xt71vh5cd890 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cd890/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1937 journals kaes_circulars_299 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 299 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 299 1937 2014 true xt71vh5cd890 section xt71vh5cd890 · COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
1 Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
(To replace N0. 279)
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A well—ventilated tobacco barn.
v_ Lexington, Ky.
May, 1937
_ Published in connection with the Agricultural Extension Work carried on by coopera-
llon of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of
eggrlicultusre and distributed in furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of Congress
— ny , 1914.

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 !é»v~i?'* 7 ¥»E Jed and the color of tl1e leaf
l ,
' remains green. On the other hand, if drying is too slow, the curing
process goes too far, the tobacco either turns a dark red color or, .,
possibly, becomes l10llS€l)lll`llC(l. The rate of drying of tobacco de- i
pe11ds upon the humidity and temperature of the air and its rate of ·
l11()\·’CIllC1lL thru tl1e barn.
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Tobacco barn with insufficient ridge ventilation. _ I
Tllc water t‘o11tc11t of tobacco at the time of cutting and l1t>l|>lll¥ ` mg
UNIX IYUTQC fl`0IN 75 U) UU pertient of the green weight. .·\11 1lt`1`C <>l lllsl
\\'Cll·l`ll)CIlC(l tobacco yielding l,50() pounds of cured leaf \\`€|§ll* [llc
when harvested S to l2 tons. including tl1e stalks. Of this total mo
weight. by far tl1e greater part is water. 'l`o cure tobacco $Llt’CC$5· ula
fllll}', this large 11111ot111t of water niust be removed under sllfll Um` _ [NT

 Ventilation of Tobacco Barns 5 i t
ditions and at such a rate as best allow the other [undamental
changes to occur. Experience has shown that the well-constructed
y j barn, properly ventilated, provides the means for regulating the
humidity in the curing crop, thru controlled air movement.
» __ __ :.,,      K`     · ·
. .   `'IV M""-—·`    ».=l&Yii' A yi   ·
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,. ‘ » V   i.·_  
Unventilated barn.
Many plans have been devised l`or ventilating barns. l·`ew l1ave
been satisfactory under all conditions. 'l`he hinged vertical shutter
or side door 10 to l2 inches wide, [or each bent, is one ol the oldest
I I . . . .
. and most generally used in Kentucky. lt is eilective only when the
air outside the barn is moving sufhciently to cause some circulation
in the barn. It is entirely inellective in hot, sultry weather, when
there is little or no air movement. Practically all barns in the areas
producing air»cured tobacco are equipped with this ventilator.
The round, metal, roof ventilator, in general use, improves cur-
ing conditions when used with the side-door or vertical ventilators,
just mentioned. The usefulness ol` this ventilator depends upon
the number placed on the barn and the si/e ol the openings. 'l`he _
most common sizes are the 16" and 2(Y’, and a few barns have ven-
tilators 2—l" in diameter. The approximate amounts of opening
l)\`<>\‘1detl by the HS", IS" and 2()" circular ventilators are L3 Sq. lil.,

 '   }}}
6 Kentucky Exlcnsion Circular N0. 299
. _ 1.8 sq. [1. and 2.2 sq. ft., respectively. Tl1e CO1111110ll prae1iee is ltr ·
use only o11e cirenlar ve111ila1or 10 each bent of 12 leet, so 1he 8111011111 . A
of ventilation provided is inadequate unless l]llll11`2ll (`()l1(l1ll(.)l1S are - [10111
favorable for curing. in 111
` Experience has proved 111111 satislaetory ven1ila1ion lor the vari- 1` UT
' air-cured Lobacczos it is advisable to provide the vertical SlLlC·(l()()]` 11€€1·s, permits sa1isl'aetory control ol air (j()l](11LlO1l and 111<>\"C· *1111
111e11t. The ridge ventilator is l`CCOIT1l11C1](lC(l l)(}(`IlllSC it is simple 1111*1
to U)11Sl1`l1Cl. easy to operate and, \Vl1C11 (()11SI.l`ll(T[C(l 2l(f(`()1`(l1l1Q to 1·1gl
1l1e S])C(`ll1(`2lI1()11S herein 1`C(Z()l11l11C11(l(3(l, provides Sllll1L`l(fI1l opening still
lor 1l1oro \'C11I,ll?lL101l. \\'l1t

Ventilation of Tobacco Barns 7
. After the tobacco is hung in the barn the water is evaporated
_A from the surface of the leaves and the relative humidity of the air
in the barn is increased. Since air of high humidity is lighter than
drier air, the moist air rises. In warm, dry weather, opening the
doors of the ridge ventilator and the horizontal ground ventilators,
T or the vertical shutters on the sides of the barn, usually is all that is
needed to provide good curing conditions.
During rainy or foggy weather, when the air is practically sat-
urated with moisture, ventilation alone is ineffective. Under these
conditions some artihcial heat is needed. A small increase in te1n—
> perature — that is, 10° to 150 above the outside temperature — as-
sists curing in two ways: first, warm air holds more moisture than
cool air; for example, a rise in temperature of 200 practically doubles
the water-holding capacity of air. Second, as soon as the air is
heated, it rises and passes out thru the ridge ventilator opening,
carrying away excess moisture. The air which enters thru the bot-
tom openings becomes warm and continues the process.
Tests made at the \*\'estern Kentucky Substation at Princeton,
with hre—cured tobacco, indicate the rate of loss of weight in curing
tobacco. due to evaporation of water from the plants. These tests
were made in a ventilated barn having both the ridge and horizon-
- tal bottom ventilators. The figures are the average results of a few
- I representative sticks of tobacco from five crops. beginning in 1928
y · and continuing thru 1932. These figures give a general indication
2 as to the rate of loss of water in curing tobacco but they should not
V be regarded as standard for all conditions and crops.
: ln each of the five years mentioned a few sticks of fire—cured
- tobacco were cut and hung and immediately weighed and then re-
· weighed daily until completely cured. From these weights it was
- found that for each hundred pounds of tobacco freshly titll and
- llilllg on sticks, seventy-five pounds remained when willed. fifty-
r three pounds when yellowed, twenty—five pounds when colored. and -
» eighteen pounds when the leaf and stems were dry, but the stalks _
; still green. Or, for a single stick of tobacco weighing thirty pounds
when cut, twenty-two and one-half pounds remained when wiltetl.

8 Ifcnitzr/cy Extcztsion, Circular Nu. 299
I sixteen when yellowed, seven and one-hall when colored, and live l llllle
and one-hall when the leaves and midribs were dry. Approximately . lll lll
two—thirds ol the original weight was lost by the evaporation ol _· lllcll
water during the Hrst ten days the tobacco was in the barn. This _  
‘ would mean lor each acre ol hre-cured tobacco housed. there would  
be an average loss ol 800 gallons ol water, by the time the leal was
cured. lt should be borne in mind that these studies were made ·
‘ with fire-cured tobacco but results obtained also probably apply lo
` dark air—cured tobaccos, tho not to burley. The rate ol` loss ol l  
_ ‘°° Avggrwa or svuzs nw I':¤N<.l:rov·•,·•__    V ~     4Vr~ V  V L   ·     ·;__  
i , `\·»,i V xii ~ in ` = `wi`*il K   `
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    slii V   .  · ·   1V ` r '
Ridge ventilator partially open. (Plan No. 1)
when open is held against the bottom edge ol the ralters and is pro-
tected [rom sun and rain; (2) the hinges placed at the top edge ol`
the door and under the ventilator rool are protected;   the door
NQ. '
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Model of ridge vcutilzitcr built according to Plan N0. 2. Refer to Fig. 9, pugc 18. bun]
.   F ouch
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Dctail of d00r lcvcrs uscd in Plan N0. 2. Refer to Fig. 9, DHEC 18-

 . if
Ven/ifalfon of Tolmcm Burns ll
. aml wire are used instead of pulleys and ropes to hold the door
_ open and to close it tight.
. Slo]; l. Select tl1e plan, either No. l or No. 2, and study it until
it is understood.
Sic]; 2. Remove the roofing for the width on each side of the
. ridge indicated in the plan. Metal roofing may be cut with a bolt
\_ xox
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xzfl/V ~. (<~°`cf·`§i. .  
2   ”¥1\ ‘*°»;;>§;._. Y 
sttgqttsmt] B¤¤rd5 ———   -  
, \a~§
Ridge after removal of rooting as in Plan N0. 2.
(utter. heavy till snips, shingling hatchet, or an old car spring or
bumper sharpened on one edge. lf the metal or composition roof-
ing is in good Condition after removing, it should be saved for cov»
ering one side of the ventilator top.
S/nj) 3. Remove the sheathing. Usually a ~l" board is left on
each side of the ridge; however, they may be removed when build-
` ing according to   8, Plan l. The sheathing is removed to the
width from the ridge shown in the plan.
.| Sin]; ll. Build the ventilator. For barns 2·l feet wide or less.
»; the effective ventilation opening should be lll inches wide. For
barns more than 2#l feel wide. this opening should be I2 inches wide.
‘ (Int the false rafters for the ventilator roof Elti inches long. 'I`hesc
are ctn aml nailed together on the ground; then raised to the top
of the barn with a pulley. Refer to plan for the spacing of the
‘ false rafters. .·\ string line should be used to line in the ends and
ridge of the false rafters. .-\ carpenters Iexel is used to plttmb thc
upright ties in Plan 2, Fig. 9.
Sic]; 5. After the rafters have been nailed in place. hang the .
door as shown in the plan. l·`or the door, use I-inch boards as wide _
as the ventilator opening. when building actording to Plan l. The
I door in Plan 2 is made 2 inches wider than the ventilator opening

 1 l2 Kentucky Extension Cl.7`C1ll(I7' N0. 299
in order to cover the flashing board. The doors are as long as one Tt
l V i l)Cll[ of the barn, cleated on the inside, and painted on both sides to {1-
4 prevent warping. Alter hinging tl1e door, the pulleys, levers, ropes V uml
or wires may be connected and tested lor ease of operation. In vertit
· 4 Plan 2, place a 2" x <1" block at an angle between the upright ralter ol ba
ties for the ends of the door to rest on. the l
S/cj; 6. Sheathe the ventilator top Zllld cover with wood shin- "*"`lC*
' gles, composition, or galvanized roofing.
· 'l`he horizontal inlet ventilating doors at the base ol` the barn A
walls on each side should run lull length ol` tl1e barn. l·`or barns 2·l
leet wide or less. the width ol` the ellective ventilating opening
should be ll) inches. For barns over 24 leet wide. this opening
should be I2 inches. (Refer to Pigs. 6, (ia, on Page lti, l0, llla, ll,
and l la on Page lil.) Figs. (5. (ia, 1ll1(l lll are plans lor bottom ventila-
tors where the barn is set, on blocks. ll the barn is supported on zi
solid loundation. a ventilator as shown in l·`ig. ll should be built.  
Note that the doors on the bottom ventilators lor lire-curing barns i
are placed so as to direct the air above tl1e lires, when open.  
,             ‘···t   Q      
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SolidBggzegpeséeiggnaltggsiOblpilt on zz are-curing barn (according to Fig. 11, Page l9> 0*** "

 Ventilation of Tobacco Barns 13
W In air-curing barns, both horizontal and vertical ventilators are .
»es used in addition to the ridge ventilator. (See Fig. 1.) Three l2"
In vertical ventilators on each side are provided lor each 12-loot length
er ol` barn. The horizontal inlet ventilating doors run lull length ol`
the barn. The width of the opening ol the bottom vcntilators
n_ varies from l()" to ll' (see Fig. 3, page I5, and illustration on page 6).
  »A».   3 ’-=‘‘   *_·. .    M  ji -      ie   · at  
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` "  f     —¢ :1*   (.... .   · . <
‘   .     ‘ ».' ‘” ,,· J
I   `:     f   . V ’··,3j§?5§~ . r   — or   ··
Bottom ventilators built on a ftre—curing barn as shown in Fig. l0. between thc con-
crete blocks that support the bam posts. The middle door is shown partially open.

14 Ixcntzzc/ey Ex/r:n.s·1m1 Circular N0. 299
Bill of Material for Each 12 Feet of Ridge Ventilation -  
' Note. Where original roofing and sheathing are used to cover the ventilator top, I
the amount of sheathing in each bill can be cut one-half. This depends upon the kind `
of material used for roofing. ·_ {
Items y If built as in Figure 7  
. `_--.. ___    _. la
False rafters 3 pcs. 2" x 10" x 6'-O" l
Or 3 pcs. 2" x 12" x 6’—0" l
Supporting blocks 1 pc. 2" x 4" x 6’-O" 1 A0
Ventilator door 2pcs. l" x IO" x 12'-0" · lz
. Or 2 pes. 1" x l2" x 12’-O" lg
» Ties 1 pc. 1" x G" x 12'-O" `D
Cleats 1 pc. l" x 4" x 8’-O" » 1
Sheathing 80 Bd. Ft. 2 8
Roofing 80 Sq. Ft. ._ U
. llinges 3 pr. 4" galv. strap hinges `(
Pulleys 2 pr. galv. swivel awning rope-pulleys, g  0
_ wheel 1" dia. - 2
`RODC ]6' of Mi" rope ,  M
Bolts 2 pair screw-eyes or eye-bolts \»
Nails ¢approx.¤ 2 lbs. 8d, lyk lb. Gd. and lil lb. 10d I l
e e   e   ee ee  — e  li
, _,Y _  _.? _. _ ll K
Items \ If built as in Figure 8  
N . .....   .- . . rK.i_-..-7... .,.2....iw .. .   K .  
False rafters 6 pcs. 2" x 4" x 6’—0" ’  
Supporting blocks Not necessary g lm
Ventilator door 2 pcs. 1" x 10" x 12’—0" = \Z
Or 2 pcs. I" x 12" x 12’-0" V 4
Ties 3 pcs. 2" x 4" x 10'-O" ll
Cleats 1 pc. l" x 4" x 8'—0" ° "
Sheathing 80 Bcl. Ft. lz
Roofing 80 Sq. Ft. Nl
Hinges 3 pr. 4" galv. strap hinges >
Pulleys 2 pr. galv. swivel awning rope-pulleys.
wheel l" dia. ,%]
ROD? l6’ of lil" rope _ l
Bolts 2 pr. screw-eyes or eye-bolts ln
Nails rapprox.l 2 lbs. Sd, li. lb. Gd, 1... lb. 10d I O
__ __ _ .  il
77777 77 7777 ` 77777 `7  77 7''`' 7`777777 il
Items ` If built as in Figure 9 g
1 777 77 777` T
Upright rafter ties l 4 pcs. l" x 4" x 8'-O"
False rafters l 2 pcs. 2”' x 4" x l2'-O" ·
Rafter ties l 1 pc. 1" x 4" x 6’-O"
Boards between rafters l 2 pcs. 1" x (S" x 12'—0" ·
Levers 1 pc. 2" x 2" x 10' j
Flashing board ` 2 pes. l" :·; 2" x 14’-O"  `i
Sheathing 80 Bd, Ft. V 
Roohng l 80 Sq. Ft. `
Door cleats l 1 pc. l" x 4" x 10'»O"
Ventilator door for 10”’ opening l 2 pcs. 1" x I2" x l2'—0"
Ventilator cloor for 12" opening l 2 pcs. 1" x B" x l2'-fl"
; & 2 pcs. 1" x 8" x 12'—0" e 
Hinges l 3 pr. 4" galv, strap hinges
Flashing for corrugated roof , 12 Ft. of ridge roll A _
Flashing for V-crimp roof 24 Ft. of flat sheet metal il" l0 IU" “`l9"
Stove bolts 16 bolts 2'5" x l.x"
Nails 4 lbs. Bd, 2 lbs. Gd. and Pi b. 20cl

Ventilation 0f Tobacro Barns 15
, 1 1 gg 52
I 35 10 V) 1—
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1 Method of venLil21Li11g {lil`-Cllfillg tobacco barns.

 I6 Kentucky Extension C1°1·cuI111‘ N0. 299
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Method of ventilatiug f1re—curing tobacco barns.

Ventilation of Tobacco Barns 17
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Tobacco burn ridge ventilator. Plnn N0. 1.

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18 Kentucky Ex/cnsimz Circular N0. 299
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Tobacco bam ridge ventilator. Plan N0. 2.

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Bottom vcntilators for Dre-curing barusl

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