A Fur-Luann»; or 1H: leiml'rnu DAY AND LIIIIAN Ilmoll DuANIzAflnN COMING-OUT DAY OBSERVANCES National Gay/Lesbian Crisis Line The following stories were solicited for our (800) 2474283 National Coming Out Day issue in October. Due Teenage Gay/Lesbian Support to our temporarily reduced size, we didn't have (800) 347-TEEN room for them then. Thanks to the contributors, Thurs. _ Sun. 7pm-Midnight and thanks for waiting _ was surprised and told me he and Jim (another from Kevm F- roommate) both were too. In fact, they had been Ithink I knew I was gay in high school. I went out lovers. With a few girls thOUQh- A5 a freshman, I was Once I told Matt, I felt a weight had been very close t_0 a one. QUY- We were inseparable. lifted. l was coming out to everyone. I couldn’t We never d'd anything, or 3V9” talked about It- believe how many people told me that they were He transferred to adifferentschool. _ too. Nearly half of my friends were and one A5 a sophomore, ' shared a room Wlth a guy a coworker was. I was surrounded by supportive lot of people assumed was gay. We got along people. | knew I was very lucky. great but never did anything, nor even talked about it. He transferred to a different school. I from K'p_ began to seea pattern. _ aturday was the night before my thirtieth . Aft.“ "TY Jun'oryea’ I had 3 Pretty "“3359 "3'5" birthday, and I was a little depressed. I’d had tionship III/”h a woman. I assumed during that calls all day from friends and family, but decided to relationship that maybe I IUSI thought I might be get in touch with someone I've been close to since gay. After we broke up, lwas certain I was gay. I high school and come out to him. I called his had seYera' crushes OII guys after that. BUI I house (in England by the way) but he was out, so I never dId anything about It or talked about It' called another friend. He answered the phone My 5?“ Year ' Shelled a house W'”‘ 4 me” ' VERY VERY drunk...and said he had something was looking for a shirt that Matt borrowed from very important to tell me. me, and | sawacopy of Mandate in his room. I came out to this guy a while ago and l I COUIan believe my. 93493- Matt, my cutest started to think....”wow...he’s gonna tell me HE’S roommate, had gay porn in his room. That night I gay too!” I was ready to buy a plane ticket home! IIIOUQIII things ,thIOIIgh‘ I needed to say Sadly (for me) he said he was getting married and something. I lay In ”IX bed, staring at the ceiling. he wanted me to be the best man. There was a Isaid aloud to myself: lam gay! Once I became huge party going on there and the friend I’d comfortable saying It to myself, I knew I COUId originally tried to call was there and came on the admit It to others. The next-day WhIIe we were |ine....we talked for a while and then I told him i Sitting on the couch, l blurted it all out to Matt. He continued on page 2