xt71rn303h8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn303h8x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19421201  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  1, 1942 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  1, 1942 1942 2013 true xt71rn303h8x section xt71rn303h8x aesi uopy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

Just A Mere Game
Called "Let's Pretend'


Advance Sale Of Kentuckians IKYIANQUEEN
l otals 450; Alpha Gams, AGKs, atFraternityDANCE
Have High Totals Largest Yearbook
Sigma Chis

Sales .To Get Cup

Beauty Contest

The Kentuckian queen and six
attendants will be presented to the
student body at the annual Christ-- i



for the
Over 450 subscriptions
Kentuckian. University yearbook,
had been sold at press time yesterday, with Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and Alpha Gamma Rho and
Sigma Chi fraternities turning in
the largest total sales.
Sororities and Independent
groups are permitted to enter one
girl in tonight's beauty contest for
subscriptions sold. Fraternities may also sponsor girls, or
simply credit their subscriptions to
a sorority, allowing that group to
choose the entry. A cup mill be
presented by the Kentuckian to the
fraternity selling the most subscriptions in the advance sale.
Seven girls will be chosen as winners of tonight's contest, to be held
at 7:30 in Memorial hall, and individual pictures of these winners
mi II be submitted to officers of the
air corps, army, navy, and marines
who will rank them in order of
Kentuckian queen and six attendants. The final choices will be presented at the Christmas formal.
Fraternities sponsoring girls are
Alpha Gamma Rho, sponsoring
Wanda Scrivner. Alpha Delta Pi,
and Ruth Ellen link. Alpha Xi
Delta; Sigma Chi, sponsoring Patsy
Horkan, Alpha Delta Pi; Sigma Nu,
sponsoring Jeanne Elliott. Alpha
Delta Pi, and Phi Kappa Tau sponsoring Norma Niswonger, Kappa
Alpha Delta Pi sorority has named Marion Slater as their representative In tonight's judging; Alpha
Gamma Delta, Barbara Rehm, Virginia Walker, Martha Jane Thompson, Emma Bell Porter, and Joan
Thciss; Alpha Xi Delta, Ida Ban-- 1
non, Geneva House, and Eugenia
Brown: Chi Omega, Betty Clardy,
Mary Guttenberger, Mary Beale
Mylor, and Elaine Swift.
Delta Delta Delta. Margery
Schwartz, Minkie Clarke, Ann Austin, Wynnette White, Tansy Barn-hil- l,
and Julia Johnson; Kappa
Delta, Lillian. Bertram, Betty Jane
Marshall, and June Scott; Kappa
Kappa Gamma. Sue Fan Gooding.
Jessica Gay, Frances Field, and
Sarah Ewing; Zeta Tau Alpha,
Mary Horr.
Hamilton House. Myrtle Binkley
and Jane Ann Holland; McDowell
house. Euneva Bias; Independents,
Margie Palmore. Virginia Smith,
Adalin Stern, and Hettie Knight.
Ed Barnes is in charge of the
beauty contest, assisted by Jim
Carroll, Bill Caywood, Roger Mali an. and Spencer Merwin. Judges
are Mrs. R. J. Long, of the Lafayette studios, C. O. Dickenson of the
Herald-Leade- r,
Lt. Col. John E.
Brannan, and Col. B. E. Brewer.
The public is invited to witness the



Dr. Donovan Sav
There Will Be Football



Winners Will Be
Chosen Tonight


Applicants Must
Submit Letters
Before December













ii in iharge of the Kentuc
kian beauty contest tonight in
Memorial hall.


Students May
Travel At Xmas
Despite the fact that there are
rumors of "frozen transportation"
during the Christmas season, railroad and bus authorities have had
no official notice of such action,
according to a survey made by Kernel representatives.
Travel will be congested as usual
because of the holiday rush, but as
service men are not expected to receive Christmas furloughs, there is
not expected to be more than the
usual Christmas traffic.
Restrictions will not be made as
to who can travel, but authorities
suggest that students who are planning to go home make their Pull
man reservations early. To make
a reservation, it is necessary to
purchase tickets in advance. If
they are not used, these tickets may
be returned, and the money refunded. Prices will not be advanced
during the season.

Examining Board
To Be On Campus




The Army Aviation Cadet Examining board. No. 3. recently
transferred to Cincinnati, will
be on the campus December 7
and 8 for screening tests. Major D. C. Carpenter, of the military department, has announced.
Students who have made application to the board should,
report for tests to the Health
building on those dates.

mas formal which will be held from
9 to 12 p.m. Friday, December 11 in
the Bluegrass room of the Union
A cup will be given at that time
to the fraternity having the largest
total sales of yearbooks. This trophy presentation replaces the practice of choosing a "most popular


Two scholarships for men will be
given to members of the junior class man."
the second quarter by Lances, junior The dance, which is under the
men's leadership honorary, accord- sponsorship of the Union dance
ing to an announcement made by committee, will feature the music
W. S. Ward, faculty advisor.
of Ted Weems and his orchestra.
The scholarships
are presented Dress is formal for girls 'and opeach year and are awarded on the
leadership, tional for boys.
basis of scholarship,
Tickets, which go on sale today,
character, and financial need.
Following a new plan this year, a are $1.25 if purchased in advance,
$50 scholarship will be given to the and $1.50 at the door. They are
man placing first in the competition available at the Union information
and $25 will be presented to the desk or from Harrison Dixon. Bob
Meyer, Lee Roy Hughes, Harold
second contestant.
To compete for the scholarship, Lindsay. Gerald Schaeffer, William
letter Wade, Jimmy Chestnut, Vincent
the applirant must submit
stating his qualifications, including Spagnuolo, Carroll Robie, Roy Cunningham, Charlie Gardner, George
a short history of his life.
Doyle, John Dddd-Bo- b
Applications must be mailed to Dudley, J.
Hillen- Lances, Box 2787, University post ridge, Atlee Wilson,
offire, not later than Tuesday, De- - meyer. Joe Bohnak, Jim Johnson,
Carroll Sweeney, Jim Strauss, and
cember 8.
The winners will be announced as Marvin Akers.
soon as possible after all applica- - George Dudley, dance chairman of
tions are received.
the Union board, is in charge of ar- Lances members are not eligible rangements for the dance. Robert
to compete for the scholarship.
Mahan heads the publicity com- Lances. which is the oldest hon- - mittee, with Julie Landrum, Marian
orary fraternity at the University, Harris, Peaches Snyder, Clay Val- s
was founded on the campus in 1900 landingham, and Sally Buckner
the "Mystic 13." For many years sisting.
membership in this society was thej Committee
infor decorations
chair-Stat- e
most coveted honor at Kentucky dudes Nancy Shropshire.
jman; Delores Thompson, Mickey
The organization was disbanded in Bogan, Mary Jane Cox, Virginia
as Cantrill, Clara Lane, afid Ann Bar- 1914 but was soon reorganized
Lances, an honorary for outstanding ron.
Junior men. The last quarter century has found the ideals and goals
of Lances among the highest on the
campus. Members of this organization have continued their outstanding work during their senior year
in college and have been notably
successful in their particular fields
In cooperation with the. Army Infollowing graduation.
stitute, the University is now providing correspondence
which may be taken for credit by
men in the service, according to an
announcement received yesterday
from the office of the president.
Students who enroll after having
been in service for a period of four
A colorful group of foreign hand months may have half the cost of
blocked prints and hand woven tuition and books paid by the
fabrics representing a Florida tex- United States Government,
tile importing company, will be dis- Donovan stated.
played in the art gallery of the
"This is a very tangible recogniBiological Sciences building begin tion of the value of collese educa.
ning Sunday and continuing tion by our
authorities. A
through December 9.
great many students are already
Designs were created to match taking advantage of this
fabrics, and such famous artists ity to continue their college educa.
as Roul Dufy and Walter Teague tion, and it is hoped that many
those more will find it practicable," the
are represented.
shown are imports from Guatemala, president said.
France, Java, Austria, Sweden, EngFurther information may be obland, and South America.
tained by calling on or writing the
The fabrics will be for sale, it Director of Extension, offices in
Frazee hall.
was announced.




Men In Service
May Now Take

Extension Courses

Foreign Prints,
Woven Fabrics

To Be Displayed






Monthly Campus News Resume
To Be Sent To Alumni, Former
Students Now In Armed Forces
Russian Language


Primates and Fossil
Man" will be the subject of a walking lecture tour to be conducted by
Dr. Charles E. Snow of the
and anthropology department in an open class at 9 o'clock
tomorrow in the University Museum,
Dr. Snow will illustrate his lecture by a colorful chart of plaster
skulls showing a tentative arrangement of many of the fossil and
present forms of man and some of
the animals which lived in the corresponding geological ages.
Tomorrow's lecture will be arranged in a setting which recreates
the past. Prehistoric Kentucky Indians whose camp sites, villages,
and burial mounds were excavated
under supervision of the University
department of anthropology and
archaeology, are on exhibition in
the museum.
On the main floor the Indian bur
ial methods are reproduced, and in
the balcony an exhibit of Indian
skeletons illustrates sex differences,
growth changes, and racial characteristics of different Indian pop
ulations. Other displays show bone
pathology and anomalies.
also are Indian
On exhibits
weapons, tools, pottery, and jewelry.
A special feature of the museum is
an exhibit which is changed month
ly' and which may be seen from 2
to 5 p.m. daily except Saturday.
This lecture will be the last but
one of the series of open lectures
given this quarter. The last dis
cussion will be given December 11
by Dr. Morris Scherago, head of the
department of bacteriology, on the
subject, "How Germs Cause Dis


Russian language will be taught
on the campus in two new courses
approved last week by the faculty
of the arts and sciences college and
the faculty of the University.
Dr. W. F. Galloway, profes-o- r
English, will instruct the classes.
He is a gifted linguist, having a
knowledge of several languages, in
cluding Russian. Latin. Greek. German, French, Spanish and several
Old English dialects.
The new courses will be con
ducted in the English department.
They are English 50a, Elementary
Russian, five quarter hours, which
will be offered next quarter; and
English 50b, five quarter nours.
which will be offered In the spring


The classes will not be ooen to
Joining other s'uacnts
in the classes, however, mill be raere
dio trainees from Avon who
among those asking for a course
in the Russian language.


To Be Tightened

Continuing their plan for devel
oping a more efficient organization.
members of the legislature of the
Student Government association
Tuesday night discussed a
to enforce more regular attendance
at their meetings.
Any member who has three
absences' during a quarter,
the proposed law states, will be automatically expelled from the legislature. Excuses for absences must
be submitted before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the association, and the president of the
group will have the power of determining the validity of the excuses.
An expelled member, the law further provides, may appeal to the
legislature if he feels that his expulsion is unjust, and a majority
vote of the legislators present will
if passed, will become
effective at the beginning of the
second quarter, 1942-4According to the constitution now
is effect, a member is expelled if he
misses three consecutive meetings.
. . . will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. to
day in the Ballroom qf the Union It follows that a member may atof the meetings
building. Charlie Gardner and his tend only one-thiand still retain his position.
orchestra will play.


by-la- w





introduced at the
previous meeting by Jane Birk,
. . . of the SUB will meet at 5 p.m.
was returnwomen's
Wednesday, in the Union building.
ed to the legislature with a favorable report by the Rules committee.
debate, it was tabled
. . . of the
will be host After much
to all upperclass "Y" groups at its until the next meeting, at which
meeting at 7 p.m. today in the time a vote mill be taken.
Members absent from Tuesday's
"Y" lounge, Union building.
meeting were Margaret Erskine.
Ruth McQuown, John Neely. and
Kenneth Vallandingham.
. . . mill have an important meet
ing at 8 p.m. today in the YW ofThe legislature will meet at 7
fice. Union building.
p.m., Tuesday, December 8, in room
204, Union building.
Jim Collier,
president, stated that the meeting
. . . will meet at noon tomorrow at
will be brief because of exams.
the Maxwell Street Presbyterian
$3,800 Job Awaits
The Kentuckian picture
A $3,800 per year job awaits the will be made at this meeting.
engineer who can qualify to become an air safety investigator. PHr ALPHA THETA . . .
Full details are listed in the En- . . . will sponsor an address by Dr.
gineering building.
Frank L. McVey, president emeriAviation Cadet William Raybould.
Tabulating equipment operators tus of the University, at 4 p.m. to- Stanton, is now stationed with the
day in the Music room of the Union Army Air Force
may secure jobs through the civil
at Pecos Army
service commission.
The duties, building. He will speak on his Flying school, Pecos, Texas. Cadet
qualifications, salaries, and location analysis of the war. The public is Raybould, upon the successful comof these jobs are given in White Invited to attend.
pletion of basic bying training at
hahll. There are also notices about
Pecos Air base, will proceed to an
applications for junior calculating
advanced flying school under the
machine operators who will be paid
Phi Alpha Theta. Music room. 4 West Coast Air Force Training Cen$1,440 a year.
ter command.
to 6 p.m.
The Social Sciences Research
Scabbard and Blade, Room 204,
Council offers Grants in Aid of ReLuther Prater. Alger, Ohio, who
search to Southern Social Scientists 7 to 9 p.m.
received his A. B. degree from the
Phi Beta Room 205 5 to 6 pm
and others.
University, was recently appointed
Shear your sheep to supply aviaSweater Swing, Bluegrass room.
tors with fleece-line- d
suits, eat an 4 to 6 Dm
'uuii tauet
transferred to the Naval Air station,
egg a day, buy buttermilk in the
Dr. Konrad Bekker will be the pensac0la. Fla. Upon completion of
Dairy building on Fridays, and conspeaker at the "Y" Lunch club at tne mtensjVe course at the "Annap- serve your feed sacks this is the
noon Tuesday in Room 23B. Stu- - oljs of tne Air .. ne wi receive tr,e
advice posted in the agriculture col
dent Union.
designation of naval aviator with a
commission as ensign in the Naval
Opportunities for librarians, with Mtuimaa;
compensation in the upper brack' octiriiu ucuic""w "- H.nv
R.u.m 2(15. 5!"coc..c
the Marine Corps Reserve.
ets, are listed on the Library bul- p.m.
letin boards.
War Forum, Music room, 4 p.m
Of interest to law students is
Harry M. Boyd, Glenn W. Mil- the notice announcing the Nathan Thursday
Interfraternily council. Room, lion. Bronston R. Redmon, and
Burkan Memorial Competition. It
William P. Venters were members
urges the law college students to 204, 4 to 6 p.m.
enter some original material in the Poster committee. Sign Shop 7 oi tne largest class ever to train at
t Continued on Page Four
contest lor experience.

Bryn Mawr Scholarship
A scholarship to Bryn Mawr college, valued at $400, is offered to
students receiving their bachelor
degrees. The United States Civil
Service commission is offering a job
as geologist, professor's assistant, or
Junior astronomer at $2,000 a year.
This information is found in McVey
The civil service needs medical
technicians and is willing to pay
$1,440 to $2,000 for them. It is also
asking for artists and mechanical
lithographers with nine months' experience for map making.
"What Are We Doing in Home
Economics to Help Win the War?"
is a subject offered by the government for competitive essays by
home economics students and teachers.
In the Home Economics building
seniors who are interested in fashion
designing are told how they may
find positions.
fnr urnrlr ic
miuui rtm'Wkrl unit
it's a list
lusted in the Dispensary
of rules on how to become a good
bicycle rider.
Fellowships and assistant scholarships to five institutions are of
fered to chemistry students at the
University. Information concerning
them is found on the bulletin board
in Kastle hall.


US's UKs


A monthly news sheet, containing
a resume of campus news in brief
will be sent to all former University students and alumni now serv-- i
lng in armed force;. Miss Mar-- ;
guerite McLaughlin, secretary of
the alumni association, ha an-- ;
Suggestion of the need of such an
The SGA Welfare committee, in
order to determine the opinion of enterprise grew out of the home
studer.ts on several matters per- sick letters received in the Public
Relations and Alumni offices from
taining to the Student Union caf- students in the service. Miss Mcto fill Laughlin explained.
eteria, would like students
out the poll printed in this issue of
After conferring with Dr. Herman
The Kernel. We believe that, by L Donovan, the Board of Trusters,
the adoption of the plate lunch and postal authorities, e it was
to prepare a
system and a meat-tickthe size of the Kernel, printed on
food prices per meal can be sub- both sides, so that it might be
stantially lowered and the quantity mailed first cla.se. Regular newsof food increased. We have the papers' are sent third class, and
word of persons in authority that therefore do not receive the carethis is true; and. if by this poll we ful attention to delivery that first
find that the students are in. favor class matter does.
of such a setup, me will try to
Will Summarize News
bring these changes about.
This eight column sheet will sum
setup, the
Under the plate-lunc- h
marize the major news that has
choice at each aiealwould be less. appeared , nThe jo-nplus fea- but the variety of food from day to tures. editorials, and a few pictures
day would be as great or greater
It mill be sealed and the expense of
than it has been in the past. Un- mailing will be handled by the
meal-ticksetup, tickets University.
der the
would be purchased at the beginMis McLaughlin, mho also edits
ning of each week, would be good the Then
and Now column of The
for that week only, and would be Kernel and the Alumnus, quarterly
paid for regardless of whether or alumni publication, will
edit the
not the student ate the full value publication.
of his ticket. Also, by this method staff members will make up
the adthe student would receive a certain dress list, and mailing is expected
bonus in meals on each ticket. to begin the first of next quarter.
For instance, if the student paid
A name has not yet been decided
$5.50 for his ticket, he would get
for the sheet. Miss McLaughlin
$6.00 north of food for his $5.50.
In order to bring about any
changes at all. we must show the
that students are
desirous of such changes. So, for
your benefit, we are asking for your
fullest cooperation In this matter.
Fill out the poll and drop it in the
box provided in the post office or
The final War Forum of the fall
the one in the Student Union build- quarter mill be held at 4 p.m. toing.
morrow in the Music room of the
Union building with Dr. J. Huntley
Dave Marcus. Chairman
Dupre. professor of history, acting
The poll blank will be found on as chairman.
page three.
The discussion will be centered
around current war news, and
members of the panel include Dr.
Charles T. Smith, of the political
science department; Dr. Konrad
Bekker. instructor in the commerce
college: and Ruth McQuown. grad
inSchedules for putting mail
uate student.
to boxes in the University Post
The committee in charge of this
Office have been changed, Carmeeting consists of Virginia Lips-- I
rie Bean, post mistress, has ancomb, chairman: Dick Dillon and
nounced. Because of gas raFrances Lawton.
tioning and tire shortage, mail
hour later
will be received an
than formerly. This means that
mail mill be available at 10 a.m.
and 3 p.m. daily.
No mail will be received on
"Art in Action." the first art ex- Monday afternoons. Miss Bean
hibit of the year, will be held from
2 to 8 p.m. Sunday, in the Music
room of the Union building.
"The University truck is no
Emphasis will be placed on inlonger available for going to the
actually watching the
city post office and we must
artist at work rather than viewing
now wait until the mail is dethe finished product. Visitors will
livered by the city truck." Miss
be given an opportunity to try their
Bean explained. "I'm sure that
hand at sketching.
students will understand and
The exhibit is sponsored by the
will cooperate."
Art committee of the Student Union

Student Opinion
On Cafeteria
Is Sought

de-id- ed



NEW BY-LAbsence Rules

Opportunity May Knock Only
Once, But It Lingers On
Post Docscholastic year 1943-4- 4
toral Field Fellowships and Grants-in-Ai- d
of Research in the Social
Nurses Needed
The United States Civil Service
commission announces that graduate nurses are wanted for service in
Panama and in other federal agen
cies at salaries of $1.68.75 per month
and $1,800 per year respectively.
A report from the Vanderbilt
School of Nursing in Nashville,
mission, Washington, D. C, an- Tenn., lists that due to the $3,500,-00- 0
nounces that they are in need of
donated by Congress for the
expediters at salaries of $2,600 tc training of nurses, a number of
$3,800 per year. Positions open are $300 scholarships
are available at
Senior Expediter, $3,800; Expediter, that institution.
and Assistant Expediter,
White southerners and negroes
$2,600. (Webster says to expedite mho are between the ages of 24 and
means to issue officially, to send 35 and mho mish to work on some
forth, or to dispatch.)
problem distinctly in relation to the
The Illinois Institute of Tech- South and who wish to make their
nology awards scholarships to grad- careers in the South should apply
uate students for the academic year for a Julius Rosenwald Fund Schol193-4- 4
in study and research lead- arship available for the year 1943.
ing to the degrees of master of sciAmerican Red Cross employment
ence or doctor of philosophy. The opportunities, as listed on the bulfields in which one may obtain these letin boards in the gymnasiums.
degrees are civil engineering, me- consist of a program of services to
chanical engineering, electrical en- the armed forces and include work
as an assistant club director mith
mathematics, salary at $225 per month plus
and mechanics.
maintenance and program directors
The Social Science Research at $220 per month plus
Council of New York offers for the


Here Next Quarter

Indian Collections
Will Be Exhibited
At 9 Tomorrow

Kernel Items
To Be Assembled
Each Month


Will Be Taught


Opportunity may knock but once,"
but that doesn't mean that it
doesn't stand around and wait for
people to notice it.
Often it lingers patiently in some
inconspicuous place, like the bulletin boards of the University.
There, if you mould stop and look,
will be found everything from notices "where to get the best prices
on corsages" to notices about graduate scholarships.
In the Administration
the United States Civil Service com-


Final War Forum
Will Be Held

Tomorrow At

Mailbox Delivery

Schedules Altered



First Art Exhibit

(Planned Sundays

Corporal Mingles Willi Coed
At Service Men's Open House


"Oh, is it
Where you from?"
mv play?"
"Praise the Lord and ." "Gosh. I
haven't played ping pong in years
," "Just cream, thank you ."
Such snatches of song and conver- as hese
taUghter o
nl and coed.

"I left my heart



m or neaf ne music rQom of tne
Student Union building last Sun- day afternoon.
The Union mas entertaining with
open house designed to meet the
recreational yearnings vi even wie
most versatile service man. For the
mildly athletic there mas a ping
pong game, while sets of chess and
checkers were provided for those
ho desired a little practice in. con- The
centration. ... ,., musically inclined
j, K
a pianist whose supply of sheet
music included everything
"Chop Sticks" to "I'm Falling in
Love mith Someone."
AU believers in the theorv that
musjc breaks down reserve and" pro-motes fellow feeling could have
taken a well deserved bow on the

strength of the laxye group of
soldiers who gathered around the
piano all afternoon.
Yes. the Union's open house pro--i
vided a very fine way for a soldier
in a strange town to while amay a
cold, dark Sunday afternoon. Even
coffee with both cream and sugar
was served. However, there was on
lot of
hitch. And unless a
people for whole lot of years have
been going about with a whole lot
of wrong ideas in their heads, it
was a big hitch. The color scheme
showed too much khaki and not
enough chartreuse, dubonnet. and
whathaveyou. All through the ween
these soldiers eat their meals, walk
to their classes, and drink their
mith other soldiers.
they like some form of
recreation and some change in
routine. It is the women on the
campus who can make an open
house such as this one a success!
The soldiers turn out in great numbers the girls should, too. .Re
member, they are held every Sun- ,day afternoon from three to six in
the music room of the Uuion build-- 1






ukm. . ao.,0. . u


Sports Editor
society Editor
dawson hawkins
Advertising Manager
Associate Editors
Circulation Manager
Assistant News Editor
Assistant Society Editor

nf Semener



N. V.





i 00

One Tear

to be comiderf the
end do not aecefrilr






TIME OUT by Tommy Moore
Thanksgiving vat ai ion. all out- tin ol

Tod:tx w are going lo Ih a game of
I'reteiid" just like we used to do when we were
Litis. and plax prOlt-nxvas more fun ih.in anything kc lould t h ink of.
Bui our "Lot's Pretend" itidax is going to
lot different from the kind wc nytl lo lay.
For wf just hapx-nfto see a not it e ih;it three
vears ago l.iti students from the I'nixersiix of
Prague were slain by the Nazis. We are going
to, shut Otir eyes and try to visualize jusi what
would be the result if the same thing li.iix ncl
here at the University of Remutkx. I'SA.
First of all, whith L'iti students would Ik'
pitked out to fie shot? For the most pari, jusi
anv 156. but probablv the first one would
ones that t lie invaders felt would cause
the most damage to iheir wondrous tause.
Taking a tpiitk look ai ihe siiuaiion. ihey
see that the SCiA and The Kernel are supposed
to Ik- ihe Mwcrs of student opinion on the
campus. Then ihe oflitials of these verdaminie




Vcrhind ungen must


There they are. lined up against the side of
l lie Adminisiraiion building
im Collier. M.u-iane Rirk. Patritia Snider, Beiiv
Pugh. Cxlia Bederman. Jav Wilson. Ia'w is. Shu in.
and Raxier Melton. A ratile of sIhms and the
figures slump lo the ground: are pit ked up. and
then slung inio a awning pit dug in the pan

rade pound.
That artounis for nine of the dogs of


Onlv H. more 10 go 10 t ea eh thai goal
ttnsere Kami ratten at Prague.


those t real ures those who
.lie jieopkk think are so big and healiliv. but
who we know are only puny fellows who hae
nothing more valuable lo do than thase a little ball all oxer a hundred-xard-Jonheld or
over a hardwood lloor.
we will get

And so ii is that Civile ohnson. Clark Wood.
Charley Rill Walker. Rill Griffin. Hut Jones. Mel
Rrewer. Kith Colvin, Charlev Kuhn. Mill Tit to.
Jesse Tunstill. and five of the smaller men take
their plates, hands Itountl, eves bandaged. I lie
sharp burst of mathine gun tire and ihev have
gone to join the ol lit is in ihe Mill ojien pit.
I il let n go tlown in that swoop, making the toial
an iininiKi (ant two tloeu.

leu on it exes gae oxer the siiuaiion.
and in so doing lall
the "Dint ion of



There, there are the names of eat h and
exerv siutleni in ihe whole stountlrelv plate.
Now it will Ik- an easv mailer to pitk out J lose
who tan help Jo fill the pitCarl Alihaus. a good old Aryan name, bin
what is he doing here in this unenlightened
lountrx? He might even lie against Der Vater- -


He musi go. And here is someone with
ilie Kiili.n name of Amnions, almost like that
mil thai t rax Aint-- it ans eat. He must le mils,
loo. He must join his liiemls at the wall.
I. tnd.


here is the name Rath, the same as
that tine who wrote sut h horrible musit, ihe
inusir that t annul Ik pl.ivttl in Der Vatcrland.
Alma Jean Rath, Rxroii Theodore Rath. I.xsle
Maurite I'.aili. Marx Fleanor Rath. Marx Fran-te- s
Rath. Ralph H. Rath ihey must pay ihe
n.iliv for having sut h names. Womler what
l litR in Ralph R. is lor. Piobablx some
Fuglish name thai he is ashamed
lis go
haxing. Don't blame him. So the
to ihe pit. Rut thev are hanged, noi shoi. ihey
xvhtt had sut h a name do noi tleserxe ihat shoi
Ik xvastttl on



What, here is another Riik. apparently ihe
sister tif the one who knew loo ninth aliout the
SC. A. She must Ik- litpiitlaied alv. lo show her
Hi Ix- - let tiff
parents thai ibex tannot
.:!!;ir thiltlren. Reh.tx ing sut h
t asilx
sides Miss Reiix Ijt-- is in tha: SfiA. loo. I hat
is loo unit Ii!
Mithaeleiie ean Rogan. What a name! She
'I here she is tuer there noxf.
musi Ikhair. No
ling ki'mmi has
with retl
letl hair. She musi spill her IiUmmI lo malt h dial
II. lining top.






see here ait- lx
Ktiple thai haxe ihe
name til Chun hill. Hoxtard Arniisiead
.mil Kiiix Chiirthill. ihev musi Ik- purgetl. II
xviih lhai
onlv we toultl tale tare of


I here
aie four men oxer there next lo ihe
big building xviih the seal on ii. What are
vour names, sirs? Fllis Biiiiun Cunningham,

(ux Claxion Cunningham. Milton Dean


I his is an Italian name,
Dif. i.irunio. Her
lust name is ik1x Marie. She ran lie no gtwitl
lo anxoue al all. none of the Italians are. Thev
are bunglers, all tf them. 'Ihey even like to
Ik- - raptured.
Beat her lo death.

It is a wonder that all these Duntans are not
going around wearing
skirls known as
kills. Such an odd mixture of colors, too. All
seven of them must go to greet their Scotch
ancestors, such as ihey are. Kill them sloxvlv
in revenge for the dastardly work that the Indies from Hell tarried on during 1014-18- .

This girl
the name of ihat old tpieen
of xvhai was once ihe Netherlands. Wilhelmina
Fxl. Do lo her as you would
tti tlo to the
anil gel Joseph Andrew also. He is
tpit-cnprobablv her brother.

Those two creatures ihat have the names
l.uigi Cam pi Frame and Vernon Hale French
must lie weaklings. Everything thai sounds like
thai counirx is verv poor.
And these must go. Coin! German nanie(s. but
that makes their crime of liv ing in America that
ninth worse. Thus il is lhai Gross. Grossman.
Gruenlx-rger- ,
Grunewald, and Gutienberger are
added lo the rapidly growing pile thai rests in
the pit ting in the parade ground.
Here is one whole section given iti

students whose names begin with Mt. Ii is too
ninth lo exH-t- us lo let suth people live, (tll
off ihe names, Schlusscl, and tell them to walk
lo the Administrai i