xt722804xr09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt722804xr09/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19651119 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-11-nov19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-11-nov19. 1965 2011 true xt722804xr09 section xt722804xr09 



      Minutes of the Recessed Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, Friday, November 19, 1965.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board
of Trustees Room in the Administration Building on the campus of the Uni-
versity at 1:30 p. m. , Eastern Standard Time, Friday, November 19, 1965, in
a meeting recessed from September 21, 1965. The following members were
present: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairman, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice
Chairman, Judge J. A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. R. W.
Bushart, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Dr. H. B. Murray, Mr.
Clifford E. Smith, Mr. Floyd Wright, and the two non-voting faculty members,
Professor Paul Oberst and Dr. Stephen Diachun. Absent were: Mr. Wendell P.
Butler, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. W. F. Foster, and Dr. Harry A. Sparks. Also
present were Dr. John Oswald, President of the University, Dr. A. D. Albright,
Executive Vice President, Dr. William R. Willard, Vice President--Medical
Center, Mr. Robert F. Kerley, Vice President-Business Affairs, Dr. Glenwood
L. Creech, Vice President-University Relations, and Mr. Robert L. Johnson,
Vice President-Student Affairs. Representatives of the press were in at-
tendanc e.

      A. Meeting Opened

      The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:40 p. m. and the invocation
was pronounced by Judge Sutherland. Following roll call to which twelve answer-
ed, with only four members being absent, the Chairman announced that a quorum
was present for the conduct of business.

      B. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed
without objection the reading of the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of
Trustees on September 21 was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as

       C. President's Report on Activities

       The Chairman called on President Oswald for his report on monthly activi-
ties, copies of which are distributed to those present at the meeting and which are
also mailed to faculty and selected alumni following each meeting.

       Dr. Oswald stated that the report was a rather lengthy one since it
covered two months. He further stated that since the Agenda for the meeting was




a full one, he would not go over the report item by item but expressed the hope
that the members would do so at their leisure. He did, however, call attention
to the following items:

    Item 1.  The plans for the Barkley Day dedication to be held on
             November 23 at which Senator Everett Dirksen would be
             the principal speaker and the replica of the Barkley
             statue would be presented to the University by Governor
             B reathitt.

    Item 2.  Fireside Week which was held November 7-12. During
             the week coffee hours were held in the homes of faculty
             and staff members for small groups of students, approxi-
             mately 300 of whom participated. The program, which
             is designed to bring about closer relationships between
             students and faculty, was termed most successful.

    Item 11. The Law Building dedication scheduled for December 4
              at which Chief Justice Earl Warren will deliver the princi-
              pal address.

       Dr. Angelucci asked that an additional item be noted as a matter of
record. In early October, President Oswald was singularly honored by
beingselectedto receiveoneof the first Fellow Awards of the American Phyto-
pathological Society at its annual meeting in Miami Beach, Florida.

       Governor Breathitt thanked the President for the fine report, saying
that all Kentuckians take pride in seeing and reading the report of continuing
contributions the University is making. The fact that the Minority Leader of
the Senate and the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court see fit to
come to the campus is a recognition of what is being done here.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       In advance of each meeting copies of the President's Recommendations
(PRZ) are mailed to members of the Board. Thus the Board is familiar with
the contents of the report which contains important but routine items of
business. Dr. Oswald indicated that he had no special comment to make on
any item in the report but would be glad to answer questions relative to any
item. He recommended approval of the report as a whole.

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried the recommendations con-
tained in PR 2 were approved and ordered made a part of the official Minutes
of the meeting (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes).



       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR3)

       PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, is a presen-
tation of important but routine matters requiring Board approval which are re-
ceived in the President's Office too late for inclusion in PR 2. President
Oswald indicated his readiness to answer questions and recommended approval
of the report as a whole.

       The motion was made, seconded, and carried that the recommendations
contained in PR 3 be approved as a whole and that it be made a part of the of-
ficial record of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       F. Approval Given to Budget Request for 1966-68

       Copies of the University of Kentucky Biennial Budget Request for 1966-
68, an 81 page document, were mailed to the members of the Board ten days in
advance of the meeting. Copies were also available for distribution at the

       President Oswald remarked that the presentation of a biennial budget re-
quest was one of the most important, if not the most important, responsibilities
of a president of an institution of higher education such as the University of
Kentucky. Two years ago, upon presenting the budget request, he made a
statement which is basic to all consideration of a budget--it is the means by
which educational programs, aims, and goals are translated into action. The
budget is an expression in financial terms of the University's position in the
state and society in general. It is also a continuation of the activities of a uni-
versity based on its last budget. The appropriation for the 1964-66 biennium
enabled the University to make notable changes and placed it for the first time in
a reasonably competitive position with similar institutions in surrounding states.
The document, he said, brings together all of the income of the University, re-
gardless of source, and shows proposed expenditures by function, location, and
object for the University proper and its auxiliary enterprises. President Oswald
then read the following letter of transmittal:


                                                          November 1, 1965

Board of Trustees
University of Kentucky


       It is a pleasure for me to transmit to you this 1966-68 biennial budget
request for the University of Kentucky for your careful consideration and ap-



     I am pleased for several reasons to commend this request to you. The
document depicts an extension of the progress made through the financial sup-
port provided by the Commonwealth in the 1964-66 biennium. Notable in the
advancement of the University during the last biennium of its first century are
these attainments: four new community colleges opened to extend educational
opportunities to Z, 000 additional Kentucky youth; an increase of approximately
3, 400 more students at the University in Lexington; improved economic con-
dition of the faculty; a greater volume of research, particularly through non-
state support; further activation of Hospital facilities and the Medical Center
programs; graduating the second and third classes of doctors, the second and
third classes of nurses, and the first class of dentists; completion and occupan-
cy of new academic buildings for the Agricultural Sciences, Law, Education,
Engineering and Commerce; increased financial aid in loans and scholarships and
other services to students. More indices could be enumerated to vivify the pro-
gress the University has made over this short period -- the 99th and 100th years
of its service -- but attention is now turned to the request at hand for the sup-
port of the institution in the 1st and 2nd years of its second century of service.

      The first biennium of the University's second one hundred years comes at
a time, and with societal conditions, that demand crucial and urgent decisions
about the directions and roles of the institution, the accommodation of increasing
numbers of students, the quality and effectiveness of its teaching, the signifi-
cance and contribution of its research efforts, and the relevance and dedication
of its public service to the major problems of development, human and material
in the Commonwealth. These decisions, made wisely, require the most insight-
ful thought and study by the faculty and administration of the University, the
Board of Trustees, and the officials of State government, and finally through an
understanding by the people of the Commonwealth. Over the past two years the
faculty, staff and administration of the University have been examining, analyz-
ing, and revitalizing practically every one of the educational programs of the
institution. Consequently, the premise underlying the preparation of this biennial
request is that a budget is basically a financial expression of the educational
programs deemed appropriate to provide. Accordingly then, as decisions are
made on financial support, fundamentally the future educational course of the Uni-
versity is being charted as well.

      Of course, the quantitative growth in numbers of students and people to be
served is recognized in this request for support, which requires accompanying
needs for new qualified faculty, equipment, space for offices and classrooms, and
other provisions. Equally important for consideration is the quality of programs
provided. And quality is directly related to continuous recruitment and retention
of the most able faculty and staff and to the judicious allocation and use of availa-
ble resources. The ability to attract and keep productive, creative, and compe-
tent personnel is determined to a great extent by the competitive position of the
University among other similar institutions,  Adequate compensation, staff bene-
fits, suitable equipment for teaching and research, and working conditions con-
ducive to high morale and institutional tone are obviously important in open com-
petition. These emphases are included in this budget request.



      In recommending the approval of this 1966-68 Biennial Budget Request,
I am confident that, when adopted and subsequently supported, the University of
Kentucky will open its second century with renewed promise and resolve for
greater attainments and services in the development of individuals, the Common-
wealth and the Nation over the years ahead.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       John W. Oswald

      Dr. Oswald then commented specifically on the following program re-
quirements covered by the budget request:

       1. Program Continuation and Improvement

       Salaries. Because of increased enrollment plus the fact that the last
biennial appropriation did not permit the recruitment of all new staff that was
needed, it will be necessary to add four-hundred and nineteen new faculty
members (272--Division of Colleges; 51--Medlcal Center Colleges; and 96--
Community College System) for an estimated amount of $4, 753, 000 for the
biennium in order to attain the desired student-faculty ration of one to sixteen.
It will require $1, 946, 000 for the biennium to provide faculty salary increments
of six or seven per cent which would be based on merit and cost of living raises.
The necessary salary increments for classified personnel, an area of the Uni-
versity which has not kept pace in the past, would necessitate $752, 602 for the
biennium and new positions needed because of new and expanded programs will
require an additional $872, 891.

       The Cost of Operating the University. It is estimated that the physical plant
on the Lexington campus will increase 390, 000 square feet during the biennium
requiring increases of $1. 05 per square foot in the first year and $1. 15 per
square foot in the second year of the biennium.

       Libraries. If the current average expenditure of $80 per student is to be
maintained, an additional $200, 000 or more will be required. It will also be
necessary to provide libraries for each of the new community colleges and ad-
ditional holdings for faculty. The proposed graduate, professional, and research
programs will require specialized additions and it will be necessary to bring the
libraries at the nine existing community colleges up to acceptable standards of

       2. New Programs. The budget document contains provisions for many
new programs to strengthen and expand the University's instructional and
research capabilities. Among the many new programs planned, particular at-
tention was called to the request for funds to develop new programs in doctoral



work in certain areas, to the implementation of an integrated television system,
to the expansion of the Community College System including the establishment of
a Blackey-Hazard Community College and a Jefferson Community College already
authorized by the General Assembly, new and expanded programs in the Agri-
cultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, many of
which have resulted from the recommendations made by the Governor's Com-
mission on Agriculture, and the provision of a funded retirement system for the
University for classified personnel in the second year of the biennium.

       3. Income and Expenditure Estimate and Analyses

       Parts III and IV of the budget show the estimated income from the follow-
ing sources: State Appropriations, Student Fee Income, Federal Appropriations,
County Appropriations, Endowment Income, Gifts and Grants, Sales and Services,
Hospital Income, Auxiliary Services Income, Restricted Funds, and Fund
Balances. The total amount of the increase anticipated is $16, 220, 000 in 1966-67
and $15, 390, 800 for 1967-68. The estimated expenditures for the biennium were
established on the basis of function, location, and object, and showed totals
equaling estimated income for the two-year period.

       In closing his presentation, Dr. Oswald said that the budget request was
the most complete and best document ever presented to the Board of Trustees and
expressed his deep appreciation to Dr. A. D. Albright, the chief academic of-
ficer of the University, and his staff (particularly Mr. Larry Owen, Budget
Officer) and to Mr. Robert Kerley, the chief financial officer of the University,
and his staff, all of whom worked together to develop the budget document.

       Dr. Albright when asked for his comment, said that the President had
covered the document thoroughly and completely and wished only to indicate that
the estimated income from Federal sources was as accurate as possible up to
the first of November; however, it is impossible to determine exactly at the
present time what the new Higher Educational Facilities Act of 1965 will mean to
individual institutions in terms of dollars and cents.

       Governor Breathitt thanked Dr. Oswald for his presentation and asked
for comments from Board members. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Finance Com-
mittee, said that he had had the privilege of having a copy of the document for
some time and had studied it very thoroughly. He commended Dr. Oswald, Dr.
Albright, Mr. Kerley, and their assistants for the excellent job they had done in
preparing the budget request for the 1966-68 biennium.

       As Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Smith moved that the budget
request as presented be approved and that it be presented through the appropriate
and required channels for final inclusion in the Budget Bill that will be presented
to the Legislature. Mr, Smith's motion was seconded by Mr. Wright and passed



      G. Resignation of Mr. Gilbert W. Kingsbury from the Board of
Trustees Accepted

      Governor Breathitt said he had a letter from Mr. Gilbert W. Kingsbury
tendering his resignation from the Board of Trustees, effective November 18,
1965. In accepting Mr. Kingsbury's resignation the Governor expressed his
personal appreciation to him for his fine service on the Board and to the
Commonwealth as Director of the Better Roads Council, Inc. The other members
of the Board expressed regret that Mr. Kingsbury had resigned and joined
Governor Breathitt in an expression of appreciation for the service which he had
rendered to the University of Kentucky as a member of the Board of Trustees.

      H. Approval of Appointments of Dr. Robert Lauderdale, Dr. Stanley
Wall, Mr. Edward J. Brumfield, and Mr. Gilbert W. Kingsbury to Adminis-
trative Positions

       President Oswald stated that he wished to make recommendations for four
administrative appointments and suggested that the Board take action on each ap-
pointment as presented. Dr. Oswald's recommendations and his statement rela-
tive to each follow:

       1. Dr. Robert A. Lauderdale as Director of the Water Resources
         Institute. About a year ago, the Board of Trustees authorized
         the establishment of an Institute for Water Resources which
         would be a University-wide Institute to work in research and
         instructional problems in this increasingly important area in
         our society. Dr. Robert A. Lauderdale of the College of
         Engineering was designated as Acting Director with the under-
         standing that a permanent director would be recommended at a
         later date. As Acting Director, Dr. Lauderdale has initiated
         all the actions necessary to activate this operation, including
         the acquisition of extramural research funds. The recommen-
         dation that Dr. Lauderdale be named Director has the con-
         currence of Dr. A. D. Albright and Dr. Raymond C. Bard.

       On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and approved
unanimously, Dr. Robert A. Lauderdale was named as Director of the Water
Resources Institute, effective immediately.

       2. Dr. Stanlev A. Wall as Director of the Summer Session. Dr.
          William Wagner, who has served as Director of the Summer
          Session, has now taken over responsibilities as Chairman of the
          Department of Chemistry and it is necessary that a new di-
          rector be named. Careful study has been given to this selection
          of Dr. Wagner's successor and it is recommended that Dr.
          Stanley Wall, Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture and



         Home Economics, be named as Director of the Summer
         Session, effective immediately. Dr. Wall will continue
         his duties as Associate Dean but on a reduced basis so that
         he can spend sufficient time to develop a strong summer
         program. Dr. Wall has demonstrated his capacity to work
         with students, curricula and the like in a most satisfactory
         manner, The recommendation that he be named Director
         of the Summer Session program has the concurrence of
         Dean Seay.

      On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and approved
unanimously, Dr. Stanley Wall, Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics, was named as Director of the Summer Session, in ad-
dition to his duties as Associate Dean, such appointment to become effective

       3. Mr. Edward Jay Brumfield as Associate Director of Alumni
         Affairs. The Alumni Association has had a field secretary
         whose job has been to organize alumni clubs in the state and
         in the nation, This position has been vacant for some time
         and it was the decision of the Alumni Board of Directors and
         of Vice President Creech that it would be desirable to recruit
         a person at a higher level of activity to become Associate
         Director of Alumni Affairs to work with Vice President Creech
         and Miss Helen King, Director of Alumni Affairs. A Screening
         Committee was appointed and recommended to the Board of
         Directors of the Alumni Association, who unanimously approved
         the recommendation which is now presented to the Board of
         Trustees, that Mr. Edward Jay Brumfield be named as As-
         sociate Director of Alumni Affairs at the University of Kentucky,
         this appointment to be effective January 15, 1966. Mr.
         Brumfield; a native of Nicholasville, Kentucky, is currently
         Director of Admissions at Auburn University and his background
         and experience fit him admirably for this position of Associate
         Director of Alumni Affairs.

       On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Angelucci, the ap-
pointment of Mr. Edward Jay Brumfield as Associate Director of Alumni Affairs,
effective January 15, 1966 was unanimously approved.

       4. Mr. Gilbert W. Kingsbury as Assistant Vice President-
         University Relations. The position of Assistant Vice
         President-University Relations was established and ap-
         proved in the 1965-66 budget. The principal responsi-
         bility of the person filling the position would be in the area
         of public relations; however, his duties would also cut
         across the entire field of external relations of the University.



        After a careful screening of candidates for this position,
        Mr. Gilbert W. Kingsbury is recommended as Assistant
        Vice President-University Relations, his appointment to
        become effective immediately. Mr. Kingsbury is emi-
        nently qualified in terms of personal qualities, education
        and experience for this position. He has had thirty-two
        years of experience with news media and in public re-
        lations work. He has had a close connection with the
        University through the Alumni Association and more
        recently as a member of the Board of Trustees. His
        background in economics and journalism, his connections
        with the Cincinnati Post and subsequently with the Crosley
        Broadcasting Corporation of which he was a vice presi-
        dent, and his recent experience with the Better Roads
        Council, Inc. are all excellent qualifications for the po-
        sition of Assistant Vice President-University Relations.

     On motion by Mr, Wright, seconded by Dr. Denham, and unanimously
approved, Mr. Gilbert W. Kingsbury was named Assistant Vice President-
University Relations, effective immediately. In approving this appointment,
the members of the Board expressed their pleasure that Mr. Kingsbury, whose
resignation from the Board had just been announced by the Governor, was to
become a member of the Administrative staff of the University and expressed
their confidence in his ability to provide the leadership necessary to develop
this important area of the University's external relations.

     I. Medical Center and College of Pharmacy Reorganization Approved

     Dr. Oswald opened his remarks by stating that for some time serious con-
sideration has been given to the relationship of the College of Pharmacy to the
University. He reminded the Board that the College of Pharmacy was originally
a separate Louisville institution and became a part of the University of Kentucky
in 1947 although it remained located in Louisville. In 1956 the College moved to
the Lexington campus upon the completion of a new building constructed for its
use. When the Medical Center was activated in 1956, the College of Pharmacy
even though it is an allied science was not included as a part of it nor has it be-
come as integrated with the rest of the University as is desirable. It has done
an excellent job in undergraduate instruction of pharmacists but at present it
does not have the facilities or number of staff necessary to develop a signifi-
cant program of graduate study. and research which is deemed necessary.
Last summer consultants were invited to the campus to study the College of
Pharmacy and to make recommendations relative to its future growth and de-
velopment. These consultants recommended that the University consider inte-
grating the College of Pharmacy with the Medical Center. Such action would
enable it to strengthen its instruction and research programs.



     At the same time that the study of the College of Pharmacy was being
made, Dr. Willard and his staff had been considering growth and development
within the Medical Center itself and the need for an additional unit whereby
persons could be trained in the allied health fields. His study resulted in a
recommendation to the President that a new school be established in the Medi-
cal Center to be known as the School for Allied Health Personnel and a faculty
appointed to develop curricula and programs necessary for its development.

     At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Willard in answer to
a question of one of the members, indicated that probably within the next year
(1965-66) it would become necessary for him to devote full time to his duties as
Vice President-Medical Center, thereby necessitating the naming of a person as
Dean of the College of Medicine. It is the recommendation of Dr. Willard that
should the School for Allied Health Personnel be established at this time, he re-
linquish his duties as Dean of the College of Medicine and that a new dean be

     In order to implement these three recommendations, Dr. Oswald indi-
cated that he was prepared to make the following recommendations to the Board
at this time:

      1. Effective January 1, 1966, the College of Pharmacy be
        transferred or become administratively a part of the Medical
        Center reporting to Vice President Willard.

     2. Effective January 1, 1966, a new School for Allied Health
        Personnel be established within the Medical Center.

     3. Effective January 1, 1966, the position of Vice President-
        Medical Center and the Dean of the College of Medicine be
        separated in recognition of the vastly increasing responsi-
        bilities of Vice President Willard; who would have five academic
        units under his supervision, and a separate position of Dean
        of the College of Medicine be established.

     4. Effective immediately, the President, in consultation with
        Dr. Willard, be authorized to appoint three committees to
        begin searches for (a) a dean for the College of Medicine;
        (b) a dean for the College of Pharmacy (Dean Slone who is
        currently on leave of absence, serving as Director of one of
        the Contract Teams in Indonesia, has requested that he be
        permitted to relinquish his duties as Dean of the College of
        Pharrmacy); and (c) a director for the School for Allied Health

     5. To create in the Office of the Vice President-Medical Center
        a Division of Health Resource Development (the establishment



          of such a division would permit the University to become
          more actively involved in health care programs such as
          the War on Poverty, Appalachia, the heart, stroke and
          cancer regional program, community mental health, mental
          retardation programs, Medicare and the extended Kerr-
          Mills program).

     These five recommendations have been discussed carefully with the
faculty of the College of Medicine and the faculty of the College of Pharmacy to
assure them that the whole purpose was one of being able to build a stronger
College of Pharmacy by virture of having the total resources of the Medical
Center available to it. In the long-range planning, new quarters for the College
of Pharmacy would be a wing related to the Medical Center so that all activities
could be together.

       Dr. Willard, in commenting on the proposed recommendations, indicated
that it is an important move for the College of Pharmacy and expressed the hope
that through the transfer of the administrative responsibilities to the Medical
Center, the College of Pharmacy would grow along with the Colleges of Medicine,
Nursing, and Dentistry. In speaking of his own change of duties he said that it is
particularly important at this time when there were so many pressures for new
programs in allied health fields both national and local, for him to be able to de-
vote his full time and attention to the overall program, leaving the day-to-day
supervision of the various colleges to their respective deans.

       Mr. Smith commented that the job which Dr. Willard has done in direct-
ing the Medical Center has demonstrated he is a great asset to Kentucky and the
medical school is now recognized throughout the country. Medicine is a fast
moving field, certainly, and the new School forAlliedHealth Personnel is needed
in Kentucky.

       On motion by Dr. Bushart, seconded by Dr. Denham, the five recom-
mendations proposed by Dr. Oswald were approved as presented.

       J. Reorganization of Foreign Languages Program (PR 7)

       At the request of Dr. Oswald, Dr. Albright presented PR 7, Reorgani-
zation of Foreign Languages Program, a copy of which is included at the end of
the Minutes. He stated that since the end of World War II enrollment in Modern
Foreign Languages had increased seventy-five per cent in the nation and the en-
rollment at the University, over the past few years, in Modern Foreign
Languages has increased thirty-five per cent and will probably reach fifty per
cent in the next two years. Consequently, the present Departments of Modern
Foreign Languages and Classics have grown in number of students and staff. In
keeping with President Oswald's charge for the study of each of the University's
programs, a committee was appointed to study this increasingly important area



of instruction in the University. This committee recommends that the two
present departments, encompassing about eight different languages be recon-
stituted into four new departments more along the lines of development in other

     On motion by Mr. Broadbent, duly seconded and approved, the Presi-
dent was authorized to reorganize the present areas of modern foreign
languages and classics into four departments in the College of Arts and Sciences
as follows; (a) the Department of Germanic and Classical Languages and Liter-
atu-;es; (b) Department of French Language and Literature; (c) Department of
Spanish and Italian Languages and Literatures; and (d) Department of Slavic and
Oriental Languages and Literatures. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. )

     K. Approval of the Program Plans for the General Classroom-Office
Building 1965 (PR 8)

     Mr. Kerley indicated that the architects have completed the program plan-
ning and cost estimates based on the plan for the general classroom-office building
and wished to present these to the Board at this time. Mr. Ernst Johnson and
Mr, Byron Romanowitz, representatives of the firm, Brock, Johnson and
Romanowitz, presented the proposed floor plan for the general classroom-office
building which would be constructed as a tower building connected to a classroom
building by a covered walkway with a common basement serving both buildings,
with service to the rear of the buildings. The tower building would be a nineteen
story structure and the classroom building would consist of three stories designed
to accept students entering from all sides. The floor plan showed the classroom
designed w