the Colonial Bowling Lanes property desired to sub-lease the restaurant part of the proper- ty and had requested the approval of the University of the sub-lease. It was explained that the lessee proposes to carry out all the pro. visions contained in the original lease of the Colonial Bowling Lanes property, After due consideration, the Committee took the following action: 5 ** * ** ** ** * 6. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller is authorized to approve the sub-lease requested by James O'Brien, subject to the provisions of the original lease with the Colonial Bowling Lanes property. H. Re~ort of the Committee on Housing for Faculty. It was reported that the Committee, at its meeting on May 1, 1946, asked the Comptroller to consult and negotiate with the Lexington builders and contractors for some relief of the faculty members in need of housing. It Was further explained that M1r. Peterson had re- quested a special committee of the Kentucky chapter of the American Association of University Professors and Dr. Lyle Dawson, to work with him on the problems and that the committee was making the following re- port: To the Administration of the University of Kentucky. Following our report on the faculty housing deficiency to the American Association of University Professors and to the Administration, our Committee was reconstituted by the AAUP to cooperate with the administration in working toward any program of alleviation. Mr. Paul Oberst of the Law Col- lege was officially added to our Committee and we have asked Dr. Lyle Dawson to advise with us. You are already familiar with our statement of faculty housing in our former report. At the instance of Mr, Frank Peterson, Comptroller, the Committee and Mr. Peterson met twice with contractors of the city of Lexington to explore any avenues of potential relief. Briefly, neither the Committee nor any of the contractors see any avenue leading to housing provision for those of the staff who need homes now or in the next 12 months. Mr. Merl- wether, Yir. Sandusky, and Rr, Congleton were of the opinion that apartment houses of a permanent nature could be provided within 12 months, Mr. Eubank, Mr. Davis, and Mr. McCormick were doubtful about this time limit but concurred that it offered our best prospect. The construction of individual homes for faculty occupance did not appear feasible or desira- ble to any of the contractors at this time. The Committee recommends three lines of action: 6 1. That every effort be made to provide housing for the estimated 100 families who will need help by September 1. The report of Purdue University in this regard is attached. 2. That the Administration consider the erection of an apartment house or apartment houses both as a relief measure and as a project of lasting utility to the University. The Committee feels that as a relief measure the prospect of desirable housing within a period of 12 to 15 months would help the faculty in enduring present deficiencies. 3. That the construction of a faculty colony by the University of individual homes, would probably not be desire. able, but that any help from the administration to individual staff members in buying and building houses would be very helpful. Respectfully, The Committee.on Housing Signed Paul Oberst L. A. Pardue R. H. Weaver J. R. Schwendeman, 1,- Chrm, The members of the Committee discussed the report and housing conditions in general, ordered the report filed, and requested the President to consider the problem further. I. Maintenance and Operations authorized to Employ Maid. Members of the Committee discussed the many oublic purposes for which LM4axwell Place is used, and the necessity of proper care and maintenance of same. They took the following action: 7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Chief Engineer is authorized to employ a maid for M.1axwell Places effective June 1, 1946. J. Foreign Scholarships a .proved. President Donovan submitted a report from the Committee on For- eign Students and read the following letters: IM!ay 4, 1946. Dr. H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky My dear President Donovan: The Committee on Foreign Students recommends the following stu- dents for the awards indicated; 7 Mi-Ass Maria Luisa Osorio - $600 cash award Miss Emma Diaz Q, - free tuition scholarship Ear. Juan Jose Balzola - free tuition scholarship Mr. Roberto Giron Lopez - free tuition scholarship 11iss Isabel Olga Pruna Lamadrid - free tuition scholarship lvts. Cheng Chao-Shing - free tuition scholarship. You will notice we have not indicated a name for the $1o000 award since this does not come under our Jurisdiction. We hawe been asked to recommend a candidate to the Kentucky Fed- eration of Women's Clubs and have done so, and I believe we shall know soon that they have accepted our recommendation. We are holding up one (1) $600 award and a few free tuition awards for European students, since I was assured while in Chicag o that there are many applicants from France especially, but also some from Sweden and Holland, We of the Committee believe diversity will be both desirable and interesting. Respectfully yours, (Signed) a. E. Bigge Chairman., Committee on Foreign Students. May 22, 1946 Dr. H. L, Donovan, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky My dear President Donovan: The Oommittee on Foreign Students recommends that the Unit versity of Kentucky award Miss Li Kuan a free tuition scholarship for the school year 1946-47, Respectfully yours, (Signed) A. E, Bigge Chairman, Committee on Foreign Students. The Committee discussed briefly the policy of granting scholar- ships to foreign students,and took the following action: 8. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Students is approved and the necessary funds are appropriated from the Haggin Fund to pay the cost Involved, 8 K. Gifts: 1. From Keeneland Foundation. President Donovan reported a gift of $500 from the Keeneland Foundation for experimental supplies and expense on the research project in Bacteriology now being supported by the Foundation, After brief discussion, the Committee took the following action: 9. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $500 from the Keeneland Foundation is accepted, and the President is directed to writc a letter of appreciation to the donor on behalf of the University and the Executive Committee. 2, From Merck and Company. President Donovan reported a gift of $500 from Merck and Com- pany, and read the following letter: May 16, 1946 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Dear President Donovan: I am enclosing check for $500 from Merck and Company, which, in accordance with their statements is to be expended under the authority of the director of the Ex- periment Station and in accordance with his direction, The purposes of the, fund, as set forth by the donor are as follows: "It is our understanding that a fund which can be used to cover travel and incidental expenses will greatly facilitate the investigations with penicillin. We recog- nize that the investigators will have to go to farms and collect s8mples for bacteriological examination in order to establish the nature of the disease and determine whether or not the particular case will be suitable for investigating penicillin therapy. When suitable types of infection are encountered, it will then be necessary for the investigators to make repeated trips in order to administer treatment and there may be considerable need for collecting blood samples and saamples for culture at appropriate times." 9 The fund is given to assist the Department of Animal Pathology in executing studies on penicillin therapy in horses. I recommend that the fund be accepted for the purposes and under the conditions specified. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Thomas Cooper Dean and Director. The Committee took the following action: 10, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $500 from Merck and Company is accepted, and the President is directed to write a letter of appreciation to the donor on behalf of the University and the Executive Committee. 3, From The Sears-Roebuck Foundation, President Donovan reported a gift of $2000 from The Sears-Roebuck Foundation for scholarships to students in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, The Committee took the following action: 11. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $2000 from The Sears-Roebuck Foundation is accepted, and the President is directed to write a letter of appreciation to the donor on behalf of the University and the Executive Committee, 10 L. Graham Case Decision Mqde Final, President Donovan reported that the Court of Appeals had con- firmed the decision of Judge Ardery of the Franklin Circuit Court in dismissing the case against James Hi Graham and others. He further reported the following Agreed Order had been entered. COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY COMUONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, on Relation Harper, et al, Appellants6 Vs- AGREED ORDER JAXIES H. GRAHMd, et al, Appellees. Come the Appellants and Appellees, by their counsel of record in the above-styled case, and by agreement it is hereby ordered that the Mandate of the Court of Appeals, pursuant to the opinion of the Court herein, dated April 30, 1946, affirming the Judgment of the Franklin Circuit Court, shall be issued forthwith and transmitted to the Franklin Circuit Court. Agreed to: (Sinned) J. W. Jones Attorney for appellants. (Signed) Alexander G. Booth (Signed) Percy N. Booth attorneys for .Appellee, James H. Graham (Signed) Leslie Morris attorney for Appolleea, Members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and the Appollee, Frank D. Peterson. 11 A. Appointments and Other Staff Changes, President Donovan submitted staff appointtments, reappointments, Salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments. ollege of Arts and Sciences Appointments Richard Lt Tuthill, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, on twelve monthst basis, effective September 1, 1946. A. E. Foster, Instructor in the Department of Mathematics for the Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters of 1946-47. Ferrell Atkins, Instructor in the Department of Mathematics for the Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters of 1946-47. Paulette Lager, Instructor in the Department of Romance Languages from September 1, 1946, to June 30, 1947. Professor Waldemar Noll of Berea College, temporary appointment to teach in the Department of Physics for the months of July and August, 1946. Wiruberly Royster, graduate assistant in the Department of Mathe- matics, for the Fall., Winter and Spring Quarters of 1946-47. Kenneth P. Wood, Instructor in Mathematics for the Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters of 1946-47. Dr. Albert A. Grau, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for the Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters of 1946-47. Dr. G-rau is appointed as a substitute for Dr. Fritz John, resigned. Casper Goffman, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for the Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters of 1946-47, with the privilege of teaching in the Summer quarter of 1947 at the same rate, Theodore K. Dyer, part-time instructor in mathematics for the Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters of 1946-47. Raymond Fields, part-time instructor in Mathematics for the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters of 1946-47. Leave of Absence Blaine W. Schick, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, granted sabbatical leave from September 1, 1946, to June 30, 1947, on half salary. Professor Schick wishes to finish work for the doc- torate, 12 Salary Adlustment. Helene C. Bixler, secretary, placed on half-time, with adjustment in salary, effective May 1, 1946, in the Department of Sociology, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Appointmnents Ruth Turley Lawrence, secretary, effective May 8, 1946, to re- place Izirs. Lucile Bush Anderson, resigned. Ethel N. McGlothen, clerk, effective May l1 1946. Margaret H. M,11unday, clerk; effective May 1, 1946. Lois Blackwell, clerk, effective May 1, 1946i Neville Hulette, Field agent in Farm Labor in Fayette County, effective May 14, 1946, to October 31, 1946. Norma Motsinger, clerk, 4-H Club Department, effective IMay 13, 1946. Leslie Barbara Lamb, clerk, Department of Horticulture, ef- fective IMay 1, 1946. Carl W. Allen, County Assistant in land use and readjustment, Marshall County, effective May 9, 1946, to June 30, 1946. John W. Van irsdall, Jr., Field Agent in Farm Labor, Fayette County, effective Miay 10 to June 30, 1946, Robert Raymon Rider, County Forestry Assistant, effective May 20, 1946. Salary Adjustments Eudell Curtis, clerk in the Department of Agronomy, adjustment in salary, effective Mlay 1, 1946. Virginia Yonts Alsop, clerk, 4-H Club Department, adjustment in salary, effective May 1, 1946. Leaves of Absence Charles E. Bortner, Assistant Agronomist, has returned from mil- itary leave, and resumed his duties on May 6, 1946. J. D. Foster, Inspector, Creamery License Section, has returned from military leave and resumed his duties on May 6, 1946, 13 Maurice K. Williams, Assistant County Agent, has returned from military leave and resumed his duties, effective May 1 to June 30, 1946. Ben Moore, lay assistant in the Department of Animal Pathology, has returned from military leave, and resumed his duties on May 1, 1946. W1lliam S. Ligon, Associate Professor of Soils, granted leave of absence without pay, effective May 1., 1946, to the beginning of the Spring Quarter, 1947a Resignations Roy E. Proctor, Field Agent in Farm iianagement and part-time instructor in Farta Economics, effective June 30, 1946, Stacy B. Randle, Chief Chemist in Charge of Feed Analysis, ef- fective Mllay 1, 1946. N ucile Bush Anderson, secretary, effective May 15, 1946. College of Engineering Appointment Leslie K. Adams, transferred from the Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, to the Department of Electrical Engineer- ing, as Laboratory Supervisor, effective July 1, 1946. College of Commerce Appointment Vivian Vickery, secretary, B11reau of Business Research, effective June 1, 1946. Department of University Extension Appointment Harriett X. Mleadors, secretary, effective May 1, 1946, Sirs. IU.eadors replaces Mrs. Eleanor B. Orner, resigned. Salar' Adjust=ent Mildred Ulorrisy, secretary, adjustment in salary, effective May 1, 1946. Resignation Eleanor B. Omer, secretary, effective March 31, 1946. 14 Business IManagement & Control Department of Purchasing and Stores Appointment Constantine DiAngelus, senior account clerk, effective May 13 1946. Department of Maintenance and Operations Resignation Helen E. Bcully, clerk-stenographer, effective February 1, 1946. 12. It is moved, seconded and carried that on President Donovan's recommendation, the above appointments, reappointments, salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other staff changes be con- curred in and record made in the minutes, N. Adjournment. 13. 'Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee adjourned at 4:50 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * Frank D. Peterson Secretary, Executive Committee Board of Trustees.