xt71zc7rnj2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rnj2m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18980513 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1898-05-dec13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1898-05-dec13. 1898 2011 true xt71zc7rnj2m section xt71zc7rnj2m 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 13, 1898 - page 206

     The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky met in regular session in the President's
room in the college building at 1 P. M. on Tuesday the 13th,
day of December 1898.

      The meeting was called to order by Judge WN. H. Holt.

      Present:          Messrs.   H. Boswell,
                                   J. 0. Flournoy,
                                   D. F. Frazee,
                                   J. T. Gathright,
                                   A. P. Gooding,
                                   E. H. Hobson,
                                   Judge W. H. Holt
                                   John B. Kennedy
                                   Judge 3. I. Landes
                                   Jas. K. Patterson
                                   W. P. Peak
                                   R. C. Stoll
                                   Thomas Todd,

      In the absence of the Governor of the Commonwealth
Judge Holt was unanimously elected chairman.

      Written excuses for their absences were read to the
Board from J. G. Mathews and J. B. Marcum.

      On motion of Pres. Patterson it was voted that the
excuses submitted by these gentlemen be accepted as

      Mr. Gathright moved that a committee be appointed to
prepare appropriate resolutions bearing upon the life
and service of Gen'l. Buell, seconded.

      President Patterson suggested that in addition to
this a tablet be inscribed and placed in the chapel, and
also that the names of other members Who have died or
who may hereafter die during their terms of service
be placed on a tablet in the chapel.


MINUHTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.13, 1898 - page 206-207

      Mr. Gathright then restated his motion, modified as follows:

      That a cornmittee of three be appointed to prepare a
memorial to Gen. Buell to be entered on a page in the
record book, and also to be entered on a tablet to be
placed in the Chapel.     Carried.

      The Chairman appointed Mr. Gathright, Pres. Patterson,
and Gen'l. Hobson.

      On motion of Mr. Gathright ordered that a committee
be appointed to select a list of names from which a successor
to Gen. Buell may be chosen.

      Chairman appointed)  Judge Landes, Mr. Flournoy, and
                                    Gen' 1. Hobson.

      The chairman then announced the foilowing as members
of the standing committees indicated.

                      Committee on President's Report -

      Todd, Marcum, Peak.


      Kennedy, Boswell, Gooding.


Frazee, Gathright, Stoll.

                Buildings and Grounds

Boswell, Todd, Gooding.


MINUTES OF TIE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 13, 1898 - page 207-208

Kennedy,  Flournoy,

Experiment Station



Peak, Todd, Landes.

                Internal Expansion

Pres. Patterson, Frazee, Landes.

                Military Instruction & College Discipline

Gooding, Kennedy, Hobson.

                Minutes of Executive Committee

Flournoy, Hobson, Gathright.

                 Minutes of Faculty.

Peak, Stoll.

     The minutes of Board for the regular meeting
(last) and of called meeting in July were read and
and signed.

iln June

     The minutes of the Executive Committee since the
last regular meeting of the Board read and referred to the
Committee on the minutes of the Executive Committee.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.13, 1898 - page 208

      The minutes of the faculty were read and referred
to the committee on the minutes of the faculty. The minutes
of the classical and the Mechanical Engineering faculties
were read and referred to the same committee.

      The minutes of the Scientific and Normal faculties
not having been handed in; the Secretary was instructed
to advise the Heads of these Departments of the fact.

      Ordered that the minutes of special faculties not
now in will be referred to the Committee on minutes of
faculty when they are presented.

      The President of the College read his report which
was referred to the committee on the President's report.

      President Patterson read a communication from Prof.
Scovell relative to the expenses incurred in the
enforcement of the pure food law.

      Judge Holt then submitted the following:

      To the Hon. Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College.

      The undersigned respectfully reports that he was
selected by your Executive Committee, with direction to
report to this Hon. Body., to effect a settlement with and
if possible procure payment by the State of the expenses
incurred by the college in enforcing what is known as
the Pure Food Law, and of the claim of Soute and Co.
for the printing of the last report of the last


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 13, 1898 -page 209

     Your committee has after some effort obtained payment
of the first named claim and herewith files the State
Treasurer's check for $633.92 payable to Prof. M. A.

      As to the other claim which. has to be presented to the
State commissioners of the Sinking Fund your committee has
as yet been able to get no definite action. Said Board
had sAt refused to pay it before reference to the undersigned
and as yet the recommendation has not been acted on.

      Your committee believes that under the law the State
should pay said bill and your committee shall try to get
it to do so.

                                   Respectfully submitted

                                   W. H. Holt, Committee

      Report received and approved.

      On motion the bill of Soute & Co. printers was
left in the hands of Judge Holt.

      The report of the Treasurer was referred (without reading)
to the Committee on Finance.

      The report of the Business Agent was referred (without
reading) to the committee on Finance.

      A paper prepared by Prof. Pence relative to a system
of electric bells was referred to the Committee on Buildings
and Grounds.

      The minutes of the Board of Control were referred to
the committee on the Experiment Station after reading.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 13, 1898 -page 210

      Judge Landes reported that the Committee appointed
to consider the question of the alliance of the Louisville
Medical College with State College desire more time and
requested that the Committee be continued with instructions
to report at the June meeting.

      On motion committee was continued and requested to
report at the next regular meeting of the Board.

      Mr. Stoll moved that the vacancy, in the committee
to revise the regulations, caused by the death of Gen.
Buell be not filled.

                 Motion lost.

      The chairman then appointed Mr. Gathright to fill
the vacancy.

      On motion ordered tiat the committee to revise the
regulations be continued till the next meeting of the

      Mr. Todd moved that mrt. Stoll be made chairman of
the com-mittee to revise the regulations.


      On motion of Mir. Flournoy the Secretary was authorized
to make and cast one ballot for the Executive Committee
and the Board of Control as constituted at the last
meeting of the Board:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 13, 1898 -page 210-211

                      Executive Committee

     Judge W. H. iolt,    Chairman
     W. F. Frazee,
     A. P. Gooding
     J. B. Kennedy
     R. C. Stoll

                      Board of Control

     Hon. Hart Boswell
     Thomas Todd
     J. T. Gathrigbt

  Elected by ballot"

      J. K. Patterson
      M. A. Scovell

    Members Ex-officio

      Mr. Gathright offered the following:

        Whereas information has come to the Board that
certain parties in the City of Lexington have indirectly com-
plained that one or more of the Professors of the College
have done work as experts in certain lines conflicting
with their interests, and whereas this Institution is
desirous that all its relations with all parties concerned
should be not only just but harmonious.

      Therefore resolved:

        That this Board appoint a committee of three to confer
with the parties concerned in order to promote a harmonious
adjustment of '. 1 matters in controversy between said
persons and the Professors referred to.


      On motion of President Patterson ordered that the
committee be composed of five members.


      MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec.13, 1898 -page 211-212

      The chairman appointed:  Mr. Gathright, Chrm. of Com.
Messrs. Gooding, Flournoy, Boswell, and the Board elected
Judge Holt to be a member of the conmlittee.

      On motion of Mr. Stoll ordered that the Comnittee
have full power to act on the question at issue between
parties in the city and Professors referred to.

      Judge Holt was excused from attending the meeting on
December 14th on account of pressing legal business.

      Adjourned to meet 9:30 A. M. Dec. 14, 1898


Missing report(s)