xt71rn305r6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn305r6n/data/mets.xml Coleman, Robert H. (Robert Henry), 1869-1946 Scholfield, J. F. (John Faber), 1858-1943 1911 scores (documents for music) M2117 .N415 1911 English Baptist Book Concern Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Baptists -- Hymns Hymns, English The New Evangel: Songs People Sing in All Religious Services, 1911 text 1 close score (256 pages), 21 cm. Call Number: M2117 .N415 1911 Imperfect: Cover wanting.Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C The New Evangel: Songs People Sing in All Religious Services, 1911 1911 1911 2023 true xt71rn305r6n section xt71rn305r6n ,1!“ quvANvavnr‘ L I»,J1L .3- .. ‘ A\ 3‘19 “walla-Illa ”g \DW‘ \ the “flaw Evangel Edited and Compiled by ROBERT H. COLEMAN AND J. F. SCHOLFIELD .SONGS PEOPLE SING IN ALL RELIGIOUS SERVICES Published in Round and Shape Notes PRICES: Full Cloth Board: 35 cents each, postpaic'. $3.50 per Dozen, postage extra $25.00 per Hundred, postage extra Embossed Limp: 25 cents each, postpaid $2.25 per Dozen, postage extra $15.00 per Hundred, postage extra Baptist Book Concern Louisville, Ky. Published by Robert H. Coleman Dallas, Texas Copyright, 1911. by Robert H. Coleman. Dallas, Texas. I5 \ \ ‘lx‘x, \\j COPYRIGHT, 1911, BY ROBERT H. COLEMAN. preface In sending "The New Evangel” forth on its mission of cheer and comfort, of prayer and praise, we wish to make grateful acknowledgement of the valuable advice and assistance rendered by numbers of the able pas- tors. successful evangelists, and singing specialists. It will be seen that this book contains an unusually large number of songs for the price asked; and it fur- nishes, not only the best copyrights that money could buy, but also furnishes a variety for all services. This large number of songs in one book was made possible, first by increasing the number of pages from 224, to the unusual size of 256; and second, by going to the heavy expense of putting the familiar Hymns and Gospel Songs into special type, thus enabling you to get the music with the words of two or more songs on each page. The book contains a number of very choice new songs, which are here published for the first time. But the majority of the selections are the very pick of "Song- land" “songs people sing;" they are being sung around the world to-day, and have won their places in christian hearts, because they give such beautiful and faithful ex- pression to the Gospel Story. Then too, there is an excep- tionally large number of familiar "Invitation and Decis- ion" songs, as well as practically all of the standard hymns used to any great extent to—day. But why say more? Friends will examine the book before buying anyway, and that is all we ask. We trust this book will prove a worthy successor to "The Evangel,” which has had so cordial a reception and such an enormous sale. May the Master use “The New Evangel" to His glory. ' Dallas. Texas, March, 1911. R. H. C. \-' \x he flew (Enamel. MM No. 1. Jesus, Savior, Friend of Sinners. COPYRIGHT, 1911, BY ROBT. H- COLEMAN. . Robt. Hi Caleman. worms AND MUSIC Chas. H. (iabnel. l _ 1 Kim I 1—1“ ,: J. '4 _ :4, 4: j a—g: ———4 mil-4.4 4___-LiEi+_'_U__ ‘_ _ __1— _ _S_ 1. J e - sus, Sav-ifi‘, Friend of sin-ners, Waits to wel-come, waits to bless; 2. J e - sus, Sav-ior, Friend of sin-ners, Comes to cheer my heart to - day; 3. J 6 - sus, Sav-ior, Friend of sin-ners, Comes to com-fort, comes to cheer; 4. Je - sus, Sav-ior, Friend of sin-hers, He has been a Friend to me; 1-. -1- 1- ifigi: : -_,.-;l E Pn—Efi:*l :B:l::L—:_—; l - x . . l :55; _-- --._ «_ 4__ r-j__ _ 7: w m , - - _‘ a. l : — a 1- ti _ __ , q i . ‘_ I . _. l.——.‘t2—i‘:.':fi:;‘1? 9° -‘ 9—9—5 : 3- ii 0- l-l-l- I And Imust nu; keep Him wait-ing, For I long for hap-pi - ness. He has shouldered ev- ’ry bur-den And will help me all the way. And I’ll not go mourn-ing Ion - ger, For He saves me now and here. And to think with Him in glo - ry I shall reign e - ter-nal - 1y! ! 1-. -1- 1- w———-'*-p—J~4 r 1 r? F 6. l‘ ‘— \/'-:.i2:5-l_ I if _ . 5* " m fl __I _ :IEE:3:_: IE9"l2:‘i::'a:p . [E i}. Eh:p—i:—' ,t—r—7— 5 la l iv l l CHORUS. He my soul with blood hath ransomed, And will keep me to the end; ' l - 1 He’s en-ti-tl d to my best love, For He is the sin-ner’s Friend. I _Q_ No. 2. ~ Jesus Is Seekiné. COPYRIGHT, 1911, BY ROBT. H. COLEMAN. Minnie A. G. Edington. worms AND MUSIC. Chas. H. Gabriel, A i‘ i‘ b A - 4 _ :##— _ mQ—fi‘flw '_: ~:—. :y:3:§ffi i —*=7‘ __ _ ———§:§: av—vs [0‘ 1. 36- we is seek- -1ng the lost ones, Out in the mountains so cold, 2. Je -sus is seek-ing the lost ones, Down in the val-lays of sin; 3. Je - sus is seek-ing the lost ones, Out in the highways to - day, 4. Je - 5115 is seek-ing the lost ones, Stray-ing in dark-mess to - night, A .0 -E. -0. 1“ W0. -9- -Q_- -F” c" a F" ‘ A I l ‘— — — 1 31m [- i. K r o la a FE— ' p p ypiF‘ ”HR |' ' V L ' U Li R r.’ _j_‘ 'l'l'" . . I L C l l ' l l_ V V V V '§— Eff _. inilglfl ;*d—d—d«—; ~1- q Long-ing to find them and bring them In - to the shel-ter-ing fold. Plead-ing with them,and en - treat-ing,“Come,my be - lov- ed, come in.” Long-ing to gra-cious - ly lead them, In - to life’s beau - ti - in! way. Fain would He lov - ing - ly guide thee, In - to His dwellings of light. -, -p. ”i, -—# r—r—p l __ __ _ . W o ' :: @_ #:::E:E::E #:E*’E:E__E . giqujeififiqfi‘j CHORUS. 9 v Ten-der-ly, ten-der-ly call - ing, Hear the good Shepherd to-day; . . .. call-in: to - day. Shep - herd, hear Him to-day; .‘. Lov-ing-ly, lov- ing - ly seek - ing, Those who have wandered a-way. seek-iug to - day. -p- Nc Cami—1.: . Gabriel. figfi _ -sc,‘ - v cold, E sin; ' day, I - night, -day;. .. ear Him to-day: O—fl-ifltr be Evil;— 9:919»: Efifl iii—“i7 " No. 3. Help Somebody To-day. COPYRIGHT 1904 BY CHAS. H. GABREEL. Mrs. Frank A. Break. ' ' COPYRIGHT, woe, av E. o. EXCELL. Chas. '1' Gabriel. n 1“ T E r'n' '43 I“ 'rT‘ . IE ‘ 1 ._' __ ' h . K 1 3 l AJAE 4 1- j 3' i - 17W 1:- - 4- 1" 1'-- :2: V 1. Look all a-round you, find some one in need, Help some-bod-y to - day! 2. Man -y are wait-ing a kind,lov-ing word, Help some-bod-y to - day! 3. Man - y have bur-dens too heav - y to bear, Help some-bod-y to - dayl 4. Some are dis-cour-aged and wear-y in heart, Help some-bod-y to - day! .p.. . VJ C N h \ N x h .. [A , i n r. I H- D - F D D D - I 4' I l () [—r V ' , __ l V a h 0 o . v 0 {PW ‘ V—V V l l V v u x ' ' _D. L K I {I I l‘ A L \ f x r ' r I ‘ l‘ 1‘ ‘ r l‘ n L l l n R\ I In. ' I _ L‘ {W J . l i; 1‘ 5| ' ‘ U "L if... :fi j j: 1 1; #1" - "' "' '6' 1H [13.1. Tho’ it be lit - tle—a neigh-bor - ly deed—Help some-bod-y to - day! Thou hast a mes-sage, 0 let it be heard, Help some-bodvy to - day! Grief is the por-tion of some ev- ’ry-where, Help some-bod~y to - day! Some one the jour-ney to heav-en should start, Help some-bod? to - day! \ x x m rx f\ U A l @I Ir- . IR- D - F D D ‘1‘, - " . l b ,' ‘ ' . J ' flu V V l l V P 'v' V ' ' CHORUS. in“ H Help some-bod-y to - day, . . Some-bod-y a-longlife’s way; . . Let to - day, home-Wind way; % sor-row be end-ed, The friendless befriended, Oh, help somebody to 7 day! m m ém‘vr ,\ c J No. 4. 13 He is So Precious to Me. COPYRIGHT, 1902, av CHAS. H. GABRIEL. C. n 0' COPYRIGHT, 1907, av E. 0. 5110511.. Chas. H‘ Gabriel. #1- . . A I l] r 1‘ q_._l"l 1E: lei—1' i: 1%ggEFEZi 51:51: So 1. pre-cious is J 6 - sus, my Sav-ior, my King, His praise all the day long 2. He stood at my heart’s door ’mid sunshine and rain, And pa-tient- ly wait- ed 3. I stand on the moun-tain of bless- -ing at last, No cloud in the heav- -ens 4. I praise Him be- -cause He ap- point-ed a place Where, some day, thro’ faith in 3 >3 2'31 . F‘ - - r . 1 1 'fijjl—tg—g—FHEEP ., .1 .L . 1 1 1 ' A All ' 1 m l n . Ijlh‘ 1ll l Ir 1 i lr ‘ l I I F j W: 10 1 1 ii: fii F, J C U 0 r 4 1_ 4 with rap-tore I sing; To Him in my weak-mess for strengthI can cling, an en-trance to gain; What shame that so long He en-treat-ed in vain, a shad-ow to cast; His smile is up- on me, the val- ley is past, His won - der-ful grace, I know I shall see Him—shall look on His face, .1 _ m l m ~1- II' F 'FQ—g 9— a 1 r? : L h i i l: 1 1 i LL] '04 . 1 .1 El 1 12 2 2 12 2 2 IL 2 2 1 1 ,3 01103113. Faster. M 50 For He 15 so pre-cious to me. For He is so pre-cious to A m pre-cious to me, so pre-cious to me; me, . . . For He is so pro-olous to me; . . . ’sz heaven be- K /——\ is so pre-cious to me. low My Re-deem-er to know, For He M Gabriel. 3%; 1e day long y wait - ed he heav-ens , thro’ faith in % I can cling, d in vain, ly is paSt’ In His face, fig 3% pre—cious to % 3 is heaven be- 33 I3 5* B ( No. 5. The Hope Set Before You. COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY E. O. EXCELL. woaos AND MUSIC. '3' 0‘ Excell. nFanny .l. Crosby. I 110 I _ k J‘1 I I i‘:j\ h 1. Lay hold on the hope set before you, And let not a moment be lost, 2. Lay hold on the hope set before you, Of life that you now may receive, 3. Lay hold on the hope set before you, Of joy that no mortal can speak; 4. Lay hold on the hope set before you, A hope that is steadfast and sure: A - . 0 p..... hhhhhh‘ 1-I.()~[ - 1'. .mrjug A; . 22.1171 J I r :r I g Maga- .r .elee;w'-J macaw" l—QbJII n _I\I‘\T . l! h+ “91 I :rfijfifi “'—' :l. Iifiia is 11:13:! The Sav-ior has purchased your ransom, But think What a price it hath cost! If, glad - 1y His mer-cy ac - cept-ing, You tru - ly re-pent and be-lieve. It tell - eth of rest for the wear-y, Thro’ J e - sus, the low-1y and meek O haste to the bless- ed Re-deem- -er, The lov - ing, the perfect and pure. '0 ' ' 'I" I. ' ' . A.-. I v L '. o . D L. . .1- . r I ' Ill 1 l ' 'n- - . 'J ; ' I I. ,1. / V '4 h V l . l V (T171! (115"!) \ C < (r t t t w: CHORUS. Lay hold . . . . . . on e - ter-nal sal-va - - tion, Lay hold, lay hold ............ on e - ter - nal sal - va -tion, C V hold . . . . on the gift of God’s 0n - 1y Son; Lay hold . . .on His in- hold, lay hold ......... on God’s on - 1y Son; Lay hold, lay held . ....... o A v fi - nite mer - cy, Lay hold . . . . on the Might - y One! on His mer - cy, Lay hold, lay hold on the - y One! A . A No. 6. Nobody Told Me of Jesus. copvmcur, 1908, av CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Mrs. Frank A Breck COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY E. o. EXCELL. Chis. H. Gabriel. 3154—4 AL 5— .'- 41;;_wu_,b ' '4i_'._i:$3 } 539:1 .afi—efiee em: 1. Would you care if some friend you have met day by day Should nev- or be 2. Care you not if one soul of the chil-dren of men Should nev- er be 3. Would you care if your crown should be star-less-ly dim, Be- cause you led 4. Then he si - lent no long- -erI but ear- nest- ly pray For grace to the i 4h:E:E: l gbbfiié‘ik’o’b:‘:g_ V” I“! ‘71“! (I 1| vbll/ 1- h bro’t un-to I -' $13—$41; _ —l——q‘——|:a—q‘—o— :flgfff‘_l ~fi'jL—i‘lf; a l i C ##33 told a-bout J 8 - sus? Are you will - ing that He in the judgment shall say; J e - sus? Or would say in that day when He com-eth a-gain, no one to J o -sus? Make it true that some heart shall not answer to Him: tell- -ing of J e -sus? So that no one can say on tgat great wdgment day, [x J... WW 0 “No one Je - sus, E12553.+~ rfsfffffim but they seem’d to for-get To tell me the sto - ry of Je-sus. m ev-er told me of Je-sus.” No-bod-y told me 1 1 No -bod - y told me of Je - sus; So ma- my I have met-— H. Gabriel. Etc: nev - er be nev - er be ause you led race to the IEWEE Ient shall say; I-eth a-gain, Iswer to Him: udgment day, told me of I have met- —§:;—-r-— ._.__.I___d _. '_.- :%EQ - - 4 of Je-sus. No.7. Because I Love Jesus. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BV CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Chas H Gabriel James ROIWC- E. o. EXCELL, OWNER. — I H I i I i . I A I Ea'flfii#§qmti$$é 1. My path may be lone-1y, and dark be the night, The clouds may be 2. Be-cause I love Je - sus, my Sav-ior and thine, There’s peace in my 3. Tho’ loved ones be ta - ken a - way from my side, Tho’ rich - es and 4. Tho’ all that is e - vi] a- gainst me com-bine, Tho’ Sa-tan a- ;fiéligfi-tr-th—EH i cit I I n "‘t[ IV; E I I FL - j J v I l __ l J j —I——:j—i1i—;.—i—_i. I ~Fd—a‘H—4 J .' F A 5 a ' gfl 2 Id _ I J 0' - é - hid - ing the sun from my sight, Yet I have as-sur-ance that all Wlll be right, soul,there is comfort di-vine; ’Twill al-ways abide, for the promise is mine, hon - or to me be de - nied, Yet if I but trust Him no ill can be-tide, round me his snares should entwine, Yet if I am faith- ful a crown will be mine, ”11.90: = '10 itlt-FZE. fiJ—J—JE-g ttfi II lJ——_ib:lE—'— K I I i. [ILLI LLII '- REFRAIN. Be - cause ...... I love Je - sus. Be-cause I love Je - sus, Be - cause Je - sus, Be-cause ...... I love Je - sus; My soul is at Be - cause O rest, and in Him I am blest, Be - cause ...... I love Je - sus. Be-cause N0. 8. God Will Take Care of You. N0- Dedicated to my wife, Mrs. John A. Davie. ‘ Re! c a 1', 1 , a N A. DAVIS. " J C. 0' mm opv 'GSSED gaspszmbzron. W. S. Martin. A . bn 1’ h h J a I“ n‘ 3' [ J g u ~0- ' ‘ I V 1/ \«T 1 1. Be not dis- mayed what-e’er be - tide, God will take care of you; 2 2. Thro’ days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you; 3 3. All you may need He will pro -vide, God will take care of you; 4 4. No mat-tar what may be the test, God will take care of you; J A J A A -.- 1 A A 1\ 1% A‘. 1.!) E I L E - L S [J I Z 'L If!) A F I I F r: F F l g h 0 A F II L‘ J - LI I n I I #4 I l n o J F " O P I V I V r 7 I V l V J a 2 x F a I. h h . h [—IZI If I I L I‘ [A‘ . J I f; I Be - neath His Wings of love a - bide, God will take care of you. When dan-gers fierce your path as - sail, God will take care of you. Noth-ing you ask will be de -nied, God will take care of you. . Lean, wear-y one, up - on His breast, God will take care of you. J ‘ J ‘ A ..- A A O I 0 I. E [L E -J E E S r I. - F I I F J F I' F J h - F I . l I I - I . L I . . I V A}: l V L V l V I V l 7 AI 1 2 1 Id CHORUS. God will take care of you, Thro’ ev- ’ry day, O’er all the way; He will take care of you, God will take care of you. . . . take care of you. ‘é No. 9. Just When I Need Him Most. .f COPYRIGHT, 1908, BV CHAS. H. GABRIEL. , Rev. Wm. Pool. COPYRIGHT, 1m, BY E. o EXCEL," Chas. H. Gabriel. n l L I K L K L W.S Martin 1‘77ng j n 1 J r . l \ :‘w ' 1 [_l‘ m A ‘ _ . ' -g-|.l \ I _. .. “d0 v [V — ', ' ' ' " ’+!-¢-0' ' ‘ ~9- ({% C 1. Just when I need Him, J e-sus is near, Just when I fal - ter, just when I fear; care of you; I; 2. Just when I need Him, J e-sus is true, Nev-er for-sak-ing all the way thro’; :are of you; 3. Just when I need Him, J e-sus is strong, Bearing my bur-dens all the day long; :are of you; 4. Just when I need Him, He is my all, An-swer-ing when up-on Him I call; ,are of you, _ \ n_ 4; ,5 ‘ [4:374‘991- g a a j'! E;.H'—4'— U 317:5:1: fii’fi‘ 3; V ’ r‘9’i7' K' r 'h' h h , 3 m. 3 3 , F a It—a—s—rH—mi i “-14% a . W 2 " 2 -- - Q ' F Read-y to help me, read-y to cheer, Just whenI need Him most. care 0f you. Giv- ing for bur-dens pleasures a - new, Just WhenI need Him most. care 0f you. ,_ For all my sor-row giv-ing a song, Just whenI need Him most. ' care 0f you. 3 Ten- der-ly watch-ing lest Ishoruld fall, Just whenI need Him most. care of you. 3 A -‘:k‘ l: I? ffiff'l : a-r F't+¢*’~“=q o I l V __V . :7 r . r i i m 0 u. “1 . . ' ‘ r‘ ¢#¢ l r _ FFEE—vfi . ' u z u 3 3 CHORUS. % v Just when I need Him most, Just when I need Him most; er all the way; k h 7LT )i you. . . . Je-sus is near to com-fort and cheer,JustwhenI need Him most. ike care of YO‘1- ‘ ’ No. 10. Wonderful Jesus. DOPYRIGHT, 1009, BY E O- FXCELL. Rev. W. J. Stuart. woaos AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Sweneyo n . w} L ‘7 L 53—? : i“ THE? 4J3 i+ $44 i THE: P ‘3 5.1: “ti—‘d—g‘?”h4 T"; g 1 d I elf a i U 4. 4— 4 —| - 4 f ' “9 ”t j: 25:; 1. Won—der -fu1 love does J 6 - sus show, Won-der-ful grace He does be-stow; 2. Won-der -fuli He is al-ways near, Won-der-ful!’ I have naught to fear; 3. Won-der-ful help does J e - sus send, Won-der-ful keep-ing to the end; 4. Won-der-iui day, so pure, so bright, Won-der-fui liv - ing in His sight; 4 \ h o - .. "9'- f r. I 1- ,. .I A- z g L: , r no - r - a i ‘ QM: r - r r _h _ r i L'I 'J ‘ es 9 a v L EH A—i :LiiL—Lihj, “Pfi‘j i r v i P V V r P f - i . ,. i i ' a . is . i i‘ 4 4 a i r ‘ ‘ i h h : IA d:::q;_ ‘____ivg—4* ‘ 35;;j_q ' ' 4‘ ' . [W J '_ l_ ‘_ ‘ ‘ . - 4 '1 l! a I a a a - la a ‘11 q .. d ., U %. 4 4L 4% .9. 4 3-. -5. Won - der - in] peace in Him 1 know, J 6 - sus, bless-ed J e - susI i Won—der-ful is His voice to hear, Je - sus, bless-ed Je - sus! Won - der-ful is this con-stant Friend, J e - sus, bless-ed J e - sus! Won-der-full ’round me all is light, J e - sus, bless-ed J 6 - sus! ‘1 , .# t_c_fi#_"_ ; I F ° L: “g ; f u. ' $213 “ . Iii—7L E w. , - ‘ k_b.-. Kw, ._Efi _-‘Lt_1 f 1 ‘v’ ' i2 l'r p—tr-Jr—“r?” : Y : » CHORUS. Won— der-ful, won- (191' - ful J e - sus! Won—der-iui, won-der-fui J 6 - sus! '-'-' ~.-'-"-O- 4J— 4 0 V“ He is a won-der-ful Sav-ior! Je -sus, bless-ed Je-sus! __\ .lno. R. SweneY- 13 does be-stow; e naught to fear; lg to the end; 3 in His sight; )less-ed Je - susl )less-ed J 8 - susl )less-ed J e - susl aless-ed J e - sue! -p— :p—% F err—+953 i-der-ful J 6 - susl ss-ed Je - sus! No. 11. Higher Ground. COPYRIGHT, 1898 BV J. HOWARD ENTWISLE. Rev. Johnson Oatmnn, Jr. worm J. HOOD, owuzn. Chas; H. Gabriel. I ‘ k L h A @5533; :JLTH “ 3&3 __;__d V g o A _ o 1. I’m press-ing on the up-ward way,New heightsI’m gaining ev-’ry day; 2. My heart has no de -sire to stayWhere doubts arise and fears dis-may; 3. I want to ‘live a - bove theworld,Tho’Satan’sdarts at me are hurl’d; 4. I want to scale the utmost height,And catcha gleam of glo-ry bright; FF _ FL I - lab—la ’fi l I) _ 1| Em“ F'?F 1[1 | VD“ 3 4M N. i‘L‘ J.— : . r—{s—‘Jfi— Still pray- ing as I onward b0und,“Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground.” Tho’ some may dwell Where these abound,My pray’r,my aim is high-er ground. For faith has caught the joy-fulsound,The song of saints on high-er ground. But still I’ll pray till heav’nI’ve found,“Lord,lead me on to high-er ground. @ JJ #4? f l I :53‘ ‘ is—g F’ Lfi fibfijhrjr'afrr l ' ll, ngifi CHORUS. la Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on heav-en's ta - blt-land; Phi‘ b :t' '9‘ 1* 4' ’_ l A high-er plane than I have found,L0rd,plant my feet onlhigh- er ground. The King’s Business. COPYRIGHT, 1902. BY E O EXCELL WORDS AND MUSIC. No. 12. BI. E. T. Cassel. Flora H. Cusel. ii . n J4- .. . g . . . r17 LLTHIPA I k A I n s _L I‘ D J 1‘ A 4—... ”% H ‘ l l ‘i N l I ‘ l‘ ‘j ‘ ‘ ' . ' ‘ - .y I! ' d. ,i : g:_j—-a . —.—-—————¢-— . 1' if g .y 1. I am a stran-ger here, with - in a for- eign land; My home is 2. This is the King’s command: that all men, ev - ’ry-where, Re—pent and 3. My home is bright-er fat than Shar-on’s r0 - sy plain, E- ter-nal “J = ' I P P 0 ' A I 0 ' A . 1"? . :ii : E : i: i - If - ' IT "‘* I L1 P “I 9 l L1 L4 L1 ' I I I I -v A” fin n n l L K K . . mums—1‘ D l l‘ K L I ' K‘ I K R I A » ' r ' ‘ L k ‘ IA J‘ A A i} , g. ,‘ ,. v a! . . "j“ '3: E E: E .9; ’ 7]- T J far 3-way, up - on a gold-enstrand;Am-bas-sa -d0r to be of turn a-way from sin’s se - duc - tive snare; That all who will o-bey, with j life and joy thro’-out its vast do-main; My Sov’reign bids me tell how it: n U. U 0 It 1 C A A l i . . O ‘ U$n%# r i ‘ v I "n. 44- - If - V Ii) H—i’—“ J . ' T‘ ” '7 V l L1 V L1 W 9 i I I I , '\ realms be - yond the sea, I’m here on business for Him shall reign for aye, And that’s my business for mor - tals there may dwell, And that’s my business for my King. my King. This is the my King. mes - sage that I bring, A message angels fain would sing; “Oh, be ye U . . . . V . ‘ reconcfled,” Thus saith my Lord and King, ‘ ‘Oh, be ye rec-on-ciled to God. ” “Acid” Mir-x as an .L-‘L‘J-‘Wt «.K‘J‘nau ) L .. .wéwnm' y-—xr....ldk1~1 “A (“.3 ' ”an“. ..-.‘-,:..a...<~ A.M.>(Mi 1.. Win-Jr 1L qwnzz-SWkiém 1 Mi a; _» .31.» :.fl&m.‘&¢t€ m «wMM.m-zw#fimsuiuxmgmhj K . (54. .m w "Nké-‘EU‘:’.>L-<‘§’ aym‘flidéx‘L-‘u 2m .1:- rmmw ‘- darn. r- \ wjnimv A»: 3' No. 13. Julia H. Johnston. Lighten the Way With a, Song. COPYRIGHT, 1911, BV E. O. EXCELL. wonos AND MUSIC. Joshua "' Roberts. [. s Lfi . I] n n h] n 14.1 . n K. I J 4“ E R. 4-, 1 I . l v , #4:?thng -1 V 1. There are sor-row-ful hearts that are go - ing your way, Crushed by a 2. If your own wear-y spir - it needs com-fort and cheer, If you are 3. Un - to each fel-low-pil-grim your feet 0 - yer-take, Bless-ing and‘ ii‘ A A A I) A A A ' 14 A D r I F E I' .1 IF 1' E _ '. h‘tz - r IL l L 1 ll 1 [ l'TkVI'A 1' ' I ll ' r r l Vl/lj‘fh i I . 4mfi_ ’ ’ ’ l v u l l v v m, #1 .r . z a a l‘ .ih [ h e “ 1 I I L l l l V —‘ ‘ l‘ l‘lfl fl ‘ q ' L _ _ 1 1 l ' d d l " " 1 . ra- J“!_Fl—U ' i = =§ I U 4‘- -a- -a- 0’ ' ' ' bur - den of wrong; If you wait on the Lord, He will help you to - day lone - ly or sad, Let your mer-cies be count-ed, your prais-es ring clear, brightness be-long; And it may be that you, for the Sav-ior’s own sake, i h A. I -P- -.- q.- A A ._-'_ E’- I 33 E r1 . ‘T — F—Fb. . "—b r , . l . , g 'V' i ' '71 Ufa V D I V W CHORUS. J, x J " I" i h 4‘ . . . :4 " h P 4‘ 91m 3' Efi-g—i—g—H‘ - L : HIE 9 - V“! J” ' ' [F V ' l0 - I l' ' '5 l v To light - en the way with a song. Thus make your own heart to be glad. Then light -en the way with a May light - en the way with a song. | t -n- l‘ l :5 ._.-].:p 9L». .9931: 3—. ' :l l l i i l l i l 1 L o I l L l .___J I L l 1 l 1 s.- L l l I l 7 V l ’ I EL 7 V l V 3 I_ ”'12 If} ' I l I l 1 song, 4 Yes, light - en the way with a song; For the with a song, with a song; drear - i - est days there is nothing like praise, Then lighten the way with a song. m No. 14. V. A. and Jennie Ree. We’ll Never Grow Weary. COPYRIGHT, 1911‘ BY ROBT. H. COLEMAN. WORDS AND MU8IG. J l J n . J l :_ L : '_“'_J: 4 _ ’: L E E: FEEL: :53:EL—2E3 , 3 E5 ' E -d 4- - - + 1. We’ll never grow weary, but ev-er per-sue The work which the Master has 2. We’ll nev-er grow weary, but work with a will;0ur Fa-ther will sure-1y His 3. We’ll think of the mercy,remember the love 0f Him who came:down from His Chas. l1. Gabriel. 1 -v—S{ LEI--- ’5 - =56 = -‘|y E ‘__"'_,___ EgiE—EEE “E'FE‘EH—E’E’fgfi—FZE‘E: : : : : : : : p . fl l l l l l | 51,75; ; J Ir] J A: _:i‘—|Ej 4 La J! _. __ _._ :7 , | ‘ _. __ _ __ ____. b 'i a 0 .1' F3 d 5* a r Ha I a U ' 4- ' -6- i i- 4- 4- 4- ' left us to do; If pa- tient- ly toiLing we trust in the Lord, The prom-ise ful - fill; From seeds we have scattered in sor-row and tears, We’ll glo- ry a - bove; No lab - or for him shall be ev- er in vain. We‘ll L . F ; rE F F F r? :5 P F :17er F D D Q l FL I l_ l D L [—1 1—i— l 5—:E: E: E:EE:EE:E:E:E:E:I — ::F n i I l J l _l l 'CHORUS'I I J ”RULE is 5:31: , '7 _ — a #. 1e , , :g—Lifi: LEE—r fi. a e} ' 11' ' I" ~3- 4- ' har - vest will bring us a bless- ed re- -ward. gather bright sheaves when the harvest appears. We shall reap if we faint not, a work in His vine-yard thro’ sunshine and rain. - L . l‘l‘ a I? F: r‘ .3 F P I Err”; j.~~~—-*E~E.: E; :H la la l l l l \. _by and by, Treasures im-mor-tal that nev-er de-cay, Crowns of re- 1 joic-ing that fade not a - way,We shall reap if we faint not, by and by. ~Wn~wxb :-:,‘ ‘ “Jud. ., “aw-r v2 Lyons-“mt“.jh , s. H. Gabriel. _ _-1 _ ,,_:1__ _. __ EL :3:!: ”i ' ' . the Master has will sure-1y His neZdown from His :he Lord, The ind tears, We’ll in vain. We‘ll e333; \[ t, by and by. 7i .5 3 4 94,53..me N: .IRNIMMJN . A .ixx-li—l guy-2‘ .- ,. Q. J ARLSWJA Wiggins. ‘We-ee‘am." Auk A . «am No. 15. C. H. M. Make Him Yours. 14g ’n GOPYRIGHT, 1900, BY ane. H. GABRIEL. f V w. E. M- HACKLEMAN, owuen. 11/ Mrs. C. H. Morris. \ h _ [a r x \ gs \ _ a L r g—io—f—Q ' I a 1. I am stand-ing now on the prom-is- es of God, On the Rock that 2. All my sins are lost in the fount- -a.in of His blood, Of my cleansing 3. When earth’s cares press hard, Jesus knows and understands,And the oil of 2; h h F 9 . 4; a 9' H {5 ' hi? P Ir I fl 'r r r “HI I. '9 a u v 1 = [ ' . i, . r I u a y . v r ? L—D— j L ‘ I“ I I; 1" A. légfij .' L0 - q l E R l 1' “‘b‘ifij 'I l r ' ‘ I _- I a a 1 o - 4—!“ a A U - 5% ’— ev-er-more en-dures; And this song I using as' I jour-ney on my way, He my soul as-sures; I want all the world of His sav-ing grace to know; gladuess on us pours; You may have Him now as your Savior and your Lord; A A J ' A A . . P J. K E E l" 0 E E L I " i' i' L i ’ 47 t: i u- 4 l rr‘ ‘ l v‘ VAL V 1? b i4 Yb CHORUS. n L r 4 L . . h h . '34; _ 4" :r . TI iii—4 75,34 j._:__ y_§ ' gfi . I 5 r 5 VJ v Claim the prom-is-es,and make Him yours. Trust the Savior now,and make Him yours.He is my Savior, He is my He is my Redeemer; make Him yours. He is my Savior. He is my -.. \- l l :g f '0 . L I [I 1 leg J. 4 L. i: E 5:: 2: j? 13:. I V J . ['1 l i’ I ’L .' 4' ['1 rlijL._. V V V V l V V V V Savior,Christ the friend of sinners will on make ours? He is m ’ ’ y _ make Him yours? He is my fix {- ,— Savior,_ He is my Savior,While He’s waiting to be gracious,make Him yours. Sav-ior. He is my Sav-ior. ._.l .._‘._2.... ‘7}. . 7.12. 2...... . H. .. f. A .._. A“; _. L... 2:32.22 _ No. 16. a The Other Fellow. COPYRtGHT, 1911,91! ROBT. 'H'. COLEMAN. Robt. H. Coleman. worms AND MUSIC. Chas. H. Oabtlel. ”“8010 and Chorus. 122,222—224222223:22—2222222222 .Are you cheer-ful, brave and pray ’r-ful? Has your heart grown mel- low? 2. Are you wea- ry, lone and drear- -y? Would you have it end- ed? 3. Are you yearn-ing to be learn -ing More to love an- oth - er? . -1- -1. -1. -1. -1- .a- I; -,_ .1. .12. 21.4 . ' ' . r E F C d "e2 . ,2 . I ’ La. tr— 2—E:i| c v I l n§#:_p_ l 1 - j: J _4__.‘ 9:3: . _::g:—:: _: 22—9312,.2., :J_J U ll Find an - oth - er, friend and broth-er, Help the oth - er tel - low. You'll be brightened,cheered and lightened,When you’ve men be-friend - ed. Self- confess - ing brings the bless - ing, Lift a fal - len broth - er. .. -1-. F -fi 222' IE.” ZEZZEZ- -9- @2222: Etch—L 'E: . 24—32—423 T V 1' CHORUS. The The oth - er fel - low needs your care, He's oth - or tel - 10W needs your care, at your side, he‘s ev- ’ry - where, The Sav - ior watch - es from a- The Saw - ior watch - es he helps you with His love. he helps you with His love. bove, He cheers, from n - hove, He cheers, '.'1 2.2.2.; «93‘ . ,, '22,. we; 122422.? I ..;. N1 9°2on :has. H. Gabriel. grown mel~low? it end - ed? an - oth - er? er tel - low. 1 be-friend - ed. len broth - er. your care, :»EE:::: ,ch-es from a- ,tch - es I love. with His love. i. I i >, Auras. . I .. Vp—z‘b‘u‘y use» m :uiwnlwauvz hi Am- »: i-mh-u sll ,"M»/~1-WI“ “$1263.; ‘.'-I~,k\< ‘ 4 . 4- .m ;_< ”4,14." , ,: .f‘bemwafl-uv Mw;mu .. - v ., n. I l ,_ f3 ~' w Wkly. No. 17. With Me All the Way. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY CHAS, H. GABRIEL. OWNED BY R. H. COLEMAN, DALLAS, TEX. Mrs. N. P. C. Mrs. Nellie Place Chandler. D l) n . \ .N A . I Tim I ‘ A n ' [j '1 . Ix fl 1:" L ‘I ‘ - E“ 13—— ' :FFBNF J - q - I j 1 l . . , a . [Vi—:4 ‘ I" 1 1* f f’ r 1. There’ sasongwith-in myheartto-day (to-day), And re-joic-ing go I on my 2. Oh, this song shall be a song of trust (ottrust),F0rHiswaysare alwaysrightand 3. Thro’ His grace I’ll sing the vic-tor’s song, In His strength,f0r right be firm and "Tl-"’— QLJL— -JL. . a '14 IJ a: l I K K I" IN N V:— |— I vic-tor’ s song, A. Ll. _ . I i 3' i: ii" 9 J l ‘. 0 TA n HT i l 1 1r ‘1 ' If? I F . E I “Pi-Alia] 2-: A :I I I. .II. I. L I. I all I _ h b L‘ I a 4 AF ' ' J‘ '3 i fix - fix .. A _ K: . .__-__‘§A__ . . , U. i =:[ . II—fi—‘ ‘Tfi‘r‘ Ir - j - A w U P r P }21- " E3. ' 1H4 ' ' way (my way); Forl’vefoundaFriend and Guide,and,what-ev- er may be-tide, just (and just); And I do not walk a-lone, since He’s called me for His own, strong (and strong); Tho’ temptations may assail, in His name I shall pre-vail, 1 l N N_ N N .N NI .N g 3 21 jI2- 2 £0 .- j ' IFS” 56 FINE. CHOR 4"- He has promised to be with me all the way. For my Sav- Ior W111 be For my Sav - ior with me all the way! . . . . Is the songmyheartissing-ing all the will be with me all the way! Is the song my heart is J‘- x—x “ J‘. / day; . . . Then What 6- vil shall I fear,withmyFriendandGuidesonear? sing-ing all the day; é/fi_ No. 18. He Will not Turn You Away. COPYRIGHT. 1902, BY H. N. LINCOLN. :Eio Hewitt:— ALL meme RESERVED, H. N. Lincoln. at too not.i t h h —— —-—3———-l1——i~—!Ejfl:—g _:.mi_. __ a 5 gig JHA .1 “1' - 1. Come free - 1y to Je - sus and tell Him yoiir need, He will not 2. “E-nough and to spare” in His boun-ti-ful hand, He will not 3. Come tell Him the sor-row that bur-dens your heart, He will not 4. When soon-er or lat-er the night shad-ows fall, He will not .h Li J A 3 .,_,_ ,_ ,_,__ @gb§_§”EFE—f*§*' Pwig——E#FE:VE :E—p—Zl—j— _b:t:fi__ 7‘ v V n 1. 1 - _ri‘:i-Fj~4¥‘;nfi _:: inLiBSfiD—Efi—fiifi fiflvfi—fi 5 ,1 J: I" u t turn you a - way; Your sins He will par- don, your soul He will feed, turn you a - way; “The God of all grace” will His bless-ing com-mand, turn you a - way; Peace, com-fort and cour - age are His to im - p