xt71vh5cd27h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cd27h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19830708 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 8, 1983, no. 410 text The Green Bean, July 8, 1983, no. 410 1983 2014 true xt71vh5cd27h section xt71vh5cd27h A . . I .·» 1 _ > :`-..;··•· ci}! { UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES NEWSLETTER 7-8-83 No, 410 y CALENDAR July 18 Training at UK August 8,10,12 KLA Workshops August 8 Training at UK 4 .8 PLEASE NOTE: The next Green Bean wi11 be issued on Friday, August 5th. ' ` Any items submitted for this Green Bean must be in the Director 'Is Office no 1ater than 10 a.m. on Tuesday, August 2nd. Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by phone after the deadline. Contributors: Jessie Adams, Faith Harders, Cecil Madison, Liz Pogué, Ann Short, and Gerry Webb. (Editor) PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506-0039 FRCM THE EDITOR 1 There will be no Green Bean issued`on July 22nd. I wi.ll be out of town the weeks of July 18th and 25th. The next scheduled issue will be August 5th. Gerry Webb TRAINING AT UK July 18 Personnel Procedures g . August 8 Accounting Procedures To enroll in the above workshops, call Manda Hutchison Biddle (7-1851) _ at the Human Resources Development Office. Attendance is at the convenience of your department and must be approved by your supervisor or department head. All workshops are offered free of charge and will be held in Room 15 , (basement) of I*@norial Hall. ‘ g KLA SPONSORS WORKSHOP E The Kentucky Library Association is sponsoring a workshop, "Micro's Hardware/Softvvare/Courseware," to be held August 8 (Paducah); ;August 10 . I (Eastern Kentucky University) ; and August 12 (Northern Kentucky University). . The registration fee is $15.00 and the cut—off date for registration is ` August 1. For further information, contact Jennie S. Boyarski, Paducah | Coummity College Library, P.0. Box 7380, Paducah, Kentucky. 42001. · ! Phone: (502)-442-6131, ext. 132. 1 I INFORMATICN FROM THE PRESERVATION COI~M['ITEE g . s Books and records of permanent value must be protected from: FIRE——Collections of permanent value should be stored in areas of fire- resistant construction protected by fire walls, fire—rated doors, fi.re 1 detectors and fire suppression system controls. No smoking should be { permitted in any records storage or reference room. l l WATER DAMAGE-- Storage areas for books or documents of permanent value should not be below ground level unless such areas have adequate equipment to detect and prevent water damage from flooding. Shelving in all storage areas housing 1 books or records of permanent value should be installed with bottom shelves at 1 least 6 inches fron the floor. Such shelving should be of fire-retardant material, § chemically neutral and of ·proper size and strength to carry the weight of materials 1 to be shelved. Every effort should be made to avoid placing shelving beneath 1 exposed water lines. UK LIBRARY SYSTEM OPPORTUNITIES ( Grade 7 Circulation I Grade 6 CSR If interested, see Ann Short. -2- r»\ PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES QR Head of Reference and Informational Services, Brown University Libraries. Salary: $24,497-$32,049. Deadline: August 1, 1983. Director of University Libraries, Kent State University. Salary: not given. . Deadline: August 25, 1983. Director of Information Services, Northwestern University Library. Salary: $30,000 Deadline: August 15, 1983. Acquisitions Librarian, University of Arizona Library. Salary: $16,500- $21,000. Deadline: September 15, 1983. Retrospective Conversion Music Cataloger (one—year temporary appointment), University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville. Salary: Slh,000 Deadline: August 1, 1983. If interested, contact Faith Harders.