xt71vh5cc943 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cc943/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19241114 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-11-nov14-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-11-nov14-ec. 1924 2011 true xt71vh5cc943 section xt71vh5cc943 M.inutes of 'the meeting of the Y.x:ecutive non.ittee of the Boerd of Trustees, University of Kentucjry, for j . 7, YoMl- ber 14, 1924. Thq Y'xecutive Conmittqe of the Boprcl of trustees of the University of 2:entucky met in the office of I9resident .:cVey vwith the followinz members present: 'a. C. Stoll, Chairrpan, . H. ,;. Promen, R. 4. Sordcfn end iiainey Wells. 1. Financia.l Statomennt. Ilr. I. Hl. ierk, Business ._ent of tha University, submitted the folloxring financial stztea.ment: llovember 13, 1924 zress.dent Frank I. 11c'Tsy Universit y of Zentucky Deear :D octor i cey: I , sub'nittin! fintnciel re7?ort for October, 1924. I amn tlso subnittinX statement of Gretter Lentucky C&m- ai Pr Fund I think it will be necessary to borror about 125-00,0 1orember 30 to meet expenditures including pay roll at that date. It is very probable that we shall have to borrow, at least 4j75,C00 to meet December pay roll, and un- less the Federal Simith-Lever payment is made in Jenuary, 25 ,000 to '50,OC0 niore -.ill be needed at the end of Janu- ary, m.nkina the total amount of loans probably needed be- tween nowe and Janu-ar-y 31, 1925, 150,000. rhe E'xecutive Coom-.lttee hss heretofore authorized loans to the extent of .100,000 ann $;50,000 of that tmount has been borrowed. a ~read.y froi the Phoenix Na.tional Benk and Trust Conpcany. I think the Executive Zoi-mdttee at this meetinz should outhorize additional loans of J100,000 if needed to meet current expenses. If the 'executive "Comittee deems it advisable to pay the bsl.ance on Stadium construction from Uni-ersity funds, it will be necessary to borrow &n additional amount of about i35,000 and I think a separate resolution should be Made authorizing such loan. Very truly, D. H. Peak Business Aeent 2. Statement of income and Ixpenditures M.onth of October, 1924 General Fund Income federal Appropriation Genera1l B-ucation 3oard. Spneciel Agricultural Apnro. State Tex Interest on liberty Bonds Intarest on Lendowment Bonds Student ?ees Student Fees -Su-mer Sch. Student Fees -Vet. Bureau Student Fees - University High School Student Fees - tniversitv7 ixtension Jiscellaneous Rentals Lota1 Ji'peno itures Instruct ion Administration hx-ense Additi ons and Betterments .ota I _ Previously Reported 42,750.00 1,150.00 3,200.34 23,403.02 4,322n25 41 ,468.55 17,048.00 349.44 1,800,00 Current LMonth YMEBIT *TB1 Fiscal Year To Date 42,750.00 900.00 2,050.00 9,427.18 12,627.52 15,959.27 39,362.29 850.00 850.00 4,322.25 1,123.69 42,592.24 932.00 17,980.00 349.44 275.00 2,075.00 1,%94.75 1,580.52 386.56 6,297.02 L -PQ614-0 88.00 139,086.91 _3743~2.68~ 94,344.05 32,840.75 4,859.43 132 ,034. 23 44,628.43 12,768.51 6,951.91 64 -346.*85 3,175, 27 6,683.58 1.702.00 176, 519.59 138,962.48 45,609.26 11.811. 34 196,383.08 Fxcess of 3',penditures over Income etterson Hall Income Board Room Rent -Sumnmer School Total Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Totnl Excese of Income over Expenditures Generol Fund Income nenera1 Fund Expenditwures 7,052.68 8,946.85 2,.192.85 11,139.70 6,45 7.15 , 263.00 6s72 0.15 (26.916417) (19.863.49) 3,411.05 12.357.90 2,9 N85 3,411.05 14,550.75 4,033.08 10,490.23 560.70 823.70 4.593.78 11 313.93 4 -419.55 (1,182.73) 31, 36 82 150,226.61 138. 754 238 40,843.73 191,070.34 68,942.63 2071697.01 E'xcess of General Pund ax- penditures over Income 11,472.23 Excess of Receipts olrq ':x. for General Ledzer Acct. 77,046.05 E-cess of 1Mqc. over "x'. for thA fiesC1 vr. to dete- leneral Fund B8851.828 (28,098.90) (16.626.67) (5.060.78) 71,985.27 (33 sk;9.) 5.5 8.60 a 21 III, -9 -35 3. Bxcess of heceipts over Expenditires for the fiscal year to date - %onerel Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - General Fund Cash in Bank October 31, 1924 - General FunA Trust Fund inc o-ne Student Loan Fund Civilian Rehabilitation Fund Total Income Student Notes Paid "otal Receipts Expend iture s Eixpense Student Yotes Notes P:yable Total hxcess of Receipts over Exp. 161.59 135.40 296.99 605.00 901.99 1,399.53 1,561.12 135 .40 1,399.53 1,696.52 984.00 1,589.00 2,383.53 3,285.52 135.40 31.00 l,651.00 392.00 1 .0 0.00 1786.40 1.9423.00 960.53 Fxcess of receirts over ;'xpenditures for the fiscal .7er to eptae - crust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Trust Fund nssh in Batnk October 31, 1924 - Trust Puna 166.40 2,043.00 1000 .00 3 1209240 76.12 76.12 689.64 765.76 Yxperiment Stttion Income Hatch - 'ed.seral Appro riation 3,750.00 flilk aIne Batter - -s h hRC 3,074.09 Beef 'Cattle Sales 421.55 Dairr Cattle Sales 207.47 Sheep Sales 105r.00 Swine Sples Poultry Sales 627.79 Farm Produce Sales 1,021.80 Korticultur?-l &les 1C08.60 Seed Test 31.00 Rentals 412.00 ,liscellaneous 30.00 Fertilizer -Fees 5,050.00 Public Service - State App. 1,500.00 PubliC Service - t'1i SC. 9.00 Peeding Stuffs - Fees 10,519.78 Adara - Ped er-1l jVpro. 3,750.00 Serum - Seles 995.54 Serum - Virus Sples 48.30 Serum - Supnly Sales 19.20 Seruh - Lliscellaneous 46.00 State Approprintion 3,894.85 Creamery - License Pees 2,820.00 Creamery - T'esters' Licenses 857.50 Creamery - Giasswpre 'Thsted 210.64 Robinson - State Appro. 39,910.09 3,750.00 1,125.14 112.38 42.75 62.75 149.07 448.05 32.00 233.67 1,594. 75 4,500.00 19.35 5 ,210.20 3,750.00 136.65 11.60 4.00 3.00 22,674.50 93.50 132.00 22.60 506,911.360 50, 911. 56 7,500.00 4,199.23 533.93 207 .47 147.75 62.75 776.86 1,021.80 956.65 63.00 645.67 .30.n00 6,644.75 6,000.00 28.35 15,729.98 7,500.00 1,132.19 59.90 23.20 49.00 26,569.33 2, 913.50 989.50 233.24 6,803.60 90,821 .65 55,358.60 - 0 018.02 4. Expenditures Expense 61,342.43 2Z, 7.42 Additiots and Bettermnents 7,635.39 .163.01 68,977.82 22,900.43 Excess of Expenditures over Income Excess of Expenditures over Income for the fiscal year to date - Eyxperiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - !Experiment Station Cash in Bank October 31, 1924 -Experiment Station (1,056.60) 331..193.86 30 ,134 .26 Extension 1 ivision Income Federal Smith-Lever Fed eral Supplemenlary Stpte Smith-Lever County and Other hfunds Total 76,12Q -65 422,550.46 11,980 .07 761.58 L11* 41,2 ..76 Expenditures Expense 75,,91E .76 29,526.50 F~~~~-. Excess of Income over lExp. 35,497.00 7.177.95 Excess of Income over :Expenditures for the fiscal year to daste - Extension Division Cash in Bp.nk July 1, 1924 - ,Extension Division Cesh in Bank October 31, 1924 - Extension Div. 105,442.26 42,674.95 1.352.61 4Z ,2 56 Summa.ry General Puna Income 150,226.61 Trust Fund Income 296.99 Fxperiment Station Income 39,910.09 Ertension Division Income 111,412.76 &otal 301,846.45 40,843.73 1,399.53 50,911.56 36, 704 .45 129.859 .27 191,070.34 1,696.52 90,821.65 148.117.21 43170..72 General Fund Expenditures Trust Fund !Exnenditures Experiment Station Yk..p. Extension Division Exp. Total 138, 754. 38 135 .40 68,977.82 75, 915 . 76 283,783.36 Excess of Income over bxp. 18,063,09 Excess of Receipts over hxp. for General Led~.er Aocts. 76,000.05 Excess of Receipts over Ex-. for the fiscal year to eate Cormbined Fund 94,063.14 68,942.63 207,697.01 31.00 166.40 22,900.43 91,878.25 29,526.50 105,442.26 121,400.56 40,183-2 8,458.71 26,521.80 (5.468.78) 70,31-j2 2,989.93 97.053e.7 84,059 .85 7,818.40 91,878.25 36,609.50 94.95 36, 704.45 76,120.65 22,550,46 48,589.57 856.53 148 ,117 .21 -(29,067 .73) 28-.Oll .13 (1-,,056.60) 5. ;'xcess of Receipts over E'xpenditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 97,053.C T Cash in Bcnk and on hand July 1, 1924- Com. fund. h7o,643jj. Cash in Bank and on hand October 31, 1924- 3ornbinea Fund 26,409.56 Abstract of item showm on Statement of income and Bxpen- ditures as "Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for %eneral Ledger Accounts $70,531.27. r Debit 206.56 Accounts Receivable Insurance Paid in Advance Notes Payable Sundry Accounts Studesnt N4otes Credit 7,943.1'5 49 ,0OO .00 14,248.68 454.00 CO _ _ - 660.56 71,191.83 660.56 70,531.27 A motion was made, seconded, and adopted that the Chairman of the !fxecutive Comrnittee 3nd the Business Agent be author- ized. to borrow $,1QO,O0O in accordance with the recommendation made in the report of the Business Agent. Motion was also made, seconded, asnd adopted that the Presi- dent of the University and the Business Agent be authorised to borrow N35,000 to pay the balance on stadium construction. 2. Bond for Caghier in Business Office. On motion duly seconded, a resolution nas adopted that a bond of 10,000 be required of the cashier in the Business Office of the University. 3. Statement 2f Greater Kentucky Fund.+ The- ollowing statement of the greater Kentucky Fund account to 11ovember 13, 1924, was submitted. by the Business Agent and ordered spread upon the minutes: 3TATE;2IENT* 0F GxRFAThF XENThUCZY A710D AC(COUNT TO DATE', ROVY2'IMR 13, 1924 Receipts Collections on subscriptions Loans frorm Me-rmorial Build ing Fund Total Di sbursements Louis des Coanets Cc . Office expense including printing Stedium Expense $23,813.01 50 000.00 73,813.01 66,575.88 1 ,263.40 l,556.60 6. Student Loan Fund 1,245.00 Patterson ijemorial Fund 2,500.00 Cold. Checks 7.00 Balance 665.13 73Q ;O-.Ol Balance due Louis des Cognets Company Balance on estimate No. 5, October 1, 1924 8,056.25 hsttimate INo. 6 oTrovei-aer 1, 1924, in full 8,36I_ T- Total 16,4i8.12 D. El Peak Business Aqent 4. Deeds to Lpna near Princeton, Kentucky. A communication from J. P. Johnston, counsel for the University, concerning certain titles to lnd near P-rincaton, Kentucky, recently do- natee to the University for experimental purposes, by the citi- zns of Princeton,wa7 read, and upon advice of 1*r. Johnston, deeds conveying such property were, on motion duly seconded and adopted, ordered accepted. 5. Discontinuance of Soil Field at Russellville. The fol- lo.inR coarmunication was reed.: October 1, 1924 Pre.iAdent P. I.- MoVey University of Kentucky Dear !resident i-AcVey: In accordance -with the suRest ion of the Board of Trustees relative to the discontinuance of the soil field. at Russellville, Professor iroberts spent September 30 dis- eussing the matter with the judge of tIe fiscal court. He informed Erofessor Roberts that a notice of discontinu- ance would be welcome and that they were very glad to have the opportunity of discontinuing this field. Therefore, with his acquiescence, I am forwarding to the fl scal court the formal notice of discontinuance. Very truly yours, Thomas Cooper Dean and Director 7. Upon motion duly seconeed and adopted, the aomrnittee ordered the soil field at Russellville discontinued. 6. Funds of W:estern Kentucky Sub Experiment Station. The following communication from D)ean T. P. Cooper was read: October 31, 1924 President F. L. 1.cVey University of Kentucky Dear President LioVey; In the operation of the W.estern Kentucky Sub EZperi- ment Station, there will be certain funds accruing repre- sentiln- income friom sales. According to the instructions previously given me, all income received is to be trans- mitted to the accountant's office. This arrangement is not satisfactory and it will cause nmany delays in the hnndling of our enterprises, Particularly where sums of petty cash must be pMid out to meet ernergencies. I wvish to recommend that the income from the. two sub stations be kept solely for the use of the said sub sta- tions and that the Superintendent, under proper bond, be required to deposit in the local banks the Genera-l re- ceipts, and that he be permitted to pay out from this in- ucomn such funds as may be necessary, the payments to be made upon voucher to be audited from time to time as may be directed. This recommendation does not involve the matter of the appropriation which I assure will be handled in the ordinary way, through the University accounting office. Very truly yours, Thomas Cooper Dean and Director This is particularly requested by banks at Princeton. Concerning the foregoing recommendation the Executive Comn- mitteQ, without motion, advised that the superintendent be re- quired td remit monthly, and that a petty cash account be estab- lished. 7. Out-of-State Travel. President McVey reported that dif- ficulty had been encountered with the Sinking Fund Commission in 8. the matter of psymont for out-of-5tete traval and asked for in- structions from the Conmmittee as to how to handla expenses thus incurred by University representatives. On motion, duly seconded, a resolution was adopted that payment of expenses of such trips heretofore taken as had been authorized by the President be made. Theso were as follows: Out-of-State -e nravel Lxpense General Universit7 'a y: wrts eni in=, Ppid: Voucher # 125 - S. E. Le1nh - Chicago to Lexington, July 3, 1924 - Lecture to Su-mmer School $44.35 VToucher # 227 - .1ergaret I. 2 inR - lart of expense to Americpn Library Asso. Saratioga, July 5, 1924 36.00 "oucher #1880 - Otto Koppius - bXpensa from Columbus, Ohio, and return,(accept position) October 7, 1924 36.00 Voucher #1885 - S. E. Leland - ixpense to St. Louis, National Tax Association, September 15, 1924 50.73 Unp ide: :Jrs. .O. T. Lafferty - Trip to iAshsv7il1', August *8, 1924 60.84 lrs. W. T. Lefferty - Trip to Bloomington, Ind. Aug. 3,'24,32.48 14iriel Hopkins - Trip to Washington, D. ^. Nov. 1924 P. L. 1.1oVey - Trip to Chicapo, Ltoveiber, 1924 P. P. Boyd T Trip to 1demphis, December, 1924 C. R. Melcher - New York, Novemnber, 1924 Extension Division: Paid: Voucher #1320- J. O. Barkman - Washington C. H.,Ohio, consultation creamery manager as to cresm grading in Kentucky, October 2, 1924, 17.37 Voucher 1321 - I '. l. Pliott - Jscksion MIi11s, . Va. PTprin ;Oran 2amp, Ap -t 22, 1924 38.51 Voucher ,1322 - J. Ri. Smyth - Raleigh, N.C. meetihe of Arkansas Asso. Poultry Raisers, etc., Auzust 25, 1924 60.05 Unpaid: R. C. M1iller - Atlanta, Ga. November, 1924 T. A. Bryant, Washington, D. C. attending Lend Grant Colleges _sso., l'ovenber 15, 1924 79.99 Experiment Stat ion: Paid: Voucher #1543 - l,. Wi. Dimock, Des Moines, Io-am, August 17, 1924, American Veterinary 1Mledical Asso. 65.97 9. Unpaid: J. H. W-rtin, Raleigh, IJ. C. August, 1924, meeting Amer. 59.6:-3 Association Poultry Raiservc. etc. T. P. Cooper, Vashington, D, C., November 15, 1924,1in 64.25 part) Attendine Land Grant Colleaes Association Frenk L. MloVey, meeting of 1national Association State Universities, Chice-ro, i-ovemnber 10-11. 44.00 J. B. 101iner, American Psychological Conferonce, Washington, D. C., December 27-30, 85,00 eif. E. liaon, i~cmnphis, South;ern Association of Colleaes nnd Secondary Schools, December 2-5, 35.00 Frank L. IfoVey, Maemphis, Southern Associntion of Collages PM1 Secondary Schools, B; ~..Lg'.islMis, Memphis, Southern Association of Colle-es Snent Secondrry Schools, W7. S. Trylor, Indipritrolis, tDTtionl Society for Vocational Fducation, December 10-14. 35.00 Ctirrie B. Goreen, Indicnppolis,ilationsl Society for Vo- cation l ducation, December 10-14 A. N. Mb, Indianapolis, U,1tional So~ciety for VocEtional Education, December 10-14. Edwaord Wiest, Amiricsn Economics Association, Chicamo, December 27-31. 45-00 S. E. LeLqnd, lAmerican Economrics Association, Chicego, December 27-31 Carsie Hammonds, Indianapolis, National Society for Vo- cationa1 iducetion, Decitiber 10-14. .R. Lflliott, Chic35o, International Stock- 2xno iticn, November, 1924 L. J. Horlacher ^nd Stock Judging Tevm, Intesnnational Stock Exposition, Chicnzo, INovember, 1924 Hprold Bprber, m}hicn.o, Intorna tionT1 Stock Exposition, Noveimber, 1924. E. S. Good, Chicago, Intirnptional Stock Ex-osiition, Novembir, 1924. On motion, duly seconded and adopted, the Executive Com- mittee au.thorized orayment o- such subsequent out-of-State trips as should be recommended by the President. B. Plflns for the New Chemistry Building. President i4I0vey reported that plans for the new chemistry building addition had been submitted and the Bo,.rd was aaked to Authorize a call for bids an construction. On motion duly secondiA, a resolution was adopted authoriz- inR a call for bids on the chemistry buildine, the same to be made returnable to thi Business Office of. the University by noon of January 3, 1925. 1o. President .Ec'!ey and thn Businrvss Ag3nt were euthorized to advertise for these bids under the customary conditions Pffect, !-N bond to guarantee faithful perforirince Ps to contract, the bids to be opened and canvassed by the Board of Trustees in reaular session January 3, 1925. 9. Suit Azainst Basketball Buildinz Funek. The following communication was received and filed: Novemb3r 6, 1924 Dr. Frank I. ;;Icey University of Y`entucky Dear Doctor 1,cVey: 3- 2. D. Allen, tradin aend doing business under the firm nanme, Alien Electric Company, has filed suit against the Univnrsity of Kantucky, The Bl:nchard-'rocker Compan-, -nd a number of the creditors of the Blancherc- Croc'-er Company, asserting P rmechanic's lier. on the fund set cside by the University for the arection of the basketball building. In this suit, vwae will be able to hrve settled every question as to the priorities of the vrrious creditors of the Blanchrd-Crocker Comp.ny in connection with the erection of the brsketball building, and also the extent of the University's liability in connection with it. 'Ve are glad that this suit has been filed, as it brings the mstter to a 6efinite head. Mlr. leak will furnish us within the next'day or two with a statement of the balance owing by the University on the Blanchard-Crocker Cortipany, after it completed the building according to the Blanchard-Crocker Oomaneny's contract, and upon re- ceiving this statement, we will file the University's answer, and see that the proper steps are teen to set- tle every question in connection with the basketball building. Yours very truly, Johnston &' Yancey By J. . Johnston 11. 10. Automobile Traffic on Grounds. President McVey read the report of a committee on automobile traffic on the campus which set out recommendations on how best to relieve intoler- able congestion caused by parking of automobiles on roadways traversing the grounds of the University. The President de- clared that parking had become so great by reason of the large number of student and faculty owned machines driven upon the grounds, that conditions had not only become dangerous but were resulting in positive damage to the grounds and were militating against the best results in class work by reason of the noise this traffic caused. The report read by President McVey was merely preliminary but advised that no students or faculty members be allowed hence- forth to park their cars within the campus up to the hour of 5 p. , . The executive %Cmmittee unanimously agreed that parking should not be allowed on the campus and requested the President to work out a plan in accordance with this idea, and put it into effect at once. 11. Switchboard for the Universit'y. On account of previous representations by the Tole.hone Company looking toward estab- lishing on the campus a separate switchboard to serve the Uni- versity, a motion was adopted requesting Professor W. E. Preernan, of the Engineering College, and AIr. A. 0. W,1hipple, to take up the matter with the Company and report to the Executive Committee fully as to cost, service, and prospective benefits of such an installation on the campus. 12. Contrgcts with the United States Veterans' Bureau. The following resolution was adopted: President F. L. McVey is hereby authorized to sign, for the University of Kentucky. con- tracts with the United Stptes Veterpns' Bureau for instruction, books end supplies for students nacede in the University of Ken- tucky by the Veterans' Bureau for the summer school held in the summer of 1924, and for the regular session of the University for the yeer 1924-1925, and to-have the corporate seal of the institution affixed to Puch contract or contracts. 13. Accounts and Bills. The account of the Newmen IWVnu- facturing Compcny for a bronze tablet in memory of Kentuckitns who gave their lives in the World Ajar, which was erected in the stadium, and amounting to K)169, wras ordered paid and charged to the Stdium fund. An account of the Lexington Utilities Company for equipment supplied for primary lines to the underground lighting system and amounting to t908.37 ras referred to A. 0. Whipple with in- structions thiat it be prid by the Business Agent when recommend- ed by him. 12. An account of '200 for printin. a Directory in connectiot. with Greater Kentucky Fund movement, orderea 1ppid. 14. Resi7nstions. The following resi-nntions were rre- sentea by President IM.ocVey and nccepted: 'Iiss Ethel Hopphan, sero1ozist in the Deprrtment of Public Sqrvice Li.boratories, effective December 1, 1924. Miss Laura Granducci, clerk in the Department of Animal Husbandry, effective September 27, 1924. 'liss Xatherine Downing, secretary in the Department of Homen Economics, effective November 8, 1924. Mr. I.; Watts Franklin, assistant county agent, Todd. County, effective September 30, 1924. Mr. 'vWelter S. M.eng, inspector, creamery license section, effsetive October 11. MIiss ilar-ret Riley, secretary in the Department of Hygiene and Public Health, effective November 1, 1924. 15. 2ChnT.9 in Sr-Irr. Salary of Miss Zelms Monroe, assist- tnt Home Demonstrration azent, chan-ed from $2,400 to p2,500 ns result of misunderstpndinr! Ps to orifzinal aPreemnent Pffecting amount to be paid. Effective when she reports for duty. 16. Appointments. The followinz appointments mere recom- mende6 by resident A cVey, Pnd on -motion duly seconded, njproved: .'s rointment of Mrs. .deline Sheffey, Ps aecretrry in the Depf'rtrileint of Home Economics, at a salary of 390 a month, ef- fective November 1, 1924. Appointment of i.Miss I!alry Bronston as clerk in the Depart- ment of Animal Husbandry, at a salary of $85 a month, effective October 22, 1924. Appointment of Idiss Cecil Beck on a temporary basis as secretary in the Department of Hygiene and Public Health, at a salary of $75 a month, effective November 10, 1924. Appointment of John F. Graham as Assistant County Agent, Meson County, at a salary of $125 a month, from September 1 to December 31, 1924. .Appointment of Miss M4attie hodges as Assistant Home Demcn- stration Agent. Christian County, from September 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of $125 a month. Appointment of Harry B. Lane as Assistant County Agent, Todd County, from October 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of *t~lOO a month. Appointment of Willis Abner as Assistant County Agent, A;Tadison bnd Rockcastle Counties, from October 1 to December 31, 1924, selarr to be paid by Barea College with Mj50 expense allow- a-nce to be paid by College of Agriculture. 13. Appointment of Miss Mary Catherine Gormley as Home Demon- stration Agent, Boyd County, from September 15, to November 30, 1924, at. a salary of p15O a month. Continuation of employment of Ihiss Iviary Y'lla Rudy as Home Demonstration~agent, Campbell County, at a salary of .ilso a month, from November 1, 1924 to October 31, 1925. Continuation of employment of John F. graham, Assistant County Apent, Caldwell County, from October 15 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of :2,000 a year. 17. Greater Kentucky 14eeting in December. A communication from President Arthur D. Allen, or the Greater Kentucky Coin- mittee of thi Kentucky Good Rotas .asociation, thrnking Presi- dent ".McVey for the greqt service he rendered in the late cam- paian for the bond issue, also containing an invitation to the President to a meeting to be held December 4, in Louisville, to consider further plans to carry forvard the work outlined by the bond issue prol:onents, was read.. On motion, the President was authorized to attend the Louisville meeting. 18. Sick Leave for Thomas ,ubrey. On motion, Thomas *Aubrey, fireman in the boiler room, Mechanical Hall, was given sick lerve on salary upon recom.nmndation of Superintendent Vhipple. IMeeting adjourned. Enoch Grehan Secretary