xt722804z11t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt722804z11t/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Nelson County--Directories Kentucky--Nelson County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Nelson County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Nelson County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt722804z11t section xt722804z11t A A A A GUIDE TO A
Compiled for S
A L_ ·‘f6 WAR SERVICES s1=;cT10N
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Q The Nelson County Defense Council is Affiliated
j with the Kentucky Defense Council
{ { F ranlcf o rt , Kentucky
;t Honorable Keen Johnson; Governor of Kentucky
; Chairmen
j John J. Greenleaf; State Director of
Q` Civilian Defense
l Bardstown
Den S. Arnold, Chairmen
This guide is prepared for the official use
of the Defense Council of Nelson County and
other agencies engaged in defense work, It
; should not be made eveileble for commercial
l usc. Additionel copies can be obtained only ‘
§ at the office of the Nelson County Defense
C oun c i 1 •
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r of Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. ), c/o J. W. Sisko, 527 North Third Street,
g Bardstown. Founded l9l5. President, lhs. J. N. Sisko. Secretary, las.
Con. Moore, Bardstown, Terms expire April, 1945.
y Ppgbgrship: 26. Open to Christian women interested in missions.
` _CmmniQtees: Pastor's Aid, Hrs. Carrie Fulton; Religious Education, lhs.
' Julia Guthrie; dome lission, lhs. C. Wilson; Social Service, Its. Jarws
Carethers; Foreign Pissiens, lhs. C. U. Boasewell, all of Bardstown.
, Puipgsoi To promote the spiritual, financial and social welfare of
y the church. _
x - . . . . . . . . l -·
; Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with Red Cross_and contributes to
I foreign and heme missions. · A * Y
’ Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in· _
Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings.
I s Local Publications: None. * · · ·-
I l " »· . - . .
! AlERICAN LEGION, OLD KENTUCKY HOIE POST #P2l ( National American Legion ),
I Legion Armory, Bardstown. Founded l9l9. Commander, A. V. Lutrell, 504
*Nerth Fourth Street, Bardstown. Telephone 404. Secretary, L. P. Hubbard,_
2l5 West Beall Street, Bardstown. Telephone lT0. Terms expired Juno, 1942.
· membership: ll8. Qualifieatiens,`serviee‘with U. s. Army during Uerld·
- Nar I, plus an honorable discharge.- ~ · ~ Z
» Committees: Entertainment and Building, John Bean, Bardstown. A · -
Purpose: Promoting welfare, patriotism, morality and charity of members.
Normal Civic Activities: Sponsorship of Kentucky homo Guard and Safety
V School Boy Patrol with Board of Education.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Collection of
i · Scrap Pbtals and Other Metals, Interviewing. Interested·in.Auxiliiry
Police, Air Raid Harden Service, Civilian.rircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary
Fire Protection, Salvage Demeliti;n Service, Emorglnoy Repair Service, Ketor
Cqrps Service, Aitulanco Service, First Aid, Radio Operation and Mcpair,
{ Collecting Docks, Public Speaking, Signal Syrvieqs.
Lscal Publications: I ne.
-3- Q
ATERICAN RED CROSS, NELSON COUNTY CHAPTER ( imsricss Natienal Red Cross ), "g. g~_
Court Heuse, Bardstewn. Founded 1917. Chairman, U. R.'Gentry, Court Square, g
· Bardstewn. Telephone 52. Secretary, Mrs. Lee Spalding, c/c Kentucky Standard, g
_ ·’ Bardstown. Telephone 145. Terns expired January, 1942. ~ ; g ; ;
. . _v_` . 4 '1 -·`. l _ __ ,
Membership: in annual centributien ef one dellar or mere. _ Q
_ ._ _ ‘ ls, _‘ A i` _ l I! `V 4
- Cemuittces:` Preductien, Hrs. Henry Muir, Bardstewn; First Aid, J. H. Luckett, g
P -—· -· -- -—.·-·--—-·-•· _ , _ _ · ... E
· , V Fairfield; Junier Red Cress, R. V. Sparrew,,Chap1in; Disaster, Judge Wallace g
• . Brevm, Bardstemi. C` _ ` , _ “ . A · .'
V . —, `_ ·_· I · ' 1 I `_
Purp sc: Emcrgeney"aid in the event ef war er disaster. _,, A
, Nermal Civic Activities: ` Production cf‘c1ething, csnductsng courses in First Q C 3
Aid and a1letment'ef funds fer Negro hespitalizatizn and nedicine._ §;,·_
Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and,Freparatien e£·Surgiea1 Dressings, Q, ;__·
First Aid.` Training fer Red Cress Assistance, First nid. ,1nterested in ij
Meter Czrps Service. `.,A _;·q · ` ““ · ° _ __ ‘T
· Local Publicatiens: Hene.. _ » A
BARDSTOWN PUBLlC SCHOOL P. T. A. ( Kentucky'Cengress ef Parents and Teachers ), Y w
' c/b_lks. Ihrvin Hardy, 517 H. Feurth·Street, Bardstewn. F;unded»195l. F' P
_ President, Mrs. Ixrvin Hardy. _Te1eph»ne 2215U. Secretary, Mrs. Elbert Sprigg, FX
V 216·West Beall Avenue Bardstrwn. ·Teleeh;ne~245—J.1 Terms exnire‘ihreh 1945. »§ 5, ·
’ __ _ _ . .•.-4 _ , ~ r I V } :1;
, Membership: 100. Open te parent or teacher ef child attending the scheel. Q
· ”CenQittees; Chi1d¤Ublfare, lhs. TLJJ. Oakley; Grounds, lbs. Harry Sparrew; §
Music, Prof. lmurice Tbrtin; Pregran, Hrs. John Bout; Heme Education, las. f
Jehn Fultcn; Hespitality, lks. U. F. Hibbs; lh;azine,*Eks. Jap Rgbyg Press, ` ig
' Lbs. Charles Thnn; Ways and Means, lhs. Cliff lbthews; Safety, Pref. Hutchinsen; QQ ·
_ h use, Inss Exily Hall; Fe;d f>r_Chi1dren,_T&s.iFearl·Tuttle, all ef Bardstcun. Q
. - Purpese: T: prcinte the welfare ef school children. 1 ·· l I V A ié
‘ " 1 _ ’ J ‘ ` .‘, “ ·£
` _£;§ial_C1v1c,\ctivitiesr Ceeperates with Lie;s .·`. Club in the matter ef sight Q ‘
2 Q censervati n for needy children which includes·the securing pf glasses. Q _
‘ " egegensentetivitiesj Engaged in Red Cress Assistance, Sewing and Freparatien ef E ‘
· » " ~° ` ~¤»‘-—»—¤ M Y-.".`.Z`» ·, Ti \ `. .·..· ¤ A ° .: ·. n it- ‘ -· · ii V -
» _ eurbical Drtsslngs. ‘1nacreleag in ;repaiati,n and L,rvlu; el reed, Child Care, w-
4 Cell eti n .on1 f Scrap Metals, Cellteting Berks. ` · ' Q
r ` , i T- ‘ al C I
Lecal Publieati.;s: Rene, ` l , E
x Q,
x._.· ¤L·u&h,,,_ ...1. ·~•1g;e¢-...-·~.¤.-r~ . r¤·;;-_ 7 — * ·*·•'*;$Lt***‘*ii;{·,i·t——!··!`>'···*·.•·12 .*-7 — —* HW" '>"":` V
, . -5-
fl .Y—Y ·BARDSTOWN-YGUUGER`UOlLN$S CLUB (,StateVand»Eaticnal Federati;n ef`Yemen’s
_O 519 Y'V- Clubs >, G/0 ETS; Jfhn W. xuir, 207`S;uth.ThirdQStreet,`Bhrdstevn, `Frundcd
, t. - . ·-. — .,.- ,- , ‘ QH; ·,‘ · » -., -_. 1, 1, ,
Mltd 1950. President, Drs. Jchn M. pair. _,.>ecretc.ry, iirs. JV. s:. AO.1'.`£rbI·I10., ards--
ix.; ` _ , _' C H
•; t;wn. Telephone 140. Terms expire Mercn, 194c.
A Membership; 45. Open tc civic minded ycumger wtrw;’ef Bardstew; and Helsen
° `C[ejt§.—l Z. V A `
JC-b :` · 1 "' ` 1 vw ‘ ·· • -' Tl ·· · ~· ·‘¤ 1
O ’ V Committees: Jays anc Leans, lrs. Lee Grigsby; Civic enterprise, Mrs. erin;
‘D { Wilson; Health, lbs. A. D. Steely; Natienal Defense, lbs. J. J. Hamn¤;d,
Q all of Bardstewn.
F Purpese: Child Welfare, civic interests and cultural dcvelepment ef iiihers,
rst 1 r - _ . . . . ...- . .. W , - . .
“ v » · ·Ncrmal Civic lctivities:_Ceeperati1; with ned Cress 8HG kentucky Cripgled
g¤ Children's Commission., _ V
is FDV r C it- . P . . . N ‘ ¤\ . . .. A - `
= ’ l» M Defense Activities: Engaged in hed Cress assistance, Guild Care. lnterested
{V in Hespital and Clinical Assistance, Preparatian azd Scrvixg ef ?e;d,
Cellecticn cf Scrap Tetals a;d Other lltals, V
l Lccal Publicatiozsz Neze,
l E -` · · e -· 1 . _ 4
)f “ BETmL£HEh.iChDENX Pe&$£T—TZAC¤jR_lSSOCllTlOL, c/e irs. Victer Aelley, 505
H, Berth Third Street, Bardstown, Fcuzded 1928. President, lis, Vieter
rf · - , ~ . -. H - e ~ » .» _ ~
§g’ Kelley. Telephone l89, Term expires liy, lQ4e; Secretary, irs. T, u.
°° V ‘ lKurt1cy, B&fdSbOW1j‘ Telephene ¢l7.,_Tcrm expires §cpte2ber,_l9él.
Membership; 75. Open tc perscns ef either sex interested in the welfare
· · 1 . cf schcul children and sch cl pr`E>`1`§." ` ` .
, Committees: Supervised Farming Program, Leadership, Community Service, V
T Cooperation, Earnings and Savings. V 4
PurpQse:`To teach better farming and create~a-greater-interest in`modern
agricultural methods. Develop aggressive rural leadership. Strengthen .
confidence of farm boy in himself and his work. Community service to rural
people. _ [4- 4Q ‘ `. r·"Y " ` ~
' Normal Civic Activities; ;Encoura;e home beautification and improvement.`_Aid i
in out of school courses for young men and adults. ·V?— "` ‘·` t“ I {
Defense·Aetivities: clnterested in CivilianlkircraftYNarninJ Service` Emer enc. E
_, .. _ _ _ 3 _
Fkpair Service, Ambulance Service, Collection of Scrap lktals and Other lktals, Q
Victory Corps in high schools, rubber salvage and buying War Bonds._ f
Local Publications: "Bardstown Agriculturist" ( Semi—annually ). §
· .: #· < C .. .q~· ` V is n., ».· .l·¤. E
GIRL SCOUTS OF BnRDSlOJH,—c/b Bardstown.Armory, Bardstewn.— Founded 1941. %
President, Mrs. Louisa Qrigsby, Bardstown. Telephone l50.· Seeretary,_nrs. g
Edward Kirk, Bardstown. Terms indefinite. ·—‘ ¤ ' f
hembenshipi GO. Open to girls between 7 and 14 years of age.*l * E
Igenmibtees: Uplifting the moral standards of young girls. Healthful
recreation and character building. » " A
yermal Civic activities; Cooperating with the Nelson County Nutrition ` .“
Council. Taking care of children of working mothers, _
Defense Activities: Engxged in Collection of Scrap lktals and Other Metals. `
t`—""°` `°"·"`i ¢' "*""’;"',"" ` ,_ I .
Interested in Red Cross Resistance, Collecting Books. F
Local Publications: None. V, _ I . l‘io an CA` ·
' KINGS DAUGHTRRS, HARDSTOJH CIRCLE ( International Kings Daughters ), e/o Hrs. `
J. V. Rouse, IOC South Third Street, Bardstown. Founded lB9l. President,`Iks.
J. V. Reuse, Telepnone SSS. Secretary, liss Rebecca Cotton, Third Street.
Telephone 597. Terms expire Januarv, 1945. I
Nmibership: GO. Open to women who are interested in interdeneminational T
philanthropic work. t
`__—— V V l ` _; _ *.-*1 ‘ _ r,`_,L_ __ » r·—~••:s•;•Z ,l·t l—4 !!"‘D!?'*`:s!\¥‘·$r-.-` r»~—— -—·~ ~— r··~· ‘ '
-7- · ,
Wn j Kings Daughters, Bardstown Circle ( Continued )
T Committees: Home for lncurables, lbs. O. Nicholas; Devotional, lhs.
" "?"‘ ‘/·` ‘ ’<"Y"" · wq 4 . . r · - .
4 Guthrie Nilsen, Social, nrs. Kate Lewis; Membership, Ims. John Rodman;
T Sick, Hrs. Harry Alexander; Christmas, Inss Martha Simpson, all of Bardstown.
Purpose; To promoto·charity. P"
{ Normal Civic Activities? 'Provides relief for needy families. .’
T Defense Activities: Engaged in'Red Cross Assistance. Interested in
, Preparation and Serving of Food, Child Care, Collection of Scrap Ietals and
“ Q Other Metals, Collecting Books, "
§ Local Publications: None; , V .
E KNIGHTS OF COLUHBUS, #l29O ( Knights of Columbus, Supreme Council ), Fourth
Y f and Flaget Avenues, Bardstown. ‘Founded 1907, Grand Knight,_Everett judd, `
Springfield. Secretary, Bernard Hurst, ll5 South Third.Lvenue,‘Bardstown. ;
I · · ..
o Tclephone·l5&.‘ Terms expire_July, l943. .
n Membership: lO8. Open to Catholic men certified by the-parish. C _
QT Committees: None. _ `
lc Purpose: To pronote Catholic activity in the community.
S Normal Civic Activities: ‘Ch;ritable serviccs.. Xaisini of funds for the
@ church. Eermod a Blood Donor Club, N < `
Q Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air`Raid`darden Service,
E Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Froteetien, Salvage
Q Demolition Service, Emergtncy Repair Service, Voter Corps Service, Ambulance
Q Service, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Hadio_Operatien and depair, Collect-
Ԥ tion of Scrap Metals and Other lbtals, Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders,
T Fublic Speaking, lntervieuing. T lp.
E Local Publications: None. ’ r
i NELSON COUNTY COTZUNlTY°COUNClL c o Irs. J. V. Rouse Chairman lO6 South
r . <. V ’ - . ’ ’ .H
ji Third Street Berdstown. Feundod·l940. rresident nre. J. V. Reuse. Tele-
3 I _ , _ p . p 3
g phone 585. Secretary, Mrs. Charles hahonry, new daven. Terms expired
Q September, l94l• _
g x
2 Membership: lO. Open to persons of eith-r sex having a definite interest
ii in civics.
S Committees; Nutrition, Yrs. Louisa Grigsby, Dardstewn.
i' “ »
-3- ‘
Nelson County Community Council ( Continued ) A
Purpose: To utilize for the benefit of Bardstown and Nelson County, all
Federal and State agencies in the county, ·f l
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperation with W. P, A. ‘
Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and`Proparaticn of Surgical Dressings, ·
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals. _ , S
i Local Publications: None, _ .
NELSON COUNTY FLRH BUREAU ( State and National Farm Bureau Federation ), c/o Q
Room 222, Post Office, Bardstown. Founded 1952, President, N. W, Soay, J
L Bloomfield. Telephone 1554U, Secretary, Bon F. Newman, Boston;’ Torms~ ;
. expirov January, 1943, {
Momborshin: 592. O on to farm owner or oucrator also to individuals havin» j
-....-.-.- ---3*-- _ , ‘L ’ _ . _
definite interest in agriculture; = » ‘ ·· " l ·,i_W. L
Committees: iohgtintod as needed. _) ,_ ~`~ " “` C {
Purptst: To promcto tho welfare of the farmer. · ’J `7~· N
* Normal Civic Activities: Cooporatos with R, E, A., Fedoral·Farm.AQcncies and é
with local agencies. _ , 3
Defense Activitics;" Engaged in Collection rf Scrap Kettle and Othgr Metals, f
Interested in auxiliary ?+lice, Civilian Aircraft Warning Service., It- ~ ]
Local Publicati»;s: None. ?
Sportsman ), c/o Julian Hayden, ZlO|lempelin Avenue, Bardstown. Founded lC50. C
-Presidont, C. D. arnold, ll3 East Broadway, Bardstown. Telephone 204.QSecre— Q
tary, Julian Hayden. °Telepkono 589. Terms expired-Decer@or,”l94l. " C
lgomoerohlni OO, Open to all congenial sportsmon. · l ’ c'
Committoesi Fish and Came Birds, Ballard B. Jewell, Bardstown. , ·
_Nurposei To preserve and proteot_wlld_life and certain typos of small fish J
found in·Nelson‘Ccaurof, ‘ ; . ¤ _ ' _ _
Normal Civic Activities: None.
_QeConse activrtiesi _L{{orestod in Luxiliary rolico, Air Raid Uarden`Sorvico, Q
Civilian Aircraft Harnin; Lwivice, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Salvage Demolition G
Service, Emergency Rojair CO]VlCG,_VOLOT Corps E;rvico,¤L:hulance Service, Radio i
Optr tion and nogair, Collc;ti;n of Ger Q Totals and Other Ici;ls. ¥
Local Publications: Tone, Q
` 7 . > _ ___-‘_r _ . . V-. __ ~··*1$.>·t- ****.:4**i tit- · rvsu *;.-.-7 7 7 — - — V · ·~·* t V t
j NELSON COUNTY HOIEIHKERS ASSOCIATION ( State and National Federation of
Q Hememakers Clubs ), 222 Federal Building, Bardstown, Founded IQBQ, ?resi~
{ dent, lbs. Nash Stoner, Bardstown. Vicc¤Fresident, Kiss Mary Bill Rice,
· Howardstown. Secretary, Hrs, Joe Adams, Fairfield, Terms expired October,
A " IQQB. ` ~
GS; 5 Membership: BIO. Open to rural women desiring to add to their knowledge
; of economic homcmaking. · _ ‘·
? Ccnnittees: Citizcnshio Hrs. C. C. Jett Cox Creek- Sneakers Bureau lass
_____»______ __ _1 3 : I D
ii Tnry Bill Lice, iovardstown.
E Purjese: Adult education in heme economics.
E Normal Civic Activities: Cccooratins with Red Cressv Nutrition Council
. -.--...-- . ..,. ,-...-... ¤— ~> ·’ ·’
§ Board of Education in school lunch programs. ‘ ·· u I
F: " ‘ ` 1 V I
3 5 Defense Activities: Enrarcd in Ucwinr and Grcwaration of Burrical Dressincs
— ,....-. -.......-_,-,. ..., -. ..- ~’..·v:,_.-.,...,. -‘ _ E-’ __ U ’
jj ¢i· Red Cross assistance, Child Care, Collection of Scray Imtals and Other-rntals,
» Interested in Freparatien and Strvin; of Food.
I Local Publications: None. L I - »
fQ NELSON COUNTY UTOFIK CLUB ( Utopia Clubs of Nelson County ), 222 Federal ·
i; Building, Bardstown, Founded IQQO. President, Julian Taylor, Bloomfield.
E Secretary, Vernon Hobbs ( U. S. Lrmyf), Sanuels. Terms expire September,
Q l945, ° ‘
I Tkrhership: 55. .Ojen to rural residents of either sex bctwetn the ages of ,
3l EO to BO years, *
E Cerydttecsz None; * l · F `S
ii Purpose: Te promote educational and social activities among its members.
I Normal Civic Activities: None.
I Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Ereparation of Surgical V
,; Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Child Lars, Coll ctien ~’.· of Scrap Hotels
* and Other Netals. I ’ = · *
J 4 n · • . s
§ Local Publications; None, ‘ * t =
f NELSON COUKTY UOHEN*S DEKOCXLTIC CLUB ( State and Nati'T";i“`*C‘7. ¤—,»m V
‘ and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Child Caro, Collection of Scrap lrtlls
T A amd Other Metals, Collecting §ookS. _ . —
Lecal Publications: None. `
Y OLD KENTUCKY HOl@ GARDEN CLUB ( Kontucky Federation of Garden Clubs_), c/o "
’ Mrs, Sam Kennett, xaple dill, Bardstown. Pcuadod lOc3. Frtsideut, Lrs, A
Donald NcKelvey, Bardstown, Tolephouc l35#W. Vieo—Presidont, Mrs. Sam
’ Kennett. Telephone 52l. Stor tary, Irs. Ldwim Kirk, 112 East Brashear Street,
»· Bardstown, Telephone 4©8. Terms expiro lQQ5. A V ,
Nbmbership: 25. Ops; to women interested in the culturo of flowers and flower Q
gardens, birds and mature study. _ ; 1
Committees: Civic; lbs. J. Robcrt Crumo; lhs. C, lhthows; Hrs. Will Reboy;
Mrs. Edwin Kirk, all ef Bardstown. _
. Purpose: To enecurago civic boautificati,m,_study of flowcrs, birds and nature.
Fer the duration, meetings have been turned ovrr te aid the war effort.
Normal Civic Activitics: Cooperating with tho St to Highway Department in the
matter of highway boautification, _
Defeuso detivitiesi Engaged in Rod Cross Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of
i gurgieal Uressings. Interested iu Preparation and 6CTVlHg of Feed, Child Caro,
_ Collectich of Sera) Metals aud Other Hotels, Collecting Books, T
Local Publications: None. v A
Chapta? O. E. S. ), c/e {iss Eva Brumloy, 10i East Broadway, Bardstown;
» Founded 1958. Worthy Yatron, Mrs. Alma Stoner, Cerdstown. Telephone 205.
Secretary, Miss Eva Brumlcy. Telephone 341. _? rms expire August, 1945. r
yhubtrshipz C6. Open to wifc, daughter, sister or widow of a Master ihseu. Q
A _Cgyaitteasr Finance, Fr:. Lana Bruml y, Bardstown; Relief, Hrs, Lena Brumloy,
Bardstown; Lick, urs. Dixio Ward, Bardstown. ‘ ` .
Ehuuyurli To promotc the welfare of its rmxbors. 1 2
_QQ§U?l_QQYiQ;\Qtivitics: Cooperating with Red Cross. Contributes tc Ihsonio
homes. _ A
.p-. - , · II A' W'Ww{"_— ` Q-;
l' Order of Eastern Star, ly Old Kentucky Home Chapter ( Continued )
J Defense Jttivities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistancc.` Interested ja Sewing
* and Preparation of Surgical Drcssings,_Ircparatien and Serving of Food, I-
° Child Care, Collection of Scrap lbtals and Other lbtals, Collecting Books.
C Local Publications: None.
· STETIEE FOSTER MUSIC CLUB, c/o Hrs. C. R. Hahn, 209 East Stephen Foster
I Avenue, Bardstown. Feunded l9B5Qi President, Lbs. C. R. lhnn. Telephone
y l63. Secretarv` Hrs. John H.Bcam,_ Bardstown. Terms exwired Avril lQ%2.
Us a - T p
Z` lkmbcrship: 35. Open to all admirers of the conpcsitiens and works of
g Stephen Collins Foster. A _ A _ 1 _‘
f C;rmittees:‘ Fublicity, Mrs. Lec Spalding; Program, Irs. Tom Dttker, Jr.;
3b: ; * Hospitality, Hrs. Louisa Grigsby, all ef Bardstown. p _ ' »
E Purpose: To further love of classical Music and tr prsscrvc the spirit -a ‘
Or § ahd'uomcry of an immortal cevpcser-Stephen Collins Foster. ‘ `
C Normal Civic Activities: Eine. '
7 Defense Activities; Interested in Entertainment Cellcctinr Boeks..
E _____. it .... _,...·.,-..._......... ·’ V ,
TO- ij ' Local Publicatibns: Year B;eh, ' _ `
; Society ), Christian Church ef Bardstcmn. Fvunded IQOO. `Prcsident, Era,
Z J. V. Rouse, IOG South Third Street, Bardstown; Telophnnc 585. Secretary,
95 lbs] JQ E, Caudoll, Blcomfield. Telepheho 4I—J; Terms expired July, IQC2.
FO, I ·. · ‘ · ’ n
l· lkmbcrship: 25. Open t` women mcmb rs ef Christian Church. °
`Z Cirmittoes: Home repgrted. `
Purpose: To promote the roligi·us work ef the Christian Church in the
`- community. A I
Y Normal Civic Activities; Trtvidoifunds fer charitable work.
. Defense activities: Engaged in'Red Cross hssistahee; Intwrestid in
'; Prcparati n ard Serving .f F;od, C,lloctie; ~f Scrap Metals ard Other
· Metals, Collecting Books, Child Care.
{ Local Fublieatiens: None.
WOlElT’S CLUB OF BARDSTOWN ( State Federcntien cf ".f`emen's Clubs ), c/e Hrs. .
P. B. Crumc, 21O Edst Bedll Street, Bardstcwrm. Fcunded 1931. President, `
Mrs. P. Burr Crume. Telephone 511. Secretary, Iiiss B1;1ilyHe.ll, Bc,rdstc¤.·m,
Terms expired April, 1942. _
*· · A Xt , 4 .. V
1 Membership: 52. Open te secielly representative wcrzen ef Bcxrdstcxm and
·Nclscn Cnunty. · ‘ -
_ Ccrmittecs: Imcricaii Citizenship, Mrs. Jehn Fulten; Publicity, Mrs. Alfred
`ST. Wdthen; Finellrts, Liss Nerd McGee; We1i‘;1re and Health, Miss Lee Beeler,
Q 511 ef B:>.rdst~·;m;. _ in
Purpese: Te prezzcrte ‘civic welfare in cemnuhity and cultural develcpement O
···5i°*i·t swrzcmber s . 1 ° ’ *` ' -
Nermdl Civic Activities: Cecperatic;2 with city and county efficiels in ~
premcting civic wrerks and besutifying; the city. '
Defense Activities: Enrzzsved in Sewimir and Frepsrcxt-isn ef Sur’*ice.l Dressinms ` E
.-., ...,. . ..... -. __-.-,.~>.. __, -° _· — - , L w ·V E
Fed Crcss Assistance, Collection ef Scrap Metals cmd Other Metals. Interested .
in Pre*>cire.tien and Scrvin ef Feed Child Care Cellectin. Bcelcs Discussitn E
i A s 1 , _ S_ 2 A _.
Leaders, Public Speaking, interpreting, Csnsuiixer Fretectien Activities-, .. p
Lec:111`ublice.ti¤,;is: Nenc. y _
WOTIEH ’·S'lEISSIOIT.1.RY `LBTIOEE, BJ.PTIST'CEfUr.`;CH ( Ifcntuckv ]Ts,;·1en's liissiencxry ` `
Uni/in ), B;—.rdst· `·s··. rn BCLl'>`i71`S`lJ Church, Iisrdstcrrzx. Fcugzdcd 1900. President, lfrs.
Fre.:·11:H*Ti1scz1, Bc.rdstri1.z1. Telephczze 91. Secretary, Yrs. lf. J. Reby, Burdstevn,
Telephme 26. Terzis expire 1943. Y
Eq.ib_c1is_h_i_p_:_ QO. Open te all wr.;~r1e;1 members cf Zds.rd.st<.¤.m Bdpti st Church; T
iCp_;·p`;i;ttee4s_i Training Schse.1, Mrs. YT. G. Yiuzzg; Study, lErs.‘ 11.*.1, '
A ·H5¤vi1r;uid§ C,.;`u1;unity Idssinns, Irs. U. J. Hsby; Publicity, lirs. lLi‘rie.z;1
Ikmshbern, @.11 K { BJ.rdsti*.m,
Furp*;s~;: Te further missirazs dt hcrxe and xbredd, V
llirr.Edl_ Civic !ie_t_i_vities_:_ i\ssisti;1g, in Tle1fc.re preggrmzxs.
Defense Activities- I·'~t~1··~#t~1 '=¤ R·—d C ~·~¤ `~·‘·—J— —· ~ · · —- —¤ '· U
__: _ ___ b _~>_y_ __»;~_c_c_.._.»-_