xt71vh5ccr1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5ccr1h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19431112  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1943 1943 2013 true xt71vh5ccr1h section xt71vh5ccr1h .


By Don Lail

The Plying Forts knocked out the
works at Turin while
The flames
tpuriiig the country-sidcould be seen lor eighteen miles
around and almost to Scheweinfurt,
which they blasted earlier this
month. The raid lasted only twenty-tw- o
minutes but this was sufficient
time to completely "obliterate the
enemy's war potential." Not a fighter got into the ilue and In fact
they were all in the red. This factory was the third most important
in Europe, and the foremost in



perhaps as a paperhanger he can
also expect to Inspect the engine.
no doubt.

Theta Sigma Phi
Announces Pledges
Theta Sigma Phi. women's national honorary journalism frater
nity, announces the pledging of

'lee Walking senior frnm Imdnn:
Elizabeth Faulkner, junior from
Hill, - junior
from Carrollton; and Bettye
junior from Dallas, Tex.

Initiation Set
For Saturday

Chest Drive
Tops Record




Freshman . . .
. . . Y group will meet at 6:15 p.
Tuesday in the Union building.


Upperclass . . .
. groups of the Y will meet at
6:15 p. m. Tuesday. Father George
O'Bryan will speak on the Seven
Sacraments of the Catholic Church.

fraternity will meet at noon
Tuesday at the Colonial Bowling


Final returns from the sororities











Zeta Tau Alpha, $1750;



Delia, $25; Kappa
. committee of the Union board Delta. $18.50; Kappa Kappa Gam
will meet at 5 p. m. Monday In the ma, $26.45; and Alpha XI Delta,
Women's residence halls totals
TryouU . . .
on the are as follows: Lydia Brown
. . . interested in appearing
$15; Patterson annex, $14.25; Hamamateur hour which will be held
Saturday. November 20, should sign ilton house, $5.25; Shelby Kap$31.05;
up at the Information desk of the $14: Sigma Nu house.
pa Sigma house. $17.38; Phi Delta
Union building immediately.
Theta house, $20; Sigma Chi house,
Koffee Klub
$18.90; and Sigma Alpha Epsilon
. . . Mrs. Cleo Dawson, who was house, $21.50.
scheduled to speak last Friday, but
Independent town girls gave
was unavoidably delayed will speak $70.02 and commuters contributed
at a later date.
$7.50. Town men's donations totaled
$114; Phi Upsilon Omicron, home
Campus Sing . . .
honorary, gave $25; Phi
. . . wiU be held
at 6:15 p. m. economics
Beta, music, dance and dramatics
Thursday In the Bluegrass room of honorary fraternity, gave $10; and
the Union building.
the YWCA gave $15.

pha Gamma


Dance . . .
Barton," military division
. . . committee of the Union board chairman, reported a total of $281
rill meet at 4 p. m. Tuesday In for the entire military canvass,
room 204, Union building.

Kampus . . .
. . Kousins will meet at
Thursday in room 204,

7 p. m.


Dutch Lunch Meets
W. R.

Sutherland, assistant

fessor of English, will speak at the
regular meeting of the Dutch Lunch
club at ncon today m tne colonial
. . . club will hold a skating party Bowling lanes. His subject has not
from 5 to 7 p. m. November 20 at been announced.
Scott's Rollarena. Tickets may be
purchased from members of the '
club or at the Information desk,
Union building.
There will be an Important
mg 0f au Kernel staff reporters at
. . . club will meet at 9:30 a.m. Sun- - 3 p.m. today in The Kernel news
day at St. Catherine's academy, room. It is fiecessary that all
pictures will be taken. bers be present.


Kernel otatl




For Nov.

MacDoweil Club

Presents Recital
Monday Night

For SuKy Prize
At Hop Saturday


by-la- w








Are To Be Invited
To Homes For Thanksgiving

Logsdon was formerly librarian
and head of the library science department at Madison college, Harrisonburg, Va., and at the State
Teachers college, Alamosa, Colo.
He holds his A.B. and B.S. in library science from Western Reserve university and a PhJJ. from
the University of Chicago.
There is at present a serious
of qualified
Logsdon said. This shortage is almost certain to extend through
and beyond the war period. Accordingly this is an excellent time
to enter the profession, he continued. There is little reason to
expect an oversupply even when
those in military service and army
library work are ready to return
to civilian Jobs. The postwar period
will see a tremendous expansion of
the personnel of professional groups.
Favorable attitudes toward social
institutions will lead to extension
and Improvement of public health,
and library services.
He will explain the opportunities
in this field at the conference.
Students Interested in library
work t and those without definite
vocation plans are urged to attend,
according to Virginia Lipscomb,
president of Mortar Board.

War Effort

Herald Editor
Speaks Today
To Koffee Klub

Committee Backs
Holiday Plans










Week Of Prayer
To Be Observed
By Campus YM-Y-

Phi Beta Pledges
Four Women


Take Air Corps
Examination Today
Air Corps physical examinations
be taken today by 19 members of Co. G. 1548th Service Unit.
These men were former junior
ROTC students at the University.
The following will report at
Bowman Field, Louisville: Pfcs. C.
Edwin Barnes, Thomas Bell, Auburn Duncan, Tommy Ewing, Randall Hammer, John Jackson III,
Robert Johnson, Kenneth Jones,
Charles Kuhn, William Ledford,
John L. McNeal, John Myers, Jr.,
Jay Rhodemyre, George Sengle,
Frebert Thompson, Jettie Thomp-son, Pete Triplett, Mitchell Yowell,
and Clemet Zoellers.


14-2- 0.

Pledging exercises will be held
5:30 p.m. Monday In the Union
building. Immediately afterwards,
the active chapter will give an informal supper for the pledges at
the Colonial Bowling lanes. Anita
Roos, president, will be in charge.


Movie Slated
"The Rains Came," featuring
Myrna Loy, Tyrone Power, and
George Brent, will be the movie
presented at the Union building
















I Wi.-






vice-presi- -1










m a Prostrate position) are bound
come "
oeiween tne eyes iu- max at the end. (Yes, there are
plenty of those certain scenes for
your interest.)
Anne Shropshire, Minna Blooin-fieland Opal Palmer. In the



to be smash hits.
Eu de la Reek, or some other
kind of outspoken perfume, will,
according to present plans, be blown
over the audiences in collaboration
with a scene in the pliy. (Don't
wear your gas masks or someone's
feelings will be hurt.)
In general the play looks exceed
ingly good (altltudely speaking)
and the poison scene where the
three actresses mistake sherry for
poison would fool even the sctres- -

Kyian Salesmen
Can Get Checks
ses themselves, as you will see.
Yes, the alleged phantom, knows
and tells. Even though he has no
star on his dressing room, he has
plenty of opportunity to see them
in reverse order. And if he doesn't
watch his step he will see whole

All Kentucklan advance salesmen
may call at The Kernel business
office and receive their checks for
the advance sales.
Organizations that intend to have
pages In the 1944 Kentuckian must
sign their contracts immediately.
The deadline for having pictures
taken for the Kentuckian is November 20.






By Shirley Meister
Question: What tactics are yon
sing to get a date for the Sadi
Han kins dance?
Pvt. Frank Batrlli. Jr Breckinridge haD: I've been shaving everv
dav. and I've been rirnnnln? mv hill- -




Committee Named
composed of Alice
Freeman, Bemice Herman, and
Mary Elizabeth StigaU will work
with the Coed Service unit to en
roll the services of women students
living in private homes here in
S Lexington.
All the committees are a part of
I the Union War Effort committee,
"Yi' working under the supervision are
Rob McNeill. The officers
'i Maryan Vogt, senior, president;
pnyius rTeea, junior,
dent; and Mary Elizabeth Stigall.
junior, secretary-treasure- r.
Other members of the committee
Alio. Anderson Nnrtne. Cann
.' ! Lucille Edwards. Betty Fray sure.
Alice Freeman,
Bernice Herman,
Helen Horton, Eleanor Keeti. and
Shirley Keeti.
Meetings are held every Wednesday between 6:15 and 7:30 pjn.
Soldiers who have recently been
chosen members of the committee
are Jacob A. Bedenbaugh. Walter
E. Pellett, Roland Harrison, and
Murray Finston.



The infirmary in the Health
building will now operate a
service. Dr. J. S. Chambers,
director of the University health
service, has announced.
A nurse will be on duty at all
times, and a night bell at the front
door of the Health building may,
be used to gain admittance at any
hour when the health service is
not operating.
Although this service was established primarily with the aim of
caring for the soldiers on the campus, the health service desires that
all students make use of it when
necessary. Dr. Chambers said.

A committee




Women Sew
Also working through the city
churches is the sewing committee
of the War Effort committee. Severs)! of the churches have organized
weekly circles to alter uniforms for
the soldiers. Each company has a
man appointed to gather uniforms
and have them delivered to a particular sewing circle. Chairman of
this committee is Lucille Edwards.
To keep former students who
are now in the armed forces In
formed about the University,
group has been foimed to write a
letter to be mimeographed and sent
to each of the men. The letter,
written in a humorous style, will
tell them about what goes on here
since they left and about how
things have changed now that the
Army is on the campus. Heading
this group is Mary an Vogt.

The annual Week of Prayer and
World Fellowship, planned by the
and the Baptist Student Union in accordance with the
Phi Beta, honorary fraternity of observance of the World's YWCA
music, drama, and the dance, an- and the World's Alliance of YMCA.
nounces the pledging of Beth Cad- will be held on the campus, Nody, arts and sciences junior from vember
Lexington; Alice Dean, arts and
Vesper services are being sponsciences sophomore from Lexingsored by the BSU every day at
Meade, arts and sci- 6:10 p.m. In room 204 of
ton; Leota
the Union
ences junior from Danville; Roberbuilding. Meetings of the YM-Yta Ratchford, arts and sciences will emphasize the observance of
freshman from Lexington; and he week.
Mildred Williams, arts and sciences freshman from Lexington.






phonograph, microphone, and records of doors slamming, cars starting, sirens screaming, and other
sounds that are essential but not
too attractive is the little home of
the sound man.
Every now and then, he takes
time off from his celestial duties to
observe the panorama of the play,
Dark Eyes, below.
Wild waving cf the hand and
rolling of the tongue characterizes
Russian comedy.
The Russian dances in the play are
executed with much skill, but Don
Irvine's interpretation of the Cos
y'know, that
sack dance
thing) will be of interest
to any audience although not lacking In skill itself.
The love story involving Annie
Laurie Ruey and Don Irvine un- folds slowly during the play to
roles of three bankrupt Russian
actresses, each a screamingly different type (who keep everyone
more or less occupying the aisles

Pow-McV- ey


By Adele Deiunan



Love Is The ThingFor Guignol Opener
The Phantom of the Opera had
nothing on the sound-effecfor the Guignol play Dark Eyes,
which opens Monday for a week's
He hovers constantly (minus
cloak and mask, of course) over the
stage on a plank, which. If you
were to flatter It, could be called
a catwalk. The catwalk and a small



Dr. Richard Logsdon, recently
appointed acting head of the library
science department, will speak on
The Present and Future Opportunities In Library Work at 4 p. m.
Monday in the Music room of the
Union building. This W.H1 be the
second In a series of vocational
by Mortar
Board, senior women's leadership

The MacDoweil Music club will
present a recital consisting
Bach's "Concerto In E Major" and
Beethoven's "Sonata in C Minor,"
at 8 p.m. Monday in Memorial hall.
The two guest artists will be
Charles Starns, violinist, and John
Shelby Richardson, pianist. Starns,
a graduate of the New England
Conservatory of Music in Boston
and the Royal Academy of Music
in Budapest, Hungary, is a former
member of the Indianapolis Symphony orchestra,
an instructor of
music at the University, is also a
graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music.
He studied
music in Salzburg, Austria, and re- ceived his master's degree at Yale.

Gals Will Vie

By Mildred Long
Elections for Student Govern- ment representatives will hereafter
It will be "oh, happy day" tomorrow night, when every gal what's
be held each quarter, according to
ac- plans proposed by a
wise will drag her Lli Abner up to
cepted by the Assembly at its meet- the Bluegrass room of the Union
building about 9 for SuKy's Sadie
lng Monday night.
Hawkins dance the dance where
Electing six representatives to
UK's own Daisy Mae will be sefill out terms until the next elec- lected.
tion, the Assembly set the election
This slightly confoosed affair will
date at November 26. Candidates,
conclude a week of
who must have a University standdoin's on the
and general
ing of 1.3 for two quarters, are reKatt To May
quired to file application in the
The Kampus Kats. UK soldier
registrar's office by November 19.
band, will have their fiddles and
Ten student representatives will
jews-hartuned up, and all the
be chosen in the November elecmembers of Available Jones' famiily.
tion, and nine in each of the other
including Repulsive Jones and
Jones, will be around to
of the
quarterly polls, as
lend atmosphere. The Jones family
body resigns each quarter.
will include all gals who are tryin'
10 Vacant Places
out for SuKy membership. They
many of
The following positions,
must dress Dog patch style and wear
which were vacant until temporary
tags with their particular Jones
representatives were chosen Monnames stated plainly.
day, will be filled in the November
Other gals can dress Dog patch
"Oh, happy, happy day. Th" gals is chasin' someone besides me to'
26 election.
a change."
style or wear sports clothes. Colonel
sciences college: one
Arts and
B. E. Brewer sez all Hairless Joe's
lower class man. two lower class
sometimes known as soldiers mav
wear "fatigues' provided they don't
get out of these hyar hills (namelv.
the campus) or regular uniforms.
Agriculture college: one upper
Tickets Ob Sale
class woman and one man at large.
No man, even if he is a beautiful
Engineering college: one upper
hunk of same, will be admitted
class man.
without a date. The girls will be
Education college: one upper class
the stags, and nachurally. will buy
the tickets, which are 50 cents.
Legislators Elected
Ifen any soldier boy. stranger to
day the sol- these parti, hasn't a date and wants
On Thanksgiving
The temporary legislators elected
Tom Underwood, editor of The diers at the University will find one. he should see the Date Bureau
Monday include Charles Shelby,
agriculture; Norman Chrisman and Lexington Herald, will speak during out the meaning of "Southern hos-- immejudately. Oals, likewise,
Walton Howard, engineering; lu-cil- the Koffee Klub hour which will be pitality." Lexington families are
If the gals what raised their own
Jeanne held at 6:15 p.m. today in the Card inviting
men. through their j Victory gardens could spare a few
rcom of the Union building.
Lowry, graduate school.
onions, turnips (not presarved
Recently returned from an offi- churches, to visit their homes and ones), or carrots, a vegetable cor- Vincent Spagnuolo
quite Ietchin' on
thanked the SGA for its coopera- cial trip to Washington, Underwood eat Thanksgiving dinner with them. U!e would
tion in the successful War Cffest will discuss Front Page News and Invitation blanks will be placed In these masculine dates,
drive, and the body voted to send will include some comment on the the post office boxes of the soldiers
Chaperones for the dance will be
a letter of appreciation to Algernon recent election.
for them to fill out and place in a President and Mrs. Herman L
Dickson, chairman of the drive.
Refreshments will be served by box provided for this purpose In
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes.
Soldier representation in the As members of the club following the
- Captain and Mrs. Preston B.
hall. After the list of ac- eB
talk. Helen Harrison, who is in
and Mrs Prank T McFar.
sembly will be on a
tressd ceptances Is matched with the hand. Colonel and Mrs. Anthony
cooperative basis, the group decided charge of arrangements,
following a committee report. The that the meeting is open to all in- number of invitations the soldiers Thompson. Miss Jane Haselden.
s- - Crutcher.
terested persons.
and Mr. and
Assembly also referred the manage
will receive specific Invitations.
Mrs' Bart Peak'
ment of International Students'
Eleanor Keeti is chairman of the j
Day to the
making the arrange-- 1
passed by the SGA,
ments as a part of the work of the
will be submitted to the Faculty at
Union Board's War Effort commit- its next meeting for their approval.

Sponsors Series
On Vocations



Maybe No Kiss In The Dark
But Dance Will Be A Lark

Assembly Sets
Election Date

Mortar Board

fundamentaay interest both
students and faculty members. In
an effort to envision and predict DR. HERMAN L. DONOVAN . . .
the future. Dr. Donovan' will tell
what must be done to maintain . . . president of the University,
the high standards of the Univer- will speak at convocation at 19 a.m.
sity and serve the student body Tuesday in Memorial hail.
after the war.
This address by the President replaces that usually given at the
opening of the school year. Dr.
Frank L. McVey. president emeritus, spoke on his recent trip to
Venezuela at the first convocation
Omicron Delta Kappa,
of the year.
leadership fraternity, will hold iniDean Leo M. Chamberlain will
tiation ceremonies and an initiation
preside at the convocation.
A musical program, composed of banquet Saturday. The ceremonies,
a vocal trio, Anita Roos, Betty conducted by the active chapter,
Russell, and Ruth Bradfdrd, Uni- will be performed at 4 p. m. at the
versity students, will be presented.
First Presbyterian church, and the
They will be accompanied by Robert Kuhlman, Instructor of music. banquet will be held at 6:30 p. m.
Invocation and benediction will be in the Crystal room, Lafayette
given by W. W. Shrader, of the hotel.
Felix Memorial Baptist church.
Dr. W. S. Webb, head of the
physics department, will be the
principal speaker at' the banquet
and Dr. M. M. White, head of the
psychology department, will be
Attending the banquet will be the
With a record smashing total of two initiates. Dr. W. S. Ward and
$8,264.96 the University Community Jimmy Hurt, Mrs. Ward. Dr. and
War Chest drive came to a close Mrs. Webb, Dr. and Mrs. White,
Thursday, topping the quota of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Downing, Dr.
tl300 by ,964.9,5.
and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd, Prof, and
At the conclusion of the student Mrs. L. J. Horlacher, Dr. and Mrs.
drive on Tuesday, chairman Alger- William S. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
non Dickson reported a total con- Bill Cay wood. Ed Barnes, Edith
tribution of $1,043.16 which exceed- Weisenberger, George Dudley, Betty
ed the goal of $700 by a wide mar- Brook Fulton, John Kerr, and Hazel
gin. Since the opening on October Wilson.


Each Quarter


society will meet at
. . Pre-M7:30 p. m. Thursday in room 313,
Biological Sciences building.

Amendment Voted Down
So $3,000 Ceiling Stays

19 13

So that all soldiers stationed
n the campus may receive
copies of The Kernel,
Union board is sponsoring a
drive to urge students to share
their papers.
Boxes have been placed in
Jewell hall, the Union building, and McVey hall, and students are urged to drop their
Kernels jn these boxes after
reading. The board will then
distribute the copies to the
military men.

Dr. Logsdon
To Give Talk
On Monday

25, over 200 volunteer workers have
personally contacted every student,
as well as the campus organizations.
The University faculty and staff
members continued the record -breaking by turning in $7,221.80 at
the end of their part of the drive
on Thursday. Comptroller Frank
D. Peterson, chairman of this division, has been confident that the
goal of $6,600 would be reached.
In spite of wartime conditions
and a student body almost half its
normal size, this is the largest
amount the University has contributed In history.
Largest contribution by a single
unit was made by Jewell hall. Under chairman Martha Cockrell, the
residents donated $112.80.
Highest sorority total was that of
Delta Delta Delta, which contributed
$20 from the chapter treasury as
well as Individual contributions of




convocation which will be held at
10 a.m. Tuesday in Memorial hall,
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, registrar
and dean of the University, has
All regular civilian third hour
classes will be dismissed.
In his address. Dr. Donovan will
attempt to outline some of the
problems the University will have
to meet at the termination of the
war. He said that these problems

Pryor . . .

Home Ee . . .
. . club will meet at 7:30 p. m. Monday in the Home Economics building.

L. Donovan,


Save A Kernel
For A Soldier

dent of the University, will speak
on The University in Prospect, at




Third Hour
Civilian Classes
Are Dismissed
Dr. Herman

Tough Going Seen
The Prime Minister of Britain, at
a luncheon in honor of London's
new Lord Mayor, spoke ofthe eventual min of Germany. He stated
that unless some serious mistake in
strategy was made that ultimate
victory would be in 1944. Sorrow,
he said, will come to many homes,
but the price is not too great to pay
for the goal. New attacks will be
forthcoming, he warned, and the
results will be disastrous to Germany.
Greenland Gremlinized
The United States' armed forces
have entered the Arctic wastes to
destroy a Nazi radio station from
which weather reports to submarines and aircraft have been sent.
Two supermen were taken prisoner
and were willing to have ration
points instead of ersatz: The installation was built for the duration and could have been used by
Hitler when he leaves Europe at the
final surrender. A small power station, radio equipment, guns, and a
ship were part of the elaborate defensive system.
8 aba
announces that 60 of
her subs have failed to return In
the last three months. It could be
engine trouble, but we doubt it The
enemy's was potential." Not a fight-hav- e
been very low. It is claimed
that Allied air power has so far
proved successfully adequate to cope
with the situation. Too bad If "Der
Phooey" has lost his pig boat, but



Dr. Herman L. Donovan
To 4ddress Convocation
Set For 10 a.m. Tuesday


A mechanic,

ntucky Kernel





Kirbr. rtttersn
scream until I get one.
RO rC; rm
D' "ar"e
!wP,e- they re
i ,etUn8 thm use the tactics,
T-- S







" n.uevu,s.

Dreher. Brerkinridze
hall: I've returned several
Pvt. Jack fleck. Patterson hall:
I'm wearing my O. I. shoes to slow
me down, and perfecting my southern accent to become a social sucwhi--tle-


Pfc. Ace Clark. Patterson hall:
Subversive infiltration.
Pvt. Fred Hoklernian,
hall: I bought a box of Kleenex and
I keep on dropping my handkerchiefs.
Pvt. Robert (Bob) Hinman, Bradley hall: I'm using my Nebraska
charm, and acting coy. ar.fi I'm
sitting In the grill looking glamorous (growing a mou.stache waiting
j for some gorgeous "Drtisy
Mae" to
ask me to the dance.
Pvt. Jim Bunning, Breckinridge
hall: I keep trying to attract attention by raising my trousers when I
see a "sweet young thing"

* oesi oopy Mvanaoie

The Kernel Editorial Page

At ice
Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, Kenturlrj, aa

rim matter under the Act of Mrrh I, M7S.
Kntwtf interr0netrRprei Automation
Board of


Brnv Bohsnnon


Kentucky Pres.




fmUitktrt IwwmWm
Mw Von. M.
fO Mcmom Avi.


Mry unian Davl.



a.M One Quarter


aitd column t are to be ronxirfererf
f in not
file crrrfera
tKe octiaion a Tke Kernel.

All tCatie



SI. AO One Tear




Dou?la, Betly
Fleishman. Alice Freeman. Mary Jane Callaher. Garnett
Oayle. Catherine Goman. Luck Ann Hawkins. Bernice Herman.
Carolyn Hill. Frances fenkins. Eleanore Keeti. Frances Keller.
Mildred Long. Shirley Melster, Ruth Perlmutter. Pat Pollack.
Po""'1'- - Martha Pruitt. Doris Sinileton.
Spears, Bill Sprarens Betty Tevia. Gene Whicker.


The passage of the amendment would have
enabled the state to increase the salary checks
of ITniversiry personnel to the point where capable men could be attracted here and men
already on the staff could not lie so easily enticed awav by other institutions offering salaries
more in keeping with their capabilities.



is the top salarv. to le paid to men at the top.
The necessity of maintaining a graded scale
resulis in minor positions on the staff paving
considerably less than the S'i.000 limit. The
president must receive more than the deans,
and the deans more than the department heads,
and so on down the line. As a result, the salary

land grant


Before the war there was already an alarming number of resignations from the staff
who had received belter offers elsewhere.
These offers will be very attractive to staff members now on leave when they return from wartime jobs to a I'niversitv stilj in the grasp of
an archaic restriction hampering it from offering adequate remuneration for services given.
A few faithful men. some nationally known as
authorities in their fields, will remain here because of a love of the University environment
and the citv of Ixington. We fear that they
mav some dav be in the minority.

stipend mav seem large to some
obscivers, but it must Ik- remembered that this
A $5,000


a full professor at the University
was $3,700 as against S4.245 in 52
insi itul ions.





Ha I pert

sec-lio- n


It has been estimaicd that the purchasing
price of the dollar is approximately one-hal- f
todav what it was in 1891 when the SVOfW per
year limitation was written into the constitution. Prices 'continue to go up and taxes take
a considerable part of the income. The salarv
of the I'niversitv staff member remains the slime.
With the defeat of the amendment last week,
it is seen as unlikely tTiat it will have another
opportunity lor passage until 1947. We believe
that the voters of Kentucky have made a mistake, but hope that they will not lie forced to
realize it bv finding their state University sinking in the estimation of national educators In
the years to come.

By Pfc. Ed Barnes

Workers Send Goal
Of War Chest Over Top
Our congratulations to Algernon Ditkson,
chairman of the War Chest drive, and the 200
workers who sent the campus goal of $700
the top to reach an unprecedented total
of over $1,000. The students cooperaied wholeheartedly in their contributions.
A sjx'cial note of thanks goes to the military
siudents who contributed generously although
their furloughs were but a few davs awav.
The success of the faculty drive is to be esje-ciallappreciated when one realizes that a l.
cent higher goal than that of last year was
attained although the number of staff members
has declined appreciably.


Dan Cupid must have swapped
his wings for a Jeep and his magical bow and arrow for an equally
potent Browning Automatic Rifle,
if the effectiveness with which he
has decimated the roster of single
men in the GI ranks is any indication.
It never fails but what, after a
furlough, the door of the company
orderly room, the first sergeant's
sanctum, is beseiged by a line of
GIs, some with the first bashful
glow of marital bliss still lighting
their cheeks, others with the still
hopeful lord - and - master - of -- the -household look in their eyes, but all
with one purpose: to apply for a
wage cut, that
a month family allotment
which Uncle Sam generously grants,
but partially out of the GIs pay

Consider the case of Campus
Cutie asking GI Joe for a date, unsuspecting the meanwhile that his
bride is right behind
her. Already several campus
have been seen wandering around
with a dazed look in their eye (intentionally singular), the second
of the pair of optics being swathed
in bandages. Nuff said!
IK Spirit. Please
It is to be fondly desired, however,

co-e- ds

campus friends alike.
To you GIs who took the plunge,
good luck, and may the experience
make you better soldiers with more
to fight for. To the rest, easy on
the ribbing; of course it's
good-nature- d,

but by the fundamental
laws of nature it's bound to bounce
back at you. someday.
As for Cupid, after the whirlwind offensive he put on, he'd better turn his jeep and his B A R in
that the good spirit continue at to the Ordnance Shops for first
UK, and that the newcomers to the echelon overhaul and repairs. After
collective fold be greeted and wel- all, next furlough is only three
comed by barracks buddies and months away. . . .

What Goes On There . . .


Vital Information
To cite the exact number of men
from each company in UK's ASTP
who took the nuptial vows would
probably be a betrayal of vital information to the enemy. Suffice it
to illustrate, however, with this in-

Having tied the marital knot
ourselves For some perverse reason, the dear little girl insists on
misspelling it as "martial"; may
her aim with pots and rolling pins
be bad if she engages in civil strife
in the family kitchen!) we wandered airily up to the personnel
section at post headquarters in the
Armory to file the usual claim.
A harried T 5 pointed to a
batch of papers which had already been turned in by newly-we- d
GI s in a matter of a few hours on
the first "morning after," and muttered in a weary voice, Go away.
Come back next week when we get
caught up!"

Sadie Out In Cold
It is unfortunate that Sadie Hawkins week follows ASTP Furlough
might have
week. Campus
oone just as well if they had cut
their capers while the GIs were
away. For certainly the ranks ot
the eligible males has been drastically reduced. And even though a
considerable number of single men
does remain, the advantage may
entail possible bitter situations.
co-e- ds

By Helen Carroll

The two missing links in
fessor A. A. Applegate's cno kidding, that's his name) journalism
class at Michigan State recently
reported late but in unison. When
calling the roll, no reply came to
Eileen Fink and
the names
Marilyn Zink. A few seconds later
the two missing class members entered. To Applegates' query. "What
are your names?" the two replied,
"Fink and Zink."
Any resemblance to Dr. Dupre's
first hour history class is purely


"Success consists not so much in
sitting up nights as in being awake
in the daytime."
Well! What Do You Know?
The alarm clock situation in the
nation is admittedly bad these days,
but at Gustavus Adolphus College
in St. Peter. Minn., it was more
than critical for one coed. After
tinkering with the noisy old thing
it still refused to run, so, she toted
it down to the local jeweler. Imagine her surprise (and embarrassment) when the jeweler asked her
if she had ever tried winding it,
and, with a simple twist of tne
wrist, the timepiece started in ticking again.
He Needs A Raise
At the end of the first term, a
soldier of the 3rd Company, ASTP,
inquired at the orderly room concerning his future assignment. It



new twist to an old custom tomes from a certain
in Company C. Whenever
they have a few minutes to
spare and a prettv coed waltzes
bv, thev a