xt71rn303w09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn303w09/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1965 journals kaes_bulletins_189 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.189. text Bulletin n.189. 1965 2014 true xt71rn303w09 section xt71rn303w09 Regulotory Bulletin 189 i Commercial Fertilizers ’ in Kentucky, 1965 Q A Including a Report on Oiiicial Fertilizer A Samples Analyzed I 1 ]uly-December, 1965 J Y OF , g E _ $/865: . University of Kentucky - Agricultural Experiment Station Lexington FEED AND FERTILIZER DEPARTMENT KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Bruce Poundstone, Chairman Robert Mathews, Assistant Administrator and Chief Inspector W. J. Huffman, Registration Inspector _ J. M. Fernandez, Auditor—Inspector - FIELD INSPECTORS Maurice M. Davis Neville Hulette Noel J. Howard Eugene Vanderpool Wilson M. Routt LABORATORY STAFF Valva Midkiff John Ellis John T. Adair John A. Shrader Norma Holbrook _ Paul R. Caudill Dewey Newman, Jr. Robert N. Price . · Richard D. Westmoreland Carolyn Sue Witt * * * w * w w k w A CONTENTS A Page Explanation of Tables ................................................. 3 ` V n Explanation of Certain Columns .. ........... . .... . ..................... 4 Companies Represented by Samples Reported in This Bulletin ............ 5 Table l - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers ........ ... 7 Table 2 - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Liquid Fertilizers ........ l7 Table 3 — Results of Analyses of Boron in Fertilizers Reported in Table l. Analyses Deficient Are Underlined ................. 18 Average Percentages of Guarantee and Coefficients of Variation ' for all Samples by Fertilizer Manufacturers, Kentucky, Spring Season, 1965 . ........................................ l9 Elemental Guarantees ........................... . .................... .. 23 - ' * * w w w * * w w . This report compiled and prepared by Bruce Poundstone and W. J. Huffman Analytical Data by Laboratory Staff COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1965 3 . This bulletin contains results of analyses of 472 official samples » of commercial fertilizer made during the period July l through December 31, * 1965. Separate tables are provided for the results of analyses of dry ferti- lizers, liquid fertilizers and boron. n EXPLANATION OF TABLES _ The information given in the following tables should be useful in deter- _ mining how nearly a manufacturer is meeting the chemical guarantee printed on the bag or tag for the fertilizer represented by the samples listed. This may be done by comparing the guarantee shown at the beginning of each listing of samples with the actual analysis in the column at the right in terms of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and potash. An additional means of comparing guarantees with the analyses of samples is in the percent of relative value found, shown in the column RV. The 4 Y following examples illustrate how this relative value is calculated: ` A 5-10-15 sulfate fertilizer is guaranteed to contain 5 units of nitrogen, ` l0 units of available phosphoric acid and 15 units of potash. Factors for computing the relative value of these plant foods are: 3 for nitrogen, 2 for available phosphoric acid and l for potash. Thus the combined guaranteed value of the product represented is calculated: _ 5.0 Units of Nitrogen x 3 = l5.0 ' 10.0 Units of Available Phosphoric Acid x 2 = 20.0 15.0 Units of Potash x l = 15.0 . 50.0 The same procedure is followed for "found values." Assuming a sample of 5-l0—l5 was found to contain 5.1 units of nitrogen, 10.2 units of available " phosphoric acid and 15.1 units of potash, the relative found value is computed: 5.1 Units of Nitrogen x 3 = 15.3 10.2 Units of Available Phosphoric Acid x 2 = 20.4 · 15.1 Units of Potash x l = 15.1 * 50.8 50.8 (computed found value of sample) divided by 50.0 (computed guar- anteed value) times 100 (to arrive at percentage) gives 101.6 as the percent of relative value found. The analyses indicated by an asterisk are deficient more than the tolerance. Occasionally an analysis may be found that appears to be in- consistent in its marking. For example, two samples that are guaranteed - 10% available phosphoric acid may both be found to contain 9.7%. One of these may have an asterisk and the other not. There are two factors that may cause this difference. . l. These tolerances are calculated by an electronic computer and applied to the laboratory analyses before these data are rounded off to the nearest tenth of a percent. In the above example, the laboratory found 9.66% for one sample and 9.74% for the other. The first one would be starred as de- ficient. (Continued) 4 REGULATORY BULLETIN 189 - 2. The grade is written by using the largest whole number in the guarantee _ _ of each ingredient. For example, a custom-mixed lot of fertilizer may be guaranteed 0.—ll.9—1l.2. The grade would be written O-11-11. However, the tolerances are calculated on the 11.9% and 11.2% guarantees. If this fertilizer analyzed 11.3% A.P.A. and lO.9% potash, the 11.3% A.P.A. would be starred because this analysis is 0.6% units below the 11.9% guarantee. The use of a high speed computer to make these calculations enables us V to apply these tolerances more precisely than has been possible before. In some samples a deficiency in one nutrient is accompanied by an over- run in another nutrient. This may be evidence of improper mixing or weighing by the manufacturer. Extreme variations of this kind cannot be attributed to separation of materials (segregation) after the product is bagged though this may be a minor factor. Excess of one nutrient cannot compensate for defi- ciency of another nutrient. The purchaser is entitled to receive the full . 4 guarantee for all nutrients as expressed by the manufacturer's guaranteed { analysis. _ EXPLANATION OF CERTAIN COLUMNS The letters NIT after a grade means that the product is or that it _ contains Nitrate of Potash. The W/B after a grade indicates that the sample _ contained boron (see table 3 for boron analyses). The column headed "Num" lists the laboratory number of the particular sample. The column headed . _ "XS CL", an asterisk indicates the sample did not meet the guarantee for sulfate of potash. The RV column shows the percent of relative value found. The PHYS column shows the physical form of the fertilizer when sampled. ‘ The first digit indicates: l = chemically combined 2 = dry blend The second digit indicates: 1 = pulverized, bag 2 = pulverized, bulk ` 3 = semi-granular, bag 4 = semi-granular, bulk _ 5 = granular, bag 6 = granular, bulk _ 7 = pellet, bag 8 = pellet, bulk 9 = liquid O = slurry Example: Chemically combined, granular, bag = 15 Average percentages of guarantee and coefficients of variation for samples secured during the spring season, 1965 are presented in this bulletin be- ginning on page 19. A statement on the transition from the present system of an oxide guarantee for available phosphoric acid and potash to an elemental guarantee for phosphorus and potassium appears on page 23. n COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1965 5 —_ COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY SAMPLES REPORTED IN THIS BULLETIN American Agricultural Chemical Company Cooperative Fertilizer Service 100 Church Street Southern States Building New York, New York l0007 Richmond, Virginia 23213 American Cyanamid Company Darling & Company · Agricultural Division 4201 S. Ashland Avenue _ . P. O. Box 400 Chicago, Illinois 60609 s Princeton, New Jersey 08540 E't0wn Fertilizer Company Armour Agricultural Chemical Company Spencer Chemical Division 30 Pryor Street, S. W. Gulf Oil Company Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Cecilia, Kentucky 42724 _ 4 Bartlett & O'Bryan Fertilizer Company Farmers Chemical Association 108 River Road P. O. Box 67 : Owensboro, Kentucky 42302 Tyner, Tennessee 37392 Bluegrass Plant Foods, Inc. Federal Chemical Company Cynthiana 646 Starks Building Kentucky 4l03l Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Bunton Seed Company W. R. Grace & Company A 939 Jefferson Street Davison Chemical Division Louisville, Kentucky 40202 101 N. Charles Street ` ~ Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Burley Belt Fertilizer Company Route #4 W. R. Grace & Company · · Lexington, Kentucky 40505 Nitrogen Division P. 0. Box 4915 California Chemical Company Memphis, Tennessee 38lOl l Lucas & Ortho Way Richmond, California 94801 Gro-Green Chemical Company · P. O. Box 132 · Central Farmers Fertilizer Company Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 205 West Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois Hutson Chemical Company ' Railroad Avenue ` Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation Murray, Kentucky 42071 · 120 Broadway New York, New York 10005 International Minerals & Chemical Corp. P. O. Box 67 — Lockland Station Christian County Supply Company Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 Skyline Drive Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240 Kenco Fertilizer Company Bowling Green A Coastal Chemical Company Kentucky 42101 Yazoo City Mississippi 39194 Kentucky Fertilizer Works, Inc. P. O. Box 595 Commonwealth Fertilizer Company Winchester, Kentucky 40391 Morgantown Road Russellville, Kentucky 42276 (Continued) 6 REGULATORY BULLETIN 189 Companies Represented by Samples Reported in this Bulletin (Continued) Land-0-Nan Warehouse Tri-State Chemical Company Spencer Chemical Division Spencer Chemical Division Gulf Oil Company Gulf Oil Company Sturgis, Kentucky 42459 Henderson, Kentucky 42420 North American Fertilizer Company Union Fertilizer Company Preston Street at Bergman Morganfield Louisville, Kentucky 40217 Kentucky 42437 Prescription Fertilizer Service Valley Counties of Kentucky Coop. Division Kerr-McGee Oil Industries P. O. Box 127 · ` Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Benton, Kentucky 42025 F. S. Royster Guano Company V-C Chemical Company Price Chemical Division Division Secony Mobile Oil Company P. O. Drawer 1940 401 E. Main Street Norfolk, Virginia 23501 Richmond, Virginia 23208 r Swift & Company West Kentucky Liquid Fertilizer . Agricultural Chemical Division Division W. R. Grace & Company National Stock Yards, Illinois 62071 Nitrogen Products Division _ Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240 ' Tennessee Corporation 2521 Glendale-Milford Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1965 7 TABLE I.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers, July-December, 1965 ° Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent I or Iessindicated by asterisk. · AMERICAN AGRI. CHEM. CO. CINCINNATI OHIO GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-25-25M 12533 0.0 25.4 26.6 103 15 0-25-25M 12694 0.0 24.3* 23.8* 97* 23 5-10-15S 12534 5.1 10.5 15.9 105 16 5-20-20M 12655 5.5 20.9 19.9 104 15 5-20-20M 12671 4.9 20.9 20.5 103 15 ’ 5-20-20M 12853 5.0 20.4 20.6 102 15 5-20-20M 12860 5.0 20.9 19.3* 102 15 ‘ 5-20-20M 12532 5.1 20.9 20.5 103 16 . 6-12-12M 12656 5.5* 12.9 12.7 102 15 A 6-12-12M 12861 5.8 11.7 12.9 99 15 I 12-12-12M 12695 12.1 12.8 11.9 102 15 AMERICAN AGRI. CHEMICAL CO. NASHVILLE TENN GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-10M 12823 5.1 18.1* 11.2 97* 15 5-20-20M 12704 5.0 18.3* 19.2* 94* 15 5-20-20M 12818 5.0 18.8* 19.0* 95* I5 . ~ 5-20-20M 12607 5.2 18.3* 20.8 97* 16 6-12-12M 12819 5.8 12.7 12.1 102 13 6-12-12M 12703 5.8 12.8 11.7 101 15 · ` 6-12-12M 12821 5.9 12.3 12.6 101 15 10-10-10M 12822 10.3 10.1 10.3 102 15 AMERICAN AGRI. CHEM. CO. NEW YORK N.Y. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20- 0 12672 0.0 20.8 0.0 104 15 0-20- 0 12862 0.0 20.1 0.0 101 15 , ~ 33- O- 0 12541 34.3 0.0 0.0 102 17 AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY PRINCETON N.J. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS l 20- 0- 0 12859 20.5 0.0 0.0 100 15 ARMOUR AGRI. CHEMICAL CO. ATLANTA GA. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-46- 0 12905 0.0 45.6 0.0 99 15 ARMOUR AGRICULTURAL CHEM. CO. CINCINNATI OHIO GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS · 4-12- 8M 12855 4.7 14.0 10.4 119 15 5-20-20M 12856 4.6* 19.7 19.1* 96* 15 5-20-20M 12857 4.9 20.1 19.1* 99 15 10-10·10M 12687 9.7 10.3 10.6 100 15 ARMOUR AGRI. CHEMICAL CO. JEFFERSONVILLINO. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- BM 12651 3.9 12.1 9.0 102 15 ’ 5-20-20M 12646 5.0 18.4* 21.5 98 15 ~ 5-20-20M 12652 5.2 18.7* 20.2 98 15 . 5-20-20M 12803 4.8 19.8 19.5* 98 15 6-12-12M 12653 5.8 11.8 13.3 100 15 10-10-10M 12645 9.6* 10.9 10.1 101 15 10-10-10M 12654 9.5* 10.2 11.5 101 15 · ARMOUR AGR. CHEMICAL CO. NASHVILLE TENN GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20- 0 12806 0.0 21.0 0.0 105 15 0-20- 0 12842 0.0 20.4 0.0 102 16 0-20-20M 12847 0.0 19.8 19.0* 98 16 0-20-20M 12804 0.0 18.7* 20.4 96* 25 3-12- 6M 12787 2.4* 12.9 5.7 99 11 8 REGULATORY BULLETIN 189 TABLE I.- Anulyses of Inspection Samples af Dry Fertilizers, July-December, I965 I Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent or Iessindicated by asterisk. ARMOUR AGR. CHEMICAL CO. NASHVILLE TENN CONT. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 3-12- 6M 12791 2.9 12.5 6.4 103 11 3-12-24M H/B 12848 2.9 10.7* 25.5 9B 16 . 4-12- 8M 12837 4.1 11.7 8.4 100 13 4-12- BM 12558 4.1 11.4* 8.4 99 15 4-12- 8M 12784 3.7* 12.3 9.6 103 15 4-12- BH 12786 3.9 11.7 8.6 100 15 _ 4-12- BM 12844 3.8 12.4 10.4 106 16 5-20-20M 12497 4.9 19.1* 19.6 97* 13 5-20-20M 12727 4.7* 18.4* 21.1 96* 13 I · 5-20-20M 12495 4.9 19.8 21.1 100 15 5-20-20M 12557 5.3 19.2* 18.9* 98 15 5-20-ZOM 12845 4.8 17.7* 22.5 96* 16 6-12-12M 12506 5.9 12.3 12.2 101 15 6-12-12M 12617 5.6* 12.7 11.9 100 15 6-12-12M 12785 5.7* 12.6 11.2* 99 15 6-12-12M 12820 5.9 11.8 12.3 99 15 ` 6-12-12M 12830 6.0 12.1 12.2 101 15 6-12-12M 12752 5.8 12.7 12.7 103 16 6-12-12M 12846 6.1 11.8 11.4* 99 16 6-18-12M 12505 4.7* 15.3* 11.1* 85* 15 6-18-12M 12782 6.0 17.2* 13.1 99 15 6-18-12M 12783 6.1 17.6 12.7 100 15 6-18-12M 12582 6.0 17.1* 13.7 100 16 6-18-12M 12843 6.0 17.3* 12.6 99 16 ` 10-10-10M 12504 9.4* 10.7 10.4 100 15 10-10-10M 12531 9.4* 10.7 11.9 102 15 10-10-1OM 12559 9.9 11.9 9.6* 105 15 · 10-10-IOM 12788 9.3* 11.4 10.5 102 15 10-10-IOM 12792 9.4* 11.1 11.3 103 15 10-10-10M 12805 10.0 10.7 9.9 102 15 ` 10-10-10M 12838 9.2* 10.7 12.6 102 15 10-10-10M 12553 9.7 10.3 10.1 99 16 BARTLETT + 0 BRYAN FERT. CO. ONENSBORO KY. _ GRADE NUM N APA PDI XS CL RV PHYS 5-10-15S 12484 5.3 11.1 16.5 109 11 5-20-20M 12485 5.8 18.7* 19.4* 99 15 5-20-20M 12563 5.0 21.1 20.1 103 15 6-12-12M 12486 6.1 15.8 18.4 126 15 6-24-24M 12564 5.7* 23.0* 24.2 97* 15 10-10-10M 12487 11.6 10.1 10.3 109 15 12-12-12M 12488 13.2 9.3* 8.1* 92* 13 BLUEGRASS PLANT FOODS. INC. CYNTHIANA KY. ` GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-IOM 12863 9.5* 10.1 12.0 101 13 BLUEGRASS PLANT FOODS. INC. DANVILLE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20- 0 12604 0.0 18.5* 0.0 92* 11 6-I2-12M 12605 7.0 11.9 12.8 107 13 12-12-12M 12606 11.4* 14.0 12.0 103 13 RUNTON SEED COMPANY LOUISVILLE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 10-12- 6M 12627 8.6* 13.0 7.0 98 13 BURLEY BELT FERTILIZER CO. LEXINGTON KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-ZOM 12544 4.8 19.6 19.8 98 23 10-10-IOM 12864 9.5* 9.8 10.7 98 25 CO MERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1965 9 - TABLE I.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers,July-December, 1965 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values af 97 percent I or lessindicated by asterisk. CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL CO.- RIUDWND, CALIF. GRADE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV PHYS 33- 0- 0 12594 34.1 0.0 0.0 102 17 CENTRAL FARMERS FERTILIZER CO. CHICAGO ILL. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0- 0-60M 12600 0.0 0.0 60.3 100 15 0-46- 0 12835 0.0 45.9 0.0 100 11 · » 0-46- 0 12599 0.0 45.6 0.0 99 15 ' CHILEAN NITRATE SALES CORP. NEW YORK N.Y. . GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS _ 16- 0- 0 12535 15.9 0.0 0.0 99 17 _ CHRISTIAN COUNTY SUPPLY CO. HOPKINSVILLE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 3-12-24M W/B 12724 2.5• 10.0* 25.1 92* 26 4-12- BM 12750 1.8* 5.2* 20.6 83* 26 5-20-20M 12723 3.1* 10.1* 32.6 83* 26 5-20-20M 12749 6.2 21.4 22.0 111 26 - · 10-10-10M 12748 10.1 11.5 10.8 107 26 10-20-20M 12742 9.4* 19.7 21.3 99 26 COASTAL CHEMICAL CORP. YAZOO CITY MISS · I GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 18-46- 0 12705 18.3 46.4 0.0 101 17 ` COMMONWEALTH FERTILIZER CD. CAMPBELLSVILLKY. GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-IOM 12761 10.0 10.3 10.2 101 26 COMMONWEALTH FERTILIZER CO. ELKTON KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-10-30M 12584 0.0 10.4 30.2 102 22 6-12-12M 12751 6.0 13.2 12.5 105 14 l 6-12-12M 12583 6.9 12.4 12.3 107 16 COMMONWEALTH FERTILIZER CO. RUSSELLVILLE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS . 0-20- 0 12670 0.0 19.7 0.0 99 11 0-20- 0 12523 0.0 19.6 0.0 98 12 _ 0-20-20M 12667 0.0 19.9 21.1 102 23 ` 4-12- 8M 12839 5.3 12.6 8.6 113 13 ‘ 4-12- 8M 12659 4.7 12.6 9.2 110 15 5-20-20M 12491 5.1 19.2* 20.4 99 14 5-20-20M 12521 5.3 20.9 19.2* 103 14 . 5-20-20M 12668 5.5 19.5* 19.9 101 15 l ' 5-20-20M 12808 6.0 19.4* 16.7* 98 15 5-20-20M 12840 5.3 19.3* 21.0 101 15 6-12-12M 12520 6.6 12.4 12.4 105 14 ' * 6-12-12M 12841 6.0 12.7 12.9 104 15 . 6-18-12M 12522 6.4 15.7* 13.1 96* 14 10-10-IOM 12519 9.5* 11.2 10.7 103 14 10-10-IOM 12669 9.2* 11.0 11.3 102 15 10-10-IOM 12809 9.9 11.0 10.4 103 15 · 10-10-10M 12891 9.8 10.0 10.6 100 15 COOPERATIVE FERTILIZER SERVICE BRISTOL VA. ` GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-25-25M 12536 0.0 26.1 26.0 104 23 5-10-10M 12537 5.1 10.5 10.3 104 11 10-10-IOM 12538 10.2 10.2 10.1 102 11 10-20-20M 12539 10.6 21.1 20.5 105 23 COOPERATIVE FERTILIZER SERVICE LOUISVILLE KY. GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 0-15-30M W/B 12865 0.0 15.9 28.9* 101 11 0-15-30M W/8 12677 0.0 15.8 31.4 105 21 10 REGULATORY BULLETIN 189 A TABLE I.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers, July-December, 1965 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent ' or Iessindicated by asterisk. _ COOPERATIVE FERTILIZER SERVICE LOUISVILLE KY. CONT. GRADE NUM N APA POI XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20M 12673 0.0 20.6 21.2 104 11 0-20-20M 12834 0.0 20.5 20.7 103 15 4-12- BM 12678 4.1 12.1 8.8 103 11 5-20-20M 12679 5.0 20.0 21.1 101 11 5-20-20M N/B 12517 5.1 20.6 20.7 103 13 6-12-12M 12721 5.8 13.1 11.7 103 11 10-10-IOM 12680 9.8 11.1 10.0 103 11 10-10-10M 12833 9.4* 10.6 10.5 100 11 10-10-10M 12509 9.5* 11.1 11.0 103 13 10-10-10M 12642 9.7 11.5 10.2 104 13 10-10-10M 12920 10.0 10.5 10.5 103 15 10-10-10M 12908 10.2 10.4 10.5 103 23 COOPERATIVE FERTILIIER SERVICE RUSSELLVILLE KY. . GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS · , 0-15-30M H/8 12674 0.0 14.3* 31.5 100 23 0-15-30M N/B 12713 0.0 15.0 29.0* 98 23 0-20-20M 12588 0.0 19.2* 22.8 102 21 4-12- 8M 12589 3.9 11.9 8.7 100 11 4-12- BM 12577 3.8 12.1 8.7 100 15 4-12- BM 12609 5.8 12.8 8.9 118 15 4-12- 8M 12714 4.2 12.1 9.0 104 15 - 4-12- BM 12781 4.9 12.2 8.3 108 15 4-12- 8M 12801 4.0 12.4 9.3 105 15 5-20-20M 12585 4.7* 19.5* 20.2 98 13 5-20-20M 12518 6.0 19.5* 19.0* 101 15 5-20-20M 12590 5.1 17.8* 21.9 97* 15 5-20-20M 12601 4.7* 19.0* 21.5 98 15 5-20-20M 12608 5.0 18.3* 21.9 98 15 5-20-20M 12675 4.9 19.6 20.5 99 15 · 5-20-20M 12715 4.9 19.8 19.6 98 15 - . 5-20-20M 12790 4.9 19.2* 21.4 99 15 5-20-20M 12875 4.6* 19.2* 21.6 99 15 5-20-20M 12906 4.8 19.7 21.3 100 15 5-20-20M 12919 5.3 20.7 19.7 103 15 5-20-2OM 12566 5.0 19.0* 21.7 100 16 · 6-12-12M 12576 6.3 12.6 11.7 103 15 · 6-12-12M 12591 6.3 12.3 11.9 102 15 6-12-12M 12602 6.3 12.0 13.3 104 15 , 6-12-12M 12610 6.5 11.8 12.7 104 15 6-12-12M 12780 6.5 11.8 13.0 104 15 6-I2-12M 12789 6.0 12.1 12.9 102 15 6-12-12M 12880 5.9 12.5 12.2 101 15 6-12-12M 12930 6.3 12.4 13.0 105 15 6-18-12M 12592 6.2 17.8 11.3* 99 15 6-18-12M 12795 6.3 17.2* 13.1 101 15 I0—I0—10M 12578 10.4 9.8 10.2 102 15 10-10-10M 12593 10.2 9.9 10.0 101 15 ` 10-10-10M 12693 10.5 9.7* 10.5 102 15 10-10-10M 12779 10.5 9.9 10.5 103 15 10-10-10M 12565 10.1 9.6* 10.5 100 16 12-12-12M 12603 11.9 11.7 12.5 99 15 · 12-12-12M 12639 11.5* 12.3 12.1 99 15 V 12-12-12M 12676 11.9 11.9 12.2 100 15 12-12-12M 12681 12.0 11.6* 12.7 100 15 12-12-12M 12685 12.3 11.4* 12.3 100 15 12-12-12M 12716 12.2 11.5* 11.7 99 15 COM ERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1965 11 TABLE 'l.— Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers, July-December, 1965 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent ‘ *4 or Iessindicated by asterisk. ` COOPERATIVE FERTILIZER SERVICE HINCHESTER KY. . GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0- 0-60M 12926 0.0 0.0 59.0 98 15 0-20- 0 12925 0.0 19.3* 0.0 96* 11 0-20-20M 12928 0.0 20.1 21.4 103 11 · 4-12- 8M 12545 4.0 12.2 8.4 102 11 4-12- 8M 12547 4.1 11.9 8.6 101 11 4-12- BM 12550 3.9 11.3* 8.6 97* 11 ' 4-12- BM 12890 3.8 12.5 8.6 102 11 5-20-20M 12543 4.9 20.1 20.9 101 11 5-20-20M 12546 4.6* 22.0 18.5* 102 11 5-20-20M 12686 4.9 19.9 20.5 100 11 5-20-20M 12892 4.8 20.4 19.9 100 11 5-20-20M 12936 4.9 20.4 21.0 102 11 » DARLING + COMPANY CAIRO ILL. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS I 4-12- BM 12561 5.8 13.2 9.9 122 15 I _ 5-20-20M 12494 4.9 20.6 20.1 101 15 ` 5-20-20M 12496 5.4 21.5 19.9 105 15 5-20-2OM 12698 5.1 18.7* 19.4* 96* 15 5-20-20M 12912 6.4 19.0* 19.4* 102 15 6-12-12M 12699 5.0* 11.3* 11.3* 90* 15 6-12-12M 12913 5.2* 11.6* 11.7 93* 15 _ . 6-12-12M 12916 4.7* 11.1* 12.1 90* 15 6-24-18M 12611 7.1 23.8 19.5 105 15 10-10-10M 12562 8.7* 13.8 11.0 108 15 . DARLING + COMPANY E. ST. LOUIS ILL. _» GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-25-25M 12871 0.0 26.0 22.3* 99 16 5-15-3OM 12870 5.7 15.6 27.9* 102 16 15-15-15M 12869 13.8* 14.9 15.6 97* 16 E TOWN FERTILIZER• SPENCER DIV CECILIA KY. _ _ GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- BM 12901 4.1 11.8 11.6 108 15 _ 6-12-12M 12902 6.1 11.7 14.3 104 13 ' 10-10-10M 12903 10.6 10.4 10.0 104 15 17- 9- 9M 12512 17.5 11.3 8.9 108 13 FARMERS CHEMICAL ASSN.. INC. TYNER TENN , _ GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS _ 33- O- 0 12540 34.3 0.0 0.0 102 17 I FEDERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY HUMBOLDT TENN GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-20M 12915 5.6 20.7 20.2 104 15 , 6-12-12M 12917 6.3 11.9 12.5 102 15 10-10-IOM 12918 10.0 10.4 9.9 101 15 . 12-12-12M 12914 11.0* 15.4 13.3 107 15 I5-15-15N 12931 12.9* 13.7* 15.2 91* 15 FEDERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY LOUISVILLE KY. ` GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS . 0-10-30M H/B 12717 0.0 9.8 34.1 108 25 A 3-12-12M 12625 4.7 13.0 12.1 116 15 4-12- 8M 12548 3.9 12.2 11.2 108 15 4-12- BM 12638 3.9 12.1 7.8 99 15 . l 4-12- BM 12718 4.2 11.9 9.0 103 15 , 4-12- BM 12909 4.2 12.7 9.5 108 16 5-20-20M 12684 4.7* 19.5* 21.1 99 15 5-20-20M 12836 5.3 20.1 20.2 102 15 5-20-20M 12910 5.2 19.6 21.2 101 16 , 6-12-12M 12933 6.9 11.6* 12.3 104 15 12 REGULATORY BULLETIN 189 TABLE I.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers, July-December, 1965 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent . or lessindicated by asterisk. FEDERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY LOUISVILLE KY. CONT. * GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-10M 12510 9.3* 11.0 11.0 101 13 10-10-10M 12624 9.5* 10.9 11.0 102 15 - 10-10-10M 12643 10.1 10.4 11.3 104 15 10-10-10M 12719 9.9 10.6 10.7 103 15 10-10-10M 12899 10.1 10.4 10.2 102 15 10-10-10M 12911 9.9 10.7 9.9 102 15 I 10-10-10M 12932 10.0 10.7 10.9 104 15 12-12-12M 12549 11.6* 12.3 11.6* 99 15 12-12-12M 12720 11.4* 12.0 11.5* 97* 15 \ FEDERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY NASHVILLE TENN GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0- 9-27M H/B 12571 0.0 9.8 24.5* 98 16 0-20-20M 12877 0.0 19.9 20.1 100 14 4-12- 8M 12507 4.2 11.4* 9.9 103 15 5-20-20M 12876 4.6* 18.6* 21.6 97* 14 5-20-20M 12575 4.7* 18.7* 20.7 96* 16 5-20-20M 12587 4.8 18.4* 20.7 96* 16 5-20-20M 12728 4.9 19.9 20.8 100 16 5-20-20M 12939 6.2 21.0 18.4* 105 16 I 6-18-12M 12572 6.2 16.9* 11.5* 97* 16 6-18-12M 12731 5.6* 17.5* 11.1* 95* 16 ` 10-10-10M 12878 10.2 10.1 11.1 103 14 10-10-10M 12508 10.0 10.7 10.2 102 15 10-10-10M 12586 10.0 9.8 10.5 100 15 10-10-10M 12768 10.2 10.1 10.0 101 15 10-10-10M 12573 9.6* 10.0 10.2 98 16 10-10-IOM 12729 10.2 10.1 10.7 102 16 10-10-IOM 12769 10.0 9.9 10.6 101 16 ‘ 10-10-10M 12937 10.3 10.3 9.8 102 16 10-20-20M 12730 10.0 19.7 20.1 99 16 12-12-12M 12868 11.3* 11.9 13.2 98 15 12-12-12M 12574 11.1* 12.1 12.2 97* 16 N.R. GRACE + CO. DAV. CHEM. BARTON FLA. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS O-46- 0 12666 0.0 46.0 0.0 100 15 W. R. GRACE + COMPANY COLUMBUS OHIO GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS ‘ 5-20-20M 12858 5.1 19.9 19.0* 99 15 N. R. GRACE + COMPANY NASHVILLE TENN _ GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20M 12664 0.0 21.4 19.0* 103 16 4-12- BM 12554 4.5 11.7 8.7 104 15 ` ` 5-20-20M 12765 4.7* 20.1 20.1 99 14 5-20-ZOM 12881 4.7* 20.2 20.0 99 14 5-20-20M 12556 5.0 19.8 19.3* 99 15 5-20-20M 12702 4.5* 20.4 19.8 99 15 5-20-20M 12516 5.0 20.3 19.3* 100 16 6-12-12M 12882 5.4* 12.4 12.2 99 14 6-12-12M 12514 5.7* 12.2 11.3* 98 15 6-12-12M 12766 5.6* 12.0 12.0 98 15 6-12-12M 12793 6.0 11.7 12.1 99 15 6-18-12M 12701 5.5* 17.8 11.9 97* 15 - 6-18-12M 12763 5.5* 19.3 8.7* 97* 16 10-10-10M 12764 8.7* 10.7 10.2 96* 14 I 10-10-10M 12555 9.1* 10.5 10.3 98 15 10-10-10M 12767 9.0* 10.6 10.6 98 15 10-10-10M 12794 9.5* 10.0 10.7 99 15 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1965 13 TABLE I.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers, July-December, 1965 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent J or Iessindicated by asterisk. ~ H. R. GRACE + COMPANY NASHVILLE TENN CONT. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-IOM 12515 10.0 10.0 10.9 101 16 ' H. R. GRACE + CO. NEW ALBANY IND. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS - O- 0-60M 12650 0.0 0.0 60.4 101 15 0-20- 0 12649 0.0 19.7 0.0 98 15 0-25-25M 12490 0.0 23.8* 26.9 99 25 0-25-25M 12618 0.0 25.3 26.2 102 26 I 4-12- 8M 12647 4.4 12.4 9.6 108 15 · 4-12- 8M 12708 4.7 12.4 9.9 111 15 4-12- 8M 12710 4.3 11.9 9.3 104 16 5-20-20M 12560 5.2 19.5 20.3 100 15 ‘ 5-20-20M 12641 5.0 19.3* 21.5 100 15 5-20-20M 12709 5.5 20.1 20.2 103 15 5-20-20M 12800 5.0 19.8 20.1 100 15 5-20-20M 12904 5.0 20.0 20.2 100 15 . 5-20-20M 12934 6.1 18.5* 20.2 101 15 I 5-20-2OM 12682 5.2 20.4 19.3* 101 16 5-20-20M 12711 5.2 19.5 20.8 101 16 6-12-12M 12648 6.0 12.9 13.1 105 15 _ 6-18-12M 12657 6.1 17.8 13.7 102 15 6-18-12M 12801 6.3 18.6 13.5 105 15 · 6-18-12M 12658 6.5 17.7 13.3 103 16 10-10-10M 12619 10.3 9.8 10.5 101 15 10-10-IOM 12640 10.0 10.4 10.8 103 15 10-10-10M 12665 10.1 9.8 10.7 101 15 N 10-10-10M 12797 9.9 10.9 11.6 105 15 10-10-10M 12802 9.8 11.0 13.5 108 15 H. R. GRACE + CO. MURPHYSBORO ILL. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS ‘ 4 6-24-24M 12825 5.6* 23.4* 24.1 97* 25 8-32-16M 12824 7.8 30.8* 16.2 97* 15 . N. R. GRACE + COMPANY MEMPHIS TENN I GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 33- 0- 0 12796 34.5 0.0 0.0 103 17 GRO-GREEN CHEMICAL CO.. INC. SHELBYVILLE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS l0-10-10M 12762 10.4 9.5* 11.7 103 14 10-10-10M 12867 8.1* 8.5* 8.7* 83* 14 ' ' I 12-12-12M 12866 10.8* 11.7 11.4* 93* 15 * HUTSON CHEMICAL COMPANY MURRAY KY. . GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-52- 0 12774 0.0 51.6 0.0 99 11 ‘ 0-52- 0 12700 0.0 50.8* 0.0 98 15 0-54- O 12776 0.0 51.2* 0.0 95* 15 ` 6-12-12M 12696 6.4 13.1 13.0 108 11 10-21-14M 12697 9.5* 21.1 17.0 99 25 18-46- 0 12775 18.1 46.3 0.0 101 15 ' _ INTERNATIONAL MIN + CHEM CORP CINCINNATI OHIO GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-25-25M N/B 12854 0.0 22.2* 26.1 94* 15 _ ` 5-20-20M 12644 5.0 19.1* 19.8 97* 16 INTERNATIONAL MIN + CHEM CORP CLARKSVILLE TENN GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS V 5-20-20M 12831 4.6* 21.0 18.5* 99 15 _ 6-12-12M 12832 5.7* 12.4 13.0 102 13 10-10-10M 12725 9.2 8.9* 9.8* 74* 14 14 REGULATORY BULLETIN 189 . TABLE 1.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers, July-December, 1965 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent or Iessindicated by asterisk. ` - INTERNATIONAL MIN + CHEM CORP GREENVILLE TENN GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-10M 12542 9.3• 11.0 9.9 99 13 INTERNATIONAL MIN + CHEM CORP SOMERSET KY. · GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 6-18-12M 12889 5.9 17.3* 13.0 99 15 KENC0 FERTILIZER CO. HORSE CAVE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20M 12530 0.0 21.1 19.1* 102 25 5-20-20M 12529 4.9 21.5 20.5 104 25 KENTUCKY FERTILIZER HDRKS HINCHESTER KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20- 0 12895 0.0 20.9 0.0 104 11 5-20-20M 12927 4.9 19.6 20.6 99 23 10-10-10M 12894 9.2• 11.2 10.2 100 23 PRESCRIPTION FERT. SERVICE GUTHRIE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS - 0- 0-62M 12663 0.0 0.0 62.0 100 18 0-15-10M 12743 0.0 16.1 11.3 109 12 . 6-24-12M 12660 6.0 23.3• 11.7 98 25 ` A 6-24-12M 12661 7.2 22.0• 13.9 102 26 6-32-16M 12662 6.0 32.1 17.0 101 25 6-32-16M 12754 5.9 32.1 17.6 101 25 6-32-16M 12726 6.1 35.4 13.4* 105 26 7-28-14M 12744 8.0 28.7 14.6 105 16 9-23-30M 12581 7.8• Z1.8• 32.2 96• 26 V . · 10-10-IOM 12753 10.0 10.8 10.3 103 26 LAND-0-NAN WAREHOUSE STURGIS KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-25-25M 12873 0.0 22.6• 26.0 95* 25 5-20-30M 12874 4.5• 18.4• 31.0 96• 25 NORTH AMERICAN FERT. CO. LOUISVILLE KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20M H/B 12499 0.0 18.9* 19.5• 95• 13 4 4-12- 8M 12621 4.5 11.3• 10.6 106 11 _ 5-20-20M 12498 5.1 19.3• 19.7 98 13 5-20-20M 12622 5.5 19.1• 20.8 101 15 5-20-2OM 12798 5.5 19.6 21.3 103 15 5-20-20M 12623 5.8 19.2• 20.5 102 16 6-12-12M 12907 5.9 11.5• 13.0 100 13 - . 10-10-10M 12620 9.4• 10.3 10.7 99 11 I F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY NORFOLK VA. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS _ 0-10-30M 12634 0.0 10.6 28.1• 99 15 · 0-20- 0 12481 0.0 19.8 0.0 99 15 ` 0-20- 0 12482 0.0 19.8 0.0 99 15 0-20- 0 12692 0.0 20.3 0.0 102 15 . 0-20-20M N/8 12689 0.0 20.7 18.9· 100 15 4-12- BM 12635 4.1 12.4 9.5 106 15 4-12- 8M 12712 4.3 12.5 9.8 109 15 4-12- 8M 12888 3.9 12.3 8.7 102 15 5-20-20M 12690 4.9 20.0 19.4• 99 15 . 5-20-20M 12722 5.2 20.3 19.7 101 15 _ 6-12-12M 12636 6.5 12.2 12.1 104 15 6-12—I?M 12691 6.1 11.9 12.7 102 15 10-10-10M 12637 10.3 10.4 10.6 104 15 . PRICE CHEMICAL COMPANY LOUISVILLE KY. , GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-10M 12513 9.4• 10.7 10.5 100 15 _ COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1965 15 TABLE I.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers, July-December, I965 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values af 97 percent _ · or lessindicated by asterisk. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. MARSEILLES ILL. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20- 0 12567 0.0 20.1 0.0 101 15 _ ` SHIFT + COMPANY NAT STOCKYDS ILL. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 3-12-12M 12595 3.5 12.8 12.5 108 15 5-20-20M 12596 4.7* 20.8 18.7* 99 15 12-12-12M 12597 11.7 13.5 11.5* 102 15 ` TENNESSEE CORPORATION TAMPA FLA. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS i 0-46- 0 12893 0.0 46.9 0.0 102 15 0-46- 0 12896 0.0 46.8 0.0 102 15 TRI-STATE CHEMICAL C0. HENDERSON KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 6-18-12M 12551 6.7 17.4* 11.0* 100 16 - 10-10-10M 12552 10.0 12.6 10.6 109 16 _ TRI-STATES CHEMICAL COMPANY CLAY KY. _ GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS ‘ 5-20-20M 12879 5.3 19.7 20.8 102 14 · UNION FERTILIZER CO. MORGANFIELD KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-31-20M 12872 0.0 30.8 21.5 101 26 VALLEY COUNTIES OF KY. COOP. BENTON KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0- 0-60M 12613 0.0 0.0 59.9 100 15 _ A 0-52- 0 12598 0.0 51.6 0.0 99 15 ` 0-52- 0 12826 0.0 52.0 0.0 100 15 —— 0-52- 0 12815 0.0 51.5 0.0 99 16 5-20-20M 12706 5.3 20.4 20.4 103 25 ~ 6-24-24M 12612 6.2 25.4 23.3* 103 15 8-24-16M 12828 7.7* 25.9 14.8* 102 26 16-16-16M 12614 15.9 15.7 16.1 99 15 16-16-16M 12816 15.9 15.8 16.1 99 15 16-16-16M 12827 15.8 15.7 16.2 99 15 ' 16-16-16M 12829 15.9 15.9 16.0 99 15 ` 16-16-16M 12707 14.9* 15.7 16.2 96* 17 30- 0- 0 12817 36.1 0.0 0.0 120 15 · V·C CHEMICAL COMPANY CINCINNATI OHIO GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20- 0 12924 0.0 19.4* 0.0 97* 14 0-20-20M 12923 0.0 20.7 21.0 104 14 I 0-20-20M 12629 0.0 22.7 18.2* 106 15 _ 0-20-20M 12810 0.0 20.4 18.9* 99 15 0-20-20M 12813 0.0 20.7 19.9 102 16 ' 3-12-12M 12633 3.2 11.9 12.3 101 15 4-12- 8M 12922 4.4 11.9 8.1 102 14 I 4-12- BM 12897 4.2 15.1 10.1 120 15 5-10-10M 12631 4.9 10.5 10.8 103 15 5-20-20M 12921 5.3 19.3* 20.1 99 14 5-20-20M 12630 5.2 20.2 20.6 102 15 5-20-20M 12811 5.0 21.3 18.9* 102 15 _ 5-20-20M 12814 5.0 20.2 20.4 101 16 6-24-12M 12632 6.1 22.7* 12.4 97* 15 ` 10-10-10M 12628 9.4* 10.0 9.8 97* 15 10-10-10M 12812 9.6* 9.9 10.2 98 15 _ . 10-10-IOM 12898 9.8 9.8 10.0 98 15 V V-C CHEMICAL COMPANY HOPKINSVILLE KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20M H/B 12777 0.0 19.8 23.4 105 15 16 REGULATORY BULLETIN 189 TABLE I.- Analyses of Inspection Samples of Dry Fertilizers,July—December, 1965 Analyses deficient mare than tolerance and relative values of 97 percent ar lessindicated by asterisk. V-C CHEMICAL COMPANY HOPKINSVILLE KY CONT. GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- 8M 12746 4.1 12.1 9.9 105 16 4-12- 8M 12778 3.9 12.3 8.6 102 16 5-20-20M 12501 4.9 18.1* 17.8* 92* 15 5-20-20M 12770 4.8 19.3* 20.6 98 15 5-20-20M 12732 5.1 19.3* 20.3 99 16 5-20-20M 12745 5.1 19.3* 21.0 100 16 6-12-12M 12615 5.8 11.9 12.6 100 15 6-12-12M 12772 5.7* 11.9 12.9 100 15 6-18-12M 12503 5.5* 16.6* 13.1 95* 15 6-18-12M 12771 5.8 17.2* 13.1 98 15 6-18-12M 12799 5.8 17.9 13.