xt71vh5cfn80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cfn80/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199411 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1994 text GLSO News, November 1994 1994 2019 true xt71vh5cfn80 section xt71vh5cfn80 A Fur-Luann»; or 1H: leiml'rnu DAY AND LIIIIAN Ilmoll DuANIzAflnN
COMING-OUT DAY OBSERVANCES National Gay/Lesbian Crisis Line

The following stories were solicited for our (800) 2474283
National Coming Out Day issue in October. Due Teenage Gay/Lesbian Support
to our temporarily reduced size, we didn't have (800) 347-TEEN
room for them then. Thanks to the contributors, Thurs. _ Sun. 7pm-Midnight
and thanks for waiting

_ was surprised and told me he and Jim (another

from Kevm F- roommate) both were too. In fact, they had been
Ithink I knew I was gay in high school. I went out lovers.

With a few girls thOUQh- A5 a freshman, I was Once I told Matt, I felt a weight had been
very close t_0 a one. QUY- We were inseparable. lifted. l was coming out to everyone. I couldn’t
We never d'd anything, or 3V9” talked about It- believe how many people told me that they were
He transferred to adifferentschool. _ too. Nearly half of my friends were and one

A5 a sophomore, ' shared a room Wlth a guy a coworker was. I was surrounded by supportive
lot of people assumed was gay. We got along people. | knew I was very lucky.
great but never did anything, nor even talked
about it. He transferred to a different school. I from K'p_
began to seea pattern. _ aturday was the night before my thirtieth

. Aft.“ "TY Jun'oryea’ I had 3 Pretty "“3359 "3'5" birthday, and I was a little depressed. I’d had
tionship III/”h a woman. I assumed during that calls all day from friends and family, but decided to
relationship that maybe I IUSI thought I might be get in touch with someone I've been close to since
gay. After we broke up, lwas certain I was gay. I high school and come out to him. I called his
had seYera' crushes OII guys after that. BUI I house (in England by the way) but he was out, so I
never dId anything about It or talked about It' called another friend. He answered the phone

My 5?“ Year ' Shelled a house W'”‘ 4 me” ' VERY VERY drunk...and said he had something
was looking for a shirt that Matt borrowed from very important to tell me.
me, and | sawacopy of Mandate in his room. I came out to this guy a while ago and l
I COUIan believe my. 93493- Matt, my cutest started to think....”wow...he’s gonna tell me HE’S
roommate, had gay porn in his room. That night I gay too!” I was ready to buy a plane ticket home!
IIIOUQIII things ,thIOIIgh‘ I needed to say Sadly (for me) he said he was getting married and
something. I lay In ”IX bed, staring at the ceiling. he wanted me to be the best man. There was a
Isaid aloud to myself: lam gay! Once I became huge party going on there and the friend I’d
comfortable saying It to myself, I knew I COUId originally tried to call was there and came on the
admit It to others. The next-day WhIIe we were |ine....we talked for a while and then I told him i
Sitting on the couch, l blurted it all out to Matt. He
continued on page 2

 by Arnold, the drag queen and a walking
@LSQ N@W$ stereotype of what I feared in myself...or how I
. would be seen. As the movie continued, though, I
. PUblIShed Month”: by the . . discovered two important things:
Lexmgton Gay/Lesbian Servrces Organization 0 that Arnold’s dreams for life were not that
R0. Box “4-71 different than my own or the other people I knew. t
Lexington, KY 4.0575 0 that l was not alone. There were other gay 9
people: some of whose lives were easier and 5
Editor: some who faced a lot of hardships because they tl
Brian Throckmorton fit a stereotype too closely. Torch Song Trilogy C
gave me a sense of belonging to a people with e
, whom I had a common identity. I soon then came
L3Y°Ut Edltort out to a lesbian couple I knew and away I went out A
Elizabeth A. Gilliam that closet. So, like my own personal Stonewall, it y
took a wise drag queen and lesbians to out me. “
6150 Annual Dues and Newsletter: $15 e
Dues and Newsletter for Couples: $20 from Sarah Carrigan c
Newsletter Only: $10 My "daisy moment” came at 13 years of age 5
when reading Ann Landers, or perhaps it was d
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO News are those of Dear Abby. A woman had written for advice on n
the authors and don’t necessarily represent those of the what to do with her boyfriend who had accused C
GLSO Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All her of being a lesbian because she and a fema|e S
submissions become the property ofGLSO and must indicate friend would undress at the same time when C
full name and address of the author. The staff reserves the preparing for the beach. I had no idea what a
right to edit submrssrons and ads to meet publrshmgreeurre- lesbian was so i checked the dictiona . I Still had p
ments, as well as the right to reject any submrssrons. ry
Placement of advertising in GLSO News denotes neither a no Clue What female homosexual was’ SO I IOOKed O
person’s sexual orientation nor a business’ customer preference. up that- u
Ah! In a sudden moment of clear internalized tI
was gay. “Oh but I know" he said. “I've known for homophobia, l could certainly empathize with and
at least 10 years. Everybody knows. We all understand the concept but denied to myself that] it
thought you knew?” might be that. Never mind that I had written and 8
Well, duh. would continue to write love letters to various girls C
Apparently everyone has thought this through in junior high and high school. Those were simply T
and decided for me but were kind enough to wait professions of deep and abiding, but non-sexual, a
for me to be able to tell them what they already friendship. ’
knew. Friends...gotta love ‘em. The power of the social process is incredible,
isn’t it? A relatively naive country girl who’d never
from Jeff Jones heard the words homosexual or lesbian, but who
The first time I thought of myself using the had fantasized about devoted same—sex
adjective “gay” was on New Year’s Eve while “friendships,” knew instinctively that the concept of
watching Torch Song Trilogy with my best friend homosexual love and the identification as lesbian
whom I had a major crush on. In fact, he later were not socially positive, nor ShOUId they be
also turned out to be gay and headed off to San dISCUSSGd WIth anyone. I was twenty-two before I
Francisco. Torch Song Trilogy, though, remains declared to myself that I am a lesbian. I don’t
an important movie to me. I was initially bothered remember what Dear Abby advised that writer.
GLSO News Page 2 '-


Q.....o......m.. su: STRONG, mp.
by Brian Throckmorton, aka BThrock@aol.com ~ 0

Another coming-out day-what to do? Hunt for . llcensed PSYChOIOSISt
babies born since last October 11? Scour the
globe for those undiscovered tribes? Perhaps a ( ) .
séance wherein I could come out to those who went 606 255 4864
to their reward before I was born. National Coming Fax (606) 255'5385
Out Day does present its quandaries when one has
already come out to pretty much everybody 11° WOOdIand Ave'

Fortunately, I am manifesting myself digitally on Lexington, KY 40502
America Online, and an ideal came to me. Those of presented itself on the menu No need to

ou wh h visited AOL k th t 80 °o f th '
Xmembgr gvoems” that peopTSZet :p ten/d 5:0 b: summon the guts to go to the counselor, or even
defined by such titles such as “M&M Locker Room" ttzsumlmon to an emotional conversation on a gay
or Bears for Bears” or some other tag denoting p orgnenioung man in his twenties told me (us)
someone’s sexual interest. In an effort to , , . _
demonstrate to straight AOL onlookers that there’s Lfigifiofir}; tgzgigbgnyHoethfZIrtifignreezrbaozglys
more to us than sex, in an effort to find a way to . ' . ’ ’
e m
gomgone, possrbly, I Opened a room called Coming meet people advice about safe sex and taking

ut upport.” , . ’ . . ’

I had to wait only a few minutes before other 3?:tisttrdneeirtoh1ilsmpgflstianghttLlafgru'tgiastecvseeekhfi
people began to arrive. AbOUt two-thirds wanted to looked for him online ang found him in “Louisiana
offer support; the rest happened to be online and M&M ,, where he was ha il min lin He
thought this room might have something to offer introduced me around andpth)>ldy the Ethegs how

The chat lines of the Internet are a perfect much he appreciated my coming-out room idea. I
milieu for the emerging homosexual, I discovered. invrttehd anybclnély to create It anytime, and some
Some of the people I talked to were clearly unac- say Afééiuda') when I o ene d the Comin Out
customed to putting their gay feelings into words. Support room 2;“; of the fglks who appeareg was
They must have been aided tremendously by the a half-black ’ half-His anic teena e bo from
anonymous format, and the fact that the room just Kansas who was not out to anyone gHe wits shy

’ . about talking in from of other people, so we
' PreCIous F rs exchanged private messages. He said “all my
u. friends would hate me if they knew,” and "if I don’t

tell someone, I’m gonna bust." Taking cue from

. the official coming-out literature, I asked if he had

All Breed Pet Groomlng ever said “I am gay” out loud. He replied
0 emotionally, and it came to light that he
Expenenced sometimes had suicidal feelings. I walked him

through the range of possible people he should

277 9365 call on if he were to have those feelings again—

- gay hotline, suicide hotline, public health

continued on page 8

' GLSO News Page 3

 continued from page 3
counseling service, minister, or teacher. When I
said he might want to talk to an older gay person, Pegasufshjguvfcl II'IC.
he said he didn’t know any. We talked a little more. / ”’ a" ' ”ff“ '2”
It’s hard to know how serious he was about ”‘45”(K5VP‘5‘ MMWW“
agreeing to call someone, but I did get an e-mail .zi. _,. 4...}. g E __
thank—you from him afew days later E i "‘ 'Ehf. 51:. 3:5 a;
Anda valedictory note... i ' ' i ’ ‘ " ’ '
Any of you who have access to the internet (800) 2284337 (606) 2684337
chat lines—l have no idea what there is other than R' 2040 [die H9” center
. . . lchmond Road, Lexmgton, KY 40502
America Online—feel free to use my Coming Out GLSO DONATION WITH EVERY PURCHASE!
Room idea. Like many other people, including . v
GLSO News’ Lesbian At Large, Linda West, I
sometime’s feel .that “gay culture" finds most of its COMMUNITY NEEDS 6
energy in the arenas where We meet, greet, and Volunteers are needed to work on the next F
pair off. I enjoyed my coming-out encounters online edition of the Pink Pages. Call Shea Elders at
because I felt like I was giving back something of 225-7432 C
value. Until the Pride Center opens here in Donations are needed by GLSO to pay for p
Lexington, GLSO seems to be the main outlet for Teen Support Group mailing, flyers, and printing of C
such energies. handouts. Cost of about $23 has been p
Within GLSO, I thought I would be able to shouldered by an individual member. If some of b
contribute to some of the other arenas through this you can help pay for this, she can pay for the next
newsletter when I accepted the editorship last unexpected expense. Send to PO BOX 11471,
January, but I discovered that I don’t have enough LEXINGTON , KY 40575 d
of a feel for what gay Lexington is interested in, The Stonewall Network and the Pride Center c
other than The Bar. 80 I am going to let the pen Task Force are making progress towards opening
pass on to someone else (Call GLSO president a community center for the lesbigay community.
Mary Crone at 266-5904 if you’re interested!) My Since money is always a necessity, there will be S,
hunch is that what this job needs is a real extrovert. fund-raisers happening over the next several tc
I don‘t socialize a lot, and I had limited network of months. Check out the announcement b
people to hit on for articles. I may still write for the concerning the Iris Events Dating Game. There is d
neWSIetter, and l encourage all of you to write, also a need for volunteers. If you would be willing w
subscribe, and pass it around. The newsletter to put your name on a list to be called as a
looks better than ever, thanks to Elizabeth Gilliam, specific volunteer need arises, please call Allen (r
our Mountain Dew-chugging typesetter, and it has Barger, Volunteer Coordinator for the Pride
strengths and purposes that are yet to be seen. Center, at 254-4067. V
' . UK Lamba will sponsor a Lesbi a sin les
The Dating Game for Womyn and Men event on Sunday November 20 froniJ 5¥9 pngi at
&The Newly/Oldle-Wed Game 117 N. Limestone. It’s open to all ages and
women are encouraged to attend even thou h it’s
saturflaY’ November 5’ 8'00 pm. at Crossing’s. This will be an alcohol-free gvent.
Unltarlan Church ' Clays M111 Rd: It’s a “games potluck"—if you want bring a game I
Tlcs - $8 in advance, $10 at the door instead of a casserole. For more information call
available at Sqecial Media Julien at 272-7232 before 10:00 pm.
A Fundralser for the Pnde Center GET OUT A ND VOTE!!!!!
GLSO News Page 4 —

 As I am retiring
°“DHOO as editor, and as the
Roundhouse was my
QC? (8 Q“ “baby," this will be the
last installment
a 2' unless a future editor
a ,9 chooses to revive it. \ . g -. ‘
14' 04. I leave you with these '/ “Jul/y; ‘7
’Imocfl" comments from a " 5" I, 1/ ,5]
Richmond reader, . . ? - ' , .
and his questions, .
which perhaps are not answerable anyway...
(reprinted without corrections) R E S T A U R A N T
It Roundhouse, 557 S. Limestone
‘t Lexington, KY
Question? Can a straight person and a gay 253_0014
’; person can have a relationship together?(guys)
’ Question? Can a straight person and a gay .
1 person can fall in love with each other. (guys) and TOI'IOISE 81 Hare lund‘
I be happy together? special: 100/0 Off M-F
, I love to read the GLSO news. For myself, I 1 1-1 1:30a'm" 1 .30-2p.m.
do not condemn no one on sexual orientation or
; color or race. I write to Scotty Baesler all the time. Renowned weekend brunch;
'- l have a dream to show the public that a servnng blueberry bUCkWOheat
5; straight guy and a gay guy can have a relationship pancakes, eggs benedlct
1 .
t together. I know have to be seem together. I arnold, spanlsh omelettes,
believe a straight gay and a gay guy can open the
3 door, be a guide, show around. I have learned a and mUCh more
3 whole lot from a gay guy . But he is dead.
a , ,
1 (name withheld due to writer’s request) Wednesday IS Internatlonal
3 Night
r; {2: Z?” ra E. Kaplan Breads and desserts baked
S ”2% daily In our kitchen
a Licensed Clinical Social Worker Free evening parking.
” 436 West Second St.
Lexington, KY 40507
(606) 254-9112 pager (606) 232-0873
- ——___—_
, GLSO News Page 5

“W WANTED: Female non—smoker to share
' a N b 1 994 nice townhouse on Lexington’s south side
i?” .\ j Ovem er starting November 1st. Must be animal
m . . . lover. Call 271-4064(business phone)
5 6 Happy Thanksglvmg to the GLSO Famlly WANTED: Femam to share 2 BR home and
expenses with female owner in Historic
7:30pm Gay/Lesbian A1- 6:00pm Frontmmers- 7:00pm ch.Men’s Chorus 7:00pm Dignity . 9:00am Fromm WANTED: Prefer female non-smoker. N0
Anon Woodland Park £8,520; £335: gamma R 1:} fill/fl 3:36? pets. $250/mo + 1/2 utilities. Call 271-6809
8:00 GUESS EKU . - : . “mm“. ‘ . . . , . ' ' .
814$: Rambo; ) 8-00Pm Gay/1463131311 8% {4211335331213 “1mg M" 'Acm Gm“ For rent: 133 S. Arcadia Park. Immaculate
Bowling-Southland AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. two-story brick home, across from a pocket
. park in an established neighborhood very
6 Z 30 P ‘d C 8 9 3000') R M cm 11 3020“! close to UK; 3 bedrooms, study, 2 full baths,
amp ww- R = pm .. e 6:00 mFrontmnners- . .. .. .. . “mm -- -- -
K" ‘m Me'-Actols'u(::1d Taskforce 7:01); G:y/Lcsbian Al-Anon Woidland Park 71:33:?!1 um 7::pmx:sGay/Lesbian AA 1;) 8&1: file/fl $11,512:; if ‘ Emmi: Lorriiglg :19 5:231ng :33 arc;(t)n'r10v:)I:
6:00pm MCC-Grecnleaf Motel 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) 8'00pm Gay /Lesbian ,3ng Th: Good Tim, R 8:00pm 'The Good Times R knimg NIB-Am“. Guild p . ’ ' . .
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:45pm Rainbow Bowling- AA Killing Me'~Actors’ Guild Killing Me'-Actona' Guild OVBrlOOkI ng fenced-In ba6kyard and In-
Soulhlnnd ' 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Spptfirp. ground pool; full attic and basement and
' detached garage. Weekly pool service and
13 14 15 1 6 1 7 18 1 9 - - -
200W“ ”111: Good Times R . 7:30pm Guy/Lesbian Al—Anon 6:00pm Frontnmncrs-Woodland 7:00pm Lex.Meu's Chorus R... 7-00 m Di mty 9:008”) Frontrunners a” appllances mCIUdlng a was-her an-d dryer-
7.30pm Stonewall 8:00pmGUESS (EKU) Park 7:3,,meth - P g _ 10‘00 HIV/AIDS $1,200 per month plus utilities With one
* , Network 8:45pm Rainbow Bowiing- 8:00pm Gay/usbinnAA 7:30pm P-FLAG 7:30Pm Gay/L351)“ ‘ am month deposit and lease.
6:001)m Impeml Ct-Club U Southland 8'00pm HIV/AIDS s t G AA SPPl-Grp- .
6:00pm MCC—Gmenleanotel ' W‘ '1" . . Please contact Connie Morton, CRS at
, . ;»_ n .. 10.008m Men s Network
7.00pm Gay/LesbianAA ., ., Pterodactyls @ UK (UK Lambda) 293-8876, at Whitman and Associates Real
20 21 ‘ 22 23 24 25 26 Estate for more information.
7:30pm Fairness 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al- 6:00pm Frontrunners- Thanksgiving 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 9:00am Frontrunners
6:00pm MCC-Gmnleaf Mona] Meeting -Alfalfa’s Anon Woodland Park @ AA 1010051!“ HIV/AIDS
7:00pm Gay/Lesln'xmAA 7:30pm Pride Ctr. §:00pm GIlESS (EKU) 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian * . 8:00pm "Times Sq. Sppt.Grp.
T :45pm Rainbow ; ' Angel"-Actors' Guild 8:00pm "Times Sq.
askforce Bowh'ng-Southland AA 8 00pm HIV/ADS SWLGW Angel "-Actors’ Guild
27 29 3o u‘mu‘uuudu‘uumuumu
2:00pmGLSON Flding : - _ . _ mmfimmflmiflmmmflmiflfliflmm
6:00Pm1mpefinlcCY-sClzb U. 7:221: Gay/Lem“ A] 6.00pm Frontrunners 1E Walk to Rupp 5)"
6:00pm MCC-Grecnleanotel Woodland Park ' . . . . -
7:00pm Gay/LesbianAA ' 8:00 [11 Ga /Lesbian — ' 0W lV ng l 5 63 In + r 0 '
8:02pm GUESS (EKU) p y 48: Downt n I i at t b t 90 y Id :3!
8:31 PI; Rainbow AA 1E“Painted Lady” style 3 br, 2.5 ba house. it
°w “g‘swmland 1E Completely renovated in ‘89, attached 2-car if
E garage (now 1 car with study), two fireplaces, if
S M Toma/be; F s S M Became; F 8 E Central air and 12 skylights. Master suite has if
——*1 ———— 1E whirlpool and balcony. Privacy fence encloses if
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 :3 S 13 1E backyard. Diverse, friendly neighborhood. For if
9 1o 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 more information, call: as
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ' -
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1E Cormle Morton . a’
30 31 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 1E Whltman and Assocnates 5;
1; (606) 273-I666 a;
Be sure to vote on NOV. 8! 1E Voice Mail” (606) 293-8876 E’-


Since the publication of the October . d t. f
newsletter, GLSO has received enough presents an mdependentpro ”0 Ion 0
income to continue publishing the
newsletter in this twelve page size. We @ I E R© D H C EIY LS
appreciate the donations, new subscriptions
and advertisers. We expect we will hear
from more of you in the next few weeks. A new Play by NICKEY SILVER
We particularly need more subscribers. We 1StKentL/Ckyperformance
are enclosing a subscription form in a t erformances
Fairness mailing to the entire Community W0 p .

Mailing List and hope to have 400 8 pm Frlday 9th December and
subscribers by the end of the year. 8 pm Saturday 10th December

I think we can do even better than this. Center Theater in the
I would like to suggest that all community Old Student Center
members consider setting aside some on UK's campus
amount of money every week for donations TlCKETS $6
to various lesbigay organizations. How ($5 with student ID)
muCh a week is a Strong Community worth For advance tickets sendaS.A.S.E.
to you? What are your weekly expenses? swairrnrtlgggd'mamsm:

If you subscribe to the Herald-Leader, that UK Mam Station

is about $4.50/week. How much do you PO, BOX 647

spend on coffee a week? How much on $333,242; 335060025

beer and/or fast food? I believe that most A“Pmceedgbendiwflamda

of us could afford one dollar a week, and CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

many of us could give more. There are For an anthology of writing and artwork by gay,

thousands of us in Lexington and the lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered youth (13—22).

surrounding counties. Fifty—two dollars a We are seeking all_forms of writing and art and are

year from each of us would make a gagirgixittfiézéggludlng youth of diverse backgrounds

tremendous difference. We could have 3 WE are most interested in heartfelt, articulate

larger neWSIetter- We could have a greater expressions of growing up lesbian/bisexual/

influence on the politics of the area. These gay/transgendered. How does your racial, cultural,

are all areas in which we are making socio-economic, religious upbringing influence your

progress and with some money from each life? Does your geographic location affect your

of us, a lot would happen. If 5,000 of experience?Do you have a disability?How have you
transcended difficult odds to get where you are now?

us(and we are here) gave $52 each’ that Feel free to pass this on to anyone you know of

would be $260,000! What fun. Lexmgton who would be interested in this project.

would never be the same. Please send your creative response to: J.

—Mary Crone Lombardo and C. Drucker, PO Box 215, Boulder, CO
80306-0215 by December 1, 1994.

GLSO News Page 8

 A .
9 F' 11y h
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that delivers.
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(606) 233-3110 1-800-213-0901


This information was provided by the Office of ' Male babies must be CircumCIsed e'th days
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Student Services at after elfth (Lev. 1213) . .
The Ohio State University. (Compiled from Looking ' Anything a woman touches during menstruation
at Gay and Lesbian Life by Warren Blumenfeld and and for seven days thereafter '3 unclean (Lev.
Diane Raymond). 1216) ' _ _ _

There are two verses in the Bible that refer ' Hybridization 0f animals and crops '5
to male homosexuality: condemned (Lev. .19119) . _

. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with ' Do not wear clothing of two kinds of material
womankind; it is an abomination (Leviticus (Lev. 19119 and Oeut. 22f“) .
18.22) - It is an abomination to trIm the hair on one’s
o If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a temples or to trim one's beard (Lev. 19:28)
woman, both of them have committed an Punishment: .
abomination: they shall surely be put to death; ° Astubborn or rebellious son shall be brought to
their blood shall be upon them. (Lev. 20:13) the authorities and stoned to death (Deut 20:11)
_ , _ - The citizens of cities which surrendered during
Some things to keep In mind, however: wartime are to be made slaves (Deut. 20:11)
- Jesus never spoke against homosexuals. Women:
0 Translations have drastically changed the Bible . f a man marries a woman and discovers she is
overthe past 2:900 years. _ not a virgin, she is to be stoned to death (Deut.
- Nothing in the Bible concerns lesbians or 22:13)
female homosexuality. - An unmarried man who sleeps with an

A lot 0f “people who _con“demn homosexuals unbetrothed virgin must marry her (Deut 22:28)
because of religious beliefs conveniently forget . No bastard shall enter the assembly of the Lord
what the Bible says about: (Deut. 22:29)

F°°d3 - Wives must obey their husbands (Eph 5:22)
o Do not eat fat of ox, sheep or goats (Lev. 7.23) . People who divorce, then remarry, commit
- Do not eat rabbit. Do not eat ham, bacon, pork adultery. (Matt 5:3, 19:9 and Mark 10:11)
chops or ribs. (Lev. 11 :6-7) The Friends (Quakers), Unitarian Universalists,
° Do not eat blood 0f fish, TOWI or beast (Lev. and United Church of Christ are all very supportive.
7:26) Many other denominations openly ordain gay and
- Do not eat lobster, crab, scallops or shrimp lesbian ministers.
(Lev. 11 :10 and Deut. 14:19)
Be sure to 5062997410
November 8! 1“um9
Acreage for Trail Riding
3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen
Lexington. Ky. 40516 Instructor-Trainer
GLSO News Page 10

 ion Lexington Men’s Chorus
' * * * presents *
* * * * t ‘k t
A 5th Concert Season Event
* * * ‘k t * * ‘k
s *
9) The ”EARS
. 3%: 3%
8) *1 393;
rd 3% ’
1%: 2%:
Z: - at
m Thls Tlme of Year
3%: 5%; >162
Friday, December 16, 1994
Saturday, December 17, 1994
8 pm.
Singletary Center forthe Arts
For Ticket Information call (606) 257-4929

 GLSO Gayline2310335
Staffed 8pm-11pm Wednesday, Thursdog. Friday and Sunday (Volce Moll Available When Not Staffed)

GLSO Board (Mary).......................................266-5904 Asians and Friends, Ohio...................(614) 341-7349

GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff) .............276-5383 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 2337266

GLSO: News & Ads (Mary) ..........................266—5904 Country Dykes (Debbie) (606) 871-7452

Calendar (Jeff) 2765383 Cumberland Cares........................................678-0587

Folding (Lee) 2779365 Diversity Business Coalition .......................281-8444

Layout (Elizabeth) .............................275-7801 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE..................275-7812

GLSO Gayline Volunteers (Peter) ................273-5845 Fairness of Louisville..........................(502) 893-0788

GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) .......................266-9175 Front Runners (Keith) 2546850

GLSO Support Group (Mary) ........................266-5904 GBL Veterans, Columbus (Mike) ........(614) 299-7764

(Mike)...........................225-1828 G/LAI-Anon 277-1877

G/L Defense Fund................................(502) 589-2896

STUDENT GROUPS Stonewall Network (Ann).....................(502) 839-8417

ACE League: Berea conege (Foula) ............986-5669 ICK (Ken/Ashley) 255-9881

AGLF: NKU (Pat) 572-5604 KY ACLU (Keith) 266—3934

Alt. Voice: Murray State (Jeff) .............(502) 574-5792 KY Fairness Alliance (Keith).........................266-3934
B-GLAD: Centre College (Mykol)..................238-5332 Kentucky Legislature

GLOBAL: UofL (Ken) (502) 852-3436 Bill Status Line (800) 382-2455

GUESS: EKU (Brian)......................................622-5144 Legislator Message Line------------.-.-(800) 372-7181

Lambda: WKU (Larry) (502) 796-9114 Lesbian Potluck (Esmerelda)........................231-0335

Phi Omega Epsilon: MSU (David) .......(502) 783-4729 Lexington Men’s Chorus (Shelby)................231-0090

Louisville Youth Group .......................(502) 635-1302

ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING Names Project, Lexington (Katie) ................272-2588

. _ P-FLAG (Ruth) 2727075

Jessamine County 885 4149 Rainbow Bowling League (Teri) ...................268-8563

Lexrgton-Fayette County....................s.........288-2437 .

. TrI-State Gay Rodeo Assn. (Terry) ...............255-5469
Madison County............................................723-7312 (Paul) 278 8023
Woo ord County 873 4541 Womynweave (Kathy)...................................271-3484


Dignity [Catholic] (Don) 2994458 AIDS HOTLINE 231 7545

Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve) ...233—1782 '
. . . AIDS Volunteers of Lexrngton .....................254-2865
GLAD [Discrples of Christ] (Jeff)..................255-4958 AVOL L I R f I P 254 2865

Honesty [Southern Baptist] (Eddie) ...(502) 637—7609 ega e erra rogram '
HIV/AIDS Legal Prolect (502) 584-1254

(Dorothy) ...(502) 458-5392 +

Interweave [Unitarian] (Crai ) 269-8215 HIV Youth Support Group ..........................254-2865
MCC H . _ g Kentucky AIDS HOTLINE....................(502) 564-6539

- opklnSVIlle 8! Horse Cave .......(502) 897-3821 Partners Of HIV+/AIDS support Group
MCC-Lexrngton (Rex)....................................271-1407 (Greg) 2882437
MCC-Louisville (502) 775-6636 Thursday HIV+/AIDS Support Group
MCC-Paducah (502) 441-2307 (KIPWAC - Edwin) 2812100
Pagan Forum (Pat) 2681640 Saturday HIV+/AIDS Support Group
Quaker FLGC (Connie)..................................276-2554 (AVOL) 254—2865
Roman Catholic HIV Ministry (John) ...........231-9955 To Report Hate Crimes:

United States Department of Justice
(800) 457-HATE (4283)
GLSO News Page l2