xt71vh5cd87t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cd87t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_147 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 147 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 147 1923 2014 true xt71vh5cd87t section xt71vh5cd87t 1.* CIRCULAR NO. 147 JANUARY, 1923.
,1 University ol Kentucky-~C0llege of Agriculture
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
{pill} ··l iri ···!.II··¤Ii·»II \\lIl. IlI·· 2iL‘IIrIIlI*L!’¤l ·Xi¤·l.~l·rIl uwirk i·;.y·;·j€,]
pn za. i.1. ;.»;.it;~·:i or I:.·· ·`··lP·-:i· ··I` .\:r1··I2lIII!·-, l`iii·.·-1>ii;··»i' l{··nrin~I;\~_
uirr`:i.· I'. S_ lr·;·.ii:i1i·iiI nr l\1'l`l¤‘7.illil~~_ :Iri·l·li~I1lt·¤II·—·lint`I1IIr.·i:Irli*e
or ih. um}; p;·i\;·l·ri l·»l` 1:1 Iln .\rI ·il ¤`·—l1;r··>> ··Ii May *, lf·Y~l_
* V Dairy Troubles in the Spring of the Year.
'l`he coiniug of spring hrings troubles to the dairyinen in
three ways:
(ll A lowering of the cream test.
(El A decline in the quality of cream.
ISI llarl flavors in the milk antl l']`t‘iIlll Ilue to weed llavors and strip-
per cows.
l·`i·eshening of vows and turning to grass at this time causes
theiu to produce a larger Ipiantity of milk of lower richness.
\\`hen a ereain separator is supplied thinner milk it; produces
thinner creain unless the cream serew is eliangeel. If the herd
Illlllc has averagetl 4_25j`[. und the cream has been testing 42.5%,
illltl the l‘i<·l1Itess nl` the milk is retliieetl to —l"§ the <·I‘t‘2Illl i`l‘0lll ’
the sI—pzIl‘llltll‘ Ill}` iw l‘t‘lll the i11l`csteL‘i`U1'C llllllilllg`, the onion flavor will hc 1`€·
if the creain ])1`()tllll‘l?l` caiinot keep his cows l'l'0lll catuifi
wild onion. he ]llllSt he (f()lll(‘lIt with selling his (‘l'()2lIll as a secoiitl-
grade p1·od11<·t. A small 21lllOllllt ol` Ollltlll-iltl\'()l`t}tT (‘l`(‘2llll will
[)uiry Troubles in the S[)l'l.}lf] uf the Year 3
llte spoil a whole t·lnn·ning of butter; therefore, the ereamerymat;1
ttt··r must exereise care and grade out all of this undesirable cream
wv and inztke it up into zi seeoml-gratle butter. They are, there-
t· of fore. l`t»t·t~t·tl to pay tt seteomlgrzitle priee for such cream. Strip-
I)Ql`t't>\\`Sl`l't'|]lll‘l1l.l}` yimtltiee milk antl ereztm that has a had taste
my uml tl;m»t· :tl't··r it is at few hours 0l