xt71rn305g90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn305g90/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey. 1938 16 l.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F317/ser.16/no.24 books English St. Louis, Mo. This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Farm Credit Administration -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Missouri -- Catalogs Agricultural credit -- Missouri Missouri -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States Series XVI. Farm Credit Administration. No. 24. Missouri text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States Series XVI. Farm Credit Administration. No. 24. Missouri 1938 1938 2019 true xt71rn305g90 section xt71rn305g90 "l‘“"'Wmlfiflwmflfiflflflfiflflflmummy , H - \x H . / , I ~ 3. M 2?; , r . 5 . ‘ , t i £ ' I ' I ‘ ' i . ‘ i ‘ ‘ _ ' L , i ’ L ' I ‘ ! . l i > .. " 1 1 . z ‘ { § ' . I}. ‘ I I g . f I i I I y I I i | i I I I i , I I I I I I I I . t i . I I I } i , 1 i , , z E , t E I I} i I I ' I I I I , k I I i L : I I . i . L. V “ ' ‘ 1 INVENTORY or FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES . I 1 1 Prepared by 1 ) The Survey of Federal Archives , l 1 ‘ Division of Women's and Professional Projects ' 1 E Works Progress Administration 1 I . i I The National Archives ) E Cooperating Sponsor ‘ 1 1 ' ! 1 Ii 1 1 "1 1 1 ( SERIES XVI. FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION 1 a ,1 1 No. 24. MISSOURI 1, 1 i ) ._, 1 ~ i ‘ Q ‘1 i , i 1 1 ( St. Louis, Missouri 1 ' 1 The Historical Records Survey ,1 1 1938 ,1 § . i 1 1 E) 1 , 1,1 . lI f, . i 1 E g . A. g , i ‘ th. I , i x . 191 I . orc . A. E ‘ ~ . f" 002 f . ' , ge: s ‘ . Oh i . p f. ; _ - sel f. , ' ' be: S , ' ' St. ) , | ' V ‘ No i x . - e0 ) i ' _, pl“ f i ~ A ; i ‘ . No l I , E V 1a ; . (n i a ge | ' fi E I " fo i I v f0 z .. (n i l . . . . . ‘ - - , f0 i - ' we f I f0 f . co . I t i ~ 01 a tn 1 5 , - i 1 - Th 1) ) ' we 5 1 ch E;‘ i of F i 1 , fa : I ‘V I . I St E : J“ l . L . F E I _. z 11 ‘ 1 33mm}: 1 l l 1 ' , The Inventofiy;q§;€edergl Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation-wide W ' project of the works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to June 30, f . 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Historical Rec- j . ords Survey, also operating as a nation-wide project of the works PrOgress 3 . Administration, and a group of state or local projects of that Administration. ‘1 The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I 1 consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and 5 general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal are 1 chives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information - l - secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number i being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of 1 State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series ‘ No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the i ‘ governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory a proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. 1 Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona l . No. 8, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. i v For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of re- 1 lated records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates g ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), i general description of informational content, description of the system of ; filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, g ‘ form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear l v footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records a; (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying in, j : fonnation, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this information 3 was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted 1 for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. When it j, contains substantial information on cddenda sheets which has not been in— ri cluded in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of 1) the reference "See addenda." “i I In Missouri the work of the Survey has been under the direction of Ralph ‘ P. Bieber, Associate Professor of Histery, Washington University, St. Louis. This inventory of the records of the Farm Credit Administration in Missouri ' ' was prepared in the St. Louis office of the Survey, with Mr. C. E. Bolin as w chief editor, and was edited before final typing by Mr. Lewis J. Darter, Jr., w of the washington office. It is reproduced in mimeographed form through the W facilities of the Historical Records Survey. a . Ralph P. Bieber, Q Formerly Regional Director J St. Louis, Missouri of the Survey of Federal ¥ July 6, 1938 Archives for Missouri 4 e l . iii , 1 " "i I V i comm 4 1 3 ’ v . Page it ~ FflRM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION j ‘ . Bowling Green, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . l ‘i "' Columbia, Production Credit Association. . . . a . 1 ii , Jefferson City, Production_Credit Association . . . . 2 11 Kansas City, District_Examiner ; . . . . . . 5 ' it St; Louis, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan_Regionel Office . . 4 H ' St. Louis, Farm Credit District No. 6 a . o . . . 8 ?1 General Agent. . . . . . . . . 9 i! '. Federal Intermediate Credit Bank . . . . . 9 ' g} ' Production Credit Corporation . . . . 3 ll i; St. Louis, Finance and Research District Office . . . ; 15 21 v Springfield, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . 15 )1 l , z j." » ; . .. l . i! i J _ [t l i _ . li . 1' t] , ., W .. 4 i = 'l 4 11 i ‘31; i :‘i N . "ng 'é" Production Credit Association, Columbia ‘ ' - BOWLING GREEN $31, . EMERGENCY CROP AND FEED LOAN SECTION 9 , FIELD SUPERVISOR ‘} . Store Bldg., Public Square ‘i _,i The records maintained by this agent are kept merely for his convenience. i; " ~ All activities of this representative are reported to the St. Louis office and j ‘._. j cepies or originals of all records are maintained there. ' l. ACTIVE LOANS, 1930 to date. Summary sheets covering each active loan H f' shoWing an appraisal of the property, loan number, amount of loan, record of (a ‘ contacts, and payments. Arranged by counties and alphabetically by name of A ‘ borrower. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 loose-leaf books, 1 ft. 2 in., in steel 4 3 filing case. Rear of drug store. (1) ‘fi 1 2. APPLICATION FILE, 1933 to date. Copies of applications for loans, ) ‘ pertinent correspondence, and appraisal information. Arranged by counties j . and alphabetically by names of borrowers thereunder. (Daily, official.) 9 x gfi E 12 folders, 3 ft., in filing case. Rear of drug store. (2) fl { 3. CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1933 to date. BetWeen regional office and M _ borrowers in the district. Filed alphabetically by name of borrower. (Daily, it - official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 ft., in steel filing case. Rear of drug store. 1 (3) ‘ Isl 'i . _ COLUMBIA ‘ . a PRODUCTION CREDIT DIVISION R PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION ;} ' l *m ' ; This office was established in August, 1935, and serves members of the i , association in Boone county. The main office of this association is at a - Jefferson City, and all reports are sent to that place. f :; 4. PRODUCTION CREDIT LOANS AND CORRESPONDENCE, ACTIVE FILE, 1935 to K ‘ date. PCA Form 6-113, application for loan, general purpose and livestock; fl f PCA Form 6-409, borrower's note; PCA Form 6-402, chattel mortgage; PCA Form fl 6-13, inspector's report; PCA Form 6-125, receipt for items other than col-‘ H ' . lections on loans; PCA Form 6-109, borrower's receipt; PCA Form 6-314, finan— gm - cial statement; PCA Fonm 6-433, undertakings report; PCA Form 6-323, applica- g9 : tion for analysis sheet for additional advance, livestock, and general purpose % ’ loan; PCA Form 113, maturity notice; PCA Form 6-130, stockholder's advice; fl invoices and receipts; communications with;the Production Credit Association N ' in Jefferson City and with borrowers. Filed alphabetically by name of borrows f ‘ er. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in steel filing case. 2d (fl floor. (205) _ it _ N , 1‘»??? ' E? .i‘ . .' ' Production Credit Association, Jefferson City 2 ' ' , 3 Language. ' '_ PRODUCTION CREDIT DIVISION ' - PRODUCTION CREDIT msochrIon ! : fi ,G'ole County Court House, Monroe and High Sts. ' , This is an association of borrowers formed under the Production Credit ' Corporation. It is the result of a consolidation in 1935, of the Marshall, ‘7 7 Versailles, and Fulton, Missouri, associations. This is not strictly a '1' ‘ federal agency but is financed in a large part by the organization within the ' ’ Farm Credit Administration and is placed in the inventory as illustrative of {3' ' the activities made possible by the FCA. I . "l - . 5. JOURNAL AND CASH RECORD BOOKS, SUBSIDIARIFE, AND LEDGER BOOKS, Dec. 1, ' I 1933 to date. PCA Form 6-100, journal and cash records; PCA Form 6-106 Rev., . 21' ' daily loan settlement record; PCA Form 6-102, individual borrower's record; 13' ' \ PCA Form 6-152, interest accrued records; PCA Form 6-123, accounts receivable; 1 PCA Form (5-124, accounts payable; PCA Form 6-10'7, bank reconcilement; PCA ' g" . Form 6—lll, receipt book register. Filed chronologically. (Books from { January 1, 1956 to date, daily; other books, seldom, official.) Variously :3" sized loose-leaf books, 1 ft. 2 in., in steel filing cases. R. 403. (355) I' : 6. GENERAL FILE, Jan. 1954: to date. Form 16, schedule of notes for re— ' _ , discount; PCA Form 116, advice of loans accepted; PCA Form 6-112,’ advice of " stock issued; Form FICB-B, collateral note; PCA Form (5-151, assignment of stock; PCA Form 6-212, bond indemnity and affidavit of loss; Poo Fem 92, 3' 3 additional funds form; PCC Form 84, application for loan; FCC Form 85, reso- " » lution of board; FCC Form '7, collateral note; PCA Form 6-131, checks to be " ' : deposited, and relative correspondence. Filed according to subject. (Daily, '1. official.) 9% x 15 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 403. I' ~ (555) J ’7. REJECTED AND PAID LOANS, Jan. 1, 1934 to date. PCA Form 6-523, " i" . application and analysis sheet for additional advance; PCA Form 6—316, analysis '3' ' of livestock loan; PCA Form 6-418, abstract of chattel liens; PCA Form (5—454, 4%" certification of chattel mortgage; PCA Form 6-402, chattel mortgage; PCA *1 ' Form 6-‘515, application for loan; PCA Form 6—515, inspector's report; PCA '1" : Form (5-435, undertaking of borrower; PCA Form 6—42'7, modified waiver; PCA '5' Form 6-425, sight draft; PCA Form 6-425, letters of credit; PCA Form 6—415, "g' _ : landlord's waiver of lien; Form 16, schedule of notes for rediscount; PCA '3' , ‘ Form 6—414, non-disturbance blank. Filed alphabetically by name. (00— '"i' casionally, official.) 9% x 15 folders, '7 ft. 3 in., in steel filing case. '5' R. 405. (549) - "' i ’ 8. ACTIVE LOANS, Jan. 1, 1935 to date. PCA Form 6-523, application and :1" - ‘ analysis sheet for additional advance; PCA Form 6-316, analysis of livestock "' . loan; PCA Form 6—418, abstract of chattel liens; PCA Form 6-402, chattel " _ mortgage; PCA Form 6-515, application for loan, general purpose or livestock; " . ' PCA Form 6-515, inspector's report; PCA Form 6-433, undertaking of borrower; "' " , PCA Form 6-427, modified waiver; PCA Form 6-425, sight draft; PCA Form 6—425, '-.' . letters of credit; PCA Form 6-415, landlord's waiver of lien; Form 16, r' Schedule of notes for rediscount; PCA Form (5-414, nondisturbance blank; and " , correspondence with borrowers and creditors. Filed alphabetically by - Z‘E' ' borrowervs name. ‘(Daily’ official.) 9—}; x 15 folders, '7 ft. 5 in.,. in steel. ’ "'1 , filing case. R. 403. (551) ‘ 3'; , i g 2' ‘; "i District Examiner, Kansas City 3 il 3 9. CANCELIED CHECKS FILE, Mar. 1, 19:35 to date. Cancelled checks repre- pg ' senting payments to farmers in the form of loans (drawn on Central Missouri f . Trust Company, Jefferson City). Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) ; ‘ 5 x 8% bundles, 2 ft., in steel filing case. R. 403. (35'?) g’ 10. MONTHLY REPORTS, Mar. 1, 1935 to date. Form FCA-9l—F&:R, report E E on applications and loans; Form FCA—Wl—chR, reconciliation of loan accounts; g ‘ FormFCA-V?l-F&R—PC.A-108, statement of condition as to profit and loss; Form g pcAcloa, analysis of funds borrowed from FICB; bank statement of the Pro— ‘ duction Credit Association account, accounts payable, class B stock, general {1i , ledger and working trial balance. Filed in chronological order. (Rarely, gli official.) 9-5- X 14 loose-leaf books, 4- in,, in steel filing case. R. 403. fg .- '= (354) . ff . 11. PAID VOUChFBS, Mar. 1, 1935 to date. Bills paid and statements of f 1' bank account (bills are for office supplies, salaries, freight, and expenses 1 .5 -* of inspectors). Filed in chronological order by month. (Frequently, official.) E . 8% x 11 loose-leaf books, 8 in., in steel filing case. R. 403. (350) val 12. STOCKHOLDER'S LI‘DGER, May 10, 1935 to date. PCA Form 6—105, stock- ”jg . T holder's ledger; PCA Form 6-128, Production Credit Association class B stock ‘ ~ listed for sale; detailed account of stockholder’s stock in the Association, E) and number and value of shares. Filed alphabetically by name of shareholder. ' (Frequently, official.) 10 X 12-};— loose-leaf book, 3 in., on desk. R. 4-03. (356) . gal f = i! . ~ 123. PENDING APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS, June I, 1936 to date. PCA Form 6-2316, E analysis of livestock loan; PCA Form 6-4—02, revised chattel mortgage; PCA Form fgé 6-515, application for loan; PCA Form 6-513, inspector's report; PCA Form 6— if , - 435, undertaking of borrower; PCA Form 6—109, borrower's receipt; PCA Form "'1: ‘ 6-314, financial statement; PCA Fen; 6—125, receipt for items other than ’g g collections on loans; PCA Form 6—150, 'stockholder‘s advice; and correspondence . regarding applications for loans. Filed alphabetically by name of applicant. ,; (Daily, official.) 9%; x 15 loose-leaf books, 1 ft. 8 in., in steel filing case. R. cos. (552) ' if ‘ _ a: _' KANSAS (LIE g! . g, g EDUMINATION DIVISION i ‘ DISTRICT EBOXI‘VIINER g; ‘ Old Federal Bldg., 250 E. 9th St. N . f This office was established in January, 1955. It supervises examinations i.) ' Of the various associations affiliated with the Farm Credit .I'idministration. El} g All copies of excririner's reports and work sheets are sent to Washington. E; ' Nothing is destroyed. ggj ‘ E if » 1); at” c if “3-533; Ehacrgency Crop and Feed Loan Office, St. Louis 4: jg ‘I III ‘ - 14. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, Jan. 1951 to date. With loan corrcs- III pendants and credit unions relative to examinations for loans, and reports I, .H. giving reviews of exazliners' itineraries and progress made by the associa— '5: ‘ tions of the Farm Credit Administration. Arranged alphabetically by name g I of COI‘I‘CSpOIldOn‘I‘. or subject. (Daily, official.) 9% x 12 folders and post I; . binders, 3 ft., in steel filing case. R. 203. (1445) I ‘ 15. CIRCULAR LETTERS ISM BY IAND BANKS; WICHITA, Jan. 30, 1951 to j} ' . date; ST. LOUIS, Nov. 15, 1954 to date. Issued by LandBanks of the 6th and g' . f 9th districts to secretaries of aS‘SOciations of the Farm Credit Administra- 2" tion covering valuable instructions pertaining to the work and procedure. 5:; ; (Frequently, official.) 9%,— x 12 loose-leaf binders (2), 2 in., on shelf g; of steel cabinet. R. 205. (1447) g; ‘ l6. CIRCULAR IEI‘TERS ISSUED BY THE .I‘IDMINISTRATIVE OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, ' Jan. 18, 1932 to date. Instructions and information to the various offices ”I; ‘ and districts pertaining to the work and procedure of the FCA. (Daily, I: ‘ official.) 9% x 12 loose-leaf binders and loose sheets, 2 ft. 6 in., in II drawer of steel filing case. R. 205. (1448) ‘ - 1'7. CARD RECORD FILE, Jon. 1, 1935 to date. Of all units examined by 1 this office, giving name and location of association to be examined, none I; of examiner, and charter number. Duplicate copies sent to Washington. ‘ (Daily, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 1 ft. 2 in., in steel filing case. R. 205. if? ': (1445) _ , ' III . 3I‘I‘ - ST. LOUIS I II, EMERGENCY CROP AND FEED LOAN SECTION - REGIONAL OFFICE 01d Federal Land Bank Bldg., 515 Pine St. (3; r This agency is one of the temporary activities of the Farm Credit Ad- I 1 ministration. The St. Louis office was first active in 1930 and served I; > Missouri, Oklahoma, and Indiana. Territorial lines have been changed from I , time to time. At present, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Ohio I ' , Comprise the area served by the St. Louis office. 7' 18. PAYMENT CARDS, 1930 - June 30, 1952. Showing payments on notes with gg fl I detailed information as to voucher number, check number, and amount of pay— Ir nents. Discontinued in 1932. Filed alphabetically by states, counties. I I‘ towns, and names of borrowers. (Once a month, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 112 ‘ ft., in steel filing eases. Vault, lst floor. (1127) HI ' l9. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT CARDS, CLOSED ACCOUNTS, 1930 — 1935. Disbursement, II ’ debit, credit, and balance card on each account. Acts as a partial index for II ' abstract 30. Filed alphabetically by names of states and counties and g?" ) (numerically by loan number thereunder. (Daily, official.) Variously sized III cards, 204 ft., in steel filing cases. Rear, lst floor. (111'?) II ' I III II: _ . I , 531 I, ,51‘15" ' ‘Efifi Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Office, St. Louis 5 E ,n_ 20. OBSOLETE ACCOUNT CARDS, 1930 - 1935. International Business Machine ) ff Cards, three zone system. Replaced in 1935 by the four zone system and in— H 1“ formation on these cards is reported in abstracts 19, 25, 27, 50, and 54. {,1 ‘5 Filed numerically by loan number. (Seldom, official.) variously sized cards, j I 216 ft., in wooden boxes. Rear, lst floor. (1122) W ,1. g 21. OLD MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, 1930 - 1935. Extra copies of old account 1 , 1, sheets, work sheets, tabulating sheets, and trial balance sheets. Filed y 3 chronologically. (Never.) Variously sized bundles, 300 ft., on steel shelves, p i Vault, lst floor. (1150) : p ; 531 . .‘ 22. CANCELLED PAPERS, 1930 to date. Cancelled notes, mortgages, and , a . supporting papers covering paid loans (not returned as addresses of borrowers m ', unknown). Filed alphabetically by name of borrower. (Occasionally, official.) t , . , 9 x 12 folders, 8 £12., in steel filing case. lst floor. (1125) 1 - ,, .' ‘1‘) 11‘ p, 23. CARD INDEX TO LOANS, 1930 to date. Showing year of loan, loan number, fl ‘ and disposition of the loan. Filed alphabetically by name of borrower. jfl 1 (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 255 ft., in steel filing cases. File Room, fl 9 basement. (1140) :33) 24. COLLECTION RECORDS, 1930 to date. Daily reports of collections made, )1 'LE monthly summaries of collections by counties, analysis of collections, and 1% -,1 miscellaneous data in connection therewith. (Older records, seldom; current \ a :V records, daily, official.) variously sized vols., 32 ft., on steel shelves. E = let floor. (1148) . fig: 111 1 25. CREDIT BALANCE CARDS, 1930 to date. Showing credit balance due in- % ] dividual borrowers. Acts as a partial index to abstract 30. Filed numericale it 1 1y by loan number. (Daily, official.) Variously sized cards, 36 ft., in g , steel filing cases. Rear, 1st floor. (1119) $ ‘ 11152 f 26. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1930 to date. Filed by states and alpha— fi bctically by name of corresPondent. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 36 {fl = ft., in steel filing cases. 1st floor. (1149) H . 27. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT CARDS, ACTIVE ACCOUNTS, 1930 to date. Disburse— g f ment, debit, credit, and balance cards on active accounts or loans. Acts as g 5' a partial index to abstract 30. Filed numerically by loan number. (Daily, - % j official.) variously sized cards, 15? ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. g@ Rear, lst floor. (1118) , H , ‘ fl 3 28. LOAN FILES, 1930 to date. Applications for loans, investigators' fi . f reports, copies of chattel mortgages, correspondence, and miscellaneous data % 1 in connection with loans. 3 x 5 card index, 255 ft. Filed chronologically g ‘ and by loan number. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1784 ft., in steel Q , 'filing cases. File Room, basement. (1147) (m ' x 2111 .i‘ 29. MISCELLANEOUS AUDITING RECORDS, 1930 to date. Filled—in financial 1h ' reports, trial balance sheets, daily disbursement records, etc. (Older :1 records, seldom; current records, daily, official.) variously sized loose- jg ‘ ‘ leaf books, 32 ft., on closed steel shelves. lst floor. (1151) fi .11 1.1 ’11 ‘9 “1‘ "’1 1:9 ‘ , ' 3 1 1‘1 ‘ ‘1! 1:“ - Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Office, St. Louis 6 1. Hf}- . 11 g: 50. NOTES,'193O to date. Covering all active loans. Card index, 116 ft. 11 ;" Filed by years and alphabetically by states, counties, and names of borrowers. E11 (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 slips, 20 ft., in steel filing cases. Vault, lst 11 j} floor. (1125) :1 r 31. PERSONNEL FILE, 1930 to date. Applications for positions, eorres— l1 " ondence pertaining to employees, and miscellaneous personnel data. Filed 1.“ P V ,. :‘ alphabetically by name of employee; pending applications filed according to 31.! I occupation; (Daily; official.) 9 x 12 folders, 16 ft., in steel filing cases. 1st floor. (1150) 1 3 ' - 111 '5 32. LEDGERS, 1931. Ledgers comprising record of payments on loans. Filed 11‘ ’ 1 numerically by loan numbers. (Seldom, official.) 14 x 18 vols., 8 ft., in 1.11 fire roof cabinet in vault. lst floor. (1128) . 121 ' p 1"” ' . 111 . €11 _ : 33. COIIATERAL FOR SEED LOANS, 1931 - 1932. Record of collateral that 11 'was deposited in 1931 - 1932 by borrowers. Filed alphabetically by name of 111 f. borrower. (Once a year, official.) 8 x 11 envelopes, '7 ft., in steel filing 131 _ cases. lst floor. (1144) :1 34. RECORDATION RECORDS, 1931 - 1932. Old records and corresPondence in 111 ' connection with the recording of mortgages covering loans. Filed by loan 1 numbers. (Never.) 12 x 15 folders, 60 ft., in corrugated paper boxes. « 111 ‘ ' Vault, basement. (1136) 1 ‘ :55. REPORTS “OF FIELD SUPERVISORS, 19:51 - 19:53. Regarding investigations ,1 ‘ : on applications for loans and .correSpondence pertaining thereto, supervisors' 1.1 v expense accounts, and general correspondence. Filed alphabetically by name 111 . i ' of Supervisor and by title of subject and lean number thereunder. (Seldom, 11 , official.) 9 x 12 folders, 22 ft., in steel filing cases. lst floor. (1133) 111 , v 36. GENERAL LEDGER—DEPOSITS, 1931 - 1934. Daily records of'deposits to 1; , bank accounts. Filed by dates. (Never.) 15 x 18 loose—leaf books, 1 ft., ‘1 . on shelf in vault. Basement. (1135) 111 x ’1', _ 1,. 2 3'7. CHECK REGISTER, Feb. 4., 1931 - Aug. 10, 1931. Entries numbered from 111 _‘ 820—85690, showing under each the voucher number, to whom check was issued, 11‘ ; mount, and loan number. 9 x 15 loom-leaf books, 6 ft., on open steel ‘11 shelf. Vault, basement. (1134) 1‘11 ' 1:1 1 '58. DEPOSIT BOOKS, Feb. 1931 - Aug. 1932. Records of deposits to banks 111 ' with a brief description of each. 12 x 15 vols., '7 ft., on steel shelves. 1, ‘ Vault, lst floor. (1129) 1 1-11 ’ . 39. MAIL ITEMS RECEIVED, 1931 to date. Lists showing a brief descrip— l1 ' tlon of items received by mail. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) .1 3% X 11 sheets, 16 ft., in steel filing cases. Vault, 1st floor. (1131) 1: V VI .1? 40. OFFICIAL RECEIPT BOOKS, 1931 to date. Stubs of receipt books used 11 1 when collections are made on loans. Books and receipts are numbered. Gaps .1 ‘ appear in the above dates resulting from books being still unused or in the 11‘ v 1 Possession of authorized agents. (Seldom, official.) 10 x 15 vols., 48 ft., 1 . in heavy cardboard boxes. Vault, basement. (113‘?) r ,. :I. 4‘ ‘ ! ,5 ‘1 ‘v 1 1 ' 1: * . 51 i 1'1; 11! {5 Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Office, St. Louis 7 g I ’ (t! f? 41. REFUND VOUCHERS, 1931 to date. Disbursing vouchers covering refunds fl 1; to borrowers. Filed numerically by voucher number. (Daily, official.) W ‘3 Vbriously sized loose-leaf books and lock and box binders, 54 ft., in steel 1% \I filing cases. lst floor. (1152) )1 1 11 1 1:: 42. PENDING FILE OF CLEARANCE SECTION, Sept. 1952 to date. Undeposited 11 I items, post dated checks, returned checks, checks received but not accredited 1) 1 to any account due to question as to what account should be applied to. W 3 Filed according to subject and by name of person to whom referred. (Daily, ‘fl 5 official.) 8 x 11 folders, 52 ft., in steel filing cases. lst floor. (1145) 1% i ' . 5 - 1" 5 45. CORRESPONDENCE, 1935 to date. Of the Notes and Mortgage Division. H 1 Filed by years and alphabetically by names of states, counties, and borrowers. A) _ (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 16 ft., in steel filing cases. 1st floor. 1 ' (1125) ( F) 1 11 ; 44. DAILY LENDING OPERATIONS, 1953 to date. Ledgers in which entries (H are made daily showing a summary of the lending transactions. Filed chrono- 11 , logically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 14 vols., 2 ft., on steel shelf. let (1 , floor. (1152) M , 45. DISBURSING DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE, 1953 to date. UncOllectable 11% ‘ and bad checks, and general correspondence. Filed alphabetically by title 1% of subject and by loan number thereunder. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, fi 52 ft., in steel filing cases. lst floor. (1139) 11 46. DISBURSEIENT AND RECORDING FILE, 1933 to date. Vouchers covering 1:1 disbursements on loans, certifications to the recording of the papers with the gfi local county recorder. Filed alphabetically by names of states, counties, 11 and names of borrowers. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 slips, 98 ft., in steel )) filing cases. lst floor. (1124) , 11 47. DISBURSEMENT CARDS, 1933 to date. Showing disbursements made by % Emergency Loan Corporation to borrowers. Filed numerically by loan numbers. D ' (Daily, official.) variously sized cards, 56 ft., in steel filing cases. m Rear, 1st floor. (1121) :1 ‘ 48. DISBURSING DEPARTMENT CONTROL LEDGERS, Mar. 1935 to date. Financial % _ . records of the disbursing division, such as ledgers, showing details of each 1 1 transaction on records of refunds, deposits, collections, and vouchers. w ' (Daily, official.) Variously sized vols., and loose-leaf books, 72 ft., on 1 open shelves in vault. lst floor. (1158) g . 1 f 49. FIELD SUPERVISORS' SUMMARY OF REMITTANCFS, Aug. 1953 to date. Form % ‘ lOlc showing receipt number and the amount collected. Filed alphabetically % . ,by name of field man and chronologically thereunder. (Daily, official.) 1 5 x 5 slips, 10 ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. 1st floor. (1142) W . 111 1 . n ) 50. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT CARDS, DROUGHT LOANS, 1934. Show1ng disbursements, 3% 5 credits, debits, and balance (additional card attached to show adjustments). fl 3" Acts as partial index for abstract 50. Filed numerically by loan number. M (Daily, official.) 3 x 8 cards, 100 ft., in steel filing cases. Rear, 1st W , floor. (1116) 1 1. ‘ 1 1 11.? ~ ‘ 1 Farm Credit District 6, St. Louis 8 . 51. RECEIPTS SENT IN BY FIELD MEN, Jan. 26, 1934. to date. Showing name of ff borrower, address, loan year, amount paid, form in which paid, amount credited ffEf ' 5.} principal, amount used for interest, new balance, and code number. Filed by ' "ff 7:? code number, loan number, and by lean years. (Daily, official.) 4 x 8 loose ' fE'f sheets, ’78 ft., in steel filing cases. (1143) Eff 9 m l 52. INCOl/IING MAIL on CORN LOANS, 1955 to date. In'eil received from appli- fE ' cents for corn loans. Filed alphabetically by state, county, and name of ff“; >1 borrower. (Once a year, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2.0 ft., in steel filing , cases. lst floor. (1146) ‘ f fl 2 5f , 55. CCNFIRMATION LETTERS or ST. LOUIS, 1935. Form H650, showing code ' flu - number, name of borrower, address, loan number, dates and amount of payments. flf ’ This system is new and is used only for loans made in Kentucky. Filed by ffj states and alphabetically by counties and by names of borrowers. (Daily, ,, ff official.) 9 x 13 folders, 24. ft., in steel filing cases. lst floor. (1141) Eff « rf {f , 54. LOANS, 1936. Cards showing disbursements, credit, debit, and balance ffff covering current loans. Acts as a partial index to abstract 50. (Daily; ,ff v official.) Variously sized cards, 16 ft., in steel filing cases. Rear, ' ,‘f y lst floor. (1120) fsf I ff w _ . f FARM CREDIT DISTRICT 6 if .I- [ General American Life Insurance Bldg. fE .. ,, 1501 Locust St. f l The Farm Credit Administration offices were established at St. Louis with f the organization of the FCA in mid-year 1955, and were assigned jurisdiction ff over Farm Credit District 6, which comprises the states of Illinois, Missouri, ff, " and Arkansas. The new organization took over the older units of farm credit. f The farm credit district office consists of the Federal Land Bank, the f; E Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, the Production Credit Corporation, and a - f ._ bank for cooperatives. The directors of the Federal Land Bank are ex—officio ff; directors also of these other units. The general agent, nominated by the ' f"; governor of the FCA, coordinates and administers the services of the units. ffff The Federal Land Bank acts as the agent for the Federal Farm Mortgage Corpo- (E l ration. f The Federal Intermediate Credit Bank was established under the Agricultural ffff - Credits Act of March 4, 1923, and became a part of the Farm Credit Administra-I- flf ‘ tion on Iviay 2'7, 1935. It has jurisdiction of intermediate credit bank affairs f _ in District 6. Copies of administrative correspondence and monthly reports ff V . are sent to Washington, D. C. f The Federal Land Bank established in 1917, under the Federal Farm Board flf ._ ' became a unit of the FCA by executive order of May 2'7, 1953. No reports were ff: ‘ made on the records of the land bank nor on those of the Mortgage Corporation ‘ ff Service Section which maintains a district office of the Federal Form Mort- 11f gage Corporation in conjunction with the Federal Land Bank. Eli H’l ‘- . 13f . f‘ 5. pp 1) e . E. A. Farm Credit District 6, St. Louis 9 . E! ii C. . .. )1 The Production Credit Division established a production credit corporation 4 iii etst. Louis in 1955 with jurisdiction over the production credit associations N 13-. in District 6. £35 (A. The records of the district bank for cooperatives were not reported upon. fl :1 General Agent fl E 55. CONFIDENTIAL FILES OF THE GENERAL AGENT, 1933 to date. Correspond— A: .;i ence, reports and bulletins in connection with the office of the general A fifi lgent. Arranged alphabetically by subject. (Daily, restricted.)' 9 x 15% % ‘f folders, 18 ft., in steel filing cases. 4th floor. (1046) AF .)? Eederal_lntermediatgflpreditjggng ' w t: e. 56. REPORTS OF DISCOUNTING INSTITUTIONS, 1925 - 1927. Miscellaneous ., A; .fi reports and data received from agencies which handled farm loans. (Rarely, d .1 official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel filing case. 6th floor. (1058) H 1 j 57. FINANCIAL RECORDS, 1925 to date. Financial and accounting records, ifl f amh as lodgers, journals, vouchers, sight drafts, disbursements, cancelled % f: checks, statements, adjustments, discount sheets, credit and debit tickets, ( ; mm.miscellaneous data in connection with accounting procedure. (Older records, A1 ' once a month; current records, daily, official.) variously sized loose-leaf ; w i books, bundles, lodgers and ledger cards, 674 ft., in steel and pesteboard m ;. boxes, in safe and in steel trays. Basement stockroom and 6th floor. (1045, H " 1056, 1045) ‘ EA , :r E 581 INDIVIDUAL LOANS, 1925 to date. Applications, appraisers‘and in— d % spectors' reports, correspondence, and other data pertinent to the history of E g: the loans. Filed by states and numerically by loan numbers thereunder. 5/16 3 . x 5 tube index, 600 ft. (Daily, official.) 5/16 x 5 tube index cards and A i 9 x 12 folders, 1740 ft., in visible index rock and in steel filing cases. A ;. Basement and 6th floor. (1025, 1026, 1012) A 3 1A, ’ M 3 59. PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS AND AGRICULTURAL CREDIT CORPORATION, % i 1925 to date. Organizatio