xt71vh5cc97v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cc97v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1974057 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-05-may7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-05-may7. 1974 2011 true xt71vh5cc97v section xt71vh5cc97v 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, May 7, 1974

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in statutory
session at 2:00 p.m. (Central Daylight Time) on Tuesday, May 7, 1974 in the
Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the University
campus with the following members answering the call of the roll: Mr. Frank
Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford
S. Blazer, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E.
Cooper, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. Garvice D. Kincaid,
Professor Paul Oberst, Professor Paul G. Sears, Mr. William B. Sturgill,
Mr. James A. Sutherland, Mr. James Flegle, and Dr. John R. Woodyard.
Absent from the meeting were Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mr. George W. Griffin,
and Mr. Zirl A. Palmer. The University administration was represented by
President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W.
Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter Bosomworth, Lawrence Forgy,
and Raymond Hornback; Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel; and Dr. Donald Clapp,
Executive Assistant to the President. Representatives of the various news media
were in attendance.

      A. Meeting Opened and New Members Sworn In.

      The chairman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. (Central Daylight
Time) and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Black.

      Mr. Clay announced that Mr. Frank Ramsey and Mr. Homer W. Ramsey
had been appointed to four-year terms on the Board of Trustees to replace Mr.
Thomas P. Bell and Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Jr. whose terms expired December
31, 1973 and the reappointment of Mr. Richard E. Cooper for another four-year
term. The terms of all three will expire December 31, 1977. The oath of office
was administered by Mr. John Darsie and the newly appointed and qualified
members were seated.

      The secretary reported a quorum present and the meeting was declared
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:05 p.m.

      Before proceeding with the next item on the agenda Mr. Clay appointed
Professor Sears and Mrs. Clark to draft resolutions of appreciation for the
service of Mr. Bell, Mr. Alverson, and Mr. Flegle, whose term would expire
on May 11, 1974.

      B. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Sturgill and passed, the
reading of the Minutes of the April 2 meeting of the Board was dispensed with and
the Minutes were approved as published.


       C. Elections

       Mr. Richard Cooper, Chairman of the Nominating Committee composed of
Mr. Cooper, Mrs. Blazer, and Professor Sears, placed in nomination the names
of Mr. William B. Sturgill as Vice Chairman of the Board to replace Mr. Bell,
and of Mr. Garvice D. Kincaid as a member of the Executive Committee, also as
a replacement for Mr. Bell.

      There being no nominations from the floor, on motion by Mr. Cooper,
seconded by Mr. Crockett and passed, Mr. Sturgill was elected as Vice Chairman
of the Board of Trustees and Mr. Kincaid was elected to membership on the
Executive Committee.

      D. Committee Appointments

      Vacancies on several Board committees have been created by the re-
placement of Mr. Bell and Mr. Alverson, and Mr. Clay announced the following
committee appointments:

    Student Code Revision Committee: Mr. Frank Ramsey
    Hearing Committee: Mr. William R. Black named Chairman
                       and Mr. Homer Ramsey appointed to
                       the committee
    Medical Center Committee: Mr. Frank Ramsey

      The Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
has two representatives of the Board of Trustees on it. Under the By-Laws of the
Foundation, the President of the University nominates persons on the Board of
Trustees to serve on the UKRF Board. President Singletary said that Mr. Cooper
was presently a member and, with his reappointment, would continue to serve.
The other Trustee member was Mr. Bell and President Singletary nominated Mr.
Sturgill to serve as the second Trustee member on the UKRF Board of Directors.

      Professor Sears moved that Mr. Sturgill be named as a Trustee member of
the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation effective
immediately. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer and passed without dissent.

      E. Meeting Dates for 1974-75 Established

      Mr. Clay called attention to the dates established for meetings of the
Board of Trustees for 1974-75 and noted that only the four Statutory meetings
were scheduled as full Board meetings but that any meeting of the Executive
Committee could be changed to a full Board meeting if required. He then asked
if there were any changes the members would like to suggest in the proposed dates
and, there being none, the proposed dates were accepted as the official meeting
dates for 1974-75.



       F. President's Report to the Trustees

       After reviewing briefly certain items in PR 1, the president's monthly
report to the Trustees, President Singletary said he would like to add to his report
an announcement of a grant of $25, 000 from the Merrill Foundation for scholarships
in the College of Dentistry. He said that he had received a telephone call relative
to this just prior to the Board meeting and he felt it was worth mentioning to the
Board of Trustees at this time.

       Mr. Clay expressed gratification at the new grant, accepted the report with
thanks, and ordered it filed.

       G. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary explained that the items in PR 2 were routine in
nature but that he would be glad to answer any questions which members of the
Board might wish to raise. There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Black,
seconA  by Mrs. Clark and passed, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered
made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the

       H. Supplemental Recommendation of the President (PR 3)

       President Singletary said that the recommendation in PR 3 relative to the
establishment of two additional Alumni Professorships had not been distributed to
the members of the Board in advance of the meeting and, therefore, he explained
in some detail the request for the establishment of the additional alumni professor-
ships, including their source of funding and the basis for the selection of the two
individuals to be appointed to the professorships.

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Crockett and with all present
voting "Aye", the President was authorized to establish two additional alumni
professorships as recommended in PR 3. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       I. Candidates for Degrees - University System (PR 4)

       Since the members of the Board had had an opportunity to examine the list
of candidates for degrees at the May commencement exercises prior to the meeting,
Mr. Clay asked if there were any questions. There being none, on motion by
Professor Sears, seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed, the President was
authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the list attached
to PR 4 the degree to which he is entitled upon certification by the Dean of
Admissions and Registrar that the individual has satisfactorily completed all re-
quirements for the degree for which he has made application and as approved by the
University Senate. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )



       J. Candidates for Degrees - Comnrunity College System  (PR 5)

       The names of the candidates for degrees and certificates in the Community
College System having been distributed to the Board members in advance of the
meeting and there being no questions, Mr. Clay called for a motion for approval
of the list attached to PR 5. Mr. Cooper so moved. His motion was seconded by
Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the

       K. Budget Revisions for 1973-74 (PR 6)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Blazer
and passed, the budget revisions for 1973-74 as recommended in PR 6 were
authorized and approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 7)

       Mr. Clay noted that at the April 2 meeting the Board had received and
tabled for future action a proposed amendment to the Governing Regulations. The
required month having passed, Mr. Clay asked the Board its pleasure relative to
the amendment.

       Mr. Flegle who had presented the proposal at the April meeting, requested
that it be returned to the table. No vote being required for such action, it was so
ordered by Mr. Clay. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M. Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 8)

       At the request of President Singletary, Professor Sears explained the
change in the Governing Regulations (Part VII,A, 9) to provide for participation
of students in the development of educational policies in the educational units of
the University. The proposed amendment has been approved by the University
Senate and Professor Sears recommended that it be received by the Board of
Trustees for approval at its next regular meeting. There being no objection, it
was so ordered. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N. Summer Term Fee Schedules (PR 9)

       Explaining that the fee schedules for the summer terms as recommended
in PR 9 established the maximum fees for the individual four, six and eight weeks
terms within the maximum limits approved by the Council on Public Higher Edu-
cation for the combined four, six and eight weeks terms, President Singletary
recommended that they be approved effective with the summer of 1974 and until
such time as fees may be revised by the Council on Public Higher Education.



       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mr.
Crockett and passed, the summer fee schedules were approved as presented in
PR 9, effective with the summer of 1974. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0. Operating Budget for 1974-75 (PR 10)

       Although copies of the 1974-75 operating budget had been sent out prior
to the meeting, copies were also made available to the members and to the
press for their use during the President's presentation. After commending Mr.
Ed Carter and Miss Karen Tuttle for the long hours and the hard work which
had gone into the prepration of the document, President Singletary said that
basically he was seeking approval of the budget under which the University would
operate during the 1974-75 fiscal year, noting that it was the largest budget in
the University's history totaling $151, 642, 600. 00, he gave the major sources of
income as follows:

            Appropriated State Funds      $74. 3 million
            Student Fees                     15.6 million
            Federal Appropriations            8. 2 million
            Gifts and Grants                  4. 5 million

The major expenditure areas were broken down as follows:

            Instruction and Departmental
              Research                      $45. m million
            Organized Research                9. 1 million
            Debt Service                      5. 9 million
            Non-recurring Appropriations
              (Renovation of buildings,
              Purchase of Equipment, etc.)  5. 1 million

The budget reflects increases in the following areas:

            Fixed Costs                     $1, 605, 300.00
            Cost of Living                   4,105,400.00
            Program Expansion                  597, 900.00

       The President pointed out that the budget had been constructed without
increasing student fees, which is on the plus side, but that there are certain
concerns relating to the 1974-75 budget. For instance, the budget as projected
does not cover possible inflationary increases in natural gas, fuel oil, coal,
electricity, paper, and gasoline nor does it include funding for certain new
programs and program expansion which had been planned. Concluding his
remarks with the statement that the budget was strictly a continuation budget,
President Singletary recommended its approval.

       Mr. Clay, having first determined that there were no questions, called
for a motion. Dr. Woodyard moved that the budget be approved in accordance



with the recommendation made in PR 10. His motion was seconded by Mrs.
Blazer and passed with all present voting "Aye". (See PR 10 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       P. Report on Recommendations of Ad Hoc Committee to Reevaluate
Privilege and Tenure

       President Singletary said that he had recently received nine recommen-
dations from the University Senate for inclusion in the Governing Regulations
and/or Administrative Regulations. The recommendations resulted from a
study by an Ad Hoc Committee to Reevaluate Privilege and Tenure. Of the nine
recommendations transmitted to him, President Singletary indicated that he
would approve five of them wvithout change, three with amendments, and one he
was not prepared to approve. The recommendations covered the following areas
and his proposed action relative to each:

       1. Prior service ruling - will recommend to the Board of Trustees for
       inclusion in the Governing Regulations at a later meeting

       2. Faculty files - will approve

       3. Information for new faculty members - will accept with modification

       4. Performance review and tenure - will delete Part 1 of this recom-
       mendation on grounds it is already there and will approve Parts 2 and 4
       and disapprove Part 3

       5. Standards of tenure - will approve

       6. This recommendation from the ad hoc committee was not approved
       by University Senate

       7. Advisory Committee to the Dean - will approve as amended

       8. Reasons for non-renewal - will disapprove

       9. Advising - will approve

       10. Student input in tenure and promotion decisions - will accept and add
       it to privilege and tenure document

       Following Dr. Singletary's report, both Professor Sears and Professor
Oberst indicated their agreement with the President's position relative to the
recommendations. Mr. Clay accepted the report with thanks.



       Q. University to Receive NCAA Funds for a National Summer
Youth Sports Program

       President Singletary announced that the University had just been notified
that it had been selected to receive a $24, 000 grant from the NCAA to be used
to conduct a summer sports program for disadvantaged youth. It will involve
approximately 250 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 and will include
at least two hours of sports activity; two hours of an enrichment program on such
subjects as drug abuse, job responsibilities, education and career opportunities,
nutrition practices, etc.; and lunch.

       R. Mr. Clay Recognizes President Singletary

       Before proceeding to the committee reports, Mr. Clay took note of the fact
that President Singletary was completing his fifth year at the University. He
expressed the Board's gratitude to both President Singletary and Mrs. Singletary
for bringing to the campus both stability and excellence and wished them both
continuing success in their efforts to build an even better and stronger Institution
in the future.

       S. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. Sturgill, Chairman of the Finance Committee, mentioned that copies
of the Financial Report covering the period ending March 31, 1974 had been mailed
to the members in advance of the meeting and moved that the report be accepted.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and was passed with all present voting
"Aye". (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       T. Group Life Insurance Contract Awarded (FCR 2)

       Mr. Sturgill reported that after a careful evaluation of the bids received
on the group life insurance program for faculty and staff of the University, it
was the judgment of the evaluators and the Finance Committee that the best bidder
was Commonwealth Life Insurance Company of Louisville. Without discussion,
on motion by Mr. Kincaid, seconded by Mr. Sturgill and passed, the contract for
the group life insurance program for faculty and staff of the University of Kentucky
was awarded to Commonwealth Life Insurance Company of Louisville and the Vice
President for Business Affairs was authorized to execute the necessary documents
to effectuate the program as of July 1, 1974. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       U. Investment Committee Report (ICR 1)

Mr. Kincaid, Chairman of the Investment Committee, called attention to



the report on changes made in investments for the University of Kentucky for the
quarter ending March 31, 1974 and moved acceptance of the report. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed. (See ICR 1 at the end of the

       V. Report of Committee Appointed to Study Solicitation of Funds on

       Dr. Hornback, who had chaired a campus committee appointed by President
Singletary at the suggestion of the Board of Trustees to review the Board's policy
relative to solicitation of funds on campus, reported that the committee met five
times, including one session with representatives of the American Cancer Society,
the Kentucky Heart Association, and the United Way of the Blue Grass. It was the
unanimous recommendation of the committee that the present institutional policy
regarding on-campus solicitation of funds be retained without alteration.

       Mr. Clay accepted the committee's report with thanks and it was ordered

       W. Mr. David Mucci, New Student Government President, Introduced

       Mr. Flegle asked to be recognized and said before introducing his successor
as President of Student Government and student member of the Board of Trustees,
he would like to express his appreciation to Dr. Singletary and the University ad-
ministration for the support which had been given to Student Government during the
past year, particularly in the area of service programs. He then introduced David
Mucci who will assume the Student Government presidency on May 1Z.

       Mr. Clay acknowledged the introduction on behalf of his fellow members
and welcomed Mr. Mucci as the next student member of the Board of Trustees.
He indicated that Mr. Mucci would be sworn in at the September meeting of the
Board of Trustees.

      X. Meeting Adjourned

      Mr. Clay, having determined that there was no further business to come
before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. Motion being duly made,
seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                        Board of Trustees

(The Schedule of Meetings, PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, FCRs 1 and 2, ICR 1
and the Ad Hoc Committee Report which follow are official parts of the Minutes of
the meeting. )


Schedule of Board of Trustees Meetings, 1974-75

The following dates have been scheduled for
during the 1974-75 fiscal year:

          August 6, 1974
          September 17, 1974
          October 15, 1974
          November 19, 1974
          December 10, 1974
          January 28, 1975
          March 4, 1975
          April 1, 1975
          May 6, 1975
          June 17, 1975

meetings of the Board of Trustees

Executive Committee
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Executive Committee
Executtive Committee
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Executive Comnmittee

You will note that no meeting has been scheduled for July, 1974. In addition, no
meeting has been scheduled for February, 1975. The January meeting has been
scheduled late in the month and the March meeting has been scheduled for early
in that month.

Any Executive Committee meeting may be rescheduled as a full Board meeting
should the nature or quantity of work make this necessary.



                              May 7, 1974


     Eight students who have demonstrated outstanding ability were
honored on April 28 by Omicron Delta Kappa, junior and senior men's
leadership and scholarship fraternity. Also honored were Dr. Alvin
Morris, vice president for administration; Dr. Frank Buck, Depart-
ment of Animal Science, College of Agriculture; Dr. N. J. Pisacano,
professor and associate dean, College of Allied Health Professions,
and Dr. Earl P. Slone, dean-emeritus, College of Pharmacy.

     The student initiates were Stephen L. Miller, Owenton; Robert
Vice, Lexington; William A. Sanders Jr., Maysville; Louis Conrad III,
Falmouth; Joseph E. Hafley, Hustonville; Jackson Bray Jr., Greenville;
Joseph Kinnarney, Hopkinton Mass., and Johnny C. Burris, Kettering, 0.

     An honorary membership was presented to Thomson R. Bryant, assis-
tant director-emeritus, Cooperative Extension Service.

     New student members are nominated on the basis of school activi-
ties, scholarship and leadership by department chairman, campus
organizations, and faculty.


     Four faculty members will receive awards of $500 each from the
Research Foundation in ceremonies tonight at the annual meeting of the

     The annual awards recognize distinguished achievement in research
and creative arts during the past two years, and this year will be re-
ceived by:

     --Dr. Thomas P. Pirone, professor of plant pathology who was cited
for his research into virus-vector relationships, especially stylet-
borne viruses and corn viruses.

     --Dr. M. I. H. Aleem, professor of biological sciences, a native
of Pakistan, whose work is receiving international recognition.

     --Dr. Henry H. Bauer, professor of chemistry, whose research con-
tributions have been in the areas of electrochemistry and analytical

     --Dr. Joseph A. Bryant Jr., professor of English, a Shakespeare
and Renaissance scholar, who has written two books, one of them on Ben
Jonson, which won an award as the best book manuscript of the year in


- 2 -


     Business and industry are hiring college graduates at a pace well
above that of last year, with engineers and accountants getting the
most job offers.

     "At the bachelor's level, engineering candidates received 59
per cent of the total job offers reported in a recent survey by the
College Placement Council, while another 18 per cent went to account-
ing majors," James Alcorn, placement director, said.

     The most active employer groups so far this season are public
accounting firms, followed by chemical and petroleum groups. In-
creased competition for engineering graduates is reflected in the fact
that, at the bachelor's degree-level, employers had made almost 50
per cent more job offers to engineers than a year ago. General busi-
ness majors received 26 per cent more offers and offers to accounting
majors rose 11 per cent. Marketing and distribution job offers, how-
ever, dropped 8 per cent.

     Graduates in the areas of education and social work are experi-
encing difficulty in finding jobs.

     "But there are jobs available in these fields for those who are
well qualified," Harry Jones, assistant director of placement, said.
He added that it is necessary for students in the humanities and social
sciences fields to make an extra effort in the job market.

     Chemical engineers, at an average of $1,021 per month, received
the highest salary offers, and metallurgical engineers, at an average
of $994 per month, experienced the largest percentage gain in starting
salaries. Overall, engineering salary offers were five per cent higher
than last year.

     Graduates interested in general business work received average
monthly offers of $782, about 4.5 per cent higher than last year.
Those educated in the humanities and social sciences received average
monthly salary offers of $664 and $689, which were about equal to last
year's offers.


     University drill teams took most of the honors during drill meet
competition recently in Columbus, Ohio.

     Company C-1 of Pershing Rifles' Second Battalion and its coed
affiliate, The Kentucky Babes, won 17 team trophies and eight indivi-
dual awards. And for the third consecutive year, the Second Battalion
was chosen as the outstanding battalion in the Pershing Rifles First

     Teams from five states participated in the competition at Ohio
State University. Of the 45 awards presented, University teams and
individuals received 25. Receiving individual awards were Ivan Munro,
Lexington (four awards), Steven Smith, Lexington (two), Dwight Cropper,
South Portsmouth, Ky., and Richard A. Ford, Johnson City, Tenn. (one
award each).


3 -


     Derivatives of boron (one of man's most unusual elements) which
are used in detergents, glass, insecticides, and as rocket fuels, are
being tested at the University for possible treatment of cancer.

     Dr. Kurt Niedenzu, professor of chemistry, who earned high dis-
tinction while getting his Ph.D. degree from the University of Heidel-
burg, has prepared more than 200 different boron compounds during
recent years. Some of these materials now are being tested for appli-
cation in the treatment of cancer and malaria.

     Medical researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,
hope to utilize some of Dr. Niedenzu's new chemicals for the selective
destruction of cancer cells in brain tumors while doing minimum damage
to surrounding healthy tissue. Other chemicals prepared by Dr. Niedenzu
and his students are being tested at Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washing-
ton, for their curative power in treating malaria.

     Dr. Niedenzu said the creation of new compounds of boron is usually
a laborious and risky undertaking, since these materials tend to be
flammable and must be protected from air and moisture in intermediate
stages of their preparation.

     Structural studies on compounds prepared on the Lexington campus
are in progress at the University of Oslo, Norway. Theoretical calcu-
lations on these same materials are being pursued at the University of
Munich, Germany, and spectroscopic features are being elucidated in
collaboration with Prof. E. B. Bradley of the electrical engineering
department and a group of Japanese scientists.

     His research has earned wide recognition for Dr. Niedenzu.  He
has received an award from the Department of Defense as "outstanding
scientist" and Just recently was invited by the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation to spend a year at a German research institution under a
George C. Marshall Fellowship. This honor is given annually only to
10-15 U.S. scientists and this is the first time a University of Ken-
tucky professor has been selected for the award.


     Dr. George Gadbois, associate professor of political science, is
beginning a nine-month stay in Papua-New Guinea, under a senior Ful-
bright-Hays Research Award.

     Dr. Gadbois will be affiliated with the University of Papua De-
partment of Political Studies. He will conduct research and offer
recommendations in interpretation of tribal law to merge with the
modern law of the country.

     During the 1969-70 academic year, Dr. Gadbois was in India on his
second faculty research fellowship, awarded by the American Institute
of Indian Studies. A native of Boston, he has degrees from Marietta
College and Duke University. He was an instructor in political science
at the University of Hawaii, and associate director of the Institute of
Advanced Projects, East-West Center-, at Hawaii, before coming here in




     The formation of a Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Program will
provide University women with the opportunity to compete in sports on
an intercollegiate level.

     Susan B. Feamster, presently director of women's intramural and
club sports, will become director of Woman's Intercollegiate Athletics
effective July 1.

     The new program largely is in line with recommendations of an 11-
member committee of faculty and staff members asked a few months ago
to study the status of women's athletics at the University.

     The committee, whose chairman is Marion E. McKenna, dean of the
College of Nursing, was cited for its work by President Otis Single-
tary, who called the new women's athletics program a "major step forward
for the University. This puts us up among the major universities in
this enterprise."

     The program will be under the administrative control of The Vice
President for Student Affairs, the Office of the Dean of Students, and
the Department of Campus Recreation. Until now, women participated in
sports only at the intramural and "club" levels. Competitive clubs
usually meet with similar groups from other institutions on an extra-
mural basis or generate their own competition within their specific

     The program will begin with participation in at least four sports
and others will be added later. Existing club sports will be elevated
to the intercollegiate level as funds are available and as the teams
develop. Just as in the man's sports program, a club sport which be-
comes an intercollegiate sport is eliminated from the club program.

     A committee, made up of faculty, students and the administrative
staff, will be named to serve in an advisory capacity to the director.

     Miss Feamster is 29 years old and has an extensive background in
teaching and coaching athletics. She has been employed since 1970.
A native of Frankfort, Miss Feamster received her bachelor's degree in
physical education, health and recreation from Kentucky State University.
She is a candidate for a master's degree in recreation administration
and a candidate for a doctoral degree in college administration.


     The University ranks 25th in full-time students among the "Big 30"

     The ranking appears in the journal, "Intellect," formerly "School
and Society.

     The survey was conducted by Dr. Garland G. Parker, vice provost
for admissions and records at the University of Cincinnati.   It lists
24,773 full-time students for UK during the current academic year.
The State University of New York ranked first, with a full-time total
of 244,316 students; ranking 30th is Wayne State University, Detroit,
with 20,862.



      Dr. William Hugh Jansen has been named the College of Arts and
SciencesDistinguished Professor for 1973-74.

      Dean Art Gallaher said that Dr. Jansen, professor of English, will
be given the fall semester free of other duties to devote full time to
research in oral narrative performance, and in folk legends, particularly
Kentucky legends.

     Although Dr. Jansen's early field work is cited in folklore text-
books as a pioneer study of an actual person becoming a folk hero and
losing his real-life identity, he recently has become knowvto folk-
lorists throughout the world for identifying and defining what folk
narrative scholars call the S-X factor, which alerts students of the
folk narrative to its social, political, ethnic and psychological values
in addition to the usual personal values and entertainment.

     Dr. Jansen was general editor for two scholarly monograph series.
Under his editorship, 18 volumes have been prepared for publication by
the University of Texas Press. Eleven volumes have appeared.

     He has been a Fulbright Lecturer, a