xt71zc7rnm87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rnm87/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2010 journals English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 2, Summer 2010 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 2, Summer 2010 2010 2012 true xt71zc7rnm87 section xt71zc7rnm87 33 l . S U M M E R 2 0 1 0
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· Summer 2010 • Volume 81 • Number 2
Welcome Back- Military Veterans Bring
Their Unique Perspectives To Campus
F E u re S UK helps transition from military to college life for those who have
The UKAlumniAmCmti0n hmmm 20 served our country through the UK Veterans Resource Center.
ON THE COVER #UK%fZnestgmduntes. By Robm Roenker
. . . A Sidewalk Archive: Graduating
U K Al A t 2010
1 6 Han Ollnlgzlmiggsgzéglklumni 2 6 Classes Leave Historical Markers
Meet the latest inductees mm the Hall Orpimguishca Sm 19% members ¤f dw gedumg des have me
Al . b . . h 1 . their first gifts to UK, leaving their mark on campus.
umni, ringing t e tota to 283 people honored since the B L_ D
hall was established in 1965. y lz emoran
B L' d P
y In a any 2 8 2010 Great Teachers!
_ The 2010 UK Alumni Association Great Teacher Award
w recipients are recognized for their excellence in UK
{ ‘ V . V classrooms and are the very best of the best!
' ’ .1;. I
· _ .» Oflice Of International Affairs Reaches
— lg »;*¤lff‘jim L;~ 3 1 Out To New Students And Alumni
· A I I ,d *{e. UK has a strong history of helping students from around
`{ . ARGARE < the world. Those former students have easy ways to stay
A ·1 . I {S/MGQ 1 connected with the office and the UK campus.
’ J " '·]B7Q Q L `B
i l_ i».. e ,·j$¤1. ~l9@i@ if * Get To Know The UK Alumni
Q 1 'l’l fI€i¤ré‘;;‘§;lE"¤ my W 11 3 2Association Aflinity Partners
5 .. We value the trust our members and/ or alumni have in the
N I 'Qm ashlgggebriyl iiyélpi'1 association. When it comes to affinity partners, we look for
I great products and services from companies that we trust.
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“‘* F I Departments ((
2 `—.y ““""“*¤=A·» =¤»..v,. yy 5 Opening Remarks
Q I- A y ,.., 7 Presidential Conversation
§ 8 UK Beat
E . · 12 Research
ie . V;
Q E I 15 New Developments
5 1 33 Association News
The Margaret I. King historical marker was erected in April by 34 Club HOPPmg
the Class of 2009. .
39 College View
41 Gleanings from Kentucky Kernel
see blue 42
I 52 Sports
fbrgygyq 56 Cggck Takes
www.uka|umni.net 1 ((
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We are U K.
Serving the UK community for over 70 years.
Erma"; 55!: www.UKFCU.org
Association Staff
Publisher; Sta.n Key ’72
O ig Ma.naging Editor; Linda Perry ’84
U N I V E R S I T Y O F Advertising: Kelli Ela.m
Senior Graphic Designer:jeH`I·Iounshell
. . . Brenda Bain; Records Data Entry Operator
A Alumni Assooionon Gretchen Bower os. Progra.m Coordinator
308 fd of DI l‘€Ct0l‘S Linda Briimiaelde Account Clerk iii
July 19009 " ]““€ 39 2010 Nancy Culp: Administrative Services Assista.nt
Presidenf Brynn Deaton ’04 z Administrative Support Associate I
Scott E. Davis 73 BE
Presidemtelect Leslie I·Iayes: Program Coordinator
Diane M. Massie ’79 CIS john Hoagland ’89; Associate Director
Treasurer Diana I·Iorn ’70, ,71: Principal Accountant
C‘““““° D°;*““*‘*‘ G”‘“" 79 ED Albert Kalim *03e Webmaster
stm ED Katie Ma.her: SnaH`Support Associate 1
i Brooke c. Asoell *86 BE ]anie McKenzieWeHs *83 AS. *86 LAW Rmdtu Morgm 18 Tech 8¤PPorr
George L A=l¤¤¤lr— *63 BE PCBBV 8 MCSZM *72 ED Melissa Newman ’02i Associate Director
R. Price Atkinson *97 C1S Robert E. Miller
l Mitch Barnhart Terry B. Mobley *65 ED Meg Phillips ’09: Administrative Support Associate I
Theodore B. Bates *52 AG Charles M. Moore.jr. *59 BE D 1 S. _S . D E O
BicliardA. Bean *69 BE DavidWM0seley*76 BE “‘ me ‘“‘P“’“· "“‘°‘ am my P"““"
Katy Bennett *03 C1S Susan Mount] oy *72 ED Jiii Sinitn *05; Associate Dii-ectct
Patrick Blandford *99 *01 EN William R. Munro *51 C1S _
Charles Bonifer *91 C1S Susan V. Mustian *84 BE Alyssa Tnornroni Program Coordinator
Amelia C. Brown *03AG. *07 ED john C. Nichols. 11 *53 BE - _
Mark W Browning *@0 AS. *84 LAW George A. Delis. 1V *74 DE F““C‘” W*“t°‘ Dm Emy OP°”"°‘
james B. Brlpnt *67 BE john C. Owens *50 BE
MichaelA. Burleson *74 PHA Tonya B. Parsons *91 AS f k
Emmett "Buzz” Burnam *74 ED Sandy Bugie Patterson *68 AS ' '
Susan Bushart Cardwell *63AS William P. Perdue. jr.*65 EN *68 BE Unlverslty 0 Kehtuc y
Shane T. Carlin *95 AG Beth Morton Perlo *67 BE ° °
AndrewM. Cecil*00AS Robert F.Pickard*57 *61 EN Alumhl Magazlhe
Donna ]. clnlders *92*95*04 ED Chad D. P0lk*94DES V01.81 No. 2
MichaelA. Christian *76 AS. *80 DE Paula Leach Pope *73 AS. *75 ED Kenzurky Alumni (ISSN 732—6297) is published quarterly by
john H. Clements *67 DE joelyn Herndon Prather *73 ED the University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Lexington,
Kevin A. Connell *74 AS David B. Ratterman *68 EN Kentucky {ci- its ciiiesepaying ineinbei-s_
William M. Corum *64 BE G. David Ravencraft *59 BE . . . . .
John R_ Cmtitttt go AS Dmdw Rtmhtw »gO BE © 2010 University ofKentucky Alumni Association, except
ie Hem gums *63 Agi *75 LAW D_ Miciisei Richey *72ii *79 Ag where noted. Views a.nd opinions expressed in Iénzuzky
Bruce K. Davis *71 LAW Nicholas j. Ritter *01 EN Alumni do not necessarily represent the opinions ofits editors,
jim D. Denny *76 BE Ashley R. Roberts *03 C1S the UK Alumni Association nor the University of Kentucky
Elaine Duncan *74 EN David A. Rodgers *80 EN
Beverly C. Durham *67 ED Adele Pinto Rlpn *88 AS
Marianne Smith Edge *77 AG William Schuetze *72 LAW
TedEiden*82 EN Candace L.Sellars *95 *03ED How To Reach Us
LarrydM. Elliott *71 DE Mary L. Shelman *81 EN Kentucky Aliimni
Fran in H. Farris. jr. *72 BE David L. Shelton *66 BE - - -
Paul B. Fenwick *52 AG Marian Moore sims *72 *76 ED UK_Ah“*“** A?S°°*““°"
Ellen Ferguson ]. Tim Skinner @0 DES Kms A1¤¤i¤¤ HOW
William G. Francis *68 AS. *73 LAW Daniel L. Sparks *69 EN Lexington, KY 40506r0119
W P. Friedrich *71 EN George B. Spragens *93 BE Teiephonetgsgczsycyigtgt1,gOO,26g,ALUM
Dan Gipson *69 EN Elizabeth H. Springate *74 ED F $59 323 1063
Brenda B. Gosney *70 HS. *75 ED james W Stuckert *60 EN *61 BE 7 _'
Teds. Gum *65 DES Mary ]l¤¢d¤
john R. Guthrie *63 C1S julia K. Tackett *68 AS. *71 LAW h f I
Ann BrandHaney *71 ED Hank B.'l`h0mps0n.jr. *71 C1S
...ei.e. C ¤¤¤¤ ¤ A d *¤$$°¤ v
Tom W Harris *85 AS j. 'Thomas Tucker *56 BE Rec"' 9
Kristina Pickrell Harvey *01 C1S William T Uzzle *62 BE UK Alumni Association
Kelly Sullivan Holland *93 AS. *98 GS Sheila P. Vice *70 AS. *72 ED King Aiinnni i-[ciise
j. Chris Hopgood*84 BE. *87 LAW Rebecca Nekervis Walker *74 EN .
Robert D. Hudson *84 BE. *87 LAW Craig M. Wallace *79 EN L°"‘“g“’“· KY 40506iOl 19
Patricia ]. Hughes *91 *07 NUR Marsha B. Wallis *69 NUR T<>l<>Pl¤<>¤<>= 859-257-8809 Fam 859-323-1063
Richard "Dick” L. Hurst Rachel L. Webb *05 C1S E-mail; ukalumni@ukyedu Web; wwvnukalumni.net
james L.jacobus *78 *80 AG Bobb C. Whitaker*58 C1S - - - - -
Ba ...e.e was srre ]oii nsen es ns. *70 to w clelandWiiire. rrr as *60 AG For ¤‘¤Pl·¤i*;¤ii··l·;§» Pye my on mi··*·¤g
Dennis ]. Keenan *90 BE.*93 LAW Christopher L. Wliitmer “ 6 S *9 ea me “ °"€·
SheliaM. Key*91 PHA Henry R.Wilhoit. jr. *60 LAW
Sandra K. Kinney *78 BE P.j. Williams *91 AS
gjiglgggglsgggiitig§§».g§§§ §j;;;;Y;§§i.$§i§§” Menieee erne Council {orAdvanccmcnt and sntten ofEducation
Angela Rose McKenzie *78 ED Richard M. Womack *53 AG
www.uka|umni.net 3 (<
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Join the UK
Alumni Association for a day
of fun at Kings Island! University of Kentucky
alumni, students, faculty, staff and fans can save big on
admission to Kings Island for UK Day, Saturday, June 12.
Kings Island is located in Mason, Ohio, about 25 miles
northeast of Cincinnati.
Klngs Get park admission tickets at this exclusive discounted price —
$21.99 —at www.visitkingsisIand.com/ukday or stop by the UK Day
ticket window at Kings Island on June 12.
Wear your favorite UKT—shirt to the park because UK Alumni
Association staff will be on hand to randomly award great prizes to
alumni, students and fans wearing UK apparel.
" " and show your UK pride at this fun family event!
2 Opening Remarks
From The Association President
I Wow! \What an amazing year!
I have experienced so many incredible moments, whether it was addressing graduates at Com-
A - is A mencement, induction of 20 outstanding UK alums into the I·Iall of Distinguished Alunmi, the
presentation to six professors of the 2010 Great Teacher Award, presiding at the reunion celebra-
g y tion ofthe Golden Wildcats, attending the Lyman T ]ohnson banquet, or rallying the big blue
faithful at pep rallies in Nashville for the Music City Bowl and the SEC basketball tournament. I
cant express how exciting and exhilarating this year as the president of the UK Alunmi Associa-
4 tion has been.
I have been privileged to serve this great university for the past year. There are so many won-
derful things happening at UK. Recruiting, educating and graduating our youth for future lead-
ership roles in our communities continues to be the focus ofthe institution. The administration
is also charting an aggressive path toward becoming a Top 20 public research university This is
such avital initiative to the people ofthe Commonwealth because achieving this status will
mean healthier, wealthier and more educated citizens.
Alunmi can play a critical part in the continued excellence and growth ofthe university
There are various roles through which we can support UK, whether it is with our time as avolunteer recruiting the best and brightest
students, using our leverage with state legislators, supporting President Todds scholarship initiative and/ or through providing gifts. In
addition, we must be positive advocates for the University of Kentucky The theme of my presidency has been “Reach Out — Spread the
Word.” Our influence as alumni is far-reaching. We can speak truthfully and from the heart about how this institution affects our lives
and the positive ways the university is impacting the lives of Kentuckians today and for the future. The most powerful messages are
those communicated through personal associations. Be a strong ambassador for your university!
Iwant to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supports the association, especially Stan Key and the association staff for their
dedication, creative ideas and incredible work ethic. I truly appreciate our board of directors whose loyalty and diligence represent UK
alunmi throughout the world in the best possible way I also am grateful for our club network and the leadership our club officers pro-
vide at the community level. Without your commitment, our hopes of engaging and connecting alunmi to the university would not be
The UK Alunmi Association represents the best interests and traditions ofthe University of Kentuclqz It was an extreme honor to
serve as your president.
Scott E. Davis
S G G lf) l U G.
www.uka|umni.net 5 ((
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2 Presidential Conversation
Recognizing Accomplishments & Sacrifrces
Nearly 7,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students were honored at the Univer-
{ ° sity of Kentuclqfs 143rd Commencement on Saturday May 8, at Rupp Arena. The ceremony is
always a university highlight, as we recognize the efforts and accomplishments of our students
— if fh L; , and their families who have sacrihced so much to make this moment possible.
ie z ’ Commencement also provides me and my fellow UK alums the opportunity to reflect on this
_;_ institutions storied history In this issue of Kmtuc/Q/Alumni magazine, you will have the occa-
ra sion to learn more about some of the graduates who have helped add value to all of our degrees.
The University of Kentucky Alumni Association welcomed 20 new inductees into its Hall of
`I Distinguished Alunmi in April. Established in 1965 as part ofthe universitys centennial celebra-
T g tion, the UK Alunmi Association Hall of Distinguished Alunmi recognizes outstanding alumni
4 l for personal and professional endeavors and community leadership.
0 .0; . This years class was a particularly inspiring group, featuring the Hrst female chair ofthe UK
- >¢ - W Board of Trustees, a former Kentucky Governor and current college president, a business leader
who has a UK building named after him, and several other successful business leaders, researchers,
and educators. I hope you take some time and get to know this years class — they make me proud to be a UK alunmus.
This issue also allows us to focus on a group of students who have been part of this universitys history since the very beginning. UK
has a long-standing relationship with the men and women in uniform that bravely serve this country The universitys connection to the
military spans our history For as a land-grant university the institutions original mission charged us with teaching agriculture, mechan-
ics, and military tactics. Th this day UK has been one ofthe nations top producers of Army and Air Force leaders through the Reserve
Office Training Corps program.
With iconic buildings like Memorial Hall and Memorial Coliseum, UK has consistently honored the Commonwealths veterans.
Over the past year, UK established the Veterans Resource Center to continue that tradition of support by providing UKs military and
veteran populations with the service and assistance they deserve.
With two major wars taking place overseas, more and more military veterans are returning to the Commonwealth to pursue their
higher education goals. We feel it is incumbent on us, as Kentuckys flagship university to serve those who have bravely served us. The
center strives to ensure that our veterans have a smooth transition to college. \Whether they are entering college for the Hrst time, trans-
ferring from another school, or returning after a deployment, our Veterans Resource Center is excited to provide our veteran students
with the support and services they need to be successful here at UK.
Lee T`. Todd ]r.
b I I
S G G U G.
zn ever)/t/omg we do.
www.uka|umni.net 7 ((
» HK B e a t
143rd UK Commencement
Nearly 7,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students H. Smith, who died on Comair Flight 5191 when it crashed at
were honored during Commencement at Rupp Arena. The cere- Bluegrass Airport, was chosen for his many years of involvement
mony recognized spring 2010 graduates, as well as students who in Habitat for Humanity, in which he helped build houses for the
received their degrees in August and December 2009. poor in Lexington, West Africa, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, North-
A Hrst for UK: To accommodate individuals who could not at- ern Ireland, South Africa and Gulfport, Miss., after Hurricane Ka-
tend the ceremony, UK broadcast the main ceremony live online. trina. Smith had been a UK employee from 1971 to1981.
It is now archived at wwwuky.edu/uknow Rebecca Elizabeth Linares of Louisville was selected as 2010’s
The speaker was David C. Novak, chairman, CEO and presi- graduating senior to receive the recognition for her various volun-
dent of Yum! Brands Inc., the Louisville-based Hrm that owns teer efforts. Linares, majoring in international studies and Spanish
KEC, Pizza Hut, and several other international chains. The stu- in the UK College of Arts & Sciences, has served as a tutor in an
dent speaker was Kara A. Sutton of Elizabethtown, a 4.0-GPA stu- after-school program at Cassidy Elementary School for newly ar-
dent who has served as a legislative intern to US. Sen. Mitch rived refugee children and she has volunteered as a teaching assis-
McConnell. She also was active in UK’s Student Government As- tant in the English as a Second Language program at Morton
sociation and DanceBlue, UK’s largest student-run philanthropy. Middle School in Lexington. She also served in internships with
A Habitat for Humanity activist who died in an August 2006 Kentucky Refugee Ministries in Lexington and with Kentucky
airplane crash and a student who has volunteered both locally and ]obs for ]ustice in Louisville. She traveled to Honduras, where she
in Latin America were honored with UK’s 2010 Algernon Sydney worked in a daycare center and to Peru, where she worked with in-
Sullivan Medallions for outstanding community service. Patrick digenous people.
U K C0 n n ects h C h i n a doctorate in Chinese art history from the University of Oxford, has
been appointed to that role.
UK will be one of fewer than 300 organizations worldwide to host The UK Asia Center) an eight_s,eat_oTd intetdiseihiinats, unit that
a Confucius Institute, a nonpront educational entity devoted to pro- aiins to bring Asia into the euttieuiuin at UK and in Kentucky K_T2
nieting exenange between Cnina and etnet eenntties Tne tnstine' schools, led the effort to establish a Confucius Institute. In 2009, an
tien Was etneianii gtanted bY the Once etcninese Language Asia Center delegation to China selected Shanghai University as the
Cennen natetnatienat ideal partner for UK, based on its comprehensive focus and, in par-
“Th¢ C<>¤t¤¢i¤S imtitutc will img Chime kmguagc amd Culture ticuiar, its strengths in chinese language and in enc ms. The cre-
te ent eiassteenas and eenanninities aetess Kentnenies Sars Susan ation ofthe UK Confucius Institute solidines that partnership.
Carvalho, associate provost for international programs. Classes in qhe Confucius institute is natt ofthe Univetsitys sttateus, to nto_
conversational Chinese, business Chinese and Chinese art and cul- Vide out students With a skih set that Wih ahow theni to eoninete and
tnte Win be avanabie in tiewntewn Lexingten beginning tnis falk collaborate in the ever-changing global economy? says UK President
with statewide outreach through distance learning by the institute’s Lee Ta Todd Tn
second year.
Each year, UK’s partner institution, Shan hai University will send
at least two faculty members to Lexington E) teach language classes IOW Gato
and organize events promoting cultural exchange between China The UK Solar Car Team is Teekrrag forward to its raexr raee in June)
and tne United States? in and enthusiasm is high among the 20 or so students from the Col-
iidditien> Sniingnei - ·~ ·.-v _ L Q lege of Engineering who are active participants in readying Gato Del
UniVetsitY Win send 1 Sol IV to compete in the Eormula Sun Grand Prix in Cresson, Texas.
Visiting nienitY te tne ,4.._ K It’s the qualifying race for the following week’s American Solar Chal-
UK College etieine T '“ I . i `. A Ji ~ lenge, a 1,100-mile race from Tulsa, Okla., to Chicago, Ill.
Arts te oitcr niastet \ s Gato Del Sol IV is expected to be sleeker and lighter than its older
eiasses er te PattieiPate \ L r sister. Instead of 450 pounds, the car — aluminum chassis, motor
in regular ei¥isses· T » i|'/ ~~ and batteries, and shell —will shed 50 pounds.
The UK Confucius The team posts regular updates on its Web site at
institnte Win be One ef `_ _. _ - wwwengr.ul et strategies for maki.ng the workplace more Flexible for American work-
2009 to ]anuary 20 I 0 at the University of- San Francisco campus ers and farnilies
in Qjtin Eemidet Heihehhsvh ieethted mid tesestehed Oh the iwin is a epuabpiatipn between the UK epuegee of Social Went,
toPies orenvironrnentai md oeeuPationai ePidernioiogY and the Busi.ness & Economics, and Public Health that conducts research on
Potentiai or-short‘terrn rnedieai outreaeh triPs· the 2lst century work environment and educates and engages Ken-
' Randal-i Roordas assoeiate PFOTFSSOF ih the UK Coiiege or-Arts & tucky busi.nesses in the implementation of-innovative workplace prac-
Sciences, Department of- English, and former director of- the UK tices_ Businesses can vvorlr vvith ivvin through participating in
Wfifmg Pmgfame SPED? S€P'f€Hil>€i' Y0 D€€€Hib€i' 2009 i-U Bi'i2O» workplace-based research, its Innovative Employer Roundtable, educa-
Czech Republic. Roorda lectured on “Teaching a Sustai.nable Lit- tional vvorlrshops and \5(kbi_nars or through organizational co nsulting_
eracy in English,) at Masaryk University
• Wi.l.liam]. Silvia, rof-essor in the UK Colle e of-A riculture, De-
partment of-Anirhal and Food Sciences, wagin Sanga Rosa, Ar- k O n
gentina, through Mav in Argentina, Silvia lectured on irnproving ]oe Peek, prof-essor of-Hnance in the Gatton College of-Business
the reproductive performance ofdairv covvs at the National Uni. Sc Economics, has been elected by the university faculty as a {ac-
versitv o{La pauipa ulty representative to the UK Board of Trustees for a three-year
term, which will expire ]une 30, 2013. Peekjoins Everett McCor-
U vey, prof-essor in th‘i1C;llegLer of-Fine Arts, as one of-two faculty
, [E fESE1'llZ3lZ1VES OH E O3!] .
Research Professorships P
Five f-acul members have been awarded Universit Research Pro- •
f-essorships gr 2010-11, which carry a $40,000 awarcllto support re- I n g m m
searcir UK President Lee T2 Todd]; unveiled 11 new projects designed
. Kimberly watii Anderson, Giu Eminent ptpieeept of-Chemical te iiiteetiv imimet the eitmiitv eiiiie ih Kehttiehv
Engineering, Coiiege Oi`Engineeri-ng, Plans ro expand her research VT-l'1E PfOjEClZS, dESlgIl3lZEd 3S DEW (P/OH1II1OIlWE3.llZll (P/Oll3l`)O[3lZlVES,
on the i.nteractions preeue anti proteins with syntlietie interi-aces sim te imihmve he¢·—ith» edu°ati°“» eemmmie 1¤me¤t» the ehvi-
to investigate the physical properties of- cancer cells and their role ronrnent and dua·iitY oi-iii-e· The Proleets Wdi teeeive $iO»0OO rrorn
in rnerasrasis_ the president and provost’s discretionary f-unds i.n addition to {und-
. Su.mit Ranjan Dae, professor in the Department prpnyeiee et As- me thev sitemiv msv have item ethet semees-
tronomv College of- Arts Sc Sciences, will use his professorship to hrorn assisting ih ieh ereation PY retooiing and redi-reeting the
advance the universirvg Ongoing research string theory llOLlSEl`)O3lZ IH3.\'lLlT-3ClZLlfl.\'lg i.ndustry 3IOLlHd SOIHEISEE, to SECLU?
ro cosmology and critical Phenomenal 3 IH3SlZEf plan for 3IlZ 3.lOHg lZhE LEg3Cy 3 9·H]l.lE P3lZll
. Pradvurnina "Pau_l" Man, Professor the Depaarrrnenr Oi`GeOg_ l`)ElZWEEH LTOWHEOWH LEXlHglZOH 31'ld lZllE HOISE P3fl{, lZllE COIHIHOH·
Coiiege Oi`Arrs & Sciences, investigate the rranSfOrrna_ WE3.llZll (P/Oll3l`)O[3lZlVES 3fE 3.lSO 3l.l'I1Ed 3lZ